Women with Animals
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Canine Therapy 4.8 (76)

© 2022-2023 by Chilean Gold Part One Amy Macdonald was afraid of dogs. She was a model student with straight A’s and a star athlete for her gymnastics team at university, but now she was too scared to go outside her dorm. Earlier that September, she was doing her usual running routine and was blindsided […] read

Women with Animals
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The Bitch Princess! 4.6 (16)

(c) 2023 by CarnationWriting Princess Kyrene stared at her reflection in the ornate golden mirror, wrinkling her nose in disgust at how the lacey white fabric hung on her thin frame. Granted, white looked wonderful against her deep mahogany skin tones and her long, wavy black hair, but the dress was loose and heavy. A four-inch-thick […] read

English Books Women with Animals
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The Dog’s Girl 4.5 (26)

PROLOGUE “Brace yourself!” he whispered. “He’s going to fuck you!” Betty felt the furry forelegs slide over her hips, then the warm moist point of the dog’s prick struck her between cunt and asshole and slid up to wedge itself in the tight wrinkles of her asshole. She raised her ass abruptly, and the prick […] read

Women with Animals
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Attacked by a white man 4.8 (40)

(c) 2010 by shefux I was sitting alone having breakfast in a local Country Caf?hat I frequent and a man stood up to leave with what I assumed to be his wife and nearly adult daughter. He was average in almost every way that I could have described, but his wife and daughter were knockouts. […] read

Women with Animals
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Lucky Dog (by Silk Wyrm) 4.2 (14)

(c) 2009 by Silk Wyrm A few words: Some bestiality stories are not so much about women who love dogs, but about domination. Dogs hump legs to show domination and ownership to some degree. In a bestiality story the reader has the luxury of reading about sex without some pesky human male in there at […] read

Women with Animals
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Judy’s Bedroom Surprise 4.7 (29)

(c) 2002 by Claude Raines Judy Martinelli looked happily at the note on the kitchen table: her mother wouldn’t be home until after 7PM, so she has the house to herself for three hours, until her brother Ken and sister Gwynne get home after 5:30. Three hours! She can do anything she wanted! First, chase […] read

Women with Animals
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Dark Tome 4.1 (14)

(c) 2021 by secondus3085 Grace’s Curiosity Grace had always been told not to go into the library’s basement. The university had been around for over a hundred years, and there is no telling what was growing down there. Grace was feeling adventurous, though, and even though she was normally a stickler for the rules, she […] read