Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Professional


This is my 29th story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Catherine had finally gotten a chance to become a vice president of her company after many years of loyal service and with that she was given control over the whole Brazilian business unit of the coffee manufacturing company. She spoke some Portuguese from some last minute classes, but that was the least of her concerns. She had to pack her bags and fly down, purchase a new house and start her new life there. She had saved up lots of money, so buying a nice home with land was not a big deal. It even had a stable, which she didn’t see much point in, but maybe she could take up riding if she ever had some spare time. She quickly acclimated herself to her new home, and her new maid, who came recommended by her realtor, and most importantly she became acclimated her new job. Her office was professional, but she was more dressed up than most, still in her Manhattan pumps and pearls, a thin pin stripe skirt and smart looking blouse. The only problem was she hadn’t made a single real friend, so when Maria, her new maid, asked her if Catherine wanted to go to her cousin’s wedding, Catherine jumped at the chance to get out of the house.

Catherine had never seen belly riding before, or even heard of it, so when she first spotted a completely nude woman slung beneath a horse with it’s penis in her, moaning in broad daylight, Catherine flushed immediately. Catherine did her best not look at the woman, wondering why no one else was making a big deal out of it, but finally Catherine had to ask Maria, “What’s up with that woman?” “Oh, my sister?”

Catherine was absolutely shocked, “That’s your sister?!” “Yes, she’s my younger sister. Lupe. She is a good girl. She resembles me a lot, don’t you think?” Catherine was completely dumbfounded, “Uh… I guess… But… why is she having sex with a horse?” Catherine tried not to say anything negative, but normally she would have a hard time saying anything but cruel spiteful things about a woman who would engage in such a disgusting act. “Oh, that, si. Yes, she is a belly rider.”

Catherine had no idea what belly riding meant, beyond the fact that it must have something to do with degrading yourself with a stallion in front of dozens of people, “Oh.” But Catherine nodded her head as if she understood. Maria smiled, “She’s very pretty, is she not?” Catherine swallowed, remembering that Maria would certainly take offense if Catherine were to say anything mean, “Uh, yes, she looks, very… uh… happy.” Maria smiled, “She should be. Lupe has been a belly rider for almost two years now. She lives a good life. If you’d like to try it, we can go to the barn and find a stallion for you.”

Catherine was shocked that Maria would ask her so matter of factly if she wanted to have sex with an animal. Catherine vehemently shook her head, “No thanks, no. Hahah, I don’t think so.” Maria shrugged, “Ah, it’s okay. Let me know when you change your mind.” Catherine didn’t respond, not wanting to say anything mean about Maria’s sister who was clearly orgasmic at that exact moment while the bulk of the people around her ignored her predicament. The wedding was between one of Maria’s cousins and her boyfriend of several years. It was a blur as Catherine couldn’t take her eyes off the situation. Maria’s sister was positioned right in Catherine’s field of view during the ceremony. Maria’s sister’s butt was tensing for almost ten minutes straight at one point during the ceremony. Catherine could tell she was orgasmic almost throughout the entire wedding. There was something strangely appealing about the whole scene, Catherine thought. She couldn’t believe no one was saying anything at all to Lupe, or asking her to stop. Catherine couldn’t wait to get back to her bed and masturbate thinking about it.

The reception was nice enough, but Catherine was too distracted to properly socialize. After the traditional wedding was over Maria and Catherine walked around talking to people, and eventually Catherine found herself faced with Maria’s sister, Lupe, who was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Maria introduced them and Catherine politely took Lupe’s hand which was bound by the wrist to the horse she was having sex with with a thick leather strap. As they talked, Catherine tried not to notice the thin drops of horse sperm that were leaking out of the 20 something girl’s full vaginal orifice. Lupe’s nipples became erect as they talked and she was clearly aroused by the attention Maria and Catherine were giving.

They chatted about the wedding but Catherine desperately wanted to ask Lupe a bunch of questions. But Catherine didn’t want Maria to see her curiosity. Catherine couldn’t help but notice the girl’s clitoris was engorged too as they parted ways.

On the drive home Catherine didn’t say much, but Maria could tell her mind was elsewhere, “Are you okay, Ms. Catherine?” “I’m fine, just tired. Thank you for inviting me today though, it was a really nice wedding.” Maria nodded as they drove back to the house. As soon as Catherine found herself alone she flopped into bed and masturbated for over an hour thinking about what she had seen. She finally managed to drift off to sleep after three intense orgasms.


Chapter Two

The next day Catherine found herself telling a number of her employees about what she had seen. None of the native Brazilians she worked with even flinched when she described what she had seen. They all nodded as if that were as common as someone dancing at a wedding. She acted somewhat appalled to protect herself from anyone thinking she might be interested in it, but no one seemed to agree with her emotional response. In fact they seemed slightly amused that she seemed so interested and/or upset by the whole thing. She suddenly felt like a Shakespearean play – Thou doth protest too much. She knew she wanted to try it herself but she couldn’t imagine the ramifications if she were caught.

When she got home that night she asked Maria to tell her more about her sister, Lupe. Maria went into her life history, telling Catherine about what she was like, how she had grown up, and all kinds of things Catherine couldn’t care less about, but Catherine feigned interest in the hopes she might learn more about the horse. Then Catherine’s wish came true when Maria finally started talking about Lupe’s belly riding.

Maria described how Lupe had found some pictures of their Grandmother who had been a belly rider. Apparently Lupe really wanted to try it for herself, to follow in their grandmother’s tradition. So shortly after her 18th birthday, Lupe had sex with a horse for the first time, by herself. Lupe later said it was incredibly hard to do because she was a virgin at the time, and it took hours before she could finally take him. Initially Lupe tried to keep it a secret from her family. Maria chuckled, “It became obvious after a while when Lupe would spend hours out in the barn, and come back flush and sweaty. Apparently the rest of the family didn’t notice, but I used to kid her that she was spending more and more time feeding those horses every day.”

She continued, “One day I caught her in the barn on a bench with on of our horses up inside of her, and she nearly cried she was so embarrassed. I could sense how much pain she had been in. Plus she couldn’t use the old belly riding saddle that she had found in grandmother’s old trunk because she had no one to help her. So I took it upon myself to start helping her. We used to come up with male names and say that Lupe was going on a date with them, but really, we would go to the stable, and tie her to her stallion. Then I’d leave her there and come back several hours later to fetch her. It went on that way for several months. Lupe went on a LOT of dates. She was a VERY popular girl.” Maria winked.

Maria eventually encouraged Lupe to have a coming out party. It took several weeks of convincing but eventually her sister came out with her horse at her birthday party, much to her family’s surprise. Maria smiled, remembering the occasion, “There walked Lupe, at 18 years old, scared, naked and with a huge horse up inside of her. She was sure her family would disown her.”

Their Mother was okay with it, because their Mother’s Mother had been a belly rider too, and she quickly embraced her daughter and kissed her on the cheeks and told her she was a good girl. But their Father never fully understood, but he never outright condemned her either. After a year or so of avoiding Lupe and telling her that he didn’t wish to see her like that, their Father eventually came to terms with Lupe’s lifestyle. Maria smiled, “Lupe has almost never seen without a horse impaling her since her birthday two years ago now.”

Catherine shook her head, “Wow.” “Lupe’s boyfriend doesn’t mind much.” Catherine was surprised, “Lupe ended up with a boyfriend after all? How does that work?” “I don’t know, I guess they still love each other, even if she never has sex with him. Some men can handle such arrangements.” “No man I’ve ever met would be okay with something like that.”

Maria smiled, “You’d be surprised. Lupe and her boyfriend plan to marry. He couldn’t be at the wedding the other night because of his job, but maybe you will meet him someday. He’s a nice boy.” Catherine was confused, “Why would a guy want to marry a woman who has sex with animals?” Maria shrugged, “He loves her for who she is, and who she is is a belly rider. She is to be treasured. I asked her if she was going to get married while belly riding and she said, ‘Neither of us can see it happening any other way.’ I do believe she would go to the grave as a belly rider if she could. That’s the way it is with belly riders. Either they do it once or twice and never again, or it becomes their life.”

Catherine wondered which group she would fall into if she ever tried it. Catherine asked Maria to continue as she added, “This is fascinating. Please go on. I’m just into the culture of Brazil and I want to be exposed to more of it.” Maria looked at Catherine who was squeezing her thighs in a sensuous day dream, “Would you like to try it, Ms. Catherine?”

Catherine almost denied herself but then held her breath instead, not saying anything. Maria smiled, “Ah, yes, well tomorrow we will go to the stables. Now good night, Ms. Catherine.” Catherine had no chance to say anything before Maria abruptly walked out of the room. Could she really do this? She was a professional. Professional working women do not have sex with horses. Yet, she had been day dreaming about it all day. She had no idea what she would actually do tomorrow. She still had time. She could either just say no at the last minute or she could try it just once and then just leave it at that. She had a lot of thinking to do.

The next day after work Catherine came home to find a stallion grazing on her front lawn, loosely tied to a support column of the porch. Catherine noted the unmistakable belly riding sling like the one she had seen Lupe using just a few days earlier. Catherine felt butterflies in her stomach. Could she really do this? As Catherine walked up to and inspected the stallion, Maria walked up from the side of the house and said, “Ah, I see you found your new friend.” Catherine feigned a smile, as she felt his coarse hair on her fingers wondering what to do next, “Yup, he’s beautiful.” Maria smiled, “Okay, now give me your clothes and I’ll help you into the sling.”

Catherine heart beat hard in her chest as she was given the command to strip. She wanted to say no, but the word just wouldn’t come out. Instead she stood there, blinking and barely breathing, wondering what to do. Maria smiled again and put out her hand, “Please, Ms. Catherine, your clothes? It would be a shame to ruin them.” Catherine sighed heavily and began to strip down in the late afternoon daylight right there on her own lawn. She wasn’t particularly worried about being seen, since her house was offset from the road by quite a long twisty driveway and her home was surrounded by a dense grove of trees. But that said she was still shaky from what she knew she was about to do.

Catherine thought to ask Maria not to say anything to anyone about this. But at the same time, Catherine realized that Maria already had enough information to ruin her if she wanted to. Just by accusing her of such interests could certainly ruin her career. Maria held out her hand instantly, “Hand me your clothes.” Catherine sighed as she weighed what she was about to do. Before she actually made a decision one way or another she felt her hands reach down to the bottom of her blouse. She slipped off her blouse, and slid her skirt over her hips and her smooth butt, leaving her in her panties and bra and her high heeled shoes. Maria had seen Catherine naked several times in the few months Catherine had lived there, but Catherine knew this was different as she kicked off her high heels. She then tied her hair up into a loose bun so it wouldn’t hang down into the dirt.

Catherine hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them over her buttocks and down her legs before stepping out of them. It was the first time Catherine had ever been without at least a bathing suit outside in her entire life. She unfastened her bra, letting her large breasts hang freely. She was amazed how naked she felt as she rubbed her breasts gently, standing there in her bare feet on the grass. She felt her nipples hardening, which she knew would embarrass her more so she stopped touching her breasts.

Maria gathered up Catherine’s clothes and folded the before placing them on the porch in a neat pile, before returning and gesturing to the horse, “Okay, climb in.” Catherine took a deep breath, “You sure about this?” She nodded, “Yes, it will be fine. Go ahead.” Catherine said, “I can’t believe I’m doing this….” Catherine shook her head and after quite a lot of effort she managed to climb into the belly riding saddle, spread eagle, so that her hot vagina was exposed. She felt very uncomfortable like this, especially as Maria walked around the horse and fastened Catherine’s ankles and wrists securely to the horse as she said, “This is so you can’t get away.” Catherine couldn’t tell if Maria was joking or not, but she forced a nervous laugh anyway.

Once Catherine was well situated, Maria began to massage the horse’s penis, to get it to emerge. Catherine hoped Maria couldn’t tell how wet Catherine was, but she suspected it was pretty obvious by now. Catherine had been fantasizing about this for days, and her engorged clitoris and wet pussy betrayed her. But her nervousness was definitely weighing heavily on her mind. Not that the fact that she was naked and spread eagle under a horse wasn’t obvious enough, but Catherine still felt the urge to be demure, despite it all.

Soon the horse penis emerged, and although Catherine could barely see it down the length of her body, she definitely felt the soft touch of the massive horse head pushed forward against her tender opening. She quickly realized what she was in for. She knew the meat of a horse penis was big, but she hadn’t quite anticipated this. Thankfully Catherine was already soaking wet, or she would have had a terrible time. Maria fought to shove the penis into Catherine’s body, and Catherine fought to accept the massive phallus. She squirmed and tensed and rocked her hips, trying to get as much leverage as she could.

Catherine was beginning to believe it would never work. But Catherine watched Maria’s face, which was one of determination. Maria didn’t look upset or angry or frustrated. Clearly Maria had had plenty of experience mating women to animals before, definitely more than Catherine had, so Catherine let Maria continue to push and shove and spread Catherine’s labia apart as the union continued to elude them. Maria smiled blowing a stray hair out of her face as she said slightly out of breath, “I forgot how difficult it must be for a new belly rider. My sister had been having sex with her stallion for over a month before I began helping her. New belly riders often have a hard time, I’m told.”

Catherine asked, slightly worried, “Is this going to work? He’s awfully big!” Maria smiled, “Yes, many women before you have taken horses, don’t worry, give me a few minutes and I will have you two mated.” Catherine tried to smile, “Okay, I’ll trust you.” After several tense minutes of both women wordlessly fighting in sensuous aggravation, Catherine’s eyes shot open as she felt the bulk of the horse’s huge penis penetrate her.

Catherine couldn’t help but say, “Oh my GOD, he’s huge!” She felt a small orgasm ripple through her body as inch by inch the giant penis finally slid into her. Catherine moaned gently, thankful to finally be mated to her horse after such prolonged foreplay. Maria stood back, wiping a small drop of sweat from her brow and smiled, proud of her work, “There! See? That wasn’t so bad! How does it feel?” Catherine felt her butt quivering as inch after inch slid into her body and her orgasm gently rolled over her. The huge member felt like it was ripping her apart, but her orgasm seemed to make the situation so much more tolerable.

It was feeling great at first as Catherine started to explain, “It feels so… Unnnnnn! OW!” Suddenly Catherine felt a sharp pain deep inside her as the horse finally pressed hard against her cervix, which put a sudden stop to her gentle orgasm as she came out of her haze and realized exactly what she was doing – she was letting a 1500 pound animal push his cock up her pussy. Maria looked concerned, “Ah, he’s against your cervix. He looks well-seated. Don’t worry, the discomfort will pass. It always does.” The pain was already passing by the time Maria had finished saying that. It was a strange feeling but not bad, and Catherine definitely felt like she could orgasm like this. Catherine really had no idea what to expect having sex with a horse would be like, but this certainly hadn’t been it so far.

Catherine bit her lip and proudly rocked her hips up and down once to show that she did, indeed have almost 8 inches of horse penis nestled deeply in her, “I can’t believe it. Look at me, Maria, he’s all the way in me. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it. I was really beginning to doubt that it would work.” Maria smiled, “I knew you could do it. Like all the proud belly riding women before you, you were determined. It’ll get easier with time too, you’re just not stretched out yet. My Sister can do it easily now. Your loins will stretch with time like my Sister’s. Within a few weeks of daily riding you will be able to easily accommodate any horse.”

Catherine was turned on by the thought of her vagina being so spread apart that it became better for having sex with horses than men. She was seriously contemplating what it would be like to have to explain to some guy that the reason sex wasn’t that good was because she had a horse-vagina – a vagina that was better suited for horses than men.

She knew already that she’d have to do this again, and she wondered how many times it would be before her pussy became loose enough where a man would notice. It felt too amazing and worth the risk. The 1500 lb horse’s cock felt huge and wonderful inside her sex. It was so dirty, and so raw. The horse didn’t care for her, she was just having sex, and it was completely forbidden sex at that. She wondered what her parents would think if they could see her now. Maria took a small syringe from a box on the grass that Catherine hadn’t even noticed was there, and gave it to the horse. Maria said, “This will allow you two to mate for several hours.”

Catherine didn’t like that term, ‘mate’ because it made it sound so much more perverted, but even as she heard the word, she began to realize that it was exactly the right term. She wasn’t making love, she was in fact mating with a horse. She was both grossed out and turned on all at the same time. She was letting an animal copulate with her, in fact she had been dreaming about it for days and now her dream was coming true. She was deeply penetrated by it’s penis, and she had already had a small orgasm, and she desperately wanted the stallion to ejaculate in her. There was no denying it, she had made her decision to mate with a horse and there was no going back now, she had to experience a horse orgasm first before she’d be satisfied. Then she could go back to her normal life, she told herself. But even as she thought it, she wondered if once would be enough.

Maria took the horse reins and began to lead the horse around the yard and soon around the house. Catherine closed her eyes. It made her dizzy to see the world upside down, and she was too caught up in the whole sensation of a horse’s penis roughly slipping back and forth in her with each step. The smell of the freshly cut grass and the trees and the warm breeze over her naked skin was intoxicating as she let herself be lead around. As Maria continued to walk Catherine around, Catherine’s body began to tense up as she felt the horse’s penis began to thicken. She could tell the horse was getting close to an orgasm. After several long moments the horse began to prance around. Catherine’s eyes opened and two things immediately struck her.

The first thing that struck Catherine was that the horse’s balls were tightened up and she was clearly just about to receive a giant dose of horse semen into her vagina. She couldn’t imagine what the contents of those giant testicles was like, but she was desperate to find out. The second was that she suddenly realized she wasn’t on her property anymore. Maria had walked Catherine and the stallion down the driveway, down the side of the road and more than two blocks away, and Catherine hadn’t noticed at all. Catherine still thought she was on her lawn and well out of sight of the neighbors the whole time.

Catherine’s orgasm was so close that she couldn’t stop herself to say anything, even though she began to pull away from the horse, trying to free herself as her modesty overcame her. Before she could say a word to stop Maria from taking her further away from the privacy of her property, the horse began to thrust forward into Catherine’s silky wet vagina. Hard jabs pummeled her insides as the horse’s penis thickened and began to pulsate hard in her body.

Catherine tried to protest but she felt like the wind was being knocked out of her as the stallion jabbed forward hard against her cervix. Instead of saying something Catherine simply grunted as it almost took her breath away. The stallion’s penis wasn’t just thickening around the shaft. Catherine could feel the stallion’s huge flare swelling up inside of her. It must be about the size of a fist now, she thought as the discomfort began to turn into a strange lusty thought of how huge this horse’s cock really was as it began to thrust hard into her over and over. Despite the fact that Catherine knew that she was probably within view of one of her neighbors by now, although she was totally disoriented and couldn’t really picture where she was. In reality she was only a few feet away from one of her neighbor’s house she arched her hips upwards and moaned just the stallion began to erupt.

A huge jet of semen shot out of the horse’s cock and deep into Catherine’s body. Rope after rope of slippery horse semen began to coat her insides. Catherine knew her orgasm was imminent now, but just before she began to climax she couldn’t help but look over. To her dismay one of her ex-pat neighbors was sitting on his porch sipping some sun-tea. Sure enough he spotted Catherine and Maria, and the horse. He waved at her, just as Catherine too began to orgasm. With a smile he said, “Hello there!” He began to stand up and walk towards her as her whole body began to convulse, betraying her.

She knew he was from Canada but she couldn’t remember anything else about him in that moment. All she could think about is what she must look like, bright red from embarrassment and flushed from an orgasm while the horse continued to thrust into her, filling her up with his semen, until a small amount began to squirt out around her vaginal lips. Her nipples were rock hard, her clitoris and vaginal lips were red and engorged and her stomach was tense. It was quite clear she was very much enjoying herself. Catherine did a bad job of stifling an orgasmic moan as she tried to wave back with her bound wrist. To make matters worse, the horse had stopped walking so it could satisfy itself with Catherine’s vulnerable hole. Her neighbor, who’s name Catherine couldn’t remember, took their pause as a good excuse to walk towards them.

Catherine moaned and gritted her teeth as a powerful orgasm ripped through her body. Her breasts jiggled with each final thrust of her horse lover’s body in an obscene way as her neighbor walked up to the scene, “Catherine, its nice to see you today. And in such a state!” Great, he remembered her name, but she couldn’t remember his, she thought. She was mortified. She felt her whole body rippling as she continued to climax. The stallion continued to ejaculate hard into her body, as rope after rope shot up against her cervix. Worse yet she too was having a mind blowing orgasm.

“Oh… you… too, ohhhhh…. sorry… about all this….” She grit her teeth and did her best not to draw too much attention to the fact that she was having a huge climax and a 1500 pound horse was fucking the contents of his giant cock into her wet pussy. “No no, no need to be sorry, I just didn’t know you were so into horses.” Catherine’s body began to finally relax in an uncomfortable way that expressed exactly how tense she had been during the height of her orgasm, “Oh, I’m… so… sooo….. embarrassed… I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Nnnnnn…” The man looked at the horse shoving his huge cock hard into Catherine where her butt was lifted high into the air as she took each thrust as best she could without crying out.

The man laughed, “I’ve never seen anything quite like this before. He’s really having his way with you, isn’t he? How long have you been having sex with horses now?” Catherine blushed hard as the horse continued to slam into her, hard, and her orgasm continued to make her body flex. She knew her anus was pulsating hard and she could feel her cervix pulsating against the huge fist sized horse flare deep inside of her. It was all too much for Catherine, “This… is… my first… time…. Nnnnnnn….. uhhhhh….. I’m so… soo… embarrassed! Nnnnnnn… ahhhhhhh…” She involuntarily let out a long moan and arched her back upwards visibly inviting more of the horse cock into her body as she was inseminated.

He smiled, “Your first time? Wow, this is quite a day for you then, huh? Don’t worry, I don’t want you to stop on my account. You can do whatever you want. I don’t mind one bit.” Catherine didn’t feel at all at ease, she was totally mortified as she tried to explain herself, “Maria here… was just… taking me for a walk and I think we… we…. got lost.” She realized her butt had been tense for almost thirty seconds as she tried to relax without looking too perverted but the horse wasn’t quite done with her as he jabbed hard into her several more times. “Don’t worry, Catherine, it’s quite alright. You look very pretty today. It takes a lot of guts to do that, I’m sure. It looks like you are enjoying yourself at least a little bit as well.”

Catherine tried to relax and caught her breath a bit as the stallion began to calm down as well, “Yes, well, I just… just…. wanted to get more in touch with the local culture. This is called belly riding. Brazilian women do it all the time, I guess. I guess I didn’t think I would get so… carried away.” The man smiled and nodded in a way that made Catherine realize he didn’t believe her at all regarding her wanting culture, “Ah, I see, well in that case, please feel free to come on by any time, and bring as much culture as you’d like with you.”

Catherine suddenly felt a flash of hot fluid erupting from around the edges of the tight seal between her labia and the stallion’s penis. She realized that horse semen was leaking out of her onto the pavement. Catherine blushed again, but tried to draw his eyes away from the sudden gush of semen that was drooling out of her hole, “Okay, but be careful what you wish for. Maybe I will.” She couldn’t believe she was flirting with him while horse semen gushed out of her. She knew he must be able to see it as his eyes darted all over her body.

He politely smiled and said, “Ah, it looks like he has had his fun for now by the looks of it. You look quite full. Full to the brim, as it were! Anyway, yes, please do. I mean it. Come by anytime.” Maria interrupted, “I’ll teach her how to steer the stallion as well, so she can come down as often as she’d like.”

Catherine shot a glance at Maria but Maria wasn’t looking at Catherine. The man held out his hand and introduced himself as “Tom” to Maria and she introduced herself as well. Catherine was glad to finally know his name. But just as she realized what his name was she realized what he had actually said, “So wait, you don’t mind if I come over like this again?” He shook his head, “Not at all. In fact, I insist.” “So I could come over every day and belly ride? I could come over here, naked, all the time?” “Sure, why not?”

Catherine squirmed slightly, getting more turned on thinking about the idea of riding again, and feeling the wetness of horse semen and vaginal lubricant allowing the horse penis to slide easily as she rocked her hips gently. She was getting a lot more comfortable all of a sudden, and suddenly she didn’t mind so much that her hard nipples and engorged clitoris were on display for Tom to see. She couldn’t believe he was being so open minded about this and before she could help herself she said, “Okay, well maybe I’ll be back tomorrow.” Tom nodded, “Great, I’ll see you then. Have a good evening ladies!”

They all said their goodbyes before Catherine could have any regrets. What had she done? Why had she agreed to that? She had clearly been too turned on, and she wasn’t thinking straight. Now she’d have to belly ride again and walk blocks, completely nude, while impaled on a horse in the afternoon daylight. Thankfully no one else had seen her, or at least no one that was still out as they went back to the house. Catherine chastised Maria, “Why did you take me out in public like this?” Maria smiled, “I thought you’d protest if you didn’t want to.” “I had my eyes closed!” “Oh, well belly riders are not secretive people, you said you wanted to experience more culture, right? Belly riders are unafraid of being seen by others.”

Catherine was furious at Maria but she needed her help if she was going to belly ride the next day, so she tried to contain her anger. But in her anger she also realized she was still really aroused, and the sensation of being filled with animal sperm was a new one, and very interesting feeling. Maria asked, “So, how was your first time being mated to a stallion?” Catherine swallowed, “It was a lot more violent and rough that I thought it would be.” Maria smiled, “Yes, horses are not gentle.” Catherine bit her bottom lip and thought for a second before saying, “It was a lot of fun actually.” Maria laughed and said, “I thought you might say that. You will make a fine belly rider some day.”

Before Catherine could have another orgasm they had reached the house. Catherine didn’t want to ask Maria to walk around the house a few more times, out of embarrassment, so she let Maria unfasten her arms and legs and free Catherine’s nude body. As she extracted herself from the huge engorged penis the flared head of the horse’s penis sprang free like a sponge and small droplets of semen sprayed all over the insides of her legs and around her pubic hair as a large volume of sperm flushed out of her body. She sighed and shuddered as it drained down the insides of her naked thighs. Maria said, “We’ll try again tomorrow and I’ll help you learn how to steer so you can take walks on your own. All belly riders learn how. Eventually you’ll learn how to continue talking while the horse is having an orgasm, or even while you’re having your own orgasm.”

Catherine smiled, “I don’t see how that’s possible.” “It’s true, eventually you’ll be able to go to work like that and conduct your daily business. As long as your work doesn’t involve the use of your arms or legs.” Catherine shuddered thinking about it, “No, that would be impossible. My office is very professional.” Maria smiled as she said, “We’ll see. Now write me a check for $4,000” Catherine sighed heavily as she wasn’t surprised that Maria wanted blackmail money to keep quiet. Maria was always loyal but the money was probably too much temptation.

Catherine wordlessly went over and grabbed her wallet from her purse and wrote a check to hand to Maria. Catherine was just glad Maria didn’t ask for more – Catherine would have given almost everything she had to stop Maria from talking about this. “Just don’t tell anyone, okay? Please?” Maria nodded, “I won’t tell anyone that you bought a horse for belly riding. And I also won’t talk about anything else you might do with him. Though, if you belly ride down the street, I suspect more people will find out over time.”

Catherine’s eye opened widely. She thought she was being blackmailed, but instead she had just bought a stallion. “I’ll have my sister’s belly riding handler come by once a day and feed him and clean up the barn. You can pay him $100 a week. He’s Lupe’s boyfriend’s brother. He takes care of her as well when Lupe’s husband is busy at work. So he’s very comfortable around belly riders since his future sister in law spends all day under a stallion. He won’t bother you, I promise.” Catherine sighed. Thankfully Maria knew more about this than Catherine did. Catherine petted her stallion once more before heading inside. She needed a shower and she needed another orgasm, which she fully intended to give herself before she could even think about going to sleep.


Chapter Three

The next day was a repeat of the day before at work, except it was hard for Catherine to concentrate at her desk. Catherine would have thought the whole thing with the horse the day before was a dream, but horse sperm had been leaking out of her off and on since she had extracted herself from it’s penis the day before. She imagined it had filled up her womb, and not just her vagina because it just kept coming out. She had had enough sex with guys over the years to know that this was an unusually large amount of semen that she had been filled up with. And even stranger still, Catherine was incredibly turned on by her secret.

Catherine found herself sneaking to the bathroom and masturbating on the toilet twice during the day as she rubbed the last few drops of the horse’s sticky semen around her clitoris and imagined what people would think if they knew she was masturbating with horse cum in the women’s restroom. She carefully smoothed her skirt down and washed her hands before leaving the restroom each time, but she couldn’t wait to get home. She barely thought about work the rest of the day and was out the front door by the time the clock hit 5PM.

That evening Maria spent a lot of time showing Catherine how to steer with the reins from underneath the horse. The reigns hung right in her grasp so all she needed to do was pull one rein or both to have the desired effect. She taught her how to stop the horse and move it side to side, all while having sex with it. Catherine couldn’t help climaxing several times, now that she had more control over what was going on around her. Though, at the same time she felt really out of control and disoriented as she tried to steer while seeing the world upside down. It was an amazing feeling. Especially when the stallion ejaculated into her for the first time while she alone controlled his reins. Afterwords Maria seemed to understand as Catherine gushed about how amazing it felt.

Catherine didn’t walk down to Tom’s place. She was simply too nervous, but the following morning as she drove by she spotted Tom watering the grass in his small front yard and she slowed. She felt her heart pumping as she did – she was very worried about what he might say, since he was one of the very few people who knew her secret. The secret could ruin her reputation completely, so she felt compelled to be very nice to him, even if she still didn’t feel at all comfortable with what he had seen. He walked up to her car when he spotted her and asked, “Hey, stranger. Where were you last night? I thought you were going to come by!”

Catherine was embarrassed that Tom brought it up so quickly. She realized her sexual perversion was really out there on display at that point and there was no going back. So she said, “Oh, I’m sorry, Tom, I didn’t mean to keep you waiting, if I did. I’m just still so new at the whole thing. Last night I spent the whole evening learning how to steer.” Tom nodded and said he hoped to see her again, “Well, the offer is always open, when you feel more comfortable with the mechanics of it.” That gave Catherine some urgency to learn how to steer the horse well, but more importantly, it gave her some courage to walk down thes street again, on her own.

That evening after another hour of practice Catherine was delighted to feel the first thrust of her stallion, that she had named Lightning. She was ecstatic to be away from other people, except Maria, and feeling the horny stallion deep inside of her, ready to ejaculate at any moment. She was giddy and let Maria know, “He’s about to cum!” Maria smiled, patiently, “Yes, I can see that.” Within a few moments Catherine was humping her hips hard upwards and the horse was slamming his cock deep and hard into her until he began to spray her insides with hot cum. She rocked her hips hard and moaned and gasped. She never thought an animal could feel so good inside her pussy. She was in love with this sensation.

As she began to come down she felt the horse semen begin to leak out of her, and she suddenly realized that she really wanted Tom to see her. Still breathless, Catherine said, “Maria… let’s go… see Tom.” Maria smiled, “Okay, remember how to turn Lightning?” With Maria’s help Catherine navigated Lightning all the way down to Tom’s house where they had a short visit. He was happy to see her, and they had a nice talk while Catherine tried to hold off an orgasm until just after she left. She knew he could see the semen drooling out of her pussy from earlier, so there were no questions in his mind about her intentions.

Their visit was pleasant and as it began to get dark Catherine excused herself and with Maria they walked back to the house. It had been a great day. Still though, she felt very nervous about what she was doing. It felt very dirty, and disgusting. But at the same time it was easily the most erotic thing she had ever done in her life.

Each day began to get longer as summer approached, and soon Catherine was spending more time at home. She even started leaving work earlier and earlier. Catherine spent the weekends and even some long lunch breaks suspended under her stallion. Soon people began to notice that she was beginning to let her work wane. One day one of her co-workers, suspecting her of having a drug or alcohol problem followed her home, and quietly spied on her long enough to witness her belly riding. Soon the gossip mill began to circulate at work and everyone was well aware of her belly riding.

That made her absence easier to swallow and even acceptable to most of the natives, but her lies and excuses were becoming more of a joke, until one day she said that she had an OBGYN appointment to her secretary who laughed and said, “You do have to get yourself checked out when you take that much horse penis, I suppose.” Maria spun and said, “What?!” The secretary was in shock, as she realized what she had said, knowing that she had been caught said,

“Sorry, I mean… it’s just that people have been saying you’re a belly rider and that’s really why you’re gone so much.” Catherine could feel the world coming in around her. “Oh my God, I had no idea people would find out. How many people know?” “Everyone?” She sat down in a chair across from her secretary’s desk and lowered her head into her hands and groaned. “How? How could they find out?” Catherine’s secretary said softly, “Does it matter? They know.” Catherine moaned.

Her secretary looked at her with a frown, “It’s okay Ms. Catherine. It’s not that big of a deal.” “How is it not a big deal? How am I ever going to get people’s respect back?” “I don’t think it’s the belly riding that people are laughing at, it’s the fact that you said you were so against it and now people found out that you have been doing it. How long have you been a belly rider anyway?” Catherine sighed and said, “Months.” “Every day?” Catherine swallowed, “Yes.”

“So it’s not a passing thing? Like a one time thing?” “It was supposed to just be once, but I guess I let it get out of control. I’m going to stop now, though!” Catherine’s secretary leaned back in her chair and thought for a moment. “I’ve got an idea.” Catherine’s head lifted slightly with hope. “All you need to do is have a coming out party, and then people will be forced to forgive you. Lots of belly riders keep it from their family until they’re ready. If you come out on your own, no one will be able to say anything.”

“You want me to come out? How?” “Just ride into work under your horse one day. That’ll shut everyone up.” Catherine couldn’t believe her life had come to this. She wordlessly stood up and walked out. Her secretary tried to say something but Catherine had had enough. She drove home and when she got there she relayed the whole thing to Maria who nodded in agreement, “Your secretary is right.” Catherine shook her head, “No, I’ll just never ride again. That’s better.” Maria shook her head, “You are a belly rider now. It’s time you come to terms with it. Your co-workers won’t respect you if you lie to them, but if you come out to them, they’ll be forced to respect you. You will be a powerful woman, again!”

Catherine signed, “The logistics though… how am I going to get a horse to the office? Even if I wanted to…. No, it’s a horrible idea.” Maria smiled, “I’ll get a small trailer for your car, I’ll drive the horse to work and I’ll come pick you up again after work. Lupe has a truck she uses sometimes.” Catherine went into her bedroom wordlessly and flopped into bed, deeply depressed. She cried herself to sleep. Why couldn’t she just have an affair with a man, like every other woman? She was ruined.

Catherine woke up the next day, feeling tired and depressed. She took a shower, got dressed and walked down the stairs where Maria was waiting for her. Maria frowned and said, “Take off your clothes, we’ve got to get you saddled up for work. You don’t want to be late.” Catherine waved Maria off, “Hah! Yeah, right. I need coffee.” Maria said, “I’m serious.”

Catherine shook her head, “No, I’m not doing it, I can’t.” “Yes you are, Ms. Catherine, and I’m driving you to work. You can’t let them beat you. Think about how much worse it will be if you don’t. They’ll always talk behind your back. Let them see how strong you really are. Take back your self-respect!” Catherine couldn’t bear to think about it. But maybe Maria was right.

She felt sick to her stomach as she felt herself reach for the zipper on her skir. She was miserable thinking about what she was about to do but she internally gave up and decided to strip naked. If indeed she was going to get fired and lose everyone’s respect she was going to go out with a bang. It was already too late. Everyone in the office knew that she fucked horses. Her life was already ruined, so she might as well throw all hope to the wind. She had enough money she could probably retire comfortably anyway. She didn’t have much to lose at this point, that she hadn’t already lost.

As soon as the last piece of clothing dropped free, Maria hurried her out the door where her stallion was waiting, all saddled up. Catherine climbed into the familiar saddle and waited patiently while Maria tethered her to the horse and masturbated the horse to a full erection. Catherine had noticed that with each day the horse penis became easier and easier to take, but she was never left unsurprised by it’s girth, even after two months of experience.

Maria administered the shot and then helped the horse up into the trailer. The angle of the incline pushed Catherine down the length of the horse penis, forcing Catherine to use her legs and arms to keep herself from being stabbed through her insides by the giant hard penis as she swung. It felt great but it also felt like it could be painful. Lupe’s trailer that Maria had borrowed had rolled up blankets that she used to protect her legs. But now it was Catherine’s legs that needed protection from being crushed as the horse went around corners and the horse shifted in the medal trailer that was hitched to Catherine’s car.

Maria closed the gate to the trailer and after a few moments, Catherine felt the roar of the engine and had the sensation of movement. It was awkward and deeply embarrassing being in a horse trailer, under a horse, naked, penetrated and vulnerable, being lead to work. But Catherine was far too nervous to be turned on or amazed by the sensations. After the 10 minute drive was up, Catherine felt the car slow and turn into the parking lot of her office.

The engine turned off and after a few more moments, Catherine heard the unlocking sounds of the horse trailer. Maria smiled, “Okay, we’re here, are you ready?” Catherine said flatly, “No.” Maria laughed, “If you were, I’d be surprised. Remember, this is for the best. This is your coming out day. People will have to treat you with reverence for what you have given up to become a belly rider, and for Brazilian traditions. Okay, let’s go.” Maria lead the horse out of the trailer backwards, which again forced an uncomfortable amount of horse penis deep into Catherine.

Maria closed the gate again and grabbed Catherine’s reins and lead her into the front door. It took her a while to get Catherine’s horse through the front double doors of office building but as they entered the receptionist stood up and said, “May I help you?” Catherine smiled and said, “It’s me, Catherine, sorry about all this.” “Oh, Ms. Catherine, sorry, I didn’t recognize you under there. Wow.” The timid receptionist walked around the front of the desk and said, “Do you need help?” Catherine said, “No, I’m quite alright.” Maria chimed in, sensibly, “Actually, yes, could you please keep track of these shots and deliver one to the horse at 2PM, and have Ms. Catherine outside at 5PM so I can pick her up again?” Maria handed the receptionist a small bag full of injections.

The receptionist took the bag and nodded, “Of course.” Catherine said, “Do you know how to give the shots?” The receptionist nodded, “I had to do it for belly rider once. My cousin’s ex girlfriend. So yes, I think so.” Catherine sighed and thanked the receptionist who was named, Marta, Catherine had just noticed by looking at the name tag on her desk. Catherine had said hello to her every day for months and just now learned her name. Maybe belly riding had turned her into a better person, in some very small way. She felt her torso twist slightly as her body subconsciously ached to feel the giant penis thrusting back and forth in her.

Maria smiled to Catherine, and said that she would see her after work, as she put the reins back into Catherine’s hands which were securely bound to the horse. Catherine took a deep breath and coaxed the horse into the hallway of her office building. It was a big building, with a lot of people in it, even though it was still early. She always arrived at the office early, which in turn meant a lot of the employees reporting to her also got there early. Probably to show off, she thought.

Catherine managed to get all the way to her office without being noticed, even though she was naked and riding slung beneath a horse through the hallways. Her secretary’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when Catherine’s nude and impaled body rounded the corner into her office, “Whoa! You did it! Dios mio!!!” The secretary stood up to get a closer look as Catherine smiled and blushed, “Yes… I… I guess I did.” “I can’t believe it. I didn’t think you’d listen to me. That’s amazing. Normally gringos don’t belly ride at all, let alone in a professional office building.”

Catherine didn’t really need to hear that, she was already acutely aware of the fact that she was fucking an animal in plain sight on company property during office hours. She knew this was uncommon, for the obvious reason that in the months she had worked there she had never seen anyone belly riding in her office under her watch. She was sure she would have noticed.

Catherine sighed deeply as she said, “Will you please hold a small meeting with my staff in an hour? Just my direct reports though. I’d like to explain it to them first.” Her secretary made note and began picking up the phone to call people. Catherine went into her office. She would have liked to shut the door but she lacked the control over the horse to move her fingertips close enough to do that. Her secretary noticed and with a smile she went over and shut it for Catherine, effectively locking Catherine in since she couldn’t reach the knob or get close enough to it to turn it anyway. Catherine was a prisoner in her own office. She waited breathlessly for what seemed like forever for the meeting, but she knew it couldn’t have been that long.

Catherine began to get aroused as her awareness of her situation grew. She was fully nude in her office, with the erect dick of a 1500 pound animal deep inside of her. She was in over her head and there was no way to back out now. There was no way she could get back out of the office without anyone noticing her at this point. Plus the receptionist and her secretary had both seen her. No, it was too late now.

She was so turned on all of a sudden that she realized her body had been involuntary rocking back and forth for quite a while. It was a bit instinctual now, after months of belly riding. Her stomach was tensing too. She felt so sexy she couldn’t help herself. She wanted a nice long orgasm. She began rocking her hips, and using her arms and legs to swing her body back and forth, up and down the giant erect penis. She began to feel her chest flush as her breasts bounced back and forth with each swing. She began to moan gently. The sound of her own voice shocked her. She was such a slut!

Her nipples began to tighten, and her clitoris began to become more erect as her arousal heightened. As her vaginal walls tensed against the thick horse penis her breathing became more sharp. She felt an orgasm approaching. All of a sudden the door to her office opened and her three of her five direct reports were standing there in the doorway looking at her. She stifled a moan and managed to say, “Please… come in.” Her second in command, Ricardo, said, “What are you doing, Catherine?!” Catherine’s stomach was still tensing and she couldn’t help but rock her hips slightly, even though she was desperately fighting an orgasm. Her pussy and anus convulsed in pre-orgasmic contractions.

“What does it look like? I’m holding a staff meeting, now round up everyone else on the team and get in here. We need to talk.” She was amazed she had managed to pull some authority out of herself, when really she felt weak and vulnerable. Ricardo stiffened and walked quickly away, in pursuit of the rest of her staff. The other two direct reports sat down, stunned, and Catherine, continued to fight her orgasm, but the horse was so huge that just sitting there it was totally arousing. She could feel her butt tense, her anus pulse gently, her labia tighten, her legs squeeze gently and her toes curl as her reports finally began to arrive under Ricardo’s supervision. Without looking she knew her nipples were tightening and her clitoris was engorged with blood – she was very aroused. She also knew that she was very wet, and surely her staff could see all of this.

Catherine’s voice was uneven but she started, “I know you may be somewhat shocked at my appearance, given that this is a professional workplace and we have a dress code in this office. Well, I am officially changing that as of today. Either you must dress up as normal, or you may ride a horse in this fashion, which is customary for belly riders. I want to be culturally sensitive to those belly riders who may feel persecuted. As you can see, I am trying to adopt some of their culture into my own life, and have chosen today to come out to the company.”

Ricardo stopped her, “Do you realize Emily is here today?” Catherine’s heart sank. It was bad enough that she was displaying her perversion to her staff, but Emily was a peer – another vice president – who had flown in for some meetings. Catherine had totally forgotten that Emily was coming into town. Emily and Catherine had never gotten along in the years they had worked together, and were fighting for the same president position. Emily was also from the United States and there was pretty much nothing Catherine could say or do to influence her.

Catherine sighed, “Well that’s not something you have to worry about. I’ll handle Emily. But in the mean time, I need you all to spread word of my belly riding to everyone in the building, so they know about it. I don’t want it to come as a surprise to anyone.” Ricardo asked, “Tell everyone?” “Yes, make sure you explain to them that I’m belly riding and I’ll be around to talk to everyone at some point or another. I need to dispel some comments I made about being disgusted by belly riding. In truth, I obviously enjoy it quite a bit.” Ricardo said, “Even if you started right now you wouldn’t be able to talk to everyone in the building today unless it was just a few words. Are you coming like that tomorrow too?” Catherine didn’t know what to say. The whole point of this was to dispel the rumors and get control back. Yes, she’d have to meet with everyone at some point. That could take two full days if she started right then. Maybe three. Who knows… maybe even longer if someone were out on vacation or sick this week…

“Yes, I want a chance to chance to talk to everyone.” Ricardo asked, “So, wait, are you going to come into work like this every day?” Catherine looked, not having any idea what to say. She decided to turn it around. In a stern voice she said, “Would anyone have a problem with that?” Everyone shook their head. They were more intimidated of her now than ever, she realized. She suddenly felt empowered, like she had control over the situation.

If Catherine could just deal with Emily this whole thing might actually blow over. The thought turned her on a lot. What if she could actually stay like this all the time? She thought she would come for one day and get the whole thing over with. Now it was looking like this could take the better part of a week or maybe even longer. She knew people would have questions. And a few people would be out sick, so she’d have to make another cameo appearance next week, probably. And if it took that long, why not just stay like that? She was so turned on by that thought that she began to wiggle her butt.

Catherine decided she needed an orgasm right there and then. She had been holding one in for several minutes, so she looked for a diversion, “Okay, give me a quick status on everything that’s going on, so I can talk with Emily.” Her team began to give her a quick brain dump of everything that was happening, as she began to rock back and forth. She was already very wet but having her entire team watch her fuck a horse was the biggest turn on she had ever had. She was so horny that she moaned, openly, just to test her team’s reaction. When they stopped to look at her she just said, “Go on, please continue. Don’t mind me.” She didn’t stop rocking as they stared at her. She prodded them again by saying, “I said go on, I was listening. I’m trying to learn how to hold a conversation and orgasm at the same time. I’m sure you could all tell by now that I’m extremely aroused at the moment.”

Her staff all shot a glance at her engorged pussy and clitoris. Catherine had no idea why she had just said that, but it was erotic having had her whole staff look at her pussy at the same time. Catherine waited a second and decided she wanted them to acknowledge her pussy so she asked, “My clit is erect isn’t it? I can’t see it but I bet it is.” Anna, one of her junior staff members said, “Yes, it’s erect, and you’re very wet too.”

Catherine smiled, “Thank you, Anna. And no, in case you were wondering, that’s not sperm. Not yet at least.” Catherine wished she hadn’t said that – now everyone knew exactly how horny she was, that her vagina was that wet. Catherine decided she had better apologize, “I’m sorry, everyone, it’s difficult to concentrate like this, and yes, I’m very excited. So this is good practice for when I have to face Emily and all of the rest of the Brazilian staff.”

The team nodded and continued giving her the briefings. Catherine meanwhile began to buck her hips more openly and even let a few more moans out as she felt an orgasm began to erupt deep within her loins. Her vagina violently sucked at the engorged horse cock in vain, desperately milking it as her whole body stiffened and tensed. She did her best to listen while her team talked and they did their best to talk while she climaxed lewdly and quite openly on a horse’s dick in the middle of her office.

She fell back into the belly riding saddle and let out a deeply satisfied sigh of relief. She needed that badly. Everything finally felt in perspective. She felt like she could face Emily now, with her new found sense of self confidence and nothing to lose. She told the team to go start spreading the word to the building, and she would try to find Emily. Thankfully they left the door open so Catherine could wander through the building. Catherine noted that all the doors were actually wide enough for a horse with a woman’s legs on either side. She had never noticed before, but it was really nice. The high ceilings were nice for the horse too. It was actually fairly comfortable walking through the halls and she and her stallion had room to spare.

Catherine rounded the corner to the other set of executive offices that were normally vacant and the temporary secretary that Emily must have just hired for the few days she was on site looked at Catherine with wide eyes, “Uh, may I help you?” “Yes, I’d like to talk with Emily, please. I don’t have an appointment.” “Your name?” “Catherine – I’m a vice president here.” The secretary stood up, slightly scared, and walked into the Emily’s office and said, “Catherine is here to see you, and she’s belly riding.” Catherine could hear Emily’s voice, “Belly riding? What’s that?” Before the woman could answer, Emily had stood up and was in the door looking at a horse. She was startled by the giant animal in front of her, which was understandable because a horse was very out of place in an office. Emily was even more startled when she hear Catherine’s voice coming from under it, “Hello, Emily.”

Emily crouched down and looked at Catherine. Her eyes were as wide as pancakes. “What?! What the fuck?!” Emily asked, without asking anything at all. Emily stood up and walked around to the side of the horse so she could get a better look, and then to the back so she could really see the horse penis deep inside the vice president, “What is this?!” Emily put her hand over her mouth and laughed hysterically. She actually had to sit down in her admin’s chair she was laughing so hard. Catherine took the abuse and waited patiently for Emily to calm down although she knew it would take a while.

Emily continued to laugh hysterically for over a minute until she finally calmed down and shook her head in disbelief. Emily finally stood up again and said, “Oh, my, god. Wow, you really have gone insane.” Catherine said defiantly, “No, I’m just soaking up local culture. This is called belly riding.” Emily looked at the secretary who nodded that it was indeed not a rare site.

“Belly riding? And everyone fucks horses at the office here or is it just you,” Emily asked Catherine. “Well, no, not exactly, but I wanted to dispel rumors that I was belly riding in my spare time. Since this doesn’t affect my work at all, I decided to show people what I do, so they wouldn’t have a problem with it anymore.” “Oh my god! You really have got bat-shit crazy.” “Not even a little! In fact, I’m more determined and sane than ever.”

Emily said vindictively, “You can kiss the presidency goodbye.” “If that’s the way it has to be, that’s fine. But I’m happy in my position.” Emily snarked, “I bet you are.” Catherine ignored her but to her dismay the horse began to buck slightly. Catherine must have been moving slightly or squeezing her pelvic muscles while she talked because the horse was obviously excited and she knew soon that the stallion’s engorged cock would be spraying hot horse semen into the her as her fellow executive watched.

Catherine said, “Look, I’m not going to fight you anymore, this is my choice, I’m not hurting anyone else, and I’m perfectly capable of doing my job!” Just as she said that the horse began to haunch forward, fucking it’s long thick veiny penis into Catherine’s wet hole. Catherine couldn’t help but tense up, as her body instinctively waited for it to explode in her. Emily said in amazement, “Holy shit, is he cumming?”

Catherine nodded, “He’s about to.” She breathed hard and braced herself as the huge penis head jammed back and forth violently. So violently that Emily took a full step back and actually said, “Whoa!” Within a few seconds the animal began to erupt deep inside Catherine, forcefully flooding her body with milky fluids. Catherine bucked her hips up and down gently, squeezing her butt and thighs, milking the horny horse’s erupting member, saying, “Good… boy… you’re a gooood boy… Ohhhhh….. Goddddd!” She began to orgasm herself. Catherine’s body completely betrayed her and she felt her pussy suck hard at the still pulsating cock. She wasn’t expecting to cum, but it was too late now.

The virile stallion inseminated the vice president’s wide open hole as her cervix suckled the head of the orgasmic horse. Her body was instinctively trying to impregnate itself with the stallion as Catherine’s bit her lip, hoping to continue the conversation. Emily waited a few seconds for Catherine to catch her breath. Emily shook her head, “Are you finished?” Catherine smiled, “Yes, sorry, you were saying?” Emily squinted, “It looks like you’ve practiced that.” Catherine huffed in a horny voice, “I’ve been fucking him for two months – I’ve totally lost track of his orgasms, let alone mine. Oh God. Anyway, sorry, but he’s an animal and doesn’t have manners.” “And you do? You’re screwing an animal in the middle of the office, Catherine! Doesn’t that strike you as something done by someone who has lack of manners? Jesus! That’s got to be the sluttiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Catherine sighed, “I’m sorry you think that. It’s not seen that way here, in Brazil. Although I agree, it’s unusual and it will take time for people to adjust. Anyway, back to what we were talking about. Can we call a truce?” She held out her fingertips, as if she wanted Catherine to shake her hand but the horse was still shaking, gently working it’s cock six inches back and forth and Catherine was tensing gently with each stroke as her climax rolled over her in waves.

Emily stared in amazement. Maybe Catherine really could do her job like this. Catherine had been able to mostly hold a conversation while the horse fucked her. Emily shook her head as she saw the horse semen begin to flow out of Catherine’s pussy and said, “No way. That presidency is mine, and once it’s mine your perverted ass is out of here. Go take that hand elsewhere, slut. I think I’ve said quite enough to you. Right now I have some emails to send.” Emily walked back into her office and slammed the door.

Catherine couldn’t have expected more as she finally let herself enjoy the last few moments of her orgasm, despite the secretary who was still staring in amazement at the whole thing. Once the last of Catherine’s pulsations rippled through her body, she sighed a breath of relief and winked at the secretary, “I needed that. Thank you and welcome to the company.” The secretary smiled and waved, “Thank you!” as Catherine turned the horse and meandered down the hallway to meet her employees in all her glory.


Chapter Four

The day went smoothly and no one seemed to be extremely disturbed that Catherine was belly riding. Most of the people in the company had heard of it, and a few even admitted to having had sisters or mothers or cousins or nieces who’ve tried it before or did it on holidays, or even rode in the carnival as a belly rider. Still, it wasn’t so common that people weren’t especially shocked to see their vice president fucking a horse in the middle of the office.

Catherine had expected them to be extremely surprised. Especially because normally she was so prim and proper in her striped pant suits and business skirts. She figured that maybe it was all the rumors, and people had just assumed they were true. The week wore on and Catherine managed to meet with every employee to tell them about her belly riding and make sure they were okay with it, and let them ask her questions. A few asked questions that turned her on like, “Can you really orgasm like that?” to which she always said yes, and even in one case admitted that she wanted to have one in that moment to which she proceeded to.

Emily was suspiciously not around and didn’t attend a single meeting she was supposed to and even at one point someone said they had seen Emily headed out with her bags, like she was going to the airport. All much to Catherine’s pleasure. One less problem in the office! Even if Catherine hadn’t been belly riding she still would have been happy to see Emily go.

Overall the week flew by and before she knew it it was the next week. She deeply considered giving up belly riding permanently after the first week but Maria met her in the morning like she had all the week before and demanded her clothes. Catherine laughed and handed over her clothes. The people in the office and Maria combined to make it a very comfortable atmosphere for belly riding. It didn’t hurt that Catherine was all these people’s bosses. She was by far the highest ranking individual in the building and indeed, one of the highest ranking people in the entire company.

Weeks passed before Catherine got a message from her secretary saying that Emily had left a message saying the executive staff was flying in the next day and wanted to talk to her about her numbers. Emily also left a message with Catherine’s secretary saying that she expected Catherine to “pony up” or Emily would do it for her. Catherine fully expected Emily to try something like this. It wasn’t so much that she minded if Emily became president, but she would probably fire Catherine in a heartbeat if she ever became her boss. Catherine decided that the entire executive team was probably already told she fucked horses and now they were coming down to see it and fire her. Catherine was out of choices. She had to show them she wasn’t crazy. She was competent, smart and hard working. She just happened to have one quirk that any red blooded woman would have too, if they knew what it felt like and could admit it to themselves without the repercussions that Catherine was about to face.

Catherine called an emergency meeting with Ricardo to help her with her presentation. It was going to be a long day but she’d pull something out of her hat. Ricardo and Catherine worked diligently through the day in prep for the next day. Ricardo was on her side, she could tell. He could be trusted, and hopefully he could help save her perpetually semen-covered ass. Catherine herself had practiced for weeks having orgasms and having the horse orgasm in her while she was talking or in meetings. She had almost learned to control herself completely, although she was sure it was always quite clear to everyone else exactly what was going on. Maria had been right, she had managed to pull off working and interacting in a professional environment while a horse was violently fucking her, and she could still manage to carry on a conversation.

On the day of the big meeting Maria dropped Catherine and her horse off at work early. Catherine and Ricardo had practiced their presentation several times, but Catherine was indeed very nervous about what was going to happen. She navigated her horse into the boardroom early and began to recite her words out loud to herself as she waited for the meeting to start and for the participants to arrive. She was very sexually frustrated, but she didn’t want to turn the horse on by having an orgasm. She just wanted the whole thing to go off without a hitch.

Ricardo came in an hour or so later and they began to set up their presentation. Eventually the chief operations officer, the chief executive officer, the president of the European division and Asian division, the chief financial officer and two other vice presidents, including Emily invaded the conference room. There was a lot of laughing and pointing and jokes at Catherine’s expense. Almost all of them were men, and they all needed to inspect Catherine’s union up close. Emily’s face was clearly not showing a sign of happiness. Catherine suspected Emily was hoping everyone would be repulsed.

Interestingly everyone just seemed more curious than disgusted. Catherine explained that she was trying to immerse herself in local culture and stumbled upon one of the most interesting aspects. She explained that she hadn’t expected to enjoy it, but it turned out to be quite pleasurable, and fun. She explained that it hadn’t seemed to interfere with her work quality and she intentionally went around to every last person in the building to make sure they weren’t offended and would be able to handle it, and thus far everyone had. The executives seemed to be at least partially satisfied with that.

The CEO, Bob, asked, “What about vendors? Do they mind at all?” Catherine smiled, “No, Bob, the few that have come in have been warned ahead of time. The rest of the time I don’t deal with them directly. Ricardo here or one of my other direct reports does the bulk of that work. I may jump on a conference call here or there, but obviously no one notices if I’m just on speaker phone.” Catherine chose not to mention the fact that people might question a horse whinny during a conference call, but what Bob didn’t ask wouldn’t hurt him.

Bob sat down in a chair around the conference room table and said, “Well then, on with it. Let’s hear your presentation.” Catherine noticed him looking at her naked breasts as he said that, which made her smile slightly. The old man was still into women she could tell. Ricardo began to talk and point to the charts he had printed out on large sheets of paper. Catherine was completely naked except for small diamond earrings, a few pretty shiny bracelets and rings, a pearl necklace and a pair of white high heeled shoes, which served no purpose other than decoration. Her hair was in a french twist, and had a pretty clip in it. She actually looked very professional, she thought, aside from her nudity and the animal she was having sex with.

Catherine felt like she needed something to show she was still a professional. Catherine interjected a few times, explaining a few details that Ricardo left out. It was actually a very professional meeting. But Catherine knew it wouldn’t be over until the executives saw the horse cum. They had flown more than a thousand miles and pretended to care about her business case just so they could see a horse ejaculate in her. And if they didn’t like it, she was gone. Simple as that.

With that sudden realization Catherine sighed heavily and began to rock her hips upwards. She did it slowly at first, so it was almost imperceptible. One thing belly riders learn early is how to entice the stallion to start fucking back. It’s not hard, it just takes practice. And Catherine had been practicing for almost three months by that point. She would dare say she was an expert in milking a horse cock using only her vaginal muscles and hip movements.

She considered herself a pro at it, and she was actually rather happy that she had learned to time her own orgasms to match that of her stallion. It made everything much better, and her orgasm allowed her to suck up more sperm into her uterus. That way all night long she would ooze horse sperm. It felt nice and comforting after a while. Some belly riders slept with their horses, but Catherine preferred her bed. However the sperm oozing out of her definitely helped her fantasize about getting back into the saddle the next day.

As Catherine day dreamed slightly she began to use her legs and arms to swing gently back and forth, as the thick horse penis began to throb inside her. She knew she was doing a good job of enticing the horse, but she also managed to interject with some relevant and interesting facts about her presentation, while she copulated. She wanted to make sure everyone knew she could do both at once. After a few more tense minutes the horse’s cock began to bounce thickly inside of her. The strength of the horse’s member was undeniable and Catherine had to allow it to move her hips up and down in time. She was sure the entire executive staff was looking at her so she managed to say something about the presentation again to get people back on track.

It wasn’t just the stallion, Catherine too began to feel extremely turned on. She was about to let a horse ejaculate in her in front of the bulk of the senior executive team of her company. She needed to have an orgasm. It was risky, but she’d risk her entire career for that orgasm. She let a small moan escape her lips, which got everyone’s attention immediately. She said, “Don’t mind me, keep going, he’s just getting awfully excited, that’s all, and so am I. Ricardo, uhhhhhhhh mmmmmm, show them the numbers for…. uhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmm… July. I think… everyone…. ohhhhhh… will… be… impressed. Mmmmmmm!” Ricardo did as he was told as Catherine rocked harder and more openly.

Catherine finally realized, it just didn’t matter at this point. If she had a bad orgasm, no orgasm or the best orgasm of her life, the outcome would probably be the same. Her life was now in the hands of the people in this small room, and she was ridiculously horny. She just wanted to feel her lover ejaculate and she wanted to climax. She moaned louder and bucked her hips, violently. Her breasts jiggled with each rocking motion she made. Suddenly the horse was overwhelmed by Catherine’s pussy. Even though her pussy was tiny compared to a mare and even though Catherine’s vagina only just sheathed less than half of the stallion’s long shaft, she managed to bring it to orgasm regularly. The horse began to move sideways and then reared up slightly, lifting it’s front legs off the ground like it was going to jump, which scared everyone except Catherine, who was more nervous about being split in half by the hard shaft that the horse was intent on driving deep into Catherine’s small body.

She held herself up by her arms and legs and tried to keep from being skewered by the horny horse as she felt her cervix being pushed against hard by the flaring horse penis. Catherine managed to gasp out, “Sorry, oh god… please continue, uhhhhhhhh he’ll be done momentarily.” Ricardo continued but no one was listening to him. Catherine managed to rein in the stallion so it wouldn’t buck anymore but it continued to pump it’s throbbing cock into Catherine. Catherine moaned louder humping back. She was literally mating with a horse in front of her co-workers. She had never been more turned on. She rotated her hips and bit her lip until finally it the horse erupted. Catherine tried to continue the meeting, “The July numbers, god he’s cumming, uhhhh, are still being compiled… it’s spraying my insides… mmmmm… so we’ll have a complete… spreadsheet… in another… week, oh GOD, I’m cumming too, excuse me.”

Catherine grit her teeth as her pussy pulsated. The entire room could see the horse sperm begin to leak out of her onto the nice carpeting, which suddenly made clear as to why there were small stains all over the floor. It was probably pretty obvious to everyone at the office that, the horse had ejaculated in her pussy dozens of times around the office over the last few weeks. Catherine’s engorged vulva milked the sperm out of her lover’s still erupting penis. It filled her up and her cervix sucked hard. Ricardo continued talking over Catherine’s sexual moaning.

Catherine knew her uterus was nicely filled with the milky substance that got her up in the mornings. She moaned and writhed and continued to orgasm for one minute and then two minutes and then three… Her orgasm didn’t appear to have an end in sight. She continued to bounce her hips and fuck the horse’s member for over ten minutes straight as she managed to keep herself in an electrified orgasmic state. Her anus tensed graphically as did her pussy. She continued to rock her hips as the thin sheen of horse semen covered the inside of her butt crack. She stopped moaning every few minutes to interject a comment, but it was quite clear that she was still climaxing.

She never wanted it to end. She wanted everyone to sit there and watch her fuck her horse’s penis openly for the rest of her life. Her body couldn’t soak up another drop of horse semen, and just when she thought she was fired forever, the CEO spoke up, “So July’s numbers are good, that’s great. Tell us about next year.” Catherine was still mid climax after almost fifteen minutes but she managed to say, “It’s better than ever. Ughhhhhh We’re seeing better results, better productivity and oh god yes…. better mmmmm, profits.”

She shuddered and closed her eyes humping wildly and moaning as Ricardo talked about the details. Bob seemed impressed, which turned Catherine on even more. She let out one last moan and finally drove herself over the last great vestige of orgasms. She grit her teeth and pushed her cervix hard against the still sperm covered horse penis in her. She came harder than she had ever came before. Her orgasm ripped her body in two. She came undone, and nearly screamed. Her toes curled in her white high heeled shoes, and her butt and legs flexed hard. The horse’s cock had finally satiated her body. She had been cumming for close to twenty minutes straight. It was amazing, but now she had to pay the price. She was already flushed and sweaty from her workout but even as she was still mated to the stallion she flushed deeper brighter red out of embarrassment.

She panted, “I’m deeply sorry… I’m so embarrassed… about that, everyone. Normally… I’m a lot less… noisy during meetings. I just couldn’t help… myself… this time.” Everyone was perfectly quiet which was really disturbing to Catherine. She continued, “Really, I’m mortified. It’s just that… it’s probably because unlike most of the people at the company, this is new to you, and I wanted to show you what it’s really like for me to be a belly rider.”

Ricardo came to her defense, “No, normally she’s quiet as a mouse. Half the time we don’t even notice.” Bob looked at Emily and said, “I don’t know why you dragged us down to Brazil for just this. I think you’re a trouble maker. This woman is working as hard as she can for this company without giving up on the local traditions of the people here. Meanwhile you’re wasting our time coming down here, just to see the local donkey show. In fact, you’ve always been a trouble maker. Consider this your last day on the job, Emily. I want you out of my sight.”

Catherine’s eyes went wide. Emily was shocked, and pissed, “This is bullshit. She’s the one fucking a horse, why am I getting fired?” Bob said, “Because she’s got the guts to fuck a horse. It’s legal here, I checked the laws. No one minds but you, and you’re whining to us about it. If you don’t understand the local culture, you don’t belong here. I don’t need you. Go.” Emily stood up from the table and stormed out of the room. Catherine couldn’t believe what she had heard. She happily said, “Wow. Thanks Bob. I appreciate that vote of confidence.”

Bob said, “Consider it debt, and if you let it go unpaid you’re out of here too, young lady. I don’t want this to come back and bite me, you hear? You stay here in Brazil and do your belly riding. Don’t talk directly to clients unless they are okay with it. If you don’t cause problems, I don’t see why you can’t continue in your role down here. You can go as native as you like, as long as it doesn’t become a problem for the company.” Catherine could kiss him she was so happy, “I think this is native enough for me, Bob, but I’ll make you proud.” With that the meeting was adjourned.

In the months and years to come, Catherine continued to rule the office with an iron fist, but the staff came to know if they needed something they should just talk to her after a nice orgasm. It made her much happier, and easier to deal with. Catherine quickly learned to know everyone’s name and took great pride in making her rounds and talking with all of her staff, and having noisy orgasms all over the office. With that the Brazilian organization was productive and happy to work for her. And so life went on normally, and the company continued to see growing profits. Catherine ended up getting several stallions and rode every day from that point on. Although she was surely never going to get a promotion to president of the company she was happier than she ever had been. Life was just perfect. With that she decided that she’d have to learn how to sleep under a stallion while having sex with it like other belly riders did.


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