Women with Animals
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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara


(c) 2017 by Michael Rhoden

Part One

Bounty watched as her kids loaded up into her friend’s car. They were headed to camp for the summer. She now had the house all to herself for three weeks. As the car left she closed the door and stripped down naked, as she did so, she thought “free at last.” She flopped down on her couch and stretched out. She was laying there contemplating what to do for her first weekend alone. Her phone began ringing, she grabbed it and saw it was Sara her friend from Colorado Springs, she a answered with a quick “hey slut what’s up.”

Sara answered back “ getting in my car headed to Pueblo to get you. And who you calling slut I’m not the one who was getting fucked in the ass and pussy by every girl at the last party.”
Bounty laughed and said, “ yeah but you damn sure had your face and tongue in every pussy though.”

Both girls laughed and then Sara told her “ get your ass ready I’ll be there in a bit, oh and no playing get your sexy ass ready. I don’t want to find you in the shower finger fucking yourself again.”

“Bitch don’t even go there as soon as you saw me you were begging to lick me.” Bounty retorted. With that, she said goodbye, hung up the phone and headed for the shower. Thinking to herself damn right she was going to rub one off. She couldn’t help herself, Sara was a hell of a fuck, and it didn’t help that they were always trying to one up each other. Bounty got her shower going and climbed in and just as quickly had her hand on her pussy daydreaming of her and Sara.

Bounty met Sara at a Lifestyle party in Denver. They hit it off fast, and Sara hung out with Bounty, and the two other girls Bounty came up with. At about three then headed to eat at one of the local restaurants that catered to the Lifestyle. It wasn’t the best place, but its setup was ideal. All the tables were booths and were enclosed except for one side. All tables had over sized table cloths. To say things happened around this place was an understatement. The girls found an empty booth in the nearly packed restaurant.

A young lady came up to the table and introduced herself. “ Hi my name is Dawn, and I will be your server. What can I get you ladies to drink?”

The girls ordered their drinks and Dawn started to leave, but before she could step away, Sara asked her “sweetie you look new here.”

“ Yes ma’am I am I just started yesterday and I am a little nervous with such a big crowd, I don’t want to screw up” Dawn excused herself and went to get the drinks.

Sara looked over to Bounty and said” can you please order my meal I’d like an omelet and some white toast. I have something I need to do.“ and before Bounty could say anything, Sara slid under the table.

Bounty then felt Sara’s hands on her hips and felt her pull her forward a bit then just as Dawn walked up with their drinks Sara spread Bounty’s legs and planted her face into Bounty’s pussy. With a gasp, she quickly tried to push Sara’s head away but had her hands pinned to her side.

Dawn set the drinks down and looked at the three ladies. “I can come back in a few when the other woman returns if you would like for me too.”

Carol spoke up and said “No sweetheart that’s ok we can order for her we know what she wants. She just went to splash her face” with that Carol and Susan both giggled. Bounty just sat there tight lipped and glared at both of them.

Carol and Susan ordered first then Dawn prepared to take Bounty and Sara’s order, but before Bounty could fully get the words, I’ll take the Sara wrapped her lips around Bounty’s clit and sucked in real hard. Bounty’s eyes went wide, and she had to bite her lip, all that emitted was a small squeak. Dawn looked at Bounty with a bewildered face, the two other girls both had massive grins on their faces, and their friend seemed in distress, and she couldn’t figure out why they were so cruel. “Ma’am are you ok?” she asked with concern.

Bounty nodded then felt Sara let go. “I’m ok hun just um uh had a sharp pain in my leg I’ll be fine.” She relaxed a second then tried again to make hers and Sara’s order. Just as she was about to do so, Sara attacked her clit again but adding a little tongue to the action. Bounty thought she was going to explode as she fought with all she was worth not to scream or cause another scene. As she was making the order, Sara was relentlessly attacking her pussy and now stepped it up several notches by inserting two fingers. Bounty’s eyes rolled, and she let out a slight but very quiet moan. Then she felt it; an orgasm was very close. She did her best to get through the order.

Dawn walked away, and every few steps turned her head to look at Bounty.

Bounty’s muscles tightened, she looked at the other 2, and they were enjoying this little show. With out any more warning, her orgasm hit her hard, she bit down on her lip, one hand shot under the table grabbing a big handful of Sara’s hair, and she pulled forcing Sara’s face harder into her pussy, her hips started bucking and grinding on Sara’s face. She sat there trembling as aftershocks hit her body.

Sara crawled our from under the table, her face covered in cum from Bounty’s now extremely soaked pussy. She sat down and leaned and kissed Bounty deep and passionately. Bounty returned the kiss.

Bounty finally broke their kiss and without hesitation said: “bitch you’re going to pay for that little stunt.”

Sara looked at her “ that sounds like a challenge, well then challenge excepted I can take what ever you dish out. But be warned I will return fire.” she grinned and kissed Bounty again.

Bounty reached for the shower wall for balance; she could fill her orgasm getting close. She had been holding her bladder this whole time and was ready to let loose.

Just as her orgasm hit she relaxed her bladder and sent a torrent of piss to the shower floor. “OH FUCK FUCK FUCK” she screamed, she went to her knees before she fell. Her head dropped as her body shook. She removed her hand from her pussy and inserted her fingers into her mouth. The combination of the taste and smell of piss and cum sent her over the edge again. She laid down on the shower floor and allowed her body to shake, and enjoyed the taste of her fingers.

After a little while, the shower water began to get cold. “FUCK Sara is going to be her any moment. She jumped up and took a very quick wash down. After drying off, she found her favorite skirt and top and put those on. Just as she was putting the last of her weekend clothes in a bag, she heard Sara come in through the door.

Sara entered Bounty’s bedroom and giving Bounty one of those I’m going to eat your sexy ass up looks she walked over and kissed Bounty deeply and passionately. With one hand she pulled up Bounty’s skirt and started playing with her pussy. ” Good your commando,” she said with a very evil grin.

Bounty looked at her and said “and?” and gave Sara one of her classic stare downs.

Sara lifted her skirt and top to reveal no underwear. Then she threw Bounty the keys and said: “your driving I want to take a rest and enjoy the ride.”

With that, the girls got into the car and headed back to Sara’s place.

Sara kicked her seat back and put her hands behind her head and feet on the dash. She hated driving but seeing Bounty was worth driving. Now that they were headed north she would let Bounty handle the driving. She couldn’t believe her luck in finding Bounty, but the card is funny like that. She was just as kinky as she was and that just made her set thinking about it.

As they turned onto I25 and headed north, Sara closed her eyes and listened to the highway. Her son was with his dad for the whole summer riding in his big truck so spending time with Bounty was going to be a breeze. As she sat back, she drifted off to sleep.

Nearly a week had passed since Sara and Bounty had met and they were back in Denver. Denver had a great club scene. There were 2 bars she liked because they were owned and operated by people in the Lifestyle so getting into trouble with someone didn’t mean having to wait to go to the hotel. She had no clue what Bounty had in store for her after their little restaurant fun. But she knew that what ever Bounty pulled out of that kinky brain was going to be good. Their hotel room was close to one of her favorite clubs the KINKED KNOT. Of the three she knew of this was a no holds barred kink fest. Being a private club, you could only get in by paying the $200 membership fee and only after you were invited by another member. On the 1st floor was the main bar and dance floor. As well as a fully equipped BDSM play room. The dance floor had two small stages with stripper polls. There were several tables scattered through out the bar area, and of course, it was nothing to see couples playing. The only rule at the club was “no means no.” Other than that it was cum at your pleasure. The 2nd floor consisted of several different play rooms. Though Sara had never gone up there, she had heard of some of the different rooms.

Bounty led them to a table occupied by 2 of her friends. When they stepped up to the table, the other two girls stood up and kissed the girls excited to see them. Julie grabbed Bounties ass nice and tight and said: “girl I so want to bend you over and fuck your ass with my strap-on.” Bounty leaned in whispering into her ear “maybe later bitch, but tonight Sara is going to get hers.” Both girls looked at Sara and grinned real big.

Sara could only imagine what was going through Bounty’s mind and just the thought was making her pussy wet, and that wetness was now running down her leg.

Maggie reached up under Sara’s skirt and inserted a finger into her pussy. When her finger slid in with no resistance, she turned to look at Bounty and said “ this little slut of yours is so damn wet my finger slid in like it was already lubed” Sara felt her cheeks flush.

Bounty turned “bitch that pussy is mine get your fingers out of there. But finger her ass if you want.”

Maggie removed her finger and got in behind Sara and roughly bent her over and inserted her now soaked finger into Sara’s tight ass. Sara let out a moan and pushed back letting the now intruding finger slide deeper into her ass. Maggie grinned and started working her finger in and out. When she pushed in Sara met each finger thrust.

Bounty knelt down looking into Sara’s eyes. Reaching with one hand, she grabbed a handful of hair and pulled back. “Such a good little slut,” she remarked as she kissed Sara deeply” Bounty stood up after breaking their kiss and grabbed Maggie’s hand and pulled it away from Sara’s ass. “She can’t cum just yet.”

The Sara headed to the bar to get her and Bounty drinks as the others sat down. As she walked, she could feel her now violated asshole flexing as though it still had Maggie’s finger inside it. This, of course, made her soaked pussy leak, even more, juices and increased her feeling of wanting to cum very strong.

I think it’s time we head upstairs I’m in serious need of a good cum and Sara needs to be fucked as well” grabbing Sara by her hair she pulled her up, and they made their way to the stairs.

As they reached the second floor Bounty turned to the others with a grin and said I need to pee how about you girls?” Maggie and Julie both nodded. Bounty turned down a small hallway and headed to the far door.

As they approached Sara saw a sign mounted on the door. “OPEN BATHROOM TO ALL SEXES” Sara started getting a little nervous she had never peed in a bathroom where both male and female were allowed. In fact, she had never peed in front of another female.

As they entered the room. Sara saw that all the urinals had large holes at the bottom and the bottom of those were human bodies, male and female. Thay all stood there for a few minutes and observed more of the room. A guy walked in and approached a urinal with a female face at the bottom. Pulling out his cock he aimed for the urinal, the girl in the urinal opened her mouth and accepted the man’s piss. To Sara’s surprise the girl swallowed every drop, and as she watched this, she could feel her pussy getting wet again.

Bounty led the girls over to the corner where an old shower had been installed. She pushed Sara over to the corner and forced her to her knees. Sara looked up at Bounty with a confused look. Bounty looked at her and smiled “ it’s your turn for a little humiliation, granted we are not in a public restaurant, but this will do.”

Sara began to remove her top, but bounty stopped her and shook her head. Then Bounty turned to talk to Maggie and Julie. As Sara was kneeling, she watched as a few people began coming in.

As the people approached Bounty stopped them and announced that the men were welcome to watch, but only the ladies could participate.

At the sound of Bounty’s announcement, Sara felt a little bit of relief though not much. As bounty turned and looked at her, she gave her a nervous grin. Bounty leaned down and whispered to her “I’m not going to allow anything bad to happen, but I am going to have fun and enjoy this, ” and with that, she stood up and hiked up her skirt.

Bounty stood over Sara and let go of her bladder, doing her best to aim it at Sara’s face she made contact at her chin.

The piss hit her, and she jerked a little, Sara felt humiliation wash over her as felt the eyes of everyone in there on her. A second stream hit her cheek and in surprise, she turned only to have the stream of piss hit her square on the lips. She opened her mouth in surprise, and it quickly filled with Julies piss. She spat it out and felt her stomach wretch at the taste. She then felt Bounty’s hands grab her hair and pull her forward. Piss hit the top of her head and down her face. She tried keeping her mouth shut and instinctively held her breath. She quickly realized she didn’t have enough air and opened her, mouth to gasp for air. Piss flowed into her mouth. She noticed that Bounty’s piss was not as harsh tasting as Julie’s, but it still was better.

The streams of piss from Bounty and Julie began to die out. Sara was soaked, and her mouth had the taste of piss. Bounty pulled her head to her pussy “lick up sweet heart I want my pussy nice and clean then you can clean Julie’s” Hesitantly she began to lick Bounty’s pussy. At first, she could taste the piss then Bounty’s pussy juices. Now, this was a taste she liked. She quickly lapped at her clit and stuck her tongue into Bounty’s pussy trying to lap up all the juices she could get. With a sudden pull, she felt her head pulled back, and that beautiful pussy escapes her hungry mouth, she whimpered in protest. But as quickly as Bounty’s pussy was gone Julies was now on her face. She wasted no time licking at her pussy.

As she was licking Julie’s pussy, Maggie stepped in behind her and removed her pants. She hiked a leg up on a ledge and adjusted, so she was directly over Sara.

Sara felt the stream hit her head and flow down her face. Her mouth over Julie’s pussy the piss entered her mouth. Maggie’s piss was like Bounty’s, not as harsh. She resigned herself to allowing it in and steadily licked Julie’s pussy. Julie pulled away just as Maggie finished peeing, and both girls stepped away.

Sara’s clothes were soaked, and her hair was clinging to her head and cheeks. The taste of pussy and piss filled her mouth. She looked searching for Bounty. She saw her just a few feet away bent over and a tall bald headed man with a red mustache and goatee behind her fucking her for all he was worth. Bounty made eye contact with her, and she stared at her Bounty’s mouth opened and a loud groan exit her mouth. Bounty was cumming, and she was smiling big at her.

Before Sara could grasp the seen three naked girls stepped up to her. One grabbed her hair and away but the girl had a tight grip. She tried to let it flow out around her mouth, but there was too much coming. She began to swallow as fast as she could. The other two girls began pissing, each stream hitting either side of her mouth. She found herself trying to swallow as fast as she could. Several times she would cough and piss, would spew from the sides but as soon as it was gone more flowed in. The girls finished quickly and stepped away.

Sara allowed her hands to hit the floor as she leaned forward trying to catch her breath. Another female stepped forward and began pissing on her head. She stayed there as the girl pissed, her mind focusing on what was happening and for the first time she gave in to her body in a way she never thought possible. She looked up at the girl and opened her mouth letting the stream of piss enter, and without hesitation, she drank. She felt her pussy getting wetter and felt an orgasm growing. She closed her eyes and focused on it, as she gulped piss. Her body shuddered as the orgasm hit. She let out a moan and let her head fall forward.
After what felt like forever the final girl stepped away but not before and leaning down and kissing her. She looked over to where Bounty was. Bounty was on her knees, and Julie was laying on the floor her head under Bounty, obviously with her tongue in Bounty’s pussy. The tall gentleman that had been fucking her standing in front of Bounty holding his hard cock pointing at Bounty’s face. Bounty’s mouth was open wide. As Sara watched the gentleman released a stream of piss with which Bounty swallowed eagerly, Every once in awhile she would lean back letting the stream of piss hit her chest and flow down her body. When she would do so, Julie would make slight bucking movements, And her hand would vigorously rub her clit.

Sara stood up and walked over to where they were at. As the gentleman’s piss flow stopped, Bounty looked up at Sara with a grin of satisfaction on her face. “Meet Mike a long time friend and fuck buddy. Sara took Mike’s hand as he offered it. Mike eyed her wet body and smiled “you two should come to my new club when it opens next month” he said while reaching down to help Bounty up. “Sure thing whats the name,” Sara asked.

Mike grabbed his pants and pulled out his wallet. Extracting two business cards, he took a pen and wrote on the back of each card. Then handed them to Bounty and Sara, then kissed Bounty on the cheek and exited the room.

Sara looked at the card on it said. The Doghouse Club” below that ‘Denver’s Premier Lifestyle Club where it’s ok to be in the Doghouse.” Worded in small print were Mike’s cell and his business number. She flipped the card over and there written on the back it said. Allow free entry and membership. Signed Mike.

Sara looked at Bounty and looked at the door. “ He’s not much for conversation is he?”

Bounty started getting dressed, “no not till you get to know him.”

Julie and Maggie had also finished getting dressed and kissed both of them. Maggie said, “thanks girls for a great night, I think Julie and I are going to head home for the evening, ” And the girls parted ways.

Bounty pulled Sara to her and began to give her a deep passionate kiss. Sara could taste Mikes piss and closed her eyes and enjoyed the embrace and the taste. In her mind, she couldn’t believe that she had found that she was a real slut for a piss. But what made her quiver inside was that she enjoyed every second of it. Bounty had woken something in her. Bounty slid her hand under Sara’s skirt and started rubbing her clit.

Sara jolted awake in her seat the orgasm catching her surprise. Her body stiffened, and she thrust her hips in the air. She clenched her teeth to try and squelch the scream of pleasure.

Sara finally gained control of her body, Looking at Bounty who was wearing a very mischievous grin, “happy with yourself bitch.” she growled. Then she heard the horn of an 18 wheeler, she looked over and saw the big rig riding beside them, the driver apparently enjoying the show. She looked down to see what it was he was fixated on, to her surprise her shirt was hiked up over her tits fully exposing her 42DDs. Her skirt was hiked up fully exposing her pussy, well except for the fact Bounty’s hand was still working her clit. Which that was causing another orgasm to build. “Fucking bitch you are going to pay for this one” she growled at Bounty just as another orgasm over took her body.

Bounty laughed “slut don’t threaten me with a good time.” She pulled her hand away to allow Sara to gather her wits.

Before she could get her fingers to her mouth, Sara grabbed her hand and pulled her hand to her face. “Fuck you that is my pussy juice I’m sucking that off your fingers.” and began sucking Bounty’s fingers.

The trucker honked his horn again and waved as Bounty stepped on the gas. Sara removed Bounty’s fingers. “How long was he beside us you perverted slut” Sara grinned as she stared at her friend.

Bounty looked over to her and said: “Oh not long he was like the 4th one, but only he got the grand finally.”

Sara shook her head and watched a mile marker go by. FUCK they were almost to Colorado Springs, she had slept almost the whole trip. She looked at Bounty “ how long have you been showing me off t a bunch of perverted truckers?”.

Bounty grinned, “as soon as you started talking in your sleep, I pulled up your shirt and mine then I couldn’t resist after the first 18 wheeler I just had to play with your pussy, and everyone enjoyed the show.”

15 minutes later they exited I 25 onto the surface streets of Colorado Springs and made their way towards Sara’s house.

Bounty pulled the car into the driveway of Sara’s home. The girls got out of the car and headed inside. Stepping into the house Bounty set her bag on the couch. Sara stripped her clothes off glad to be rid of them. Bounty followed suite. They stood in front of each other admiring each other’s bodies.

Finally, after a few moments, they embraced each other. Bounty pulled away and sat on the couch next to her bag. Sara headed to the kitchen to grab a drink for them both. Bounty watched her paying close attention to her ass as she walked away. Coming back into the room Sara sat onto Bounty’s lap. Bounty took the glass and before drinking asked: “ so whats our plans for the weekend?”

“I was thinking maybe go to your friend’s new club since it opens this weekend. I’m curious to see what he has to offer that the others don’t.” Sara replied as she took the drink.

Bounty thought for a moment wondering if she should tell her why Mike called it the Doghouse but then decided it would be better to surprise her. Grinning she said “Oh he has a few extra play rooms nothing much more. The only difference is he is the only owner. He doesn’t want it spoiled by the drama that the other clubs have with multiple partners.”

Sara nodded her agreement about the various ownership organizations. Then she asked about the free membership that he had given them.

Bounty told her that Mike was kind to his friends and to get the business going, he needed to get some people in that he knew would help get the club going. “He has his plans and I know right now he has about 20 people that are members because they are part of his inner circle.”

Sara reached down and tweaked one of Bounty’s nipples playfully. “So whats he going to be charging membership wise for everyone else?” she asked as she began twisting a nipple.

Bounty didn’t even wince at the abuse of her nipple but felt her pussy start to moisten. “I think he’s charging a $150 annual membership, and as well as a $40 cover charge for not members. I know that with memberships. You get access to his special party nights that no members can’t enter” Bounty slid her hand between Sara’s legs as she spoke.

Sara spread her legs slightly to let Bounty have access. “So why give me a free membership when he doesn’t even know me, and what strings are attached to free membership?”

Bounty shook her head, “no strings hun, but he gave you the membership because of me. Now I know if you dropped to your knees and sucked his cock he wouldn’t argue.” Bounty grinned at the thought of Sara sucking a cock only to have piss stream down her throat; Mike was notorious for doing that. Bounty slid her fingers past Sara’s pussy right to her puckered little asshole. She applied a little pressure and watched Sara as she sucked in a breath at the attempted invasion.

Bounty’s phone rang before she could get to it Sara stopped her. “It’s our time everyone else can go screw” Sara looked at her with a serious look.

“Sweetheart that is Mike, and I’m guessing he is wanting to know if we are coming to the grand opening of his club.” She took the phone and answered it is putting it on speaker. “Hey, sexy whats up?”

“Hey, are you and your friend coming tomorrow night?”

Bounty looked at Sara for an answer. Sara nodded yes. “Yeah we will be there, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Good be here early say around 5ish, the club doesn’t open till 8, and I want to give you a personal tour of the place.”

Bounty tried to hide her excitement: We will be there and are looking forward to it” She said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Sara looked at her with a questioning look. “Ok, so whats this going to install,” she said with a slight bit of jealousy in her voice.

Bounty shook her head, “sweet heart doesn’t worry, Mike is not going to try anything and is not going to seek to split us up. I am one of his closest friends, and I know he wants my opinion on the place and probably would like yours.”

Sara grumbled a little as she got up. “ Ok, I will not argue. if you trust him, then I will as well.”

Bounty smiled and swatted Sara’s ass for good measure. Then she slid off the couch and laid down on the floor. “Now come here and set that lovely pussy on my face I’m hungry.”

Sara looked down at her and grinned, “ I hope you’re thirsty as well?”

“Bring it here bitch,” she said and then opened her mouth nice and wide.

Sara moved to straddle Bounty, so she was looking down at her face. She wanted to watch her eyes when she let her stream of piss go. She got onto her knees and hovered just over Bounty’s face. She started to relax when Bounty suddenly slid down a bit then grabbed her legs and pulled her down to where she was now sitting on her face. She felt Bounty’s tongue push up inside her pussy, she felt the jolt of pleasure shoot through her whole body and momentarily forgot about her bladder.

Bounty held a tight grip on Sara’s legs keeping her right where she wanted her. She could feel her pussy start to moisten as she tasted Sara. Sara’s pussy was getting wetter by the second, Bounty was hoping to herself that Sara wouldn’t pee till she came but either way she was going to get what she wanted, and that was Sara cumming hard.

Sara could feel Bounty’s tongue working her clit, and an orgasm starting to build, she leaned her head back and rolled her eyes as she let the pleasure feel her body. Her body started convulsing uncontrollably, what made it worse was Bounty had her legs pinned so she couldn’t move her hips the way her body wanted it to.

Bounty was enjoying her self immensely, with Sara’s body convulsing she was grinding her pussy on her face. The more she did, the tighter her grip got on her legs pinning her tighter. She wanted to be buried in that pussy. The pussy juices were flowing, and she was sucking every drop down her throat. Her pussy was dripping, and she could feel the juices running down the crack of her ass, she wanted badly to reach down and rub her clit, but she didn’t want to lose her grip on Sara.

Sara was beside herself; her body was no longer hers to control, the orgasm building was causing every muscle to tense. All she wanted was to cum. “FUCKING EAT THAT PUSSY BITCH” she screamed. She reached down with one hand and got a handful of Bounty’s hair. If Bounty wanted to bury her face, then she was going to let her, and she was going to grind her pussy on her face no matter the grip she had. She gripped her hair tight and pulled trying to draw Bounty closer to her pussy and started grinding hard. “FUCK YES FUCKING TONGUE IT BITCH!”

Bounty loved her hair being pulled, and with Sara now grinding her pussy into her face she let out a muffled moan as she came. She drove her tongue as deep into Sara’s pussy as she could get. The fluids from Sara’s pussy were escaping her mouth and running down her chin. She knew Sara was close to cumming.

Sara rocked her head back her eyes rolling into the back of her head. THe orgasm hit, and it hit hard. Her body broke Bounty’s grip, and she thrust her hips in the air. Her bladder lets go the instant the orgasm hit. Piss flowed like someone had opened the flood gates.

Bounty felt the first droplets of piss hit her face then start arcing up and passed her head. She lifted her head up to get her mouth over the flow. One thing she had learned from Mike was not to waste piss. And damn sure don’t let any hit the ground. She regained her grip on Sara’s legs and forced her back down. Her mouth wrapped around Sara’s pussy she gulped as fast as she could. Some got past and over flowed her mouth. Another orgasm hit her body as she drank.

Sara lurched forward catching herself with her hands. She broke Bounty’s grip again. She looked at herself and watched as Bounty tried to get back to the dream. She watched as her piss splashed across Bounty’s body. Her pussy is convulsing, and her body is shuddering. She was fighting for her breath. She thought to herself, “damn this bitch can eat pussy.”

Bounty is manged to angle herself to catch what was left of the piss. When Sara was finished, she pulled her back down and quickly licking every drop she could.

Sara slid down kissing Bounty on the lips as she slid by.Licking the piss off her body Sara then actually realized how much of a little piss slut bounty had turned her into. She worked her way back up to Bounty’s lips laying to the side of Bounty she enjoyed a long lingering kiss. Then slid so she could put her head on Bounty’s chest.

The girls laid there for 30 min enjoying the moment. Finally, Bounty stirred “let’s get a shower and then go grab a bite to eat.” Sara nodded, and they got up and headed for the shower.

Sara’s room was of fairly good size, the Master bath was spacious and had a shower stall as well as a tub. The shower was roomy and had two shower heads on either side. She stepped in and turned on the water for both getting the temperature to a nice setting. Bounty stepped in after both shower heads were on. She spun Sara around and kissed her deeply, Sara returned the kiss. As they broke, the kiss Bounty pushes Sara to her knees. Once on her knees, Bounty pulled her head forward.

Sara opened her mouth almost knowing what Bounty wanted her to do. She stuck out her tongue awaiting the golden flow.

Bounty looked down at Sara and smiled when she saw her mouth open, and tongue sticks out. She relaxed her body urging her bladder. Her bladder obliged, as her piss began to flow she reached down and pulled the skin just above her pussy so as ark her piss towards Sara’s mouth.

The first drops hit her tongue, and she leaned forward and greedily drank. The taste was slightly tart, but she didn’t care she wanted every drop, and that she did. Once the flow stopped she lapped at Bounty’s pussy, she tried to save a few drops in her mouth. She finally stood satisfied with what she had. She leaned forward and kissed Bounty deeply allowing what was in her mouth to empty into Bounty’s

Bounty’s eyes opened slightly as she felt her pee flow into her mouth. She swallowed and returned Sara’s kiss.

After their shower, they stepped into the room to get dressed. Bounty looked at Sara as she reached into her bag. “I have a gift for you, and I want you to wear it tonight.”

Sara watched as Bounty pulled out a little bag. Bounty pulled out what looked like a jeweled item. She took it from her and looked it over; it was a jeweled butt plug. She had seen them on a couple of web sites. This one was about 5 inches and length and about 3 inches at its widest point. Then Bounty pulled out the second and third item and handed one of them to her. This one was a large sized remote bullet vibrator. Sara looked at Bounty and saw the mischievous grin on her face.

“You’re going to insert both of them for tonight’s dinner” she smiled as she said this. Bounty thought to herself as she had when she bought them, she couldn’t wait to see Sara try and order her meal when this was going off.

Sara started to shake her head, then changed her mind. She knew that she was in deep now, and she knew with Bounty that it was only going to get kinkier. She had brought this on all by herself by doing what she did that night at the restaurant. She looked at Bounty then at the butt plug in her hand. She lifted it up and put it to Bounty’s mouth. Bounty put her mouth on it getting it all nice and wet then removed her mouth. Sara then handed it to her and bent herself over the bed.

Bounty looked at Sara’s ass then without warning and a second thought swatted her ass with her bare hand, Sara screamed at the sudden smack on her ass. Bounty admired the welted hand print as it glowed an angry red. She put the plug in her mouth again to get it wet. Then an evil thought crossed her mind, and she wished she had thought of it sooner. She should have gotten it a little on the cold side. “Oh well maybe next time,” she thought to herself. Bounty put the tip of the plug at Sara’s puckered little hole and slowly forced it in.

Sara at first instinctively pulled away, but then relaxed and pushed back. As the plug started to stretch her little hole, she let out an audible moan, of both pain and pleasure. The more Bounty pushed it in, the harder she pushed back. Finally, the broad base entered, and her asshole shut closed around it.

Sara stood up; she felt full with the plug inside her. Other than a finger shoved up her ass this was the largest item she had ever had shoved into her ass. The crazy thing has she liked it. She loved how it made her feel. She picked up the bullet vibrator and held it in her hand. She reached down and started inserting it into her pussy. Her pussy resisted at first due to the vibes size but as her pussy moistened and it started sliding in. She moaned as it slid in. Now she felt incredibly full with both the vibe and plug inside her. She went to move, and the two banged against each other. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she went to her knees. “OH FUCK OH GOD”

Bounty watched as Sara fell to her knees, then leaned forward and landed on her hands. She grinned at Sara’s plight, then flipped the switch to the vibrator.

Sara looked up at Bounty just in time to see her smile and flip the switch. Without any other warning the vibe comes on, All of Sara’s senses scream.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD AHHHHHHH!” she screams. Her body tenses and she falls to her side; her body convulses as multiple intense orgasms rocks her body. Fluids from her pussy spray across the floor.

Bounty quickly shuts off the vibe and watches as Sara lays on the floor in a convulsing heap. “Oh hell, this is going to be fun.”


Part Two

Bounty pulled the car out of the drive and headed towards town. Sara sat uncomfortably in the passenger seat. Having both a buttplug and vibrator in and Bounty holding the remote to the vibrator made thing tense for her.

As Bounty turned onto the main road from the neighbor hood, she hit a pot hole. Sara’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as the vibe and plug collided inside her from the violent jolt when they hit the pothole. Sara could only think to herself she was not going to survive the night like this.

Before they had left every time she moved the combo collided and if she tried to move slow trying to prevent the collision Bounty would flip in the remote. Pussy juices flowed from Sara down her legs. She could smell herself and part of her worried that others would smell her as well. Several times she cussed Bounty calling her a cruel bitch. Bounty would just laugh at her and go about getting ready or flipping the switch.

Sara slowly adjusted herself in the seat, just before she settled herself back into the seat Bounty reached into her jacket pocket and flipped the switch. “OH FUCK YOU DAMN SLUT OH FUCK OH FUCK” This orgasm nearly threw her for a loop, she could feel the pussy juices slide down the crack of her ass and soak her panties. She pounded the dashboard with her fists.

Bounty sat and laughed at Sara’s embarrassing pleasure ride.She had done it this time. But in the back of her mind, she knew that what ever Sara thought of as payback it was probably going to be one hell of a doozy.

Sara started to cuss her when she hit an another pot hole. Just as she began to yell at her for the intentional hit Bounty flipped the switch, so instead of yelling, she screamed in pleasure while cussing.

“YOU GODDAMN SLUT I’M SO GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS SHIT” Sara clung to the arm rest trying her best to fight the multiple orgasms attacking her body. She thought to herself one thing was for sure she was going to sleep like a damn rock tonight. Her body felt like she had just run a marathon.

Bounty pulled into the parking lot of a locally owned restaurant, as she did so she made sure to hit the curb. As she parked she bumped the curb. All the time Sara moaning and cussing through clenched teeth.

Sara looked down between her legs. Her pants were damp from all her juices. She looked at Bounty with an evil stare. “How the fuck do you expect me to go inside with my pants drenched?”

Bounty got out of the car and watched Sara as she slowly got out trying to limit the clanging of objects. As she closed the door Bounty flipped the switch. Sara clenched her teeth tight and tried to quiet the moans from getting too loud. Fortunately, she didn’t go to her knees this time like she had several times at the house.

As they entered the restaurant Bounty took Sara’s hand. They were greeted by a young lady at the front. “Hello, ladies welcome to Hall of Fame how many will be joining this evening?”

“Just me and my girlfriend thank you” Bounty squeezed Sara’s hand

Sara leaned over to Bounty’s ear, “Yeah, my torturous bitch girlfriend.”

Bounty laughed “You know you love it.”

The young lady motioned them to follow her as she leads them to a table for two. As they were getting ready to sit down, Sara saw a family sitting at another table, and the mom was giving them a nasty look. Sara helped Bounty as she sat down then kissed Bounty square on the mouth. As she headed to her chair, she looked at the mom who had given her a nasty look and smiled at her.

As the girls read over their menus, Bounty kept flipping the remote on and off in quick secession. Sara clenched her teeth with the constant on and off of the vibe as it vibrated against the plug.

A few minutes passed by and another girl came to their table. “Good evening ladies I’m Sharon, and I will be your waitress for the evening. What can I get you to drink?”

Sara looked over the drinks as Bounty ordered hers and said a silent prayer that Bounty wouldn’t flip the switch. She was wrong just as she opened her mouth and got two syllables out the vibrator went off and for some reason felt like it had increased with strength. “I’ll have used the uh the bu bu budwieserrrr.” Sara felt like a stuttering fool. It was all she could do to talk.

The young waitress looked at Sara then at Bounty and somehow deducted what was happening, and why the other girl’s voice went up several octaves when she tried to order. She grinned and walked away.

“You fucking bitch how dare you do that, fuck I feel like I’m going to explode.Why the hell did that thing feel like it increased in intensity?” she whispered through clenched teeth.

Bounty laughed, and then produced the remote and showed her the power switch. “It was set at one sweetheart, but I cranked it up to 3. And you slut have no right to bitch about me doing it while you ordered. I seem to remember your face buried in my pussy while I tried to order when we first met.”

Sara grumbled under her breath; she had her there. Sara went back to reading her menu. As she did so, she thought back to that night. God how she enjoyed that, how Bounty struggled even to talk.

“BZZZZZZZZ” the vibrator brought her out of her euphoria. Sara clenched her teeth as she felt an orgasm hit her. “fuck fuck fuck fuck” she whispered as quietly as she could.

Bounty laughed “what is it baby having trouble sitting still.”

“Fuck you slut; you would to if I had control of that remote.”

A few minutes later Sharon walked back up to their table. “Are you ladies ready to order?”

As she took Bounty’s order, she watched Sara wiggle a little bit in her chair. When Bounty finished, Sharon looked at Sara. “And what can I get you ma’am” as she saw Sara’s mouth open, she watched as her mouth opened and eyes closed and her body tense.

Sara was beside herself; Bounty had her on a hair trigger, she felt like her body would explode or worse she would piss herself. She was about to try to order a second time when the waitress leaned over and whispered,”it’s ok hunny I fully understand what you’re going through, my x girlfriend used to do the same thing.” Sara looked with a total look of surprise. How the fuck did she figure that out, she thought to herself.

Sara finally was able to get her order out, and Sharon walked away. “That fucking bitch knew what the fuck is going on. I should slap you for this shit. I’m so fucking embarrassed.”

Bounty laughed, “well shit baby anyone paying real close attention could tell what might go on with you.” She reached over and patted Sara’s hand.

“And besides you little slut you need a real orgasm: she smiled as she said it.

“Fuck you” she mouthed to bounty as a family walked by.

“Oh hunny you have and you will later, and then when you are done fucking me I’m going to piss down your throat and the fuck you right back.” As she said it, she kicked the remote up to five and flipped the switch.

Sara’s eyes rolled into the back of her head “Oh fuck” she groaned.

Sharon brought their food. The girls ate in quiet just staring at each other as they ate.

When they finished Sharon brought their check, bounty handed her card to pay for the meal. A few minutes she returned with the receipt and card. Bounty signed the ticket and took the receipt and gave Sharon 10 dollars for the tip.

As the girls stepped outside to get in the car, Bounty was looking at the receipt and noticed what looked like writing on the back. She flipped it over and read what was on the back.

I enjoyed watching you torture your girlfriend; it was a total turn on. If you two would ever like a partner anytime, I’m off at 10:30 and off on Saturday and Sunday. Give me a call. Sharon Castle 719-555-4546 I’m up for anything.

Bounty showed Sara the back of the receipt. “is she fucking serious?”

“Well, I would guess so if she left her number.”

Sara grinned and looked at Bounty with an evil glint in her eye. “What do you say to have ourselves a little torture slut of our own?”

Bounty thought for a moment. “The only problem you would get to play with her more than I would”

Sara looked at her “whats stopping you from moving in with me. If it’s our kids, we can cross that bridge when we get to it.”

Bounty laughed “I know why you want her, so I can’t torture anymore.”

“I never said we were not off limits to what ever kinky shit we come up with for each other. Just an added little slut to fuck.”

As the girls climbed into the car Bounty took the remote and showed Sara as she cranked it all the way to ten then hovered her thumb over the switch.”

Oh, you fucking bitch don’t you OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH FUCK ME AHHHHHHHHHH” Sara’s body went completely rigid her hands gripping what ever she could. She started thrusting her hips involuntarily.

Bounty smiled as she left the vibe on. She looked down between Sara’s legs just as her pants started to darken.

Sara thrust her hips uncontrollably as her orgasm crested she felt her bladder let go. Piss flowed from her bladder; she couldn’t stop it. Her jeans quickly soaked. As her orgasm subsided, she relaxed and rested her ass back on the seat. “FUCKING BITCH” she growled.

Bounty put the car into gear and turned the car towards the house.

Bounty laid in bed next to Sara and watched her as she slept. She knew she was exhausted from her experience. But Bounty knew she had enjoyed it. She reached over and caressed Sara’s arm from the shoulder to her hands then back. She snuggled up close to Sara and fell asleep.

Mid afternoon the girls were up and about getting ready to leave. Bounty put on her favorite skirt and button down top, Sara put on a pair of tight jeans and t-shirt. Bounty looked at Sara disapprovingly.

Sara saw the look, “What? I’m driving this time, and I don’t need you distracting me trying to finger fuck me.”

“Fine as long as your top goes up while we are headed to Denver. I’m not going to be the only one flashing the truckers.”

With that said the girls headed out. Throwing their bags in the back, the girls jumped in and headed to Denver.

Nearly an hour had passed, and they were south of Denver. A long line of trucks in the right lane. “We should have already been there, but you slut just had to get the truckers all hot and bothered.”

Bounty laughed as she tweaked her nipples for the trucker next to them. “Hey you have to admit it’s fun, and we don’t have to be there for another hour.”

Sara shook her head Bounty was right it was fun getting the drivers all hot and bothered. Then Sara looked at Bounty. “You remember our waitress from last night?

“Yeah what about her?” Bounty looked at Sara wondering why she was bringing her up now.

“Well, what do you think about inviting her over one night after you get moved in.”

Bounty was taken aback a little about the moving in part, Sara was serious about it. “Hmm, I have not thought about it. I don’t see a problem, but we can talk about it later.”

Sara looked at the next truck and thought she saw a female in the mirror of the next truck. “get ready we have tits ahead I believe.”

As they passed, the next truck Bounty looked up to see a young girl of about 25 behind the wheel of the 18 wheeler. The girl looked down at her and when she saw Bounty looking she stood up revealing a beautiful set of what Bounty gathered were at least DD’s. Bounty lifted one of her tits to her mouth and sucked on a nipple while rubbing her clit. The girl reached over and pulled on the air horn chord in approval.

Finally getting into Denver Sara took the southern loop around Denver headed to Aurora. “Where is that hotel we are staying at again?”

Bounty grabbed her phone and pulled up the app looking for the hotel. “According to this it’s over near the Harley dealer, and Flying J truck stops there in Aurora. After we jump off 225 onto 70 East, we need to take the N. Airport Exit. Mikes club is a block from there.”

45 minutes later they had exited off I 70 and were winding their way around to the hotel. Bounty picked up her phone and texted Mike. We made it to town and are stopping at the hotel to change and headed to the club.

As they pulled up to the hotel Bounty’s phone buzzed. She clicked on the message. Ok, see you two sexy bitches in a few. Just text me when you pull up.
After getting their room, the girls quickly changed. Bounty kept her skirt but put on her more revealing corset, Sara put on a short skirt which just barely covered her ass and a small v-cut top revealing a lot of cleavages. Bounty grabbed her goody bag, and the girls headed out the door.

When they pulled up, Bounty shot Mike a quick message that they had arrived, as they stepped from the car Mike opened the door. As they both got to the door, Mike kissed both girls.

Once inside the entered a hallway with a window at the far end. Mike have them give the girl working the window their info. A few minutes later she handed them both their membership cards. Sara looked at hers and saw the words, permanent Member, looking at Mike she asked why it said permanent.

“Just like it says you are permanent members of the club. Only six people have that classification.” Mike opened the next door as he explained.

The girls followed him into the next room. The main room was enormous with seats enough to sit about 300 people. On one end was a raised platform with one large chair with two nice sized tables on either side.To their right was another stage with two stripper poles on either side, With seats lined around it. To their left was a nice sized bar.

Mike turned to look at them both. “Rules of the club are simple. No full nudity and no sexual acts that are reserved for up stairs.” He pointed towards the set of stairs between the bar and a door next to the center stage. “If you want to play on the stripper stage then add your name over there at DJ room” Pointing just behind them he looked at the window with sound equipment.

Mike had them follow him to the stage to the back. “This is my area here reserved for friends only.”

Sara saw two pillows on either side of the center chair,” Um those pillows are not for us are they”

Mike laughed “No sweetheart those are for my girls.” Mike stepped on a button on the floor to the right of the chair. Two girls stepped out of a door on the opposite side of the stage from the stairs. Both girls wore what looked like doll faces, and both were to topple. The masks only revealed their eyes and mouths. “Bounty and Sara meet Neela and Keela.” The two girls gave a slight bow to Bounty and Sara.

Sara couldn’t take her eyes off the masks; they were kind of freaking her out. Mike noticed her discomfort. Laughing he removed the masks revealing their faces then replaced them. “I got the mask ideas from the band “In This Moment” with Mia’s Blood Girls. All the girls except the girl at the entry window were them. No one will know their identities. The only difference is Neela and Keela serve my interests. And of course, those are not their real names. I prefer to protect their identity and you two other than those employed here know what they look like.”

Sara relaxed a little and the more she looked, the kinkier the thoughts in her head got.

Bounty stepped up to Neela. Then looked at Mike. He shook his head. Bounty reached up and pinched a nipple and began to lift. Neela winced a little but excepted the pain. When Bounty reached a level, she liked she lightened her pinch and pulled till the nipple popped out from between her thumb and finger. Neela let out a slight moan.

Mike ushered the girls back to the other room. Then took them to the bar where quickly met by a female bartender wearing the same style of baby doll mask. “This is Melody, and the other bartender is Sandy, who is speaking of which is late.Either way, both girls can make any drink you want.”

Next, he leads them to the door next to the stairs. When he opened it they could hear the sounds of dogs barking. When the entered the room, Sara and Bounty noticed all the sound proofing material covering the walls all around the large room. The room was just a slight bit smaller than the main room.
Looking around Bounty counted forty-two cages each containing various size dogs. Each one was of fair size for each dog to have plenty of movement.
Mike spoke up,” Each pup is very well taken care of, and they are on a special diet, and they get exercise several times a day.”

Sara looked quizzically at Mike “why do you have dogs at a club?”

Again Mike laughed, “my club has its name for a reason, plus this is the only club that has dogs for sexual purposes.”

Sara gasped, “wait you mean these dogs are trained to fuck, as in bestiality?”

“ Yes, hun they are trained to fuck.A lady taught ten of them in Fl where I went to get them. The others were trained here by two very dedicated ladies. All these dogs will only fuck on command. Otherwise, they are very well behaved.”

Sara shivered at the thought, but what made her uneasy is the fact that the thoughts in her head of some girl getting pounded were turning her on. She looked at Bounty. “Are you into this?”

Bounty looked at Sara and gave her a sly smile he went over to a cage to look at a beautiful Husky.

Mike led them out of the kennel and up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, they entered another large room. All throughout the chamber, there were couches and a scattering of tables. Mike turned, “here in this room oral and full nudity is allowed. To my right is a hallway that leads to 20 private rooms, in those rooms you can have up to 10 people including a photographer and videographer, which is provided by the club I have 5 of each. Which leads to another rule, No private photos, and videos. But otherwise, all SD cards will be handed to who ever paid for it. Also available if a person wants a DVD can be made and sold in the club to members only. Fifty percent goes to the owner of the video. Only videos not made into a DVD are K9 videos.”

As Mike was talking Sara couldn’t shake the thoughts running through her head. One was of Bounty on her hands and knees getting fucked by the Rottie she saw in the kennel. Even worse was her pussy was soaked and juices running down her leg. Fuck whats wrong with me she thought.

“To my left down this hallway are ten rooms all public play rooms. Two of the rooms have just beds, but others have different toys.”

Mike looked at Sara who seemed very frustrated. “Whats wrong sweetheart.”

Sara turned flush then stammered, “Um well I uh um where does um uh the play happen with the dogs?” Sara could feel her face brighten.

Bounty chuckled at Sara’s quandary.She leaned over and kissed Sara. She whispered in Sara’s ear,”I can tell not only are you embarrassed, but you are so turned on that your pussy is leaking down your legs.”

Sara’s head spun, “oh my god she knows oh my god.” Sara thought to herself.

Mike chuckled, he loved watching a woman get uncomfortable. They only happen in private rooms under the supervision of the trainers. Would you like to watch?”

Sara started to blush. “Um uh, I uh yeah I mean I guess so.”

Mike pulled out a small radio,” Kelly bring Boss to PR14″ then switched channels “Neela get your ass to PR14 now.”

Within seconds the heard Neela running up the stairs, without stopping she ran pass them. They followed behind her. As they came to a door, it opened and out came a girl wearing a baby doll mask and holding the leash of a large pit bull. Mike explained that that door led down to the kennel and was locked to prevent accidental entry. “Only myself and trainers are allowed into the enclosure unless I bring someone in.”

They followed Kelly down the hall to the room. They entered the room; they saw Neela naked sitting on a stool. Kelly told Boss to sit, when he did she unhooked Boss from his leash. Mike moved over to Neela and leaned over and whispered something into her ear. She nodded and laid back and spread her legs.

Sara looked down and was intrigued by the fact Boss had not moved. As she looked at him from her position, she saw his cock peeking out. She felt a shiver run through her body.

Mike called Boss over and then patted Neela on her pussy. Boss walked over and shoved his massive head between Neela’s legs.Mike motioned for the girls to step over to watch.

Neela moaned as she felt the big dog’s tongue rub her clit. Sara knelt down on one side, and Bounty knelt on the other.

Bounty wanted badly to rub her pussy, but she just let her body crave being touched. She looked over at Sara. She was transfixed at the action before her. Bounty smiled she knew getting a dog to fuck Sara was not going to be a hard thing after this. She knew Sara’s curiosity was going to get the better of her.

Sara listened and watched Neela squirm. She watched transfixed as Boss’s tongue disappeared upside inside her pussy. Each time his tongue hit her clit, Neela would buck her hips.

Neela was being driven nuts. She loved Boss but hated being licked by him. He is a big tease when licking. She was also a little nervous other than Master Kelly and her sister Keela she had not been watched by anyone else. But it was exciting. Her orgasm was building then Boss would lick her leg or sniff her, and it would subside.

“Boss back up” Mike commanded him then told him to sit. Boss complied.

Sara looked at Boss then down between his legs. More of his cock was protruding. With out even realizing she was doing it she started to lick her lips. She caught herself wondering what it would taste like. She shook her head “fuck” she thought to herself.

Bounty also was looking at Boss’s cock and wishing she could wrap her lips around it. She could just imagine each of his spurts hitting the back of her throat.

“Neela assume the position.” Mike reached down and tweaked her right nipple making her move a little faster. When she got on her hands and knees and was positioned, Mike looked at Boss. “Boss fuck your bitch.” then slapped Neela’s ass.

Boss wasted no time he wanted to breed his bitch. First, he shoved his muzzle into her pussy then mounted onto her back. He started thrusting after several experimental thrusts and several scoots forward his cock found the jackpot. Without any warning, he began thrusting at an extreme pace.

Neela screamed as Boss’s cock rammed into her pussy. “OH FUCK FUCK YES FUCK ME FUCK ME!”

Sara jumped a little bit when Neela screamed. But as she watched transfixed Boss’s thrusts were fast and furious. She could hear his body slamming into hers. And from the moans, she was making she was enjoying herself.

Neela gripped the rug she was on. Her orgasm building, she was holding it as long as she could she wanted to cum when they knotted.

Boss was pounding her fast she could feel his knot growing. “OH GOD YES I CAN FEEL HIS KNOt, FUCK FUCK!” With one solid lunge Boss shoved his swollen knot one last time into her. “AAAAAAAHHHHH FUCK HES KNOTTED ME, IM CUMMING OH FUCK!”

Toes curling Neela let her orgasm roll through her body. Boss kept pumping her his knot swelling and pressing against her g-spot. Neela’s eyes opened wide’ “HE’S CUMMING INSIDE ME, OH MY GOD ITS SO HOT.” Without warning another orgasm hit her.

Sara watched as her mind wished she was in Neela’s place, wondering what it felt like. Part of her wanted to, she wanted to get fucked but kept her mouth shut in embarrassment.

Bounty’s mouth was drooling, the thought of that hot cum hitting her pussy was almost torture just thinking about it. She wanted to get under Neela and suck the cum out of her pussy; she wanted to swallow that cock and drain Boss’s balls.

Neela was in heaven. She loved when Master let her fuck the dogs. She loved it, even more, when Keela was under her.

Some time passed, and finally, Boss’s knot shrank enough to pull out.Cum poured from Neela’s pussy. She slid her body down and laid on her stomach as Boss licked her pussy clean.

Sara looked to the back side of Boss and let her mouth open as she stared at his cock and still slightly swollen knot. She felt her mouth start to water. Before she could force herself to lean toward it, Neela spun herself and positioned herself under Boss.

With one hand she grabbed his cock just behind the knot. She lifted her head slightly opening her mouth she slid his cock into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she bobbed on his cock, feeling cum hit her tongue and the back of her throat. She reached down and rubbed her clit loving the pleasure of Boss’s cock.

Mike grabbed Neela’s foot and dragged her out from under Boss.A pout creased her lips. He pulled her to her feet.”Get yourself clean and no playing with Keela.

Bounty and Sara both got to their feet, both girls extremely wet from the show.

Sara was beyond fascinated now beyond curious. She wanted to get fuck, and she wanted to fuck now.

Mike motioned for them to follow. “Dinner will be here in a few minutes, so we need to head downstairs.

Bounty and Sara sat at one of the tables at the center stage to the right of Mikes chair. Both his girls were kneeling on pillows on either side of the seat. Sara couldn’t take her eyes off Neela. Her thoughts are going back to earlier when she fucked the Pitbull and then sucking his cock. Sara could feel her pussy quiver.

Bounty was watching the small but growing crowd of people coming into the club. She noticed Sara had not paid attention but instead looking at Mike’s girls. “Sweetheart whats on your mind?”

Sara snapped out of her trance. Then stammered “nothing just off in another world” she laughed then turned to look at the rest of the club.

“Yeah, sure you are. You’re looking at Neela like you want to fuck her brains out.” Bounty said with a giggle.

Sara blushed a little. She knew Bounty had to know how she was feeling. But couldn’t admit to it. She was embarrassed.

A waitress came up to the table, and like the others was wearing one of the baby doll masks. “Would you ladies like something to drink? Mike said to let y’all know your drinks are in the house tonight.”

Bounty thought for a moment. “I’ll take a Cuba Libre.”

Sara was a little quicker with her order “I’ll take a Cherry Brandy and Coke thanks.”

The girl turned and headed to retrieve their order. Sara had never tried one but had heard Mike mention earlier it was one of his favorites. She figured what the hell, she was already trying new things why not drink.

Around eight o’clock Mike came up to the center stage and grabbed a mic. “I want to welcome everyone tonight to the Grand Opening of The Doghouse. Tonight I would like to start the night by having one of my favorite songs played. In This Moments song Blood. And for the entertainment, My girls will be on the poles.” Mike turned and looked at his girls. They both jumped up and made their way to the other stage. “While they are headed that way. I want to wish everyone a great and kinky night. Have fun and remember No Means No. All else is fair play.” Mike nodded toward the DJ booth. The room came alive with music, and both girls started working the poles in perfect unison.

Mike came over to the table and sat in one of the chairs. “Well so far at last count we have 86 guests, and still more coming in. I would say the clubs are opening night is going to be a success.”

Bounty and Sara both nodded with agreement. Sara stood up and excused herself and headed to the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, she noticed there were a total four open stalls and six closed stalls. The open stalls were human urinals two female and two male urinals. All four were wearing baby doll masks. A sign above them read “Piss only any violation of this will get you banned for life” She stepped up to the first female urinal. She pulled up her skirt and aimed for the girl’s open mouth. She squatted as close as she could without losing view of the girl, relaxing her bladder she let out a nice steady stream. She adjusted a little trying to aim the stream into the girl’s mouth. To the girl’s credit when the piss entered her mouth she quickly began to guzzle every drop she could. Sara’s mind raced back to her first night that she was introduced to the whole piss play thing. How not only did she feel humiliated but how excited she was.

As her piss died down, she was about to straighten up when her urinal lifted her head and licked her pussy. Sara closed her eyes and moaned at the instant pleasure. She finally broke contact and stood up and let her skirt drop and headed out the door.

Bounty sat watching the girls work the poles. Several people had gathered around the stage to watch. She glanced at Mike he was looking carefully to make sure no one did anything they were not supposed to. She knew from experience how protective he was. Hell, he had beat a guy to a pulp several years ago when she still lived in Grand Junction for hitting her nose and causing it to bleed. He had wound up in jail for it too. But when the guy didn’t show to press charges, and they discovered he had warrants, The police dropped the charges and let Mike go free. Mike decided then and there he would never share with any man period.

Bounty went back to watching the girls. She was impressed at how they stayed in unison on the polls. She couldn’t keep her eyes off Neela though, and her thoughts kept going back to earlier that day of Neela getting fucked by that Pit. God how she had wanted to get under and suck that pussy dry.

Her thoughts went back to the first time she had been made a bitch. Mike had come to town. They met up in a hotel there in Grand Junction. He had brought with him this beautiful Husky. Mike never touched her that night but that husky fucked her silly. She had been amazed at how many times he had fucked her, and god that beautiful knot swelling inside her. Bounty shook her head.

Mike glanced over at Bounty about the time she shook her head. “Are you ok?”

Bounty felt her cheeks turn red. “Yeah just remembering my first time with that husky you had brought that night several years ago.”

Mike laughed. “Yeah, he fucked you real good that night. Not to mention the several blow jobs you gave him. Sure do miss that dog.”

Sara returned to the table and sat down. “Mike I must compliment you on your restroom. Those urinals can take a lot of piss, not to mention clean you up quite well.”

“Yea they are good quality. I’m glad you like them.” Mike turned his attention back to the girls as the song was coming to an end. Both girls were near the top of the polls, bodies outstretched and spinning in different directions, just barely missing each other’s toes by mere inches. By the end of the song, the girls had slid to the bottom of their polls. They each touched down and let go then bowed to the audience and made their way back to their kneeling pillows.

As the DJ put on the next song, Sara looked at Mike and blushed as she asked him a question. “Um just out of curiosity I thought bestiality was illegal, and why would you take a chance on getting busted?”

“Yes it’s illegal but many people asked for it to be available here and I aim to please. Again that is one of the benefits of being sole owner I don’t worry about others trying to make decisions. The only way people will know that the dogs are here is if they request because a dog has already fucked a friend.” As Mike finished, his girls came up each giving him a kiss on his cheek and returning to their kneeling pillows. Mike excused himself and headed back into the crowd to great new people coming in.

Sara turned and looked Bounty straight into her eyes. “Alright slut time to come clean. Earlier when Neela was getting pounded by that dog, you looked like you wanted to be in her place. So start talking.”

Bounty sat quietly and smiled “Bitch don’t even try to go there you were just as turned on. You were squirming like your pussy was on fire.”

“No the fuck you don’t, there is no way in hell I’m letting you dodge this by making it about me. Something tells me you have done this before, and that you enjoyed it. So answer me are you a dogs bitch or what?” Sara narrowed her gaze at Bounty.

Bounty knew she was not going to be able to avoid the question. But she also knew from Sara’s reaction earlier that Sara was hooked and would be a matter of time, and she would be begging for the knot. “Yea I have on three occasions. Each time with one of Mike’s Husky he used to have. The first time I was mounted and knotted several times, and I also sucked the dog off multiple of times. Ever since I have been hooked.” Bounty watched Sara’s reaction.

Sara almost couldn’t believe her ears. She could only imagine Bounty bent over on all fours getting pounded by a beautiful husky. She remembered Neela’s reaction when the Pit shoved his knot into her. As turned on as she was part of her felt like she couldn’t do it. Part of her wanted to. But the thought was making her pussy wet.

Nearly 2 hours had a pass, and the club was almost full. Nearly 200 people had shown up. Bounty got up and walked over to Mike. “Hey, I want to take Sara to a private room. Would you and the girls join us? And can we have one of the Husky brought up later?

Mike smiled “It would be a pleasure to join you ladies.”Mike keyed his mic.”What rooms are available at this time” A few seconds passed then he keyed up again. “Ok reserve 6, have Sherry meet me there with her equipment and Margret get Kimbo ready I’ll let you know when to bring him up.” Mike stood up and looked at his girl’s let’s go.

Bounty grabbed Sara by her hair. “come on you little slut I’m in the mood to fuck.” Sara complied, and they headed up stairs.

As they got to the top, about 16 people were sitting, kneeling or standing around the main upstairs room. Bounty watched for a moment as two girls were steadily sucking off one gentleman.Another couple was on a couch, the girl riding a man’s face, and from the looks was about to cum. Two girls were another couch enjoying a 69 with each other.

Mike asked “so do you think the club is a hit tonight?”

Sara responded, “Oh yeah definitely a hit.”

They rounded the corner and walked to room 6. Standing at the door was the cam girl with her equipment. Sara turned to look at Bounty. She was a little apprehensive about being filmed but knew Bounty wouldn’t allow anything go bad.

They entered the room, and Sara noticed this room was slightly different. Instead of what she saw in the chamber earlier, she saw what looked like side ways cross, next to it was four beams built into a large square and chains inside it in with a web configuration. A giant King sized bed, a nice sized stool as well as a few chairs. There was a large cabinet in one corner.

“This is the only BDSM private room. It’s not fully equipped, but it has enough for lots of fun.” Mike walked over to the cabinet and opened it. Inside were several styles of floggers, whips. There were various restraints, gags, and other various toys. “If you want any other toys you need to bring your own.”

Bounty quickly stripped and walked over to the chain web. “Mike, would you do the honors? I’m in the mood for some pain.” Smiling she got herself positioned.

Mike grabbed several items from the cabinet and handed them to his girls. “Get Bounty secured for me.” Then he grabbed two of the floggers a crop and a small box.

Sara saw the box. “Whats in there?” She asked pointing at the box.

“Oh, that would be a tens unit. It’s one of my favorite toys.” Glancing at the cam girl. “You have it already?”

Sherry nodded and lifted her came up and began filming the girls securing Bounty.

Sara grabbed one of the chairs and positioned it so she could watch.

Once the girls were done Bounty wiggled around to make sure the restraints were going to hold. She knew from experience when Mike used a tens unit she was going to do a lot of moving.

Mike handed the crop and flogger to Keela. “Neela go service Sara’s pussy.”

Neela quickly complied and knelt in front of Sara and pushed her skirt up and leaned forward and applied her mouth to Sara’s pussy.

Sara threw her head back at the intrusion of a new tongue on her pussy. She grabbed Neela’s hair and pulled her face closer.

Mike knelt down and opened up the Tens Unit box. He removed the unit and set it down just between Bounty’s spread legs. “This unit is not cheap. It has four connections for maximum effect. Very powerful and guaranteed to make you wet yourself as you have a mind blowing orgasm.” As he talked about the unit, he removed several wires from the box and plugged them into the unit. He pulled out three packages and opened them. He removed a plastic film out of one package and removed the electrodes. Placing these on either side of Bounty’s pussy. Standing up he removed another and applied those to her left breast. He removed the final two and applied those to her right breast. He then grabbed a set of wires and plugged them into the electrodes attached to her pussy. As he was plugging them in, he saw her pussy was starting to drip.

Reaching down he flipped a switch and turned the nob just slightly.

Bounty felt the electric pulse hit her pussy and thrust her hips forward. She bit her lip. Her pussy quivered uncontrollably.

Mike smiled at her reaction and cranked the nob two notches. And watched as Bounty began to thrust her hips. He quickly turned it off. As he did so, he heard Bounty whimper. He then took the other set of wires and plugged them into each electrode attached to her tits. Satisfied with the set up he knelt down next to the machine.

Sara was in heaven. She had to admit Neela knew how to use her tongue, and she seemed not to mind having a pussy grinding her face. At the moment she had completely forgotten what was going on with Bounty.

Bounty felt her body tense up expecting the electrical pulse that would soon hit her body. She didn’t have long to wait.

Mike flipped the other two switched on. Looking and smiling up at Bounty he turned the switches on for her tits to five.

The pulses hit, and Bounty lost control of her body. She pulled against her restraints as though she was trying to escape. She fought the urge to scream.
Mike turned the second nob; this nob increased the quickens of the pulses. He then turned the nob for her pussy electrodes to the three position.

As Bounty pulled up her hips thrust out a word from the third pulse. She lost her battle of not screaming. “OH FUCKING GOD AHHHHHH OH FUCK OH FUCK”

Mike quickened the pulse on Bounty’s pussy. He then intensified her tit electrodes. Just as quickly he shut them down.

Bounty slumped, her breathing was labored. She managed to get a few words out between breaths. “Oh fuck god damn that felt so fucking good.”

Mike adjusted the pulses to a slower pulse, then turned all three nobs to six. Bounty’s body once again lurched as she pulled hard on her restraints. “OH MY FUCKING GOD YES YES YES!” She was so ready to cum. She could feel the orgasm building. Before she could, Mike turned off the Tens. “OH god no please please let me come to Sir, please. She begged and pleaded for him to turn it back on.

Between Neela lapping at her pussy and watching Bounty begging to cum, she was more than ready for an intense fuck. She pulled Neela’s hair even tighter feeling her orgasm building.

Mike flipped the switches to seven then began increasing the pulse to its full intensity. He moved him, and the unit to the side then instructed Keela to get down in between Bounty’s legs and be ready to drink.

Bounty screamed in pain and pleasure as the pulse came faster and sharper. Her hips bucked uncontrollably. Her orgasm began to build. She gritted her teeth and screamed between clenched teeth as she felt Mike increase the intensity higher. Her eyes squeezed shut “I’M CUMMING I’M CUMMING OH FUCK FUCK FUCK DON’T STOP PLEASE DON’T STOP!” Bounty’s hips bucked faster she felt her bladder let go as her orgasm slammed her body.

Keela opened her mouth wide as the stream of piss hit her face. It wasn’t easy catching the piss in her mouth as Bounty bucked her hips But she didn’t care she loved being soaked in piss. She drank every drop that landed into her mouth.

One thing Bounty loved was pissing when she was cumming. And her bladder was full from all the drinking. Orgasm after orgasm racked her body. She couldn’t control her body at all. She could feel her energy being drained from her body, but she could care less at that moment.

Mike watched Keela try and catch all the piss and failing miserably, but she was obviously enjoying herself. She loved to pee almost as much as she did anything else. He knew she had her orgasms. Finally, he reached down and turned off the Tens.

Bounty slumped heavily against her restraints. Her breathing was heavily labored, beads of sweat started forming on her body. Before she could gain all of her senses, she watched helplessly as Keela leaned forward and began licking her pussy and paying extreme attention to her clit. Bounty moaned loudly at the sudden pleasure. But before she could enjoy it Mike grabbed Keela by her hair and pulled her back.

Sara was on her fifth orgasm or was it her sixth she thought to herself. Either way, she was in heaven. She had even squirted on a couple of them.

Mike began to remove the electrodes and to give Bounty a moment as she hung from her wrist restraints.

Bounty felt moaned then let it be known she needed to pee again. Before she could finish, Keela had her mouth over her pussy greedily waiting. Bounty let her bladder go, and the golden flow filled Keela’s mouth, but this time Keela had no problem drinking every drop.

As the girls were each enjoying their given pleasure Mike put away the Tens unit and threw away the electrodes. He then grabbed more restraints and some rope from the cabinet. He walked back over to the web. Moving Keela to a sitting position He then took each of Keela’s hands and stretched her arms to their full length then secured them with restraints. Then taking one of the short ropes, he tied one end to a chain then wrapped one of Bounty’s leg. Then as he wrapped the rope around Keela’s neck. Making sure one side was taunt he wrapped Bounty’s other leg. He checked to make sure the rope wasn’t too tight around Keela’s throat. Taking another line, he made a couple wraps around Keela’s body just below her arm pits. With one end he tied it to link then repeated with the other end making it taut enough it forced Keela towards the web. Mike took the final rope and wrapped this one around Bounty’s waist, with one end he made a few wraps around her right leg, then he wrapped it around Keela’s arm then forcing it to taunt he attached it to a link near Bounty’s head. He then repeated the process on the left side. With Keela now secured he reached for both floggers.

Mike began to twirl one of the floggers and swing. With each swing, he got closer to Bounty’s tits. He intended to bring maximum pain to her tits. And each time he would make contact with them Bounty he knew would jerk and this jerking would tighten the rope around Keela’s neck.

Bounty knew Mike was going to flog the hell out of her tits. She was ready and was welcoming the incoming pain. Her pussy was soaking wet, and Keela was not helping matters especially now that she could not move.

Mike took great care with his distancing. He inched each swing closer. The first contact caught Bounty’s left nipple then her right nipple.Back and forth he switched.

Bounty felt the sting of each hit one her nipples. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. Trying to will herself not to move. But with each hit more of her tits were being affected by the leather. Her tits bounced with each solid hit. She resisted the urge to pull on her wrist restraints.

Mike knew bounty could handle pain, but he also knew the more he increased, the more pain he could inflict. His swings became slower, but he put more behind each blow.

Bounty jerked a little when the strikes began to increase. Her tits were starting to turn a bright red. One thing she could count on after this she would have some very lovely bruises on her breasts. The pain was well worth it, and it had been a while. Mike had only been the only one to inflict the right amount of pain. The pain she had grown to love.

The blows became more powerful, and Keela could hear each hit. With each hit, her air would become restricted. She tried to focus on Bounty’s clit. Her pussy was thoroughly soaked. Air restriction was another of her favorites. It always brought her massive orgasms. She loved when Master was fucking her and choking her hard. She almost always had a bruise around her neck. And she almost always squirted so much that the bed would be soaked by the time they were done. Neela had even started choking her as well, but it had taken awhile for her to build the courage to do it.

The first orgasm hit.Bounty felt as though her body was going to explode when it did. She even heard the muffled tortured screams of Keela as the rope tightened around her neck. Bounty tried her hardest not to move, but Mike was not making it easy.

Keela began to feel lightheaded s her oxygen supply began to dwindle. She formed fists with her hands, opening and closing them.

Mike saw Keela’s movements and quickly stopped. Reaching down he undid the neck rope and loosened it.

Keela sucked in a deep breath. Her body is trembling from her orgasm. Once again her Master had given her a beautiful gift. She closed her eyes and focused on getting her breaths.

As the girls recouped, Mike started to remove their restraints. When he undid Bounty’s wrist restraints, she began to collapse, her knees weak. Mike easily caught her and helped her over to one of the chairs. Mike then turned and lifted Keela from the floor. Hugging her, he picked her up and placed her on the bed. He checked her neck closely to make sure she didn’t have any rope burns then kissed her lightly on the lips. Checking on Bounty next he made sure her breast had no cuts from the leather. Bruises were good but cuts he didn’t like. He kissed each tit then kissed Bounty.

“Take a rest girls I will be back in a few.” He kissed each one of the girls then stepped outside the room.

Bounty got up and headed to the bed and laid down next to Keela. She snuggled her up close. The night’s excitement had only just begun, and she felt awesome. A few minutes later Sara and Neela joined them. All was good in Bounty’s book.


Part Three

Bounty woke up after about 20 minutes. Keela was snuggled up close with her head laying on Bounty’s left breast. She looked over and saw Sara and Neela intertwined with each other kissing rubbing each others body.

A few minutes passed, and Mike re-entered the room. “Sorry ladies had to go oversee a few things downstairs.” As he spoke, he walked over to the side Bounty was on and swatted Keela hard on the ass waking her from her slumber. “You girls go kneel on either side of that chair.” Before he could get all the words out Neela and Keela, both jumped into action. Then he motioned to Sara to come to the other side of the bed.

Sara quickly complied. Mike then nodded at Sherry who was already getting her recorder filming. After starting the recorder, Sherry produced a camera from the case and took another position to snap some pictures.

Mike whispered into Sara’s ear “do you trust me?”

Sara replied, “Bounty trusts you so there fore I trust you.”

Mike pushed Sara to her knees. Sara complied without hesitation.

Bounty smiled she what was next. She reached down and started rubbing her clit. Her mouth began to water and felt a twinge of envy. Sara was going to get a lot of liquid nourishment.

Mike undid his pants and pulled out his semi hard cock. Grabbing Sara by her hair, he pulled her to his cock.

Sara reached up with one hand to grab his cock. Instantly her hand was swatted away.

Mike pulled Sara’s head back. “You lock your hands behind your back.”

Sara nodded and complied.Reaching behind her she interlocked her fingers.

Mike loosed his grip then pulled her head back to his cock.

Sara opened her mouth and allowed Mike’s cock to enter. She closed her lips around the shaft of his cock, with her tongue she played with the head.

Mike lifted his head feeling the pleasure of her mouth. Then looking at Bounty, he smiled his evil little grin.

Bounty smiled back. She thought back to the first time she had drunk his piss. How at first she had gagged at the taste. Unlike Sara, Bounty had been forced to by Mike when he shoved her piss soaked panties in her mouth forcing her to drink her piss. That was their first night when he had raped her. It was her first night of being turned into a slut. A night she would never forget. Sara already had experienced it.

Sara felt his cock get harder inside her mouth. He was average in length, but even that was big for her. But she sucked greedily on his cock. Milking it for all she was worth. It had been a long time she had tasted cum. She was ready. Her pussy was getting wetter by the second. She desperately wanted to rub her aching clit, but she knew doing so would probably result in a slap across some part of her body. The pain was not her biggest thing.

Mike was enjoying the sucking action, but his bladder was screaming. He needed to piss and piss badly. He had held it for some time. Even while consuming more liquids Sara’s sucking was making the urge even stronger. Finally, he relented and let his muscles relax enough to let a small amount out.

Sara, being transfixed on sucking that the bitter taste of piss hitting her tongue took her by total surprise. To her credit, she swallowed and kept sucking.

Bounty observed. When Sara’s eyes shot open, she knew that she was getting what Bounty so desired. She rubbed her clit faster willing an orgasm to hit.

Sara kept on sucking with every few seconds her mouth would fill with piss. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t swallow fast enough. Some escaped her lips and dribbled down her chin. Some even down his cock. The gushes of piss were coming faster, and Sara was becoming desperate trying to keep up and was desperate for air. Finally, she pulled back gasping for air. Piss splashed her face.

Mike grabbed his cock as soon as Sara pulled back. Aiming his cock, he sprayed her clothes then back to her face. He took aim at her hair soaking it.

Sara was enjoying the shower of piss. When Mike pointed it back to her face, she opened her mouth wide. She leaned forward taking his cock back into her mouth. In her mind she knew, she wanted, and was enjoying becoming a full fledged piss whore. She was getting greedy.

Mike felt his stream begin to dwindle. He pushed Sara’s head back and let the rest are from his cock into Sara’s mouth. As the stream of piss dwindled Sara leaned forward to catch every drop.

Bounty quickly got off the bed and onto her knees. As the flow stopped and before Sara could swallow what was left, Bounty grabbed her by her chin and gave her a deep kiss. Tasting Mike’s piss in

Sara’s mouth and the kiss itself sent Bounty over the edge. Her orgasm caused her body to shake.

Sara as well started to cum when Bounty grabbed her and began kissing. With her tongue, she pushed what piss was in her mouth into Bounty’s.

The girls embraced each other for some time as they enjoyed their kiss. Finally, bounty broke away and glanced at Mike and nodded her head.

Mike leaned down and grabbed Sara’s hair and led her to the foot stool. As he was doing so, Sara tried to stand, but Mike quickly forced her back down. Forcing her to crawl on her hands and knees.

Letting go of her hair long enough he moved the foot stool over to the couch Neela and Keela were kneeling next to. He reached back grabbing Sara by her hair once again pulled her to the footstool. He then motioned for her to straddle her body across the stool. Making sure her head was in the chair.

Mike turned and got the rope he had used earlier. He tied each hand to a leg of the stool. Stringing the rope back he wrapped each end to her legs just above her knees and forced her legs to either side, so her pussy and asshole were now fully exposed. Tying the rope off he stepped out of the room for a moment.

Bounty sat in the chair putting her legs on either side of Sara’s head. She wiggled down enough so that her pussy was on Sara’s face. With her hands she grabbed Sara’s hair and began grinding her pussy into her face, With each movement, her clit rubbed up against Sara’s nose.

Sara was enjoying what she was getting, but she didn’t understands the whole being tied to the stool. She would always gladly service Bounty without being asked.

Mike entered the room followed by one of his dog handlers. With her, she led two Huskies into the chamber.

Mike took one off its lead and walked it over towards the girls. The husky was eagerly pulling at its caller trying to get to the exposed bitch. When close enough Mike let go of the collar.

As soon as the husky realized there was no resistance on his collar he headed straight to the exposed pussy. He shoved his snout into the pussy and began to licking.

Sara let out a muffled scream when she felt the cold, wet nose hit her pussy. She tried to escape at first, but her bindings kept her planted to the stool. When the Huskies tongue dove into her pussy, it was like nothing else she had felt before. Waves of pleasure coursed through her body. She gave in and let her body relax, her moans of pleasure muffled as they were could be heard by all in the room.

Bounty could feel the vibrations of Sara’s moans coarse through her pussy. She gripped Sara’s hair tighter as she bucked her hips on Sara’s face.

Having satisfied his taste of his new bitch the husky jumped up on Sara’s back and started humping the air in search of her pussy. When the head of his cock hit her pussy, his thrusts became fast and hard.

Sara screamed in pleasure as the Huskies cock was jack hammered into her. After multiple thrusts, she felt something entering and exiting her pussy. Each time it felt like it was increasing in size. She felt a cross between pain and pleasure as it began to swell. Then she remembered when Neela had been fucked by the pit and when he pulled out seeing the huge bulge at the base of its cock. Her eyes shot wide open when the husky made a final plunge shoving his knot inside her. She felt as though someone had shoved a fist into her. The husky never stopped humping. She uncontrollably thrust back.

Bounty pulled back a bit to expose Sara’s face. As she did Sara started screaming. “OH FUCK HES COMING INSIDE ME. HIS CUM HIS SO HOT OH FUCK FUCK YES YES!” Bounty smiled knowing exactly how she felt.

Sara had now lost all control of her body as multiple orgasms ripped through her body. She felt so full with the Huskies knot inside her plus all that cum he was shooting inside her. She wanted more; she didn’t want the fucking to stop.

Bounty got up and started untying Sara. At that moment she couldn’t wait for the Huskies knot to go down and release Sara. She wanted to be ready she wanted to suck every she could from that pussy.

As Bounty got to her hands and knees behind Sara, she was just about to roll on her back when she felt the weight of the other husky mount her back. For the first time, Bounty was at an impasse. She wanted to get at Sara dog cum filled pussy, but she also wanted to be fucked since-less by this husky. She finally relented and lowered herself to allow access to her pussy. When the Huskies cock entered her, she moaned. “ Oh fuck yes fuck me give your know and hot cum boy. Make me your bitch.”

When Sara heard Bounty, she turned her head and watched as the second husky pounded Bounty.

Bounty felt her first orgasm hit as the Huskies know began to swell. “OH FUCK YES YES YES FUCK ME FUCK ME.” She screamed as the dog mercilessly pounded her.

Mike stepped over to Sara and lifted the other Huskies tell so Bounty could get a good look at the knotted pussy of her friend.

Bounty took advantage of that moment and reposition herself so she could get at Sara’s pussy. She could see doggie cum leaking out. She stuck out her tongue and started licking Sara’s clit.She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the over a load of pleasure. The husky steadily fucking her and the taste of Sara’s combined pussy juice and dog cum.

The moment Bounty’s tongue touched her pussy Sara felt another orgasm building. She pushed back wanting more of Bounty’s tongue.

Bounty felt another orgasm hit when her dog began cumming inside her. The heat from his cum set off multiple orgasms. Bounty squeezed her pussy tight around the huge knot lodged inside her. She didn’t want it to shrink she didn’t want him to stop cumming.

Sara felt her husky’s knot begin to shrink. “NO NO NO PLEASE NO.”

When the Huskies knot shrunk, enough an audible pop could be heard as he pulled out of Sara. Cum poured from her pussy directly into Bounty’s mouth which she greedily drank down.

Sara got up and rolled onto her back placing her battered and cum filled pussy into Bounty’s face. As she got herself positioned a still hard doggie cock was shoved into her face. Without hesitation, she opened her mouth and sucked it in. She could feel cum spurt into her mouth. She swallowed each drop as she steadily sucked it in and out of her mouth. She enjoyed the taste of dog cum something she never thought would happen in a million years.

Both girls were in a euphoria. Bounty filled with dog know and dog cum. Her face planted in Sara’s pussy sucking away trying to get every drop of cum she could. Sara feeling thoroughly fucked and now getting her pussy licked and had a dog cock in her mouth.

Bounty felt her husky’s knot begin to shrink. “Sara get under me baby he is about to pull out. Hurry baby I want you to suck every drop out of me.”

Sara released the dog’s cock from her mouth and spun herself around and crawled under Bounty. When she finally got positioned she lifted her head and sucked Bounty’s clit into her mouth waiting for the Husky’s cock to come out.

Mike led Sara’s husky to the side and motioned for Neela and Keela to come over and take care of him.

Grateful for not being forgotten both girls scrambled for the husky. Neela grabbed the base of his cock and Keela sucked his cock into her mouth.

Bounty worked her pussy milking her husky’s cock for every drop she could. With Sara’s mouth now on her clit her orgasms came more often and stronger.

Sara could taste the dog’s cum as it leaked from Bounty’s pussy mixed with her juices. In her mind, she couldn’t believe how depraved she had become. She was a total piss whore, she loved public sex, she enjoyed being tied up, And now she was a dogs bitch.

Mike stood and watched the scene before him. his girls steadily sucking one cock, Bounty knotted to the other, and her friend’s mouth latched to her pussy. He stood there stroking his cock.

Finally after what felt like a life time the Husky’s knot popped out. With the release, cum flowed freely from her pussy.

Sara gulped every drop she could. At that moment she didn’t want anything more.

Mike motioned for his handler to take the husky around and feed his cock to Bounty. He then knelt down behind Bounty and slid his cock head just inside Bounty’s pussy. Her response was just what he wanted to hear.

Bounty moaned as Mike’s cock head entered her now battered pussy. The husky was now in front of her. His cock in her face. She opened wide and excepted him into her mouth. She sucked and relished the taste.

Sara laid beneath looking at Mike’s cock. She stuck out her tongue and ran it along the shaft to his balls, then back towards the head.

Mike grabbed Bounty’s hips and with a solid thrust slammed his cock deep into Bounty’s pussy.

If not for a dog cock in her mouth she would have screamed her pleasure. But instead, all she could manage was a muffled moan. She felt Mike slowly pull out while Sara steadily worked her clit. Her body was totally alive, and all her senses were screaming at her. When Mike slammed his cock into her again, an orgasm shattered her body. She let go of the dog’s cock. “OH FUCK YES FUCK ME FUCK ME HARD AND FAST, CUM INSIDE ME PLEASE!” She screamed. As Mike began to pound her faster, she met his every thrust.

Sara tried her best to keep her tongue on Bounty’s clit, but it was no use. She let it slide on Mike’s cock. With each thrust, his balls hit her head.

Bounty came again. She quickly sucked the Husky’s cock back into her mouth. She was getting fucked at both ends and was loving every second of it.

Mike couldn’t hold out anymore. He pulled out at the last second. He stroked himself to completion. His cum splashed on and around Bounty’s pussy, and some landed on Sara’s head. As he finished, he watched Sara greedily attack Bounty’s pussy sucking up every drop.

Bounty once again let go of the Husky’s cock. “Don’t you dare swallow that cum bitch. I want some for myself.” Bounty let Sara finish and as soon as she felt Sara’s mouth let go of Bounty’s pussy she spun around. Seeing cum on her face Bounty licked it off then kissed Sara deep and passionately.

After a few minutes, Bounty rolled onto her back. Sara rolled onto her side and snuggled up to Bounty. Laying her head on Bounty’s chest.

Mike had the handler remove both Huskies. As she left he collected the SD cards from Sherry and had her leave. “I’ll be back in a little bit girls you all relax for a while and come down in a bit. I have to return down stairs.” He blew the girls each a kiss and left the room.

Neela and Keela both crawled over to Sara and Bounty and laid on either side of them.

Bounty closed her eyes and relished the pleasures running through her body. She was on a total sexual high, and she wanted it to last. She hugged Sara close.

Sunday morning the girls awoke in their hotel room. Sara snuggled up to Bounty and caressed her neck with her lips.

Bounty moaned her enjoyment. “Keep it up, and we will never get checked out of here.”

Sara giggled then playfully nipped Bounty’s neck; the n crawled out of bed. “Yeah I know we wouldn’t get out of here. But after last night I could go another round or two.” She quickly turned and headed to the shower.

Bounty quickly got up and followed.

Eleven o’clock came quickly, and the girls headed to the counter to check out, then headed to the car and head back towards home. As they were climbing into the car, a group of bikers was riding by.

“God wouldn’t it be fun to have a group of bikers take advantage of us on their bikes,” Bounty said as she watched them pass by.

Sara watched them move past. “Hmm, you know your right it would be kinda fun.”

As Bounty was starting the car her phone buzzed. It was from Mike. Swing by the club before you two leave. Bounty put the car and gear and headed over to the club.

As they pulled up Mike stepped out. Walking over to the car and leaning into the car window as Bounty opened it. “Hey, I’m going to come down later this week I have something I want to give you girls.”

Bounty cocked her head and then asked. “What you going to bring us hmm?” As she said it she reached out and grabbed Mike by the crotch of his pants.

Mike laughed then gave her a stern look. “It’s a surprise, and you two will find out when I get down there.” He reached in shoving his hand down Bounty,s top and giving her nipple a hard pinch. “Now you girls be careful and have a safe trip home.” He slid his hand over to the other breast and yanked it by the nipple out of Bounty’s top.

Bounty felt shock waves shoot through her body. AS Mike let go and before she could quickly put her tit back into her top Sara leaned over and gave her nipple a nice little bite. “Fuck bitch that wasn’t nice, bad enough he pinched them, but you gotta go and bite, now I’m going to be wet all the way home.”

Sara gave her best mischievous laugh. “Don’t worry sexy I’ll make it all better.”

Bounty headed out of the clubs driveway and headed for the interstate.

Thirty Minutes from Pueblo, Sara looked over at Bounty. “Hey, baby we need to stop I gotta go to the bathroom.”

Bounty shook her head. “Ok there is a Rest Stop just ahead we can pull in there.”

As they took the exit, they saw a couple of trucks and a whole bunch of bikes in the parking lot. Bounty pulled into a spot. As she did so, she noticed the vests of one of the bikers. Rock Bottom MC New Mexico. This was a very notorious MC in the Colorado and New Mexico area. In fact, one of the bikers from the Pueblo chapter lived down the street.

The girls got out of the car and headed toward the restroom. As they opened the door to the main building, they heard one of the bikers give out a long cat call. “OH DAMN IT BROTHERS LOOK AT THEM SEXY ASS LADIES!”

Bounty grinned at them as they headed in. Bounty stopped to look at the map as Sara headed into the Ladies room. As she was watching Grand Junction on the map and remembering her time there, she didn’t see here the bikers come in. Just as she turned one grabbed her by the hair and started dragging her towards the Ladies room.

“MMM boys we are going to have us some fun.” As the one biker was saying that another shouted at two of the other riders. “You probies watch the door while we men take care of business and if you’re good enough we might let you two get some.” With that, they drug Bounty into the bathroom.

Bounty didn’t have time to say a word as one of the bikers grabbed Sara as she stepped out of the stall.

“Damn these are some fine ass ladies. Prez, you take first pick.” One of them said as Bounty looked at each other.

“Oh, I know which one I want.” as he flipped open his knife and headed toward Bounty. As swiftly as she had ever seen he sliced her top open then cut her bra. Her tits hung free.

She wasn’t scared, but she was worried. She had been in this position before but didn’t know if Sara had. “Please don’t hurt us we will do what ever you want.” Bounty pleaded as the biker removed her jeans and yanking them to her ankles.

“Oh, sweetheart you’re going to do what we want that is for sure, or I’ll slice your throats.” As he said it, he was behind her and his blade to her throat.

“Now my boys are going to let go, and you’re going to step in that stall and bend over the toilet, and I’m going to give that pussy of yours a nice fucking.” He pressed the blade tightly to her neck. “Now don’t you scream or try and run or you will be smiling from your neck.”

Bounty nodded and said yes sir. As the other bikers let go, she moved into the stall. As she bent over, he removed the knife from her neck. She heard him undo his belt and pants.

“I think this girl here is an eager slut what do you say, guys?” As he said that he reached down and swiped a finger across her pussy. “Fuck she’s like my Harley, well lubricated, Fuck this is going to be fun.”

With that, he shoved his cock into her pussy.

Bounty let out a slight groan as he invaded her pussy and began humping away. He was of a fair size as well because with each thrust she could feel every inch and width. Her first orgasm hit without any warning.

Sara stood and watched as Bounty went into the stall. She was scared but seeing the calm on Bounty’s face caused her to ease slightly. A biker stepped in front of her; she noticed Vice President on his vest. As she looked into his eyes, she felt the cold steel of his knife touch her throat.

“So you have a problem taking a cock in your pretty little ass, slut” As he said this, he spat in her face and pressed the knife tighter to get throat.

Sara started to cry and beginning to get frantic.

From the other stall and in between getting pounded she heard Bounty. “Baby just do what they say. We will walk out just fine. They are just horny. Oh, fuck fuck fuck God yes give it to me.”

Sara looked at her biker and said “Yes please fuck my ass, sir. Use me any way you wish.” Though the words came out, she was still scared.

The V.P. sliced open her shirt looking down. “Say boys this one don’t even wear a bra to hold back her boulders.” He ripped down her pants and spun Sara around to face the wall. Pulling his pants down he pulled out his cock he put it against her tight ass hole.

Sara did her best to relax as she felt him push it into her ass. She had never been dry fucked before and didn’t want to experience it. “Please, I can I suck your cock before you fuck me, please. I’ll make it sloppy wet.” She said as sultry as she could trying to choke back tears and hide her fear.

The biker wasted no time and took advantage of the offer. But before he forced her to her knees he leaned in close to her face and put the knife back to her throat. “Bite me, and it will be the last thing you ever do.” Sara dropped to her knees and opened her mouth. Grabbing her by her hair, he put his cock in her mouth and shoved it to the back of her throat. Sara started to gag; deepthroating was not something she was good at. Bounty, on the other hand, she knew she loved it.

When the biker had given her face several good forceful humps, he removed his cock now covered in slick saliva from Sara’s mouth. Forcefully pulling Sara to her feet and spinning her around the biker put his cock back into her asshole. Without any resistance, his cock slid easily into her ass.

Sara’s eyes rolled with the intrusion of the biker’s cock in her ass. She caught herself thrusting back against him with his every thrust.

The Prez fucked Bounty relentlessly, and Bounty was enjoying every inch he gave her. He had a nice firm grip on her hair, and she was meeting every thrust.

“OH FUCK IM GOING TO CUM DEEP INSIDE YOU LITTLE SLUT” and with one final thrust, he filled Bounty’s pussy.

Bounty clamped down on his cock as he filled her up. “MMMM thank you, sir.”

The biker pulled out and stepped back. “Ok, who ever once to fuck her next she is all yours.” He said as he pulled his pants up and refastened them.

One of the bikers said “Pull the little slut out of there and bring her to the sink; she can suck my dick while who ever fucks her.

Another biker stepped into the stall grabbing Bounty by her hair. “You heard the man slut step out and get ready to suck some dick.”

Bounty freely lets her hair be pulled and guided out of the stall. As she stepped around the corner another biker was leaning against the counter, his cock out and steadily rising to the occasion. She stepped forward and bent over taking his cock in her mouth as the biker who pulled her out of stall shoved his cock into her sopping wet pussy.

Sara was beside herself as her body gave way to several orgasms. She was in total ecstasy. She felt her bikers cock beginning to swell in her tight ass. She clamped her muscles tight she wanted to feel his cum, and she wanted it now.

“Fuck this ass is tight damn I’m going to cum.” The biker pounded Sara’s ass as hard as he could. “Fuck fuck fuck OH GOD YEA, ” and with several thrusts, he erupted in Sara’s ass. But before he finished he pulled out and let some splash on her back.

With the sudden pull out and cum landing on her back, Sara was hit with another orgasm.

Another biker stepped up and pulled Sara to the sink next to Bounty. Another one of the bikers had already taken up a position his hard cock begging Sara to suck it.

Without hesitation, Sara took the cock in her mouth. With one hand she started stroking his cock with her other, she braced herself for the fucking.

“Fuck I can’t resist a willing female asshole to fuck,” One of the bikers said and quickly dropped his pants and inserted his cock into Sara’s well-lubed ass.

For what seemed like several hours Bounty and Sara serviced all ten bikers with their mouths. Pussy and ass. Bounty figured every one of them had at least gotten two turns, but she neither cared nor even actually tried to keep count.

When the last biker had cum in Sara’s well-fucked ass, the Prez. Hollered out “Alright you horny fucks its time to ride and get back home.”

As they began to file out, Bounty remembered the two that had been guarding the door. “Hey what about the two outside the door they didn’t get any, at least let us suck them off,” Bounty said with a very pouty lip.

The Prez thought a second the shouted for the two outside.”Hey, you two twiddle dicks get in here and get your cocks sucked so we can get rolling.”

The two probational riders came in to see both Bounty and Sara kneeling on the floor, and Bounty motioning for them to come over with a very seductive cock hungry look.

Bounty looked at Sara. “I bet I can get mine to cum first.” She winked at Sara.

Fuck you bitch I’ll have mine looking like puddy while you’re still stroking yours.”

With that said both girls didn’t even give either biker a chance to undo their pants, they did it for them. As soon as cocks were out mouths were wrapped around them.

As they sucked, the other bikers began cheering them on. “WOOHOO suck them cocks girls.” One of the bikers shouted out.

Bounty figured the newbies were in their early twenties and by the looks of it neither one was going to hold out very long.

While Bounty steadily sucked her biker all the way to his balls, Sara was sucking and stroking hers. She kept looking up at her biker and maintained eye contact, that is as long as his eyes stayed open.

The cheering section had begun to get louder, and Bounty was enjoying it. Several times she would hold her bikers cock deep in her throat and use her tongue to lick his balls. This was obviously something her biker had never experienced.

Suddenly without any warning, both bikers grabbed the girls by the head and thrust forward and came at almost the same time.

Sara gagged at the sudden flood of cum while Bounty greedily gulped down the load flowing into her mouth.

After a few minuted the girl relinquished the cocks from their mouth and let them pull up their pants. They both stood up and pulled their pants up and pulled their torn shirts together and quickly exited the bathroom. As they passed by the bikers, several of them swatted their asses.

When they exited out the door, they made a full run for the car. Once in Bounty sat behind the wheel and watched the Club leave the restroom. Finally, she looked at Sara. “You ok baby.”

Sara looked over at Bounty and wiped some cum from her cheek and put it in her mouth. “You know I am you fucking slut.” She smiled then leaned over and kissed Bounty full on the lips. “It was scary as fuck at the beginning, but god it was fun by the end. I feel like a total slut.”

“What do you mean feel. You are a slut. A total cum slut” Bounty said with a huge grin on her face. She put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking space, Then hit a drive and headed for the highway. As they passed the bikers, she honked the horn.

As Bounty honked, Sara turned to the window and flashed her tits at the bikers.


Part Four

Bounty pulled into her driveway, put the car in park. “So what do we do now?”

“I thought since your kids are gone camping we go back to my house, and we swing by and pick up that girl from the restaurant.” Sara looked at Bounty and reached over to grab a tit.”

“Ok sounds like an idea lets go in so I can grab some clothes, not that I won’t need much.” Bounty got out and headed for the front door. As she got to the door, she turned and lifted her shirt, flashing her tits at Sara.

Sara yelled out the passenger window. “Slut hurry the fuck up before I come and whip that ass of yours!”

“Whore you couldn’t if you tried.” She turned bent over and swatted her ass, then turned and stuck her tongue out.

“Your nothing but a fucking tease.”

Bounty hurried in and went to her room to grab a few things, not that she really needed any clothes to speak of. In her closet, she found her bag of other toys they would need for Sharon. Opening it up to make sure all was there she zipped it back up. Grabbing a few more of her clothes she threw those in a duffle then quickly headed out the door. Back at the car bounty tossed her things in the back seat and jumped in. “time to go fuck a girl and make her beg us to let her cum.”

“Damn skippy she will beg.” Sara started to rub on her pussy. “MMM I can taste that hussies pussy now. Oh wait what are we going to say when Mike gets there with his surprise, I mean to her?”

“Well if it is what I think it might be I guess she will get a pussy full of dog cock.” Bounty laughed.

“Do you really think it will be a dog?”

“Oh, I have my guess but no telling with Mike. Hell, it might be one of his girls shit I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter the slightest. She will do what we want her too.

Sara grabbed her phone and sent a text to Sharon’s phone.

Be at my place by eight sharp do not be late. The address is 1127 W. Kiowa St. If your not then don’t bother coming.

Sara hit send with a few minutes her phone buzzed.

I’m sorry I don’t recognize this number, who is this?

“Fuck I knew I should have given her our number.”

This is Sara one of the girls you met at your work place the other night; you know the one that was getting teased by her slut girlfriend.

Sara laughed as she hit send and then showed Bounty.

“Bitch I should slap your ass for that.”

“Oh fuck you, you know you’re a slut and love being called a slut, I bet if Mike called you a slut you would cream yourself in a New York minute. Hell I know I would.” Her phone buzzed

I will be there what should I wear?

“What should she wear?” Sara said out loud.

“Tell her to come naked.” Bounty giggled.

Bring skimpy clothes but show up naked.

Sara waited for her phone to buzz when she looked her mouth dropped. “She said ok.”

“Damn she is more of a whore than you are.”

An hour later the girls pulled into Sara’s driveway. Bounty grabbed her bags, and they headed inside. “It’s an hour before eight; I’m thirsty time for you to get naked and be the good little hostess and get me something to drink.”

“Oh, I’ll get you something to drink bitch.” Sara stripped her clothes off, and before bounty could remove hers, she pushed her to the floor, then squatted over her face. “Open up slut or you’re going to wear it.”

Bounty opened her mouth then put it to Sara’s pussy. She was quickly greeted with Sara’s golden nectar. She gulped it down without spilling a single drop. As Sara’s flow slackened, Bounty held some in her mouth. When she was done Bounty quickly rolled Sara over and kissed her letting the final drops she saved to leak into her mouth.

Sara swallowed the piss she expected to receive then kissed Bounty deeply. Hugging her close the girls embraced for several minutes.

Bounty broke their kiss. “Better start drinking plenty of water, I want that little hussy full of piss and drenched head to toe.” Then we can clean her up then I have a nice little treat for her. Bounty got up and opened her bag and started pulling out various toys. “Mike gave me these several years back when he and I first met.”

“You never really told me how you two met.”

“Bounty started to blush. I met him a few years back while living in Grand Junction. Actually I answered his add on Craig’s list. This was back when he drove a truck. Anyway, I was looking for a Husky puppy at the time and saw this add and answered it. When I got there =, there was no dog just Mike, And well I am the slut I am now because of him.”

“Wait you mean to tell me you fucked a guy you didn’t know after finding out he didn’t have the dog you wanted?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say I fucked him it is more like he fucked me and forced me to want more.”

Sara looked perplexed at her friend. “You mean he raped you.”

“You could say that and then a female coworker and a dog and Mike several more times and even a neighbor. But in the end, Mike will always be my friend and will always hold a special place with me.” Bounty patted Sara’s leg. “No worries hun, Mike has changed a lot since then he isn’t the same guy I met long ago. He is more refined and has a sense of real authority than what he used to.”

Sara shook her head “If you say so, but I guess that explains a lot then.”

Eight o’clock came quickly, and the girls peeked out the window as a set of headlights pulled up to the curb. A young figure got out carrying a small bag and ran to the door. As soon as the ambient light from the street hit her, they saw she was butt naked except for a pair of shoes. Before she could ring the door bell, Sara turned on the porch light and opened the door just as Sharon tried to cover herself.

Bounty stood in the doorway and looked at the young girl. She had perky little c cups with nipples that stood out like diamonds; her pussy was shaved bald, she stood close to 5’ maybe taller and weighed 95lbs if that. “Well look what we have here Sara a naked little nymph, what do you say we let her stand here for a moment see if she changes her mind about being with a couple of nasty sluts.”

“Yeah, I think your right I don’t believe she has the guts.”

Sharon looked at them both dropped her arms and stood there. “I can stand here as long as I need to but I would like to come in it is a little too chilly for my tastes.”

Bounty looked at Sara. “What do you think hunny should we let her in?”

“She hasn’t asked properly yet; I think we need to wait.”

Sharon stood there for a moment trying to figure out how to ask properly and to not make herself sound like a total idiot. “Ma’am and Ma’am, may I please enter?

Bounty grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. “no need to say ma’am twice sweety once will suffice.”

As she went through the door way, Sara closed the door and gave Sharon a hard smack on her ass. “Oh such a beautiful little ass, it has a nice little jiggle to it.”

“Thank you, ma’am; I take a lot of pride in my tits and ass. And thank you for the swat.”

Bounty smiled at Sara. “Babe I like this girl she knows how to be proper.” She motioned for Sharon to sit on the couch in the middle then her and Sara sat on either side of her.”

“Yes, she does now I wonder what else she is willing to do besides be proper.” Sara began to stroke Sharon’s smooth legs.

“I will do anything you want me to ma’am; I have only two limits, I will not do scat or blood. That is over the top for me. But all other kinks I am open to.”

“Well, how kinky have you gotten then?” Bounty started playing with one of the Sharon’s nipples twisting it between her fingers.

“I have been tied up and edged for four days straight and then forced to fuck a beer bottle at a club till I came. I have been ordered to gangbang several men and women. I have been whipped, flogged, had canes used on me. I have been forced to piss my pants once, that was a real turn on. I have been humiliated, slapped around, forced to wear different toys while at work, tonight made to arrive naked.

My ex-used to make me ride down the highway and tease truckers he even parked in a rest area and let several truckers fuck me, another female joined in and had several drivers fuck her, then my ex-made me suck all the cum out of her pussy. That’s about it so far, but I am willing to go even further.

Bounty grinned at Sara. “Girl you are in for a kink ride of your life. With us, you will serve our every need, when the kids are present you will be fully dressed when they are not here you will be naked at all times. I think we will get along just fine Sharon.”

Sharon was over joyed and showed it by kissing Bounty and Sara. “Thank you thank you. After I met you two at the restraint the other day seeing Sara in sexual distress had my pussy dripping like mad to the point my panties was so soaked it was dripping down my leg. I desperately wanted to be Sara right then and there.”

“That can be very much arranged girl, and we will do as much. But for now, we need something from you.” Sara stood up facing Sharon.

“What ever you want ma’am how may I please you.”

“Lay down on the floor sweaty and prepare to drink from Bounty and me.”

Sharon is feeling a little-confused lay down as ordered and waited for Sara to make her next move. “Yes, ma’am.”

Sara put her feet on either side of Sharon’s head. “Now open wide sweety and get ready to guzzle.”

Bounty watched on as Sara got ready to pee. She reached down and started rubbing her clit. Patiently waiting her turn to release her full bladder.

“Yes ma’am” Sharon opened her mouth not fully understanding why, then just as she realized why piss splashed on her face, then as Sara adjusted the stream of pee went into her mouth. When the acrid taste of pee hit her tongue, she instinctively spits it out and closed her mouth resulting in a face full of piss.


Sharon opened her mouth wide and tried drinking as fast as she could. She got a lot of it but the majority over filled and drained beyond her lips. She could feel it on the side of her face, in her hair, and even felt a puddle building in the crevice of her neck. Then she felt the piss move down her body, with her eyes closed and unable to wipe them her next sensation was a tongue on her body along the same path the piss stream took. She heard a slurping sound and felt the suction on her neck. She wiped the piss from her eyes to be greeted by the face of Sara who then kissed her deeply.

“ MY turn slut, move off. Of her.”

“Fuck you take your piss from there. I want a close-up view and more kisses.”

“Fine slut open your fucking mouth then.” Bounty scrunched down and did her best to aim it at Sara. Her piss stream hit her directly in the face. When Sara moved her head down it soaked her hair.

Sharon watched as Sara got a face full of piss and willing opened her mouth to catch the droplets falling. When Sara adjusted, she opened her mouth, when it filled it over flowed and spilled into her face.

She is getting horny wanted to finger her pussy, but with Sara on her she couldn’t get to her pussy.

Bounty finished peeing and got down to give Sharon a kiss and get some of her own piss.

“Thank you, ma’am; I would have to say that is a first for me. I never dreamed of doing that nor had I ever thought it would make my pussy nice and wet.

Sara moved so Bounty could kiss on Sharon for a moment. “Oh we have a lot of firsts for you dear, trust me.”

“Ma’am I want to cum, may I please.”

“Nope, not right now hun,” Bounty said as she looked into Sharon’s eyes then kissed her.

When they broke the kiss and Bounty stood up, Sharon took a deep whiff and smelled the piss on her body. “Ma’am I need to pee as well, may I go to the bathroom?”

“You may pee, but you won’t go to the bathroom to do it.” Bounty got back down between Sharon’s legs and lifted them into the air, lifting her body so that her pussy was above her face. “Now you may go pee dear.”

With her legs in the air and a position, she had never been in before to pee it took Sharon a moment to relax her muscles. She watched as her piss arced into the air, she opened her mouth to catch some.

Bounty bent over and started drinking Sharon’s pee as though it was coming from a water fountain. She let her hair dip into the flow of piss then took another gulp then let Sara get a taste. “Our new girl tastes awesome doesn’t she babe?”

“Yes, she does at that.”

When Sharon stopped pissing Bounty licked her pussy clean, then let her body down. Both girls laid down next to Sharon, and each kissed her whole body sending pleasure shocks through her body.

Sharon knew at this moment she was in heaven. She felt a growing orgasm from all the kissing of her body. “May I cum now ma’am?”

Bounty slid her hand down to Sharon’s pussy and inserted her finger, Sara slid hers down and rubbed her clit. Sharon bucked her hips up at the sudden pleasure from their intrusion. “OH GOD, I WANT TO CUM! I’m getting so close. Please don’t stop.”

Bounty looked at Sara and gave her a devilish grin.

Sharon was on the brink of coming when Sara and Bounty suddenly removed their hands and then pinned hers to the ground. She tossed her head back and forth and kicked her feet. “PLEASE PLEASE MAKE CUM PLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!”

The End

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