Women with Animals
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Judy’s Bedroom Surprise


(c) 2002 by Claude Raines

Judy Martinelli looked happily at the note on the kitchen table: her mother wouldn’t be home until after 7PM, so she has the house to herself for three hours, until her brother Ken and sister Gwynne get home after 5:30. Three hours! She can do anything she wanted! First, chase the two dogs, Mutt and Jeff, outside in the backyard with Cody, then she can have some fun.

Three minutes later, all three dogs are inside and she’s not strong enough to get Mutt or Cody out; the only one she can get out is Jeff, the beagle mix. Opening the back door hadn’t been a good idea, since Cody, the huge sheepdog – St Bernard mix, had promptly bulldozed his way into the cool house. Shrugging to herself, irritated, she starts stripping her sweaty clothes off; after all, they’re just dogs and can’t talk.

Releasing her 36D tits from their confinement, she sighs as she rubs the soft pale skin; her hard brown nipples stand out from the silver-dollar-sized circles of puffy flesh topping the soft creamy mounds. She pushes the satin globes up into a mountain of titflesh, her throbbing nipples pulsing obscenely against each other. “Oooh, that’s so good! Mmmmm!”

At that moment, Jeff starts howling at being alone in the backyard. “Shit! Damned dog!” she tries to ignore him, but he keeps getting louder. If he doesn’t stop, the neighbors will complain again. “C’mere, Cody. C’mon, boy, c’mere Cody!” Cody raises his head, looks at her and goes back to sleep. “C’mere Mutt! Mutt! Come!” Mutt the lab opens one eye and closes it again. “Cody! Mutt! Come here right now!” She stomps her foot; the dogs ignore her, but her ripe tits jiggle enchantingly with the effort. Outside, Jeff’s still howling.

“Damn dogs!” she goes to let Jeff back in; he’ll keep howling until he’s with his buddies. “Why can’t Ken teach you dumb dogs to obey somebody else!” she mutters to herself. She’s clear to the door when she remembers her top; after a moment, she opens the door anyway. If the neighbors see her, they’ll get an eyeful, but she’s too mad and too horny to care. Jeff doesn’t hear the door until she yells “Get in here you stupid dog!” and sees her standing topless in the doorway, her round bare tits shining in the sun.

He barks happily and dives back inside, brushing past her bare legs. She slams the door “Now lay down and be quiet! Stupid dogs!” Jeff flops down on the living room floor with the other two; he doesn’t care what Judy does as long as she lets him be with his buddies. In the kitchen, Judy strokes her sensitive tits again “Aaah! That feels so good!” Her tight little pussy is still gushing juice from standing half-naked in the doorway; it’s the same itchy feeling she gets from cheerleading.

She squeezes her big teenage tits; she loves that feeling! Somehow, she knows it would be even better if a boy was doing it, but after two of her older sisters got pregnant, her mother watches her so close that she’s probably going to graduate from high school still a virgin. “It’s not fair! I’m probably the only virgin left in high school! I wish…” she giggles “Wouldn’t Claude or Billy love to see me now! They’d come in their pants!”

That gives her an idea. “So, boys, what do you think? Do you like them? Don’t they look good?” She pulls her left nipple up to her mouth and sucks for a minute “Yummy! Don’t you want some?” Judy cups both titglobes and offers them up to her imaginary lovers. “See? They’re delicious!” She moans; her fantasy lovers are getting her so hot!

“What?! You want me to take my shorts off? You naughty boys!” She squeezes her cuntmound through her red shorts and panties; there’s a dark wet spot spreading from her sopping pussy. “Well… I suppose. But you can’t touch!” She giggles again; this is great, even if she really wouldn’t show off like this. Billy would tell everyone in town… That’s odd; Claude dates girls, but nobody ever says anything about what goes on… Would he tell?

She gasps as a shudder racks her virgin slit at the thought of stripping down like this for Claude. Maybe she should; if the fantasy’s this good, how good would the reality be?

Judy slides her hands up over smooth olive-skinned belly to soft silky white tits, shuddering at the soft contact; her fingers sink into the soft tittymeat and she gasps at the sensations radiating from her nipples and tight dark cunt. Her hands glide downwards again, catching at the elastic waistband of her red shorts. “Are you sure you want me to do this?” she teases “If I take my shorts off, anything could happen.” The wet spot is getting bigger, and there’s a drop of liquid emerging from the leg of her shorts.

Spinning in place, she dances to the music in her head; seemingly of their own will, her hands slowly start to push the elastic down over her hips. Turning her back to her invisible lovers, she wiggles her round bottom at them “Do you like my bottom? Do you want to see more?” Half of her tight little ass shows above the waistband now, and her pussy’s melting into steaming-hot girl-goo; one liquid thread’s heading for her knee and she’s feeling so good!

Pivoting back, she humps her hips toward the living room; the smell of hot pussy fills the kitchen as she bumps-and-grinds; the top of her black bush showing over the top of her shorts matches the long silky hair brushing over her big tits and stroking the dark nipples. Judy pants; the air in the kitchen feels thin and burning hot as she sways seductively. In the living room, the dogs stir in their sleep and their cocks start to swell.

Her hips rock back and forth as the red shorts slowly inch downwards over her flat belly, then her hands abruptly drop as the shorts finally slide off and drop to the floor with a sodden sound; she steps away from the soaked fabric “Well boys? What do you think? Ooh, I’m so hot!” Her thin nylon bikini panties are almost transparent with wetness where they cradle Judy’s raven-haired mound like a lacy white slingshot loaded with a juicy plum. “Do you like me? How about from this side?” as she pirouettes like a ballet dancer; her plush white tits stand up full and round with her arms over her head.

Her satiny white bottom’s nicely rounded and her gauzy panties are pulling up into the crack of her ass as she bends over, displaying her long tanned legs and tight dark pussy. “Now boys, you can look but don’t touch. Naughty, Naughty.” She does another bump-and-grind then spins back to display her soaking-wet mound to her fantasy lovers “Doesn’t that look good? Don’t you want to kiss it?” She moans as her pussy spasms again; there’s another creamy drop of slick girl-juice tracing a path down the inside of her suntanned thigh.

“What?! My panties too? That’s sooo naughty, you nasty boys.” She giggles at the thought that she’s acting like a bitch in heat; she may not be a bitch, but she’s definitely in heat. “Oooh, you say the nicest things to a girl! Well, maybe…” she pulls her panties clear up between her curvy creamy cheeks. “Do you like that? OH! That’s naughty! Do it again!” Lost in her fantasies, she doesn’t hear the dogs stirring at the musky smell of hot pussy.

Turning around, she teases “Are you sure you want me to do that? That’s naughty! What kind of a girl do you think I am?” Almost of their own accord, her hands slowly slide down to her panties; her thumbs hook the elastic and start to teasingly push the thin nylon down her tapering legs. “What are you going to give me if I do such naughty things, hmm?” Her soft white bottom is half-bare now, and she turns to display it proudly to her phantom lovers. “Oooh, you boys are getting me all excited. Now what’re you going to do about that? I can think of a few things!”

Her underpants are still inching their way down her soft thighs; now they peel reluctantly away from her tight dark-haired pink pussy with a soft, wet sound. “Oh! That’s nice… Oooh!” Bending clear over, she pushes the sodden cloth off over her ankles and straightens up, feeling more gloriously naked than ever before in her young life. She tosses the panties aside; they flutter like a butterfly with damp wings to the linoleum.

“You want me to do what?! Naughty boys! Well…” Judy reaches down between her legs, parting her pussylips with a trembling finger; she gasps and moans at the intense sensations that race down her spread legs. Knees buckling, she grabs for the table “Oh! That’s wild! I almost came, you naughty boys!” Pushing herself back up, she turns and bends over, presenting her creamy little ass and tight pink pussy to her imaginary lovers; her tight puckered ass winks above her drenched virgin slit and hot cunt-cream trickles over the inside of her tanned thighs. She touches her cunny again, parting the slippery flesh and gasping as the slick contact sends shockwaves radiating through her taut body. “See what you’ve done to me! I’m cuummmiing!” Her legs collapse and Judy grunts as she drops to her hands and knees, big soft tits bouncing and creamy asscheeks jiggling. “Ooooh! Unh! Ouch!”

Climax stalled, she staggers back to her feet “Well, come on! Let’s go get comfortable! That hurt!” She walks to her bedroom on rubbery legs, rubbing her bruised knees and ignoring the anxious dogs in the living room as the pussy juice runs down her legs from her squishing slot. She closes the door; annoyingly, the latch doesn’t hold the first time, and she pushes a box against the door to hold it closed.

“Hey! I’ve shown you mine, but you haven’t shown me yours!” she teases her fantasy lovers. “Ooh, those’re nice! Can I touch? What! Well, I suppose you can…” she lifts her tits “Be gentle with them, nobody’s ever touched them before. Oooh!” Judy massages her tits, lost in the images of two boys playing with her full, round mounds. “Mmmmm! Oooh! Yes! Do that some more!” Lost in the heat of her fantasy, she doesn’t hear the dogs whining outside the door.

“Oooh! I need… I need…” Mumbling incoherently, she gropes under the bed for her vibrators; they’re not where she keeps them and she whines in frustration before remembering pushing them further back so her mom wouldn’t find them while cleaning. Dropping to her stomach on the floor, she wiggles under the bed; the rough rug rubbing against her soft breasts and throbbing diamond-hard nipples makes her moan in delight. With her head under the bed, the sound of her panting moans drown out the sound of the box sliding as the door pushes open…

Finding what she’s looking for, Judy moans in satisfaction and, flicking the vibrators on, applies the big one to her aching tits as she wiggles backwards; as soon as she can, she raises her ass and reaches underneath herself to touch the little one to her steaming pussy. The intense feeling makes her gasp, and the hot wet tongue that slaps up her tight slit doesn’t register on her overheated senses, even though it almost makes her cum.

Pushing herself a little further back, she’s shocked when something hot and furry grabs her around the waist; she pushes back to get out from under the bed, and something hot, slick and wet jabs hard at her soaking crotch. She gasps in shock “OH NO! One of the dogs wants to fuck me!” and slams backwards in panic. She can’t let a dog pop her cherry!

Judy’s head comes out from under the bed just as the dog humps again and the collision drives her head into the bedframe, stunning her. She’s laying motionless with her ass hiked up in the air and her head and shoulders laying on the floor next to the bed; her head’s turned to the side and she can see the black forepaws of the dog covering her. In her dreamlike stunned state, she calmly thinks ‘Mutt. Mutt’s not as big as Cody, so it won’t hurt as much… I can’t believe this! I’m about to be fucked by a dog and… ‘ she bucks frantically in a vain effort to escape deflowerment, too late! As she bucks backwards, Mutt shoves forwards; his alignment’s perfect and Judy screeches in agony as his thick red prick bursts into her tight virgin slit so hard she can hear her cherry pop!

Driving into the tight little ex-virgin, Mutt holds his prick in as deep as he can for a long moment; Judy moans as her helpless body tries to adjust to this massive invader stretching her in ways she’s never imagined. Seconds later, the big black Lab slowly pulls his hard cock out of the lovely teenager’s slippery, clasping heat; she sighs in relief, then grunts as he slams back into her with all his might. He starts fucking full speed, and her hanging white breasts bounce as he pounds her softly presented ass. She whines as he rams her; now that the shock’s over and she’s stretched a little, the steel-hard dog-cock is starting to feel better as it races in and out of her stuffed little cunny.

A minute later, it’s feeling very good indeed, and Judy starts shoving back to meet Mutt’s steadily pounding prick; her heavy creamy tits are bouncing vigorously from the dog’s pounding and she arches her back to let the swollen dark nipples graze the rough rug. Glancing to the side, she can see the other two dogs sitting there waiting their turns at this hot little bitch they’ve found; instantly, the image of a bitch she’d watched fucked by a pack of dogs flashes into her mind, then changes to show her in the starring role. It’s too much for her shocked mind, and the sensory overload flashes her over the edge into orgasm. Her bleeding pussy clamps down around the rampaging dog-dick so hard that Mutt can’t move as Judy bucks and wails through her first real climax.

Mutt remains motionless for a minute, then slowly starts to pump the trembling teenager again; Judy moans and quivers in the afterglow of her hard come. Moments later, she shoves her hips back at Mutt again; cherryblood and girl-cum stream down her tanned thighs to soak the throw rug beneath her knees. She’s totally oblivious to anything but the thick hard red dogcock filling her snug little cunny to the brim, not even noticing the crimson scratches the big black dog’s claws are carving into her soft flesh.

There’s been something battering against her pulpy pink cuntlips, and now Mutt’s tennis-ball-sized red knot slams into her mound one last time before popping inside her suddenly stretched pussy; she screams in shock as pussylube gushes out of her brutally stretched slit. Now he can’t pull out very far, and the slavishly kneeling teen wails raggedly as the big black dog crashes rhythmically into her soft white ass; then she starts moaning as the knot churning her buttery hole drives her toward another, bigger cum.

Judy feels like she’s floating as Mutt reams her cunt out; she pushes herself up onto her elbows, pulls her right nipple up to her mouth and sucks on it. The combined sensations soon have her rocketing to a second cum and the teen’s mind is lost in the haze of pleasure spreading from her tits and stuffed young cunt; Mutt is pounding her even faster now, and she dimly realizes that his cock is swelling up even more.

Seconds later, the big black Lab slams into her buttocks with savage force and holds there, as deep as he can reach; the scalding heat of his thick white cum filling her unprotected virgin womb triggers her own massive climax. She explodes in ecstasy as the mingling fluids run down her legs, thrashing madly as her cum overwhelms her; her nipples feel like they’re about to burst and her quim grabs madly at the thick red dogprick stretching it out.

Judy screams her pleasure in the fury of her cum, her head thrown back as her savage orgasm wracks her young body; she’d never imagined that it would feel this good to get fucked! The two waiting dogs whine impatiently, wanting their turns at the teenager as she collapses into the aftershocks of her climax

Finished, Mutt throws a leg over the twitching girl as he dismounts; the twist of his cock inside the semi-conscious teenager is enough to send her to a third, weak orgasm. The two lovers remain tied butt-to-butt by the knot filling her sloppy young pussy; it’s several minutes before he goes down enough to pop his cock out of her stretched cunt, allowing rivulets of thick white dog cum to trickle slowly down her brown thighs and mat her black cuntcurls.

The instant Mutt uncouples, Cody’s right there, and Judy grunts under the impact as his hundred and forty pounds slams down on her slender back. His big cock is probing for her hot hole, but he can’t find it; the feeling of it sliding across her pussylips finishes arousing her almost instantly after the feeling of Mutt being tied inside her, and she hesitantly reaches back under her belly to grab Cody’s erection. The thrill of feeling the crude canine organ filling her hand runs through her from head to toe before settling in her soft hungry pussy; she doesn’t hesitate before guiding him to her open hole.

Once he feels hot wet cunt nibbling at the tip of his massive cock, he knows what to do; the dark-haired teen howls in shock as the white and tan dog shoves himself balls-deep in her burning cuntpit, filling her up and pushing all the way to the back. Panicking, she grabs frantically for his enormous knot, but she’s too late. He thrusts mightily and the baseball-sized knot rips into her helpless young cunt, re-opening her cherry wounds to leave blood trickling down her legs to the rug; the tip of his enormous cock rams past her tender cervix into her pink teen womb. Judy is impaled helplessly on the big dog’s huge cuntsplitter; she’s not going to get loose before he spews his boiling sperm into her sore, bleeding cunt. Her sparse pussycurls look even sparser from the way her pink labia are stretched around her canine lover’s fat slab of hard meat.

Settling himself, Cody slowly pulls back from the tight teenage hole he’s imbedded in; he’s such a tight fit in her brutally stretched pussy that his first try just pulls her hips back along with him while she whines in pain. Then he thrusts again, and her asscheeks jiggle, her hanging breasts bounce, and he stuffs a little more stiff red dogprick into her abused hole; Judy moans pitifully at the agonizing stretch. Another withdrawal, and this time he gets a little cock out of her gripping tightness, only to shove it back in hard and deep; she grunts involuntarily with the force of the blow as his groin pounds her soft ass.

Judy whimpers as the enormous beast withdraws again, then grunts at the power of his thrust; she’s starting to loosen up from the brutal reaming and Cody is pounding her faster now as thick white cuntjuice streams down her tanned brown legs from her pussy’s vain attempt to protect her. Her big white boobs bounce and jiggle with every thrust as she wonders miserably why she ever helped Cody fuck her and if she’s going to bleed to death from the tearing in her crotch. Even if she doesn’t, will she ever be able to take a man’s cock, or will they be able to tell a dog has fucked her? Would anyone want anything to do with a low little dogwhore?

Preoccupied with depressing thoughts, she’s suddenly shocked to realize that the massive cuntwrecker pounding her quim to bloody jelly isn’t so painful anymore; seconds later, she screams joyously and erupts into a monster cum that leaves a pink mixture of cherry blood, dogcum and pussylube streaked down her legs. Dazed from the hard orgasm, she collapses limply; the dog’s paws around her waist and his thick prick in her cunt are the only things keeping her from falling flat on the floor. A minute later, she’s humping back at her bestial lover again as she builds to another sloppy climax; the rug under her knees is starting to squish from the juices running out of her once-tight teenage pussy.

Soon she’s cumming again; after that, the orgasms all blend together in her overloaded mind as she cums continually under the furiously rutting animal. It’s not long before her spasming hole milks the tan and white beast into his own cum and he fills her impaled teenage womb with what feels like gallons of boiling hot dogslime. That eruption drives Judy into another massive explosion and she faints dead away from the force of her desperate climax; she doesn’t even stir when Cody dismounts, the twisting of his cock in her sloppy red pussy making her cum weakly before it suspends her by the crotch.

Minutes later, she moans as Cody’s huge knot finally shrinks enough to come free with an audible pop; she doesn’t move until her belly slams down with a squishing sound in all the cum and blood that’s soaked into the rug. Then she moans and stirs as Jeff, the beagle mix, sniffs at her ass; when he shoves his cold nose into her sore, gaping pussy, she gasps and shivers. He tries to mount, and she rolls over and pulls her legs up to protect her red-raw cunt; the beagle whines in protest as he humps the air.

The raven-haired teen looks at him and mumbles “Sorry, Jeff, I’m too sore for more doggy games.” The beagle barks at her, and she shakes her head “No!”; twisting around, he laps his prick before turning back to Judy, who looks at his quivering cock with fascination. ‘After all,’ she rationalizes, ‘It’s not like the dogs could tell anyone… even if I sucked… ‘ she shivers in arousal.

Decided, she stands up and the rug squelches under her bare feet; shocked at how messy sex is, she gathers up the rug to wash the girl juice, cherry blood and doggie cum out of it. Walking bowlegged from the pain in her crotch, she waddles to the laundry, fills the washer with cold water and drops the rug in; she gasps at the pain as she wipes her abused little pussy with a towel, which she drops in too. Then she takes a large beach towel and several smaller towels back to her bedroom, spreading the beach towel over the bedspread before inviting the horny beagle following her up on the bed.

He’s still rock-hard, and the teen giggles again as she thinks delightedly about sucking her first cock. Then she orders “Jeff, play dead!” He doesn’t want to, and she finally just grabs him and rolls him on his back, looking at his delightful prick. “Ooh, it’s so hot and slippery!” she murmurs, gripping it carefully. “Do you like this? How about if I do this?” as she slowly slides her hand up and down the slippery red-purple shaft. Jeff yips and humps his prick through her hand; she giggles “Oh, you do, do you? Well, how about this?” and she drops her head to lick the tip like she’s licking an ice-cream cone. “Mmm, I like that!” She goes back for another taste; this time the beagle humps and his slab of prickmeat pushes into her hot mouth. Her dark brown eyes open wide in surprise, but she keeps sucking eagerly on the slick hot canine cock.

“Mmmm!” Judy likes the taste of dog prick; Jeff humps happily into her sucking mouth, not caring what hole he’s in as long as it’s hot and wet. Pulling off for a moment, she looks at her newfound toy shining red-purple and dripping pre-cum; the knot’s swelling up and she murmurs “I wonder if I can… Let’s see!” She dives back onto the dog’s hot iron-hard rod, sucking like she wants to pull it clear off his body; she gags when a thrust drives the tip against the back of her throat.

The beagle tries to climb to his feet; she mumbles “Dumb dog!” around a mouthful of dogcock and puts her arm over his body to hold him in place. That isn’t enough, so she throws a leg over his shoulders; now she’s on her hands and knees over her bestial lover in the classic sixty-nine position, long black hair falling over her face onto his white-furred groin. Jeff’s a little confused, but Judy squeals as he sticks his cold wet nose into her hot wet cuntmeat; then he takes an experimental taste of her, she moans in pleasure and he humps hard into her eager mouth, stuffing his knot past her lips and teeth. Now his cock is clear down her throat past the gag reflex and she gurgles happily past the rock-like heat filling her mouth as he slicks her reddened teen pussy open with his tongue, slopping deep into her hot cunny and spooning the thick creamy dogcum out of her depths.

She moans delightedly as the beagle’s long flexible pink tongue slashes up over her sensitive young cuntmeat, laying her friction-reddened labes open like she’s been filleted. The wet heat turns her on again, and lubricating fluids drip from her open hole, slicking down her raven-dark pussycurls as they mix with the dog’s drool; he loves the taste and goes back for more, lapping enthusiastically at the red and white halves of her sore pussy. She jerks as his talented lapper strokes across her vulnerable clit, driving her closer to her next orgasm; she hums happily around the thick, slick red dogcock filling her mouth so full.

The humming vibration causes Jeff to jerk his cock deeper into her throat as the hot cum boils in his heavy balls; Judy grunts and sucks hard, willing him to fill her mouth with white-hot dog juice. She giggles delightedly at the image, then realizes that she still won’t know what sperm tastes like: he’s so deep in her mouth he’ll cum straight down her throat into her tummy. Well, she decides, she’ll just have to force herself to do it again! And again, and again, until she knows for sure what it tastes like. Do different dogs taste different? How about other animals? Or boycum? She’ll just have to find out!

The depraved images running through her impressionable young mind cause her pussy to juice even more; the beagle slurps happily away at his mistress’s runny hole. This is one pussy he doesn’t want to chase away! Chase, yes; away, definitely not! He humps into her wet, willing mouth again; she’s doing things for him that no bitch ever did and he’s going to get more of this every time he can.

Suddenly the mattress rocks with added weight, and Mutt applies his agile tongue to Judy’s sloppy crotch; her joyous cries are muffled by Jeff’s meaty ball-gag. Seconds later, she grunts as the big black dog mounts her lewdly presented white ass, his hard cock probing for the hot wet hole he’d been in before; he’s not going to give up until he’s pumped another hot load into Judy’s defenseless young body. It only takes a second before he hits his target and stuffs her black-fringed slit for the third time in her life; the shock delays her orgasm as she’s trapped helplessly between the family pets.

Judy’s a piece of human meat in a doggie sandwich; rolling her head to look sideways into the mirror on her dresser, she’s shocked and thrilled by the image of herself lewdly sucking one dog while another fucks her hard from behind. She can see the knot forming at the base of Mutt’s prick before she can feel the meaty bludgeon slapping against her slick wet mound; her big white tits jiggle and bounce under the pile-driving thrusts of her furry lovers. The erotic contrast between the furry black dog on her back and her own smooth soft skin inflames her even more, and she returns her attention to the lovely hot slab of prickmeat sliding down her throat, knowing that Mutt will soon be locked into her hot needy slot.

Then disaster strikes! The Labrador pulls back as his human lover throws herself forward and his well-lubed hard-on pops free of Judy’s eager clasping heat; he yelps in frustration as she whines her disappointment around Jeff’s swollen red rod. Humping forward frantically, he tries to relocate that hot slick place that’s giving him so much pleasure; instead, he misses and slides up between the cheeks of her soft white ass, smearing a slippery mix of girljuice and dogcum up through the crevice. Realizing he’s missed, he pulls back and desperately thrusts forward for another try, missing again but slopping more slick slime into her ass crack; Judy moans mournfully, frustrated just as she was about to cum.

Third time’s the charm: just as she reaches back to guide Mutt back where she needs him so badly, he pulls back and humps again; his steely hard girlfucker pokes into her spread crotch just above her open slit and slides upwards to her virgin asspucker. Lubricated with an unholy mixture of pussylube, cockslime and doggie drool, the pointy red shaft catches in her nether eye and starts bulling in; she doesn’t realize what’s happening “Stupid dog! Put it back in me!” she mumbles, mouth full.

Too late, the truth dawns on her; the big Lab gathers himself and thrusts with all his strength to get back inside his steaming-hot mate. Judy’s asshole rips open and Judy screeches in sudden agony at this sudden shocking invasion of her hot plush body; Mutt doesn’t care except that this hole’s much tighter than the other one and he starts pounding away immediately. Judy whimpers around the cock still sliding through her mouth, her tits rubbing against Jeff’s furry stomach as the two dogs abuse their teenage mistress for their own pleasure.

Mutt’s spine curves into an s-shape as he buries his cock in the pinned girl’s hot tight bottom; he’s trying to give her his whole cock and both balls too. A startled look appears on the teen’s pretty face as the terrible, burning pain in her abused ass drowns in a fluid rush of pleasure from the two rampaging dogcocks and the long, agile doggy taster that’s sloshing through her empty, abandoned cuntpit. His furry black balls slap juicily against the black-haired girl’s open pussy, splattering her slippery fluids across the smaller dog’s muzzle as the Lab’s tempo increases yet again. He’s hammering her with buttock-flattening fury and Judy yelps as his rock-hard knot finally locks him into her stretched-out rectum; within seconds, she’s moaning happily as she climbs toward another climax. She sucks at the beagle’s cock like she’s trying to pull his balls right through his prick into her mouth while she shoves her hips up at the big black bestial lover behind her.

Still on the floor, Cody whines disappointedly at missing another chance at this hot little bitch; Judy looks at him and her soft little pussy gushes at the sight of his crimson-purple hardon hanging ready for action. ‘God! He got that in me! Ooh, no wonder I’m sore. That monster could tear a girl apart!’ she thinks before the sensations racing through her straining body drive her back into a frenzied striving for release. Humping vigorously, she can feel both of her canine lovers’ cocks expanding in her hot fluid holes and she gasps happily, knowing they’re all going to cum together.

Seconds later, Jeff’s saliva-coated red-purple rod jerks and spews a massive dose of hot, sticky slime deep in her clasping throat; that’s enough to set Judy off and her clasping anus locks down around the Lab’s hard cock, milking his animal sperm into her steaming-hot assguts. She thrashes and screams violently at the mind-bending orgasm wracking her plush teenage body for at least the fifth time in the last hour before she faints from the pure unadulterated pleasure flooding her senses.

She’s not out very long; the twist in her ass as Mutt dismounts while they’re still tied wakes her up and gives her another fast cum; Jeff is trying to twist out from under her weight, though his knot’s still trapped behind her pearly white teeth. Opening her mouth as wide as she can, Judy gingerly attempts to release the beagle’s knot; the strain is making her jaw ache and she feels almost suffocated trying to breathe with her mouth so full.

After a minute or so, Jeff pops free and she whimpers happily as she momentarily gulps air before pushing herself up enough to let her canine lover roll out from beneath her; he scrambles to his feet, shakes himself, and licks her cheek as if thanking her. Then she gasps as Mutt gives a hard yank to free himself; on the second try, he pops out of her abused little ass, leaving her gaping wide, and both dogs jump onto the floor and curl up to clean themselves. Judy collapses flat on the towel covering the bedspread ‘God! That was… incredible! I’m sooo sore! But it sure felt good!’ she thinks happily.

Then the bed jolts as Cody slams his front paws onto the edge; he wants another piece of her ass, as his throbbing purple dogcock makes perfectly clear. ‘Oh no! He’d… he’d wreck me! I’m already sooo sore down there, I can’t take any more fucking!’ Cody wants more, though, and his humping motions make it obvious he won’t take no for an answer. ‘Hmmm, I still don’t know what cum tastes like… ‘

That decides her: she snaps “Cody! Stay!” at the conveniently positioned cream and tan dog before wiggling under him on her back, sliding her legs out between his back feet and perching her soft little ass on a spare towel to soak up the overflow from her stretched holes. Gazing at the immense dogcock just inches from her face, she mumbles “Oh god, you’re HUGE. I hope you like this!” before taking a tentative lick at the throbbing meat. “Yummy!” There’s a different taste to his shaft and she giggles “That’s neat! I can taste ME on it!” She slurps his love-wand again. “I’m delicious!”

Cody humps impatiently, seeking a hot wet place to sink his burning shaft, and the pointed tip brushes the teenager’s red lips; she giggles and sucks at the tip like it’s a hot purple popsicle. A blob of clear pre-cum emerges from the tip and she swishes it around in her mouth like a connoisseur considering a fine wine before she swallows delightedly. “Yum!” The hard canine meat is too big to get all the way into her eager mouth, so she sucks eagerly on the first six inches, humming happily as the swollen hardness bumps the back of her throat.

The huge tan-and-white dog humps again and Judy gags violently; she thinks ‘I can’t take any more! And if I did, I wouldn’t be able to taste his cum! What can I… ‘ Then a strange idea pops into her fevered mind from things she’d overheard her girlfriends giggling about “titfucking”; if she did that, he’d cum on, not in, her and she’d be able to taste his hot canine sperm. The very idea makes her well-used pussy throb with pleasure; now, how to…

There! The milk-crates full of records and the board she put on top of them as a shelf will make a platform just the right height to let Cody straddle her tummy and ride between her full white titties. Sliding out from under her canine lover and dumping the records in the corner, the overheated teen sets the two-by-ten across the sturdy plastic crates and covers it with a towel to protect her soft creamy ass from slivers.

Flopping belly-up onto her improvised platform, she calls “Cody! Come here!” to the impatient, agitated dog; he looks at his young mistress quizzically and obeys, standing next to the strange contraption with a puzzled expression. Grabbing his hard rod, Judy pushes him back until his groin’s just below her breasts, then lifts his nearside leg until she can pull it up and over her flat tan belly; his claws leave red scratches on her soft skin, but he’s in the position she wants.

Getting the idea, her animal partner sidesteps so he’s squarely over his teenage mistress; she moans as his white belly fur rubs against her big boobs, stroking across her rock-hard nipples like a soft fuzzy hand. Pulling him a little closer to her head makes his enormous bestial fuckrod slide into the deep, soft valley between her lovely creamy tits; the horny teen smiles as the purple tip emerges from the pale flesh.

Feeling the satin pressure of her big titties closing around his swollen tool, Cody thrusts firmly forward until his baseball-sized knot slams into the sensitive undersides of her breasts. Judy gasps at the impact and hurriedly grabs to push her grapefruit-sized globes together around the slick purple fuckstick sliding back and forth between them in a slippery film of bestial precum. The slick friction and the soft white fur rubbing against her hard dark titty-tips starts her sore red pussy leaking again and she can feel the animal’s cum-filled furry balls stroking over her soft belly.

Happy now that he’s got his big girlfucker back in a warm slick place, her furry lover keeps humping as fast as he can; having to straddle her waist with his back legs stops him from reaching the usual blurring fucking-dog speed. The slower pace delights her as his powerful strokes stimulate her jiggling breasts and the knowledge that she’ll soon be soaked in fresh, hot dogjuice heats her up even more; she moans as she drops her head down to catch his cocktip in her mouth. The sudden moist heat increases the precum leaking from Cody; mouth full, Judy grins at the rich taste.

Abruptly she feels something hot and furry grab her waist again and a familiar hot slippery probe between her spread thighs; looking to the side, she sees Mutt watching interestedly, so it must be Jeff taking a turn on her thoroughly fucked cunny. Then he finds what he’s looking for, and Judy moans as he sinks his joystick full depth into her sloppy slot; she gasps as a second thrust pops his swollen knot in too. Moaning happily, she starts to return the eager beagle’s vigorous strokes as Cody slams into her breasts with increasing fury as he nears his cum, driven faster by the wet, vibrating heat of her cocksucking mouth.

The smaller dog is slamming into her dark-haired fuckhole faster and faster now as he rapidly builds to his climax; the sheer depravity of sucking and titfucking one dog while another one fucks her pussy is driving the slender teen to her own big cum as Cody leaks all over her tits and face. Hot thrills race up and down her well-stuffed young body as her rounded ass quivers like jello from the fucking and her big tits pulse and bulge erotically as her confining fingers dig deep into soft white titty meat.

Then Jeff howls his triumph as he rams into his dogfucking mistress’s womb and adds his hot animal sperm to the pool that’s already sloshing around in her belly; that scalding flow’s enough to trigger her own cum and she sucks even harder on Cody’s big hot pacifier. That sends him over the edge too, and he howls and spews his bestial seed into Judy’s mouth; after the first few squirts, she can’t swallow fast enough and has to let his still-spurting fucker pop out of her lips to soak her in his boiling cock-juice as she gasps for air.

The straining girl cums again from the taste of dog cum and the slick hot feel of it spraying her naked body inside and out; she collapses bonelessly in the afterglow as Cody finishes his cum and walks away leaving the beagle still stuck up her sore young cunt. Jeff pauses for a moment, licking at the sticky cock-cream soaking Judy’s big tits; she moans at the sensation and weakly pushes him away. Her feeble shove manages to topple her canine lover from his precarious perch between her widely splayed thighs; she squeals in pain as the fall pulls her off her perch before brutally yanking his hard dogknot from between her raw, swollen labia. Tumbling onto the floor, the linoleum feels icy against her flushed skin as she curls up with her hands cupping her used and abused mound.

After several minutes, she moans and opens her eyes. Looking around, she realizes that she’s a cummy mess, her room’s demolished, and the whole house must reek of hot cunt, sweat and dogcum. Luckily, she still has an hour to get cleaned up before anyone comes home; that should be just enough time, but only if she starts right now.

Mutt noses around her pussy; she pushes him away “NO! No more doggy games today! Bad dog!” Taken aback, he sits down and looks at her reproachfully. “No! You already got me twice, that’s enough!” She pauses. “Maybe later, when I’ve healed from today.” She grabs a towel and wipes her crotch, hissing and whimpering from the pain of the rough terrycloth rubbing across swollen, inflamed tissue, then smears the drippier dogcum on her face and tits around so it won’t drip off and make her have to clean the whole house. She leaves as much as she dares coating her skin in a sticky, rapidly drying film and matting in her long dark hair; it feels so erotic to know she’s literally covered in her lovers’ spendings.

Pushing herself upright, she commands “Okay, boys, OUT! I’ve got a lot of cleanup and you can’t be inside while I’m working.” The picture flashes across her mind of herself on hands and knees cleaning the floor and Cody or Mutt mounting her. She shivers and repeats “OUT!” then grabs Cody and Mutt by the collars, towing them to the back door with Jeff trailing contentedly along behind.

At the door, she abruptly realizes that she’s totally naked; after a moment, she opens the door just enough to push Cody out. Of course, as soon as he starts through, he shoves the door wide open; the other two dogs push past Judy, pinning her to the wall before leaving her standing in the afternoon light plainly visible to anyone outside until she can get the door shut again. Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be anybody in sight, but the risk still sends thrills chasing through her lushly slender body. “Oh god! How can I still be hot after getting fucked like that!?”

Dropping the matter with a shiver, she gets some roomspray and sprays the house to cover up the smell of what she’d done before mopping the cum off her bedroom floor; naked housework turns her on again, but her pussy’s too sore to touch. With that done, she throws all the towels in the washer and starts it before damp-mopping her bedroom and putting the milk-crates and plank back.

The washer’s still running, so she can’t shower yet without getting scalded; while she’s waiting, she burns a little incense to help cover the smell of cunt and cum that permeates the house. That seems to work, and she has everything done and has showered before her brother and sister come home to find her watching TV while running laundry. She’d even started the dinner preparations like her mother asked her to.

For the next week she walks bow-legged when she thinks nobody’s watching.

The End

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