Women with Animals
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Animal Sanctuary 4.4 (30)

(c) 2019 by Kaine105 The quiet clicking of computer keys could sometimes be nearly hypnotic. A steady tempo and soft sound, working in perfect symphony with the words in the mind and the reactions of the fingers. It was like living in a personal bubble, untouchable by the outside world. Honestly, it was Amanda’s second […] read

Women with Animals
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Animal Rescue 4.8 (36)

(c) by sheeladogwoman beastforum edition, first published on Feb 12, 2016 as public domain. Chapter One Debbie Benton has always loved animals, she’s been involved in looking after them all her life. In high school, she had an after school job helping in a Vet Clinic, which inspired her to train to become a Vet […] read

Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Sick Animal Fuckers 4.1 (7)

“Bestiality violation of animals monstrous and revolting to mankind.” Krafft-Ebing used these words to introduce the subject of sex between humans and animals in his monumental nineteenth century study of perverse sexuality, Psychopathia Sexualis. The public attitude toward many deviant sex practices has eased since those harsh Victorian times but the very idea of bestiality […] read