Women with Animals
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Who Wants To Be A Huge Slut 4.5 (40)

(c) 2017 by treasuregoblin Part One “Welcome back to a very special edition of Who Wants To Be A Huge Slut, America’s favorite game show!” The studio audience clapped enthusiastically for the announcer. “Now today, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special show for you,” said the announcer in a quiet, Serious tone. “Today’s […] read

English Books Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Dog Show Girl 4.2 (9)

Introduction “Bestiality–violation of animals–monstrous and revolting to mankind.” Krafft-Ebing used these words to introduce the subject of sex between humans and animals in his monumental nineteenth century study of perverse sexuality, Psychopathia Sexualis. The public attitude toward many deviant sex practices has eased since those harsh Victorian times but the very idea of bestiality seems […] read

Women with Animals
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My Sister in Law Is forced by Their Pitbull to take him 4.6 (61)

(c) 2022 by Iamjackieluvsit Chapter One My brother had to go work out of town for a couple weeks, so he asked as did his wife Patti if I’d come stay there to keep her company, and such. Being more than ready to get away from my dreary ordinary life, and away from my husband, […] read

Women with Animals
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Mom and I Are Forced To Do A Live Sex Show in Our Old Barn 4.1 (80)

(c) 2022 by Iamjackieluvsit Chapter One This story is about when I was back home living on the family farm, still living with my family and how I and my Mom alike are sold to make money for the farm by my Dad who with the help of others, set us up as a sideshow […] read

Women with Animals
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Animal Rescue 4.8 (36)

(c) by sheeladogwoman beastforum edition, first published on Feb 12, 2016 as public domain. Chapter One Debbie Benton has always loved animals, she’s been involved in looking after them all her life. In high school, she had an after school job helping in a Vet Clinic, which inspired her to train to become a Vet […] read

English Books Women with Animals
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Farm Wife’s Pets 4.7 (60)

CHAPTER ONE Pretty, eighteen-year-old Sissy Clanton got out of bed yawning. She stood on tiptoe and stretched her slim arms above her rich blonde hair. Her naked body arched slightly and her young tits rose up and jutted hard. Her pink nipples pointed stiffly. Her tuft of golden pussy-hair poked out as her back bowed. […] read