Men with Animals
Tagged: , 3 Comments on Accommodating Our New Canine Roommate 4.9 (54)

Accommodating Our New Canine Roommate 4.9 (54)

(c) by balmymemories456 Part One Saturday mornings were always my favorite. Sleeping in as late as I wanted, staying in my pajamas until lunch, and not worrying about seeing other people made it one of my favorite small pleasures. It was also nice to have the apartment to myself for a time. I loved my […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , 1 Comment on The Julie Journals – Beast extracts 4.9 (36)

The Julie Journals – Beast extracts 4.9 (36)

Over the years I have written a number of chapters in the Julie Journals which form my autobiography, well the sexy bits anyway. As the genre in many of them are not beast related, I have not reproduced them here but stuck entirely to the beast encounters I have had over the years. Most of […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , 3 Comments on Canine Therapy 4.8 (76)

Canine Therapy 4.8 (76)

© 2022-2023 by Chilean Gold Part One Amy Macdonald was afraid of dogs. She was a model student with straight A’s and a star athlete for her gymnastics team at university, but now she was too scared to go outside her dorm. Earlier that September, she was doing her usual running routine and was blindsided […] read