Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Valentines Day Chef


Chapter One

His name was Charlie, and he owned a nice little upscale restaurant up in the mountains, nestled away. One of his passions was rescuing animals, which was a popular thing with the ladies, what with his being single and all. But more than anything, his real passion was watching women have sex with horses. So after rescuing a few horses from a shelter who had found them being neglected, he decided that he had to give them a new life, and some happiness. Now the trick was to find an excuse to get someone to have sex with his horses.

He got the idea to somehow incorporate horse semen into his menu, but he had no idea how he could get away with it. He brought in his executive Chef, a pretty woman in her mid 30’s named, Kim. She had long blond hair, pretty blue eyes, nice breasts and a fun personality. She liked drinking beer after the night was over, and she swore like a sailor. Naturally, Charlie daydreamed about her all the time, as all the guys did.

Kim had a few extra pounds on her, that she had no doubt gotten from years in the kitchen and having had a son, but she was still gorgeous, and right up Charlie’s alley. As Kim came in, Charlie asked her to sit down, “I’ve been thinking about doing something special for Valentine’s day. Something… unusual.”

Kim smiled, “Okay, like what?”

Charlie stroked a pencil through the air as if he were just coming up with this idea and spit balling as he talked, “Well, I need something to get the crowds going. You know, something that will get the press all riled up.”

Kim nodded and in her relaxed style she enthusiastically said, “Totally, it would be fun to shake things up.”

Charlie nodded, “That’s what I was thinking.”

Kim shrugged, “So what is it? It sounds like you already had an idea.” Charlie thought for a moment, wondering how Kim would take it. It had taken a lot of courage to come up with this plan. It was now or never.

He took a deep breath and finally spit it out, “Horse semen.”

Kim’s eyes were wide and in an amused voice she asked, “What?! Horse semen?”

Charlie nodded, seriously, “Yes. Horse semen. You heard me right.”

Kim put her hand over her mouth and laughed, “Oh my God, that’s so gross!”

Charlie shrugged, “I know it sounds gross, but is it really any more gross than squid ink or rocky mountain oysters when you really think about it?”

Kim stopped laughing and thought for a minute, “You know… I guess not when I think about it. I mean, yeah, it’s gross, but no more gross than any other part of an animal people eat, I guess. It’s still funny though.”

Charlie handed her a few printouts from some websites he had visited, “Here, check this out. There was a team of people in New Zealand’s Hokitika Wildfoods festival that served up horse semen shots. People bought a ton of $10 shots of cherry, licorice, banoffee pie flavored and well… original flavor.”

Kim’s eyes were huge, “Whoah… I hadn’t heard about this.”

Charlie continued, “I guess they gave them an energy drink afterwards to make it more paletable. But even the mayor of the town lined up to get her shot of horse semen.”

Kim was in shock, “Wow.” She thumbed through the pages.

He nodded and handed her a few more printouts, “And check this out, a pub in Wellington named Green Man Pub started serving Hoihoi tatea. It’s apple infused horse semen shots. People bought a lot of this stuff. But more importantly it brought in a crowd. People love the bizarre, and if we make it a delicacy it’s sure to create some buzz.”

Charlie didn’t want to admit he just wanted to feed horse semen to as many people as possible, and he wanted Kim to fuck a horse in the process. Kim thumbed through all the printouts, “Wow, I just had no idea anyone actually drank horse semen. Seriously. Wow.”

Charlie sat back and said, “Would you?”

Kim looked up, “Hmm?”

Charlie looked her dead in the eye, “Would you drink horse semen if it were being served?”

Kim laughed and looked around, embarrassed, “I dunno. Maybe.”

Charlie could feel his penis hardening as he watched Kim squirm in her chair. “Good! Then we should do it.”

Kim started getting practical, “Where are we going to get the horse semen from?”

Charlie nodded, “I have two stallions that I bought. They’re rescue horses. We can say that all proceeds go towards the animal shelter. That’s what the guys at the Wildfood booth did – they gave the money to charity. We’ll make enough off of the buzz and future business that it’ll be worth it.” Charlie didn’t really care about the money, he was wealthy without worrying about extra buzz, but Kim didn’t need to know that.

Kim nodded, still unsure, “Okay… I guess that’ll work.”

Charlie smiled, “So the real question is, do you think you can make something that people will want to eat for Valentine’s day… from horse semen?”

Kim smirked and bit her lip gently before answering, “I think I can come up with something.”

Charlie smiled, “That’s my girl! We have a couple months before Valentine’s day, so I’d like you to start thinking about it. I’ll bring one of the stallions over tomorrow.”

Kim nodded, “Okay.”


Chapter Two

Charlie tied up the stallion out back after unloading him from the trailer. He brought the gentler stallion who had been meant to ride, but the old guy who had owned him had gotten ill and had all but stopped taking care of the both the stallions that Charlie had adopted. So the stallions were nice and gentle with people, but they had been malnourished for a few months until they were rescued by Charlie. He went inside and found Kim and said, “Can you come out back? I have a surprise for you.”

She followed him and sure enough, there was a stallion, just as he had promised. Kim’s face lit up, “Wow, he’s big! And pretty.”

Charlie was proud, “Yep, he is the smaller one of the two, if you can believe that.”

Kim asked, “What’s his name?”

Charlie smiled, “Moonglow. The other stallion is named Big Ben – I think he was supposed to be a racing horse so he got a racing horse name. But Moonglow here is gentle and I think someone meant to ride him, although why you’d ever want to ride a stallion, I’ll never know.”

Kim nodded, “Okay, so what do I do?”

Charlie shrugged, “I guess you should get a bowl of some kind and jerk him off into it. We can figure something better out later, but just so you can get started.”

She nodded, “I’ve never masturbated a horse before.”

Charlie smirked, “I guess it’s like juicing an orange or something – it’s just a matter of what you need to extract. Just be gentle and I’m sure he’ll cum. Or, what am I saying, it’s just jerking a penis – you’ve probably done THAT before, right?” Kim nodded. Charlie looked at his watch. He wanted to pretend that this was no big deal. The last thing he wanted to do was make Kim feel uncomfortable and stand over her letcherously, “Okay, I gotta run. I’ll be back around 6 tonight to pick him up. Have fun!”

Kim nodded, “Uhm… Okay. I’ll try!”


Chapter Three

That evening Charlie drove back to the restauraunt to pick up the stallion. Kim was pleased to see Charlie, “Hey!”

Charlie loved her smile, “Hey yourself! Make any progress?”

Kim smiled brightly, “I sure did. I managed to masturbate him. That was a lot more work than I thought it would be. I really worked up a sweat! But I managed to get about a cup of semen to work with. That’s not a lot of liquid though. So making recipies with semen is going to be tough unless we either dilute it, or don’t use much.”

Charlie nodded, “Remember, we have two stallions to work with.”

Kim nodded, “Yeah, but even still… Well, if you do the math, we can probably only masturbate each horse five or six times a day. Then if you multiply that times two…. at most we’re talking about 2/3rd of a gallon.”

Charlie thought for a second, “What if we freeze some of it?” Kim thought for a second, “Sure, we could freeze some for use in baking or as an ingredient, and we can use fresh horse semen for use directly on the food after it has been prepared, or as a beverage.”

Charlie smiled, “Now you’re thinking. So any ideas on what you want to make?”

Kim thought for a moment, “I think it would be easiest to do a desert. Or better yet, a series of desert option from the horse semen Valentine’s day menu. We can create a little insert, just for deserts that have horse semen as a component of them.”

Charlie nodded, “That sounds perfect. Now, for the all important question. Did you taste it?”

Kim blushed, “A Chef has to taste her recipies before she serves them to other people, doesn’t she?”

Charlie tried not to groan and start rubbing his cock as he said, “Yes, she does.” He swallowed and smiled.

She smiled back, “Well, okay then!”

Charlie was intrigued, “And how did he taste?”

She ignored the fact that Charlie had said the word ‘he’ instead of ‘it’ as she replied, “It was a little watery… more so than human semen. I dunno, it wasn’t bad. I wouldn’t mind having more. But it’s definitely an acquired taste.”

Charlie corrected her, “A delicasy.”

Kim smiled, “Yes, sorry.”

Charlie was very hard as he listened to Kim talk. He smirked, “Well, you are on your way. So I guess the next thing we need to do is pick a Valentine’s day menu.”

Kim nodded, “Yes, I’m going to need more semen. A lot more. Can you bring the stallion in again every day for a while? It’s going to take some time to try out these recipies. Once we know that, we’ll know how much we need for the menu.”

Charlie nodded, “Of course.”


Chapter Four

After a few weeks of testing Kim was ready to start showcasing her Valentine’s menu items for Charlie. She proudly brought in a tray into his office and put it down. In front of him were a bevvy of beautiful looking desert items. Of course, Charlie knew they were all laced with animal semen. But it was unclear in what way, which was great. There was only one desert that seemed to be literally glazed with horse cum and it was dripping off the sides. Kim smiled and in a more formal way than normal she said, “Here you are, sir… your desert tray!”

Charlie played along, “And what did you make for me today?”

Kim bubbled over with delight in explaining her newest menu, “Well, that’s a good question, going around the tray, you have horse-semen meringue pie, horse-semen cheesecake, raspberry horse-semen tart…”

Charlie cut her off, “What is this on top?”

Kim smiled, “Oh, I drizzled a nice helping of semen on top to glaze it over. I thought it looked pretty like that, oozing off the sides. It almost looks like icing. I thought about mixing it with sugar to make it a semen icing but I decided against it. It tastes good enough without it. Honestly, the raspberry is strong enough that the semen is somewhat subtle.”

Charlie nodded, “It looks great.”

She smiled, “Moving on, this one is iced horse-semen Sunday with semen whipped into a nice foam. And in the center here, is the ubiquitous horse-semen cream pie. The cream pie is just horse semen whipped with a bit of whole milk to make it stiff, inside of a graham cracker crust. Oh, and of course, here is your after dinner shot glass of warm semen to wash it down or as an Aperitif.”

She handed Charlie a milky looking glass of slightly warm horse semen. Charlie held it up to the light, “Wow, is this fresh?”

She nodded and almost as if she should be wearing a cute army uniform she said in a fun formal way, “Yes, sir. I masturbated him a few minutes ago. You’re feeling the warmth from his prostate through the glass. It’s a cool effect, huh? I didn’t even have to warm it at all. It was literally inside an animal just under ten minutes ago. I just kept it under a warm light until I served it so it didn’t cool.”

Charlie swallowed as he thought about her masturbating the stallion just minutes ago as he noticed that her hands were spotless, but there was a noticeable splatter of something that looked like semen across one of her sleeves. He decided she must have washed up before serving him. Charlie pointed to the shot glass in his other hand, “Isn’t that going to be difficult to do when we have to serve it up to our guests?”

Kim nodded, “Yes, but we can make them order it ahead of time, like we do with our Souffle. Twenty minutes should be fine. We will have enough time to masturbate the horse and that should make 4 or 5 shots. Any left overs we can use to glaze the raspberry mousse. Warm horse semen on a raspberry tart? I think people will love the freshness of it. First come, first serve.”

Charlie nodded, as he said, “Okay, I’m going to try it. Here goes nothing.” He quickly took the shot of horse semen. It was a strange texture, like egg whites and had a peculiar taste. But it wasn’t that bad.

Kim smiled, “Well? What do you think?”

Charlie smiled, “I think your hard work paid off! That wasn’t bad at all. And now I can say I’ve drank horse semen. Or you can tell people that you fed me horse cum to get back at me.”

Kim laughed, “I’m sure that’s just what you want me going around telling people. Try some of the deserts. Then you can say you’ve eaten it too.”

Charlie took the fork on the tray and tried some of each. The semen was very delicately folded into each of the different deserts. There was an unmistakable semen flavor in each of them, he noticed and commented about as much, to which Kim said, “I know, but I wanted the taste of the semen to come through. We’re doing this for the animal shelter, right? I wanted to celebrate the animals. I didn’t want to dilute it too much. If you can’t taste the horse ejaculate I don’t think I’ve done my job.”

Charlie smiled as he finished a bite of the cream pie, “Excellent thinking. Well, I liked all of them.”

Kim smiled, “Great! I’m so glad! Which ones were your favorite?” Charlie thought the semen cream pie tasted the most like horse semen. It was a tossup for the horse-semen mousse and the raspberry mousse for second place, so those would naturally be his favorite since he wanted people to eat a lot of the horse semen. But he knew better. Having been in business for many years he knew that he had to shoot for the stars.

Charlie thought for a moment and said, “No, I like them all. Let’s do all of them.”

Kim’s eyes were wide as she dropped her formal tone, “Wait, this took a looong time to do, Charlie. I don’t think we can get this much semen together for a run, even if it only lasted a couple days.”

Charlie didn’t want to compromise, “You can freeze some, right?”

Kim protested, “Yes, but even if we froze a few gallons of semen over the preceding several days and milked another three quarters of a gallon the night we did this special menu… I’d have to be masturbating both of those horses pretty much solid for a few days straight. I get tired just after doing it once or twice. I can’t imagine. Plus it’s really messy to use that bowl – it splashes out of it because he cums so hard, and hard to clean up.”

Charlie sat back and thought for a moment, “Have you thought about other ways you can extract it?”

Kim’s eyes narrowed, “Like what?”

Charlie paused for a second, thinking about whether he wanted to risk offending Kim or not. She had masturbated a stallion to orgasm several times to make this food, so he decided it was okay, “Well, there’s a Brazilian custom where women ride under stallions. They impale themselves on them and ride them around. It’s called belly riding.”

Kim was stunned, “WHAT?! You’re shitting me.”

Charlie nodded, “I know, it sounds crazy… but something to think about.”

She shook her head, “Something to think about?! What?”

Charlie could sense that she was going to start protesting and he wanted to stop the conversation short before she had a chance to say no, “I’ll make some printouts for you that you can read. In the mean-time, if that doesn’t make sense, you’ll have to come up with some way to masturbate the horses for a few days straight.”

Kim could sense that Charlie wanted her to leave so she grabbed the tray, the fork and the empty shot and hurried out as Charlie turned to his computer. As the day neared it’s end, Charlie walked by the kitchen with almost an inch of printouts of various belly riding stories he had found on the Internet. Kim’s eyes were wide. She was expecting a few printouts not hundreds of pages, “What’s this?”

Charlie sternly said, “Some belly riding material for you. As you can see it’s a pretty wildly discussed topic, and there’s a lot written about it. This isn’t even everything. I’ll leave it by your purse in the back. Let me know what you think.”

Kim nodded, a bit unsure “Okay, thanks, Charlie!” Charlie couldn’t hardly sleep that night. He was so turned on, thinking about the fact that Kim was reading horse porn that he had given her. But he managed to doze off after masturbating a few times.


Chapter Five

Charlie was in his office early the next day. Kim walked in as soon as she came in and closed the door, “Got a sec?”

Charlie smiled sensing a bit of urgency in her hushed voice, “Sure, sit down.”

Kim sat down and said flatly, “I read what you gave me last night. Not all of it. There was too much to read all of it. But I read a lot.”

Charlie nodded, “Okay?”

Kim paused, “I just need to get one thing straight… By giving this to me…” She paused again but continued shortly after thinking about it, “…am I to understand you would actually be okay with me having sex with a horse.”

Charlie shrugged, “I don’t see that we have an option if we want to make this menu work.”

Kim paused a second and said, “Yes, but to be clear, after I have sex with the horse, I’d be serving up his semen to our customers after it drained out of me? Or am I totally misunderstanding what you’re asking? Because if I am, please tell me now.”

Charlie nodded, “Hmm, good point. You’re right, it would be draining out of you. And people would be eating fluids that had drained out of your pussy.”

Kim nodded, sensing that it was all a misunderstanding, “Right?”

Charlie smiled, “That’s an interesting way of putting it. Don’t think like an American for a moment. Look, you’re a culinary artist. Belly riding is a Brazilian traditional method of riding, not some way for girls to simply get themselves off. In fact, belly riders have to endure a great deal of humiliation in the process of learning their art. It’s something Brazilian wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, religious women and even business women undertake. It’s been passed down from generations of girls from their Mothers and now it’s practiced in many places all over the world. You are helping to bring South American customs to the uncultured and uninitiated Americans. Simultaneously, you would be embarking in a marriage of South American customs combined with Oceania cuisine. Our customers would delight in the spectacle. That’s something any Chef should be proud of.”

She swallowed, “I know but how will me having sex with horses help?”

Charlie nodded, “Because even if you only manage to get the horses to orgasm a few times over the evening once you get used to riding, that’s a few more cups of horse semen we can feed to our guests.”

She shook her head, “I can’t… I mean… people won’t eat it after it’s been inside of me…”

Charlie shrugged, “I would. I’d eat anything that came out of you if you served it to me like these deserts. They’re all amazing and delicious. In fact the only thing that could make them better is if you had milked them with your pelvis, vagina and labia, instead of your hand.” She looked at him wide eyed, not knowing what to say. Clearly this was crossing the line, but Charlie wasn’t going to back down. He was close, he could feel it.

Charlie could sense that deep down she wanted to, but she could never admit it. But he didn’t need her to admit it, he just needed her to do it. She was the kind of girl who needed to be pushed into the idea. Charlie decided to push further, sensing her hesitance, “Look if you can’t cut it, let me know, and I’ll find another executive Chef for this menu. I can’t fire you so I’ll have to find someone else temporarily. I need this to go off without a hitch, and I need you to give me your all. So what do you say? Are you with me?”

He knew he was absolutely stepping over the line and she could sue him but she wasn’t that kind of girl. She looked like a deer in headlights. He knew she had a family and needed the money. And he knew he could go to jail for even hinting at threatening to fire an employee who wasn’t willing to commit an act of bestiality and feed the aftermath to his patrons. But he didn’t care. Kim began to flush, “Uh… I need to think about it. I don’t know what my Husband or Son would say… I think they’d disown me. Is it even legal?”

Charlie smiled, “It’s not legal everywhere, but in this state there’s no law against bestiality. So you should be okay. Listen, why don’t you bring your Son and Husband by my house tomorrow night. We’re closed on Mondays anyway, so it’s perfect. We can tell them our plan together, if that will make you feel better.”

She seemed slightly relieved to put this decision off, “Okay… tomorrow night.”

Charlie wrote down his address on a slip of paper and handed it to Kim and said, “Relax, it’ll be fine. See you tomorrow night after dinner – say around 8 for a nightcap?”

She stood up and nodded looking through Charlie as if she were trying to picture what it would be like to tell her Husband and Son that she might have to fuck a couple of horses, “Okay, see you then.”


Chapter Six

Kim showed up with her husband, Lenny and her Son, Rich in tow. Charlie introduced himself and invited them into the house. Lenny was a thin man, who was clearly overwhelmed by Charlie’s rather extravagant mountain home. To say Lenny was awestruck was to understate the situation. Rich looked like his father, only younger, and less impressed, as young men tend to be. Charlie invited them into his den. There were a series of overstuffed leather chairs. Charlie had a bottle of scotch and champagne on ice, ready to serve. He poured Lenny a glass of scotch, and Kim a glass of champagne. To Rich, who was only 18, Charlie gave some water.

Once everyone was settled, Charlie started asking about the family and how they met, and general niceties. It was pleasant. Charlie was just waiting for the right moment to tell them about the plan that Kim and Charlie had put together. After a few drinks, Charlie said after a long sigh, “So, Lenny, I bet you’re wondering why I wanted to meet you.”

Lenny smiled, “Yeah, the thought had crossed my mind.”

Charlie nodded, “It’s been a few years that Kim has been working for me. She’s worked her way up to Executive Chef, and I’ve started putting more burdens on her in the role. She’s doing a great job, but as always, I’m trying to come up with ways to really bring the restaurant to new levels. Kim has been helping me come up with a special Valentine’s day menu. It’s going to blow everyone’s mind. I’ve already started leaking it to the press, and they’re going to start writing stories about in a few weeks once fall sets in.”

Lenny nodded, “Sounds exciting!”

Charlie nodded and flatly said, “Yes, we’re serving horse semen infused deserts.”

Both Lenny’s face and Rich’s face showed expressions of complete shock as they processed what he had just said. Rich was the first to say, “Horse semen?!”

Lenny just said, “What?!”

Charlie smiled, “Yes, tell them what you’re making for the restaurant, Kim. Lenny, you’re going to love this…”

Kim took a sip of champagne, and cleared her throat. She clearly hadn’t expected to be the one to have to say anything. She probably hoped that Charlie would do all the talking, “Yes, well… I’ve come up with a menu of horse-semen meringue pie. It’s just normal meringue, whipped together with horse semen. Uhm, horse-semen cheesecake, which is just as sweet as normal cheesecake, but with a strong taste of horse semen. Then I’m making raspberry horse-semen tart, which is covered in a fresh horse semen glaze. I’m making an iced horse-semen Sunday which has horse semen blended with the iced cream and is topped with semen whip, which is just lightly whipped horse semen and milk. And last, but not least is the horse-semen cream pie, which is a play on words – you know, like cream pie – but it’s just a normal cream pie with about half and half semen to milk ratio.”

Charlie added, “And don’t forget the shots…”

Kim nodded, “Oh yeah, and freshly milked horse semen shots. They’ll still be nice and warm when our guests drink them.”

Rich shook his head, “Ewwww, Mom! That’s so nasty!”

Lenny shook his head, “Now, Rich, behave!” Lenny looked around and cleared his throat and shot a glance at Charlie and then to the ground as if to buy some time, “That is… interesting, I’ll give you that. I’m sure it will be… well, I’m sure lots of people will be interested in it.”

Charlie had pegged Lenny for exactly what he was – a yes man. Lenny would do anything Charlie asked, because Charlie was the guy who paid his Wife and clearly his house was intimidating to someone who barely scraped by. He was a wimp. Charlie wondered how that worked. Kim was clearly submissive, but Charlie was a complete pushover.

Charlie said, “Great, so Kim and I had an idea to bring some South American customs into it as well. Kim, why don’t you explain that?”

Kim was wide eyed. She was clearly hoping that Charlie would explain it by the expression on her face, “Oh? Me? Oh, okay… well… in Brazil they have a custom that is passed down from Mother to Daughter. The lore goes, that a woman who was slighted by an unfaithful man took a horse as a lover to prove she no longer needed her unfaithful husband. However it started, apparently woman ride under them all day while having sex with them. It sounds crazy, but apparently it’s true and happens a lot. I read up on it.”

Lenny’s face was in shock. Rich was the first to say, “What the fuck are you talking about Mom?”

Lenny barked, “Rich, watch your mouth!”

Clearly Rich was the only one in the house that stood up for himself, Charlie noticed. It was interesting to see the dynamic. Charlie interrupted, “As you’ve probably figured out by now, your Mother is considering using a customary Brazilian belly riding technique to extract the horse semen for the dishes. We figured that it would be too difficult to extract it manually, so she’ll be belly riding, for… what did we say? A few days?”

Kim swallowed and looked over at Lenny as she said, “Yes, I’ll be belly riding for a few days, so that we can get enough semen for a single day limited run of the menu on Valentine’s day. I’ll have to switch horses a few times a day, but I can probably get someone to help me. It’s not sustainable long term unless we had at least a few women belly riding full time and probably 8 or more horses, assuming no one ever took vacations or got sick or anything. If you wanted to do it like the women do in Brazil and stay tied to the horse all day, it would take probably six or more women. That won’t work with the menu we have, even for just a single day. We could freeze more semen, but I hate doing that and it would take even longer because it doesn’t reconstitute quite the same. It doesn’t taste quite right after freezing when you drink it straight.”

Charlie said, “That would cost way too much to have all those women too, we need you.”

She nodded, “Yep. The only way we can do it with just one belly rider is to freeze a lot of it ahead of time and then only offer a limited number of fresh horse semen shots.”

Lenny swallowed, “Oh.”

Kim reached over the overstuffed chair and gently touched Lenny’s hand, which was on his arm of his chair. It was nice seeing her be so gentle with Lenny as she said, “You okay?” He nodded, not saying anything.

Charlie decided it was his turn, “It’s only a few days. Look, Lenny, Kim told me she’d do whatever you said. She really respects you and your opinion. If you don’t want her to do it, we’ll all respect that decision. But I think this town and our restaurant could really use something like this. It would be a huge boost to our business, and your wife’s career. She’ll be nationally renowned Chef. Imagine what this could do for you and your family! We’ll do whatever you want though. What do you say, Lenny?”

Lenny snapped out of a moment of deep and probably unhappy thought as he said, “No, I mean, sure, whatever you need to do.”

Everyone was absolutely shocked to hear him say that. Rich shook his head, “What?! You can’t Mom have sex with a horse, Dad. Jesus.”

Lenny was firm, “It’s not sex like human sex, Rich, you heard them. It’s a cultural thing. No, I made up my mind. I think this is a good thing for the family. People will write stories about you, Kim. That’s wonderful. And I stand by you all the way, honey.” Kim was in shock. It was clear she hadn’t expected to get the thumbs up.

Charlie decided to throw a little dart at Rich as he winked, “Don’t worry, champ, we’ll make sure you get a taste.” Rich scowled, but said nothing. Charlie raised his glass not waiting for anyone to say anything negative, “Great! It’s settled then. Here’s to Kim, the most amazing and innovative Chef in the world!” Kim clearly wasn’t so sure this was such a good idea, and Lenny only halfheartedly raised his glass. But Charlie couldn’t care less, his dream was one step closer to reality. Charlie smiled and said, “We should probably get everything ready. So maybe a few practice runs before the big event, so we can iron the kinks out.”

Kim nodded, “We’ll need the belly riding saddle and the shots to keep the horses erect. And I’ll need help getting saddled and unsaddled.”

Charlie nodded, “Right, lots of planning to do. But for now, here.”

He poured another glass of champagne into her glass with a big smile. She smiled, a little tentatively and raised her glass, “Cheers.” She swallowed hard, no doubt in deep thought about what was about to happen.


Chapter Seven

The press was all over Charlie when the news broke. It went far and wide, reaching all corners of the state. People were surprisingly amused by the whole thing. Charlie at first wasn’t sure that it was a good idea to explain how they were going to extract the semen, but people wanted to know, so Charlie began quietly leaking that information out too, telling people to be careful who they told, but the Executive Chef herself was going to mate with the stallions to extract each ejaculate one at a time for Valentine’s day. The press simply ate it up. Calls were made, and even a visit from the police when someone gossiped that Charlie must be using prostitutes.

The Deputy laughed when he found out that the chef herself was going to be doing the ‘milking’ and apologized for the inconvenience. After all it was legal and as long as no minors were involved, it was consensual and the people buying it knew what they were buying who was he to get in the way?

The day was quickly approaching when Kim would have to start the process of milking the horses. Charlie had purchased a belly riding saddle and the appropriate shots months before his plan came into play just for such an occasion. Kim was still decidedly nervous though, “I don’t know about all of this, Charlie,” she said, holding herself, like a little girl who had been yelled at on the playground.

Charlie smiled, “Don’t worry, you’ll do great.”

Kim said, “It’s just… so many people are going to see me. The entire staff. I started working out like crazy so I’ll look good naked. That reminds me, I need to shave too. I never have shaved… down there… before.”

Charlie shook his head, “No, don’t. I hear belly riders like it better with hair.”

Kim protested, “But won’t it be unsanitary? What if someone gets a pussy hair in their shot, or on their tart or something?”

Charlie smiled, “That’s what your sues chefs are for. They can pick through and remove anything that doesn’t look like the final food product. Just like de-boning a fish fillet.”

Kim nodded, “Or removing quills from a duck. Okay, yeah, sure. Good. I didn’t really want to shave anyway. They should be straining and mixing all of the product anyway to make sure it’s an even consistency.”

Charlie laughed, “Yup. And don’t worry about shaving. One less thing to do tomorrow!”

Kim sighed, “Yeah, taking care of the kitchen and… being under a horse at the same time… that’s… going to be interesting.”

Charlie smiled, “You have great sues-chefs, they can handle themselves. They know the menu, they know what you want. Now it’s just time for them to execute on what you’ve taught them. Don’t worry. The restaurant is in good hands. And you can always take breaks between the horses and check on things too.”

Kim nodded, “You’re right. Okay. Thanks, I’m just getting really nervous is all. The press… the… the staff… everyone is just… looking at me.”

Charlie laughed, “Think they’re looking at you now! Just wait until tomorrow! Don’t worry, I didn’t schedule any press for tomorrow, so you’ll have a day to acclimate.”

Kim nodded, and swallowed, “Okay. Thanks.” She didn’t sound very thankful, this whole thing was understandably stressing her out.


Chapter Eight

The next day Charlie showed up with the two horses in his trailer and hitched them into a small shack that was usually used for storing extra chairs and tables, and other non-consumables, but had been cleared out to be the place where Charlie’s belly rider, Kim, could have sex with stallions in peace. There were a few windows, but really it was very utilitarian. However, it was easily spacious enough to fit nearly a dozen belly riders if he had them.

The important part was that it was nicely heated – a feature that was important in case they ever wanted to store plants back there in the winter time, because they’d freeze. For this week’s purposes it was important because it was a little chilly.

One of the sues-chefs, Elloise, was waiting with Charlie for Kim to arrive. Elloise was a short brunette girl, very petite and fit, and a great chef. Charlie wanted one of the other chefs to help with the tasks related to collecting the semen and helping Kim as she got ready. It was cold though, so everyone was bundled up in sweaters and winter jackets… everyone, except, of course, Kim.

Kim shivered as she walked into the shack in the back of the restaurant, wearing a thin top and shorts, “I don’t know what I was thinking wearing this. My mind must have been elsewhere.” She didn’t even say hello. Clearly her brain was in a knot as she eyed the two stallions that Charlie had already saddled. They were ready for Kim, but she clearly wasn’t ready for them.

Charlie smiled, “You were probably thinking about these big fellas, weren’t you? Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty warm when you get under them, and I’ll turn up the heat a bit so you won’t get too cold.”

Kim nodded, “Thanks.”

Charlie smiled, “Okay, go ahead, get undressed.”

Kim looked at Charlie somewhat frightened, “While you both watch?”

Charlie laughed, “Yes, that’s sorta a requirement. I’m going to have to saddle you up, remember? And Elloise will help after I’m gone. I set up a CCTV camera up there so I can watch you from the office and the other chefs can from the kitchen too, so if anything goes wrong, one of us can come out quickly.”

Kim nodded, “Oh, right.”

Charlie concluded, “Safety first.”

Elloise smiled, “I’ll just watch to get it right the first time and then Charlie wants me to help you the rest of the time.”

Kim nodded, shivering once more, “Right. Thanks.” She tied her hair up into a bun and tucked a few stray hairs behind her ears before she took a deep breath and said, “Okay, here goes.” Kim grabbed her tee-shirt and pulled it up and over her head, leaving her standing there in shorts, tennis shoes and a white, flimsy, semi see-through, lace bra.

She laughed at herself, “Tada!!!” She raised her arms up to both sides, as if she were in a fashion show.

Charlie smiled, savoring every inch of Kim’s skin. She had lost a few pounds during her workouts but she was already amazing looking without bothering, “Nice, okay, hurry it up, Kim.”

Kim nodded, reaching behind her and unfastening her bra strap. The clasp came free and she slowly pulled off her bra, exposing what Charlie suddenly decided were the most perfectly shaped breasts he had ever seen. He knew she had big breasts – a fact her bras and after-work clothes typically flaunted actually. But her breasts were large, sumptuous and totally real. They were peaked by medium sized aureolas with tiny nipples at the very end. She could have been a pinup model.

Her breasts seemed to exaggerate every single movement she made, jiggling and shaking as she undid her shorts and pushed them down over her butt. Charlie was amazed how pretty Kim was naked, as she stepped out of her shorts. But he was in for a nice surprise as she pulled down her matching white lace thong and exposed a beautiful thatch of light brown pubic hair. Her body was incredible.

She wasn’t skinny, she was actually quite voluptuous, but it suited her, as she stepped out of her panties, getting them stuck on her tennis shoe, slightly exposing the moist labia hidden between the thick tumble of pubic hair. She blushed, “Wow, you guys, take a picture, it’ll last longer.”

Elloise laughed, “You look amazing, Kim, wow. You go girl!” The stretch marks from giving birth to Rich 18 years earlier weren’t even noticeable. She was a 36 year old goddess.

Charlie agreed, “It’s more that… wow… you’re stunning, Kim. Absolutely gorgeous. But… don’t worry about getting pictures, the paper will be here tomorrow and we’ll get plenty of good pictures of you. I want a picture of you with that stallion hanging on my wall in my office.”

Kim laughed, “God, I don’t know if I could sit and talk to you with a straight face with a picture like that hanging up.”

Charlie smirked, “Well, I guess you’ll have to stand then.” He winked at her.

Kim blushed and looked at the stallions, knowing what came next. She stalled saying, “I think I’ll leave my shoes on, it’s warming up already, but it’s chilly and they’re comfortable.” She massaged her huge breasts, one in each hand, not knowing quite what to do with her hands.

Charlie could sense that she wanted to get the proverbial show on the road. He smiled and said, “Okay, just worm your way up into the saddle… it’s a little funky, I know, but just put your head here, next to Moonglow’s hindquarters, and work your way up to his front legs.”

Kim nodded, knowing what to do, but still appreciating the advice. Since she had been given this assignment, she had read every single story ever written about belly riding, so she was prepared for this. Or at least, she was as prepared as she could be. She did as she was told and make the awkward limbo move to get into the saddle.

It took quite a bit of struggling and moving her body like a worm in the tight quarters of the horse’s underbelly, but she managed to get herself situated. She raised her legs and arms to be fastened, which gave Charlie a spectacular view of her pussy. She smiled, “Okay, strap me in, boss.”

Charlie smiled, “Say no more.” He walked around and began fastening her ankles and wrists to the side of the stallion’s body. She pulled gently to get a feel for how tightly she was held into place, and she nodded, satisfied that she wasn’t going anywhere. Charlie asked, “Too tight?”

Kim shook her head, “No, it’s perfect. The leather is cold, but it’ll warm up, I’m sure. It’s soft though, which is nice. I was worried it would hurt.” Charlie couldn’t believe how amazing she looked on her back. Her breasts were just spectacular, even as they hung to the sides, slightly flat, but still extremely beautiful. They jiggled as she got situated.

Charlie was losing his concentration as he smiled, “Nothing but the finest lether bonds for my executive chef!”

Charlie talked Elloise through the process of buckling the straps and then pulled out the box of shots. Charlie showed Elloise how to administer the shots, which he really only knew from reading veterinarian books. Kim’s pussy was wet and engorged. She was clearly extremely turned on. Both Charlie and Elloise could smell her dampness. She was in heat, and she was clearly looking forward to this.

Charlie couldn’t help but point it out, “Look how swollen Kim’s pussy is.”

Elloise looked closer, “Oh, yeah, she’s steamy.”

Kim blushed hard, “Guys!”

Charlie snickered, “Sorry, I just saw your clit poking out and I couldn’t help myself.”

Kim groaned, “Okay, stop it. This is embarrassing enough as it is. Hurry it up.”

Charlie smirked as he quietly, stood up, “Okay, Elloise, just start masturbating the stallion.”

Elloise’s eyes looked big as she didn’t realize she was going to have to do that. Charlie egged her on, “Go on, it’s not going to bite. You just have to get him erect and into Kim. She’ll do the rest.” He was lying of course, Elloise would also have to help Kim in the semen collection process, and he’d have to help her extract herself from the stallion move to the other stallion several times a day. But best of all, Charlie was going to watch one girl masturbate a stallion and watch another have sex with one.

Elloise nodded, without saying a word and started masturbating the horse on her Boss’ command. After a few seconds of her gently fondling the horse’s sheath the giant animal’s phallus began to distend out and drop down. Elloise was quick and grabbed the horse’s penis and aimed it at Kim’s open pussy, without actually putting it in.

Kim looked down her body and egged Elloise on, “You’ll have to put it in, I don’t have any leverage.”

Elloise swallowed, “Oh. Sorry. Okay.” She began to push the flat face of the horse’s head against Kim’s wet pussy. It immediately slid off, causing Kim’s stomach to tense as it slid over her clit.

Kim’s breasts jiggled and she almost laughed, “Try again, Elloise.”

Elloise did as she was told and this time she managed to push the edge of the blunt horse penis into Kim’s pussy. Kim winced as Elloise began to push the horse’s head past her vagina lips and into her wet pussy. Kim’s feet flexed, as she was clearly uncomfortable, but she bit her lip and said nothing. Charlie was sure she wasn’t breathing at that point but Charlie was loving this and wasn’t about to try to stop it now.

The stallion’s penis continued to fill with blood and push forward. Elloise was only massaging the stallion now, not directing it as it pushed further into Kim’s body. Kim winced again, gasping for air, “Oh God! He’s HUGE!!!”

Charlie kidded, “He’s a horse, Kim, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

Kim tried to joke back but she faded quickly, “Oh sure, laugh all you want, I’d like to see you getting a pussy full of horse dick….”

Charlie laughed, “No thanks, I think you’re doing just fine handling that horse dick, Kim. But thanks for the offer. Wow, he really went right up there, didn’t he? I thought you’d have a harder time.”

Kim was having a hard time breathing, “I’m a Mom, my pussy can handle anything, Charlie. But… it’s not exactly easy, Jesus! He’s massive!”

Charlie commented, “Not as big as a baby’s head.”

Kim shook her head, “No, not that big, but nearly, and… fuck… I had nine months to prepare for that… Oh god! He’s huge… I’m telling you… ow!”

Charlie was indeed impressed that his chef was able to take, what already looked to be half a dozen inches of hard horse cock into her body. She was voluptuous and looked like she could handle a big dick, but this was just insanely big compared to her tiny looking cunt. It streched out to the point that it really did look painful, but also amazing.

Kim looked like she might throw up suddenly, “Ohhhhhhh! Owwwwww! This really hurts! I can’t believe I’m doing this… owwwwww!” She grunted.

Elloise stopped masturbating the stallion, “Do you want me to stop?”

Charlie almost laughed. He knew it was too late now. Kim’s whole body went stiff. Her butt flexed hard as the hard penis inside of her seemed to finally come to stand-still. Her body became bright red and she wasn’t breathing. Elloise stood up, “Kim. Kimmy! You okay?! Talk to me!”

Kim wasn’t saying anything, or even breathing, but her whole body was shaking hard. Finally she groaned, “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKK!!!”

Elloise looked concerned, “You okay, hon? Kim?”

Kim nodded, taking a deep ragged breath, “Holy shit! Fuck!!!! Unhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” She gasped for air again.

Elloise looked at Charlie, “Is she okay? Should we stop?”

Kim’s butt was quivering and flexing until finally her whole body seemed to relax and she took a deep breath, “Fuck, no…. Elloise, I’m fine… shit… whew… that was… just… surprising is all… sorry… I didn’t mean to concern you. Holy shit…”

Elloise still looked frightened, “Are you sure?”

Kim nodded still breathing hard, “No, I just… uhm… it hit my cervix…” Kim’s anus was clenching rhythmically and her pussy seemed to be pulsating too as Kim’s stomach heaved and her breasts jiggled. Kim’s nipples were taught and she looked extremely horny all of a sudden.

Elloise looked at Kim and paused and then laughed out loud, “Wait, did you just cum?”

Kim blushed and Charlie was suddenly all ears, as if he wasn’t already. Kim looked wide eyed and as if she had been caught, “I… uhm… well… shit, Elloise, what did you expect?!” Kim lifted her butt up, and jutted her hips forward to push the horse dick into the deepest recesses of her pussy as she said it. It was clearly an involuntary movement, but it was now totally obvious that Kim was incredibly horny.

Elloise laughed, “What?! You did!?”

Kim shook her head, “Can we not talk about it? Jesus. I’m struggling enough as it is here without the peanut gallery. What did you think would happen?”

Elloise laughed again, “I can’t believe that. I thought you were in pain.”

Kim nodded, “I was. I am. His dick pushed hard against my cervix… It really hurt. But… I just… I dunno. Maybe I’ve been reading about this too much. Sorry. Yeah, I came a little. So what?”

Elloise laughed and shook her head, “I never thought you’d be so into it though. I dunno, I just thought… I dunno. You’re my boss and I didn’t… Wow. Okay. Got it. Well, this will be a fun couple of days then.”

Kim blushed hard, “Sorry, I have just been reading about all these women who do this all the time and their stories are so… graphic. You can’t help but wonder. Then it finally happens and it’s like… wow… this is actually happening… I was really pent up too. It just got the better of me.”

Elloise cooed, “No no, it’s fine, I don’t mind, whatever floats your boat. Like I said, this should make things a lot more interesting. You’re in for quite a few days, I think. And I was all worried about you…” Elloise laughed at herself, as Kim blushed hard.

Charlie smiled, his cock was straining against his pants as he agreed, “I think this Valentine’s day will be a blast. I couldn’t have picked a better woman for the job. Thank you for doing this, Kim. Our customers will love it.”

Kim smiled, “My pleasu….” she trailed off. Then she laughed, “I was going to say my pleasure, but apparently that is obvious. Whoops. I’m still not sure about this whole thing. I may have gotten a bit carried away there.”

Charlie shook his head, “No you didn’t. This is perfect. It’s nice to know you’ll enjoy yourself. And I encourage it, frankly. It’ll make for better press for the restaurant. So, please, ham it up. By all means. And do what you want while you’re down there. You might as well have the time of your life while you’re slaving away.”

Elloise laughed, “Right? Oh my God, this is so great. Wait until the kitchen hears about this.”

Kim swallowed, “No, wait, don’t tell them.”

Charlie smiled, “They deserve to know, Kim. It’s okay, Elloise, tell them everything. In fact, I was just going to wire the CCTV for video, but I’ll make sure you can hear it too. We’ll all be listening, Kim. It’ll be fun. Anyway, I think you’re all set here. Time to get back to the office. Yell if you need anything. I mean… yell that you need something, don’t just yell if you need something, because I’m going to assume all yelling is just you having fun unless you say differently. Actually we should test it.”

Kim nodded, “Okay… how?”

Charlie thought for a second, “Okay, I’ll go back to my office. Just yell every few seconds and I’ll make sure it’s working. I’ll come back when I’ve tuned it properly. I don’t want to hear every sound, just when you want something.”

Kim nodded, “Okay, that works.”

Charlie said, “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes. Make other sounds too… like rock your hips and stuff, just so I can make sure it’s not catching all that sound too.”

Kim agreed, “Okay, I will.”

Charlie smiled as he was leaving, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Ten or twenty minutes at most. Hang in there.”

Charlie and Elloise left. Charlie told Elloise that he’d be back in a bit to fix the TV in the kitchen. She agreed and Charlie immediately went to his office, and turned the sound all the way up. He pulled out his cock and started massaging himself as he listened carefully to Kim who was already rocking her hips and talking out loud saying, “Okay, I’m talking and moving. Can you hear this? If you can, I’m not yelling so it’s too loud. Turn this down… can you hear this? Testing, testing, one two three…”

She continued to work her hips up and down as she did so, making a high pitched squeaking sound with the leather as it creaked. She was in a very good mood, it seemed. Charlie was really amazed how happy she looked under the stallion. It was rare that he saw her so bubbly and funny. She always had a great sense of humor, but she seemed more alive and happy suddenly.

She counted to ten a dozen times or so, and said the alphabet and various other things. She even sang a few songs, all while moving her hips up and down, with the stallion implanted deeply up her pussy. At one point Charlie heard Kim panting a bit. Charlie wondered if she was going to have another orgasm. She didn’t seem to be moving slower as she continued singing songs and counting out loud.

But her breath became more and more broken up. She was clearly enjoying herself, but she was trying to stay on task. Ever minute or so she’d yell out saying, “Okay this is how loud I’d yell if I needed any help. If you can hear me, this is how loud I’d be. Okay?! Testing! TESTING!!!”

She kept rocking her hips up and down, her breasts jiggling visibly on the camera. Charlie felt like he could cum at any second. But then the amazing sensations on the end of the horse’s penis made the horse feel the same way that Charlie did. The stallion took an exploratory step forward to which Charlie heard Kim say, “Whoa, boy, where do you think you’re going?”

As if to answer Kim the horny stallion shoved his two foot cock hard into the utmost depths of Kim’s sensitive vagina. Kim grunted loudly. But then she caught herself and looked over at the camera. The camera stood silent and just looked back at her. Kim looked at the stallion’s chest, not knowing quite what to do, then the horse shoved his dick hard into Kim again. And once again she grunted loudly.

Kim looked a bit panicked as she took the brunt of the horny stallion’s assault on her vagina. She looked at the camera again and started to sing but the stallion had other ideas and fucked into her hard, shoving it’s huge cock deep into her again and again. Kim was getting fucked by a stallion for the very first time in her life, and she had an absolute look of panic on her face. Her breasts were jiggling like crazy as the stallion picked up steam.

It was clear that Kim no longer could keep pretending to do a sound check. She was getting the biggest dick of her life forced into the deepest recesses of her body that she had ever even considered possible. She looked at the camera once more and then leaned back moaning. Her butt lifted up, ever so slightly off the saddle as her legs tensed and flexed. Her stomach was tensed. The only thing that seemed to move was the thin layer of fat on her butt, stomach and of course her big beautiful breasts. Each thrust seemed to send a ripple through her body that ended with her nipples swinging around in big circles atop her supple breasts.

That was the moment that Kim appeared to stop caring about the camera. Her whole body became a tiny vessel for the stallion’s massive cock to orgasm inside of. The stallion bucked his back legs and forced it’s huge head hard against Kim’s soft insides. Over and over Kim took each punishing blow. She arched her back and lifted her butt even higher, taking more of the stallion’s thrusts directly against her cervix. Until finally the stallion made a loud coughing sound, and bucked once extremely hard into Kim.

Kim’s eyes went wide open. Her mouth was agape. Neither the horse, nor Kim appeared to move for a full second. The only thing that was moving was a jerking motion deep in the horse’s pelvis that made the stallion’s cock leap up and down, moving Kim’s hips. Kim helplessly held on as the massive animal emptied himself into Kim’s body. Feeling the intense sensation, Kim was suddenly orgasmic. She cried out and bucked her hips. The stallion too began fucking hard into Kim again, emptying the contents of his prostate into Charlie’s head chef’s pussy.

The two continued to fuck their hips towards one another as they finally became successfully mated to one another. Charlie too came in that moment, spraying semen all over his desk, his hand, and his floor. He didn’t care though, it was amazing. He checked and the machine was still recording. He would never let this tape go, he decided. He quickly zipped up his pants and went into the kitchen to find Elloise, and said, “Okay, come on. Let’s check on Kim.”

Charlie was still flushed but he didn’t care. He went outside with Elloise and into the shed. Kim was flushed too. Charlie quickly said, “Seems like we’re having a little trouble with the sound. Were you saying anything? I could barely hear you. When I turned it way up I could kind of make you out at first but not for the last few minutes.”

Kim blushed. She hadn’t made a peep in the last few minutes as she let the horse inseminate her. “Oh, really? Weird… But I bet it’s working. You’ll just have to pay attention then, I guess.”

Charlie feined a sudden shift in interest, when in reality all he wanted was to look at her impaled pussy all day, “Wait, is that…” He pointed at Kim’s engorged cunt.

Elloise looked, “What…?”

Charlie said, “That looks like semen… right?”

Elloise bent down and looked closer, “Oh, yeah, it does… Yeah, that’s horse semen for sure.”

Charlie was quick to say, “Wow, that was quick. Did he cum in you already, Kim?”

Kim’s breath was still not completely back in order as she tried to dodge the question, “What… what… do you mean?”

Charlie looked at her closely, “It’s okay if you did, that’s sort the whole point. I just want to know if he orgasmed inside of you or not.”

Kim looked at him and Elloise and nodded, “Yeah, I mean… yeah… of course he did. That’s the whole point.”

Charlie pretended to be crestfallen, “Oh, shit. That’s no good.”

Elloise frowned, “What’s wrong?”

Charlie pointed again, “Look at her pussy.”

Elloise looked again, “Yeah?”

Charlie pointed again, “Look at it closer. Get up close.”

Elloise inspected her boss’s engorged pussy. A few droplets of horse semen stuck to Kim’s pretty brown pubic hair, and a single drop was making it’s way down around her anus as Elloise gave up, “I’m not sure what I’m looking for.”

Charlie pretended to be exacerbated, “You’re looking for horse semen. Horse semen. Look for it.”

Elloise looked again and indeed, all around Kim’s swollen labia was horse ejaculate, forming into little beads, gently sticking to Kim’s labia, and forming into little drops that stuck to her pubic hair. It was really gross looking, but also spectacular at the same time. Both disgusting and incredibly erotic all at once. Elloise nodded, “I see it. The horse definitely ejaculated into Kim. For sure. It’s right there, around her pubes, and you can see some between the crack of her butt, right there, all down her taint, and into her anus. See?”

Charlie threw up his hands, “Yes, I see, but apparently you do not. How can a horse cum and we only have a handful of drops to show for it? How are we going to fee a hundred customers with a handful of drops? Where is the rest of it?!” Charlie knew the answer, but he wanted the girls to say it.

Elloise guessed, “Maybe it’s still inside of her?”

Kim blushed hard. She clearly was uncomfortable with all of this attention. Charlie balked, “That can’t be. Her pussy isn’t big enough for all of that cock and a cup of semen too. You measured it, right? The horse was ejaculating about a cup of semen each time, right?”

Elloise nodded, “Yeah, a cup. I don’t know… Hm!”

Charlie pretended to think for a second before saying, “There’s only one other place it could go… her uterus.”

Kim looked horrified. Elloise’s eyes opened wide, “Ohhh, yeah, I bet you’re right. That could probably fit about a cup of semen, sure.”

Charlie frowned, “But that doesn’t make sense. There’s no way it could have gotten up there unless Kim had orgasmed. That’s the only way for the semen to have been sucked up there.”

Kim looked at Charlie and swallowed, feeling super scared of what he might say next. Charlie continued, “Oh geez… wait, did you cum again, Kim?”

Elloise looked at Kim. Kim swallowed, “I… I… Maybe…”

Charlie looked at her close, “Maybe? This is important, Kim. Either you came or you didn’t. I need to know. If you didn’t we have a problem on our hands, and we’ll have to figure something out in a hurry. If you did, we at least know that we have some semen left over inside of you.”

Kim swallowed, “I mean… I couldn’t help it. His dick flared up… It was so big!”

Elloise laughed, “Oh my God! Twice?! Holy shit!”

Charlie nodded, “Odd, because I read that the only women who climaxed during a horse orgasm wanted to have their semen up inside their womb. It’s like a procreation thing. Like, the way I read it, women who do that want the stallion to sire offspring inside of them. It’s like a true mating thing, not just casual sex or something. That’s interesting.”

Elloise had a weird look on her face, “What do you mean?”

Charlie shrugged, “The way I read it, the women who orgasm during a horse ejaculation, and suck up the horse semen into their womb want to have the horse’s baby. They love the horse’s cock so much that they’re willing to have it’s offspring. Isn’t that true, Kim?”

Kim was flushed and not sure what to say, “I don’t know about all of that… I mean… he just kept growing… and growing…”

Charlie smiled, “It’s okay, that’s good news in a way.”

Charlie wasn’t giving Kim an inch. He wanted to push her. Kim wasn’t sure what he meant, “How is that good news?”

Charlie was amused that she didn’t deny anything as she said, “Well, it means you’ll stick it out until the end. You aren’t shy of having a tummy full of horse cum. It’s okay, that’s yours to keep and to breed yourself with and fantasize about until the end of the day.”

Elloise coughed as if she might be sick hearing that. But she simple shook hear head and said, “Gross.”

Charlie smiled, “It’s not gross, it’s nature. No problem, Kim. Thank you. We’ll just have to be careful to make sure that Kim drains her pussy well after the end of the day, Elloise. Can you handle that?”

Elloise nodded, “Yeah, we’ll probably need to catch the semen during each orgasm too. Maybe we can put a pan underneath her or something. I’ll figure something out.”

Charlie nodded, “Perfect. You handle that, Elloise. In the meantime, Kim, I’ve got to tell you, you’re doing a great job. I’m not upset by your orgasms. It was just a curve ball. But clearly that was to be expected. We’ll work around it. Don’t do anything different. Whatever you did made the horse orgasm and we’ll need about… let’s see, five times a day times two horses is ten… times seven days… minus one… so… yeah, we’ll need 69 more of those. Hop to it! We’ll leave you two to it. Yell if you need anything.”

Kim swallowed, “Oh. Okay.”


Chapter Nine

Charlie went back to his office, and realized there was still semen all over his desk, and floor. He wiped it up as smiled to himself. He was happy that this was all coming together. He watched the video as Elloise fastened a small metal mixing bowl to the saddle, so it hung right under Kim’s anus and tailbone. It was heavy enough that it wouldn’t swing too much and it was fastened on each side to the saddle and not to Kim, so it wouldn’t rock as much, so there wouldn’t be much wastage of the horse semen product.

Meanwhile Charlie set up the CCTV in the kitchen next to where Elloise worked and made sure the sound was plenty loud enough for the entire staff to hear if they chose to listen. Of course the noise of the kitchen would drown out a lot of sound, but Charlie was sure more than a few people would be sneaking peaks.

Elloise left Kim alone after that, and met Charlie back in the kitchen, where Charlie gave her instructions on how to use the CCTV. It was simple to use, but he wanted to make sure she understood it. Elloise nodded, and said she understood. There was already chatter around the kitchen and people were starting to steal looks at the camera.

Charlie still had a restaurant to run so he clapped his hands and said, “People, yes, Kim is out back having sex with a horse. Yes, there is a TV in here where you can watch. Does that mean you can stop cooking? No. You can watch her on your breaks, or when there is a lul, but otherwise, I need you to work. Okay? Everyone got it? Good. Let’s kick ass this week, okay? It’s only a few days until Valentine’s day and a lot of hungry customers are looking for a delicious meal. Don’t let the Chef’s duties outside derail us in here. She’s trusting you can handle this week on your own. This menu will put us on the map. Okay, let’s hop to it.”

Charlie clapped his hands. Everyone went back to work. Charlie went back to his office and waited. At first Kim didn’t move at all, or not noticeably. She kept looking at the camera. It was distracting to her, but not so much so that she didn’t start moving her hips again, after about half an hour. Much to Charlie’s delight, Kim stifled a few moans and groaned and stiffened several times before relaxing. Charlie could tell she was giving herself a number of small orgasms, and he loved it.

It took another half hour or so before the stallion got aroused again. But sure enough the stallion began to thrust into Kim once again. Kim’s eyes darted over at the lifeless camera and it’s red light, but the camera wouldn’t respond to her embarrassment. Instead it stared coldly back at her, capturing every embarrassing movement of her body.

Kim couldn’t help but keep looking at the camera even as the stallion began to thrust harder into her body. Charlie knew it was distracting, but he wanted her to know that anyone could be looking at any time. He wanted her to get over that fact too, and start letting loose. That’s when Charlie got a knock on his door.

The health inspector, a thin, lanky guy named Ron, opened the door and said, “Hi, Charlie – mind if I come in?”

Charlie quickly turned down the volume on the closed circuit TV so it was barely audible, “Sure, hey, Ron, come on in. What’s going on? Come on in and sit down.”

Ron shrugged as he sat down, “Same old shit, Charlie. Got some complaints, have to check it out. People are freaking out and say you’re feeding raw horse semen to people.”

Charlie nodded, “Well, I’m afraid that this particular rumor is true, Ron. Or at least it will be. Have a look.”

Ron looked at where Charlie was gesturing. Ron’s eyes got hug, “Oh, holy shit! What… what is that?”

Charlie smiled, “That’s our Executive chef, Kim. You’ve met her before. She’s extracting the semen. I’ll show you how we do it if you want to see the process and make sure it’s all on the up and up.”

Ron nodded, “Uh, yeah, I think we had better… yeah… we should… definitely.”

Charlie stood up, “Come with me. Let’s check out the kitchen first.” They both walked back to the kitchen and met with Elloise. Charlie introduced them and then said, “Ron here is an inspector and wants to see how we’re handling the horse semen.”

Elloise nodded, “Sure, we’ll take the food-product from the source, and do one of two things with it. We either immediately cover and chill it in the refrigerator in a stainless steel bowl, before we remove it and use it in our preparation or we use it directly, by mixing it to ensure consistency and then pouring it into one and a half ounce shots.”

Ron shook his head, “Okay, and do you use the same utensils, glasses, cook wear for anything else?”

Elloise shook her head, “No, this is a limited menu, only running for a day. So we won’t be re-using anything from our normal menu that hasn’t been washed in our industrial washer. Every dish will be steam cleaned with boiling water and should be completely sanitary before we re-use anything.”

Ron nodded, “Okay, good. I should probably check out the food product too.”

Elloise nodded, “I’d show you what it looks like in the freezer, but we have just started to collect it today, so we don’t have any yet frozen, but we can show you how we collect it.”

Ron nodded, “Oh, you’re doing that here?”

Charlie nodded, “Yep – she’s out back. Not in the kitchen itself, that wouldn’t be sanitary. You wouldn’t put a chicken coop in a kitchen, Ron, don’t be silly. Let’s go check her out.”

Ron nodded. Charlie, Ron and Elloise filed out the back and walked into the small shed. What they saw when they walked in was Kim’s butt, high in the air, and she looked semi breathless and surprised when she saw Ron enter. She quickly lowered her butt, but still couldn’t help but shift her hips several times. She was on the verge of an orgasm, it was clear.

Kim squeaked out, “Hi, Ron! What are you doing here?”

Ron squatted down, “Wow, Kim. This isn’t what I expected to see today. You look… well… what are you doing here?”

Kim looked at Charlie for help. But Charlie smiled and said, “Go ahead and tell him what you’re doing, Kim.”

Kim swallowed and tried to look around as if she could come up with some way to describe what she was doing in a classy way, “Oh, I’m just… acting as an aid for the stallion. We need to extract the food product from him. Basically, I’m here to collect as much as we can get before the Valentine’s day tasting.”

Ron looked at her and said, “Ok, I had no idea you were actually doing this with your own body. Until I saw you on the TV earlier that is.”

Charlie smiled, “It’s no different than a woman slicing up a carrot with her bare hands when you think about it. Just another way to prepare the food.”

Ron shook his head, “This is nothing like that, Charlie, no offense.”

Charlie stopped him, “No, fair enough. Just… wait. Wait until you see her do it.”

Ron looked closer, “Is that…?”

Charlie smiled, “Yes, there are a few drops of horse cum there. Just a few though. We thought there’d be a lot more but most of it is up in her uterus we realized. It makes sense, of course, but it was a surprise to us too. Okay, Kim, go ahead, and show Ron how it works.”

Kim swallowed again, “How what works?”

Charlie smiled, “How you extract the horse semen. Go ahead. Do it for Ron. He needs to see it.”

Ron nodded, “It would be helpful, yes.”

Charlie smiled, “See? Go ahead, Kim. Go on.”

Kim swallowed and looked at Elloise who only shrugged as if she really didn’t know what Kim could do. Kim looked back at Ron and blushed, “Okay. Just give me a few minutes here.”

Kim took a deep breath and began to work her hips up and down again. With each thrust upwards Charlie, Ron and Elloise watched the semen and vaginal lubricated horse cock disappear further into Kim. Then when she dropped down it made a sucking sound, like someone eating loudly as the stallion cock withdrew.

Kim started off slowly, but it was clear she was aroused. Her pussy was red, her clitoris was standing at attention, her nipples were taught as they danced atop her gorgeous breasts. Kim started gaining speed, moving her hips upwards a little faster and a little harder each time. Her breasts jiggled all over her chest. It was obscene, but amazing at the same time.

Suddenly the stallion finally got the hint and thrust hard into Kim. Kim’s butt jiggled wildly as the stallion’s cock jammed hard against her cervix. She grunted, in obvious discomfort, but that didn’t stop her. She thrusted back and met the huge horse dick as the horse slammed into her again. Her butt jiggled wildly, and her breasts swayed dramatically. The scene was amazing as the girl and stallion copulated wildly.

Kim kept her pace and panted loudly, letting a small moan cross her lips and a low whimper. The stallion fucked her relentlessly, jerking his huge body back and then thrusting it hard up into Kim’s cunt. The giant horse penis and it’s head began to swell. Kim leaned her head back and let out a low moan, “Oh my Gooooooodddddd! He’s growing again! Oh GOD OH GOD OH GOOOODDD!”

Suddenly the horse began to buck and thrust as deep inside the horse’s body, it’s prostate tensed and shot a jet of horse semen down the length of the horse’s ccock. The semen blasted out into Kim’s horny pussy as she began to climax in unison. Suddenly both Kim and the horse were orgasmic. The horse grunted hard as Kim moaned and tensed. Her butt was frozen and tense high up against the horse’s belly as she milked the horse’s penis with her pulsating vagina.

Suddenly the semen completely filled the very small remaining space in her pussy and overflowed out of her vulva and squirted free onto Kim’s surrounding pubic hair. Pulse after pulls lept free and began oozing down her butt and around her pulsating anus into the bowl underneath her quivering buttocks.

She moaned and shook for another few seconds until her body collapsed into the sling and she gasped for air. She raised her hips up several more times, slathering her wet pussy and the horse semen up and down the giant horse erection, and squeezing her pussy at the top of each thrust as her body milked the last few drops from the animal.

Ron stood up, still watching the horse cum ooze from the Executive chef’s engorged pussy, “Wow. That’s not something you see every day.”

Charlie smiled, “I agree, which is why this will be a hit for the restaurant. So what do you think?”

Ron sighed, “Well, it was… interesting… I never thought I’d see Kim naked before… and especially not like this. So… that was… unexpected. But… yeah, this wasn’t great in a food-health sort of sense.”

Charlie frowned, “No? Why not?”

Ron looked at Charlie, “Well, firstly, her own vaginal… juice… if you will… is getting into the food product. Generally any fluids from humans is off limits. Like, how would you feel if you went somewhere and someone was jizzing in your food, Charlie?”

Charlis frowned again, “Wait, eating animal parts is okay, and horse semen would be fine, but eating human female vaginal lubricant isn’t? Come on, Ron, you’ve got to do better than that. The customers will know what they’re eating. It’s not like we’re springing it on them.”

Ron nodded, “Okay, two, her pubic hair… I mean… it’s all over her pubic hair… What if someone gets a pubic hair in their food?”

Charlie smiled, “We already thought of that, Elloise will sift each batch to make sure no hairs get through. Not a problem.”

Ron sighed, “And… her… well.. her anus…”

Charlie looked at Kim’s semen covered anus, “What about her anus?”

Ron shrugged, “I don’t know how you can possibly make her anus clean enough for people to feel comfortable eating off of it. Or rather, eating food that has been on it.”

Charlie hummed, “Hmmmm…. okay, I see you’re point there.”

Elloise chimed in, “What if we washed her with hot water and and anti-bacterial soap. If it’s good enough to clean up chicken and human hands it should be good enough for this, as long as we do it each time we situate her. And almost all the food will be cooked. And we’ll have a disclaimer that it contains raw uncooked semen, and potentially vaginal lubricant.”

Ron threw up his hands, “Sure, sure… you could do lots of things. Look, I’m telling you, there’s no way this will fly. You can’t feed uncooked horse semen that has been milked by your executive chef’s nether regions at a restaurant. You can do it as a side thing – off the menu… in a private dining experience, and if they sign a waiver or something for the uncooked semen, but this is about it, I’m afraid.”

Charlie smiled, “That’s a great idea. We’ll have them all sign waivers. No problem. That’s brilliant, Ron.”

Ron was surprised, “Yeah?”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, absolutely brilliant. I’ll have our lawyers draft something up, and if you want we can let you have a look at it.”

Ron shook his head, “No no, I don’t need to see it, I just… you know… wanted to make sure everything was on the up and up. You just can’t serve this to the public. Make it a private event or something. But yeah, anything that has come out of her already should be cooked thoroughly. Okay?”

Elloise nodded, “That’s okay, we weren’t going to use anything straight unless it was milked that day – so we won’t start collecting the semen used for the raw components of the dishes until Valentine’s day.”

Ron asked, “What about birth control? Are using anything like spermicidal foam or anything that might contaminate the food? Hormones? Anything?”

Kim shook her head, “No, nothing like that.”

Ron asked, “What about latex condoms? Lots of people are allergic to latex.”

Kim shook her head, “Nope. Or at least not recently. Maybe a month ago or something. Honestly, we don’t do it… that often.”

Ron’s eyes went wide, “Really? A pretty girl like you? Only once a month? Well, okay, that’s none of my business, but yeah, you had better not use anything between now and Valentine’s day to be safe.”

Kim asked, “So unprotected sex is okay?”

Ron frowned, “No, you had better not, unless you want to add a disclaimer about there possibly being human semen in the food.”

Charlie shook his head, “No, we don’t want to add that. Kim, can you forgo?”

Kim nodded, “Sure. No sex with my husband. Only horses. Got it. Kinda funny.”

Ron nodded, “Okay, I’ll make note of it. I mean, this is bizarre stuff, but… if you think people will pay for it, and not complain, who am I to argue?”

Charlie smiled, “I agree. Thanks, Ron, this has been great!”

Ron nodded and before turning to leave he smiled and said, “Bye, Kim. It was nice seeing you again. Don’t have too much fun down there!”

Kim smiled, “Thanks for stopping by, Ron. Have a great day!”


Chapter Ten

Kim spent the next few hours having intercourse with Moonglow and then Elloise let Kim go, and switched her for Big Ben. The process was messy, as semen spurt free of Moonglow and Kim’s union. She squatted over the bowl as Elloise held it in place, and let Kim’s pussy drain for a minute until they were both satisifed that at least most of it came out. There was still plenty left inside her but it was good enough to let Kim switch horses.

The other stallion, Big Ben was a bit bigger. Kim even commented as Elloise stroked him to an erection, “Wow, he’s even more well hung.” She didn’t seem to complain too much as Elloise pushed the head of the stallion’s erection past Kim’s vaginal lips. The slippery hole, filled with her lubrication and horse ejaculate made it easy for Big Ben to slide into Kim’s body.

Kim grunted and tensed as she took the stallion’s cock, “Wow, he IS bigger! Whooooo. Breathe, Kim, breathe! Whoa, Elloise, he’s huge.”

Elloise smiled, “You seemed to take him easier than Moonglow though, that’s good at least. You’re getting better at this.”

Kim nodded, “I wouldn’t say it’s easy, but yes, I’m a bit more stretched out now. He’s still massive though, it feels like I’m being ripped in half. God! Oh shit! Unhhhhhhhh!!!!!”

Kim’s eyes rolled back and she lifted her hips. Elloise laughed, “Are you cuming again? God!” Kim nodded and shook, her whole body turning bright red as she held her breath. Her pussy convulsed. Elloise shook her head, “Well, at least it looks like you’re having fun!”

Kim finally took a breath, her pussy still shaking. Her breasts heaved as she took another breath, “Oh God, Elloise… this is… insane.”

Elloise stood up, still watching Kim’s pussy convulsing in hard aftershocks, “You okay?”

Kim nodded, “Yah. Fine. Well, no. Not fine. This is so humiliating… and painful… And… I just don’t know. It’s just wrong.”

Elloise frowned, “Do you want to stop? I can let you down.”

Kim struggled for breath, her stomach still tensing in aftershocks, “No, no, not now, no. It’s just… I’ve been reading all of these stories about these women, and… I just… I really wanted to try it. But it’s so degrading and disgusting.”

Elloise asked again, “But you don’t want me to let you down?”

Kim lifted her hips gently, pushing another half inch of the horse’s penis into her, and squeezing her buttocks as she did so before lowering her hips again, as if she were tentatively feeling the horse’s dick’s measurements, and realizing again that she was completely overwhelmed, “No, it’s hard to explain. But this just… it’s amazing. I mean, I want to do this for Charlie and all… but…”

Elloise frowned, “But what?”

Kim frowned, “It’s really painful, and I was sure I was going to die at first. His dick is huge, Elloise. Seriously. It’s like a baseball bat, only bigger inside. It’s so degrading. I’m sure my son thinks I’m some kind of pervert. But… I just… I need to do this. I need to get better at it. I want to stay here. I need to feel him cum first. I need to know I can do this. You know? I feel like I need to suffer through this. I’m already here, right?”

Elloise nodded, “Okay. Well, whatever you say, boss. To each their own.”

Charlie sat back in his chair, smiling, as he watched the TV. Kim thanked Elloise for understanding though Charlie wasn’t sure Elloise had any idea what Kim was going through. Elloise finished the conversation by placing a new, fresh bowl to catch Big Ben’s semen and saying, “Yell at me after you’re done with him and let me know if I need to let you down early.” She looked at the semen Kim had already collected – four full cups worth. Elloise said, “I’ll freeze this semen you’ve already milked out of Moonglow.”

Kim nodded, “Thanks, Elloise.”

Elloise smiled and as she was leaving she said, “If I don’t hear from you, I’ll just assume you’re enjoying yourself and I’ll come back to get you when we’re closing the restaurant.”

Kim nodded and almost before Elloise was out of the room, Kim began to fuck Big Ben’s huge penis hard. She seemed urgent, like she had something to prove. She was insistent with her hips as the butted up against the stallion’s stomach. Inside of her she pushed her cervix hard against the stallion’s cock. It was uncomfortable, but she knew already, instinctively that the stallions loved that feeling against the heads of their penises.

She wanted the stallion to feel good, and she wanted to feel good. It was a really crazy mix. Before long Big Ben was starting to fuck Kim back and it wasn’t more than a minute later that Kim was screaming out in a mix of what was quite visibly pain and pleasure. The huge cock was notably thicker on Big Ben than on Moonglow. But she took it, and the huge penis thrusted hard into her over and over, until she was once again overflowing with animal semen.

Charlie came too, at the same time, jacking off all over himself. He didn’t even try to aim it at the floor or into a napkin. He just sat there shooting semen all over himself as he watched in awe. As he watched Kim he realized this was it – the truth would come down to the next few seconds. Would Kim yell out for Elloise to come and get her, or would she stay put?

Kim kept having an orgasm for almost a full minute afterwards. Finally she collapsed into an orgasmic pile of spent flesh in the sling. She breathed heavily and sighed. With a huge smile on her face she laughed and shook her head as if she couldn’t believe what she had done. But to Charlie’s delight she didn’t say one single word.


Chapter Eleven

The entire kitchen staff came out to release Kim at the end of the evening as they were beginning to shut down shop. Kim was mortified to see all of their faces. Her pussy was absolutely slathered in horse semen. Her pussy was matted down and sticky, her vulva was steaming and red from abuse. Her whole body ached from having so many orgasms. Her breasts were sore from bouncing around so much. Hairs stuck to the nape of her neck and her face where the sweat had been. A thin strand of horse semen connected her to the bowl of horse ejaculate below her and jiggled when she moved. She was an absolute mess.

The kitchen staff simply laughed and clapped as if she were a conquering hero. Kim blushed hard and told them to leave, but they weren’t about to. Charlie didn’t even mind that they passed around a bottle of whiskey and were taking drinks from it straight out of the bottle. Normally he required decorum from his staff but this week was different.

The entire staff leered at her and joked but Elloise diligently released Kim from her bonds. Kim slowly eased herself off of the huge horse penis only to be surprised by the warm flush of horse cum that was still inside her, flooding out, down over her anus, and into the bowl as the hard penis inside of her lept free, spraying thin droplets of horse jism all over her stomach, breasts and face. She stayed motionless for a moment, letting the copious amounts of horse ejaculate drain from her stretched out cunt.

Kim didn’t even bother to clean up, she just let her body slide out of the sling and onto the floor. She stood up and Elloise handed Kim the bowl to put between her legs. The rowdy team just laughed as Kim squatted over the thin stainless steel bowl and let her pussy vacate all of the semen she had collected. It was an amazing amount – well over a cup’s worth. Charlie smiled as his staff laughed and joked.

Kim yelled at them to get the hell out and go home. They could sense she was serious, even though Kim was holding one of her breasts in one hand and holding her pussy open in the other. It almost looked like she was peeing semen as it slowly oozed out of her. Finally the staff got the hint and left Elloise, Kim and Charlie alone.

Kim squatted for another minute or so shaking her head, “They should mind their own business.”

Charlie smiled, “They were just curious. I don’t blame them. Don’t be too hard on them. At least they weren’t upset or anything.”

Kim nodded, “It’s just… this is hard enough as it is… being impaled on a horse’s dick all day is not easy. It’s not easy emotionally. It’s not easy physically. I just… I feel like I’m about to cry.”

Elloise patted Kim’s sweaty naked back, “It’s okay, we know how hard you worked today. I’m really proud of you, boss. I’ll talk to them and make sure they don’t do that again.”

Kim nodded, fighting back tears. Charlie could tell Kim was very emotional right now. It had been an emotionally draining and physically exhausting day for Kim. Charlie nodded, “I thought you were amazing! Very very impressive, Kim.”

Kim smiled, a single tear escaping her eye as she brushed it away, “Thanks, Charlie.”

Charlie smiled, “And now we know what we’re in for. We have losses of about one ejaculate a day to wastage/spillage or whatever you want to call Kim’s uterus sucking up the semen. And we know we need to get a lawyer to draft up some stuff. No big deal. This still looks like it’s going to work.”

Kim smiled as she stood up, feeling gross as she wiped her hand on her thigh and realized her whole body still had little droplets of semen all over it, “Thanks.” She reached for her clothes and put them on anyway, over her semen covered body.

Charlie smiled, “Tomorrow the press is here, so we’ll have to put on our best faces. Everything will have to be professional. So Kim, keep up the great work. Don’t change a thing. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

Kim nodded as she pulled her shirt over her head the little droplets of semen showing through as they wet and stained her pretty tee-shirt, “Okay.”


Chapter Twelve

The next day Kim arrived right as the restaurant was opening. Charlie was there bright and early to feed and water the horses as well as tie them up so they were ready. Kim came in and sat down in Charlie’s office, “Hey, Charlie.”

Charlie was happy to see her. Kim was wearing a sports bra and shorts, and her hair was up in a looped pony tail. Even though it was a fairly sporty look she was still gorgeous, “What’s up?”

Kim sighed, “Well, last night was interesting once I got home.”

Charlie was curious, “Oh yeah?”

Kim nodded, “Lenny was curious, of course, so I told him. I don’t think he liked it very much, how I talked about it. But he was… okaaaay with it. He was a little pissed that we couldn’t have sex until after Valentine’s day. You’d think we have sex all the time the way he reacted. But he finally agreed when I explained why. It was just a long conversation and I was wiped out by the end of it.”

Charlie paused and then asked, “So… is everything okay then?”

Kim nodded, “Yeah, I think he’ll be glad when this is over. But yeah, he finally calmed down and I was able to get a few hours sleep. Honestly, I’m exhausted. All my muscles in my stomach, legs, arms, back and butt hurt. It feels like I ran a marathon. And I’ve been working out like crazy all last week and the week before. But I’m more sore now than I have been since I started working out. I’ll be in great shape by Valentine’s Day.”

Charlie smiled, “I believe it. Apparently riding horse dick all day is a good workout. Who knew?”

Kim laughed, “Yeah, I guess so.”

Charlie’s voice lowered, “I was worried after last night that you’d come in here and say that you wouldn’t do it again. You seemed kind of upset last night.”

Kim shook her head, “Oh, no, it’s fine. I was just really emotional. I was tired, and cranky and mentally wiped out and then everyone laughing and clapping and stuff… it just sent me over the edge. But Elloise is going to talk to everyone and I’m committed to this. I had a moment of doubt when I first felt Big Ben inside me. I just couldn’t imagine what it would be like to let him cum in me. It was terrifying actually. But it turned out to be amazing. I was pleasantly surprised. Don’t worry. I’ll be here until Valentine’s day is over. Promise.”

Charlie swallowed. He couldn’t believe she was promising him that. That left the door open to all kinds of abuse, he realized. He had to be sure, “You’re going to promise me?”

Kim nodded, “Yeah, I promise. I know how important this is for you and the restaurant. I won’t let you down. This has been really hard on me, but it’s also been rewarding to know that I can pull it off. The first day, I won’t lie… that was really tough. Just emotionally… I wasn’t… I’m still not… it’s hard… coming to terms… I’m just… it’ll pass, I know it will. You just have to take it easy on me until I figure things out.”

Charlie smiled, “I understand. Being a belly rider is not an easy business.”

Kim shook her head, “I’m not sure I’m a belly rider yet. I mean… not really. I’m just… doing this… for a couple.”

Charlie smiled broadly, “Sure. I understand. Well, I’m here for you if you need to talk.”

Kim smiled, “Thanks, Charlie. I appreciate it.”

Charlie nodded, “No problem. Which horse are you going to have sex with first.”

Kim swallowed, “Uhm. Probably Moonglow first, then Big Ben. Same order as yesterday. Big Ben is… big. Very big. It’ll be better to start smaller, I think.”

Charlie smiled, “Makes sense. Well… go get yourself situated.”

The day went quickly with gentle moans and insistent thrusting all morning long. Almost too quickly for Charlie, Elloise was already moving Kim over to Big Ben. The day was already half over, Charlie realized. The reporters were going to show up soon which was good. Charlie wanted excuses to go visit Kim and push her limits and this was a great one.

A young man named Chris came by a little while later from the local paper. Charlie quickly flipped off the TV so that he wouldn’t spoil anything for Chris. Chris was sporting a nice camera and a digital recorder. Chris introduced himself and Charlie happily talked to him about the concept, the special Valentine’s day menu and of course, Kim and her extraction method.

Chris was astounded, “That’s almost unbelievable.”

Charlie agreed noting that Chris seemed eager to see Kim, “I know, right? That’s why people will be astounded. I’m excited. Now, before we go visit my chef, I know you came with a camera, right?”

Chris paused, “Well, I can leave it behind if that makes her uncomfortable.” Charlie could tell Chris would do whatever Charlie said if it let him see a girl fucking a horse.

Charlie shook his head, “No that’s not what I was going to say at all. I welcome you photographing Kim. But I ask two favors before I can agree to it.”

Chris nodded, “Sure, what’s that?”

Charlie said, “Firstly, I ask that you blur out any of Kim’s privates in the paper, for obvious reasons.”

Chris nodded, “Yeah, no doubt, we’d have to do that anyway.”

Charlie knew that was true, but he wanted to give Chris an easy one first, “Yes, and the second one is that I want a copy of every picture you take while you’re visiting with Kim. I just want some personal keepsakes for the office. I won’t re-publish them, I just want to have them for the walls.”

Chris shrugged, “Oh! Well, technically the newspaper owns the images, I can’t give them to you.”

Charlie smiled, “What if I paid you, say… $200. You could take some for me and some for the newspaper. Just make sure I get some of the good ones in there.”

Chris nodded, “Oh, okay… no sweat. Yeah, I can do that. That works.”

Charlie smiled, “Perfect. Just don’t tell Kim. I want to surprise her.”

Chris laughed, “Got it.”

Charlie stood up, “In that case, get your camera ready. Let’s go have you meet Kim!”

Chris followed Charlie like a puppy dog. Chris walked behind Charlie as Charlie opened the door, again, without knocking. Kim was wide eyed as Charlie and Chris walked in. Charlie smiled, “Kim, I’d like you to meet someone.”

Kim looked at Chris with the look of true embarrassment on her face, “Oh, hi.”

Chris smiled, “Hi, I’m Chris.”

He held out his hand and in an embarrassing sort of way Kim waved her fingers at him as if to make him aware of the fact that she couldn’t easily shake his hand. Kim blushed, “I can’t shake…”

Chris apologized, “Oh, right, I’m sorry, uhh…” He grabbed her fingers and shook them gently but awkwardly.

Charlie could tell he was nervous, “Chris is with the paper. He came to ask a few questions and take some pictures for the paper.”

Kim was bright red as she almost radiated embarrassment, “Oh, right, I totally forgot about this. Sorry, I’m kinda… well… I’m sure I’m a mess…. down there. I wouldn’t have started so early…”

Chris nodded, “Yeah… I mean… you are… But you look pretty.”

Kim blushed harder and looked down her body as if she were going to be less embarrassed by staring at her own naked flesh. She said modestly, “Thanks.”

Chris said, “I just have a few questions if that’s okay.”

Kim nodded, “I’m just nervous, sorry. I’m not sure that I want all this information in the paper.”

Chris nodded, “I understand, you can just answer the questions you feel comfortable answering.”

Kim nodded and sighed, “Okay. I guess you’re right. Go ahead.”

Chris sat down and started his recorder, “Okay, first, please tell me your first and last name.”

Kim nodded, “Kimberly Campbell. But I go by Kim.”

Chris nodded, “Okay, and what is your occupation?”

Kim sounded official as she said, “I’m the head executive chef here.”

Chris asked, “Married? Children?”

Kim nodded, “Married with one boy – he’s 18.”

Chris asked, “What do they think of this or have you even told them?”

Kim nodded, “My husband is very supportive.”

Chris nodded, “And your son?”

Kim laughed, “He’s always a little disturbed by his Mother. Not his cup of tea. I don’t blame him.”

Chris asked, “How did you decide to put this Valentine’s menu together?”

Kim perked up, thinking the questions were easier than she had expected, “Well, I looked at a number of deserts and decided that’s the way to go. A desert menu with horse semen in it would be much more palatable than other types of dishes. It was fun picking out the items.”

Chris smiled, “And you tried the recipes yourself?”

Kim nodded, “Yes, I tried every one.”

Chris asked, “What does horse semen taste like?”

Kim laughed, “Here’s a bowl underneath me if you want to try some. But… no… seriously, it’s kinda tangy, and tart. Just a bit of a chlorine aftertaste. It’s not bad at all.”

Chris nodded, “So would you say you liked it?”

Kim nodded, “Yeah, it’s a bit of an acquired taste but it’s good.”

Chris nodded, “Can you re-phrase that? Just tell me that you like the taste of horse cum.”

Kim nodded, “Okay. Well. I like the taste of horse cum.”

Chris nodded, “Perfect. And that’s why you decided to have sex with horses?”

Kim shook her head, “No, that was Charlie’s idea. I was pretty hesitant at first, but I figured I’d give it a try anyway after I read about it online. It sounded pretty exciting.”

Chris nodded, “Okay, please re-phrase. Having sex with horses sounded exciting because…?”

Kim nodded, “Okay… Having sex with horses sounded exciting because of how big they are. It’s kinda wild. But Charlie had to talk me into it. I was hesitant at first.”

Chris nodded, “And so you did it for the first time… yesterday… right?”

Kim shook her head, “No, I mean… I had been masturbating the stallions for a while to get the recipes together. But yes. I had sex for the first time with a stallion yesterday.”

Chris asked, “And what was your impression?”

Kim shook her head, “It was traumatizing… scary… kind of awful at first, to be honest. But I got over it. Then it was much easier… especially as the day went on.”

Chris was insistent, “Please rephrase. It was much easier to have sex with stallions as the day went on because…? Sorry, I need succinct quotes. It’s easier to read.”

Kim nodded, “It was much easier to have sex with stallions as the day went on, because I loosened up a bit and got more comfortable.”

Chris nodded, “You don’t look that comfortable, are you?”

Kim laughed, “Right now I’m very comfortable. But an hour ago I was screaming my head off out here.”

Chris laughed, “Why were you screaming?”

Kim laughed again, “I was taking this huge horse, of course. Big Ben here is massive.”

Chris smiled, “Do you like doing this?”

Kim laughed, “It sure beats peeling potatoes. But no, I mean… I can’t complain too much. It’s for the restaurant and I would do anything to make it a success.”

Chris laughed, “Are you sure you don’t like?”

Kim smiled, “Well, sure, what girl wouldn’t like it?”

Chris smiled, “Phrase that a different way?”

Kim nodded, “Uhm… What girl wouldn’t like swinging on a big horse penis all day?” She laughed, “Is that too graphic?”

Chris smiled, “No, we can star out any words that the editor doesn’t like. You’re okay. So tell me what it feels like to have a horse ejaculate into you.”

Kim laughed, “You can try it if you want!”

Chris laughed, “I’m good, I’m good. In your own words, what’s it like?”

Kim smiled, “Oh dear. It an amazing feeling! Scary, dirty, and humiliating. The raw power is unbelievable. But again, it’s for the restaurant, so I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Chris smiled, “Perfect… okay, let’s get some photos of you. Ideally I’d like to get a few of the horse actually… you know… doing it’s thing?”

Kim nodded and in as brave a voice as she could muster she said, “Sure. No problem.”

Charlie smiled, “Take whatever pictures you need, Chris.”

Chris nodded, “Thanks, Charlie. Will do. Maybe some shots with you in the picture for the paper and a few with just Kim.”

Charlie nodded, “Perfect.” Charlie was smiling on the inside, but didn’t let on to Kim that he wanted the pictures really badly. Chris began to snap photos while Kim posed for him. There wasn’t a whole lot of posing she could do other than her face and her hips, but she did what he asked and lifted her hips up, squeezing her buttocks together, or letting her hips down and bearing down as much as she could to show her anus off.

Chris got a few pictures with Kim laying there, and Charlie looking stoic next to the stallion, a hand on the stallion’s buttocks. It was a fun shoot. Chris kept telling Kim to relax and feel free to move around in the saddle. It would make for an interesting effect, even if it was blurry. She nodded and began to move around, squirming at first, and then gently raising her hips up, rocking them in a half moon shape back and forth over and over.

Charlie noticed her movements seemed a lot more practiced since the night before. She seemed to be getting the right movement for the stallion because before too long the stallion began to thrust into Kim. Kim actually let out a giggle, “Oh, there he goes!” It was cute watching her get off.

Charlie smiled, “Okay, I’ll get out of the shot. Chris, get in there and snap some candids.”

Chris didn’t have to be told twice as he began snapping dozens of close ups of Kim’s pussy getting invaded and thrust into with as much force as a full grown stallion can muster as it tried desperately to fill Kim’s pussy up with his seed. Suddenly the two were climaxing at the same time. Kim was obviously embarrassed because she was a lot less vocal than normal. But Charlie smiled and posed for the photos by squatting near her hips as the huge horse inseminated his executive chef.

Chris took several more shots as the horse cum began to ooze out from around Kim’s loins and down her anus and into the bowl beneath her. Kim was panting as Chris stood up and smiled, “Okay, I think I have what I need. I’ll be in touch, Charlie. It was nice meeting you, Kim.”

She gasped, “You too, Chris.”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’ll walk you out, Charlie. Thanks Kim.”

After walking out and coming back Charlie said, “Thank you for doing that Kim… you were great. I think it’ll turn out great.”

Kim sighed, “We’re going to miss our numbers, Charlie.”

Charlie frowned, “What do you mean?”

Kim said, “If you do the math, we’ll be short… just by a few cups of semen. Unless…”

Charlie frowned, “Unless what?”

Kim said, “I should really stay under them tonight and collect as much as I can for tomorrow.”

Charlie nodded, “Oh, I see… so you want to sleep under there?”

Kim nodded, “Yes, just for tonight… and tomorrow night.”

Charlie smiled, “Okay, perfect. I’ll just go home and get a sleeping bag and camp out in my office. I’ll come out and check on you every few hours and seal up any product you produce in that time period.”

Kim nodded, “Okay, can you let Lenny know?”

Charlie smiled, “Sure, no problem.”

That evening was relatively uneventful. The staff were polite and nice to Kim and all said goodbye nicely to her at the end of the night, which Kim really appreciated. Things were finally starting to feel normal around the restaurant, even with a naked horse fucking chef in the back. Lenny was happy to hear from Charlie and understood that work came first for Kim. He was awful, Charlie decided.

Charlie went home and grabbed a sleeping bag and headed back to the office. As he promised he set his alarm and went out to check on Kim every few hours. He barely got a wink of sleep as he alternated between masturbating watching her on camera and helping her when the alarm went off. She switched back to Moonglow in the morning and Charlie finally got a little sleep before the restaurant opened again.


Chapter Thirteen

The next day the local newspaper had Kim right on the cover. The phones were already ringing off the hook as Charlie grabbed the paper and walked out to talk with Kim who had had no rest in over a day. She looked flush and tired and happy, but still nervous to hear what Charlie was about to read, “Here’s the story, Kim… you ready?”

Kim swallowed as she hung slung helpless beneath Moonglow, “Sure. I’m nervous.”

Charlie laughed, “Oh don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be great. Okay, here goes. It says, ‘Charlie Leenmore’s Restaurant wants you to eat horse ejaculate. You heard me right. On Valentine’s day, his head chef, Kimberly Cambell wants you to eat from a private tasting menu that she’s devised that employ horse semen that she has extracted using her own body. Yes, she’s having sex with horses and feeding them to her customers for one night only. I met with Kim yesterday and after some pointed questions she told us what she really thought.'”

Kim sighed, “Oh God, here it comes.”

Charlie continued, “In an interview with the head chef, Kim told me, ‘A desert menu with horse semen in it would be much more palatable than other types of dishes. I tried every one. I like the taste of horse cum. Having sex with horses sounded exciting because of how big they are. It’s kinda wild. What girl wouldn’t like swinging on a big horse penis all day? It an amazing feeling! Scary, dirty, and humiliating. The raw power is unbelievable. My husband is very supportive.'”

Kim was horrified, “What?! That’s not how I said any of that. He totally removed all the other things I said.”

Charlie continued, “Kim is no doubt unashamed of what she’s doing. She practically lept at the chance to show me what she was doing all day under the stallion. As a reporter, I can safely tell you that I have never witnessed anything so graphic in all of my days. But at least you can tell she is enjoying herself and she wants you to enjoy the fruits of her labor too. If you aren’t feint of stomach and want to try something absolutely unlike anything you’ve had before, the restaurant is open on Valentine’s day and is only making private reservations. It is not open to the public due to health and safety regulations so call them today to make your private reservation for you and your sweetheart.”

Kim shook her head, “Oh my God, that was awful.”

Charlie laughed, “Are you kidding? I mean, yes, he took a bit of your words out of context slightly, but this was good. Very good. If I read this I’d definitely come. You did great, Kim, you should be proud. Everyone who reads this will be intrigued at least. The phone has already started ringing and the paper only arrived a few minutes ago. I think we’ll have a full house, Kim. Way to go.”

Kim shook her head, “But it made me sound like a horse slut. I thought he was going to talk about the traditions, or whatever… didn’t you talk to him before hand?”

Charlie shook his head, “No, I thought you were going to mention it. But that’s okay.”

Kim frowned, “I don’t know how anyone is going to take me seriously after that article.”

Charlie smiled, “I have a feeling if this goes off as well as I think it should, you’ll be getting offers right and left. But at a very minimum, I know that you’re the right chef for this restaurant and you’ll always have a place here, Kim. I’m so proud of you. I’m hanging this up in the kitchen.”

Kim swallowed, not wanting to tell Charlie to stop. It was too late. The entire town knew that she was a horse slut, even though she could barely admit it to herself. She almost whimpered in a crushing self destructive way, “Okay…”

Charlie paused. He could sense his enthusiasm wasn’t wearing off on her, “Look, Kim. It’s too late to be upset. Your husband knows and he supports you. I support you. The team supports you. All of the people calling right now support you. Don’t worry about what the others think. We all love you and are excited to taste your recipes. You’re fucking awesome. You’re courage is amazing. What other chef do you know would do this for their customers? None is the answer. Not a one. You’re it, Kim. You’re the most daring chef in the world. You can write books about this.”

Kim smiled, “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. This is pretty wild. No pun intended.”

Charlie smiled, “There you go. That’s the smile I was looking for. Cheer up, if all goes well, I think this will be a great Valentine’s day!”

That night was more of the same. Kim only got off of the stallions to use the bathroom, eat and wash up. Charlie laughed and said, “You’re turning into a real belly riding, Kim!”

She laughed, “Thanks, I think!”


Chapter Fourteen

The day had finally arrived. It was Valentine’s day. As Charlie suspected, they were packed to capacity. This was the talk of the town and everyone was lined up to try Kim’s Valentine’s day tasting menu. It was an immediate success, Charlie could already tell. Many people asked if they could compliment the chef, and the servers would invite them into the back where poor Kim was fucking those two stallions for all they were worth.

It was causing quite a traffic jam around the back of the kitchen but it was worth it. Kim was shocked that so many people were so nice to her, and were so willing to listen to her story about Brazilian women and their story. They marveled at how good a job she had done and how dutifully she had milked those stallions.

The women most of all seemed to be curious how it felt, if it hurt, if she could actually orgasm like that. She patiently answered all of their questions and gave them lots of insights. Kim was a rock star, and Charlie couldn’t have been more proud of her.

After it was over and the crowd had died down and everyone began to pack up, Charlie walked in and told Kim that she could stop now. Kim looked a bit let down, “It was a crazy ride. I’m kinda sad it’s over. Look at me, I’m a complete mess!” She lifted her hips high as if to give Charlie a good long look at her pussy.

Charlie smiled, “Well, it doesn’t have to be over. We could always do it again next year…”

Kim bit her lip a little as she rocked her hips up and down and said, “I was thinking something different… You know all I could think of the entire time I was under here is I wish one of these horses would knock me up. Is that weird?”

Charlie laughed, “No, I guess not… that’s what sex is for I guess.”

Kim sighed as she began to rotate her hips faster, “I must have cum… I don’t know… dozens of times thinking about it. I guess… It got me thinking though, Charlie… I started thinking… well… I think I actually am a belly rider, Charlie.”

Charlie smiled, “You sure are.”

Kim shook her head rocking her hips gently, “No… I mean… I think I actually am going to be one… you know… going forward… from now on.”

Charlie winced, “Wait what?”

Kim smiled bucking her hips as she looked at him, “I know it sounds odd… and you probably weren’t trying to make me become a belly rider. But… would you mind if I… stay here… back here behind the restaurant… and kinda… just keep doing this? I know you like this… watching me… And you can have as much semen as you want for more off-menu deserts…”

Charlie laughed, “Sure, I like watching… wait, do you want to do this full time? Am I hearing you right? I just want to make sure I’m hearing you right.”

Kim smiled and bucked her hips harder, “Yes…. I want to fuck horses. I want to do it forever, Charlie. Will you call Lenny and tell him I won’t be home… for a while? I don’t know how long. But… I can’t stop, Charlie. Not now. Not now that I know what it’s like.”

Charlie swallowed, “Okay… wow… You’re right, I hadn’t… well… I mean, I hoped… wow… I’ll let the staff know too… we’ll have to create two parts of the restaurant. One for anyone and the second will have to be a private dining experience.” Charlie’s mind was racing.

Kim rocked her hips upwards hard as her orgasm approached, “Unnnnnn… I can’t wait for everyone to taste me. Make them taste me Charlie. Feed them my pussy juices and horse cummmmmmmm….. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Charlie’s eyes went wide as he saw Kim starting to cum, “Oh my God. What have I done?”

Kim bucked her hips hard, “Big Bennnnnnnnn, will you be my Valentinnnnnnne? UnnnnhhhhhhhoooHHHHH!!!!!!!!”

— End —

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