Women with Animals
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Secrets with My Married Neighbor and My Dog Buddy 4.5 (40)

© 2024 by StoryBot Part One My name is Alex, a 38-year-old man living in a quiet suburban neighborhood. I’m a blend of charisma and casual style, with sharp features and a confident demeanor that often catches the eye of those around me. I keep myself in good shape, balancing my professional life with a […] read

Women with Animals
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My Sister in Law Is forced by Their Pitbull to take him 4.6 (61)

(c) 2022 by Iamjackieluvsit Chapter One My brother had to go work out of town for a couple weeks, so he asked as did his wife Patti if I’d come stay there to keep her company, and such. Being more than ready to get away from my dreary ordinary life, and away from my husband, […] read