Women with Animals
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© 2024 by coal12t

Every farmer values their stallions. And for an Arabian farm- there was the same mentality.

The problem was that mares only came into season occasionally while their stud counterparts were always excited to go. Sure, there were the artificial benches but some clients asked for an authentic experience for their stallion…without the mare.

Which is where broodmares came into play.

Jason was very pleased with his newest broodmare- a woman in her mid twenties with hips that she grew into, allowing for a beautiful rear to form along her legs, which would provide excellent stimulation for an Arabian stallion. The beautiful woman was securely strapped to the bench and awaiting her man with legs spread.

“Alright, Rasmes, easy now,” he said to the white stallion, nostrils flaring with the need to breed. He was the one stallion that had gone on the longest without release and it was showing- his balls were low and heavy with sperm, his usual gentle demeanor had changed into an aggressive manner unfit for his breeding.

“I’ve got you a new Palomino mare,” he said, releasing the metal hatch and walking out of the stall. The stallion began prancing, his body jigging with every step. He whinnied loudly as his hooves crossed the paved road and into the turf grass of the breeding area. His movements became more animated as he recognized where he was going and the work he would be doing. Eager to meet his mate, Ramses pulled on the rope, nickering his greeting to the woman in her bench.

It was specifically designed to ease both breeding partners. For the stallion, it was outdoors, allowing for the beast to see his other mates while breeding the mare (either of his species or human) and look out for danger. The floor was strategically dug, allowing for the bench to be raised so the stallion could sink his cock deeper into his human mare strapped beneath him.

For the human- it was shaded by trees to prevent being too exposed. The ground was raised to provide height and the breeding bench was deeply implanted into the ground as to prevent being jostled. The wooden frame was covered with plush, leather cushions that covered thick and expensive leather bonds. The broodmare was to be draped over so her chest laid on the largest part of the log, secured with two straps laid over her back. Her arms were kept safely at her sides, bound at the wrist, elbow and along her shoulder blades, which then was encased by a protective cushion so the stallion could mount without fear of crushing his mare.

To prevent harm at her face, a variety of bits could be exchanged. Currently, the palomino made had a straight rigger bit along her mouth, framed by two D- reins that held her head up to the camera and the farm hands. This palomino broodmare recently had her pony tail cut to create her new tail butt plug, so her shortened hair allowed for everyone to see her facial expressions along with the sweat already beginning to bead around her brow.

One of the promising junior farm hands, Steve, had two hands on her exposed rear with a bottle of -Mare Luve Lube at his feet. Jason could see that his two fingers were firmly pumping her tail hole, and judging by the quiver of her plump thighs, he was giving her a pleasurable introduction to their stables. The lube in question had numerous properties, the main one being that it had mare heat scent within, which Ramses had picked up on judging by the excited pawing at the ground, and it had a bit of ginger root- which would cause a blooming heat within the broodmares anal passage- only making her more horny.

“Look how cute her tail came out!” Steve said, moving the hand that was resting over the small of her back to the plug. Lifting it showed the unicorn horn design they chose for her- the purple spiral about five inches long, growing larger at the base where a little knot rested to keep secure within her ass. Attached to the end of the plug was the remains of her hair, blonde and seven inches long, draped down with a slight curl.

After today, the mare would get a name and keep her tail- using it every time she bred or when showed off to potential stud hunters for cover fees. After all, there was money to be made in authentic sperm collections and photos were the first introduction to potential clients.

Rasmes clearly didn’t care for the tail, only interested in smelling his broodmare. Pulling the chain to get some control, Jason motioned for his assistant to plug the mare as he approached with the stud.

Ramses nostrils took in great gulps of air and all who were near could witness his cock beginning to drop from his sheath as he smelled his new mare. Her quaking thighs were held still as the Stallion brought his nose to her, taking in chuffs of her scene, mixed with the special lubricant. As this was happening, Steve brought her tail plug to her hole, spreading her one butt cheek back to give access to her home, the purple tip was brought to her rosy entrance and shoved with little hesitation.

The broodmare let out a beautiful sound that foreshadowed an amazing performance, her breath exhaling with a soft cry, only to be lost along Ramses whinny. The stallion lifted his nose, lip curling to indicate he approved of his mares scent.

“She’s never been mounted by a stud,” Jason said, jostling the rope to get Rasmes’ attention back to his cock. The stud was a lover, his nose still puffing against her bare pussy. Surprising Jason, his tongue slipped out and began licking her small folds. He watched as the broodmare could only twitch, away or closer, an inch in his tongue. The palomino mare cried out in her gag, biting down and rocking as best she could in the restraints.

Jason had a good feeling about this broodmare, she was nervous on the bench, but not crying, begging or pleading. Her eyes darted and followed each of their moments, head rocked back to try and get a look at Ramses, but she was not fighting the corral like some newer mares did. Perhaps the mare wanted this all along and her twitches and flinches were only instinctively done while her mind begged for the restraints to be pulled tighter to allow a better breeding.

What a lovely surprise that would be- to have an eager broodmare!

“Now there’s a good girl,” he said, surprised that his stud wasn’t immediately diving into her tight channel but impressed all the same. She was a new mare to the fame and he supposed that breaking her in gently would serve well for future mountings. “I know this is all new for you,” he said, chuckling as his horse went back to sniffing her, his tail swishing with anticipation. “But we take care of all our animals here. Broodmares the most.”

Looking back, he could see Ramses cock had fully dropped from his sheath and he was done his introduction and courting. Ramses knickered as he reared up and braced his weight on the breeding stand, his cock thrusting wildly for her pussy.

The lovely thing about the stand and the tail plug was that it mimicked nature- the natural spread of a mares hooves was shifted into the breeding bench- legs spread wide and bent to allow the stallions cock an easy journey to her hole. The tail added direction to the cock while preventing the broodmare from any other trauma- it was natural- a part of the mare herself and familiar to the stud.

Ramses cock missed her body entirely for the first thrust, gliding along her torso before he adjusted his weight, hooves stumbling along the turf.

“It’s been a while bit, but you can do better than a preteen,” Jason said, pulling his horse back to get another mount. The stallion dismounted, only to throw his head back down to her pussy. He sniffed it several times, licking twice to reintroduce himself, and then mounted back up.

This mount was better.

Ramses had thrust his cock along with the mount, finding the palimnos ass and slipping along her tail. She squeezed under Ramses as he shifted his hips and thrust forward.

Oh, their coupling was beautiful.

With her head tilted forward, there was no missing her expression when she was penetrated, her eyes rolled into her head as her body jolted with Ramses thrust. Her teeth clenched along the gag, body suspended in the restraints as Ramses made a place for himself within her. The sound she made was exquisite for a virgin broodmare- some cross between a whine and an aroused shout. Her body continued to sing as Ramses conducted the musical with his cock. Each shove brought them closer, hooves clacking along the wooden frame, causing her leather bonds to ring like bells. All while the primitive sound of fucking grew around them. Ramses, with his animal grunts as his hips and tail curled in to further bury himself within his mare was harmonized with her sharp squeals and heady moans.

It ended as quickly as it started- Ramses grunting only to dismount a moment later, pulling his cock out with a heavy sluck. 

“Holy fuck,” one of the assistants said, eyes glued to the gape of the broodmare’s hole, partly covered by her tail plug yet the growing evidence of their coupling was splashed on the grass.

Jason said nothing as his stud inspected his mare- causing her to yelp when his tongue slipped over and into her folds. One of the men’s moans shifted into a curse as Ramses climbed back onto her, his shaft smearing her as it searched for her hole for the second time.

Bending back down to the new mare, he brushed some of her hair back before bestowing a rather gentle kiss to her forehead.

“He’s been pent up for a while, sweet mare,” he chuckled, laying a guiding palm on her forehead as Ramses thrust in. Her eyes rolled into her head as she leaned into his palm, each thrust moving his hand along with the movement of their mating. “You’re going to be here for a while. But don’t worry- Master takes care of all his creatures.”

He stepped away and let her head hang, allowing her to better focus on her new job. Ramses wasted no time teaching her- giving a thorough lesson to his new mare. She missed on the stand, her body allowing each thrust to meet its mark, only to willingly accept his offerings.

After the second round, Jason pulled Ramses away from her cunt, giving it a moment to bubble and empty on the turf. Her cunt was a beautiful sight of gaping and gasping, trying to close itself from such intrusion left little globs of semen to drop from the swollen folds of her labia. Her body twitched, only shaking her own pony tail, spreading her scent around for Ramses to smell. When his stud protested, Jason pulled the rope and with a firm voice said:

“You need to reload.”

His new mare groaned at that, her pussy squeezing in submission to her stallion and new Master. Yet, any Master knew it would not do to have any stallion mounting a mare when only shooting blanks. It would harm her spine or she would kick him in the balls. While Jason had his broodmare secured and she a small, little human, the principle still remained.

It also allowed for the cameras to get a close shot of her gaping hole, dropping down thin streams of come to the ground. Her holes tried to close for some form of modesty and muscle memory but with the angle her legs were open- such was not possible and only pretty to look at. Feeling generous to the camera, Jason leaned over and lifted the hair of her tail, gently pulling at at spiraled knot in her hole. Compared to her pussy, the rosy bud was tight and gripping the end of the plug- still glistening with lube.

It was a wonderful contrast and the cameras took in the recording of her mating with each blink of a red button.

Smirking, Jason brought his thumb over the plug, pushing it a little deeper and feeling the ruffled skin around her, slick and inviting. His mare whined under his, cheeks squeezing his fingers in protest. Satisfied, Jason released her cheeks and patted the right one, firm, owning and reassuring her that she was a good broodmare for her stud and Master.

Ramses knickered next to him- seeming to think the same thing.

“Alright boy, you can have her now.” Jason gave the stallion rein to mount up and he wasted no time in climbing the bench and sinking his cock back into her slight body.

Now that the frantic need to come has passed, Ramses mounted her without missing, sliding his dark cock into her body, pushing through his own release any any remaining resistance to her body. His front hooves gripped the edges of the mating table as his back hooves pushed his balls flush to her cunt. The stallion was no longer interested in coming- now, he was going to mate. 

Jason, smiling at the success of breaking a new broodmare, moved to the front to watch his creatures mate where he witnessed the determination within his stallion’s wild eyes and the way which his new, palomino broodmare’s body accepted Ramses.

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