Women with Animals
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The Westworld Experience 2.7 (6)

© 2023 by asofo “Westworld C level guest pass” A gift from your semi-rich parents for successfully drudging through college and acquiring an engineering major. They said it’s a revolutionary amusement park, you don’t see how something full of sweaty, sun-baked people can be a revolutionary experience, but feeling pretty tired of the grind you […] read

Women with Animals
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2 (Broke) Girls and a Horse 3.8 (22)

© 2023 by CateLovesDaddy “CAROLINE!?!” Max yelled for her perky, blonde roommate. There had to be some sort of explanation for what she found on Caroline’s phone. She couldn’t think of one, but there had to be… And an explanation for why she was so turned on by it. “CAROLINE!” Caroline came inside from brushing Chestnut’s […] read

Women with Animals
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The Lewd Rule Of Princess Angelise 5 (4)

© 2022 by SlutWriter When he heard Korlian’s armored body hit the ground with an exclamation of pain and defeat, Galu knew the battle was lost. Korlian had been the strongest, fastest and most martial of their number – pledged to defend Karu Vale against all trespassers. He and his men, a troop of four-dozen […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on Riding the Stallion 3.7 (6)

Riding the Stallion 3.7 (6)

© 2023 by Hector1940 Annie has just completed the last few jumps, she was hoping she would receive a perfect grade for it, exceptional rider and exceptional stallion. After waiting for the other riders to finish their exhibition, the judges began to rate the contestants, Annie, as cold and expressionless as always, just caressed her stallion […] read

Men with Animals
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Aurodium Standard 4.5 (4)

© 2023 by Duodenym Hound was an easygoing guy, and Grizzer was pretty laid back as well, usually. Not now, separated from their squad and chased far too deep into the city. Their jeering pursuers had them cornered, backed up against a drop off jutting out over what Hound thought might be one of the vast […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on Evie Frye (Assassins Creed) – Captured Assassin 4.5 (19)

Evie Frye (Assassins Creed) – Captured Assassin 4.5 (19)

(c) by unknown Inspired by pics From Artist Shadman. Italic = Thoughts She did not know how long she had been held for. Days seemed to go so fast for her. All she knew is that her life as an Assassin was over. She could never go back. She didn’t think she wanted to go […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on WKRP in Cincinnati: It’s a Dog’s Life 3.9 (10)

WKRP in Cincinnati: It’s a Dog’s Life 3.9 (10)

(c) 2002 by Uncle Mike WKRP was possibly the worst-sounding radio station in all of Cincinnati, but Jennifer was without a doubt the best- looking secretary at any radio station in the entire country. She had silky blond hair that billowed out around a smooth, oval face with the poutiest, most kissable lips you’ve ever […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , , Leave a Comment on Archies: Veronica Gets Her Turn 4.3 (6)

Archies: Veronica Gets Her Turn 4.3 (6)

(c) 2001 by David Oberman This is a sequel to my previous ARCHIE story which I had to write by popular request. This time it is Veronica Lodge who discovers how good sex is. This story is based of the Archie Comics series. The characters are completely fictional and any similarity to living or dead […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , Leave a Comment on Archies: Betty and Me (Hotdog) 5 (6)

Archies: Betty and Me (Hotdog) 5 (6)

(c) 2001 by David Oberman This story is based of the Archie Comics series. The characters are completely fictional and any similarity to living or dead persons is purely coincidental. This is not meant as an infringement on their copyright of the series, but fulfills the fantasy of mature audiences only. As the main characters […] read

Men with Animals Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , 3 Comments on Salt and Pepper 5 (12)

Salt and Pepper 5 (12)

(c) 2001 by David Oberman Chapter One “I have to find a way to break up with Paul,” Will Truman told his friend, Jack McFarlane, over breakfast. “He’s just not right for me. He’s much to possessive for one thing.” “My, I don’t believe you and Grace,” Jack responded. “You both have such bad taste.” […] read