Men with Animals
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Going ‘Under-cover’


My name is Mike, currently working for a division of the Justice Department, specifically assigned research and destruction of new designer drugs, classified as Schedule Ones, in other words these have no medical value but pose a threat to the general public. Currently we are aware of well over 200 of these various compounds, all or most created to change the normal body functions with various degrees … most of the street drugs are handled by DEA, but when one is discovered with alarming effects, our facility is contacted for assistance.

That was what happened when a new substance began showing up in bars, clubs, social gatherings and so on … It came in a liquid form, easy to administer, once a female consumed this, it was today’s equivalent of the old Spanish Fly, only this one was real and appeared to be on steroids of the old version.

Women who were given the drug, within minutes the need to have sex started to build within her body, the heat between her legs, began to increase in leaps and bounds, her arousal spiking off any charts .. the only thing that satisfied this heat, was a load of human male sperm .. .that seemed to calm her body down … however the need grew again within hours .. essentially she had become a ‘Cock-slut’, seeking, doing anything asked to satisfy the growing itch deep inside her body.

Our research indicated the more fo this new ‘Slut drug’ was consumed, the more addicted to sex of any kind she became. Making it a drug of choice for illegal bars, clubs and so on. Organized crime was using it to hire new sex workers …the fact they needed to be fucked made what they were paid to be minimal – since they needed the companionship.

We had obtained a sample from a gentleman in a South American bar … the frightening discovery was in multiple forms: First it was in liquid form, easy to slip into a drink, easily tasted as a dare or what ever .. either way very little needed to be consumed, for the effects to take place. Secondly in analyzing the product, it contained a definite combination of two samples, a Bovine mix and a human male mix. The bovine contained some unknown drugs never discovered, the males also had some unknown drugs… we’d never come across anything like this before, but one that made no sense, … how it was mixed, why the bulls were given the additional drugs, again no idea why – but somehow when mixed the effects were devastating.

That is where my story begins. We identified the area in South America where the drug seemed to be coming from .. a small village not far from Rio, an area controlled by five women known as The Mommies … it was said they all seduced their husbands making them work in the factory, producing and creating drugs attributed to this Cartel … we knew very little about them, only that they were stunning sex goddess’, but we had no pics of them, knew very little about them, only there were five of them and most guys would do anything to spend sometime with them. When it was decided I’d go undercover to see what was there, these women had to be in their mid forties to early fifties … so I was looking for five older broads who were sexy as hell.

I”m in my early thirties, keep myself in good shape and am told not hard ton the eyes, easily attracting the opposite sex or as easy as any guy can when it comes to women.

The nearest we could pin-point a possible place to make contact was a small local club called simply, “Pussy Power” … it was owned by five young ladies, as far as we could tell – no relation to the ones we were after, these five were sexy as anything anyone can imagine … men who had spent time with them all agreed they could really ‘fuck your brains out’. They all shared any toys they picked up, but even though there were five of them, these were way too young to run such a massive empire … our best information was they owned this club and a large home not far away.

Best gathered info confirmed the Mommies frequented the club occasionally, so making contact here was my best bet.

Checking into a local motel, my cover story that I owned several night clubs in Mexico .. was looking for ways to increase my sex business … dressed in a casual shirt, shorts, sandals and going commando gave me the opportunity to show how well endowed I was, maybe this along with what I was looking for would be enough for one of them to become interested.

Being somewhat surprised when I entered the club, all new members were required to go through a full body scanner ,,, I had assumed for guns or weapons of any kind, what I didn’t know was the fact to show what I was packing between my legs as well as a body profile a complete medical profile on me, as well as any communication devices I may have had planted on my body.

Not realizing the capability this group had, no alarms were sounded by the communication team back at the home office.

Ginger, a tall stunningly gorgeous brunette creature … all complete with super-sized tits, a figure to die for and the hungry look of a sex goddess … was also the CEO of the club … she and the other four were at a table off to one side of the stage … a young female stripper was performing an erotic dance when I took a seat at the bar.

This sexual beauty received a copy of my profile before I took at seat, sending a text to the redheaded bar tender, ‘Give this one a relaxer .. the one that takes care of any worries he may have”

So when I ordered a cold beer, I had no way of knowing the glass had already been coated in the mind/body crystals, becoming active as soon as the liquid entered my container. The drug was extremely effective but subtle .. so as I sipped the refreshing drink, nothing alerted me to the fact I was in danger.

Scanning the crowd, the five young owners were not hard to spot .. all seemed to be having fun, there didn’t seem to be anyone who remotely resembled who I was looking for, but when I looked back at the five, a stunning brunette was staring directly at me. Our eyes locked for a longest time .. something stirred inside me .. looking away … when I came back, she was still staring at me … finally raising her drink, smiling while I returned the gesture … this prompted her to stand, moving to me …”HI and welcome to our club, I”m Ginger, one of the owners .. so what brings a tall good looking gringo to our club?”

Introducing myself to her .. just here on business … not going into a lot of detail, but I was interested in making my clubs more friendly in a sexual way … then winking .. who knows maybe this one knew the group I was looking for, after all she was one of the owners.

Taking my hand, turning to the young lady behind the bar, “Shelly will you refresh Mikee’s drink and bring it to our table …he’s going to be joining us?”

She nodded, understood the coded message, this time adding a powerful aphrodisiac to the drink …

I caught the fact she pronounced my name as Mikee and not Mike, but I let it pass …

Leading me to the round table … “Ladies this is Mikee .. isn’t he just the cutest you’ve ever seen …” She then introduced me to the other four .. for some reason I was OK with joining them. As soon as my new drink was delivered .. she raised a toast to a new friendship … taking a long pull on the cold drink .. .the effects of the drug were almost instant …

My cock became hard, the need for some relief building as I sat there between these five … had it not been for the drugs administered earlier, I’d have known something was wrong, but now … while Ginger rubber her tits on my arm tickling my ear, kissing small butterfly like kisses on my neck, the girl on the opposite side was doing the same to me on that side, but had slipped her hand down my shorts, stroking a very sensitive cock, making me whimper and moan while my hips began to writhe …

In the headquarters office, they were disgusted by my behavior … one of them stating, “The horny bastard has picked up one of the owners … that was not his objective …I’m turning off hours of listening to him fucking a hot chick” With that I lost all communication with the office.

More refills were consumed, besides the girls on either side of me, the other three had their bare feet running up and down my legs, between them, pressing against my scrotum. Never in my life have I been as aroused as these five had me .. moaning, twisting trying to cum, not at all worried about being embarrassed, but unable to go over the edge .. finally my host leaned in whispering, “I think it’s time you and I move to my place …i’m so hot and horny I need to fuck you over and over .. please follow me”

Having never experienced the sexual haze I was in, all I could do was follow her to an expensive sports car … once inside, she leaned over, holding out two small pills – different colors and shapes … “I’m going to fuck you until I’ve enjoyed multiple orgasms, that being said I don’t want you cumming too soon or giving out on me .. so take these pills, I have some water to drink help you wash them down”

Without any objection taking the pills, swallowing half of the water bottle … laying back, a sudden wave of total submissiveness washed over me. Somewhere between my joining the group and climbing into her car, I had lost my pants. They had my wallet, credit cards, identification, passport, room key to the motel, keys to the rental car … under normal conditions I’d have been panicking, but nothing seemed to be worrying me, she climbed in her side, placed one hand on my cock, stroking it, enjoying how hard i was .. kissing me before we headed someplace out o town.

Laying back in the seat, eyes closed, enjoying the wind over my body, her hand constantly stroking me, occasionally feeling and squeezing my balls – “I”m going to love it when these babies are the size of a soft ball, all filled with that yummy liquid … you’re just going to love what we have planned for you as well”

How long we were driving, in what direction, I didn’t care .. eventually we pulled up in front of a huge house … a couple of young ladies were waiting for us, helping me out of the car, up a few stairs and into a well decorated home … Ginger was right behind me … helping me slip off my shirt … sliding my cock between her legs, sharing with me a passionate kiss, one I hadn’t enjoyed in years … stepping away and stripping nude … allowing me a chance to see what was being offered, this time when we kissed a low whimpering moan escaped me … a flash of wonderment hit me, wondering what I had done to get this type of treatment.

Meanwhile back in my room the four who had my pants and all the information they needed, were going through my belongings, easily finding out who I was, the organization I worked for, and the fact I had a family in the States, my oldest son named Stephen or what I called him, Stevie … he was a spitting image of me, just celebrated his eighteenth birthday and from all indications, loved me very much.

The redheaded bartender was on the next flight to the states, planning on arriving at the same time It was evident I had gone missing.

Back to me, had I not been so heavily drugged, none of this would have made any sense … but my arousal was so high, my body needed some relief so badly that nothing else mattered … she took me up the stairs to her bedroom, pushed me back on the bed … climbed up on top of me, guiding me up inside her … then the riding began …. looking at this goddess riding me, her heavy tits bouncing up and down, the perfect body knowing what to do, squeezing me up inside with her vaginal muscles, making my head thrash from side to side, hips rising, twisting the same … wondering when or if she’d ever let me cum.

Watching fascinated when she’d explode …. the expressions she’d show, the way her body would shake, the cute way her eyes would roll up in her head … I have no idea how she controlled me, but at one point, without any warning, my body shook, experiencing a massive climax … literally shaking every cell in my body.

So exhausted sleep over took me immediately. Waking late in the morning, still nude, but to my surprise my cock was rock hard … not like a morning woody, it felt different … a different hardness … still feeling the effects of the drugs taken the previous evening, when I joined all five of them in the kitchen, a good looking breakfast was ready .. I was more then starved …. still nude but not embarrassed, all of the girls were nude or scantly clad, Heather held out now four pills, two of each color .. plus the bottled water … Today you will be Mia’s toy, take these and this time drink all the water.

Not only the change in my penis had happened, something inside me seemed to have changed, without any question taking the pills and swallowing the entire bottle … then in a few moments the familiar haze came over me … my companion took me to her bedroom, like the previous evening fucked me, rode me, exploded on me well into the early afternoon .. finally when I emptied my body … total exhaustion overcoming me, sleep took over for more rest.

Loosing track of time or even what day it was … waking my poor shaft seemed harder, then it had ever been … laying on my back, checking my body, the balls seemed to ache, when checking they felt bigger, more tender then I could remember and heavier, much heavier.

I needed a shower, when I looked in the mirror, a wave of total shock hit me … The penis was not only harder then I can ever remember, but it looked slightly bigger or at least it felt bigger. My balls were another story .. they were easily the size of a tennis or baseball … tender to the touch and extremely heavy.

Walking down stairs had to be carefully stepping, the ball sac was so tender and sore, my legs had to be spread wide apart …arriving in the kitchen, I didn’t question the cup of pills .. two more added – swallowing them along with the entire bottle of water, plunged me in again the familiar haze that had become part of me … The breakfast filled me quickly .. returning upstairs with one of the other girls .. same routine until I feel asleep … exhausted, spent –

By the time I was ready for my last encounter with the fifth girl, I took 10 pills that morning along with the water … This time when she stopped riding me … I wasn’t allowed to cum … consequently I didn’t fall asleep … my balls were so big, I had to support them with my hand when I walked … they loaded me in SUV, driving me nude to a large ranch and huge home, bigger then life barn … five women were waiting for us to arrive … all were like the ones I had been with, extremely hot and horny looking but much older … one stepped up, “Mikee so good to finally meet you, my name is Sonya and I think you and your organization has been looking for us .. we’re referred to as the Mommies and these lovelies that have been fucking you daily are our daughters.”

Looking at her in disbelief … I’d been chasing these ladies for all this time and the daughters were in front of my face all along … “You obviously know who I am and why I have come here – it won’t be long before the agency tracks me down – they’ll have agents here soon and the drugs you’re producing will be stopped”

Everyone laughed at my comment, telling me as soon as I was in the club and joining the table, my organization stopped tracking me, allowing me to be moved to the house that had blocking radar … as well as this property, then she pulled on my rigid cock, “Since they don’t know where you are and will never find you, would you like to know how we make the fuck drug?”

I still had hope someone would find me, so might as well gather all the information I could …

They started with some of the prime Hereford bulls, feed them a variety of drugs combined with special mix of grains and various exotic plants … one specific drug makes them horny as breeding rabbits … then combined with the males seed a deadly product is produced making it impossible for human females to resist not only needing to be fucked but wanting it so badly they’ll do anything to be filled with the relaxing seed that calms the fire between their legs.

She had answered all the questions about the process, things I didn’t know were the formulas they used, what type of drugs had been used on me and how the two seeds were combined … while all of these questions ran through my head … we entered the large barn, two young ladies helping me walk, a special ball carrier had been wrapped around my waist, this was helping but still painful to move ….As soon as my eyes adjusted to the lower light …. a wave of fear washed over me .. turning to her, “You have to be kidding … no way this is what you prepared me for … oh fuck please don’t do this to me … whatever you want, any information you need, I’ll gladly give it to you but please don’t put me in one of those stalls”

There were close to fifteen or twenty stalls, all had males, like me, in them, secured by their heads … body supported by a harness looking device their cocks all hooked up to a tube …. they were all dripping a steady stream of the milky liquid … all stalls combining in a larger flow tube, running to a separate room – it looked like several women were bottling the product. That was bad enough … each guy had what I later found out, was an electronic prostate massager, assuring each one constantly produced the needed liquid to complete the process.

That alone would have made my body shaking – to the point of almost passing out, but when I saw a huge bull come up behind one male, pushing the prostate device – it automatically pulled out of the slave, then in one motion the huge animal mounted him, sending that massive cock all the way in his ass … to my shock, he looked like this was the greatest thing anyone had ever done to him … just then the girls were moving me to an empty stall … trying as best I could resisting them from making this happen, Sonya told me it was going to happen, but if I preferred they’d give me a shot .. not allowing me to become acquainted with the advanced apparatus and all it’s comfort extras .. .that immediately calmed me down .. the condition I was in, not sure of where I was … this was going to happen, my only hope was my agency would find me

My head was fitted in the padded collar, then snapped in place .. the girls showed me how to drink, eat my food – how to change diets for something else and so on … my heavy balls were placed in a nicely padded carrier, finally taking away the pain I had been experiencing after the first day being kidnapped. When the hose was slipped over my cock, it almost made me explode … then the prostate massager was fitted inside me … as soon as it started to work on me, the feeling of having an orgasm without any pleasure hit quickly. I was being milked, milked against my will and there was nothing I could do, nothing I could have done after I entered the bar … my fate was cast …

They then stepped back … to wait for the first horny bull to sense I was a virgin … apparently they loved to be the first with a virgin.

A big .. no more like huge one came trotting by .. stopping behind me – it was impossible to see what he was doing … however his breath was warm on my bottom … begging her one more time to please stop this … that was all I got out – his huge head pushed in the massager, automatically triggering it to pull out … as soon as it was out, he was up on the machine – his tremendous weight being supported by the structure … that cock, the cock of all cocks – found its mark in one motion

The pain was like nothing I’ve ever experienced, ever dreamed of experiencing … so quick and intense, a sudden gasp almost made me pass out … then he was pumping me … in and out – more pain – in and out faster – still more pain … fortunately he was extra excited … causing him to empty the warm, super warm liquid inside me … so much so, my poor tummy was expanding .. then as soon as he finished, pulling out, the device slipped back in, answering how his seed was able to be absorbed by the captured slaves … the opening was plugged.

Sonya was by my side again, “I know a few more times and you’ll be loving what those big horny bulls can do for you … oh by the way I made sure you were next to my husband, Ginger’s daddy … Harold say hell-o to our newest slave, this is Mikee .. the undercover agent who has come to rescue all of you”

The older guy next to me, only nodded … that was when it hit me the five must have used their husbands as the first slaves, then captured additional ones when additional product was needed.

Ginger slid up between us, running her hands through Harolds hair, “Daddy is one of our biggest producers … but I’m sure in no time you’ll give him a run for his money. Daddy this is the guy I was recently fucking … do you like him?”

Looking at him, knowing what they were capable of … they had me, I was a cum producer being used by a group of horny bulls.

The second breeding was less painful .. we stayed coupled for a longer period also … the third was somewhat enjoyable and by the fifth time, which was only my second day there … I think my poor cock even became harder …

I could see the amount of seed I was producing by the end of a month there, we were all fucked at least three to five tines a day, the poor bulls must have been given a similar drug that we were administer, they ate, fucked and slept .. but all the time their cocks were hard as rocks, hanging between their legs.

I had fallen in love with one particular one, we’d make eye contact …it was always something I looked forward to, when I’d feel him push in my plug … not sure if he felt the same way, but I did look forward to him mounting me … life had settled down to total acceptance of my fate … when one day Sonya hugged my neck, “Oh good news Mikee … Stephen or Stevie as you call him has been extremely worried ever since they told the family you were missing. Shelly, the redheaded lady who served you your first drugged drink, is there with him .. she has convinced him to fly back with her and see if he can help locate you” Then she giggled, “Of course when our daughters seduce him, fuck his body until eventually he’s just like his old man, I’ll make sure he is near you – after all we know how important family is”

Kissing me on the forehead … I was praying for some way to warn him, to tell him to stay away … but then she showed me some pics of he and the redhead fucking like rabbits … I knew there was no use in worrying, he’d be joining me shortly.

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