Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Mounted Police


This is my eighteenth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. This particular story is a 2nd part to “Belly Riding Reporter” having to deal with the police officers she had met. So please read that story first then come back to this one if you haven’t already.

You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Officer Abril Silva was a slender pretty woman, in her early twenties. Her parents had been killed in the streets of Rio by a gang when she was young. In an effort to avenge them she had taken to the police force where she felt she could hurt the very crime that had killed her parents. Right away, she realized if she was going to make it on the force she had to be ruthless and just as aggressive as the men. If they made lewd jokes, she had to put them in their place. If they tried to look at her naked in the locker room, she had to tell them that there’s no way they’d see a naked women otherwise.

It had been tough going for her, but when she had the opportunity to go undercover and get close to a small time drug dealer so they could nail a bigger one, everyone was amazed that she had the guts to sleep with him to get the job done. In the end she shot the same guy she had slept with dead when he pulled a gun on the other officers. After that incident her status amongst the other police officers was that of legend. None of them dared cross her.

In reality, Abril thought of herself as shy, introverted and scared of everything. She just put on an act whenever she put on her uniform and went to work. It was like playing a character or a role. She didn’t at all feel like her work persona, but she did her best to hide that fact. Abril had seen belly riders before getting the call about Marisa Gonzalez, the belly riding reporter, and her information about the drug deal that was happening.

Abril had seen the girls slung beneath their stallions, swinging back and forth, moaning and writhing. Abril had always admired them, but because of her job, she had only seen the worst parts of belly riders. She had had to arrest a few who tried to belly ride in the Carnival, even after it became illegal to do so. So the women had been unruly and even a little mean to her. But Abril knew that they were just fiercely loyal to their way of life. Truthfully, Abril had always dreamed of what it would be like, but she had never worked up the nerve or figured out how she could make it happen.

When Abril showed up outside of Marisa Gonzalez’s house, and saw how Marisa was dirty, and sweaty and dripping with sperm Abril was at first slightly appalled. At first Abril and her partner, Officer Carlos Triego, were also skeptical of Marisa’s story. Abril had always had a crush on Carlos, and seeing this woman having sex made her want a big penis in her… whether it be his or a horses – she didn’t care. She was surprised she wasn’t more disgusted, even though Marisa was a filthy mess. Sometimes belly riders will say and do anything for attention so they didn’t want to believe her at first. But the more they talked to Marisa, it was clear that she was telling the truth, and there was a really big bust waiting to happen. Abril tried to listen, but she was simply amazed that such a tall, beautiful woman would chose to have sex with a horse.

When Abril heard the tape that the belly riding reporter had taken of the shipment plans, and that it was indeed planned for Tuesday, she had a different feeling towards belly riders. Even this woman under her stallion, was professional and a huge benefit to society. Maybe belly riders weren’t all the same. Besides being uncouth, perhaps there was a lot to admire about their lifestyles. When they finished taking Marisa Gonzalez’s story down, they returned back to the station to report in. Marisa’s boss Captain Alverez, a large gruff man, who regularly smelled of cigar smoke took the story and thanked them, saying he’d take care of it.

Abril was slightly upset. She wanted the case. She wanted to be part of the bust, somehow. But Rio had a dedicated strike force for dealing with just this sort of thing. They would no doubt storm the hacienda and gather the evidence they needed under a hail of gunfire. It was a bad idea, Abril thought, but she had no say in that sort of thing. The next day Abril and Carlos went to a small old house on the outskirts of town, owned by an elderly woman name Elaina who had apparently had an altercation with her son’s new girlfriend. It was more comedy than a real issue, but the neighbors had heard her yelling and throwing housewares around. It had something to do with the young girl’s age and the fact that the old woman’s son was himself in his fifties.

Abril knew the old woman wasn’t a threat, but the younger girlfriend was ready to press charges. Abril smiled, “Don’t worry, we’ll take Elaina down to the station.” She figured that taking the old woman out of her house might scare her enough so that she’d never be a problem again, and it would give everyone some time to cool off. She had no intention of pressing charges. Before she left with the old woman, she saw a small framed picture of the now old but then quite a bit younger Elaina, and she was under a horse. The picture was black and white, but Abril could quite clearly make out the horse’s penis that was large and distended and disappearing into the woman. As they walked out of the house with Elaina, Abril under her breath asked, “You were a belly rider?”

Elaina looked slightly pained by the question, “You can’t arrest me for that too, can you?” “Oh, no, that’s only within the city limits and that’s a new law. I was just curious.” “Oh yes, I was a belly rider for most of my life, until I broke my hip in two places in my sixties. I was a belly rider for over 40 years.” “Wow.” Abril was sincerely impressed, she couldn’t get it out of her head that women really did that. It was a sexy thought and Abril knew she was beginning to obsess over it. She had to consciously push the thought out of her head.


Chapter Two

The station was nearly deserted, as it generally was mid-day. The crime usually started in the evenings so the next shift wasn’t due for several more hours. Abril handcuffed Elaina to a chair and sat down to do some paperwork. Carlos had left to go run some errands for the office, leaving Abril nearly alone. Abril kept thinking about the belly riding. She couldn’t figure out how she could ask Elaina more questions without seeming too forward. Suddenly she remember the stable out back. The station had a few mounted police, and the officers who rode had a bunch of horses of all shapes and sizes, to practice with. They even had a belly riding horse with the sling and everything. She had seen them strapping bags of rock salt under the horse and riding it around, so they could get used to riding on top of a belly riding horse, in the case of an emergency.

She felt her chest start to beat heavily as she thought about belly riding. She quickly realized that thinking about it was becoming an obsession and if she didn’t do it, it might drive her crazy. She began to hatch a plan where she could just try it once, and then she’d never have to do it again. Abril cleared her throat and looked up, “Elaina, do you want to take a little walk…? Maybe get some fresh air?” “Oh, okay…” “I still have to keep you handcuffed, though, of course.” “Oh, okay.” Abril smiled, and she stood up, and re-cuffed Elaina’s hands behind her back and lead her back outside into the stable. Elaina was sufficiently impressed. The stables were completely empty of people, as the two mounted police officers on duty were out walking around the busy streets of Rio. Abril knew that they wouldn’t be back for hours either.

Abril asked some questions about Elaina’s life, trying to pry information out of her about the belly riding, but it wasn’t working. Either Elaina was playing coy, or didn’t realize that Abril wanted more information. Finally Abril asked the right question, “So did your husband mind that you were a belly rider?” “Oh, yes, quite a bit. We nearly divorced several times. But in the end, I think our family bond kept us together. Besides, had it been up to me, I would have stayed under the horse, I think. God rest his soul, my husband, never held a candle to those stallions.” Abril began to feel herself getting hotter listening to this old woman talk, until she felt like she might burst, if she didn’t try it.

She looked around as Elaina continued to talk and then cut her off mid sentence to say, “Do you want me to let you go?” “Well, of course!” “Tell you what, if you can help me belly ride right now, I’ll let you go.” “Really?” “Yes. What do you say? I mean, I have to keep you shackled both to make sure you don’t run away, and so that you’re close enough to untie me.” “I would never let a belly rider suffer.” “I’m not a belly rider, I just want to try it once, but the shackles aren’t optional. Deal?” “Deal.” “Good, and if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it and I’ll come to your house and make sure you regret having told anyone, got it?” “I got it.” Abril was good at intimidation – it was something they taught all cadets and it appeared to work.

Abril walked over and found a leg chain and she shackled Elaina to a beam and undid her wrist cuffs. Then she walked over to the stall with the belly riding horse and opened up and coaxed the stallion out. Her heart beat heavily. She couldn’t believe she was really going to do this, but she knew that she had to try it so that she never had to wonder again. She grabbed the large straps of the belly riding saddle from one of the counters and brought it over. Elaina helped her strap it into place on the horse. Abril didn’t need any coaxing – she stripped down completely naked within seconds. She knew she only had a few hours before the mounted police came back, and she wasn’t sure how long this would take. She removed her gun belt, her tight uniform, boots, and her underwear. She also removed her hat, letting her long hair down as she did so. She felt so strange being naked, but it also felt great.

She was already beginning to understand the appeal for belly riders, as she ran her fingers through her now wet vagina and pubic hair. Elaina helped her get situated into the saddle, and with a little work managed to tie her hands and wrists, by slowly turning the horse in place. Elaina’s leg cuffs made the process a lot more cumbersome and slow, but it was working. Abril’s legs were wide open, and her vagina was exposed as the elderly Elaina leaned down with a wince – no doubt due to her sore hip – and began to stroke the stallion’s sheath.

In no time the stallion’s phallus began to distend and grow hard. Abril tensed hard when she felt the first flick of the stallion’s penis across her sensitive vulva. She rotated her hips instinctively. She wanted this so bad she could taste it. The penis began to push against her hard as Elaina struggled to keep it inline. She kept telling Abril, “Now just relax. It’s easier if you relax. He’ll mate with you, I promise, you just have to relax.” Abril was so turned on by the thought of being mated to a horse that she already felt orgasmic, even though it hadn’t happened yet. Her body quivered as the horse’s flesh finally slipped past her thick engorged lips and into her warm vagina.

She winced and shuddered at the same time, feeling a small orgasm trembling through her loins. She couldn’t imagine anything more sexy than having sex with a horse, and now she was doing exactly that. The true situation hadn’t fully dawned on her until she realized one major flaw in her plan. If Elaina chose not to untie her, there was really nothing that Abril could do. Abril wondered if Elaina would be so cruel – not that she really had any reason to. The elderly Elaina looked nice and sweet, and had been a belly rider herself. No, Abril pushed that thought out of her mind – she was safe, and her secret was safe with Elaina. She finally felt the horse’s huge phallus extend to the point where it was seated right at the entrance to her uterus deep inside her. She had never been more full of penis in her life.

The squeezed the stallion’s sides as she lifted her butt up into the air. She knew she had to cumm quickly, and get the horse to ejaculate. There was really no time to waste. She only had a few hours to have sex, get untied, get dressed, remove the saddle, and put the horse back. She she got right to it. However, as she squeezed her legs, the horse’s training kicked in and he took several steps forward. Elaina didn’t think about it at first, but then suddenly realized, “Oh wait, come back!” Abril wasn’t sure what she meant, and was hardly paying attention. The only thing she could think about was that with each step the horse took the stallion’s penis pushed into her and back out again. She was in heaven.

Elaina said it louder, “Miss Abril, come back! I can’t reach you from there.” Abril’s horse continued to walk further away from Elaina guided by a movement that Abril was unconscious off – her own squeezing of her legs. The well trained horse continued to walk further away, as Abril’s horny brain finally processed what was going on. The horse was walking around the side of the building, where it had walked hundreds of times – which would eventually lead out to the front of the building and onto the public streets. She was horrified! Elaina was now out of sight but still called loudly after her from around the side of the building, “Use the reigns!”

Abril had no idea what that meant or how to use them. She had never ridden a horse in any fashion, let alone while she was having sex with one. So she was helplessly driven closer and closer to the street. Her naked body swung freely back and forth in the sling. She knew she was nearly orgasmic and had been since the first second the horse had successfully mated with her, but the fear that was in her was holding back that intense pleasure.

Then her worst fears were realized when the side door of the building opened, and out stepped the police chief. She had totally forgotten that sometimes the Chief walked outside to have a cigar. His job was extremely stressful, so he used that time to quietly reflect and enjoy his cigar. But his eyes opened as wide as saucers as he saw Abril, one of his lowest ranking officers, naked, having sex with a stallion as it walked quietly by him. Abril didn’t know what to say or do but she knew asking him to stop the horse was better than the alternative of ending up in the street. Maybe she can come up with some lie. Anything was better than walking out in public like this! “Chief, please stop him, I can’t figure out how!”

The Chief – prone to acts of bravery, even in absurd situations like this – ran forward and grabbed the horse by it’s reigns and stopped it. “Whoa, boy, whoa… What is this, Abril?” Abril didn’t know what to say, so she just skirted around the real question, “He got away from me, I’m sorry Chief. Can you just lead me back to the stables?” The Chief was obviously a little dumbfounded, as finding his sexiest officer, having sex with a horse was probably the last thing he was expecting to see upon having his cigar break.

He did what he was asked, completely without saying a word. Abril tried to hold in the intense feelings in her vulva as the horse’s member slipped easily back and forth in her tight wet hole. But as he rounded the corner he spotted Elaina shackled to a beam that held up the thin roof between the building and the stable that kept the area cool in the summer for the horses. Elaina looked relieved, “Oh thank you, sir, thank you. She got away from me!” Just as Abril couldn’t imagine anything worst happening Carlos, her partner, walked out back and saw everything. The look of shock on his face looked as if he had seen his own death. He stammered dumbly as he looked at his naked partner impaled on the stallion, “One of the … guys said that he saw you… had walked back here… with the prisoner… “

The Chief put his foot down, “Okay, Abril, what the hell is this? Who’s this woman? And why are you having sex with a horse? Especially here of all places?! What’s going on?” Abril looked at Carlos and the Chief. She knew it was over, she had completely been caught. There was no way that they would keep this secret, even if they wanted to. She felt like her life was over. She opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out – she had no excuse. No, her Chief and her partner had caught her fucking a horse. There was no iffs ands or butts about it. She felt like crying.

Carlos said, “I think I can explain, sir.” The Chief looked at him, “Oh?” Abril was just as surprised as the Chief was. She had no idea what Carlos was about to say, but she didn’t want him to throw himself on this grenade for her either. She knew partners were supposed to stick their necks out for one another, but she didn’t want him ruining his career over this either, so she prepared to interrupt him. She’s come clean and admit that she had just wanted to fuck an animal, and she had practiced terrible judgment. Carlos nodded, “Yes, sir. You see, we went on a call yesterday, as you know, where we met a belly rider who tipped us off to the big drug bust we’re planning. Abril and I wanted to be a part of that bust, but we were declined. The belly rider was able to infiltrate the compound without drawing any suspicion. Abril is simply trying to prove that she can do the same thing. I agree too, sir. She’s being brave here. She’s perfect for the job. She’s willing to sacrifice anything for this job and our community, and frankly, sir, I think you should give her the chance. Let her belly ride into the compound.”

Abril was stunned. She had not at all thought that. It was probably the last thing on her mind, actually, and was totally in shock that he would suggest that she’d want to have sex with a stallion out in public. It was one thing for an old belly rider to see her, but it was quite another to intentionally ride out into public naked with a horse’s slippery dick sliding back and forth in her. The Chief looked down at Abril and said, “Is this true?” Abril blinked several times, trying to think of something else that would make this better, but the truth was she just wanted to get off on horse dick while she thought the coast was clear. She had no intention of being a hero and go into battle impaled on a horse penis, but she realized that the truth was way worse. So she meekly said, “Yes.” There was nearly a dead silence which made Abril horribly nervous so she said, “But I understand if you don’t want to let me.” She really didn’t want to, so anything to get out of it was really in her best interest.

The Chief changed the topic, probably stalling for time to think by looking at the old woman. He asked, “And what’s her story?” Carlos explained about the domestic disturbance and Elaina explained that she had been a belly rider once and that Abril had asked her to help her do it. Abril was amazed that he had deduced so quickly what had happened, even if he did get some facts wrong. The story seemed to make sense to everyone, even though it was definitely wrong. The Chief looked at Abril and shook his head, “You really think you can do this? You can’t even steer the damned horse, and you want to walk right into the Santiago place in the middle of the day while having sex with a horse?”

Abril lifted her hips absently as she realized he was basically assessing her ability to have intercourse with an animal. She couldn’t believe he was even considering it as she bit her lip and said, “Probably.” She lifted her hips several more times, suddenly overcoming her shyness and realizing that he was almost ready to give in. It was one thing to try to get out of it when he was on the fence, but she became suddenly extremely aroused as she considered it. He looked over her body, as her breasts quivered with each breath and her hips rocked, exposing more of her flush pubic mound to him each time she did so. She could tell he was slightly mesmerized. She knew she was pretty, and she also knew that every one of the guys in the precinct had rubbed their cocks thinking about her at one point or another. This was probably a dream come true for the old Chief. He had probably wanted her the first second he had laid eyes on her, but now she had given herself sexually to a horse.

She picked up her pace, instinctively, realizing how pretty she felt, and how great the horse flesh felt inside of her. She felt so dirty and perverted, but she didn’t have to admit that she wanted to have sex with a horse for it’s virtues. She was having sex with a horse as a good cause – or at least that’s how everyone else saw it. She realized that they thought she was sacrificing herself to the horse, when in reality she had let her girlish fantasies and curiosity drive her into bestiality. She was just a slut, but she wouldn’t be forced to admit it.

Carlos said, “What do you say, Chief?” Before he could answer, the stallion suddenly began to thrust itself. That took Abril by surprise. “Whoops! Oh god!!” She realized that her movements had no doubt egged the stallion on. She didn’t actually want to cumm because the Chief might realize that she was just horny all along. She hadn’t expected the giant animal to be so violent! It’s huge member slammed into her painfully as she quickly realized that she had to swing herself and her hips at the same time to avoid the intense pounding of the huge penis inside her. She lifted her hips quickly, meeting each thrust at it’s peak, as she felt her G-spot being stroked from within. She was painfully close to an orgasm no matter how much she wanted everyone to look away and give her peace.

Worse yet, the giant animal began to expand inside of her as she felt her chest and face flush with embarrassment and pleasure. Her stomach knotted and her butt began to quiver with each thrust. She was horrified that Carlos and the Chief were watching her. Carlos was a handsome man and someone she could see herself in a relationship with if she didn’t work with him. She could even say that she loved him, but she had never slept with him. She knew he had a huge crush on her too, but he hadn’t said anything about it. One of the other women on the force had told her that Carlos liked her a lot more than just as friends. But it had been a quiet and slow moving romance – a forbidden affair. But now Carlos was watching the woman of his dreams having sex with another species. Abril was mortified! It was not how she envisioned getting naked for Carlos for the first time.

Thrust after thrust shook Abril as she realized that there was nothing she could do. She knew was going to orgasm as her eyes met Carlos’s and then the Chief’s. She couldn’t help it anymore. She knew her orgasm was only moments away. Suddenly the horse’s huge body fired a jet of hot semen down his foot and a half long cock and it erupted deep inside Abril’s willing body. She arched her back as the horse fucked it’s huge cock back and forth in her, desperately trying to impregnate her. Abril let out a totally unintentional moan, “OHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Her toes curled and she rocked her hips up and down frantically as her own orgasm hit. The giant horse and Abril came in unison.

Abril’s pretty long hair dragged in the dirt of the stable and her tits giggled wildly as thrust after thrust continued to massage the giant animal’s member with the walls of her pussy. Her vulva convulsed, which had the effect of milking the giant animal’s member hard. She couldn’t stop orgasming, despite how mortified she was that she was having the most intimate and sexually deviant moment of her life in front of three people. Then to solidify the sheer embarrassment of the affair the horse’s ejaculate began to spurt out from around her engorged labia, sticking to her public hair and the horse’s huge veiny pulsating dick. She saw Carlos’s eyes fixated on her. She knew he could see her anus pulsating. He surely knew, as did the Chief, that she was getting off on this. How could they not realize how sexy she felt?

She was still grunting and moving her slippery sperm coated vagina up and down the horse’s phallus as the Chief coughed and trying to avert his eyes intentionally looked over at Carlos, “I don’t know, she nearly ended up out on the road. She can’t even control the horse yet. How is she going to pass for a belly rider?” Carlos pointed, “Look, she’s already mated to the horse. This is just her first time. I think we should give her the chance. She could have fooled me – I’d never have guessed she hadn’t done that before. Let her try to learn for the afternoon, if she can have sex with the horse and navigate a little course, we should let her do it. Elaina can help teach her how to stay coupled to the stallion, can’t you Elaina?” Elaina nodded, “I’ve taught a few girls in my day. If you’ll let me go afterwords, I’d be happy to.”

The Chief begrudgingly allowed it to happen, “Okay, Abril, you got your chance. If you can learn how to ride safely by the end of the day, I want you out at the Santiago’s Hacienda by tomorrow morning.” Carlos smiled, Elaina smiled – it was Abril alone who realized what she had just gotten herself into. Yes, she was going to have to fuck a horse in front of everyone – including the entire squad when the raid happened.


Chapter Three

Elaina turned out to be a great teacher, and Carlos managed to keep the guys away from the stable long enough for Abril to learn how to ride in relative peace. She inadvertently orgasmed several times, but she really was much more interested in making sure she was a proficient belly rider than the sexy part of the whole affair. She was just simply too nervous about what was going to happen. Abril was let down and Elaina was set free at the end of the day. Abril tried not to meet Carlos’ eyes as she said, “I need to go home and get some sleep.” She agreed to meet him in the morning where they’d take her and the horse out to the Santiago place. Abril barely slept, trying to think about how dangerous this mission was, and how extremely nervous she was about being seen by so many people, so vulnerable, and so naked.

The next day, Carlos and Abril met in the morning. Several of the other cops were waiting for her, and there was a mix of sincere worry and joking at her expense from the guys. She knew in reality they were all very excited by the idea of her having sex with a horse, and they did wish her well, even if they had a dumb boyish way of showing it. Carlos drove her and the stallion out to the road that lead to the Santiago place with a nondescript white truck with a horse trailer on the back. He stopped a mile or so away from the Santiago Hacienda and looked over at Abril, “Hey, you okay?”

Abril must have looked outwardly as nervous as she felt inside, “Oh, yeah… why?” “You know, you’re one of the bravest women I’ve ever met. I also know you have your heart set on proving yourself and taking down the bad guy. You amaze me, that you’d sacrifice everything to go undercover like this. I know a lot of the other guys think so too. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.” Abril wished she could yell at him that he was an idiot and it’s his fault that she was there right now, but she also knew he meant well, and it was her own fault that she had had sex with the horse in the first place, not his. She tried to smile as she said, “We had better get the horse saddled up before anyone comes by and gets suspicious.”

In a few minutes she was naked and under the belly of the police training stallion for the second time in two days. Carlos helped her get situated and helped her get coupled to the horse. She noticed it was a little easier the second time around as gave the horse a shot from a small bundle of shots that belly riders often kept in a small pouch attached to the saddle. He kept stealing glances at her, “You look great. Just like a real belly rider.” She was flattered, “Oh yeah? You like the way belly riders look?” “Well, sure… I mean, I think most guys do. You’re very pretty too, but I’m sure you know that.” “Maybe… but it’s also nice to hear too.”

She began rocking back and forth in the sling, partially to get comfortable, but also because she was suddenly aroused. Carlos smiled, “When this is all over, do you think you’ll belly ride again?” Without thinking she blurted out, “Yes!” She wished she could re-wind time even as the word lept out of her mouth. She really didn’t want to ever do this again, but at the same time, something about her situation was the biggest turn on of her life. Carlos nodded, “Well, if everything goes well, maybe you’ll get that chance.” She wondered what he meant by that, but before she could fully process it he said, “Whelp, you’re all situated. There’s a little button I put right under where your hand is. If you press it a microphone will turn on and we’ll be able to hear anything you say. So if something bad is about to happen or you see the shipment come in, just hit that button, okay?” She felt the button right where her fingertips would normally rest – it was well concealed, and she had to consciously not touch it. “Got it.”

“Okay off you go!” He smiled and with that Abril was on her way. She began the long walk up the mile of road to the Hacienda. She knew that Carlos was watching her butt under the stallion as she disappeared around the first bend. Once she was out of his sight, she finally felt the freedom surge through her of being completely naked, on a dusty road, in the middle of nowhere with a huge horse dick inside her. She came almost immediately. She moaned and rocked and with an intense frustration she moaned loudly, “OH GOD YES!”

She came twice more in quick succession as she finally approached the gates to the Hacienda. Two security guards who were heavily armed walked up to her bemused and laughing, “Wow, second one in a week!” Abril feigned ignorance, although she knew they were talking about the reporter who had tipped them off who had also belly rode through the Hacienda looking for clues for her report, “Excuse me?” “Oh, nothing, we’ve just been getting a lot more belly riders through her than usual?” “Oh? Well I hope I’m not bothering you! I was just hoping I could water my horse and perhaps stay the night?”

The guys nodded, “We’ve been told it’s okay to let the belly riders come and go. I’m sure the boss won’t mind. Come in and we’ll let him know another belly rider has shown up.” She thanked them and began to walk the horse as proficiently as she could to the stable where they instructed her to wait. There she met a woman named Inna who was immediately delighted to have her as a guest. Inna asked if Abril knew Marisa, the other belly rider or if she had seen her around. Inna was clearly a little concerned, but Abril smiled, “No, I’m not sure who that is, but belly riders often spend a lot of time traveling. I would suspect she’s happily holed up in some stable somewhere with a gentle giant inside of her.”

Abril was doing her best to talk about belly riding as if she were an old pro, but she wasn’t sure how much Inna knew about it, or if she could tell that Abril wasn’t experienced at all. Suddenly Abril began to panic – she realized that the horse had not yet orgasmed inside of her. They would be very suspicious if they looked at her vagina and saw no semen there. So she quickly began to rock her hips, hoping Raul wouldn’t come to the stable before she could get the horse to cumm inside of her. The race was on as she nervously looked towards the main house, and saw the guards entering the door. She had a few minutes tops. She began rocking her hips as violently as she could, while poor Inna smiled and looked away. Abril was deeply embarrassed but suspected that Inna knew the deal with belly riders. Some were more aggressive than others, and unfortunately now was the time that Abril had to play that role. Inna left out the back leaving Abril to herself at the entrance to the stable.

Within a minute the horse began to react to her violent thrusting while Inna smiled and looked around, as if she were trying to find something to do, so she wouldn’t have to watch Abril’s over-eager sexual act in progress. Abril said, “I’m sorry… I don’t know what came over me… Just give me a minute, will you?” “Oh, sure, of course, no problem. Take your time.” That was just it, Abril had no time. She thrust harder as she kept looking towards the main house. The horse finally began to expand in her pussy, thankfully. The familiar sensation from the previous day was finally beginning. She didn’t have time to fully appreciate what was happening as the door to the main house opened and Raul – the biggest drug and arms dealer in the area – emerged.

She began to panic, not knowing quite what to do… she realized she had no time, she had to make this horse cumm and now. She said out loud, “Okay, time to fuck me. Give me your cumm big boy, just like yesterday. I want it, please!” She thrust harder and harder, until she had nothing left to give. She worked her hips harder than she ever had before. Raul walked closer… she had maybe thirty seconds left, and she knew it. But thankfully the horse began to thrust hard inside of her right in that moment. Her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest as her breasts wildly swung back and forth. She realized she was about to cumm too as the huge horse began to buck and haunch it’s back legs. “YES!” She knew he was close, but Raul was closer. The horse was on the verge of orgasm and Abril felt like she had been caught. She thought he would walk up and shoot her in the head – knowing immediately who she was. She began to orgasm loudly, “OH GOD!!!” What was wrong with her? Her life was in peril and she had a horse cock inside of her and she couldn’t help but cumm? In her dull sex crazed mind she remembered to press the small button that was hidden that turned on the microphone so they could listen to her conversation and maybe come and rescue her if he did realize that she was a cop.

Raul smiled, “Hello there!” Abril moaned loudly, “OOHHHHHHHH, HELLOOOOO….” The horse finally exploded inside of her shooting hot jets of ejaculate deep into her body. She squirmed and bucked her hips, as the horse continued to buck as well. Raul laughed, “Well, well… what have we got here? What’s your name?” Abril was totally caught off guard, and she almost couldn’t remember her real name, let alone make up a fake one… “Oh… huh? Ohhh… Abril.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Abril. That’s a pretty name. It suits you. My name is Raul. This is my home.” Abril was still getting ejaculate pumped into her loins as she tried to sound somewhat intelligent, “It’s…. nice to meet you.” “No, the pleasure is mine, Abril.” Sperm began to erupt out from her pussy. She was thankful that he didn’t have a great view of her vagina, because she was worried he might be able to tell that it suddenly became a lot more wet – and it hadn’t been before.

She tried to smile at this horrible man in front of her as genuinely as possible, but all she could think of is the huge dick in her that was still spasming while her pussy was still orgasmic and milking the giant penis for more of it’s hot cumm. She was still scared out of her wits, “This is a nice home… you have her.” He smiled, “I take it you’d like to stay with us for a while?” “Maybe just a few day? A week at most? If that’s okay…” She finally felt her body beginning to relax in post orgasmic bliss. “I’d be happy to have you stay here as long as you like. Now, Abril, it’s time for me to go attend to some business. Feel free to roam around as you like. Just be careful, there are some trucks coming tomorrow. I’m not sure if your horse spooks, but you may want to stay out of the way.” “Okay, thank you!” He smiled and left, and Abril let the button go. She hoped they had heard the part about the trucks. She was flush and hot, but she suddenly felt great. It was a mission accomplished. Now all she had to do was not get herself shot.


Chapter Four

Abril was starting to really enjoy herself. Abril decided that Inna thought she was a belly rider, so anything was fair game with her. She could be on her worse behavior, and Inna would understand. After Inna fed Abril some lunch, Inna asked, “How did you get into belly riding?” Abril had long ago learned if she was undercover she had to lie about things she was familiar with. “Well, I really wanted to try it. My boss and my co-worker thought I wanted to do it to prove something, but really I just wanted to have sex with a horse really bad.” “Oh yeah? So then you became a belly rider?” “Well, maybe not at first. I think I was still hesitant, but now…” She paused… Abril in that moment realized this was the first time in her life that she wasn’t upset about anything. She felt totally at peace. She felt calm, happy, sexy, and she wanted that feeling to last.

Inna nodded, “I understand. It must be hard being a belly rider.” “It can be.” Abril changed the topic, and thankfully avoided any direct questions about herself for the remainder of the afternoon. She rocked her hips throughout the conversation, making herself cumm every so often. Inna didn’t even pause when Abril moaned out, “Oh god, I love horse dick!” Some time later Inna said, “Well I had better go and get some dinner. I’ll bring some back too in about an hour. And it’s been a while since you made your stallion orgasm too, I noticed. I’ll leave you two at it.” Inna smiled and Abril smiled back, “Thanks for being so nice.” Inna nodded, “It’s nothing, I’ll be back in a while.”

Abril decided Inna was right. She was stuck there, with a horse penis buried in her pussy – a fantasy she had been thinking about for a long time. Now there she was, in a stable, with a very understanding girl as an audience, miles away from any of her co-workers. She had every right to take this moment to enjoy herself to the fullest. Who knows if she’d ever have the chance to really let loose like this again. Come tomorrow after the raid, she’d have no excuse to stay under the stallion. She would probably never belly ride again. So it was now or never – time to get this out of her system and enjoy it while it lasted. She began to rock her hips.

She let the feeling last quite a while. She realized that she was being so quiet she could hear a pin drop. She had nothing to worry about here. So she began to moan and talk to the stallion. As her tempo increased she became more vile and perverted, “You have huge testicles don’t you? I bet you want to empty them into me, don’t you? I bet you want me to let you do that, don’t you?” The horse remained unresponsive, which only delighted Abril more. She loved that she could be as perverted as she wanted and the horse wouldn’t judge her. She was completely free. Her tempo increased and soon the horse’s testicles began to raise up as his tension built, “Oh my god! You’re almost there, aren’t you, big boy? Do you want to cumm in me? Do you? Huh? You want to fill me up with your cumm? Do you want me to cumm around your dick too? Do you want me to milk your sperm out of you? Okay… do you feel that? Do you? Do you feel me squeezing you? I bet you do!”

She felt the horse began to react and then tentatively thrusted into her, “Oh god! Yes! Feel how wet I am? That’s your cumm, but it’s also because I’m so wet for you! I wish the guys could see me now. They’d know how slutty I really am for you. I wish they could… oh god!” The horse began to thrust harder into Abril. She lifted her butt off the saddle to let the horse have better access into her insides. She was more than willing, she needed this worse than she had needed anything in her life. This was a dream come true for her, and she was enjoying every moment of this wonderful fantasy, “OHHH! Yes! Fill me up! Please! Cumm in me! Cumm hard and deep! I want to feel you squirting inside of me! I’ll do anything! Come on, I know you want to get me pregnant. Go ahead! I’ll let you! I promise!”

She meant it too in that moment. She had never considered having babies with a stallion or any animal for that matter, but she knew that if she could, she would, even though it shocked her horribly to hear her own words come out of her mouth. She was deeply embarrassed by what she had just said, but she continued anyway, “If you shoot your load into my womb, and get me pregnant, I’ll carry your baby for you. I’ll walk around town with a huge belly full of a horse’s baby. I’ll happily give birth to your baby if you just fuck me! OH GOD! FUCK ME!!!!” She didn’t have long to wait. The horse’s thrusts became harder and harder until finally both Abril and the stallion were orgasmic in unison. Hot jets of semen erupted out of the horse’s thick pulsating cock. “YESSSSS! YOU’RE… THE BEST… LOVER… EVER!!!”


Chapter Five

The next day rolled around, but Abril barely noticed. She knew she didn’t have much time left before the army of police descended on the Hacienda, so she kept herself busy by having as many orgasms as she could. She did manage to sleep with the stallion inside of her, but it was a restless sleep. The next day, the trucks began to roll in and Abril quickly hit the button on the saddle, “Okay, the trucks are here!” She suddenly realized people might think she was a cop if they had heard her but thankfully it was so loud with the roar of trucks that no one noticed her, beyond her physical attributes as they drove up.

Not even five minutes later, a battalion of cops stormed over every conceivable location around the compound – over walls, through gates, everywhere. The guys in the truck had no hope of running or defending themselves, even though they were armed. Surprisingly, not a single shot was fired on either side. They began the process of locking up the men and going through their finds when the men began to walk by Abril with huge smirks on their faces, “Looking good there, Abril.” and, “Sure, just lie there, no, don’t worry, don’t get up, no, we got this one.” They kept teasing her as Abril waited for Carlos to show up. Finally he and the Chief showed up in the same white truck with the trailer.

Abril kind of wished her pussy weren’t so absolutely messy and completely covered in horse semen, but everyone knew what she had been doing, so she felt slightly empowered as Carlos and the Chief got out of the truck and walked up to her, with a few of the other guys as well. Abril smiled, “We got `em, Chief!” He nodded, without smiling, “Yes, we did, thanks in part to your brave efforts.” She smiled wider, “So you heard about the trucks coming in tomorrow?” “Yes, we heard… everything.” He put such an odd emphasis on the word everything that Abril paused for a second before saying, “What do you mean?”

Carlos sighed, “Uh, well… we probably should have tested the button before I let you go. It turns out it was stuck in the transmit position the entire time.” Abril’s eyes got wide as saucers, “Wait… so you… heard everything that happened?” The Chief nodded, “Everything.” Abril swallowed hard, trying to remember back about what she had said to the stallion in the heat of passion. Then she remembered that she had admitted that she wanted the horse to get her pregnant, and that she’d willingly carry it’s offspring to term, “Oh god!” She blushed furiously.

The Chief kneeled down, “It’s okay, Abril. I just wish you had told me before we sent you into this thing… I mean… I feel bad. I wish I had known.” Abril looked at Carlos, “Me too, Abril. I’m sorry if I pushed you into this. I figured there was no way you really wanted to do anything like this on purpose other than to get bad guys. I didn’t figure you for the kind of girl who would get off on something like this. But I guess I was wrong.” Abril was horrified. Was her career over, “Oh god, this is so embarrassing!” The Chief smiled for the first time since he had shown up, “Hey, kiddo. It’s okay, look, worse things have happened.” “I want to die right now.”

He shook his head, “Hey, it’s okay. And all the guys on the force know now too. So look, it’s no secret so you shouldn’t be worried about what anyone thinks. But listen, I have to know something, and you need to tell me the truth.” “Okay?” “No, now you have to promise me you’ll tell me the truth. Not like a few days ago when you were lying through your teeth. I need to know the truth.” “Okay, I promise. I don’t have anything left to hide anymore anyway.” “If you had the opportunity to belly ride again, would you take it?” She sighed, “I don’t know… I probably wouldn’t do anything to risk my job.” “What if your job wasn’t at risk?” “Well, sure, I mean… yeah.”

“Call be crazy, but…. I think having a belly rider on the force is exactly what we need.” Abril’s eyes opened wide, “Wait, what?” “Yeah, the way I figure it, there is a whole mass of people who we aren’t in touch with. We need someone who can walk the walk and talk the talk. So now here’s the real question. Would you do that?” “Do what?!” She couldn’t even fathom what he was asking her to do. Carlos smirked and interrupted the Chief, “He’s asking if you want to be a full time belly rider on the force. He and I talked it over on the drive up here. He’ll switch both of us to be mounted officers. We can serve and protect and do more community outreach.” Abril shook her head as if she had something in her ears and she needed to get it out, “What? Are you serious? You want me to have sex with a horse in front of the whole city on the clock?”

The Chief nodded, “I know it’s not technically legal, but I figure as long as we keep making busts like this, the commissioner and mayor aren’t going to be too upset about the whole thing. Besides, the news wants to cover the fact that a belly rider busted them – along with that other belly riding reporter. I guess this is big news. So you’re a celebrity, you just don’t know it yet. I figure the police force needs a new face, and yours is a lot prettier than mine. Besides I had a call with the commissioner this morning, after hearing what you were saying to the horse last night. He’s already given the approval. The only objection he has is to the nudity. That was always the biggest problem the city had with it anyway. So as long as you wear your uniform, he’s okay with it.”

Abril wrinkled her nose, “My uniform?” “Yeah, your badge, your shirt, your belt, your pants, and boots… your hat. The uniform.” “But… how…??” “No one said you couldn’t put a hole in the crotch.” Abril’s eyes widened, “Are you serious?” “Yes, so all we need is your okay, and we’ll get the ball rolling. I already talked with the other guys we have doing mounted police duty, and they volunteered to work with you to figure out the best way to help you do your job under the horse, and work with Carlos to work with a belly riding partner.” Abril paused for a long moment in absolute amazement. The city was sanctioning her not only to have sex with a horse, but to do it on duty, as much as she liked for as long as she liked. She laughed, “Of course, I’ll do it!!”


Chapter Six

Abril had taken her uniform to a tailor and asked them to modify it so that it was suitable for a belly riding outfit. It took a while of explaining and some embarrassing measurements before they agreed to do it. The next day she had her very first pair of belly riding police pants. She felt awkward about wearing them in public but she would stop and look at herself in the reflection of the glass around town and she realized that you could hardly tell there was a huge hole in the pants, exposing her labia and pubic hair, as she walked to the police office.

Today was the first day she was going to go on active duty as a belly rider on the streets of Rio. Carlos met her and gave her a big smile, “Looking good!” She blushed, knowing he was checking out her nether regions. It was one thing her being a cop on the way to work, who no one really want to stare down, to being in the office with men everywhere who knew exactly what she was about to do. She got the cat calls, and tried so shake them off. She and Carlos went out back to the stables and she got herself situated. The other officers who were mounted police had been very understanding and helpful and gave her a lot of hints on how to use the horse as an advantage when going through crowds and so on, but Carlos would be the real eyes and ears of the situation, because he had the height advantage – being that he was on top of the horse instead of having sex with it, like Abril.

Abril took the horse into her pussy and after the regimen of shots and tethering her wrists and ankles into place her and Carlos began to walk down the streets. Her hair was up in her cap, so it didn’t drag on the ground, and she wore her bra and bullet proof vest, like normal. The only thing that was different from any other day was that her legs were akimbo and her pussy was slick with a huge horse dick in it. Their first stop was a bad neighborhood that had a bunch of gang activity. They wanted to show off Abril. She was warmly met by the people, even of the hardened gang members, some of whom she had arrested before. They made a few crude comments, “Not so tough now, are you?” But she smiled and said, “Tough enough to take down Santiago. You want to try me? I’ll have this horse trample you if you want.” She was all talk, as she had no idea how to get the horse to do anything other than walk around and have sex with her.

After a while they seemed to gain a new found respect for her. She was clearly a strong woman, and she was having sex with a horse, even if they couldn’t actually see much. Abril knew her brown pubic hair, her clitoris and her labia were definitely visible, as was her anus, but beyond that, they probably couldn’t see much – not that they needed to – that was plenty. Abril felt very nervous about relaxing amongst this group of people, even if they were being nice and even supportive of her. Carlos told them, “Officer Silva has decided to make herself a mare give her body to stallions. She’s our first belly riding mounted police woman and she had sworn to stay mated to her stallions going forward. She’s made a commitment to the people to have sex with her stallion while on duty, so that you’ll know that we are committed to being part of the community. So you will see a lot more of her.”

Abril couldn’t help but move her hips as she heard Carlos’s speech. She still felt very uncomfortable, but she was also getting more and more aroused. They finally decided to go down to the main strip, as people waved goodbye to her. They walked the several blocks down to the main road, and began to worm their way through the crowds. No one seemed to bs overly surprised by her, but she wondered if they even really noticed what she was doing or that there was a rider under the stallion. She disappeared amongst the sea of people. Suddenly Carlos said, “Oh my god, that guy just mugged that woman.” Abril had no idea what he was talking about but he said, “Come on!”

He began to quickly pick up some speed as he yelled at people to get out of the way. Suddenly Abril felt the leg of her pant stop her. The horse was very sensitive to belly riders needs to it stopped short. Abril couldn’t tell exactly what the cuff of her pant leg was caught on, but it was caught fast. It took a while to coax the horse backwards to release her on what she realized was the sharp edge of a small sign on the sidewalk warning people not to park their bikes there. She coaxed the horse forward, and then without thinking about it she began to get it to trot. The intense feelings in her pussy were unbelievable. She knew she was about to orgasm, but she had to find Carlos first. She realized that Carlos had run his horse around the corner and was in pursuit of the purse snatcher.

She finally rounded the corner, and Carlos was already out of sight, even thought he crowd thinned considerably on the side road. She continued to coax the horse to trot as she tried to find Carlos. She heard the clip clops of the horse’s feet around another corner. Soon she was dodging and weaving back and forth between buildings, trying to find Carlos. She didn’t want to yell after him, but she did want to find him. She soon realized she had no hope of catching up. She needed to stop the horse anyway, because she was about to orgasm and it was nearly impossible to think.

So Abril walked the horse around the corner, back out into the crowd. She was huffing and cumming hard, even a few minutes later as Carlos rounded the corner on his horse, but to no avail. He was breathing heavy, and so was Abril, but for totally different reasons. “Shit, I was hoping you’d have seen him. I’m going to go back out there and try to find him. He’s probably still hiding.” Abril was still cumming as she said, “No, first, you have… to take off… these pants.” “Huh?” “My pants… get your knife out… cut them off of me.”

“What? Why?” “Just do it…” Her anus was clenching hard, and she couldn’t articulate herself as her whole body shook. He got off his horse got out his knife and cut off her pants, until they were in shreds and then stood back, just as Abril was beginning to catch her breath, “Thanks!” “Okay, now that you’re half naked… you want to tell me why I just did that?” “You can say it got caught on a sign and it got torn off… that’s almost what happened anyway. I nearly lost you, because of those damned pants. I won’t let that happen again.” “Okay. That works for me. But I gotta go find him. I’ll be back.” Abril nodded, as Carlos jumped back on his horse and rode off, suddenly realizing that even though she had just orgasmed, she was nowhere near done. Having her round butt and pubic hair laiden pussy on display, finally, was more than she could hope for. She wanted everyone to see the horse spraying her insides with semen, right then and there.

Abril began to bob her buttocks up and down rapidly as she was still cumming. She wanted the stallion to ejaculate right then and there. She continued to moan as she felt the horse begin to thrust into her, right there on the busy sidewalk. There she was – a professional police woman, already orgasmic, with a horny horse working his cock up deep into her slippery velvety hole as she moaned like a whore in heat. Her butt tensed hard as she felt the horse’s penis began to tense and throb. Just then the bad guy who had stolen the purse rounded the corner. He apparently didn’t see Abril as he was looking over his shoulder, probably for Carlos. Abril bit her lip as she though that this was her chance. Still climaxing she managed to have a good thought.

The other officers had outfitted her saddle with pepper spray on both sides of the horse within reach of her hands which were bound by the wrist to her stallion, so she could defend herself if need be. She held the canister and released a small jet of pepper spray into the thief’s face, and he began to scream in pain, just as Carlos rode up, “Whoa! Great job! Holy shit! You got him!” No one at the precinct was expecting her to catch bad guys. They were just using her for publicity. But here she had managed to stop some petty crime, in it’s tracks. He got off the horse and cuffed the thief who was still writhing in pain. Carlos made the thief lay on the ground. Abril didn’t have time to congratulate herself, as she stiffened with another pending climax in quick succession. All she could say was, “Please… uhnnnnn… rub his balls for me?”

Carlos wasn’t sure why she was asking, but he nodded, “Uh, okay? Sure, I guess.” He reached around and began to massage the stallion’s testicles as they rose up. Sure enough, just as Abril hoped the horse got off on the feeling and began to work his cock violently into her. Carlos seemed a little embarrassed but at the same time, he was a little proud to be helping his partner mate with a stallion and better than she could do on her own – no small task in his mind. The horse was driving his thick pole into her so hard in fact, that she had never felt anything like it. She couldn’t think or talk. She just held on tight for dear life, and closed her eyes. The penis inside her was throbbing harder than it ever had before, and it lifted her butt right off the saddle, even as it worked back and forth. She grit her teeth and tensed her PC muscles as hard as she could. She felt the head of the horse’s huge, slippery cock against her G spot. She knew she was in for the orgasm of her life, even though it was right in the middle of broad daylight on a public sidewalk.

The old woman who’s purse had been stolen had apparently noticed the two Police officers and had walked up right in that moment with a bewildered look on her face, “Oh my!” Abril squeezed her pussy as hard as she could for the animal as Carlos took his hand off of the stallion’s huge testicles and grabbed the purse to hand to the old woman, “The belly riding mounted Police woman, Officer Silva, apprehended him.” There was a small crowd that had formed around them as they watched Abril and the stallion copulate in the most spectacularly violent and lustful way that is possible between a woman and a horse. They began to clap a little at the announcement. The stallion began to make a loud coughing sound as it finally began to orgasm. Abril did her best not to move as her whole body tensed hard. Ever muscle in her body vibrated with building tension as she finally felt her stallion begin to inseminate her. She hadn’t taken a breath in nearly thirty seconds as she finally began to climax.

Abril let out a long intense scream. It wasn’t a little orgasm. It was an earth-shattering, mind blowing orgasm. Her whole body suddenly exploded. She screamed over and over at the top of her lungs as she worked her hips up and down the thick slippery cock that was shooting rope after rope of hot ejaculate deep into the Police woman’s body. He had never shot so much of his seed into her before then, Abril thought – she was glad she had asked Carlos to rub the stallion’s testicles for her. Abril’s cervix pulsated hard, sucking up more semen than she had ever managed to before. Her body suckled the horse’s explosive dick drawing it’s virile semen deep into her fertile womb. She knew she was doing everything she could to let the huge stallion impregnate her right there in front of the dozens of onlookers. Her anus tensed hard in front of everyone.

Abril’s whole body convulsed and shook as her breasts giggled violently and her toes and fingers curled hard. She had never felt like this in her whole life. She managed to proudly say to the crowd, “Oh GOD! Thank you! Thank you, everyone… ohhhhhhh,” but she was still moaning loudly. Carlos located the old woman’s purse which had been stolen which was on the ground by the thief who was still in pain from the pepper spray. “Ma’am, I’d like to present you with your thief and your purse. Officer Silva here apprehended him for you.” The old woman took the purse from Carlos and smiled at Abril who’s butt was bobbing up and down wildly as she bit her lip trying to stop herself from screaming anymore. It was quite clear that Abril was still in immense pleasure and the thick rubbery shaft was now coated with more than just her vaginal juices but ejaculate as well. Abril’s hips and pussy continued to milk the 1000 pound animal’s loins, “Oh my, thank you so much, my dear. I can’t thank you enough. It’s amazing that you caught him, while you were so… preoccupied.”

Abril moaned and stiffened. She knew at least a hundred people could see her, of all walks of life and from all over the world, as this was a huge tourist spot, but she didn’t care. She was having sex with an animal, and she wanted them to watch, even as the semen began to drool out of her hole, sticking to her soft brown pubic hair as it worked it’s way down around her anus and then down onto the ground. She wanted them to see. She wanted them to remember the image of her sex being impaled on by this huge steed and his seed stuck to her pubes while she was still moaning and writhing, unashamed.

She knew her life had irreparably changed at this point and she was no longer an innocent girl. She was a perverted slut who would willingly fuck a horse in broad daylight in front of as many people who would watch her, and it would get her off. She realized she no longer had to hold her tongue in front of Carlos, in front of her co-workers or in front of the people of the town.

Abril couldn’t believe how massive the penis still felt inside of her even after all the time she had spent impaled on it, “Oh god! It was just part of my job, ma’am. It’s my job to make sure crooks like this go to jail, even with what feels like a foot of dick and a cup of sperm is inside of me. I’m just glad I can do my job, with all his ejaculate in me, so you can walk the streets a little safer. Nothing is better than cleaning the streets of scumbags like this while I’m being inseminated, ma’am. This has definitely been my pleasure. Now if you’ll excuse me. Me and my partner need to drop him off at the station.” Abril realized right then how amazing it was to when the stallion tried to impregnate her, and how this feeling would never get old, especially with people around to watch and be amazed.

As Carlos and Abril began to walk their horses back to the station, the bad guy sitting behind Carlos, he said, “What do you bet the chances are that we can talk the Chief into letting you go bottomless from now on?” Abril’s pussy convulsed involuntarily several more times as she thought about it.

The End

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