Women with Animals
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Size queen abduction


© 2024 by YOTB

Mary-Ann was a farmgirl with a simple taste. She liked her drinks strong and her cocks big. After she had amassed a dozen empty shot glasses of the former, her eyes wandered through the dive bar looking for the latter. There were the usual faces present, mostly local farmers, getting a drink after a day of work and some truck drivers getting one before work. Among them though was a unfamiliar face, a large and burly man, most likely a truck driver, staying at the motel across the street for the night. Mary-Ann ordered another shot, quickly downed it and got off her chair. Walking across the wooden floor and swinging her wide hips, she immediately got his attention.

When Mary-Ann was working she was dressed more sensible, but after work and on the hunt for a quick fuck, this modesty was soon thrown out of the window. Tiny denim shorts dug into her voluminous ass cheeks and clung to her hips. For a top she wore a tiny shirt which was tied at the front, offering everyone a good look down the cleavage of her freckled breasts. Completing the outfit were brown leather boots and a cowboy hat that made her look like a porn starlet from the 80s. She walked towards the backdoor and winked at the man before stepping outside. Some people called her a slut or the town bike behind her back, but she didn’t care.

She was alone for less than half a minute. The man had followed her and without any words spoken, Mary-Ann went into a deep squat, her back against the wall. Her full lips opened and she presented offered her mouth to the man, who’s name she didn’t even knew. Her eagerness was damped for a moment when she saw that his cock was average at best. 5 maybe 6 inches of veiny dick meat jumped up and down in front of her. For the moment it was enough though. The man stepped in front of her, his cock rock hard already. He put his tip on her tongue and slowly pushed forward, until his crotch pressed against Mary-Ann’s freckled nose. He smelled of sweat and leather. His large hand took off Mary-Ann’s hat, revealing a mane of copper red hair, braided into two pigtails. He grabbed one with each hand and used them like handlebars.

Mary-Ann soon found the back of her head pressed against the concrete wall, while the stranger yanked on her pigtails. For a while she just let it happen, even pretending to gag a few times to boast his ego, but after a short minutes he shot his load down her throat. He groaned and shuddered, letting go of her hair and taking a step back. Mary-Ann straighten back up and put her hat back on. “Done already?” she teased, leaning forward. “I need a break” the man panted “Gimme 5 minutes”. Mary-Ann said nothing, she just turned around and headed towards her pickup truck standing on the other side of the parking lot. “Sorry, but I can’t wait that long” she said and got inside “Thanks for the drinks though”. She didn’t really hear the mans protests as she started her engine and as she drove into the darkness he heard him yelling the word “whore”. She didn’t mind though, he got his dick sucked and only had to pay her tab. Seemed like a good deal to her.

The road home was completely empty. She wished she had stayed longer at the bar, she was barely tipsy and maybe, she could’ve fucked a few more drinks out of the man she didn’t even knew. “Nah… he was too small” she said to herself and shook her head. Driving with a slight buzz was nothing new to Mary-Ann and she drove home without a hitch. She parked her pickup truck on the gravel driveway leading to her house, got out and went inside. Inside, Mary-Ann went straight for the liquor cabinet, before she did anything else. Her home bar was well supplied and she quickly grabbed a half full bottle of bourbon.

Without hesitation she put the bottle on her full lips and took a big swig right in the middle of her living room. Pleasant warmth filled her belly, while her crotch got only hotter. “Oh fuck” she moaned as she took the bottle from her lips. She put a hand down her denim shorts, rubbing her aching pussy, she was absolutely drenched between her legs. Mary-Ann quickly discarded her shorts, tossing them on to the couch. Her thongs and shirt quickly followed, leaving her with nothing but her leather boots and cowgirl hat. She took another large swig and spread her legs apart, fingering her pussy while the strong liquor worked its magic.

Her cunt got more and more wet until small rivers of her lustful juice ran down the insides of her toned legs and dripped onto the carpet she was standing on. She took another large swig and finished the bottle, making sure to get every last drop. Mary-Ann held the round bottle in front of her face for a moment, before she dragged her tongue across its glass body. She went on like this for a while until the whole body had a thin coat of her boozy spit, then she put the bottle bottom first against her hungry pussy, using the neck as a handle. It went in with little resistance and Mary-Ann let out a grunt as her pussy clenched around the bottle. Her knees buckled but she kept standing. She quickly picked up pace, fucking herself with the large bottle. Her freckled face was bright red, her mouth agape. If only men could stretch her like this. “Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” she grunted as an orgasm rolled over her.

Mary-Ann managed to keep standing, just barely. Her legs were shaking, her whole body trembling. She unloaded a wave of her own liquid down onto the floor beneath her and cried out in pleasure. She pulled the large bottle out and gave it another lick, before tossing it aside and getting back to work with her fingers. Her pussy was well stretched already, but she knew she could go further. “Oh fuck… I need it” she whined and bit her lips. She stopped for a moment and looked around. The house was completely silent, besides for the ticking of a clock and the droning of the fridge. Mary-Ann took a deep breath and went over to the liquor cabinet again. She grabbed another half empty bottle of bourbon and took a much more moderate swig. “I’m sorry, Thunder, but I really need it” she said to herself as she looked outside the window.

Moments later she was outside again. Nobody ever came here, outside of the harvest season, so Mary-Ann had no need to cover up. The air, still warm from the summer heat, made her skin tingle. She closed the door behind her and, still only wearing her boots and hat, she walked over to the small stable next to her home. When she reached the door she stopped and turned around. Something felt strange, she felt almost as if she was being watched, but another swig from her bourbon, pushed these thoughts away. She opened the gate and stepped inside. “Sorry, Thunder” Mary-Ann said as she turned the lights on “I really need your fat fucking horse cock”

The stable only had one single animal in it, a large black stallion with shimmering fur. The horse neighed once when the lights went on, but kept completely still otherwise. The smell of hay and horse musk hung in the air and Mary-Ann couldn’t help but to start touching herself again. She crossed the short distance between her and her horse with her fingers running circles over her pussy. “I hope I didn’t wake you” she said and got inside his box. The horse lowered his head and Mary-Ann put her head against his “I’ll make it up to you” she whispered. She took another swig and placed the bottle down in one corner, before get behind her beloved stallion.

Mary-Ann put her hands on his hips and pushed her head forward, placing a long and sloppy kiss right on his musky asshole. Thunder neighed again and Mary-Ann kept going. Her tongue dragged across the leathery pucker, kissing it and pushing inside. Her hands went further down and got hold of Thunder’s massive balls. His massive testicles were heavy and radiated heat. As she grabbed them they pulsated in her hands. Their sheer size was too much for Mary-Ann’s rather small hands and black flesh overflowed from her fingers in all directions. “Fuck… have you gotten even bigger?” she asked before diving down in his ass again.

The smell was just as intoxicating as the booze. Mary-Ann snorted his musk and made out with Thunders asshole until she felt lightheaded. When she did pull back, she smiled with satisfaction. Thunder’s cock had grown fully erected, jumping up and down and hitting the underside of his belly. The large head glistened with a thick rope of precum slowly descending towards the floor. Mary-Ann quickly got underneath Thunder and grabbed his cock with both her hands. It pulsated in her hands, radiating more heat and raw sexual energy than any other cock she ever held. “Good god” she moaned and placed a kiss on the massive head, which was answered with another excited neigh from Thunder.

Mary-Ann turned around and guided the massive dick towards her aching pussy. The bulbous head pressed against her wet slit and she pushed back, using Thrunder’s front legs as handles. She pushed herself against it as hard as she could and slowly the head entered, stretching her pussy wider and wider. “Hgnnn get in there already” Mary-Ann grunted. She moved forward a bit and then slammed her hips back again. Finally, the giant head popped inside her, stretching the walls of her pussy to their limits. Mary-Ann let out an ecstatic scream and her pussy gushed her juices all over the hay covered floor. Thunder got excited as well and slowly began pushing against her owners hips.

Mary-Ann was a tough woman, strong from years of farm work, but there was nothing she could do against the overpowering strength of her stallion. Seconds later she found herself pressed against the wall of the box, as Thunder had put his front legs on top of the wall and started thrusting deep and hard inside of her. His flared head kissed her cervix and soon pressed inside inside it as well. A large bulge formed on Mary-Ann’s flat stomach, growing bigger with each of Thunder’s brutal thrust. Every single thrust rocked Mary-Ann’s whole body and some of them even took her feet of the ground. For other women that might’ve been too much, but not for Mary-Ann. She was in heaven. Being stretched beyond what seemed possible, filling out every last bit of her insides.

“Gawd! Thunder! Fuck me harder!” Mary-Ann screamed from the top of her lungs. She slammed her hips back against her steed’s dick, forgetting everything around her. Mary-Ann saw stars as an huge orgasm shook through her whole body. She was getting dizzy. Suddenly Thunder unloaded a his cock deep inside her. Her insides were flooded with thick and hot horse sperm, bloating her belly even further. Mary-Ann’s mouth shot open, but no sound louder than a whimper came out and her legs got weak. She slid off Thunder’s dick and fell down onto the ground. Her pussy was bruised and gaping, cum still running out of it. She felt blissfully satisfied and for a while just swam in the euphoria that filled her mind.

Mary-Ann was so fucked out of her mind that at first she didn’t noticed the green light that had started to illuminate the stable. Nor did she pay any attention to the strange voices that were present. She turned her head and suddenly noticed two gray faces with large black eyes looking down on her. Before she could say or do anything a bright green light blinded her and she felt her whole body lock up. She heard more voices and saw another flash, then her whole world went dark and she passed out.


Mary-Ann awoke on a cold metal table. Above her were more lights, like she was at the dentist. She tried to move, but her arms and legs were bound. She turned her head around and saw that the whole room looked like an operating room. “Oh. Excellent. She is awake” a voice said and Mary-Ann turned her head towards it. One of the gray men, that she had seen before she passed out, stood next to her. He had a large head without a nose, slender limps and wore a silver bodysuit. “I am sorry we had to blitz you, but we weren’t sure how you’d react. Yours is a quite violent species after all” he said and bowed ever so slightly. “I- I can understand you?” Mary-Ann asked, she was still feeling drowsy. “Well of course” the gray man said. He took a step closer and gently put one finger on Mary-Ann’s neck. She was wearing some kind of choker. “We put an universal translator around your neck. You’ll be able to understand and be understood by every known species of this part of the galaxy”.

Mary-Ann tried to free herself but the cuffs around her arms and legs wouldn’t move an inch. “Let me go you freaks!” Mary-Ann grunted. “Don’t worry, we’re not trying to hurt you” the other gray man said as he entered the room through a strange door. He was holding some sort of tablet and was pushing some buttons on it. “In fact, you might actually quite enjoy what lies ahead of you” He walked to the other of the operating table and looked down at Mary-Ann as well. It was impossible to read anything from his face, it was just too foreign for Mary-Ann. He did somewhat smile, showing off a row of tiny white teeth. “What the fuck do you want from me?” Mary-Ann barked at them.

The gray man with the tablet pressed another button on it and a holographic screen appeared before Mary-Ann’s eyes, showing her and Thunder fucking in the stable. “Gawd! Thunder! Fuck me harder!”. She saw herself slam her hips back against her horses cock, stretching out her pussy beyond believe and creating a huge bulge on her flat stomach. Seeing it like that was almost as exciting to her as actually committing the act. Hher pussy already began aching again. “You perverts! You can’t just film me! This is against my rights!” Mary-Ann hissed. “We’ve been having our eyes on you for quite a while, human” the alien with the tablet said “You’re preference for… larger genitalia had peaked our interest”. He pressed another button and the picture changed.

Mary-Ann’s eyes went wide. The holographic screen in front of her was now displaying a single creature sitting on a throne. It was almost proportioned like a human, but with distinct alien features. It’s muscled body was a reddish brown and its wide shoulders led to a bull like neck on top of which sat a head that was somewhere between a horse and a bull, including the horns. It reminded Mary-Ann somewhat of a Minotaur. Except for a golden belt he was naked and a massive cock, not to dissimilar from Thunder’s, hung over the edge of his seat. Although the picture gave little indication for their true size, Mary-Ann had a feeling that the creature was far taller than a human.

“Zork the conqueror. Breaker of a hundred worlds and lord ruler of this part of the galaxy” More buttons were pressed and the a slideshow of alien women played before Mary-Ann’s eyes. They were all kinds of skin colors, from green to red. Some had horns, some had scales, some even had wings, but they all had something in common. Their pussies were completely gaping and they were passed out in a puddle of cum. “He has a tendency to quickly use up his concubines and so we chose a more robust offering this time. Namely you”. Mary-Ann eyed both aliens up and down, until now she had expected to wake up with a hungover at any moment, but that feeling had passed. “Do I get a say in this?” she asked, already knowing the answer.


Mary-Ann felt warm fabric against her back and for a moment she thought last night had not really happened. She opened her eyes and saw a ceiling made from purple fabric. Mary-Ann shot up and looked around. She was in a room that could only be described as an over sized bedroom, clearly not proportioned for human usage. The bed was easily thrice as long and wide as hers back home. Mary-Ann tossed the thin sheets aside and realized, that she was completely naked. Hesitantly she crawled off the bed and walked around in the large circular room. The tiled floor was heated and the whole room was at a pleasant temperature. Quickly she found a table with several bottles near a window. She opened one of them and sniffed it. It did smell somewhat fruity, but with a clear hint of alcohol. Mary-Ann didn’t bother to find a glass and put the bottle straight to her mouth.

After some hesitation she began chugging. It did taste sweeter and was way more smooth than the booze she was used to, but still had quite the kick to it. Warmth filled her belly and the pleasant light-headedness quickly returned. If she was about to fuck some strange monster she at least wouldn’t have to be sober for it. She let out a long sigh and put the now empty bottle back on the table. “I was told you had some preferences for this types of stimulants” a deep voice said. Mary-Ann spun around, almost falling over. Behind her stood the large creature, she had seen on the holographic screens before. He was completely naked, a hulking body of musculature just human enough to be strangely attractive. Mary-Ann hadn’t even noticed him entering the room.

His moves were quick and confident. With a single hand he grabbed her waist and tossed her onto the bed. Mary-Ann let out a small scream, more from surprise than from fear. Moments later Zork crawled ontop of her. Leaning over her, one of his massive arms holding the headboard, while his free hand grabbed Mary-Ann by her neck. His thumb went over her lips and pushed inside her mouth as he stared down at her with deep green eyes. His monstrous cock was quickly growing in size, surpassing even what Thunder was packing. The large head pushed across her belly and between her tits until it almost reached her chin. Mary-Ann looked down between her large breasts and at the large equine cock pointing at her. Without any incitement from Zork, she put her hands around it.

Zork’s eyes went wide as Mary-Ann started jerking him off and he sat back up. His massive balls rested on her lower abdomen, they were burning hot and pulsating. Mary-Ann pressed the large member between her tits and used them to jerk him off while she put her long tongue to work on the tip of his cock. Zork let out grunts and moans, his nose flared up and he reminded her more and more of a bull. “Keep going, earthling” he said with a thundering voice. He pushed his hips forward and hit Mary-Ann’s face with the tip of his cock, but instead of being angry Mary-Ann began to laugh and continued making out with Zork’s dick. She could feel his dick pulsating more and more and his large testicles began to clench, he would come any moment. Eagerly Mary-Ann opened her mouth and awaited his cum.

His load was even bigger than Thunder’s. She caught some of it with her mouth, but it was just too much at the same time. A tidal wave of sticky sperm hit Mary-Ann straight in her face, painting her pale skin with a thick layer of white goo. Zork sounded like a raging bull, grunting and puffing loudly. He leaned forward, placing his massive arms on each side of Mary-Ann’s face and thrust his hips forward, spreading his semen even more over her and the bedsheets. When he was finally done he leaned back and sighed, but for Mary-Ann they were far from done. She got up, caked in cum and only reaching eye level while he still sat down. “What the fuck? Don’t tell me you need a break now! I thought I was getting fucked!” She jumped off the bed and went back to the table with the liquor, taking another bottle and drinking deep from it, while Zork looked at her quite bewildered.

The alien overlord was still hard and by the time Mary-Ann had reached the bed again, he was sitting on its edge, his balls hanging over it. Mary-Ann took another sip, put the bottle down and got onto her knees. She placed a hand on each of his tree trunk legs and slowly moved forward, pressing her lips against the pulsating monster cock in front of her. Mary-Ann placed one kiss after the other on the leathery flesh, while she slowly moved upwards. When she reached the tip, she was on her feet again. She put one foot on each of Zorks massive legs and stood on his lap, her pussy hovering just mere inches above the massive dick before she slowly squatted down.

The flared head pressed against her pussy. At first it seemed like nothing would happen until her slit started to open, slowly taking in more and more of the giant alien cock. Mary-Ann’s moans quickly turned into frustrated grunts, as she tried to get further down on Zork’s huge member. So far the alien overlord only watched her. Mary-Ann moved back up and slammed her hips downward again. She could only take about a third Zork’s dick until the resistance became to great. Her belly showed off a nice, fist sized bulged, but to her, this was far from enough. There was still so much more dick to take. She reached out and grabbed Zork by his horns, using them as levers to push herself further down. “Will you just help me already?” Mary-Ann hissed at Zork, who was clearly unaccustomed to such a brash forwardness.

Mary-Ann stared into the aliens eyes and tried to decipher his thoughts. Confusion was the main emotion she could see. Slowly, almost as if she was the more dangerous creature, Zork put his hands on her thighs. “You are a brave one, earthling” Zork grunted as he began pushing her down “I’ll give you that”. He had far more strength than Mary-Ann and soon more inches of his massive dick entered her pussy. She was stretched to her limits, yet he kept on pushing her down. Mary-Ann’s feet slipped of his legs, her belly bulge grew from fist sized to an arms length, almost reaching her rib cage. With one last push he rammed all of his dick, down to the base, inside her.

Mary-Ann’s fists were clenched, her knuckles white. Her whole body was trembling, sweating and smoldering hot. Her pussy tightened around Zork’s dick like a vice, while small rivers of pussy juice formed on all sides of his cock. “Stupid earthling” Zork grunted “I knew it was too much for you”: Mary-Ann was facing the ceiling, her eyes almost rolled back into her skull, her tongue hanging out from the side of her mouth. “I don’t care… You’ll make a fine fuck toy anyway” Zork, took his hands of her thighs and placed them on her hips instead. “Shut… the… fuck… up” Mary-Ann stammered. She regained her composure somewhat and faced Zork again. “I just needed to adjust a bit” Mary-Ann said with a mad grin. A grin, that Zork returned.

Zork lifted Mary-Ann up, until the bulge on her stomach had almost disappeared, only to slam her down on his cock again, thrusting his hips against hers at the same time. A loud and meaty slap echoed through the room alongside with an ecstatic scream from Mary-Ann. An orgasm, more vicious and brutal than any she ever had before, rolled over Mary-Ann. She took hold of Zork’s horns and braced herself for another impact that hit her body like an orgasmic battering ram.

The intervals between the thrusts quickly grew shorter. Soon Mary-Ann’s body was thrown up and down Zork’s dick like a mere toy. Each time her pussy met the base of his cock, she was hit with another forceful orgasm and by now she had fully adjusted to it. She was riding what felt like a never ending barrage of earth shattering orgasms, that rocked her body and made her forget everything, but the very moment she hoped would last forever. “Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” she cried out as another wave of pleasure washed over her. “This is the best dick I ever had!” She grunted. She opened her eyes and saw Zork’s blurry face. “Fuck. Me. Harder!” Mary-Ann grunted while she clenched her teeth. Zork happily obey, ramming her pussy so rough, that his massive balls swung against her backside with each thrust.

Hours felt like minutes in the carnal fuckfest Mary-Ann found herself in. Every little aspect of her size queen desires was fulfilled. Each spot inside her, that yearned for attention was hit. She was treated rough and enjoyed every moment of it. After hours of nonstop fucking, her strength was gone, but Zork still used her like a fleshlight. The giant alien seemed to have endless endurance and showed no intention of stopping. Mary-Ann passed out several times and each time she regained her consciousness again, she was still getting fucked. This was pure bliss.


Mary-Ann woke up in her own bed, a brutal hangover pounding against the inside walls of her skull. She sat back up and let out a long sigh when she saw the almost empty bottle of bourbon next to her bed. “Not again…” Mary-Ann groaned and took the bottle “I really should cut down on the booze” she said and drank the rest of the whiskey as a hair of the dog. Mary-Ann slowly got up and walked over to the window, when she passed her mirror she froze. She was completely naked except for a thin black choker, something she never owned, around her neck. She looked further down and noticed something else. Her pussy was still swollen and still slightly gaping. She looked around confused. What happened last night? Was it not just a dream? Was she still dreaming?

Her questions were answered when the door opened and an alien woman entered her room. She was wearing a metal color, but other than that nothing obscured her curvy and purple skinned body. “Good morning. My name is X’ela” she said and bowed down slightly. “What is this place? Where am I?”. “You are in your quarters, they have been modeled after your home”. Mary-Ann gave the empty bottle of liquor a look and realized that every single word was misspelled. “New concubines get accommodations like these to reduce homesickness. They also brought your creature here”. Mary-Ann’s eyes went wide and she ran to the window of her room.

The aliens had created an perfect replication about half a square mile surrounding her home back on earth, including the stable where Thunder usually stayed. Mary-Ann could see the head of her horse, poking out of a window, eating hay and being completely oblivious to his current location. The air was fresh with the smell of a past summer night. It was exactly like home, down to the smell. “I know this is quite the shock for you, but our Lord is gentle, he tries to make our stay as pleasant as possible” X’ela said while she walked up next to Mary-Ann. “He wasn’t very gentle” May-Ann said and smiled.

X’ela looked down her own body, her pussy was just as swollen and gaping as Mary-Ann’s, her purple skin several shades darker down there as well. “You seem to accept your new place rather quickly” she said as she walked beside Mary-Ann. A simulated breeze hit her with the smell of hay and grass still wet with morning dew. “I never really cared much for home… or at least whatever place I was at” Mary-Ann said. “I might like it here”.

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