Women with Animals
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Cleaning the Stables … and the Stallion 4.4 (12)

© 2024 by authorknownasnobody 1250, Kingdom of Germany “Hilde”, the woman said to her, “our dear lord is out hunting with his men. Better you clean the stables now.”. “Ja, ill do it”. Hilde started walking to the stables. It could take long, but she was known around the castle for her love of working. She […] read

Men with Animals
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The Brave Knight Was Corrupted By His New Steed 5 (5)

© 2021 by RobotsAreSuperior A long table stretched in the middle of the hall, a deep red rug laid underneath it. Banners hanged from the walls, each emblazoned with a different coat of arms. 24 chairs were lined along the sides of the table, in each of them sitting a noble, and at the head stood […] read

Women with Animals
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The Betty, The Silver and The Hounds 4.5 (26)

Intro Professional researcher, Eric Samer was looking through old documents for a film during Cromwell’s Commonwealth Days.  He came across thin papers inside a dusty old book in a private library. At least eight pages had ways to deal with minor criminals, poor and lazy-behaved staff or peasants in rural or remote areas. Thieving, late […] read

Women with Animals
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The Resistance Fighter 5 (10)

(c) by sheeladogwoman beastforum edition, first published on Dec 29, 2013 as public domain. Chapter One When the Nazis rolled into Paris on June fourteenth, nineteen forty; everyone’s life changed for the worse. To see your beloved country fall to such a mighty war machine with barely a whimper of resistance from the country’s military […] read

Women with Animals
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The Fall Of The Neandruil 4.7 (15)

(C) 2010 by sebastianut84 Author’s note: This is my second attempt at a story. Covers just about everything. I like historical settings and could not find many, so tried my hand at creating my own. My first story was a “Planet of the Apes,” theme. I left that unfinished and it was not very popular, […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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The Horse Penis Whisperer 4.7 (14)

(c) 2017 by Gronkar Near Geneva, Switzerland I. Alberich Karl was six five, built like a panzer tank. When he shook Fedor’s hand the younger, shorter, bespectacled, and weaker man felt diminished. Fedor’s mother, Dehlia, could not help but scowl. “I guess Alberich is now yours,” smiled Karl handing over the reins. Fedor’s hand tightly […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Renate – In Recife 4.3 (6)

(c) 2014 by Gronkar I. Celina Sister Celina was laid on her back in a cot in the infirmary. Her cunt was bleeding profusely. Sister Sylvia held her hand. Sister Celina was very pale. “She can’t close her legs,” explained Sylvia. “It hurts too much.” Renate said nothing and first applied herself to controlling the […] read