Women with Animals

My first time with Buckle, the family Horse


(c) 2020 by brunodark

Part One: The first approach

Hello everyone, my name is Melissa, and I’m 20 years old, I’m about 5ft6 and about 116lbs, I’m white with blonde hair down to the middle of my back, honestly, I have the worlds sexiest legs with a splendid, brazilian looking butt.

I’m quite a regular reader of these pages, as well as a massive bestiality fan myself, I get so turned on by reading these stories that I very often want to experiment for myself, but I never act on it, until yesterday, and after my experience, I just had to come on here and write about it for you all to hear, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did giving you this story, and it definitely won’t be the last.

I live in a very quiet part of England, although a very high class part of the country, I won’t go into detail about what my father does, but he’s managing director of a very large builders merchant, of which name I won’t divulge, and we are quiet wealthy, living on an isolated, large country manor house with a vast amount of land, and a barn, with pens for 8 horses, which is silly because we only have one, which is even more silly, is that it’s not a riding horse, it’s a Shire Horse, so.. it’s pretty massive, anyways, enough about that, onto my story.

It all started yesterday afternoon, when I got home from college, no one was home, so like I do every time I come home, I turned on my computer to check my e-mails, having done that, I decided that seeing as though no one was home, I would get myself off, I decided a nice animal story would do the trick, and having clicked onto the Zooville webpage as everyday since a while, and started rubbing myself, the craziest thought came into my mind, and I looked out of my bedroom window at the barn, I stopped rubbing myself and thought “noo.. that’ll never happen” but all of a sudden, I had this massive urge, I bit my lip and pulled my hand from my underwear, licking my fingers as I do every time I play with myself, I looked back at the story and I closed my eyes to discourage myself from the idea, but I was hooked, I stood up, and took a deep breath, and in a really corny lame way, said to myself “let’s go have some fun”, my bedroom is on the third floor of the house, and I had the biggest smile all the way down to the back door, just as I reached the back door I grabbed the handle, and then stopped, and thought to myself, what the fuck am I doing, and I almost turned around and went back to my room, but my curiosity got the better of me, and I opened the door and proceeded to the barn, its summer time in England right now, so the barn doors were wide open, and that created a problem for me, if I closed them, people would wonder why they were closed, and investigate, stuck what to do, I decided to leave them open, and I made my way into the barn.

Instantly as you walk into the barn, the first pen on the left hand side, is where Buckle is kept, I don’t know how long we’ve had buckle, I don’t ever remember back a time when he wasn’t in the barn, but I know he’s younger than me at least, although he’s fed, watered and very well maintained, he lives a very peaceful life these days, I often feel sorry for him, like he’s wasting away, so today, I thought I would give him a little treat, having read countless animal stories before, I had a general idea of what to do, although I felt like an idiot, first of all I stroked his face and talked to him, made sure he was ok, he is walked on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so in between he still wears his reigns, this was handy for me as I’ve read that a horse can cause serious injury, so I made sure Buckle was tied to his post, and then like a little girl about to open her Christmas presents, I lowered myself down to my knees underneath him, I’m not a very big girl myself, but compared to Buckle, I was tiny, being under the horse and just inches away from his cock, it actually wasn’t as sexy or as glamorous as the stories make out, pulling a complete blank, I didn’t know what to do now I was under him, so I just reached up to the sheath of his cock and started to rub at it, it didn’t feel particularly nice either, after a few minutes and nothing happened, I was almost ready to give up as I thought I was doing it wrong, but then all of a sudden, Buckle shuddered, and I felt something start to move against my hand, with my eyes pinned to his sheath, suddenly Buckles cock started to extend outwards, I couldn’t believe the thickness of it, his cock was easily three or four, maybe even five inches thick, and as it continued to extend, and extend, I started having second thoughts about this whole idea, I stopped rubbing at his sheath and for a minute or so I just stared at his length, totally amazed at the size of the thing, I had never seen it before, I mean, why would I?

Although I didn’t want to put my mouth around it, as I actually thought that was kind of gross, I reached up and wrapped both my hands around Buckles monstrous shaft, my hands didn’t even fit all the way around, it was warm and leathery, and I could feel his pulse through his cock, my eyes traced the length of his cock, and although I didn’t even think of it at the time, Buckle was being extremely well behaved, my hands rubbing at the giant length in a halfhearted manor, after snapping out of my daze, I remember what I had come in the barn to do, and I pulled a hand away from his shaft, and slipped it down into my pink panties, I was only wearing a small pink skirt and a low cut top, as I said, its summer, so it’s hot, but to my surprise, I was already soaking wet, my panties were soaking with my juices, I pulled my fingers back out and had a good taste, I have a thing about having to taste my juices, even though I was eager to try and get Buckles length inside me, I knew I would never get him inside my unless I did a little work, so I proceeded to push two fingers straight into my pussy, but I was so wet they just glided in, so I pushed in a third, and after a minute or so, I had all four in my soaking wet hole, after bringing myself to orgasm, I had another good taste, and I stripped down, completely naked, and I stood up, my inner thighs totally soaked with my own juices, I wondered how I would do this, and then I remembered we had an old wooden bench with a padded top, I do live on an old farm remember, I don’t know what it was used for, but it was perfect, and also extremely heavy, and in another unused pen across the barn, after spending a few minutes dragging it to Buckles pen and pushing it underneath him, which he didn’t seem to mind at all, by now, his length had withdrawn most of the way, so I had to rub at him again so that he would extend his cock to the full length.


Part Two: getting into REAL business

After I had done this, I took a deep breath, and by now, there was no question about whether I was going to do this, so I moved under Buckle, and I decided to bend over the padded bench so that Buckle could enter me from behind, after shuffling the bench back into the right position, I bent over and stuck my ass up into the air, I reached back and grabbed Buckles cock, who was still behaving perfectly, him bucking into me did worry me a lot, I didn’t want to have to explain to people that I had internal injuries from fucking my horse, nether the less, I firmly gripped at his length, and I rubbed and nudged it up against my tight little entrance, to try and soak the head in some of my juices, obviously I couldn’t pull him towards me, so as I pushed the giant head up against the entrance of my hole, I was shocked at how large he felt, I was amazed at his size, but I wasn’t going to stop, shuffling my way back, Buckle started to move slightly, but nothing serious, as I kept pushing back, I almost felt him pop into me, and I stopped sharply and grit my teeth as the pain was intense, biting my lip I didn’t know if I could take it, but I thought to myself, “he’s in, just keep pushing and it’ll get better”, so taking my own advice, I pushed a little more, and then a little more, still holding his cock, using my hand to jam more and more of Buckles cock inside me, after about five minutes of this, I felt the head of Buckles cock bottom me out, and as I laid there, impaled, I released my hand from his shaft, and I just moaned like a whore as I could feel his cock shifting around and pulsating inside me, his five inch thick cock was now so deep it was making a bulge on my tummy, or so it felt like anyways, as the pain subsided, I decided to try and move.

Just as I moved my body, so did Buckle, moving himself closer to the wall in front of us, and in doing this, he rammed his cock so deep inside me it almost felt like he was moving my organs, reaching back I placed my hand right at the entrance of my hole, and slowly I pulled myself off of his monstrous length, my legs felt wobbly as I stood up, but keeping my hand wrapped on his length, I could tell how much he had inside me by how much of his cock glistened from my juices, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I realized it was at least close to a foot, maybe a few inches off, and this turned me on a lot, so very quickly I made my way back under Buckle, and within a few seconds, I had pulled up his monster cock and allowed him to plow into my tight hole once again, I almost felt like his bitch, like he could do anything he wanted with me, and I’d be powerless to stop him, after grinding myself down onto as much of his length as I possibly could, I brought myself to orgasm after orgasm, I don’t know how long I was fucking him, but I finished school at 1:30pm, and next time I saw the clock it was 3:30pm, long before then though, just as I was reaching my seventh or eighth orgasm, Buckle started to move slightly, not in a dangerous manor, but just one I didn’t recognize, then I understood what was going on, as I felt a very hot sensation inside my pussy, confused as to what it was at first, it wasn’t until I felt something run down my leg that I had realized Buckle had orgasmed himself, and with almost a foot sunk deep into my pussy he had filled me with cum, the feeling was truly amazing, I could actually feel it leaving his cock and filling my pussy, this causing me to orgasm at least twice more, but after he was done, his cock then started to withdraw from my pussy, and there was nothing I could do about it, so I kneeled down on the floor next to him, and watched as the cum started to ooze out of my pussy, my god it turned me on so much I just had to taste it, so I pushed a finger into my pussy, instantly covered in Buckles appreciation, I pulled my finger up, and closed my eyes as I put it in my mouth, instantly I loved it, it was warm and creamy, it has a very odd bitter taste, but I definitely liked it.


Part Three: going to upper level

Now I was just going to wait for him to recharge, but then the craziest thought since my last craziest thought came across my mind, as I was already feeling like the biggest slut in the world, I wanted to try something new, but I knew I needed something first, so quickly putting my top back on and my skirt, not even my underwear, I ran out of the barn, and back into the house, running into my parents room, I went into my mums bottom draw, where I knew she had some lube, grabbing this I sprinted back downstairs and flew out towards the barn, never had I been so excited to go into the barn, as I got in there, Buckle had barely moved, and I didn’t even move the bench from underneath him, I thought, oops.. anyways, I noticed his cock had completely withdrawn back into his sheath, so I got straight down onto my knees and started to rub, within just a few seconds, out came Buckles giant cock, and without even thinking, I moved my head forward to meet it, and instantly wrapped my lips around the head, which barely fit into my mouth I might add, moaning like a true whore I absolutely loved the feel of his giant cock in my mouth, still able to taste cum from the previous encounter, I got so carried away with sucking at his huge cock that I ended up jacking him off too, and I must have enjoyed it so much, that I lost track of time, but luckily Buckle reminded me, as once again he started to move strangely, I was aware of this, but for some reason, didn’t move my head, and then I paid the price as my mouth and throat was filled with hot creamy horse cum, although I swallowed the massive load he had shot down my throat, I couldn’t take anymore, and he finished off by covering my neck, chest, and breasts in sticky Buckle love, I looked down into my cleavage to see a puddle of cum caught in my top, pulling my shirt from my skin, the puddle the ran down my tummy and onto my skirt, which I them swiftly removed, licking my lips, I swallowed the rest of the cum still in my mouth.

Taking the bottle of lube, I sat in a position that exposed my asshole, squirting some of the lube onto my hand, I then started to rub it at my back entrance, I was surprised how well this stuff worked as in just a minute or so, I could get all of my fingers into my asshole, but just to be sure, I fingered my ass for a good few minutes on the floor, using more and more lube as I did, then taking a huge wad on my hand, I moved up underneath Buckle once again and using only my mouth, took his giant cock into my mouth, then slapping my hands to either side of his cock, I coated the whole length in lube, just to make sure he would go in easy, after making sure that Buckle was lubed up to my satisfaction, I’ve always loved having my ass fucked, or fucking my own ass, I love anal and this was something that I thought would end my time with Buckle perfectly, I was a little worried about how much it would hurt, but I put that to one side, as I moved myself back under my new best friend, I felt his cock jump up between my legs, I was amazing at how well behaved he had been through this whole experience, once again, I reached back, and took his cock in my hand, it was slippery from all the lube, but I held it tight, pulling him up towards my asshole, I paused for a second, but then thought I had come this far, so I might as well do it, and I did, shuffling back some more I felt his giant head bump up against my tight asshole, oooh it felt so good to have him that close to being inside me, I found it quite hard to pull him inside my this time, as his cock was slippery, but I kept going anyways, and I started to feel him push his way into my asshole, at first it felt amazing, but then as he started to sink deeper inside me, it started to hurt, a lot, so I stopped for a second, and reached down for the lube, and I reached back and squirted some more down my ass, this worked perfectly, and although it still hurt a lot, he slid inside me with ease.

Feeling that the head of his cock was now firmly inside my ass, I just stopped and laid there for a minute, unable to believe how much his cock had stretched out my poor asshole, but strangely enough, it felt like that was all of him I could take inside my ass, as if I had bottomed out already, wiggling my ass a little I reached back once again, and started to draw him inside me, and to my delight, I could fit even more of him in my ass, than my pussy, it was just how tight my asshole was that made it feel like I couldn’t take anymore of him, now as I laid there, impaled by this giant horse, I knew I had taken more up my ass than I did in my pussy, but I wasn’t about to pull out and measure again, for about five or ten minutes, I just laid there, with him up my ass, I was so relaxed and it felt so amazing, I must have been in such a daze, because I didn’t even hear my dad’s Range Rover drive up the gravel path to our house, he must have gone inside, and just assumed I wasn’t home, because he never even came to the barn, when I finally realized my dad was home, I panicked and started to pull myself off of Buckles length, but the feeling of his five inch thick shaft dragging its way through my body was the most amazing thing I have ever felt, and I orgasmed instantly, sliding myself back down onto his length, I took another foot on his monster cock, only to slide myself back along it again, I could feel my pussy almost dripping with cum now as I continued to slowly slide my body up and down his shaft, letting him use me as a toy, it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt to feel his cock impale me so deeply, but then as I came for the fourth or fifth time, I felt him shudder like he had done before, and I knew he was about to cum, so I stopped moving as I didn’t want it to end, but it was no good, and once again I felt the amazing sensation of this gigantic horse pumping his load into my asshole, although this time none ran down my leg, I guess my asshole was too tight around his shaft for any to escape, I almost cried when I felt his mightily length inside me start to shrink in size, and then all of a sudden his length fell free from my asshole, and with it, a giant gush of cum run down the back of my lengths, once again my legs felt very weak and I kneeled down under him, with cum now dripping from my asshole, and even still my pussy, as I realized that he had cum in all three of my holes, as his cock withdrew almost completely, I laid down on the hay on the floor, with the biggest smile on my face.

After I laid on the ground for five or ten minutes, I got up, and my god were my holes sore, I managed to push the bench back into the unused pen, then I quickly grabbed some fresh hay and sprinkled it down over the patches I had covered in cum, and although my clothes were completely covered in Buckles cum, my dad was home, so I had to put them back on, as I did, I walked round and untied Buckle from his post, giving him the biggest kiss, I actually left the lube in the pen, but hid it behind a wooden board, making my way back into the house, I quickly darted up to my room, luckily my dad was in his office, I put my clothes in a plastic bag and then put them in the trash, then I took a long hot shower, and although I tried to get myself off, I was so sore I didn’t finish, after my shower I went and laid on my bed, still with the biggest smile on my face, just thinking of the soonest possible time I could get back down to the barn alone, so I can write you all another story.


Part Four: I am back & ready for 2nd round

So, onto my second encounter with Buckle I suppose, as I mentioned before, I’ve been dying to get back down into the back and try it with him for the second time, but I’ve had a lot on my mind, with work, and relationship problems with my girlfriend, I’m not a lesbian, I suppose I’m bisexual, as I enjoy sex with men and woman, but I’ve been with my current partner for about three years, and she doesn’t know about me and Buckle, so.. let’s hope she doesn’t read these pages eh? I walk past the barn door every morning as I get in my car, and I always look in there, but I’ve never really paid much attention to the barn, or Buckle for that matter, so I thought me showing a sudden interest would arouse suspicion of my doings, but sometime mid-week last week, I got the break I had been hoping for, now this may sound strange, as if it was taking more of a risk, but I had everything worked out, my grandparents had arranged for everyone to come round to my house for a family BBQ, as I mentioned before, I live on a large farm house with loads of land, so any big family events are naturally held at my house, this was perfect, as I knew where everyone would be, my mother would be shopping for food and drink all morning, my father has to work Saturday mornings, my brother is a tank driver, stationed in Afghanistan, so he’s no problem, and I know for a fact, that none of my family ever arrive before midday, so this gave me a perfectly clear window as to get down into the barn and try it again with Buckle.

It’s about 8:30am yesterday, Saturday morning, I have to be at work at 7:30 normally, so my body clock wakes me up around 6am, it’s so ridiculously hot in England right now, that I’ve been sleeping in just my undies with no top on, so as I lay there and listen to the noises from around the house, my dad left at about 8:10am, then my mum left shortly afterwards to pick my nan up so they could go shopping for the BBQ, my mum shouted up that she was going, but I ignored her, to give the impression that I was still asleep, or whatever, my bedroom is on the third floor and overlooks the driveway and barn, I got up and peering through the window, with just my eyes alive the windowsill, I watched as my mums car reversed and left down the drive way, I smiled so big like a little girl, I knew I had about three hours with Buckle, but it was so hot that I had been sweating a lot in my sleep, and I felt really gross, so I got up and took a quick cold shower to wake myself up, this was so refreshing, after I had finished, I dried my hair lightly with the towel, and put on a very sexy pair of French Knickers and a very revealing bra, I admit it was kind of odd dressing like this, but it made me feel so dirty wearing this, knowing what I was about to go and do, we a have gravel drive way so I didn’t want to walk from the house to the barn barefoot, I was already dressed like a hooker, so I thought I may as well finish the look, and I put some high heels on that strapped up round my thigh, they weren’t that high, so I could still walk easily, knowing no one was going to bother me, I didn’t mind dressing like this, making my way down through the house, I knew I had a great deal of time, so I didn’t really rush, almost like I was teasing myself and making myself wait, all the doors and windows to my house were open, so as I made my way through the kitchen, and out the back door, instantly I could feel the heat of the sun hit every part of my very exposed figure, it actually turned me on a lot to walk around dressed like this, if I had been walking along the street like this, I would have either been raped, or arrested, it was a little awkward making my way across the gravel drive way in high heels, I can imagine that it didn’t look very dignified, but I didn’t really care, the barn has two main entrances, one at the back, and one at the front, which were both open, to let the breeze flow through and keep it cool, I knew I wouldn’t be bothered, so I just left them open.

As I stepped in the barn, and I turn left, instantly, my heart sank, as I realized there was a huge problem, honestly, I almost cried, Buckle is walked on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and in between he keeps his reigns on, but it was Saturday, and he wasn’t wearing his reigns, and he wasn’t in the same position he was in last time, in fact I almost thought “fuck, not gonna happen today then, shit!” but then I thought to myself, that if I could get his reigns on, and take them back off, that I would know how to do it in future, and even more so, if I could take them off, no one would know, I found out how old Buckle was, and he’s 16, and I looked this up on the internet, if a horse is very well looked after, they can reach 20, 30, and even 40 years old, so basing it on that, I considered Buckle to rather young, either way, he’s a Shire horse, and rather large, so he’s not very agile at all, as I convinced myself that I was going to do this, I opened his pen gate, and made my way in, leaving the pen gate open, as I knew I would need the padded top bench again, Buckle was facing me this time, as he was facing away last time, I stroked his face, and then made my way over to his reigns, I studied them for a minute or so, just so that I knew which way they were hung, so I could put them back exactly like they were, I’m kind of anal like that, so I picked up his reigns, and I’m either really weak, or they are really heavy, I looked at them and just thought, “how the hell does this thing work?!” I’ve seen them being taken off, but never put on, all I really knew was that the metal bar goes into Buckles mouth, I’m kind of short, so I couldn’t even reach high enough to place the reigns on him, so I placed them down on the ground, and let the pen to get the padded top bench, as I went into the 5th or 6th pen, I tried to pull the bench, but doing this in high heels was less than practical, looking very silly, pushing, and pulling this stupidly heavy bench into Buckles pen, tripping over and stumbling over my own feet the whole way, I pushed it to where I thought it would best once Buckle had his reigns on, I picked them up from the floor, and placed them over my shoulders, climbing up onto the bench, I made a clicking noise with my mouth, hoping this would attract Buckle, feeling like an idiot, this did nothing, so I waited for a minute or so, and then pulled the reigns off of my shoulders, and whilst doing this, Buckle made his own way over to me, I had figured out which way the reigns say on his head, as there was two holes for his ears, nearly falling off of the bench from losing my balance, I pretty much chucked the reigns over his head, having to pull it forward so that he would take the metal bar thingy in his mouth, then it was simply a belt type buckle at the back, and bottom of his head, feeling extremely proud of myself, I climbed down off of the bench, making sure not to break my ankles from my heels, I reached round and turned Buckle in his pen, to the same position that he was in last time, I thought to myself, give this fucking horse a medal, I don’t have any experience with horses, but if they are all this well behaved, I’d be surprised, as I placed Buckles reigns onto his post, and tied them in a loop so that no matter how hard he pulled, he would pull down the barn before he got away, I stood back and admired my handy work, feeling very proud of myself!.

Having down the hard part, or so I thought, I turned round and reached behind the old wooden panel where I had hidden the lubricant last time, as I grabbed the bottle, I realized that there was a slight problem, in the heat, the lube inside had kind of.. melted? Or.. turned into liquid, I didn’t really think that this would matter, as it does the same job, doesn’t it? Chucking the bottle down on the floor, ready for when I needed it, for some reason, my mind went blank again, having done the hard part without much thought, now that I had to think, my mind turned into mush, I thought back to what I did last time, then I was on a roll, having been extremely turned on from just dressing like a slut, I was already rather wet, I got down on my knees and made my way under Buckle, I had thought about how good it felt to have his monster shaft in my mouth until he filled it with his very creamy cum, but now that I was back underneath him, it wasn’t all that sexy, again.. so I reached up and started to stroke at his sheath, waiting for his cock to extend out, I didn’t want to put it back in my mouth, I didn’t find that very sexy, as I was doing this, I reached down into my sexy slutty French undies and started to rub at my clit, still rubbing at Buckles cock, I pushed a finger up into my pussy, I was already completely soaked, and having had to wait longer to be with him again, I wasn’t sore anymore, and this time, I was determined to really get a good fucking, after a minute or two, I felt Buckles cock start to harden inside his sheath, and then it wasn’t too long before his gorgeous wonderfully monstrous length started to extend, hanging lower and lower as it got longer from the weight, I kept rubbing at the base until I felt that his cock was fully extended, I stopped rubbing at his cock and as I turned away to push the bench under him, I realized that the lube was there, so I quickly open the lid and it kind of.. dribbled out, never mind, I put some on my fingers and then started to rub them over the head of Buckles cock, it looked even bigger than it was last time, after I had lubed up the shaft enough to my liking, I put the lube back down on the floor and reached over to push the bench into the place, but as I started to move it, Buckle started to freak out and move around, I did think about stopping and being nice to him, but.. I was too horny, and I just wanted to fuck, so I kept pushing the bench, and although Buckle moved right out of the way, I calmly moved him back round so that he was partially standing over the bench again.

His cock hadn’t withdrawn at all, so I didn’t have to do any after work, slipping down my French undies, I kicked them to the side, next to the lube, and this time, I decided I wanted to see what was penetrating me, so I moved up onto the bench, this time, laying down flat with my back on the bench, it was quite tight underneath him and the bench at first, but as he shifted again, there was more room, I shuffled down closer to his cock, and reached down between my legs, taking his cock in my hands, right then, I was the happiest person in the world, I was so happy knowing that he was about to fuck me again, knowing that he was going to use me, and fill me with cum, and stretch out my tight holes, as my pussy was totally soaked, and the head of his cock was lubed up, foolishly, I thought “no problem, he’ll glide right in” although once again, this was my inexperience speaking, as I pushed the head of his cock up against my tight entrance, and it felt like.. someone was trying to push a football inside me, I forgot how big he was, and just like last time, I thought “is this going to work?” but there was absolutely no chance I was going to stop, so I continued to pull him into me, I had my head propped up to look and see what was going on, I had an almost perfect view of him entering me, but this was extremely hard on my neck muscles, so I could only hold it up for a few seconds at a time to watch, pulling him inside me was a rather slow, and quite honestly, very painful experience, but as it was going so slowly, I could actually feel him push into me, and part my pussy the further and deeper he went, I had to pull him in, then pull him out a little, to get him inside me, finally, I pulled him against me, and even though it hurt, I forced my body down against his length, and once again, I felt him “pop” inside me, the pain was extreme, so for a minute or so, I just kind of stopped, and laid there, grinding my pussy at his giant head, trying to get comfortable, for some reason, It didn’t feel as good as last time, but I knew this was just the start, so reaching back down, with one hand, I used the other to rest my head on, so that I could watch, honestly, I’ve never seen anything sexier in my life, than the underside of Buckles tummy above me, and between my lengths, his monstrous length, which was now firmly inside my pussy, grabbing at his shaft with my right hand, I started to draw him inside me, going at a gradual pace as it was still rather painful, but the further he got, the less it hurt, which didn’t really make any sense to me, but I wasn’t exactly complaining, it didn’t take long before I could feel my first orgasm and as I came, I pulled my legs up and rammed myself down against his length in a mad effort to elevate my orgasm, and it paid off beautifully as it felt like my whole body was having one big orgasm, I’ve never had an orgasm like that before, but it was truly amazing, I kept looking down at my tummy too see if I could see a bulge of where his cock was, but I didn’t really think this was possible, I wasn’t moving very fast so I guess Buckle wasn’t really that interested in what I was doing, which was a little disappointing, as I wanted to feel like he was using me to pleasure himself, but on the other hand, it worked perfectly for me, as he wouldn’t cum too soon, and I could keep fucking myself, using his gigantic cock, I kept looking down and watching his length as it slid out of my tight little cunt, as it glistened in the sun light, I could see how much of him I was taking, and although the angle was a little odd because I was lying flat, but it looked like I was taking so much of him.

I wasn’t giving much attention to the time, and although I had no way to tell what the time was, I knew it hadn’t been more than about 45 minutes, giving me around two more hours of playing time, this was perfect for me, as I was laying there, pulling Buckles cock in and out of myself, I was going slow enough that I could feel every single inch of him, every single lump and vein along his cock glide in and out of my soaking wet pussy, I laid my head back and used my left arm to start to rub at my clit, causing my pussy to become even wetter, and forcing me into orgasm after orgasm, although I didn’t really realize it, I was making quite a lot of noise, and.. this is where my day goes from amazing, to quite frankly, fucking amazing.


Part 5: troubles coming

As I said before, I knew for a fact that none of my family would be there before 12-1pm in the afternoon, so that gave me plenty of time to myself, and although I knew that this plan of mine wasn’t set in stone, and that anyone could turn up, I was fairly confident that they wouldn’t, oh how I was wrong, as I’m lying there on my back, with both my hands down between my legs, which meant I had my head tilted back and lying flat on the padded bench, as I mentioned before, I was making quite a lot of noise, but then to my horror, and quite frankly, something that very nearly gave me a heart attack, I heard “OMG! Wtf are you doing?! I can’t believe you are doing that!!” Now believe me, my heart sank, and as quickly as I could, without even looking at who it was, I pulled myself off of Buckles length, and slid round to the side of the padded bench, stuffing my breasts back down into my bra, as I had pulled them out to play with, I quickly grabbed my underwear and swiftly put them back on, using my hands to conceal myself, not that it was much good, I looked over to the door, but to see that there was no one there, and whoever it was, would have had a perfect view of my exposed cunt being filled with Buckles length, I walked out of the pen, expecting to have my entire family standing out there waiting to stone me to death, but as I made my way out of the barn, I saw a silver Porsche, and I knew instantly who it was, it was my cousin Beth, now let me tell you a little about Beth, she is absolutely stunning, she has the most perfect body in the world, she has about 9 tattoo’s and about 15 piercings, she lost her virginity at 13, she used to work as a Cam-Girl for money, and speaking of money, she told me that at a party once, 5 guys paid her £50 each to sleep with her, and she did it, she has no reason to ever lie, so I believe her, actually, she kind of disgusts me, but.. she’s kind of my hero too, and although I was extremely relieved to know it was her, and only her, I was still so embarrassed, I’m sure my face was bright red, as I made my way out of the barn, I wondered where she had gone, then she popped out from behind the barn doors, shouting “BOO!” making me jump out of my skin, I looked at her, and to my surprised, she was laughing her head off, and even more surprisingly, she just said “Was that nice?” I looked at her, speechless actually, I mean, I didn’t know what to say, I had just been caught fucking my horse, what the hell was I supposed to say? But to my amazement, she stunned me, “Don’t worry doll, I’m not gonna tell anyone” By now, I must have looked like a zombie, not only was I extremely embarrassed, but I was very confused, then she proceeded to ask me a lot of questions, “How many times, what’s it like, does it hurt, does anyone know?” Now quite honestly, I just wanted to go back inside the barn and finish, so seeing as though she had deeply shocked me, I thought I would repay the favor, I was extremely nervous, but I thought I would try my luck, I thought she would say no for sure, but to my shock surprise, when I asked her if she wanted to watch, she just said “Hellz yeah!” And grabbing my arm, she hurriedly rushed me back into the barn.

As we made our way back into the barn, we stepped through the gate and into Buckles pen, then Beth, still holding my arm, almost threw me to the floor, on my knees, I looked back up at her, she stood towering above me, and suddenly, I felt rather uncomfortable with the situation, I felt like, I was being forced into doing this by my older cousin, that she had thrown me to the floor so that she could watch, although this wasn’t quite her intention, “Well c’mon then, as you were!” She shouted down at me, now I’ve always looked up to Beth, she’s like the older sister that I never had, and I’ve always tried to impress her, so not being any different, I shuffled a little closer to Buckle, and I reached up, his cock now almost totally withdrawn, but not all the way, and within a minute or so of some firm rubbing, his cock started to extend outwards again, “Wooow!” I hear come from behind me, but without looking I just keep on rubbing, as the head starts to droop lower and lower with the weight, I’m just about to stand up, until I feel a hand on my shoulder and push me back down to the floor, I turn to look at the hand, and then up to Beth, and with a grin on her face and a glazed look in her eyes, “Well aren’t you going to suck on it? Have you ever sucked on it before?” Looking up at her, I started to blush, and without being able to say it, I just nodded my head, a huge smile creeped across her face, then with a low toned, assertive voice, she said, “Show me..” And by now, I’m really feeling uncomfortable, I don’t like where this is going, I wouldn’t put it past her, but I thought that she was going to blackmail me into doing stuff for her, or that she was going to tell on me, even though she said she wouldn’t, she isn’t the most truth worthy member of my family, not wanting to incur her wrath, I just turn’s my head back towards Buckle and placed both of my hands along the length of his cock, which even though had dried slightly, was still covered in lube, and a great deal of my juices, I wasn’t particularly bothered about this, opening my mouth, I took Buckle in, and instantly met him with my tongue, his cock is so large, that I really have to force him into my mouth, but once he’s in, it’s not so bad, filling my mouth with just his head alone, I wasn’t able to move my head a great deal, looking out the corner of my eyes, I wasn’t really able to see Beth, or what she was doing, so.. I have no idea what was going on, but I didn’t have to wait very long to find out, kneeling down beside me, she placed her hand on the back of my head, and started to push it against Buckle, not being able to speak, I shook my head side to side to tell her no, but she just grinned at me and kept going, even though Buckles cock was too big to go down my throat, or even any further into my mouth, she still keeping pushing, until I started to gag, I kept looking at her out the corner of my eyes, and she just looked right back, I had never seen this side of Beth before, but it wasn’t a side I particularly liked, even more so, I wasn’t particularly fold of being used by my own cousin, grabbing a clump of my hair, she pulled my head backwards away from Buckles monster shaft, I huge line of saliva hanging from my lips to the head of his cock, I quickly wiped this away from my lips and looked up at her like, “Wtf was that about?!” My eyes watering from gagging, she looked back down at me and then looked straight at the bench, “C’mon, up you get, I want to see you fuck him again!” And by this time, quite honestly, I had sort of lost interest in this whole affair as it had taken such a bizarre turn of events, that I wasn’t sure this could even be real.

But before I had much of a chance to react to her next demand, she had reached down and grabbed me, lifting to my feet, she wasn’t going to let me out of this easily, I didn’t really want to get back underneath Buckle under these circumstances, I wasn’t comfortable with being bossed around like this, but I was still afraid of what she would do if I refused, so I moved up onto the bench, I kept looking over at Beth, hoping she would laugh and let me go, but she just had this glazed look on her face, moving back up onto the bench, I reached down to grab Buckles cock, but I still had my undies on, so I shuffled my hands under myself and managed to slip them off, I was actually rather shy and embarrassed to expose myself to Beth, although I knew she had experiences with girls also, this was different, it was like showing myself to my big sister, but I did it anyways, throwing my undies on the floor, I reached down between my legs and gripped at Buckles length, pulling him up close to me, I shuffled down towards him, and then I had the most horrible thought, that Beth would pull out her phone and video this, and then YouTube it or something, but I thought if I kept quiet, she might not think of this, pressing Buckle back up against my tight hole, I looked down and watch as it entered me, much easier than last time, but it still hurt, until he popped inside me, then it was just a case of pulling him back inside me, I don’t know why, but at that moment, I actually felt relaxed and relieved, that I had been caught, and that someone knew, it was kind of annoying writing the first story, having no one know who I am, as I laid there, impaled once more by this monster length, I rested my head back, and closed my eyes, I wasn’t really paying attention to Beth, but then I felt something that I had never felt before, not in that place anyways, but it was a tongue, lapping at my asshole, it took me a second to figure out what was going on, but then as I realized, my breath was taken away, not only with shock, but with pleasure, I lifted my head, and although I couldn’t see Beth at all, I could certainly feel her, her tongue was lapping away at my asshole, even though this was my own cousin eating my ass, I didn’t pull away, “Beth?” I called to her, but she didn’t answer me, being distracted with this new element of pleasure and surprise, I had stopped moving Buckles cock, looking down between my legs, I see a hand, reach up and place itself over mine on his cock, and all of a sudden, in a furious movement, Buckles cock was being rammed and forced into me with brutal force and speed, already having Buckles cock a deep amount inside me, he was bottoming me out, and for some reason, all I could find was pleasure, there wasn’t a single bit of pain, and although this kind of made me not able to feel Beth licking at my asshole, it wasn’t long before I felt her again, lifting her head up between my legs, I looked down at her, and blushed deeply, feeling very embarrassed, I laid my head back down as not to look at her, but my head was quickly raised again when I felt her tongue start to work at my clit, I was already fighting my urges to make noise, but this was as much as I could take, she wouldn’t let my right hand free from Buckles cock, but without even thinking, my left hand reached down and grabbed at Beth’s hair, I pulled at her and pushed her face into my clit, rubbing her face back and forth against my pussy, I could feel her tongue licking around my entrance at Buckles Length, I came about 5 times in as many minutes, or so it felt like anyways, but then Buckle started to shift against me, and without using either of our hands, Buckle rammed his cock so deep inside me, that I cried out in agony, it felt like he had damaged something inside me, pulling myself off of his length, I realized what was going on, and calming myself, I slowly pushed myself back down against him, feeling like I was in control for the first time, Beth had moved back when Buckle shifted, I motioned her closer with my finger, and reached down and grabbed his cock, to indicated nothing was wrong, and even though I knew what was coming, she didn’t, and I wasn’t about to tell her, grabbing her hair again, I roughly grinded her face into my pussy, holding her hair tight so she couldn’t pull away, I made sure she was getting her share of Buckle, as I had felt before, I could feel the cum run along the very length of his length, I laid my head back and let out a deep groan as I felt his warm thick cum fill me once again, I had to pull myself from his length slightly so that it could pour freely from his cock inside me, once I did this, cum gushed from my pussy, coating Buckles length, and Beth’s face, she reacted quickly and pulled her head backwards away, but I still had hold of her hair, and very firmly, I slammed her face back into my cunt, she reached up and clawed at my hand, but I was willing to take the pain, after about 5 seconds, her hands dropped, and she stopped resisting, I don’t know what she did, as I didn’t feel her tongue, but I could feel her lips, so I know that she at least tried to taste it, or that she was having a good drink!

After a minute or so had past, I could feel Buckles cock start to shrink in size, so I thought that we were done, and I released Beth’s hair, I thought she had moved away, but as I felt his length finally fall free from my now rather loose entrance, I went to sit up, and being blonde, head butted Buckle right in the tummy, as I laid back down and placed my hand on my forehead, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my thighs, and a tongue dart itself into my pussy, my breath was literally taken from my lungs, my pussy was so stretched from Buckle, that Beth could push her tongue so far inside me, this is when I knew that she had been swallowing the cum, because she was basically drinking it from my pussy, everything that Buckle left behind, instinctively I reached down and I placed both my hands on Beth’s head, gripping at her hair and silently begging her not to stop, I’ve been with a few female lovers, but I had never felt a tongue like hers, she was truly a master at this, I came so quickly, I was mixing my cum with Buckles, but she didn’t seem to care, she lapped up everything I had to offer, I was pretty much screaming now as she buried her head deeper between my legs, and her tongue deeper into my pussy, I had to pull a hand away from her head and put it in my mouth because I was making so much noise, I could feel her arms around my thighs getting tighter, so I knew she didn’t want to stop either, I managed to push her head away for a minute or so before I exploded, I looked down at her, she was red faced, but she just licked her lips and smiled at me, I was still finding it hard to believe the situation I was in, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this happening, but quite honestly, I wasn’t exactly hating the situation either, but I was curious as to how this would end, I didn’t really see any possible “good” outcome from this, she would either tell the world, as she likes everyone to know her sexual adventures, or she would have me doing this all the time, I didn’t really want my family to find out that I had slept with my cousin, oh.. and.. fucked a horse. =]

It was kind of an awkward moment as we both just sat there, neither of us said anything for what seemed like forever, for the first time ever, I saw Beth with nothing to say, I think the situation had finally sunk in with her as well, as I shuffled down closer to her, I made my way off of the bench and onto the floor in front of her, her mouth was totally plastered in mine, and Buckles cum, without even asking her, I pressed my lips to hers, and stuck my tongue right into her mouth, I just had to taste all of those juices inside, I have a thing about tasting remember? I didn’t want this to end, so I pulled my lips from hers, and asked her, “Why don’t you try?” She looked up at the cock hanging behind her, then back at me, and then down at the floor, and I thought she had lost interest, and was going to tell me that she had had enough, but she was just full of surprises today, and she agreed to try it, me already only wearing my bra and high heels, knelt down in front of her, and she backed off slightly and started to strip down, as I said before, she has the most amazing body, and watching as she revealed herself made me extremely horny, and I wanted her very much, but I was a little disappointed as she seemed it was Buckle she was interested in, not me, I wasn’t too mad, as I did REALLY want to see what it looked like to see someone else get fucked in front of me.


Part 6: somebody else time

I wasn’t really sure what had happened to Beth, but she seemed to have lost her mojo, so being quite a dominant person myself, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to put myself in charge, “Get up on the bench Beth” I said in a rather, firm tone, and without speaking a single word, she then climbed up on the padded bench, in the same position as I did the first time I was with Buckle, and even though I was going to have her lay on her back, having her lay on her front was actually much better for me, she climbed up onto the bench, and then I pushed her forward slightly, moving in behind her, I placed my hands up against her pussy, spreading her lips I instantly pushed my tongue straight up into her pussy, which was absolutely soaked, I was surprised how wet she was, her inner thighs were totally soaked, but I couldn’t get enough of her juices, I could see her hands starting to claw at the padding on the bench, and she started to move away from me, creeping forward on the bench, so having leant from her earlier, I wrapped my arms around her thighs, and pulled her back against my mouth, forcing my tongue right back into her pussy, as I did this, I think she gave in because she parted her legs and gave me even more access, but just as she did this, I looked up, and I don’t know why, but I stuck out my tongue, and darted it straight into her asshole, I don’t think Beth was expecting this, as she jolted forward and let out a very deep groan of pleasure, I shifted my hand slightly and pushed two fingers into her, I felt like she was my bitch now, as I had her pinned to the bench, and as I licked at her asshole and fingered her pussy, each time she tried to pull away from me, I yanked her back, and forced her back against my mouth, using my free hand, I reached up, and started to rub at Buckles cock, hoping that he had recharged by now, I was slightly surprised as almost the very second I touched his cock, it shot out of his sheath and was back at full extension, I wanted Buckle to fuck her, but I also didn’t want him to get carried away and hurt her, although, better her than me eh? As I continued to push my tongue into her asshole, I had now all four of my fingers in her pussy, she was making a great deal of noise, which actually make me feel a lot better, knowing how much noise she had made me make, I was glad I could make her do the same, as I continues to jack off Buckles length, he started to shudder, and I thought that he was about to cum again, but he was just getting agitated, he soon settled down, I had decided which hole I was going to put Buckle in, and after I pulled my tongue out of her ass, I spat at it, a big blow of spit sat on her asshole, and I placed my hand on her thigh and pinned her against the bench, I expected to have to hold her steady when she felt him up against her asshole, but as I positioned his cock closer to her, and nudged it up against her asshole, I didn’t hear anything from her, she didn’t even try to move away from it, by this time I had totally forgotten about the lube, so I just grabbed Buckles length with both hands and gripped him tightly, shoving him against her asshole, she let out a very deep yelp and her hand came flying back behind her to indicate for me to stop, but I didn’t, and as I brutally forced Buckle against her, she let up another cry, and she tried to climb her way over the bench to get away from it, but I was quick to this, and I moved closer to the bench, and using my body, I pressed her legs into it, stopping her from moving, my head was just inches away from this giant horse cock penetration my cousins asshole, I watched carefully and I felt the “pop” as it made its way inside her asshole, and I heard her sigh deeply with relief, but then she yelped sharply as I gave her no time to recover and started to pile as much of Buckle up her ass as I could, she kept flinging her hands backwards to try and get me to stop, but she never spoke once, she just yelped and moaned.

After I got as much as I could into her ass, which was A LOT more than it felt like I took, I continued to jam her full of Buckles cock, after a while, she stopped yelping, and just started to moan like a whore, I could see each time she came as I had a perfectly clear view of her pussy, every now and then I would push my head into between her legs and have a good taste, she was so wet that I could have licked her none stop and she would have still been dripping her, it was truly amazing to look closely and see how much her asshole had stretched out around Buckles length, pushing my tongue into her pussy as far as I could, she let out a deep moan, I wasn’t really sure what was wrong with Buckle, but he just didn’t seem interested in what we were doing today, he had barely moved, and he had barely made any noise, I thought maybe me and Beth weren’t good enough for him, I decided to try and entice him into showing some interest, after I had jammed an arms length up Beth’s ass, I started to rub at Buckles length, reaching back I started really jacking him off, using both my hands to rub his length, as well as continuing to shove as much as I could up her ass, Beth was now moaning so loud that I had to shhhh her, but she didn’t listen, instead I saw her hand move between her legs, and she started rubbing at her clit like mad, I let her do it, she would push her fingers inside herself from time to time, and I would lick at them as she did, pulling them out and letting me suck them clean before she rubbed herself to another orgasm, but as I kept rubbing at Buckles monstrous shaft, he started to act strangely, jolting from time to time, bucking against Beth, which she seemed to fucking love, as every time he rammed into her, she would let out this very deep moan, I managed to get Buckle into a steady rhythm of bucking against her, I didn’t really want to do this, as I didn’t want him to injure her, but she didn’t seem to care, and honestly, neither did I, Buckle had now sprung to life, and for a while I thought Beth had been killed, as she went deadly silent for a minute, but as Buckle started to pick up speed and power, she soon found her voice again, and once again started moaning as Buckle plowed her ass, I actually had to stop rubbing at Buckles length, because her moans started to turn into screams, and I knew that he was getting a little carried away, so I stopped rubbing at his length, and just continued to ram him up her ass, but he had already had his share, and he started to lift his back legs slightly, I had never seen this before, but I did recognize the way he had shuddered into Beth, and I knew that he was about to fill her with cum, I thought seeing as though he was done I might as well send him off with a bang, rubbing at his length roughly Buckle started to move violently again, I could hear him chewing at the wooden post he was tied to, Beth was now rubbing her clit like a maniac whilst Buckle fucked her, after a minute or so of him pounding her this way, he kind of calmed himself, and shuddered strongly once more, but then all of a sudden, I heard Beth let out a very long winded moan, she laid her head down on the bench sideways, and looked back at me with a smile, reaching back with her hands, she placed them on her ass cheeks and spread them, allowing Buckle to empty his load right into her ass, as I looked up at her, she said softly “He’s.. done” I’m not sure if she was talking about him in general being done, or if he had finished cumming inside her, she laid there for a minute or so, before Buckles cock finally fell free from her asshole, a huge stream of cum pouring from her ass, down over her pussy and the back of her thighs, she didn’t move at all, so I crawled my way round to the side of the bench on the floor, and kneeled up at her side, tilting my head to the side, I pressed my forehead to hers softly, and gave her a kiss, luckily she was wearing a watch, and to my surprise, it was 11:13am, we still had plenty of time.

Me still wearing just my bra and high heels, and Beth, not wearing anything at all apart from her stripy socks, slid down from the bench, we both looked at each other, but we didn’t say a word, she started to pick up her clothes, I picked up my own underwear and gave them to her to hold for a minute, as I struggled to push the bench back out of Buckles pen, I left huge scrape marks on the floor, so if anyone went into the barn, they would know the bench had been moved, closing the spare pen, I went back into Buckles pen, and I saw Beth leaning against the wall, she was almost asleep, I walked over to her and snapped my fingers in front of her, which promptly woke her up, I took her hand and started to lead her out of the pen, completely forgetting about Buckle, I stopped, and went to go back into the pen, Beth asked me if I was going back for more, I laughed and told her no, reaching up to remove Buckles reigns, I had been drained of my strength, and hanging it back up on the wall nearly killed me, I couldn’t even be bothered to sprinkle fresh hay over the hay on the floor we had showered in cum, I went back to Beth, and I held her hand as we stepped out of the barn, taking a quick look to see if any more cars had pulled up, and luckily they hadn’t, we walked back over to the house, and we both got a drink before heading up to my room.

I walked into my room and I chucked my underwear into the laundry basket, and then sat on my bed to take off my high heels that strap up round my thigh, I couldn’t quite believe what I saw next, Beth got down on her hands and knees, still totally naked herself, and crawled along the floor towards me, pushing her head between my legs she started to lick my pussy, I thought to myself “God woman, don’t you ever quit?!” But I wasn’t about to tell her to stop either, I parted my legs and let her have at it, she is truly a fucking angel with that tongue, over and over she made me cum, until she finally pulled her head back and licked her lips, looking up at me, the clock had now moved to about 12:20pm, she crawled up on top of me, and we just laid there, I don’t know how long for, but then I heard the jingle of my mums car keys in the key dish, I think Beth was asleep actually, but I rolled her off of me, and sprinted to my door, locking it, although no one came up anyways, as I did this, Beth rolled over and woke up, I told her I was going to take a shower because people were arriving, I have my own shower in my room, so as I set the water to cool, not warm, but not cold either, I started to wash my body, and much to my delight, the shower curtain pulled aside, and Beth, still naked, stepped into the shower with me, at first it was just a normal shower, we washed each other, but I couldn’t help myself, so I sunk down to my knees and lifted Beth’s leg up to the side of the tub, giving me perfect room to eat her out, we must have stayed in the shower for another 40 minutes just eating each other out, and we probably would have gone on for even longer, if my mum didn’t knock at my door and ask me to come down and see the family, after we finished up, we dried ourselves and helped do each other’s hair and make-up, it was really sweet, and I’ve never felt closer to my cousin.

I know it was only one experience, and I know it’s wrong, but I really feel like I want more from my cousin, like a relationship, and I think maybe she feels the same, but I know that would never work, I really feel like I’m in love with her, even though I had a good time, I’m not sure what to do about my current situation, we’ve been texting each other all morning, saying that was the best time ever, and that she wants to see me again, but I don’t know what to do…

The End(?)

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