Women with Animals
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Nira African Princess – In Jungle Heat 4.3 (12)

The suns first rays began to pierce the dense jungle canopy where Nira the African princess spent the night. It had been less then a restful night as a group of mountain gorillas was taking turns fucking her. She stood on her hands an knees as a male was pumping her from behind. Beads of […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , , , , , , Leave a Comment on Susie’s Zoo submission 4.8 (33)

Susie’s Zoo submission 4.8 (33)

(c) 2013 by by bilicious The heat had finally broken, and the sun was slanting to the side as Susie walked through the thinning crowds of the animal park. It had been a fun day, meeting with her sister and nieces to have a girls day in the zoo, helping her forget about the craziness […] read