Women with Animals

A Few Nanites & a Pair of Sex Apes Changes my life


Grade, Middle and High Schools all had me more then a little bit confused … Born a boy, had all the features of a male, but somewhere in the early years I started being more comfortable with the little girls, not in a girl friend relationship, but that was when the strange feelings had me wishing I was more like them then like me.

This was not an easy subject to talk about to anyone … being from a small community the general view, ‘Born a girl or boy, don’t see any need to act any other way … now that’s solved let’s get to work’. Didn’t really solve my problem.

Being a good student, perfect grades all of the years, brought me a full paid scholarship to a top notch university … the one I picked was far away from home .. since it included some extra spending money, there wasn’t a need for additional income, although dad always felt sorry for me, secretly I think he had the same feelings, but never admitted it to anyone, so since they were financially in good shape, he’d always send me a healthy allowance each month, with a note, ‘Hope things are working out for you kid – just in case you need some extra, here’s a little something for the rainy day’.

My world started to change, when I took an upper division class in Nanotechnology, something I was very interested in studying, possibly obtaining a PHD in … the class was taught by a stunning lady, Olivia -,as soon as the class started, she and I seemed to create a bond of understanding. A extra credit assignment had me staying in the lab longer then normal … she had been grading papers – when finished joined me to see how everything was going. We talked a little .. then joining me at the table, “So tell me Nick, you do excellent work, always have done, have a bright future ahead of you, but I seem to pick up a sadness about you. Are you not happy with how your life is going?”

I have no idea why at this time I decided to tell someone what I had been feeling for such a long time, but she was so understanding and it seemed we had become very close … tears flowed down my cheeks, “Oh Olivia, all my life I have thought I was a girl, but born in a guys body – it has made me so confused, not sure what to do … if I made a change not sure how the family would react, so I’m stuck here where I am with no clear way to become who I want to be”

She looked at me for the longest time, the room was silent – then to my surprise she moved closer to me …”I”m going to tell you a story and show you something, but you have to promise it will never go any further then between the two of us. Do you promise?”

I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but nodding my head, “I promise I won’t say anything to anyone, but I’m not sure how this will help me?”

She began to tell me when she was younger a job working with different animals, the ones that are becoming rare was the first job she throughly enjoyed … she had planned on becoming a veterinarian … since she came from a family with lots of money, this would be something she wanted more then anything else … like me when she entered the university she became interested in the Nano world and what it could do … as time went on her love for the animals became stronger, but the idea of teaching was also present – finally placing her in the position she is now. “I have a large ranch on the outskirts of town, where I take care of some rare species such as two I have right now, distant cousins to the Bonobo monkeys, these are simply referred to as the Sex Apes”

She stopped seeing if I had any reaction, “That is nice, but I’m not sure what this has to do with me wanting to be a girl?”

It was obvious this conversation was making her nervous and uncomfortable, “I’m sorry if I’ve stepped out of bounds, please forgive me … it is getting late and I really should …”

She stopped me, explaining how what she was about to tell me could get her in so much trouble, so I had to promise again not to ever tell anyone. Once again I assured her no one would ever know anything from me … that was when she floored me.

“The pair of Sex Apes, are, as I said, extremely sexual and like their cousins need sex all the time – however this female wanted nothing to do with the male but the male needed some relief. I tried playing with them, basically masterbating them, it took the edge off but it was obvious not what they needed” Then clearing her throat, making sure there was no eye contact …”One day the big male raped me … the poor thing was so desperate, he just lifted me up, tore off my shorts, lowered me down on his huge penis and raped me by lifting up and slamming me down … over and over and over until he had his much needed orgasm”

She then looked up, I was in total shock … that was when her second bit of information shocked me even more. “The sad but not so sad thing was while he was using me, I experienced three of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had in my life. Consequently when he was finished … it took me a day or so to walk properly, but soon I was back with him, nude this time and once again enjoying the best sex I’ve ever had”

Looking at me, studying my reactions. Still confused … “I’m so sorry to hear that, but what does all this have to do with you wanting ….?” Taking my hand, pulling it towards her, between her legs … when she pressed it against her pussy … what I felt made me jump back, looking at her

“What the fuck .. am I feeling a penis … do you have a penis? OMG you’ve got a penis”

Smiling, “Continuing my story, I had solved the males problem, by allowing him to give me the greatest sex I’d ever had, but not hers … so since the school was allowing me to work with the Nano’s” Then she looked at me again …”Remember you promised … I programed just over a million of the little critters to give me a penis … keeping my vagina but a penis that can get rock hard, is well over 10 inches long and when hard would satisfy the female. Now on a daily basis, I fuck her, he fucks me and all three of us are happy as horny bunnies. So the solution to your problem, let’s program them to give you a breast, soften your skin … make the necessary changes to make you a girl with something extra between your legs. What do you think?”

More then just shocked, falling back in my seat … multiple surprises had hit me;, first she let an ape have intercourse with her on a regular basis, second, she had programed nano’s give her a penis, third, she was having intercourse with a female ape, forth, it seems she liked it and now to solve my problem – let the nanos give me boobs, while keeping my penis … in other words making me a shemale.

Needless to say I was speechless, just staring at her … finally, “Even if I wanted to tell someone what you just told me, no one would believe me … how am I supposed to respond?”

That’s when she got really excited … “Look it’s Thursday evening, neither of us have classes on Friday – so come with me to my place, let me show you my darlings, you can see me totally nude … if you like what you see, then I have plenty of Nano’s at my place to start your change – by Monday you can request a gender change at the office, since you’ll be sporting some nice tits – what do you say?”

One side of me screamed this was the silliest idea I’d ever heard, while the other was jumping at the chance .. by Monday I’d be the women I’d always dreamed of becoming – a broad loud giggle, “Why not, let’s go. Should I follow you?”

Quickly responding, “No lets take mine, that way I can help you all weekend with styles, bras and so on”

Gathering my books and backpack, we were on the way to her place in a few minutes – it was a long way out, we talked about the advantages of being a shemale … I had to admit I was not looking forward to loosing my penis, but this way I’d have the best of both worlds. I asked if there was any pain, she replied no, but some discomfort, so she’d make sure I was on an exam table and restrained so I wouldn’t hurt myself.

Her home was huge, surrounded by high fencing, an automatic gate for access … everything about to happen had me somewhat aroused, a definite tent beginning to grow in the front of my shorts. Stopping in front of her home, six or seven stairs led to the front door, there was a huge building in back, I assumed this is where the apes were kept … once inside she poured us both a glass of chilled wine .. I didn’t see her drop a small white tablet in mine, instantly dissolving .. a drug designed to relax me, take away all inhibitions I may have at the same time increasing my arousal .. preparing me for what was coming … lifting her glass, “Shall we toast to a brand new you and a life long relationship between us?”

Sipping the drink, the effects of the drug taking time to completely go into my system … finally she stood, stripped down nude … “I hope you don’t mind, but if I go in there with any clothes on, the two of them will rip them off … much easier if I enter like this?

As soon as her clothes were off, that wonderful cock sprang up – almost like a cartoon porn video .. sticking straight out .. then those boobs of hers were perfect — she saw me staring, “I figured while I had the gang working on me, I’d have them give me some knockout tits as well as a good sized cock … we’ll do the same for you”

Taking my hand, we headed out back to see the crew .. by now I was showing more then just a tent, it was a full blown raging hard on – harder then I could ever remember … Security was impressive … it required her hand print then a scan of her eye before the doors opened …once inside, it was like a tropical forest – the skylights let in natural sunlight .. the temperature felt like what I assumed a jungle would feel like … suddenly as if out of no where, two of the biggest primates I’d ever seen appeared in front of us … “Shelia and Louie … this is Nikki or will soon be Nikki … she will be having some work done on her body, like I had on mine. Nikki meet the gang”

Louie hugged Olivia in a warm sexual way, kissing her on the lips, just like humans would do … within seconds she was lost in a sexual haze … Shelia walked around me, checking me out … finally stepped in behind me, pressing her body against mine, her good sized breasts rubbing my back … both hands wrapped around me … in moments my pants were undone, dropping to the ground, she had one hand down my boxers caressing, massaging and stroking my already hard cock.

Having very little experience with sex of any kind, I didn’t realize when my boxers and tee were removed … she had me so excited … easily moving me to a soft patch of grass under a large tree, pushing me down on my back, never stopping the pumping, squeezing of my cock and the heavy feeling balls beneath … straddling me, guiding my member up inside her … she started to ride me, like I’d seen on porn videos but never expected this would happen to me.

Glancing to my side, Olivia was on all fours, the huge creature was pounding in and out of her pussy .. while she balanced with one hand, the other stroking her own cock … looking back at my new found love .. her huge tits … something I hadn’t noticed before, but now were equally as large as my instructors … then back to the males shaft … a small giggle inside .. ‘me thinks she has been allowing the little nanos do more then just change her’.

Normally the way she was riding me, my inexperience and the fact I was becoming aroused before all of this took place, I’d have emptied my first load as soon as she touched me .. it must have been something my friend had slipped in my drink or this one knew all the secrets of seduction … what ever was happening, had me bouncing off the grass, trying to meet her, trying to get in deeper and deeper … reaching out, grabbing those wonderful titties, squeezing the large nipples …. that made her fuck me even harder and faster … eventually we had both enjoyed what was happening … almost at the same time, I exploded deep inside her, pumping a lot more of my seed then I ever had when I was alone and masterbating … her whole body shook … then collapsed on top of me, sharing the most passionate kiss, tongue and all, that I’ve ever dreamed of.

My eyes were closed, trying to come to grips with what had just happened, while my friend was obviously enjoying the same type of orgasm we just had. I’d had sex with an animal, a large primate – this should have been so wrong, but I’d never felt more alive then at this moment so it couldn’t be bad in anyway.

Drifting off into a dream like state, my new lover resting on my chest .. hearing a whisper from the lady of the home, “What do you say we go back inside and get the changes started?”

I have never been so sure of anything in my life .. smiling and nodding, “I think I’d like that” Easing my lover off .. kissing her on the mouth, “I promise I’ll be back soon, maybe with some physical changes but still looking forward to making love again”

Following her down stairs to a small room, all decked out like a well stocked clinic .. climbing up on the exam table, securing my own ankles while she programmed the little workers … “There I have you the same size tits that I have, we’ll enhance your penis, soften your skin … a few other adjustments … now we’re all set. You ready?”

I was more then ready, my wrists and chest were secured, along with my head … an IV Pic line was set up … a slow steady drip from a general glucose bag was set in motion then a large syringe was pushed in the one port…contents emptied … it only took a few minutes for all of them to be in me. A mild sedative was added to help me relax … slowly drifting off to sleep …

Approximately a day later, my eyes opened, looking around, a familiar face was looking down at me …”Good to see you back with us … I’ve brought in a mirror so you can see the way the new body looks”

Seeing the new me, made me so excited, tears started running down my cheeks …”OMG I look just like what I’ve always dreamed of being … oh I love it, love the new me, love you for doing this to me. Can’t wait to be back in school showing off my new female body”

Touching my new breasts, pulling on the sensitive nipples .. a new exciting feeling was happening between my legs .. she explained that I could now enjoy simultaneous orgasms at the same time … one from my new pussy and one from my new and enhanced cock … she laughed .. “It can be so intense occasionally when I’m with both of them, triggering the explosion together sometimes nearly makes me pass out. The sheer pleasure is unbelievable”

She helped me set up, the weight of my new tits, along with the enhanced shaft between my legs, made it difficult to stand on my own, with her help a few trips around the small room and m body was feeling perfect …”Think I’m ready to show the gang what I look like now” Then chuckled, “Wonder if they’ll still want to play?”

Helping me into the enclosure … “Oh honey they’ll love you .. most of the time they’re so horny they’d fuck a fence post if they could … but with the way you look both of them will be more then excited. I saw the way Louie was looking at you while he was fucking me … and I think Shelia has fallen in love with you, now with the enhancements we made to your shaft – she’ll never want to let you leave. ”

We had just entered the enclosed area … the smell was humid, something I remembered from before , something that made my whole body excited .. .the big male was the first to see the new me … within seconds his alpha side kicked in, literally picking me up, heading to a back part of the area … someplace I’d never been before … he was so strong, powerful .. feeling so safe in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him … my first passionate kiss that I initiated … enjoying what I was doing, he slowed to a steady walk, sharing the kiss, his large tongue exploring the inside of my mouth .. for the first time I was feeling the new sensation in my pussy .. a pussy I’d never had, but now beginning to throb .. easy to feel the moisture begin to build .. my new nipples becoming more and more aroused rubbing them against his soft hair

His special place was by a small brook, .. soft grass under a huge tree .. the sounds of the water, tumbling over the rocks, as it flowed leisurely down through the area .. Laying me slowly, tenderly on the soft damp grass … my body instantly relaxing, our kissing continuing to excite us … animals don’t do much foreplay … once he was between my legs, that huge cock, the one I had seen when we first meant .. the one that throbbed up and down, the one I saw buried in my friends body, giving her pleasure … like I’ve never witnessed before, that same one entered me in one steady motion ….

It was so big, so long … filling me instantly, my back arching … legs spreading wider, trying to get more of him in me .. pushing towards him … small whimpering sounds escaping me … eyes rolling up in my head, closing as they lost all ability to see clearly … never in my life had I ever imagined when and if I had sex like a woman it would be anything like this .. .

His steady rhythm, slowly made me appreciate what the little Nano’s had done … he was in my pussy, spiking an arousal that I’d never experienced before … all the time my rigid shaft was between our bodies, somehow exciting me in that special way that rubbing my now super sensitive cock can bring … the fact that this pure pleasure was coming from two different areas … spun me into an unfamiliar erotic zone … the feeling of floating in a cloud of sexual fantasy.

Without any warning, multiple things took place at almost the same time … first he flooded me with his warm seed .. a feeling almost impossible to describe, a feeling that washes over me, triggering my own explosion around his shaft and how accelerating him filling me while this new warm feeling floods me ….second, all of this triggered my shaft emptying the build up my balls had been storing for such a long time .. it emptied all over our faces, necks and fronts … these simultaneous feelings of pure joy … rocketed me to a new place of entire body-pure pleasure, something I knew I’d never be able to describe.

Both of us had spent every ounce of energy we had .. collapsing on the soft surface, him pulling me to his body, wrapping those huge muscular arms around me, my back pressing against his chest … as we both feel asleep, a nagging decision about my future was answered at that moment …

Waking slowly, never feeling any better then I was at that moment, his finger like digits playing with the new easily excited nipples … squeezing my breasts, somehow he knew these were new and easily excitable by what he was doing .. without moving away from him, that wonderful, life giving shaft became hard, slipping inside my welcoming pussy … having him in me was so natural, almost as if this had been prepared just for him to use … Reaching down, stroking my own shaft, while he was slowly pumping in and out of me … again it didn’t take long before we exploded together … even more confirming to me … my decision …

This time, again easily picking me up, we rejoined the two who were just finishing an enjoyable time alone, something they never had done in the past …. seeing how happy I looked, “Well Nikki it looks like we’ve hit a home run, you ready to head back to school and get the necessary changes made?”

Staying in his arms, “About that, what would you say if I decided to not go back, instead staying here with them .. just disappearing? My car is in the parking lot, there are no cameras where I got in your car. Tomorrow morning you could report me missing .. they’d find my car, the fact I had been in school later that Thursday, but no record of me anywhere … there’d be a search, but no one would ever look for me here and besides you said it your self .. by me being here with them, they’d be much happier and besides for the first time in my life I think I have fallen in love. What do you think?”

Looking at me for the longest time, not saying anything, just thinking ….”it would solve all the concerns and problems I have had about these two, but are you sure this is what you’d want? When I have spent a full day with them, they enjoy sex multiple times each day, normally I’m so exhausted I can barely make it back inside … you’d basically become a sex slave to the two of them”

My lover was still holding me, Shelia had come closer, stroking my cock, sucking on the head, licking the underside .. while Olivia smiled … “I love the idea, I’ll check on you each day, if you need anything let me know, you have the code to leave if you need to get into the house … they have fitted collars preventing them from leaving .. this will be perfect” She hugged me one more time, then left, leaving me alone with my new lovers, friends and all day companions.

They seemed to not only know what was happening, but didn’t want to waste any precious time of doing what they loved to do. He put me down, my new lady lover dropped down on all fours .. quickly guiding me deep inside her velvety pussy … with my new enhanced shaft, nothing has ever felt better. The big Alpha moved in behind me, guiding his rigid length deep inside my pussy … then we all started fucking.

Having my cock inside her pussy, while his was deep inside me .. the excitement combined with pure pleasure was even more arousing and intense then what I had enjoyed with him alone … thinking there just couldn’t be anything more erotically thrilling then what the three of us were doing … this time we just kept pumping … over and over … somehow none of us wanting this to ever end, but like all good things this one had to finish …

Seems we were a perfect match … all three flew over the edge at the same time .. he emptied his warm semen deep in me, that area exploding with him, while emptying my cum deep in her .. she in turn let out a high pitched howl … flooding her body with our combined juices.

Finally, totally exhausted the cocks were pulled out .. .leaving two cocks as well as two pussies that needed cleaning … switching back and forth the three of us licking, swallowing then switching to a new area … finally clean but never having been as spent and exhausted as we were at that time … curling up in each others arms … quickly falling asleep, while the news was delivered to the authorities that I was missing.

I should have been concerned, but none of the three of us had ever experienced the joys of anal sex … that was coming next.

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