Women with Animals
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Miranda’s Plan Gone Awry 4.2 (5)

© 2023 by winz123 Commander Shepard, Miranda, Jacob, and the rest of the crew are in the process of hunting down the Collectors to stop them from releasing the Reapers into the galaxy. Shepard and Miranda have made their feelings about each other known. Once they take care of the Collectors, they plan to settle […] read

Women with Animals
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The Westworld Experience 2.7 (6)

© 2023 by asofo “Westworld C level guest pass” A gift from your semi-rich parents for successfully drudging through college and acquiring an engineering major. They said it’s a revolutionary amusement park, you don’t see how something full of sweaty, sun-baked people can be a revolutionary experience, but feeling pretty tired of the grind you […] read

Women with Animals
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Ashe & Stallion 4.4 (7)

© 2019 by InerrantErotica “Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, I say again- you are grounded, young lady.” Her father loomed over her atop his favorite prize racehorse- a seal brown thoroughbred arrogantly named Adonis. The man himself wore a black cowboy hat and a white suit, with futuristic spurs, a wide black mustache and stuffy overly-folksy features. […] read

Men with Animals
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Aurodium Standard 4.5 (4)

© 2023 by Duodenym Hound was an easygoing guy, and Grizzer was pretty laid back as well, usually. Not now, separated from their squad and chased far too deep into the city. Their jeering pursuers had them cornered, backed up against a drop off jutting out over what Hound thought might be one of the vast […] read

Women with Animals
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Herba-Mistress 4.5 (19)

Sometimes Emily gets the salad; sometimes the salad gets Emily. The sequel to “Adventures in Horticulture“. Emily had a secret. A discovery both tantalizing and at the same time super creepy and it occupied her every waking thought. For the past week, she had been engaging in a clandestine affair with a lover whose very […] read

Women with Animals
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The Girl With the Horse Cock 5 (9)

(c) 2021 by Dave Pornwriter Chapter One Amy [16] awoke, startled by the shrill chiming of her alarm. She settled back into her pillow and looked sideways at her clock. Reading the digital display she sat bolt-upright. “8:30? Shit, I’m going to be so late!” Amy jumped out of bed and dressed as quickly as […] read

Women with Animals
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Lab 18 4.6 (17)

  Memo: Subject:     Lab 18 progress report (Confidential) To:                  Directory Committee From:           Dr. Tillinghast As you all know, The Miskatonic Institute of Genetic Engineering has had a smashing success in creating a saurian duplicate from fossil DNA.  The particular species is Thescelosaurus, a warm-blooded, plant-eating dinosaur that lived in forests during the […] read