Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Valentines Day Chef 4.9 (50)

Chapter One His name was Charlie, and he owned a nice little upscale restaurant up in the mountains, nestled away. One of his passions was rescuing animals, which was a popular thing with the ladies, what with his being single and all. But more than anything, his real passion was watching women have sex with […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
Tagged: , , 1 Comment on Belly Riding – Professional 4.8 (59)

Belly Riding – Professional 4.8 (59)

This is my 29th story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or […] read