Women with Animals
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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara 4.7 (17)

(c) 2017 by Michael Rhoden Part One Bounty watched as her kids loaded up into her friend’s car. They were headed to camp for the summer. She now had the house all to herself for three weeks. As the car left she closed the door and stripped down naked, as she did so, she thought “free at […] read

Women with Animals
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Crossing the Horizon 5 (20)

(c) 2023 by VeronicaP Part One Rachel was nervous as she approached the steel blue door on this unmarked building. Her friend Sarah had given her the contact number at her recent birthday party saying it would help cheer her up after the split from her boyfriend. She had been pretty melancholic for the past month […] read

Women with Animals
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Lesbian Dog Lovers 4.8 (26)

(c) 2018 by BgDgKnt Katie slid her tongue along the svelte folds of the dripping wet pussy under her mouth. Her head nestled between the soft slender legs of her friend and lover. Like a reptilian goddess, she tantalized her friend flicking her tongue out, kissing those tender erogenous zones. Dragging her tongue up from […] read

Women with Animals
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Attacked by a white man 4.8 (40)

(c) 2010 by shefux I was sitting alone having breakfast in a local Country Caf?hat I frequent and a man stood up to leave with what I assumed to be his wife and nearly adult daughter. He was average in almost every way that I could have described, but his wife and daughter were knockouts. […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on Dog day afternoon – Holly and Rose find a pedigree chum 4.5 (13)

Dog day afternoon – Holly and Rose find a pedigree chum 4.5 (13)

(c) 2009 by Marcothe god “So where are we going Marco?” “It’s not far now.” I said as we drove along the leafy country lanes outside Worcester. Rose was excited and probably a little nervous as I had promised her ‘something you have never seen or done before’ which given the range of her experience […] read