Women with Animals
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Rochelle’s Surprise


(c) 2012 by Rochelle’s Friend

Part One

Rochelle stepped off the elevator and looked at her phone again. The text message read “Room 332.” She looked at the sign in the hallway and followed the arrows until she found the right room. She was wet with anticipation. She had never met the man on the other side of the door, at least not in person, but meeting her internet friends was one of her favorite activities when her husband was out of town. And her internet friends were happy to oblige as Rochelle was quite a stunning young lady. She was a petite girl with raven hair and olive skin. Her innocent face was defied by a body that was built for sex, and at 24 years old, she had had her fair share.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a moment the door opened and there stood AJ. “Come in,” he invited. Rochelle stepped through the door and removed her coat. As she did, AJ took in the vision of beauty that was before him. Underneath her trench coat she was dressed to impress. A tiny black top barely concealed her large breasts. A matching black mini skirt hugged her hips and barely concealed her round ass that was trying to peek out from underneath. Black thigh highs and 4 inch heels finished off the look.

“You look stunning,” he said as he continued to look her, up and down.

“Thanks,” she replied in a sweet southern accent that AJ had heard before on the phone. It sounded even sweeter in person.

Rochelle arched her back, stretching to try and remedy some stiffness but the unintended result was to push her tits out even farther, and increase the stiffness of her onlooker.

“Sore?” AJ inquired.

“Yeah a little, my back has been a little stiff.”

“Take you top off and come over here and have a seat on the edge of the bed. I’ll see if I can help a little.”

Rochelle complied, pulling her top over her head, revealing an incredible pair of breast, and despite the warm temperature in the room an erect pair of nipples. She moved over to the king size bed and sat on the edge as instructed.

“I might as well get comfy too,” AJ said as he pulled of his shirt, revealing a hairy chest, followed by his pants, leaving him with just a pair of black boxer- briefs. He then proceeded to climb on the bed behind Rochelle and placed his hands on her shoulders. He began rubbing her shoulders, then sliding up to her neck, then down kneading his thumbs and knuckles into her tense muscles. She let out a soft moan and spread her legs slightly. Doing so caused her skirt to ride up, revealing the garters holding her thigh-highs in place.

AJ continued to move his hands up and down her naked back. “Is that better?” he asked. Rochelle just nodded an affirmative. He continued his ministrations, and with each pass his hands wandered a little farther. As he moved upward he would slide his hands up her neck, and through her silken hair. When he moved downward, his thumbs found the waistline of her skirt, it inched down slightly, revealing the crack of her ass, and making it apparent that she was not wearing any underwear.

As he continued to rub he looked over Rochelle’s shoulder and watched as her hand traced a path up the inside of her leg. She began to spread her legs even farther than before, and as her hand approached her skirt, AJ stopped and grabbed her hand, preventing her from attending to the wetness that was growing between her legs. “No.” He whispered into her ear. “Not yet.”

He stood up and motioned for her to do the same. “Take your skirt off,” he instructed. She silently complied revealing a garter belt, and a totally bare pussy. It was visibly wet, even from his vantage point. “Lay down on the bed, face down,” he ordered, and again without hesitation she did as instructed.

AJ once again joined her on the bed, continuing his massage, now with access to even more of her nubile body. He started at her neck again, moving down her back, and continuing on to her beautiful ass. He pushed his fingers into the supple tissue, sometimes pushing her cheeks apart to reveal a tiny balloon-knot asshole and a very pink, very wet pussy. And as he continued to move further down her body he would slide his hands between her legs, getting perilously close to her pussy, he wouldn’t make contact. At least not yet.

As the teasing continued, AJ noticed that Rochelle was slowly starting to grind her pelvis into the bed, in a vain attempt to stimulate her burning clit. As soon as he realized what she was doing, he flipped the young girl onto her back denying her the ability to quench the growing fire. He pulled her legs apart so she couldn’t even squeeze them together to provide any relief, and continued his massage, up her legs, across her taut belly, but stopping just shy of her firm tits.

Rochelle was literally panting now. AJ could see her engorged clit sticking out from under its hood. He knew she was ready now. Reclining on the bed next to her, he leaned over and started blowing on her clit. Teasing her even farther, but she was finally close to getting some attention where she had been longing since she set foot in the room. He placed his hand on her hip and began to pull her body on its side, closer yet to relief.

She was almost insane with desire, but Rochelle was still able to recognize what AJ wanted… to have her roll on top of him in a 69. She was more than happy to oblige if only he would finally make her cum. Rochelle began to roll with him, as he moved onto his back, and she straddled his face. She reached into his boxers, pulled his dick out, leaned down and began to suck it.

The instant her lips touched him, he began to suck on her clit, and in what seemed like an eternity for her, but just a moment for AJ, Rochelle was having her first orgasm of the day. He lapped up the nectar that was flowing from her aching pussy. He reached up and grabbing her upper things, spread her pussy open so he could get his tongue in as deep as possible, sliding it in, twirling it around, and withdrawing it, so he could continue sucking on her clit again.

Rochelle was completely lost in the moment. She was alternating between sucking on the head of AJ’s cock, while she jerked the shaft with one hand, letting go just long enough to suck the entire length into the back of her throat, massaging it with her throat muscles for a moment then withdrawing, only to start all over again.

Soon, AJ could take no more and he rewarded Rochelle with a mouth full of hot cum. That was enough to send her over the edge again, and she began to shudder again with her second orgasm of the night.

Needing to catch her breath for a moment, Rochelle sat upright while still straddling AJ’s eager mouth. This change of position gave AJ better access to Rochelle’s asshole. He did what and red blooded man would do and slid his tongue as far into her ass as it would go. Rochelle cried out in pleasure, and began pulling on her own sensitive nipples as AJ continued to slide his tongue in and out of her now well lubricated asshole.

It didn’t take long before Rochelle was crying out from another orgasm, and as soon as the waves subsided, she rolled off of him and lay down on the bed, still trying to catch her breath. AJ wasn’t going to give her the chance.

“Get on your knees, Bitch!” AJ barked at her. Without saying a word she got on her hands and knees, sticking her ass out in his direction, and looking over her shoulder at him, with a look of wanton desire.

AJ got behind her on the bed grabbed his dick, slapped it against her clit a few times, and then placed it at the entrance to her dripping pussy and with one motion, grabbed her hips, thrust forward and buried his prick to the hilt in her hot pussy. Rochelle let out a scream and AJ withdrew almost the entire length before driving it back home again. He continued to hold her hips and pull her towards him until she picked up the rhythm on her own. Rochelle reached back and began rubbing her clit, flicking it with her fingernail and pinching it between her thumb and index finger.

AJ also made use of his free hand and grabbed a handful of Rochelle’s hair and pulled on it causing her to look straight ahead. She could see their reflection in the mirror, and watched as AJ’s cock slid in and out of her pussy and the image was enough to push her to the brink. It wasn’t long before her cum was once again pouring from her pussy, running down her legs and soaking the bed linens beneath them.

AJ enjoyed the sensation of Rochelle’s orgasm he could feel the walls of her pussy twitching and squeezing at his hard cock. As soon as the last signs of her orgasm passed, AJ pulled his cock from her pussy. He looked down and could see her gaping cunt, still dripping her sweet juices.

He gave Rochelle a loud swat on her ass, and then fell back onto the bed. He pulled the young girl on top of him and she once again straddled AJ, only this time, she was straddling his hard cock. She required no further instruction and grabbed the cock, aimed it at her open cunt hole and dropped down, impaling herself on the staff. At its deepest she could feel the member pushing against her cervix. But better than that, this angle had the extra benefit of stimulating her g-spot as well. She began bouncing up and down on AJ’s cock, trying to bury it as deep into her pussy as it would go.

By this point Rochelle was hardly connected to reality. She was so hot, so wet, so horny, so exhausted, so eager to be defiled, she would have been hard pressed to remember her own name. So when AJ began playing with her clit as she continued to bounce, it took her to a different place. She began to orgasm again, but this was stronger than before, more intense. Wave after wave crashed over her and wave after wave of her pussy juice came flowing from her stuffed cunt.

After the last wave subsided, she rolled off of AJ, still weak from the convulsions her body just endured. AJ, however, was actually getting his second wind, having basically laid there for the last several minutes enjoying the fruits of Rochelle’s labor. AJ hopped off the bed, and grabbed Rochelle’s ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed, so that her legs were hanging off. She appeared to be a bit low for what he had in mind, so he grabbed a couple of pillows from the head of the bed and placed under her pelvis.

“You like it in the ass, you dirty slut?” AJ asked.

Rochelle just nodded her head. AJ stuck a finger in his moth to wet it, then proceeded to slide it in the young girl’s asshole to test and see how lubed up she was. His finger slid in with ease. Having passed the test, AJ grabbed his prick, aimed it at her ass and slowly pushed the head in past the tight opening. Rochelle briefly flexed her asshole, massaging the head of AJ’s dick.

“You *do* like it in the ass, don’t you? You’re such a dirty fucking slut.”

He pushed more of his hard cock into her asshole. Four inches… Five inches… Farther and farther until it was all the way in. Once buried, he started to withdraw his cock, establishing a rhythm that still had all of the force of their previous fucks, but at a slightly slower pace.

Rochelle began to play with her nipples again, pulling them and rolling them between her thumb and index finder.

“You fucking ass-slut. You’ve wanted it in the ass this whole time haven’t you?”

The words were lost on Rochelle. She was already starting to feel the first signs of another climax starting to build. AJ recognized she was getting close again, and slid a finger into her pussy as he continued to plunge his big dick into her tight asshole. She didn’t even react to the finger so he briefly withdrew it and replaced it with two. The young nymph let out a moan, but it was hard to tell if it was from the fingers massaging her g-spot or from the cock buried in her colon.

AJ was going to add a third finger, but just before doing so decided that there wasn’t much difference between three and four, so pulled the two probing digits out, and slid in all four fingers from his right hand. Rochelle’s hungry cunt gobbled them up, up to the knuckles. AJ began wiggling his fingers almost tickling her g-spot.

Then, all at once her body clenched up, her asshole tightened around AJ’s cock, and she began gushing cum from her pussy. This sent AJ over the edge, and he began to pump his hot cum deep in her ass, squirt after squirt, as her asshole milked his softening prick.

He withdrew is cock and fingers and joined her on the bed. The both lay there motionless for several minutes before either had the energy to speak.

“How long is your husband out of town?” AJ asked, breaking the silence.

“He’ll be back late tomorrow.” Rochelle replied.

“Can you stay a little longer tonight? I have a surprise for you.”

“My God, I’m exhausted. I don’t know what kind of surprise it is, but I hope it doesn’t involve me moving a lot.”

“I’ll let you be the judge.”

AJ got up and strolled over to the door that connected to the adjoining room. He opened the door, disappeared for just a moment, and returned, with what appeared to be the biggest German Shepherd that Rochelle had ever seen.

It had been nearly a year since she’d been fucked by a dog and she had been craving it for quite some time. AJ found out about it when their online flirtation got a little graphic one night, and was all too happy to oblige Rochelle in her bestial quest.

“This is Sarge,” AJ said. “He’s a retired police dog.”

“He’s magnificent!” Rochelle exclaimed. “Get him over here!”

AJ snapped and the dog galloped across the small suite and stood at the edge of the bed. Rochelle hauled herself up and scooted to the edge of the bed so that she could have Sarge lick her pussy. Sarge could already detect the aroma of fucking in the room and it didn’t take him long to discover the source. In seconds he had his head between Rochelle’s legs, lapping away at her juicy pussy, sliding his long tongue deep into her inviting twat. Her asshole had not quite returned to normal form yet and Sarge was also happy to slide his tongue in and lap at AJ’s cum.

This went on for several minutes. Rochelle was still too exhausted to cum just yet, but she didn’t want to anyway. She wanted to let this one build for a while. She knew this handsome beast would have her cumming over and over, so no sense in rushing things.

“I think he’s almost ready,” AJ informed his friend.

“Well get him up here then, and let’s see.”

Rochelle patted the top of the bed and the big dog faithfully obeyed, jumping up next to her. She noticed his pink cock already starting to poke out from its sheath. His knot wasn’t even out yet and he was already six inches long. She coaxed the dog onto his side and grabbed the bright pink shaft and looked over at AJ.

“Are you going to suck that dog cock or what?” AJ asked.

“Would you like to see me suck this dog dick? Would you like to watch me swallow his cum?” she playfully teased back at him.

“You fucking bitch. You know damn well it doesn’t matter if I want to see it or not. You’re so hot for that dog you couldn’t wait to suck and fuck him the instant you saw him.”

Rochelle didn’t have a response. She just looked AJ right in the eye as she leaned over and wrapped her lips around the hot dog cock she was holding. She bobbed her head up and down on the pointed prick, taking it deeper into her throat each time. As Sarge’s knot slipped from his sheath, he began to shoot his hot pre-cum. Rochelle’s felt it shooting into her throat, and pulled her head up so she could suck on the tip and savor the familiar flavor. It had been far too long since she had tasted any dog cum and she was determined to enjoy every drop right now.

She was so wrapped up in her first doggy blowjob in ages she didn’t notice AJ get behind her, but she did notice when he shoved his hard cock back in her pussy. She stopped only for a moment to glance back at him.

“Don’t let me stop you, ya dog sucking whore.” The words went straight to Rochelle’s pussy. The nastiness of it all set her on fire.

But as much as she was enjoying the dirty talk and the fucking and the doggy blowjob, she knew that if she waited too long, Sarge’s knot would get too big and she wouldn’t be able to get it inside of her, so she reluctantly pulled the dog cock from her mouth and announced, “It’s time for Sarge to fuck me!”

AJ was enjoying himself, but never having seen a woman fuck a dog he was okay stopping so he could continue to watch this spectacle unfold.

Rochelle got on her hands and knees and with a little coaxing soon had Sarge on her back, desperately trying to find a warm wet place to put his still growing cock. AJ reached under the pair and grabbed Sarge’s cock and aimed it right at Rochelle’s dripping pussy. As soon as he felt the warmth, he lurched forward and buried about half of his cock in her pussy. Another thrust had had all but the knot buried in her pussy. With one last thrust he pushed in the tangerine-sized knot into Rochelle’s pussy.

She screamed, “Oh, fuck me!” then braced herself as Sarge began to savagely thrust in and out of her pussy. Each time he would pull out AJ could see her pussy lips stretch around the knot, then her pussy would distort inward on his powerful thrust forward. Sarge’s knot had been growing since before he stared fucking her and it showed no signs of stopping. Before long it was the size of a baseball, and Rochelle could feel every bit of it stretching the walls of her pussy.

“Jesus, you fucking dog slut, you weren’t kidding. You’ll fuck about anything won’t you? Want me to go out and find a couple of strays to suck on while Sarge is stretching out your pussy?” AJ was trying to get a rise out of her.

Her only response was to cry out in ecstasy as an orgasm swept over her.

Sarge’s strokes were getting shorter and shorter. His knot was the size of a fist, and it was preventing him from withdrawing. He was no longer shooting precum. Instead rope after rope of white creamy dog cum was shooting into her waiting cunt.

The intense stretching and the sensation of Sarge’s cum shooting into her womb was enough to send her over the edge again. She cried out once more, quivering as she did so.

Sarge had done his part by trying his best to make some puppies with this bitch, but he couldn’t dismount just yet. His giant knot was still hopelessly lodged in Rochelle’s battered cunt. Only time would remedy this situation.

AJ had other ideas though. He saw no reason for the show to end now. “You dog fucking whore. You’re pussy is full of dog cum isn’t it?” He reached down under the pair, and hoped to slide a finger in past Sarge’s knot, but it was still too swollen. Instead he decided to stimulate Rochelle some more. He flicked his finger across her clit and started teasing and playing with it again; as he did this Rochelle predictably started to cum again. It wasn’t a huge orgasm like before, instead it was just little intense muscle spasm. AJ noticed that when he played with her clit her pussy would contract, and that sensation caused Sarge to cum more, as his balls would twitch too every time Rochelle’s pussy would contract.

After several more minutes, Sarge’s knot finally shrank enough to pull out with a “plop.” He hopped off the bed, and trotted back to the room he came from, presumably to go lick himself.

AJ looked at Rochelle who was still collapsed on the bed with her ass still in the air. “Jesus, your pussy is wrecked!” and indeed it was. Lewdly gaping open with white sticky dog cum leaking out, it looked almost freakish. Rochelle didn’t mind though. She had taken knots almost as big before, and she knew it would be back to normal in a day or two.

A couple minutes later, Rochelle reached back and began to scoop the creamy mess from her cunt. She loved the taste of dog pre-cum and dog cum, but she liked it even more when it was mixed with her own juices. Back and forth she went, scooping out as much as she could, licking her fingers clean each time, hoping to savor every last drop.

“That was amazing!” Rochelle finally gasped after lying motionless for a moment. She went to AJ, pulled him down, kissed him and whispered “next time, see if you can find a Dane.”


Part Two

Rochelle once again found herself walking down the hallway looking for a certain hotel room. AJ said he had an even better surprise in store for her than last time, and she had an idea what it might be, but she was trying not to get her hopes up.

She knocked on the door and AJ invited her in. She was dressed more conservatively this time, wearing some tight fitting jeans and t-shirt that may have been a little too small, but AJ thought she looked stunning.

“You look good enough to eat,” he said. “Speaking of, are you interested in dinner, or should we skip straight to dessert?”

“We can eat later,” Rochelle replied. “Let’s play now.”

“Okay then. Strip for me,” AJ ordered. He was more confident after their last tryst.

He strolled through the suite and sat down on the couch, leaning over to the table next to it, turning on some slow sexy music.

At first Rochelle though he just wanted her to get naked, but the music and couch setup made it evident that he was expecting a strip tease. She had no formal experience as a stripper but she loved to dance and had plenty of experience at looking sexy and turning guys on so she didn’t hesitate for a moment. It felt cheap and tawdry. She loved the thought of it.

Her curvy hips were already gyrating by the time she was in standing in front of AJ, and he was immediately transfixed on her movements. She started by reaching down and grabbing the bottom of her shirt, she turned around facing away from the couch as she began to pull the tight fitting cotton up. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at AJ briefly before pulling the shirt completely off and throwing it aside. She spun back around, revealing her perky tits still confined by a lacy bra.

Still moving to the music, she first pulled down one, then the other shoulder strap, before reaching behind to unhook the clasp. In an instant the bra was falling off her body, to the floor.

AJ stared at the girl, transfixed on her figure, his lustful gaze never looking away.

Before AJ could get a good look at her young ripe tits, Rochelle twirled around again, facing away from him. She undid the clasp on her belt and AJ watched as she pulled it out, slowly slipping past each belt loop until it was free. She faced AJ once more as she walked closer to him. While holding each end of the belt in her hands, she leaned forward and flipped the middle of the belt behind AJ’s head and pulled him forward. His face came to rest right between her breasts.

AJ inhaled the aroma and began kissing her cleavage. He wrapped his arms around Rochelle and ran one hand all the way up her back and neck, coming to rest in her raven locks. His kisses were slowly moving up her chest, eventually stopping on her neck.

Rochelle pushed him back into the couch and stood up. “Ahhhh, ah, ah! You know the rules. The stripper can touch you but you can’t touch the stripper,” she teased.

She was soon back to her gyrations, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. She scooted waistband down past her shapely hips, revealing a thong that matched the bra, discarded moments ago. She bent over as she pushed them the rest of the way down. It was hard for AJ to decide what her best feature was but at the moment he couldn’t think of anything but her ass.

Rochelle stepped out of the pile of denim and bent over in front of AJ again, this time she peeled the thong off, revealing her completely naked body. A,J. reached forward to grab her ass but as soon as his fingertips touched her smooth flesh, Rochelle reached back and swatted his hand.

“No touching! Not yet. Sit on your hands.”

AJ did as instructed and the best couch dance of his life was about to begin.

Rochelle jumped onto the couch; straddling AJ she reached down and began to feel around his crotch. It didn’t take long before she found a very large, very hard dick.

“Feels like somebody is enjoying his strip show, so far.”

AJ Just nodded.

Rochelle started grinding her naked pussy on his crotch. She leaned in and started kissing her way up AJ’s neck stopping briefly at his ear to whisper, “I’ve been wet all day thinking about my surprise. I can’t wait to find out what it is.” She reached between her own legs, over her smoothly shaven mound to her dripping cunt. She plunged two fingers in and pulled them back out, teasing her own clit as she did so. Then she brought her hand up to her face, and began sucking her own juices off of her middle finger. When she had licked off every last drop she removed her finger from her mouth and presented AJ with her still wet index finger. He needed no further invitation and he began to lick the cunt juice from her finger.

The naked girl spun around on AJ’s lap, now with her back to him, and started grinding again. AJ had been sitting on his hands for a few minutes now, but couldn’t help himself any longer. He slowly brought his hands up and placed them on the sides of her thighs. She just kept grinding. He began to move his hands up and down her legs. She just kept grinding. He slid his hands farther over the tops of her thighs. Her grinding continued. His hands moved to the inside of her things. She spread her legs to better accommodate but was still moving with the music. AJ rubbed her thigs all over, getting dangerously close to her dripping pussy. Rochelle kept grinding. He moved his hands up so he was cupping her tits, and Rochelle never missed a beat.

Realizing that the “no touching” rule was completely forgotten now AJ began exploring Rochelle’s body in earnest. Rubbing her back, pinching her nipples, caressing her thighs, her body belonged to him at that moment.

He couldn’t go long before he was playing with her wet pussy though. He reached down with his right hand and easily inserted his middle and ring fingers into her wet fuck hole. With his left hand, he reached around and began to play with her engorged clit.

Rochelle enjoyed the sensation. AJ’s fingers were just long enough to stimulate her g-spot and the finger on her clit was working wonders too. Within a couple of minutes Rochelle began to tense up and she began to orgasm. Feeling the contractions around his fingers AJ began to work her g-spot harder and faster, until he pulled them out and her hot girl cum came gushing out.

After taking a few moments to recover she turned to face AJ and said, “Looks like somebody earned himself a happy ending.” And with that she got down on her hands and knees between his legs and began to pull his zipper down. She reached inside his pants, fumbled around for a moment and pulled out a nice hard cock. She wrapped her hand around it and began slowly stroking it. AJ slid forward a little to make himself more comfortable. Normally she would have gone on stroking his cock for a while, but when it ended up just inches from her face, she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked it into her mouth, then down her throat.

The two lovers locked eyes for just a brief moment before Rochelle broke the gaze by bobbing her head up and down on the hard shaft.

“Fuck that feels good,” AJ exclaimed. “You’re an amazing little cocksucker, you fucking slut.”

The words had the intended effect and she began bobbing and sucking and stroking as fast as she could. Rochelle was so turned on now that she was desperate to make him come. She couldn’t wait to have a mouthful of his hot cum. And at the rate she was going she didn’t have to wait long. Just minutes later she was rewarded with a hot load of his cum.

“Let’s go to the bed,” Rochelle suggested. She needed a hot cock inside her and figured the bed was the best place to do it.

“I have a better idea,” AJ responded. “I think you’ve earned an early visit with your surprise. Follow me.”

AJ had once again booked two adjoining rooms and he headed for the door that connected them. He opened the door and motioned for Rochelle to enter. When she did, she was not disappointed. The surprise was just what she’d hoped for, a large, grey Great Dane sat in the room with his tail wagging. But the dog was only part of the surprise. What caught her off guard was the stunning young blonde woman, lying naked on the bed.

“Do you like your surprise?”

“I Do,” she replied.

“This is Melissa, and her dog, Sampson.”

As they stood up for their introductions, Rochelle looked them both over, and was very pleased with what she saw. Melissa looked to be in her early twenties, with large firm (most likely fake) tits. She was very petite, and stood about 4’9″. Sampson stood almost as tall as Melissa did. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth and his cock was already out of its sheath. It was bigger than any cock she’d ever seen in person.

“We’ve already been playing some. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Don’t let us interrupt you. Rochelle and I don’t mind to watch for a few minutes do we?”

Rochelle shook her head in agreement. Melissa and Sampson hopped back up on the bed and AJ started removing his clothes as he led Rochelle to the couch. He sat down and Rochelle sat down on his lap, slowly guiding his hard cock into her dripping pussy.

Meanwhile, Melissa was resuming her previous activities with Sampson. She had him trained remarkably well. They had been playing together for a few years now. She rolled Sampson onto his back and straddled his face. The dog began eagerly lapping at her bald pussy. She was facing the couple on the couch and as she leaned forward to begin working on Sampson’s cock, she locked eyes with Rochelle who was watching intently.

Rochelle had fucked many dogs since she first discovered the fun activity years prior, but she had never actually seen another woman with a dog and was totally entranced as she watched Melissa lean forward and begin stroking Sampson’s sheath. His cock was still poking out a bit from before, but he had much more still hidden away. Melissa’s skilled hands had no trouble coaxing his full length out even as she continued her lustful gaze at Rochelle.

Sampson’s cock had to be at least 9 inches long and nearly as big around as a soda can. He had already began shooting precum when Melissa lowered her head down and wrapped her lips around the huge organ, all the while her stare still transfixed on Rochelle.

Rochelle was mesmerized as she watched. She could feel AJ’s cock throbbing in her pussy. He had reached around with one hand and was stroking her clit, while he was whispering in her ear.

“You like watching her suck that huge dog cock? Do you like to see her head bobbing up and down on it as he shots his precum in the back of her throat?”

Rochelle responded with a moan.

“Look how big his knot is getting. That’s going to be in you later on. That big dog cock is going to be buried deep in your pussy and that huge knot is going to stretch you out.”

Rochelle couldn’t help but notice how huge Sampson’s knot was growing. It was almost scary, nearly the size of a grapefruit. She wondered if it would even fit in her pussy.

“Look how big his balls are. Just think how much cum he’ll be able to shoot in you. I bet you could fuck half a dozen guys in one night and not get as much cum as Sampson is going to shoot in you later on.”

The stimulation was too much for Rochelle and she felt herself begin to spasm as a huge orgasm washed over her. Her legs were trembling and her pussy was leaking, but she continued to grind on AJ’s cock, and continued to watch Melissa, giving her dog a blowjob.

Meanwhile, Melissa was enjoying having her pussy invaded by Sampson’s huge tongue and had somehow managed to get his entire cock in her mouth and down her throat. Her nose was actually brushing up against his huge knot. But she sensed something from Sampson and she began to pull her head up removing most of Sampson’s huge cock, only keeping the tip in her mouth. She did this because she wanted every drop of his cum in her mouth, and she knew she would get it any moment.

Indeed her instincts were correct and Sampson began shooting rope after hot sticky rope of his dog spunk into her greedy mouth. She sucked on the tip of his cock as if her life depended on it. Soon her cheeks were bulged out as she struggled to take his entire load in her mouth.

After Sampson finally stopped cumming, Melissa stood up being careful not to lose any of the precious cum in her mouth. She wanted to share it with her new friend. She walked over to Rochelle and began to kiss her, allowing some of the slimy mess to flow into Rochelle’s mouth. Rochelle eagerly sucked the salty cream into her mouth. The two women swapped the cum back and forth sometimes breaking their kiss, but still allowing the cum to dribble into each other’s mouths so AJ could watch.

Eventually they swallowed Sampson’s load and Melissa broke the silence when she spoke to AJ.

“Sampson is going to need a few minutes to recover, but he’ll be able to go even longer the 2nd time. Meanwhile, why don’t you fuck Rochelle’s ass for a while, and I’ll get her pussy ready for Sampson.”

Rochelle lifted herself up until AJ’s cock slipped from her pussy. AJ reached down and guided it to her tight asshole. Rochelle normally liked to have her asshole licked before getting fucked, but AJ’s cock was so wet from fucking her gushing pussy, it slid right in with little resistance.

Melissa kneeled down in front of the pair, and watched as AJ’s cock was plunging deep into Rochelle’s asshole. AJ was already rubbing her clit again. Melissa reached forward and slid two fingers into Rochelle’s wet snatch. They slid in with little resistance. She soon added a 3rd and 4th. Her tiny fingers easily penetrated deep into Rochelle.

“If you’re going to take Sampson’s knot, your pussy should be able to stretch a lot… Let’s see if it can,” Melissa said with a mischievous grin. And with that, she tucked her thumb in with the 4 fingers already inside Rochelle, and slid her hand in past the wrist.

AJ picked up where he left off.

“You like getting your pussy stretched like that? Melissa doesn’t even have big hands. She’s tiny. Sampson’s knot is way bigger than her fist.”

The words weren’t having the same effect as before. Rochelle was too far gone to hear them. It was just background noise at this point. She was focused on the big cock in her ass, and more importantly the hand that was exploring her pussy.

Melissa was wiggling her fingers and trying to pay attention to every crevice inside her new friend. She rubbed Rochelle’s g-spot, the sides and top of Rochelle’s pussy. She pushed her hand in deeper, until her fingers were pressing against her cervix, occasionally teasing the entrance to her womb with a finger tip. Rochelle had never felt anything like it in her life. The sensation soon had her pussy squirting its juices. Melissa clamped her mouth over the top of Rochelle’s pussy, in an effort to swallow every drop of the tasty cum.

“Are you ready?” Melissa asked.

The question was a formality, as Rochelle was unable to answer because of her continuing orgasm, and Melissa planned to proceed regardless of the answer anyway.

So Melissa began to do her best to prepare Rochelle for Sampson. She balled her hand up into a fist, in order to make it as big as she could and began pushing it into Rochelle’s pussy as deep as it would go. She didn’t pull it all the way out be she did plunge it in and out several inches on each stroke.

All Rochelle could do was moan. Her mind was a fog. The last few minutes had turned into one long orgasm for the girl. And eventually her spasming asshole sent AJ over the edge too and he began to pump his hot cum deep into her asshole.

Melissa withdrew her fist and went back to sucking any remaining cum from Rochelle’s pussy, and after AJ removed his cock from Rochelle’s ass, Melissa began to go back and forth between sucking the still hard cock, and sucking his cum from Rochelle’s asshole.

Sampson seemed to be up and moving again, but Rochelle needed some time to recover. AJ went to the other room and poured some drinks, and returned. The threesome sat down and talked for a while, going over the “get to know you” stuff that they had skipped earlier.

The two women exchanged stories about fucking dogs, comparing breeds, how they got started, and other such topics. AJ just listened and enjoyed his drink. He couldn’t help but think how much Rochelle was going to enjoy Sampson.

After the drinks were all gone, Rochelle announced, “Okay. I’m ready. I want him to fuck me. I need that big dog cock inside of me!”

“Sit on the edge of the bed and let him lick you. That’s all the encouragement he needs,” Melissa instructed, and Rochelle did exactly as she was told.

Sampson trotted right over to her and began lapping at her stretched pussy. His huge tongue teasing her clit and penetrating deep inside of her, sometimes even sliding inside of her asshole too. After a few minutes of Sampson’s licking, Melissa looked underneath him and saw his exposed prick. “He’s ready.”

Rochelle got on the bed, got on all fours, with her legs spread somewhat, her back arched and her ass stuck up in the air. Sampson knew exactly what to do from here. He got up on the bed and mounted the raven haired beauty from behind. He wrapped his front paws around her waist and began thrusting forward trying to find a warm wet hole for his cock. Melissa was standing by and reached in to help guide Sampson’s cock to Rochelle’s eager pussy.

It only took a couple of strokes until Sampson had the entire length buried in Rochelle’s pussy. She could feel every inch of it sliding inside of her. She could feel every thrust and every squirt of precum. She could feel the tip pressing against her cervix and she could even feel the base of his cock starting to swell inside of her. It was already the size of a plum and she was anxiously waiting for it to swell to its full size.

While Rochelle was busy taking the biggest dog cock she’d ever seen, Melissa was sliding underneath of her so the two girls could 69 while Rochelle was getting fucked. She made a modest effort to lick Melissa’s pussy. It tasted good and she normally loved to eat pussy, but right now she was just to occupied with Sampson. Melissa on the other hand was happily lapping away at Rochelle’s clit, savoring the flavor of Rochelle’s pussy and Sampson’s precum. She didn’t mind at all that Rochelle wasn’t paying much attention to her pussy. She was enjoying the view of Sampson’s cock sliding in and out of the pussy just inches away from her face.

AJ was feeling a little left out so he hopped on the bed and began jerking off. The sight in front of him was more than enough to keep him stimulated.

Meanwhile, Rochelle was now starting to get an idea of just how big Sampson’s knot could grow. AJ was right. It was definitely bigger than Melissa’s fist by a long shot. But she loved the sensation of it stretching the walls of her elastic pussy, so much so that she started cumming once again.

When Sampson’s knot finally reached its full size, he was totally locked inside of Rochelle. His cock wouldn’t budge. Rochelle could feel the end of the huge cock pressing against her cervix. Then she felt his hot cum start shooting deep inside of her, deeper than ever before.

She lifted her head up from Melissa’s pussy, flipped her hair back out of her face and cried out in ecstasy. She opened her eyes just in time to see AJ jerking off in front of her, and her cries of pleasure were enough stimulation for him and he began to orgasm again, shooting his cum in Rochelle’s face, then collapsing on the bed.

All four of them were spent at this point, but Rochelle and Sampson were still tied together. No one moved for a few minutes as they all struggled to catch their breath.

Rochelle was still enjoying the sensation of Sampson’s knot stretching her, and the occasional late spurt of cum into her belly. She couldn’t help but think to herself, “I need to get Melissa’s number… or get a Great Dane for myself.”


Part Three

The next morning, AJ woke up to find Rochelle was under the covers sucking his dick. It was his favorite way to wake up. He watched the covers move as Rochelle’s head bobbed up and down as she swallowed his cock and came up for air. She was thinking how nice it would be to start her day with a mouth full of hot cum. With her expert skills it wouldn’t take her long to get what she wanted.

Rochelle was unaware that AJ was even awake until he began to shoot his hot cream into her mouth and he gasped, “Jesus you are such an amazing cocksucker!”

After she was sure she had sucked out every last drop, she began to crawl out from under the covers, sliding her way up AJ’s body until she was looking him in the eye. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. AJ could taste a hint of his load on her lips but he didn’t mind. He had tasted it before when he went down on her after they fucked.

“Mmm, thank you,” AJ said after breaking the kiss. “What a great way to wake up.”

“I thought you might like it,” she replied.

“What time do you have to head back home?” he asked.

“Late this afternoon, so we still have some time to play,” Rochelle said with a gleam in her eye.

“Well, Melissa left Sampson here for you to play with, but we should probably go take him for a walk first.”

Rochelle agreed, and they set about getting ready. They hopped in the shower together and did their best to get each other clean in between the licking, the kissing, and the sucking. They did everything but fuck as the hot water sprayed down on them. They enjoyed the feeling of their lathered bodies rubbing against each other. And after about 15 minutes of glorified foreplay, they shut the water off and began to dry off.

Soon they were dressed and ready to go. AJ was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, Rochelle was wearing a tiny little dress that barely covered her tits, and as she bent over to put her shoes on, AJ noticed her naked pussy peeking out from underneath, and he grinned as he gazed at it.

Once they got Sampson on his leash, they started on their walk. It was only about a 5 minute walk to a nearby park and when they got there, they saw lots of people doing the sort of things you would expect. Numerous people were running on the trails and tracks that ran throughout the park. Others were out on the lake enjoying the paddle boats. Kids were running around playing on the playground. A few were even flying kites.

They proceeded to take Sampson down one of the trails, occasionally passing some walkers or joggers. A few stopped to comment on what a big friendly dog he was. Rochelle commented with a sly smile, “Oh, he’s one of the friendliest dog’s you’ll ever meet.”

After Sampson had done his business, they were circling back to leave when a woman came jogging by with a beautiful collie. When they got near, Sampson went crazy, barking and pulling at his leash. Both parties kept the dogs under control and they passed without incident but AJ looked down and noticed Sampson’s extended prick and commented, “I guess she must have been in heat. Something sure got him worked up.” Rochelle nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything. Instead she just stared at the large cock that was bobbing up and down underneath the large dog.

AJ noticed her stares and commented, “We better hurry up and go. I know what that look means, and you can’t fuck him here. You’ll have to wait until we get back to the room.”

It hadn’t even occurred to Rochelle to fuck the big brute, there in the park, but when AJ told her “no” she couldn’t think of anything she wanted to do more. “I’ll fuck him here if I want to,” she said defiantly.

AJ looked around. They were in a slightly wooded area, and a few dozen yards away, there was a large group of bushes that might be able to conceal them. “Okay then. If you want to that bad, then lets head over there behind those bushes where no one will see.

The threesome trotted over to where AJ had pointed and soon they were in a secluded little clearing among the bushes. Sampson was ready to go and needed no coaxing, but Rochelle didn’t want to miss an opportunity to get that big dog dick in her mouth once more before he went back to his owner’s, so she knelt down next to the dog and wrapped her lips around his already squirting prick. AJ held on to Sampson’s leash to prevent him from bolting if he saw an animal, or caught another whiff of something he liked. It was unnecessary though as Sampson had no intention of moving as long as this hot bitch was sucking on his cock.

After a few minutes of mouth-fucking the big fella, she got down in front of him, pulled her dress up to reveal her naked, wet pussy and patted her ass, coaxing Sampson to fuck her. Being well trained, Sampson needed no further motivation and he was on the bitch and cramming his huge cock in her in an instant.

Rochelle let out a cry that was just loud enough to make AJ concerned that someone might hear. So he did the only thing he could think of to quiet the girl down… he unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out and shoved it in Rochelle’s eager mouth.

Rochelle, of course, was in heaven. She had a huge hot dog cock stretching out her pussy, and another big cock sliding down the back of her throat. The only way she could be happier is in a few minutes when they both shoot their hot loads inside of her. Sampson was thrusting faster and faster, pushing his growing knot inside the pretty young bitch with every stroke. AJ still had Sampson’s leash in one hand but with the other he grabbed a handful of Rochelle’s hair and was using that to force his big cock deep into Rochelle’s eager throat. He would hold her head against his pelvis for a few moments, and then pull her head off his big prick, allowing her to catch her breath for just a moment before shoving his cock back down her throat.

This went on for several minutes until Rochelle felt both pricks squirting their hot cum deep inside her. AJ kept his prick buried in her throat, denying her the enjoyment of rolling the hot cum around on her tongue before swallowing it, but she loved how it felt in her throat. She could feel every pulse of his cock each time he shot another white rope of cum down her gullet. Sampson was giving her an altogether different sensation. His hot cum was almost scalding her pussy. Not only could she feel his cock swell with every jet, but she could feel every squirt of his cum as her pussy became full of the jizz.

AJ pulled his cock from Rochelle’s mouth, tucked it back in his pants, and zipped them up. He noticed that Rochelle hadn’t appeared to cum yet, a situation that he planned on rectifying very soon. He knew that she was now tied with Sampson and would be stuck in this position for several minutes and he decided to make the best of it. He crouched down next to the girl, reached under her and began to rub her clit with his free hand.

While rubbing her sensitive clit, he began whispering in her ear.

“You dirty fucking dog whore. Look at you. You couldn’t even wait 10 minutes to get home before you had his big prick stretching out your pussy. I can’t believe what a fucking depraved cunt you are. It’s a wonder you weren’t out trying blow guys on the trail before we got back here. You want me to go get some guys and bring them back here? You want to suck some more cock while you’re tied with Sampson? You want to show some other people what a filthy dog fucker you are? You want some guys to see you like this before they shoot their hot cum in your whore-mouth?”

The words had as much effect on the girl as anything else that morning. Two sentences in, and she began cumming. As AJ continued saying the obscene things, Rochelle continued to orgasm. Her pussy was contracting over and over, squeezing the softening dog prick still lodged deep inside her pussy. Her juices were flowing down her thighs clit was on fire now as AJ continued to stroke it.

After a while, Rochelle’s orgasms began to be spaced farther and farther apart, and soon, Sampson pulled his cock from her pussy with an audible “plop.”

“Holy Shit” Rochelle exclaimed as she tried to stand up on wobbly legs. AJ grabbed her and steadied her until she was a little more sure-footed.

They didn’t say anything else for a while, and just walked back to the trail and headed back to the hotel room. Other than the stream of cum (hers and Sampson’s) running down the inside of her thighs, she showed no visible signs of the escapades that had just taken place.


Part Four

Rochelle and AJ had been talking with each other for almost a year, but they hadn’t met until a few short weeks ago but in that time, they had already had a few of wild encounters that left them both satisfied in the moment, but craving more once they were apart again. The two had discovered that they had many sexual proclivities in common and AJ was on a quest to push both of their sexual boundaries, and Rochelle was more than willing to go along with it.

This weekend they had left the comfy confines of the hotel suite and were driving out of town. As with the previous weekends, AJ kept the details a secret, telling Rochelle that she should be prepared to get a little dirty, and she should be prepared to get fucked. Growing up in the country and being horny all the time, she was always ready for both.

The drive lasted about an hour and the conversation focused mostly on sex but was fairly tame by their standards. There was even a brief attempt at some road head but the armrest between the bucket seats made it impractical. Ordinarily AJ would have been disappointed, but knowing what would be in store later in the day he really wasn’t worried about it at all. Eventually they pulled of the winding road they were on and headed up a long gravel driveway.

“When do I get to find out this week’s surprise?” Rochelle asked.

“This is it,” AJ replied. “This house belongs to a buddy of mine. He and his wife are out of town, so I’m feeding his dogs.”

“Oh? Dogs? As in, ‘more than one dog?’ What kind and how many?”

“Just two… and they’re Rottweiler’s.”

Rochelle looked excited.

“Here’s the catch,” AJ continued, “I don’t have keys to the house.” He was lying. He had full access to everything in the house, but he just wanted to see Rochelle out in the great wide open fucking two big dogs in the dirt. “So we’ll have to have all of our fun in the dog run out back.

As AJ expected, this didn’t deter Rochelle in the least. She was too excited to be fucking two big brutes to worry about little details like where it would happen.

They pulled up to the front of the house and got out of the car. “Go ahead and get naked. You’re not going to need any clothes for a while,” AJ instructed.

Rochelle looked around and not seeing any neighbors or any signs of civilization other than the house they were visiting, stripped in the front yard without hesitation and followed AJ around the side of the house. When they got to the back yard she saw what she was looking for. There was a fenced in dog run with two brooding Rottweilers trotting back and forth.

“That’s Max and Jake,” AJ stated. “They’re both big babies. I don’t know if they’ve ever fucked any humans, but they’re registered and I know they’ve both been bread more than once, so they’re used to fucking.”

“When do I get to fuck them?” Rochelle asked impatiently.

“Well as soon as you get in there with them, I suppose.”

Rochelle already had a trickle of clear fluid streaming down her leg. She was ready to fuck before she ever got in the car. She needed no further encouragement. She did have one other question though. “Are you going to join me and the boys over there?”

“I’m going to sit this one out. I’m just here for moral support. You know… to call you a filthy dog whore while you’re getting tag teamed by those two big dogs.”

Rochelle was just fine with that. Max and Jake should be able to keep her satisfied without any help. She opened the latch on the gate and entered, closing it behind her. The dog run was mostly muddy, but there were a few patches of grass here and there. She found a larger patch and got down on all fours and patted the ground in front of her, calling the dogs. “Here boys! Come play with your new bitch!”

The dogs trotted over to Rochelle. Max came right up to her face and started licking her. Jake went straight for her pussy. AJ was already enjoying the show. He could see Rochelle’s pussy juice mixed with dog slobber dripping down her thighs. He also noticed Jake’s cock beginning to extend from its sheath. He wouldn’t be the biggest dog to fuck Rochelle, but these two might be the strongest.

Meanwhile Rochelle was starting to stroke and tug at Max’s sheath. She seemed perfectly pleased by the size of the big prick that was extending before her eyes. So pleased in fact, she leaned down under the animal and started sucking it. As always she was enjoying the taste of his cock, as well as the precum that started shooting from it after she wrapped her supple lips around it.

“You just can’t get enough dog cock can you, you fucking whore?” AJ knew how much Rochelle enjoyed the degrading talk when she was fucking, and he liked to indulge her. “I guess next time I’ll have to find more than just two dog for you to fuck.”

The words had the desired effect on Rochelle and she felt her body begin to twitch as her first orgasm ripped through her. Jake could tell that this bitch was ready to be mounted and hopped up on her back wrapping his front paws around her waist. She never stopped sucking on Max’s cock but she did brace herself for Jake’s onslaught. Her anticipation was short lived as Jake began thrusting his hips forward, searching for a hot wet hole to put his growing prick into. After just a few thrusts he found his mark and made contact with her dripping cunt. Only a couple of inches made it in on that initial thrust but it was enough to let him know that he had found his target, and he pulled harder with his front paws so that he could get even closer to her pussy and push his cock deeper into his new bitch.

Rochelle was loving this. It was the first time she’d ever been with two dogs at once and the thought of it had her cumming already. And now Jake was fucking her so hard, she had to release Max’s cock from her mouth just to catch her breath for a moment.

AJ took the opportunity to fill her ears full of filth again. “You like taking two dogs at once don’t you? Double the dog cock, double the fun, right?”

“Uh huh” Rochelle responded as she stroked Max’s dick in front of her face.

“You like fucking and sucking them at the same time, don’t you?”

“Mmmmhmmm,” was all she could say as she was had Max’s cock in her mouth again.

“Grab him around the knot and squeeze. He’ll cum in your mouth sooner that way.”

Rochelle did as she was instructed. Jake was still pounding her pussy from behind, enjoying the feeling of her pussy squeezing his growing cock and Max was quickly nearing a climax.

AJ noticed Max’s balls begin to twitch and he barked out more orders. “Take his cock out of your mouth. Let him cum on your face and tits.”

Rochelle did just that. She aimed the cock at her face, letting the jets of white dog cum shoot into her open mouth and onto her cheeks. Then she lowered the cock and let him continue to spray on her swaying tits. The thin fluid ran down her tits, and dribbled off of her erect nipples.

After he was done shooting his hot load, Rochelle released Max’s cock and he turned around and began licking her face and tits, evidently enjoying the taste of his own cum. Once he was satisfied it was all gone, he trotted over to the corner and began to lick his cock as it continued to shrink.

Jake continued his assault on Rochelle’s squirting cunt. AJ continued his assault on her ears. “You like Jake’s big dog cock, fucking your cunt, don’t you?”


“Tell me you like it.”

“Mmmm… I like it!”

“How much do you like it, whore?”

“Mmmm… I love it!”

“You love it? Then tell me you love that dog cock fucking your cunt.”

“Oh god… I love his big fucking dog cock in my cunt! I need it! I need it in me! I need that big dog cock inside me!”

“Of course you do, you fucking whore. You always need that cunt stuffed with some kind of cock.”

That set her over the edge yet again. Rochelle had one of the strongest orgasms she’s ever had. Her pussy clamped down on Jake’s knot which had already tied inside her. Her own hot cum was actually gushing out of her pussy onto the ground below her and Jake began filling her hot pussy with his own seed. She could feel every hot blast of his thin white cum shooting into her womb.

The pair stayed there, locked together for several minutes, each continuing to spasm as the other would move. This was always one of Rochelle’s favorite parts. She loved being tied to a dog. She loved feeling his fur on her back. She loved feeling his weight bearing down on her. She loved feeling his hot cock pulsating and twitching inside her.

What she didn’t expect was for Max to come trotting over again, interrupting her tie with Jake, but that’s exactly what happened. Although Max got to cum earlier, he wasn’t satisfied yet and he wanted to mount this bitch too. Rochelle wasn’t sure if she was ready to go again, but it didn’t really matter since she was still tied with Jake.

When Max came nosing around Jake seemed to take offense to it and he hopped off of Rochelle’s back so they were now tied ass to ass. She felt the huge knot flip around inside her pussy and enjoyed the sensation for a moment, but when Jake and Max started biting at each other she got a little worried, especially when Jake started dragging her across the pen, chasing Max. Eventually he pulled his still-swollen knot right out of her pussy, but not before dragging her through the mud all the way over to the chain-link gate.

Rochelle let out a scream as the knot pulled out of her. AJ thought to himself it was a good thing no neighbors were within earshot.

Jake lost interest in the bitch once his cock was dislodged from her stretched cunt, and wandered over to his crate and began to lick himself, oblivious to everything else around him.

From his vantage point, AJ could see Rochelle’s pussy gaping open, looking ravaged, yet still very inviting. Max noticed too, and without Jake tied to her anymore, he was free to stick his cock in this bitch now.

Rochelle had her hands in the chain-link gate, attempting to pull herself upright so she could clean herself up and get out. Max had other plans though and he hopped on her back and attempted to mount her just like Jake had done.

AJ was walking around the pen towards the gate. Rochelle was hoping he was going to open the gate and get her out, but he had no intention of doing so, at least not yet. He just wanted a different view as Max fucked her. She looked helpless. She was a muddy, sweaty, cummy mess. She knelt there with her fingers still wrapped around the thin wire that made up the gate. Having pulled herself up somewhat, it did provide AJ with a great view of her perky tits. He could also see Max’s cock between her legs, aimed too low to get in her pussy.

“If you ever want out of there, you should probably reach back there and get that cock in your pussy.”

Her pussy was on fire. Jake’s knot had stretched it more than ever before. But she reluctantly reached behind her and grabbed Max’s thrusting cock. When she aimed it higher he missed with the first few thrusts but did manage to make contact with her tight little asshole. She wasn’t keen on having a dog fuck her ass, but at the moment it seemed like a better idea than having him fuck her sore pussy, so she bit her bottom lip and pulled the cock into her asshole. She figured as long as she kept his knot out, she would be okay.

Max didn’t seem to mind and he began furiously fucking Rochelle’s ass. AJ couldn’t see from his angle and just assumed Max was fucking her cunt. Rochelle kept one hand behind her to make sure his knot didn’t destroy her asshole like her already wrecked cunt.

Despite being completely spent from Jake’s assault, before long she was once again thoroughly enjoying her doggy partner. The helpless look disappeared and was replaced by a familiar look of lust.

AJ just watched as Max ravaged the young woman. Soon Rochelle was moaning and screaming. These weren’t screams of pain though, they were pure pleasure. Although he didn’t know it, Rochelle was totally getting off on her new canine experience. While she had been fucked in the ass countless times before, she’d never let a dog fuck her ass, and at this point she wondered why she waited so long to try it.

But just as she was starting to enjoy it the most, she felt Max slow down as he started squirting his watery doggy cum in her ass. She wanted the fucking to continue but she was also enjoying the feeling of his cock shooting deep into her bowels.

And just as suddenly as his approach was, Max pulled out and wandered over to his crate to once again lick his cock clean.

“Did he not get his knot in you, or is your pussy too lose now,” AJ questioned.

Rochelle didn’t answer the question. Instead she responded by turning around, squatting down and letting the cum from both dogs dribble out of her asshole and pussy. AJ immediately noticed the cum oozing out of her asshole and figured out what had happened. Rochelle was reaching between her legs to catch some of the dog spunk so she could savor the taste. She was so distracted, trying to get every last drop of cum from her battered holes, she didn’t see AJ walk over to the house to get the water hose, and without warning he began to hose the filthy girl down.

She didn’t question him, instead she enjoyed the cool water as it ran down her golden brown skin and turned back and forth until all of the dirt, mud and cum had all been washed off.

AJ opened the gate and let Rochelle out and they walked back around the front of the house to the car. They picked up her clothes, threw them in the back seat and AJ produced a towel so Rochelle could dry off. She spread the towel on the front seat and got in the car without a stitch of clothing on. She figured she might give some truckers a show on the way back.

The End

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