Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter Four: The Demise of Catriona 4.7 (18)

Back to 1st Part People reading this someday, may wonder why I’m documenting my life as a Centaur concubine. It’s nothing really deep and meaningful, it fills in my downtime when I’m not mounted on the cocks and I hope to dispel some of the misconceptions of our lives. Some of the stuff that is […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter Three: Broken In 4.7 (15)

The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter Three: Broken In 4.7 (15)

Back to 1st Part Today is finally the day. A small group of Centaurs are coming today and one of them wants to pay for the honour to break in a new cock sleeve, me. The month since I witnessed Angela’s breaking in, up until today, has been a bit of a blur. The six […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , 1 Comment on The Brothel on the borderlands – Chapter Two: Brothel Training 4.8 (12)

The Brothel on the borderlands – Chapter Two: Brothel Training 4.8 (12)

Back to 1st Part As I approached the immense building from the Kingdom side, aiming for the single small door, I realised soon enough that it was actually more like a small walled town. The Kingdom entrance door was there for women, whatever they were escaping from, to enter and begin a new life with […] read

Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter One: Ingrid and Agnes 4.8 (12)

Authors Note Felt like beginning a series in an adult fantasy world. Watch out George R. R. Martin. I hope anyone that played D&D in the early 80’s gets the title reference. **** I stood there in awe, watching the small procession of five Centaurs enter out little village on the plains, just two weeks […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , 3 Comments on Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 3: Under New Management 4.8 (31)

Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 3: Under New Management 4.8 (31)

Back to 1st Part Introduction Just like with part 2, you really should be reading these in order as they follow directly on from each other. If you start here nothing much will make sense. It’s more of the same type of fantasy revolving around the more extreme end of the female spectrum when it […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: 3 Comments on Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 2: The Super Litter 4.9 (28)

Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 2: The Super Litter 4.9 (28)

Back to 1st Part Introduction This is a direct follow on from Part 1 and really should be read after it. Once again it is nothing more than extreme fantasy around the breeding of    a special super sex breed of Great Dane, and the women that enjoy bestiality as well as stretching and enlarging […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: 2 Comments on Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 1 4.6 (72)

Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 1 4.6 (72)

Prelude You stumbled across Fran in the local shopping mall three days ago. You haven’t seen her since the last day of school 12 years ago. You were school friends…well okay, not really- the two of you didn’t exactly get along, you moved in different groups. You were with the cool kids, a cheerleader, slept […] read