Women with Animals
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Crossing the Horizon 5 (20)

(c) 2023 by VeronicaP Part One Rachel was nervous as she approached the steel blue door on this unmarked building. Her friend Sarah had given her the contact number at her recent birthday party saying it would help cheer her up after the split from her boyfriend. She had been pretty melancholic for the past month […] read

English Books Women with Animals
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The Dog’s Girl 4.5 (26)

PROLOGUE “Brace yourself!” he whispered. “He’s going to fuck you!” Betty felt the furry forelegs slide over her hips, then the warm moist point of the dog’s prick struck her between cunt and asshole and slid up to wedge itself in the tight wrinkles of her asshole. She raised her ass abruptly, and the prick […] read

Women with Animals
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Of Puppy Love and Demon Sex 4.5 (22)

(c) 2022 by RickSands Part One The national weather channel never had it so good. Most locals in the area only watched the early morning news for info about traffic jams and immediate weather conditions, and one channel had one “girl” to cover both. She was tall, full figured, had a beautiful smile, a producer that […] read

Women with Animals
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House on the Hill 4.3 (34)

(c) 2001 by Shadow Deamon This is the story of a very embarrassing experience that my mom received at the hands of our neighborhood and it’s inhabitants. I have been wrestling with my conscience, about whether or not to betray my mother by revealing her humiliation to the world over the Internet. She has always […] read