
Bonk Only No Public Appearances: Cathy


Just like the first Bonk Only, this is a session from back in the early 00’s with another woman that I hooked up with on the same BDSM dating site for filthy sex and no ongoing relationship. This occurred around the same time as the Sinead sessions, but a lot closer to home.


It would be generous to call the woman before me a stunning beauty, but that was never a problem. She had just let me into the reception area of the small inner city dental surgery and locked the front door behind us. She had also let me through the main door on ground floor and led me up the elevator, since the office building is closed to the public today. The dental surgery is on the second floor of the building, though the other offices are mostly vacant today since it’s the first afternoon after the New Year break and most of the tenants are not yet operating. Apparently, the dental surgery and other offices here use the first working day back to put things in order for the coming year, such as bookkeeping and a bit of tidying up, then they go home early. This is especially the case this year, since it’s almost the weekend again anyway.

Cathy has everything going according to plan, just as we discussed in emails and by phone. The dentist went home at lunch time and Cathy insisted that she would stay for a bit and get some simple things in order before going home herself. She is the front desk receptionist on any normal day.

This is not the first time she has fucked someone at the surgery, though normally she has her raunchy affairs by going to a guy’s inner city hotel room on evenings where the shops are open later. She simply tells her husband she’s staying late for some shopping. All men believe that story, because usually it’s true.

She is 48 years old, I’m 32 at this time. She is married and both her children are grown up and living away from home now. She looks like a 48-year-old housewife, a bit of padding around her butt and waist and looks about her age, especially with her thick glasses. Her husband hasn’t fucked her in more than 15 years. So, in her middle age she has taken to online meetups to satisfy her sex drive which isn’t letting up at all as she gets older.

During our conversations up to this point, she explained how that, after her second child, and after having had a hysterectomy, she no longer felt as sensitive having vaginal sex and found it hard to orgasm from a cock. However, if anything her sex drive and desire were higher than ever in her middle age. Her husband had no interest in her sexually anymore, however. Many years ago, she even tried to ask her husband to change to anally fucking her to keep some sex life going. He treated her like a sick pervert. Of course, after being spurned like that, she never tried again and turned to extramarital sexual activities- of which she has had many over the years.

As for me, I’m willing to take the opportunity to fuck at a dental surgery, how many people can say that they’ve ticked that one off their bucket list? I’m a simple person that likes the simple things in life.

I set my small pack down in a corner, which contains some tools I’ve brought along. Cathy assures me she has prepared herself for everything to come and directs me into the actual surgery area and the padded inspection table, which she calls her fuck bench. Unfortunately, we’re not to be using the dental chair!
I lean back on the bench using my elbows and Cathy gets into the traditional position on her knees. When it comes to sucking cocks, many women do anything but. Often, they just run their tongue around the head and not much else. Cathy had practiced plenty, and she put the cock all the way in and began really fucking it with her mouth like it was her last cock ever. Plus, she really sucked like a vacuum cleaner. She soon takes a break and looks at me for feedback. I give her positive feedback and she beams in pleasure and tells me her old worn-out cunt can’t satisfy cocks very well, and they cannot satisfy her, so she has perfected other means.

She grabs my buttocks and starts sucking like a maniac. Soon I lose it, grab her hair and start thrusting into her, literally face fucking her. I fuck her face so hard her glasses fall off. I’d love to pull out and spray all over her face and leave her that way for the rest of the session, but she insisted that I only cum in her mouth. It’s her only rule for the session. She wants as much of my semen in her belly as possible for when she goes back to her husband in the evening. She sucks out every drop she can, and I can see her throat working as she swallows it all down.

She puts her glasses back on and climbs onto the bench and lays on her back, spreads her legs and locks them back as far as she can hold them with her arms. In this pose her thick thighs and big ass are quite attractive. I get my little pack and remove the bottle of lubricant that I brought. I slip on a latex glove and go to work. It doesn’t take long; she is eager and grinding her pussy up against my hand. During our emails I told her how I got interested in fisting when I was younger. I always read about things I’m interested in as a kid. I was often at the public library and one day in the quiet reading cubicles someone had left out a huge book about sexual positions and techniques from all the worlds cultures. Over a year or so, I’d read all of it, plus I found another book in the same section about Thai Vaginal Massage- so I read that too. I was seventeen and was fascinated and wanted to practice it. Over the years, I took it much further than just massaging and introduced my own extreme finishing techniques- all helped by having smallish hands for a guy, which are very well suited for getting into tight places.

After you’ve fisted a few vaginas, you soon realise that they do not all feel the same, not by a long shot. Whilst Sinead was deep and had muscles so powerful that they crushed your hand when she squeezed, Cathy was shallow but more cavernous. Maybe the shallowness is a result of her hysterectomy, I’m not an expert on such things though. So, after a period of squeezing and teasing her, Cathy was impatient and needed full penetration. My straight hand could not get inside all the way because she felt too shallow. So, I folded my fingers into a fist as I went all the way inside. The clenched fist is usually something for the very end of a fisting session for the really hardcore woman- normally I wait until a woman is loosened up a bit before going to a full clenched fist. It doesn’t matter, Cathy clearly loves the stretching and is humping my fist like a young virgin taking a cock. I begin a strong shallow thrusting and can feel myself already hitting the top of her vaginal canal which has her arching her back and crying out. I start a short punching motion; she told me she loves it really hard, and she promised to tell me if it hurts too much. Soon I begin to fully remove my fist and punch it all the way back in which makes her squirt short streams of piss whenever I punch in. This was the reason she was convinced to meet up with me, I told her I’d fist her until she was sore. The Punch Fuck is the final part of my special vaginal massaging sessions, for those that want the full experience.

Then the phone rang.

Cathy swore profusely. It will be the boss checking up on something he’d forgotten. I begin to pull back out of her cunt, but she stops me. She puts an arm over my shoulder and swings her legs around and slides onto the floor with my clenched fist still buried inside her. She waddles with splayed legs around the corner to her desk and picks up the phone. It’s as she expected. The dentist has forgot to check something and asks if she wants him to come back in. Of course she doesn’t, she lets him know that she will handle it. I twist my fist around inside her slightly as I try to find a better position behind her, and I see her face contorting desperately as she talks on the phone and tries to finish up the call as fast as possible.

As soon as the call is finished, she groans loudly, and slumps face down over her desk. It looks like she won’t be making it back to her fuck bench. Her big ass is shaking, she wants me to start fucking her again. I get right behind her, set my legs for leverage and begin fist fucking her cunt until its making disgusting wet noises. Her face is contorted and she’s thumping the desk with her hands. She begins to orgasm, and I punch harder and pull all the way out and back in. She motions for me to stop as she orgasms. I wait for her spasms to subside. She is slumped over the desk sobbing softly in between gasping breaths. Her cunt is gaping open still. During our conversations, I had promised her that I’d fuck her cunt so hard that she would be able to feel that I’d fucked her even two days later. I didn’t believe we were quite there yet.

With that in mind, I pushed my fist against her cunt again and thrust in and immediately started fucking her as hard as I was before. Her glasses fall off again and she is clawing at the desk. I don’t know if she’s trying to pull away. She has a safe word, but she refuses to use it, so I keep going. After another few minutes I start punching in harder and she bites her hand to keep from making too much noise. Finally, I shove two fingers hard into her ass hole using my other hand. She slumps on the desk, and I initially think she has passed out. I pull the fingers out of her ass and see that she is actually struggling for breath. Soon she sucks some breath into her lungs in a series of ragged gasps and lets out a cry as she orgasms again. I pull out and let her finish as she squirts a short stream of piss over the polished floor.

She is now limply slumped over her desk, motionless except for her ragged breathing.

I get her glasses for her again, plus a cup of water from the water cooler, and let her recover. For a bit anyway. She is still slumped limply over the non-customer side of her desk, not paying me any notice. So, I take the chance to get the lube again and get my cock ready. Without warning her I get over the top of her hips, that are resting on the edge of her desk, and thrust my cock up her ass hole. She groans loudly, but still lays limply on the desk and lets me have my way on her with her ass. It’s obvious that she cleaned herself in preparation, like we discussed. She is tight, really tight, and I can feel her clenching and working her muscles either as a reflex action or as a deliberate way to pleasure me more. Her big butt is beautifully soft and allows me to really pump hard into her, knowing that her buttocks soak it all up- even if I get really rough. We are positioned just right for me to brace my feet against the wall behind the desk and get great leverage and each thrust is soon making a loud slapping sound and making her ass jiggle. I notice that her empty cunt is opening loosely in time to the thrusting in her ass hole due to the heavy punishment it has already taken. Her juices and what’s left of the lubricant dribble out of her empty hole and joins the small puddle of piss between her legs. Luckily, it’s a polished floor like most dental and medical offices.

Unlike her pussy, her ass hole feels like it is bottomless. It’s obvious that she would like much more size than I can provide. To make up for it I decide that I need to fuck her harder instead. I can just reach and grasp the front raised portion of the desk. Now I can get leverage with my legs and arms at the same time and start giving her brutal thrusts using my full body. I’m pounding her hard enough that the desk is sliding on the floor. This renewed onslaught brings her back to life. The noise I’m making slamming into her ass combines with her grunting and moaning in time to the savage thrusts. Her ass hole has lost its former tightness and feels sloppy, this makes it easy to increase the frequency of the pounding. I feel my own orgasm coming close, sooner than I would have liked. Remembering her rule about where to cum, I quickly pull out and warn her. She slides off the desk, tuns around on her knees and opens her mouth just in time as I unload into the back of her throat. Just like earlier, she goes to work and actively tries to suck the semen out of me instead of just passively letting it shoot out. Her oral skills are glorious, probably the best I’ve known to this day. This is why you shouldn’t judge a housewife by her cover.

I still have to make her orgasm from fucking her ass, so I tell her to go back to the inspection bench. First, I have to catch her as she almost slips over on her little puddle of bodily fluids. Once she is bent over the padded bench again, I go to my pack and bring out the first of today’s surprises that I brought in for her. It’s huge latex cock, 12 inches of insertion length and a thick 2.5 inches across. I was going to use it on her pussy first, but I changed my mind on the fly. I think her pussy has been pulverised enough. When she sees it, she freaks out a bit Oh my god! That’s huge, how big is it? I tell her and she replies that that has to be way larger than 12 inches. I reply that it is indeed 12 inches and that men have simply been lying to her about what 12 inches looks like. That makes her laugh. I put a large condom on the monster cock, it’s brand new and I’ve found that some of these cheaper sex toys are made from a material that causes stinging- especially when used anally. The condom helps with that. That’s one reason why, these days, I don’t use anything other than silicone toys.

When I’m ready, Cathy finally realises that I’m planning to put this up her ass, not her cunt. Oh fuck! I can’t possibly take that up my ass! I tell her to give it a try, she knows what to do if it’s too uncomfortable for her. It actually doesn’t take long to get the big cock started. The savage pounding that I did with my own cock did the job of getting her loose and ready. She gives a cry when it first pops in and a deep groan as I gently slide half the shaft in. After a minute or so of sliding the cock halfway in and out, Cathy is beginning to grind her hips around it and push back. If a woman is pushing back and grinding, then she is liking the penetration. I reach under her with my free hand and begin to squeeze and massage her vagina. I can feel that she is still not ready to take the shaft deeper. Soon she clenches up, groans and lets some trapped air out around the shaft of the cock. This was what I was waiting for and take the opportunity to slide the cock in an inch deeper with the next few slow thrusts. It only takes another minute to have the entire shaft buried up her. She’s not even aware that she has taken all of it, so I just keep slowly fucking her. I’m certain that we still haven’t found her true depth back there, not by a long shot, but that’s all we have for now. I start to slip two fingers in her bruised cunt as I keep massaging it, this starts to bring her towards another orgasm, so I ease off a little on her cunt and start thrusting the cock in harder. Her once tight ass hole is now quite loose around the 2.5-inch shaft of the cock. She has one of those holes that I love. The really elastic type of anus that pulls out along the shaft of the big cock like it doesn’t want to let it go. Then it slides back inside as the cock goes back in. I’m certain that Cathy could be a massive anal size fanatic if nudged and encouraged in that direction.

With the harder thrusts, she finally realises that the balls of the rubber cock are hitting against her ass hole and that she’s taken it all. She looks behind and reaches back for affirmation. She’s in shock. Oh my god…. oh my god…oh my god… I make fun of her, for a woman that said she couldn’t possibly take it that big up her ass, she’s sure taking it like a filthy whore now. I tell her that I’m certain that she can take much deeper and that if she was my wife, I’d be deliberately training her hole to make it larger. I decide it’s time to bring her off, so I push the cock all the way home and push on it firmly whilst massaging her cunt. I start to play with her mind. I ask her if she can feel that cock all the way up in her guts. She says she can. I ask if she likes it that deep. She does. I pull the cock all the way out as she gets close to orgasm and then slide it straight back in. For the first time I start giving her long, hard, full length thrusts with the cock whilst squeezing her vagina with my other hand. She bites down on her hand to stop form screaming as she orgasms again, just as she did earlier for the cunt fisting.

I let her recover for real this time.

We chat for a few minutes; this is all for today. We’re done. She is looking at me different. It is something like awe, or like a woman worshipping in front of an altar. She says that all of her other fuck sessions over the years, the guys just fuck her for a few minutes and that’s it. No guy has ever fucked her until her holes are sore, fucked her like he’s trying to break her. The way she is looking at me, I realise that I could probably ask her to do anything, and she would. She also tells me that I should go professional and charge women for this service. I laugh at that because it’s not the first time a woman has said it. Unfortunately, I know that few women will pay for sexual services- no matter how good. Anyway, once you make something a job it can take away the magic of something that you love doing.

Finally, she has recovered enough to turn to practical matters. She assures me that she will clean up the office and inspection area and that she will email me tomorrow. I remembered the other surprise that I had for her. I got the butt plug out of my pack and unwrapped the packaging. It is only a medium sized plug, much smaller than the thickness of the cock she just took earlier. I put it in her ass and tell her what to do. I tell her she is to wear it under her clothes when she gets home this evening and meets up with her husband. I want her to be talking and watching TV with him with her belly full of my semen, her pussy aching from the fisting and her ass hole loosely stretched around my butt plug- so that I’m fucking his wife’s ass right in front of him. She loves this idea immediately and promises to do it. I also tell her that she can keep the huge dildo if she promises to keep using it in her ass regularly. She promises but isn’t sure that it will fit in the little chest where she has her other toys. She will need to hide it somewhere else. Ah, the problems of the first world.

Cathy emails me the next day. Her cunt is sore, just like I promised. I promised her that she would still feel the fuck I give her for two days after. Wearing my butt plug when with her husband makes her pussy leak. She says it feels like my version of a wedding ring- she wears her husband’s ring on her finger, but my plug in her ass signifying that it belongs to me.

She asks if we’d be able to hook up again sometime. That’s surprising. During our earlier emails she indicated that she liked her fuck sessions to be one off session so that guys don’t get clingy and cause long term trouble. She vaguely indicated that she would do pretty much any filthy activity if we can do more sessions. It was tempting, I think I could double fist her pussy with another couple of tries and that untapped anal ability could be special. Unfortunately, it didn’t really fit with my life at that time, as I just started a new job and wouldn’t be able to get to the city very often- especially as future sessions would need a hotel room. The dental surgery was just a fun one-off opportunity unless we waited until after New Years again. So, this one forever remained a single, but memorable session.

The morals of the story are never turn down a filthy minded older woman, and if you’re married to one- never, ever turn her down sexually. Because I’m still out there.

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