Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Inspirational Speaker


This is my ninth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter 1

After having returned from Brazil Tammy was a fully fledged belly rider. She was very wealthy from self help courses. She wasn’t sure how to integrate the two parts of her life though. Although she had managed to live a luxurious life during her month on vacation she needed to get back into her daily life. At first she tried to keep the two separate but she knew she couldn’t stay away from horse cock too much longer. She ended up having a small corral built, buying a truck with a trailer, and then setting out to find herself a lover. She found herself sneaking onto horse stud farms at night. She must have slept with half of the stallions within a ten mile radius of her secluded home in the hills away from the city. She couldn’t make up her mind between them, even though a few were clearly felt spectacular when they came in her. Most were too dangerous, wild or simply unapproachable.

But then she found the perfect stallion. He was bigger than most of the others, with a girth to match. He was solid black, a thoroughbred. Tammy wanted him bad. She kept crossing and uncrossing her legs when she was supposed to be working, thinking about her brief encounter with him a few nights earlier. That was it, Tammy thought, it was time to get her horse. She approached the owner of the stud farm, feigning only passing interest in buying a stallion. The owner seemed appreciative of the chance to unload one of his stallions. He showed her a number of them, none of which were the stallion Tammy wanted.

Tammy spotted him across the field, and decided to stop playing coy, “That one. I want that one. For mating.” The man’s eyes opened wider, “Oh? Well I can’t sell, Black Lightning, he’s worth a fortune. We can sell his sperm for thousands of dollars.” “I don’t care, I want him. How much?” The man leaned back and thought for a moment, “You want him that bad, huh?” “Just name your price.” “One million.” Tammy sighed, but she definitely had the money. It was expensive, but she’d rather have what she wanted, “Fine, load him up in my trailer, and I’ll get my checkbook.” And with that, Tammy had her new lover. She had to make due for a few weeks, while she had a belly riding saddle mailed to her from Brazil. Getting a hold of the drugs she needed was easier, when she explained to the vet that she needed them for his breeding activities.

She managed to jerry-rig her restrains to be easy to do and undo by herself, using Velcro, and with that she managed to spend most of her off days mated to her horse, whenever she was in town. She began to yern more and more for the time that she could meld the two parts of her life. The part where she could belly ride and do her job at the same time. She talked to her agent, who helped her book her inspirational speaking seminars, and asked her to come and visit her. When Katie showed up, Tammy walked her out to the stable that she had had constructed. Black Lightning was there with the belly riding saddle on, eating hay.

Tammy said, “Katie, I have something to tell you.” “What?” “I’d like to take my horse on a road show.” “Uh… okay? Like a prop?” “Sort of.” “Okay? What then?” “Don’t freak out, okay?” “Okay?” “Promise?” “I’ll try not to. What is it?” “Black Lightning there… well… he and I…” “Yes?” “We are sort of… lovers.” “What?!” “Yeah, well, we have sex anyway.” “You fuck horses?” “Yes. Does that freak you out?” “Wow… no, I mean, yes, of course, a little. When did you start?” “Last year while I was in Brazil. I learned how while I was there.” “I see… wow… that’s something I’d like to see… Tammy Jones fucking a horse!” “I’d be happy to.” And with that, Tammy quickly pulled her sweater over her head and laid it on the fence exposing her black lace bra and flat stomach.

“Really?” Katie was shocked that Tammy was really doing this. “Sure, why not?” Tammy said as she unhooked her bra, and unzipped her pants. “Uh, I dunno… I was sorta kidding.” Tammy didn’t stop as she unzipped her boots and kicked them off, and wiggled her butt out of her tight pants, “Well let me know if you want me to stop and I will.” “Uh, okay, sure…” Katie didn’t look so sure about this whole thing as Tammy quickly removed her thong panties and stood naked in front of her and said, “Well that’s the first step, you can’t have sex with a horse unless you’re good and naked.” Katie nodded, transfixed.

Tammy climbed over the fence and wormed her way into the belly riding saddle. She stroked the giant sheath until the horse’s erection emerged. Within a few minutes, Tammy was copulating with the horse, while Katie watched wordlessly. Tammy laughed as she managed to tie her legs with the Velcro and struggled to get her hands tied, “Why the worried look?” “Oh, I’m not worried, but… doesn’t it hurt?” “Oh god no, this is great. It’s just like a man, warm, hard, and strong, but without any of the stupid talk, and he’s so much bigger than any man I’ve ever been with.”

Katie nodded again, without saying anything. Tammy said, “So now you see, this is pretty much what it’s like. And I’d like to find a way to take him on a road show with me. Can you help?” “That’s a tall order, Tammy, geez. It’s not like you want to change up the title of your program or something. This is… a big deal.” Tammy shifted her weight and began to swing in her sling taking a few inches of cock back and forth as she said, “That’s why I hired the best. Please, help me.” “Well first, isn’t it illegal?” “In most states, yes, but I’ve got it mapped out which states we can hit legally. You don’t have to worry about that.” Tammy was lifting her butt in the air, flaunting her union to Katie, who was trying to brainstorm while watching her otherwise professional client perform a lewd act of bestiality in front of her.

Katie said, “Okay, I got it, we’ll do a ‘be yourself’ campaign. Nothing is too outrageous – you need to be comfortable in your own skin. Damned everyone else. Tammy will explain if she can do the ultimate act of self deprecation, and be a professional at the same time, you can be yourself too.” Tammy moaned gently, “Mmmmm… I’ll need to cumm on stage too.” “Okay, sure… we can try to work that into the theme… Something like, ‘You can only be truly happy when you can be yourself.’ We’ll have to work on that.” Tammy began to thrust harder, and moan more rhythmically. She was in a daze, gently lulled by Katie’s voice, “I’ll probably cumm more than once actually.” “Hmm… okay, well, we want it to seem unrehearsed, but also professional. So you’ll have to excuse yourself as it happens, and show remorse, but also elation. It’ll be tricky.”

Tammy began to feel the Black Lightning step forward and then gently buck towards the side, as her eyes opened wide. She knew what was next, but continued to listen to Katie, “We can take pictures of you with the horse, blurred out of course, and send them out as fliers. I bet a lot of women would show up just to see that, forget that it’s you. You might even get double the audience.” The horse thrust into Tammy several times hard and she moaned louder, trying to pay attention as the horse finally let go a flood of semen into Tammy’s loins. “Oh, god, Katie, watch.” Katie stopped talking just in time to see a small gush of warm fluid erupt from around the union that the Tammy’s engorged pussy made around the pulsating horse penis. Tammy moaned as her orgasm overtook her. Katie nodded, “Right, and we’ll need to make sure we discuss how to deal with the horse orgasm too. Good point.”


Chapter Two

The day had finally arrived, Tammy was anxious to get into the saddle, but Katie had told her to wait until she got on stage. The horse was already on stage, facing away from the audience, of over a thousand people. Most of the attendees were women. Tammy paced back and forth, completely naked, behind the curtains, waiting to go out on stage. Finally Katie said, “Okay, you ready?” Tammy nodded nervously, “Don’t ask, let’s just get on with it before I change my mind.” Katie said, “Knock them dead!” She disappeared onto the stage and began to announce Tammy. Finally she heard her cue and with a deep breath she took a step out from behind the curtains. She felt more naked than usual as she walked out to a half stunned and half applauding audience.

Her butt and breasts giggled uncontrollably as she quickly walked over to the horse. She had a wireless mic around her neck that she immediately strapped to the side of the horse as she began to talk, “Hello everyone. I know what you’re thinking. What’s this crazy lady doing up here? She’s naked, she’s got a horse, and that’s got to be a recipe for disaster. Well, you’re right, but it’s the kind of disaster that shapes us, and makes us stronger. If I can make it through the next forty five minutes, I hope you realize you can do anything. You can live any dream, climb any mountain, or have sex with anyone or anything you like. Your life is yours.” She began to get herself situated in the saddle, as Katie tied her arms and legs to the horse, gave it a shot and began to rub it’s sheath. This had all been planned out so Tammy could continue talking without skipping a beat.

Huge cardboard pictures of Tammy and the horse were propped up on either side of the stage. They were promotional pictures so nothing was really visible, but Tammy still thought it was erotic to see herself like that. As she began to give her speech Katie got the horse aroused enough so that it’s warm flesh began to push against her soft vulva. She tried to allow the horse flesh to enter her, and after a minute it had. She swallowed hard mid-sentence and then said, “Sorry, folks, I got a little distracted there for a moment. Where was I?” That drew a laugh from the women who were warming up to her.

Tammy went through the process of telling the women how important it was that they gain self respect, even in the face of something as self deprecating as buying a horse under the auspices of breeding when in reality you just want it to breed with you full time. The audience thought that was funny too. Tammy began to walk the horse around the stage, back and forth, which made the sling swing back and forth, getting Tammy off. Her breasts swayed too, in a really gratuitous display. She began to feel extremely aroused as she began to rock her hips, more openly as she walked around the stage. She even began to moan a little here and there, letting the audience hear her voice as a guage. She wanted them to be a part of her display.

At fifteen minutes into her speech it was time for some questions and answers, as Katie ran into the audience and handed the microphone to a few women who had questions about her speech. Tammy answered the questions from the stage, rocking her hips harder and harder. One of the women asked, “So what kinds of things do you think are good for women to do to improve their self esteem?” “You could… oh… go camping naked… or… write some poetry and go deliver it nude… or….” Tammy finally began to climax, “Excuse me…. Oh god! Oh… mmmmmmm ohhhhhh!” Tammy’s pussy convulsed around the hard horse cock, as she tensed and arched her back. After several long seconds she finally calmed down and sighed deeply, “Sorry about that… anyway, … whew…” The women all laughed, “Scratch the naked part, sorry, I was distracted. Just do things that are outside of your comfort zone. You’ll quickly see that people are pretty sympathetic and nice, even in the face of something obscene.”

Tammy continued to answer some more questions and walk the horse back and forth until she entered the next part of her speech. It was just a few minutes, but she wanted to do some mental exercises, as she dimmed the room and asked the women to close their eyes and visualize their greatest desires, and visualize what it would take to get there. Tammy took that moment to begin rocking her hips again. She was determined to have another orgasm. She rocked her hips harder, as her butt clenched and her legs lifted her butt and lower back up off the saddle, taking a full three inches of the thick stallion’s meat into her hole. After several more seconds she began to tense and pulsate. Her whole body twisted in the saddle as she writhed in ecstasy. She gritted her teeth, trying not to make a sound as her audience visualized. Finally she let out her breath, as she tried to come down from her orgasm, only to realize the saddle had been making a lot of creaking sounds and that they had been amplified through the microphone around her neck.

She sighed and laughed loudly as she realized her faux pas and that her orgasm hadn’t been stealthy at all, “Well, I guess you all know what I was visualizing!” The audience laughed loudly. The tried to recover by quickly moving into another exercise and then when that was up she went back to more lectures. Tammy knew the time was wearing dangerously thin, so she began to go for broke. As she spoke she began to thrust hard against her huge horse lover. She made sure each up stroke ended with the thick head of the horse’s penis pressed against her cervix. She wanted him to cumm in her.

She tried to keep an even voice as she openly mated with the animal in front of the huge audience. She had practiced her speech dozens of times while coupled with the horse, and she felt prepared, but that was never in front of a thousand women. She began to wrap up her speech, and thrust in more desperation. It would be a tragedy if she couldn’t get him to orgasm while the audience was watching. She squeezed her pussy hard, and milked the hot horse penis with as much passion as she could muster, while still reciting her speech. Finally, the horse began to prance and Tammy stopped what she was saying and instead switched gears.

“I know you… all… probably feel like what… I’m… doing… oh god… is easy. Just get laid by a horse… and talk. But I submit… that what I’m doing… is harder than anything… you do all day… long. Being honest… with… oh god! Yourself… is… harder than it looks. So… I beg you, to please, give me a round of applause… for…” The horse began to thrust hard into Tammy as she tried to keep talking, “… for… uhm… he’s so huge… uhm… anyway… please, give me… GOD! give me your applause… if you… appreciate my words…. oh he’s cumming, everyone. He’s cumming!”

The horse thrust hard into Tammy’s open vagina. It sprayed her insides with hot horse semen as she began to climax at the same time. Her insides were instantly coated with silky hot semen, as the animal and woman orgasmed in unison. It was an amazing sight. Tammy’s busom giggled wildly as her whole body tensed. Her cervix pulsated, sucking up the horse semen as it erupted against her insides. The entire audience could plainly see that she would have done anything to prolong that moment – the moment of her successful mating. Her pussy quivered, lapping at the squirting cock, as Tammy’s body tried desperately to impregnate itself with the stallion’s fertile seed, for everyone to see. Her anus tensed and pulsated, which was also quickly covered in a hot jet of horse semen that erupted from her naked body. She was filled to the brim with horse sperm, and even as her orgasmic body rocked, she couldn’t get enough of this.

Tammy continued to buck and writhe, even as the horse began to slow it’s thrusts. She wasn’t through with her orgasm, and she felt like she could keep it going, just as a huge eruption of applause overtook the audience. Tammy managed to moan out, “Thank you, everyone… oh god… thank you…” Katie used her microphone to say, “Tammy will be out in the hallway signing autographed copies of her book, if you want to talk to her afterwords. Thank you all for coming, and please take our fliers. We’ll be continuing this series of speeches in a number of states around the country.”

Tammy continued to rock her hips, moaning as she managed to guide the horse off stage, with Katie in tow. The audience applauded well after she left the stage. They were a success. Tammy was unhooked from her microphone, but she never stopped rocking her hips and moaning. Even as she was brought out into the hallway, Tammy’s orgasm persisted. She was insistent that she continue her orgasm as long as she could manage. Her multiple orgasms came quick and hard, and she did her best to answer people’s questions, while climaxing nearly the entire time. Tammy came extra hard when she realized she could see up most of the women’s skirts. Everything from standard cotton panties, to sheer, to thongs and bare naked pussies with clitorus rings. Hundreds of women came by to thank Tammy for being so inspirational, as she came, looking at each of their long legs and whatever they had between them.

It was the beginning of a great new life for Tammy.

The End

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