Women with Animals
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Mom and Daughter kidnapped


Bad boy Bobby Bickmore had finally been arrested and sentenced to a minimum of 3 years in jail. Surprisingly not for the vast amounts of designer drugs he sold, or the numerous porn videos he made, ranging everywhere from kiddie porn to girls doing animals also not for the illegal gambling that brought in huge amounts of money – so much so he had a hard time finding ways to store all that arrived daily – no he had been arrested because a search warrant had been served on a warehouse Bobby owned, but had been empty for years – Detectie Nicholes supposedly received information about an illegal shipment of Sudafed – the officer walked in the warehouse, zeroed in on a closed closet in the very back, opening it up, found 500 boxes of the OTC item, that could be used for the making of Meth.

Everyone knew this was a complete set-up, but it was Bobby’s property so he was responsible – a hurried arrest, led to a quick conviction – finally getting him off the street, but to the authorities surprise – his illegal operations never skipped a beat – his directors of each division kept everything as it had been –

While he was in jail, a complete plan was formed to get even with Officer Jeff Nicholes –

I’m Sandy Nicholes – 21 years old, living at home while I attend college near my home – my mom is a corporate Lawyer – my dad is the Detective Nicholes that became famous due to this arrest.

The evening when the breaking news showed dad and the warehouse search, the three of us sat down for the dinner meal – mom was the first to comment on what we had heard, “I have no idea how you obtained that information, but from what we saw, Mr. Brown was set up”

I had thought Bobby was one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen, so I chimed in, “I have no idea what you have against that man, it just seems like you’re using your power to harass him”

Both of us knew the most important thing in dad’s life was the two of us, so when we both jumped on him, he was devastated, but had no defense on what it looked like – we got the feeling he was the face of what happened, but maybe not all his decision.

When the sentence was handed down, I was sick, writing a personal letter to him, telling him how sorry I was my dad had treated him so badly – as soon as he was made aware of who I was, to my surprise he wrote back to me, thanking me for being so kind, telling me how much he appreciated me reaching out considering who my dad was.

In my mind, he was one of the best looking men I think I’d ever seen … so much so that when we started writing back and forth, I started having dreams of being alone with him – at first these were just dreams, romantic dreams – eventually leading to being alone in bed at night – rubbing my hands between my legs, in my mind it was his hands stimulating me, eventually bringing me over the edge, exploding – something I’ve very seldom ever done.

I knew what he was – what he did for a living .. when I heard Bobby had starred in one of his own movies – it took me a long time to come to grips with what I eventually did, purchasing the porn video of him seducing a heavily breasted brunette – finally when I was in my room, no one else home, crawling in bed, nude, the computer on my lap, I started watching him on the big screen. The lady was stunning, my new friend even more handsome than the times I’d seen him on the various news programs – the video, like so many, moved quickly to her dropping down on her knees, unzipping his pants – when I saw just how well endowed he was, I almost exploded – OMG he was huge – so big the model he was seducing couldn’t fit her hands around the size … when she tried to swallow him, the head was all she could take in – the next scenes showed both of them nude, she had an unbelievable body – which in so many ways was a shock to me …. If the two of us were standing side by side, it would not be a stretch to think we were sisters – that made it even more exciting – it was obvious how much he worked out, how good of shape he was in … when she was on her back, he moved in between her legs, rubbing that huge cock between the moist lips – easily opening them up, so you could see how excited she was knowing what was coming – the close up went to a split screen, as soon as he pushed inside her, the facial expression was something that couldn’t be faked – she was instantly plunged into an erotic haze – one that covered every cell in her body – she was flying in this scene … that and that alone was what made the video sell so many copies – I watched it over and over again and again – wondering, dreaming, wishing someday that could be me.

Being a silly young girl, I sent him a pic of me totally nude, one leg pulled up in front of me and over my other leg .. boobs easily seen and yet not completely visible – on the bottom of the pic, I wrote, “Wish you were out”

Any inhibitions I may have had prior, now were all gone – when he got out I knew we’d hook up, he’d use me – how long was unknown, but the fact he wrote back immediately stating I could be a twin for his porn star Athena – told me what I needed to know.

The two of us continued to write, each letter became more personal and more intimate – he also wanted me to become closer to my mom – the two of us had never been real close even though as an adult we easily got mistaken for sisters when we were together. In order to please him, I started spending more time with mom … on one of the conversations with what may become a new lover, he suggested I watch his porn video with my mom.

One evening when dad had gone out of town on a business trip, mom and I settled down with a glass of wine and I surprised her with the video Bobby had made of him and the brunette who looked similar to the two of us.

She was still mad at my dad, so I doubt her sex life had been fulfilled lately – she didn’t object when I told her what it was .. I had watched it so many times, just thinking about what was coming had me wet, when Bobby came into view, I heard her give a soft gasp, moving next to her, almost whispering, “He is something else – I feel sorry for him, even though I know what he is, what happened isn’t right”

She agreed, all the time her eyes glued to the screen .. her breathing was changing … when I hugged her arm, making sure my one boob was pressed against her body … turning to kiss my lips lightly, “OMG he’s got a big cock … wonder what it would be like to have him in you?”

Giggling, then in a whisper – “I’ll tell you something but you have to promise not to tell dad, do you promise?”

She agreed – I told her I’d sent him a pic of me nude – he said when he got out – I’d be the first person he’d want to see. All of this plus the movie seemed to drift her into a new place, holding her hand over her mouth, “Oh honey no – you didn’t … a totally nude pic of you”

This time I leaned in kissing her – a longer one, my tongue exploring her lips … she pulled back for a moment – our eyes locked … “You know what we’re about to do is illegal – a line we can never come back from”

I was smiling an evil wicked smile “I know but I’ve never wanted to fuck someone like I want you now”

That was all it took, this kiss now, was so passionate both of our bodies shook with desire – hands were exploring each others bodies, clothes being ripped off and discarded – her hand between my legs, two fingers pushed up inside me made me whimper – I’ve never been with a woman before, I had a feeling mom had … when I was ready, she pushed me back on the sofa, slipped in between my legs, as soon as her tongue touched my pussy I screamed, arching my back while I enjoyed one of the most fantastic climaxes anyone could ever have dreamed of.

Drinking my juices, slow and steady pumping the fingers in and out … allowed me to ride the wave for the longest time – then it was her turn. We started by scissoring our legs together – then tribbing while our bare pussies rubbed back and forth against each other … I learned later how much she loved doing this. She guided me on how to insert my fingers deep inside her, where the magical spot is located – how to tease rub and massage it, until she was writhing – opening and closing her legs – enjoying how she crashed over the ledge and like she had done with me, while I drank her juices I continued to massage the “G” spot ….

The two of us moved to the hottub out back, I was sitting on her lap, while she played with my nipples and I kissed her neck – “So you really sent Bobby a pic of you nude? Does he know who your dad is?”

I explained in my first letter telling him how sorry I was for the framed arrest also letting him know who I was … as a matter of fact he was the one that encouraged me to get closer to you.

Nothing was said for the longest time, then pinching one nipple hard, “What do you think he’d do if we sent him a pic of the two of us nude?”

The light pain was making me moan, my eyes closing part way, enjoying what she was doing to me … “Dad would be so pissed if he ever found out”

“Fuck your dad, he’s screwing that blonde bimbo he calls his secretary – so fuck him. Should we do it?”

I loved the idea, we took several shots with both of us showing off our ample tits, the fact both of our pussies were moist and swollen from recent use … he had access to a tablet where he was at, the pics had only been sent a few minutes when we got a reply back, “OMG you two look so hot, I may have to jump my cell mate – never been so horny – oh by the way got good news, my case was reviewed and overturned – I’ll be getting released this Friday – why don’t you two plan on picking me up at the prison”

The next day both of us were nervous, but stopping in at one of the best boutiques in town, we picked out two of the sluttiest outfits anyone would wear – Dad had flown back early when he heard about the reverse sentence – figuring a retaliation was heading his way – he was so nervous he never noticed mom and I were in bed together – enjoying our new found closeness

The next morning, our new friends limo pulled up in front of our home, dad was on the phone and didn’t notice us leave – the driver laughed, “Oh believe me you’ll be a pair of welcomed sights for the boss – A bottle of wine was being chilled in the back with us, when he walked out of the prison doors, he was even more breathtaking than either of us had thought –

Just a few feet from each of us, stopping, walking around us – patting our bottoms – several things took place – first we willingly had dressed like sluts just for him, the fact we were allowing him to pat our asses gave him permission to use us as he pleased “OMG if I’d have known a short time in jail meant I would have access to Ncholes’ two bitches, I’d have willingly gone in. Now ladies let’s have some fun”

As soon as the three of us were in the back of the limo, he picked up a spray bottle, spritzing both of us with some sort of a drug, instantly plunging us into a sexually erotic sphere – he was giggling while mom and I were making out with him – telling us the drug makes sure no one ever says no when they join him – I was making out with him, while mom was on her knees taking care of that massive shaft with her hand and mouth.

The back of the vehicle was being recorded – the ride took us well over an hour to go to a secret private place, none of the authorities knew about – during that time he successfully fucked both of us, leaving us exhausted but wanting so much more.

Entering through a gated area, driving upward on a mile-long driveway through a heavily populated forest – we arrived at a large home, three girls, all nude were waiting for us.

The drug we’d been dosed left us in a totally compliant state – common sense should have told us – we were his way of getting even with my dad – the nude hostesses had two cups of various colored pills for us along with some wine to wash them down, “Ladies swallow these, it will make sure you stay as horny and turned on as you are right now”

Neither of us were in any position to object – doing as we were told, the pills were swallowed quickly – by the time the young ladies led us to a staged bedroom, cameras everywhere – the slutty outfits we’d had on were gone – two well hung guys took us by the hand, leading us to the large bed – Mine had me on my back, while he licked, sucked preparing my pussy for an extended fuck. I could hear mom moaning, but my eyes had lost any focus – the drugs we’d been given had all kicked in … the cock inside me was so large, it was triggering an explosion followed by the next and the next ….

The film of us in the car, along with what was now happening was duplicated and sent to every detective, chief of police, the various players in the DA’s office – “Nicholes I do appreciate the way you framed me, to show there are no hard feelings, I’ve decided to party with your whores – I sampled both of them in my limo, now my staff is enjoying them while I film what will end up being a best selling porn video. What do you think the name should be – maybe Fucking a Detectives family?”

The filming and fucking continued in different sets, some a kitchen, one a shower, a patio area where we were used in a hottub – finally being totally exhausted, we were helped in a shower, fed a fantastic meal

Bobby took us to his bedroom, where the three of us played and fucked for hours into the early morning. Mom and I fell asleep in each other’s arms … I can’t remember sleeping so soundly for so long –

It was well into the afternoon when the two of us woke … making out for a short time … a yummy breakfast was ready for us – then each of us were given an injection of something … our pusseis sprayed with a strange smelling liquid … Bobby took both of us out back to his kennels, “We do some special filming out her ladies – this will be your new home, but I know you’ll just love it”

He explained the shot we had been given would soon make our bodies need a cock like nothing we’ve ever experienced before … inhibitions gone, any cock will do …

I was already feeling it, clamping my legs, twisting and turning trying to rub my pussy – we were taken into a large area, a large round padded bench surrounded by heavily padded around it … by now both of us were in terrible shape … more spray coated our pussies … then six of the biggest dogs I’d ever seen were let in.

The spray must have made us smell like we were in heat … I know for me I was leaking like a bad faucet … needed something in me quickly … a big lab licked between my legs, just as I knelt down on the padded area he jumped up on my back, a marvelous shaft went deep inside me.

I realized I’d been fucked, but until now not really fucked unless a dog has done you – he was ponding me, the faster he went, the more I loved it … mom was crying out to go faster – I was just enjoying what was happening to me, giving off small moans of pleasure. I had forgotten dogs have knots, but when this one pushed inside me, I exploded with more body shaking pleasure than I’d ever had before … his warm cum topped off what had to be the best sex I’ve ever had or dreamed of having.

When he pulled out, number two quickly jumped in … not as long but much thicker – the pounding took longer for me to explode – but not any less enjoyable – his big heavy balls slapping my body – number three had me dropping my head, becoming a little sore … I didn’t cum until he released the warm seed in me …

The filming had stopped – while the footage was being edited – we were helped into a warm bath to just soak. Mom’s eyes were heavily hooded – her voice somewhat slurred, “Honey we’ve been fucked by dogs … OMG we’ve been fucked by dogs – what will be next?”

The finished video was sent again to everyone, “Well well well Detective – it had to happen, your bitches have finally become true bitches – enjoy – soon they’ll have become beastality stars”

Mom and I were making out that night, after a fantastic meal … she giggled, “You know your dad is probably fucking that bimbo while we’ve become dogs bitches’

I kissed her deeply, “Not a bad trade mom”

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Views: 1553

One thought on “Mom and Daughter kidnapped

  1. Holy fuck that was hot! 🤤🤤🤤
    Nothing like a mother & daughter enjoying each other then both getting fucked & knotted by several K9’s.

    Excellent sti]ory Michelle 👍👍

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