Women with Animals
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Unexpected Filling of Fantasy


(c) 2020 by Berlin-couple

We travel into the woods. Abit North of tegel. Walking along the track for an hour. Hearing the birds sing and see the sunbeams peak through the roof of the forrest.

We find a place to take of the trails, into the floor of barneedles. Travel of trail for 30min to get totally away. Away from all people.

We find a nice spot to put up a tent. Green moss, fallen trees, trees standing. A few boulders here and there. All looks untouched by human hands.

Before we even get started on the tent, you already jumped out of all your clothes as fast as the backpack hit the ground. If I did not know better, it would have looked like they where connected to one another.

I do the same, gently take them off and hurdle them over a fallen tree trunk with its big roots still attached.

You start putting up our tent for the night, bending over extra and spreading your legs to the sides, just to give me a good teasing view. Seing the shadows of the leaves on your back and ass.

I start to make a makeshift roof for when we want to lie outside with a few logs as frame, rope and see through plastic so we can clearly see the sky in the night.

I see you look over several time and enjoy the sight of the free swinging willy while I work.

Over by the fallen tree, you have seen a hole in the log. You find your red dildo and place it in. Still sticking out, you sit down on it, letting it slip all the way in. Enjoying the feeling and sitting on the trunk. Watching me fight the contraption while you sit still with a dildo not visible up your ass and playing with your clit.

Hun, are you still not done yet, you ask teasingly.
Soon love. Just need to get the last rope around here and pull it up. I would not used any less time on the tent mind you.

You laugh and say with laughter still in your voice; don’t use up all the rope now hun. I want to have some fun with that later.

After a few min, I manage to get all in place. You see my sweat glinsing in the sunlight, playing the same tune the juices of your pussy are playing where it is reflecting the light.

All done love, I say and look at it pleased. No you are not “all done” hun. You still have not done me yet.

I turn and see you playing and fingering, leaning back on the trunk and push the pussy outwards. Clear sign where you want it.

My dick go from the swinging willy to the straight up commandant at once. Seing how you are inviting me in and a wet trail.

What are you waiting for hun you ask with a eager voice.
Just enjoying the sight love.
I stear my dick right into your pussy. Feel it is tighter then normal. You let out a small moan and shoot your pelvis back and fort while holding on to the trunk , so you won’t fall off.

Now I feel it, feel the big red through your walls pushing against my dick with your rhythm. A double penetration in the forrest.
I take a branch and break it off. A slim long one. Whip you over the boobs. You moan loud for each hit, leaving a red stripe. Each hit you speed up more and more til they are too sore.

I pull out, take a step back as you keep fucking the dildo up in the ass. *smack smack* Right on each side of your pussy. Hit again straight on the clit.

You cum as a fountain, now rubbing all you can, pushing the pelvis back and forth and move it up and down. Each hit on the pussylips and over your fingers, a new big beam shoot out of you. All drenched, you slide off the trunk and on to your knees infront of me. Sucking me and face fucking. Holding your head pulling you forth and back as I push my dick forth and back.
Shooting all my sperm deep down your throat.

The next day, you wake me up. Want to get the most of the day. Hot weather. 20c. Perfect.
We eat our meal outside and sip down 2 icecoffes before we start anything.

I put a leash on you now, grab a bag and take you out to the log again. Lay you over, tie your body to it with some rope from the bag and your arms.

Take a blindfold over your eyes and I walk away.
Searching for two logs to put down in the ground on either side of your legs, so you can not put them together.

You are laying over there alone. Feeling your senses get stronger as the minutes fly by. Not knowing what awaits. Fantasy is running wild.

While I am searching, I hear something in the distant. Naked as one am, I try to circle in the sound and hope not to be noticed.
There another woman is sitting under her horse. Making it ready and sucking it’s dick. Fondling her breast and in her own world.

I try to get a better look, but manage to break a dry old branch on the ground.
She get pulled out of her dreams tate, jumps up with big eyes and grab the horses leech. Hoping that I did not see anything.

Sorry for scaring you miss. I say calmly. I was not expecting others on these side of the woods.
She blushes and calms more down, then I see her eyes wander down.

First I think nothing of it. Maybe she just looks in the ground cause of the weird situation. Then I realise, I am standing here naked.

Oh oh sorry again miss. I stutter. I had forgot I was naked. Hope it is OK. Not a stalker in the woods. We where just having fun over there and I was looking for two logs to tie her feet too aswell.

She gives me a smirk and ask if I need help. I quickly reply if she needs help to get him started too.

Oh. You saw that. I was hoping you did not. I do not usaly do this. First time. The lust took over l she said as she now was looking down on the ground abit ashamed.

No worries. We have been interested in trying the same thing, and to be honest, did not look it was your first time. Why not come with me over and help us with it, if it is OK for you.

She did agree. As we wandered back, we picked up two logs on the way. As we approached the camp, we could see you vendt and tied. Shaking like a leaf. Tried to hold it in for too long and see a stream of pee.

That’s hot she say. You guys into that too?
Yeah I said with abit proud ess in my voice. Want to clean her while I put them down?

Hi love. Sorry it took some time. Let me clean your pussy up for you.
You don’t answer. You are fully within your séances and the anticipation is now increased as I came back.

Still not heard her, but you did hear the clipping of hooves. Where did he get a horse now?

The woman slides in between your legs, taking in a sniff of your mixed juices and kicks gently through your folds.

You give out a moan and shiver. Wondering if I have shaved while being away. No stubbs pricking your clit.

As I start to put them into the ground and tie up your legs, you put two and two together. Realising another have shown up. A stranger in between. Cleaning your cunt with her tongue. Not letting a drop go to waste and hit the ground.

Just the thought of this make you moan more and more wet. She works up between the folds, circle around your peephole punching it side to side with her tongue and up to your clit. Gently playing around it before she start to nibble.

Your shakes are getting stronger and stronger, moan louder and louder. Unable to move, you can just take it all.

She opens up her whole mouth to have all of your pussy trapped in her lips. Breathing in it and playing with her tongue all over. Her spit drooling all over your pussy and inside.

You start to tremble now, trying to move your body away. Want tell her to move cause you are about to blow. Not able to get a word past your moans, you squirt her mouth full. Hearing her swallow hard, trying to keep it all inside. Struggling to keep your pussy enclosed in her mouth.

After she is done, she licks her lips and go over to the horse. You are gasping for air, still over the trunk. Not able too see. After she do a quick work on the horses dick, sucking it to the full length, she takes it over to you. You who now just got your breath back.

You feel the trunk shake and hear two hives land in each side of you.
We help the horse in place as he is pushing his dick hard into air. Thrusting forward.

You feel it in between the cheeks as he just misses and glanses over your ass and in between. Feeling the full length up.
He miss a few times before we get it in.

The horse do not go in gently. That is just one big trust and straight into your pussy, all the way down to the bottom. Using your birth canal as a punching ball.
Thrust after Trust. All the way. See you leaking more and more each time he pulls backwards and his dick shining in your juices.

A mix of pain and enjoyment moans from you. Not a bad pain, but good.
The horse thrust a last time and fill you up with his cum as you scream in a big orgasm.

The horses dick shrinks and fall out with a big splosh sound. And sperm dripping out. Loads of it.

I start to lick your ass, then use fingers in it to warm it up. Taking abit of horse cum and use it as lube to get more and more of my fingers in. 8 fingers pumping in and out. Stretching outwards every time I pull out to get ring ready for a bang.

Hey lady, can you help me please I ask. Can you hold her ass open for me?
She climb up in you, sit down on your back, take 8 fingers in and put them in as deep as she can. Spread your ass open as far in as she can go.

You feel a sudden warmth going in. The warm feeling you had before filling you up inside. I stop and hold it in abit and see my gold sinc in deeper and deeper before I continue.

Emptying my bladder in your ass aabd let it sink abit in. Get the horse that looks like it is ready for round two. While she is still holding you stretched and open, I stear it’s dick in. Into the opening of your shitt hole. Just get the head inside before she removes her fingers.

I go around and show my dick in your mouth. Having you to clean it and suck me.
You suck and moan like never before. Feeling the big dick of the horse getting deeper and deeper in your ass, past the bone, together with my hot pee. She is helping pulling the horse cock out and in again. Jerking it off at the same time.

You try to scream in orgasm but chocke in my dick instead. Your scream turn into a gurgling sound.

The horse cums again deep into your ass at the same time I cum in your mouth. Mixing its gue with my piss in your ass. If you could you would have fallen over. All used up. Glad and enjoyed the sudden surprise. Completely filled. Cum dripping out of the pussy, cum and piss slowly finding the exit in the ass.

So exhausted you do not even notice the woman eating out both your holes to clean up the mess she and her stallion have made.

I release you from the logg. You slide off slowly backwards. The woman do not stop, and go down with you to the ground. Ending up in a 69. You just rest your head on her clean shaved moun. Head tiltet to the side.

You start to push out all from your holes. Feeding her like a bird mother, and she gaping under like a young Chiken hatchling. Swallowing it all bit by bit.
You move your pussy down to completely cover mouth and move it slowly back and fourth. Just hearing her mmmphhmmfmmh that is the air that escapes from her nose and mouth in between your pussy as you grind her face.

Making sure it is clean. You come more to your senses, sit up and slaps her pussy. It have spread wide open and her clit is showing in full bloom.
Now do my ass and make it clean you say in a demanding voice and give her pussy a new harder slap. Hitting in between her lips and dead on the glinsing wet meat in between and clit.

*splosh* it go and droplets of her fly off as you hit.
A shock through her body as she shiver from the pelvis and shoot up like a traveling wave through her body towards the head.

You aim the ass down at her, the gaping hole in all its bloom. She takes her hands and show them in your ass like before and spread your ring as you spread your cheaks with yours.

With all spread, she comes in deep, deep with her tongue. Still wide open mouth. Hitting the lower part your pussy. You feel the hot air crawl through the valley every time she breath heavily out.

You start to push and push to empty the rest that got shot in deep. Feeling the flow of horse cum and urine try to get out. Still warm. Slidering towards slowly.

You moan and groan, push in interwals, trying to get it out. She have taken her fingers out. Your ass opens wide and contracts as you push and release.
Hear a high HNNNGH. See your ass open even more, the ring shaking and disappears. Disappear as your ass is turning inside out. Blooming outwards slowly.

She put the hole red in her mouth, sucking it like a straw as it grow. Making a preasure in your ass and fill her mouth and throat with the mix. Just like a baby sucking on a bottle, she is sucking your prolaps, holding your hips. You make a new squeeze and loose control over the bladder. Pissing all over her body. A steady stream overhear pussy. As the preasure fall, your golden beam retract slow over body. Over her belly and boobs. Like a stream of a hose you turn down.

You are mine now. I have marked you you say giggling. Not able to hold it in.

Yes mistress you hear from your rear.
Dam right you say for fun and give her a hard slap over more soaked pussy. Feeling her body getting a new wave of shock.

Sooo…you say dragging the word as I see horns grow out from your head and a evil grin appears. Could see the idea strike.

You rise up, reach back and feel your prolapse. Give out a small moan as you are trying to figure out witch muscles to use to retract it. A muscle woman usaly never use, but boy use it to tip their dick up and down.

You manage to find out how and push it back out abit to so retract again to completely learn the control.

You grab her by the throat and get her to her feet and throw her now over the logg. Hun, come here and tie her down while I hold her.

I have been having fun enjoying it all, watching how all have played out. Things I would never expect, nor think you would get so wet by.

Walk straight over, grab the rope and start to tie her down. She “fights” you to “try” and get out of your grip. Making you grip harder and push a few times towards the logg. To show her who’s in charge.

After she is all tied up as you was earlier, you go to the horse and steer it to where she lie belly over. You start to jerk the big cock to get it bigger and stiff.

Now you slut, it is payback you say with a devilish tone.
You steer the horse in place.
Try to get it in her ass. Fiddling with its big head to get it into her small asshole. No warming up, no lube. Just dry in.

*swoop* it go as the head suddenly pops in as you push in. Making her scream out in a mix of pain and pleasure.

I lay down under the logg in the same angle as her. With my dick hard.
Sit down and ride me live, then you get the full sight of her getting rammed at the same time.

So there we are. We are now fucking right next and a tad under the big horse. Can see he struggle to get deep in her.

You take your hand up and insert it into her pussy. Feeling the cock just abit inside her ass. Take the hand out and smear his cock with her juiced to help him destroy her.

I grab your ass and push you abit forward. Give you a slap on the ass.
You take your fist again up in her pussy to get more juice to smear the dick, then some from your self.

Try out the new trick, you lean more forward and adjust so only the tip on my dick is in your ass. You press hard, and I see your ass open up, stretch it self and start to bloom over my dick, see it slowly eat and swallow my dick with your prolapse.

I’m so horny where I lie and see this. Your hungry ass making a prolapse to engulf my dick and see you work the horse cock more into her ass through her pussy.

The horse makes a sound and pushes hard forward, you feel his dick through her pussy dissappear deep in her ass.
Start to wank him through her and sit down again on the dick. Folded around my dick. And inside. Giving it a deeper feeling. You go slowly up and down, pushing and retracting your ass in the same speed.

Fucking your ass and prolapse at the same time. Feeling the ass really milking me.

The End

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