Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter Four: The Demise of Catriona 4.7 (18)

Back to 1st Part People reading this someday, may wonder why I’m documenting my life as a Centaur concubine. It’s nothing really deep and meaningful, it fills in my downtime when I’m not mounted on the cocks and I hope to dispel some of the misconceptions of our lives. Some of the stuff that is […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Centaur Taxi 4.7 (49)

© 2020 by TerminalDegenerate Cindy stomped out onto the sidewalk, heels clicking against the concrete. She turned around to shoot one last middle finger up at the apartment building where her now-ex boyfriend resided. In one window, a figure returned the gesture, then closed the drapes. She grumbled to herself, words like “jerk” and “idiot” […] read

Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter Three: Broken In 4.7 (15)

Back to 1st Part Today is finally the day. A small group of Centaurs are coming today and one of them wants to pay for the honour to break in a new cock sleeve, me. The month since I witnessed Angela’s breaking in, up until today, has been a bit of a blur. The six […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , 1 Comment on The Brothel on the borderlands – Chapter Two: Brothel Training 4.8 (12)

The Brothel on the borderlands – Chapter Two: Brothel Training 4.8 (12)

Back to 1st Part As I approached the immense building from the Kingdom side, aiming for the single small door, I realised soon enough that it was actually more like a small walled town. The Kingdom entrance door was there for women, whatever they were escaping from, to enter and begin a new life with […] read

Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter One: Ingrid and Agnes 4.8 (12)

Authors Note Felt like beginning a series in an adult fantasy world. Watch out George R. R. Martin. I hope anyone that played D&D in the early 80’s gets the title reference. **** I stood there in awe, watching the small procession of five Centaurs enter out little village on the plains, just two weeks […] read

Women with Animals
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The Centaur’s Slave 4.7 (6)

(c) 2014 by RaygunReynolds Part One Branches caught and snagged on her cloaked as she fled. The baying of hounds grew closer, the duchess’s men couldn’t be too far behind. Damn them all. She pulled her cloak tighter and tried to go faster, but she simply didn’t have the wood craft needed to get through […] read

Women with Animals
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The Family Farm 4.7 (24)

(c) 2020 by TemporaryBarnacle3 Willow shut the door to the farmhouse, tugging on a pair of rough leather gloves as she stepped outside. It was mid-morning, and the low sun was beginning to melt the early frost that crunched in the grass beneath her feet. She frowned slightly at the chill in the air. With […] read

Women with Animals
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The Centaur (by desaangelique) 4.7 (13)

(c) 2016 by desaangelique Chapter One Desa strode quickly but silently through the woods. She was late for home and hoped her mother wouldn’t be in a bad mood. Stella often scolded her for passing through the woods rather than following the longer open road that skirted it. The young mixed-race girl didn’t see the […] read