Women with Animals
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Charmed – Monkey Business


(c)2001 by David Oberman

Chapter One

Only a few months prior to this story, Piper had almost died because of a deadly disease. Her doctor during this emergency, a Dr. Williamson, did not offer much hope to her two sisters as to her prospectus. The disease seemed to be a deadly mutation of a less fatal strain and the doctors were helpless in saving her.

Luckily for her, Leo had betrayed his trust of the White-Lighters and saved her life as she was rising to the legendary white light that every near-death experimenter had claimed to have witnessed. This cost him his wings as punishment.

Piper’s miraculous recovery raised great hopes in Dr. Williamson. He specialized in cures for as yet incurable diseases. He hoped to find a miracle cure- all in Piper’s blood.

To that end he had insisted in blood samples from all three sisters. At the time they saw nothing controversial about his request.

For months he spent studying their blood. Giving them every test he could conceive of during their stay. He was desperate to discover what could have saved Piper Halliwell’s life that day. He went so far as to inject three experimental chimpanzees with a sample of each of the three sisters blood.

To facilitate his keeping track of who’s blood he had injected into which ape, he named them accordingly; Phoebe, Piper and Prue.

Its been weeks since that fateful day and Dr. Williamson had been working feverishly to find out how Piper had survived that deadly disease. But pressure was being placed on him from his supervisors to drop the matter since he hadn’t been able to isolate anything promising in the girls blood samples.

Looking for more answers, he had repeatedly mailed request upon request to Piper to return to the hospital for further testing. But Piper wanted nothing to do with the doctor’s research, so she would simply discard all the letters that he had mailed her regarding that.

It was a rather warm day in San Francisco on this day. All three Halliwell sisters were dressed in braless loose tops and skirts. And being attractive women, their appearance couldn’t help but be noticed.

Today Prue had a photo assignment with an actor at his show’s studio. When she got there she got ready to take a set of pictures of him for her boss when a chimpanzee appeared behind him. At first she taught that the chimp was there for the show.

That is until he disappeared. That’s when she realized that the ape had just astral-projected into her view. She hurriedly packed up her gear and rushed back home to tell her two witch sisters.

“I… I just saw a chimpanzee astral-project,” she told them. “I was getting ready to take my pictures… and then… suddenly, there he was. He kinda pointed at me… and then disappeared.”

“Can animals astral-project? Leo,” Piper asked their White Lighter and lover.

At first Phoebe and Piper didn’t believe what she was telling them, until Prue mentioned a hospital bracelet on the chimp. The description of the hospital logo caught Piper’s attention, so she went to the waste paper basket and pulled out one of Dr. Williamson’s letters. The hospital logo where he worked at was on it, and Prue recognized it immediately.

“Not normally,” he told them. “Unless…”

“Unless… unless what?” Phoebe rushed him.

“Well an animal could have your powers if someone injected it into them,” he went on.

“Inject,” Prue said. “You mean our powers are in our blood. That anybody could get them?”

“No,” Leo explained. “If someone were to receive your powers that way, they would lose their minds and cause great evil. They weren’t born to it. You were.”

“Then, what we have to do is go to the hospital and destroy everything that Dr. Williamson might have on us,” Piper suggested. “That don’t sound so bad.”

So, the Halliwell sisters packed into Piper’s SMV and headed for Dr. Williamson’s hospital. They snuck into the hospital and made their way to the research area.

Around each corner Piper would flash her hands out and freeze everybody that might be in range. In this way they made it to the laboratories unnoticed.

As soon as they found Dr. Williamson’s laboratory they stopped and gasped. There, against the far wall was three cages. Each cage contained a diaper clad chimpanzee with a nametag for each: Piper, Prue and Phoebe.

“You mean to tell me that he named them after us, ” Piper objected.

Phoebe meanwhile was snooping around his specimen refrigerator where she found blood samples from each of them that the doctor had acquired during their stay. Prue was looking over his lab notes and found extensive files on each of them.

“Are you sure that you saw him astral-project,” Piper asked her older sister, pointing to the ape with Prue’s name.

“Uh, uh guys,” Phoebe stuttered as that same chimp was levitating a banana over to its cage.

“Oh! My! God!” Piper exclaimed in shocked surprise.

Recuperating the fastest, Prue reads aloud some of Dr. Williamson’s notes.

“According to these notes,” she says. “Dr. Williamson injected each monkey with our blood.”

“You mean to say that they all have our powers, ” Piper exclaimed.

“We can’t be sure of that,” Phoebe says, just as the Piper-chimp freezes the floating banana.

“I guess that answers that,” Phoebe responds.

“Okay,” Prue says, taking charge. “What we have to do then is we have to grab all of Dr. Williamson’s notes. Phoebe, don’t forget our blood samples.”

“What about them?” Piper asks nodding her head towards the three primates.

“We’ll have to take them back to the mansion with us,” Prue tells her sister. “At least until we find a way to remove our powers from them.”

Once they’ve gathered all the documents together, each of the girls took control of their namesake chimpanzee. The apes were playful and didn’t present them with any problems on the way home.

On the way back to their house, they heard of what Dr. Williamson had been doing. Apparently the doctor had also gained their powers. But he was using his magical powers to remove criminals of their organs for transplantation. The three witches knew that they had to somehow stop him. But first, they’d have to find a potion that would allow them to remove their powers from a mortal.

Luckily for them they had the three chimpanzees with which to test any concoction that Phoebe could come up with.


Chapter Two

Once they returned to the mansion, Piper was volunteered to handle the three playful apes while Phoebe tried to work up a potion to counteract their transferred powers. Meanwhile, Prue called their police contact, Inspector Darryl Morris, to find out more about the organ stealing doctor’s spree.

“Now Prue,” Piper was calling the chimp named after her older sister. “You come back here and behave.”

The chimp waved its arm playfully which raised her skirt in the air, exposing the slim thong panty that she was wearing. Piper embarrassingly pushed the floating skirt back down to cover herself.

“Hey you!” She scalded the mischievous ape.

The playful monkey just squealed out sharply, finding the game very amusing. Phoebe-chimp also wanted to join in on the game, so it jumped up onto Piper’s shoulder and hugged her head with its legs.

“Mmmmph!” Piper found her voice muffled by the playful animal.

Once again the Prue-chimp waved its arm, this time its powers were directed to Piper’s tits.

“Mmmmmh!” Piper moaned in protest.

It felt like a hand was squeezing her tits simultaneously. Piper-chimp saw what was happening, and not wanting to be left out, jumped into the struggling girl’s lap. It then began to struggle with Piper’s skirt hem, pulling it up manually.

With Phoebe-chimp covering her face, Piper was unable to call out for help from her sister Phoebe. Phoebe was working in the kitchen, trying to come up with a potion that would allow them to remove these magical powers from the apes. And hopefully from the now homicidal Dr. Williamson.

Within moments, Piper found herself exposed once again. She was being assaulted by three monkeys that she couldn’t control.

‘Lucky for me they’re girl monkeys, ‘ she thought to herself as she kept up the struggle to regain control.

Now that Piper-chimp finally got the girl’s skirt out of the way, it began exploring the strange loin cloth that was still covering her pussy.

Piper could feel the probing finger of the ape as it poked repeatedly at her pussy mound. All the while the Prue-chimp kept squeezing her tits using her own sister’s power.

‘Okay, ‘ she was thinking to herself. ‘These monkeys are getting a bit too personal here.’

Her struggle to gain control over the three primates became more urgent. She decided to get the one over her face off first, then she could call to Phoebe for help. She grabbed hold of its diaper and pulled on it in the hopes that he would come loose.

Unfortunately, she didn’t take into account that the chimpanzee was much stronger than its size let on.

She gave the diaper a mighty tug and it came off of the beast’s loin. Piper felt something wet against her cheek, but she couldn’t figure out what in the world it might be. She quickly realized that she was holding an empty diaper in her hand.

What the Halliwell sisters hadn’t taken into account was that Dr. Williamson had named the chimps by their names so that he could more easily keep track of which ape was receiving the injections from which sample. Not because of their gender. The truth of the matter is, all three of the chimpanzees that they were with were all males.

“Mmmmh!” She mumbled as she resumed pulling on the chimp on her face.

She was only mildly successful when she managed to pull it away from her head only a few inches. But those few inches was enough for the Phoebe-chimp to get into a better position. Piper tried to talk again just at that moment.

That was a big mistake on her part. As she opened her mouth, Phoebe-chimp hugged his loin at her face again. Piper felt something slip past her lips, but she couldn’t figure out what that might be. Phoebe-chimp began humping Piper’s face energetically.

It was at this time that Piper realized what had entered her mouth. These weren’t girl-monkeys, has they presumed. They were male, and Phoebe-chimps cock was now fucking her in the mouth.

In desperation Piper tried using her powers on the three apes, but with their blood and magic powers in them, they were immune to her own power.

‘Then why can they use their powers on me?’ Piper wondered.

What they hadn’t taken into account was that the bestial nature that they were, actually increased their power. In effect, while the chimps were immune to them, they were not immune to the apes use of their own power.

Just then Piper-chimp had discovered that Piper’s thong was just another piece of cloth and had shoved it aside. He was now shoving his oversized finger into her hole and pulling it back out for a taste. Its longer than human size allowed him to reach deeply into her cunt.

Piper could do nothing but squirm helplessly with an ape cock in her mouth, while its companion was finger-fucking her.

Meanwhile, Prue-chimp had never relented on her tits. Piper hadn’t noticed it herself yet, being more preoccupied by his companions, but her nipples had stiffened noticeably under the apes telekinetic mauling of her tits.

She was finding it hard to keep her balance with this three prong attack of her body. Prue-chimp used its telekinetic power once more and ripped away Piper’s shirt from her chest, exposing her tits to them all. At the sight of those big mammaries, Prue-chimp jumped on Piper’s chest, knocking her back into the couch. This new, and more vulnerable position was making it easier for the three chimpanzees to continue their sexual assault of the young woman.

Piper-chimp was enjoying the taste of Piper’s pussy so much that he decided to drink straight from the well of her cunt. The impudent ape lowered its head and began sticking its long, agile tongue deep down her sex crevasse.

Piper moaned around the mouth fucking monkey cock in her mouth at her namesake’s invading tongue. She couldn’t get over how long and thick the invading tongue was. How its rough texture was sensitizing her inner vagina.

She was no longer squirming in protest to their assault, but in arousal. She couldn’t believe that she was getting turned on by these misbehaving, and horny monkeys.

Somehow the three apes could feel the change in Piper’s attitude. They could feel her body consenting to their endeavor.

Phoebe-chimp increased its tempo in Piper’s now sucking mouth. Prue-chimp began suckling on her tits while pinching the other. And her namesake was stuffing its thick tongue so deep, that Piper thought that it must be a cock. That is until the tongue wiggled at the bottom of her cunt.

Piper was no longer resisting the sexual assault of the apes. In fact she was encouraging it. Her hands were no longer trying to shove away Phoebe-chimp. Instead, she was hugging him deeper in her mouth. She wanted to deepthroat the horny beast. She wanted to have him shoot his bestial jism in her mouth and down her throat.

She also found her hips were humping up to meet Piper-chimp’s probing tongue.

All three chimpanzees were thoroughly enjoying this human playmate of theirs. Prue-chimp had switched tits at least twice already. But it never relented on its sucking of her hard nipples, in the hopes of getting some milky fluid out of her.

Piper-chimp felt its own cock stiffening under the confining diaper he was wearing. The chimp began undoing that cumbersome piece of cloth so as to free its penis. Piper-chimp had already decided that Piper’s pussy would be as good as any chimp cunt he had fucked before.

Prue-chimp watched its companion at Piper’s groin, tugging on the white diaper. At first he couldn’t understand what Piper-chimp was trying to accomplish with that. Then, when the diaper finally came off, Prue-chimp saw his friends raging hardon and clarity hit his eyes. He too began tugging on his own diaper, wanting to get his cock free also.

Just then Phoebe-chimp began shooting streams of jism into Piper’s gulping mouth. She couldn’t believe that she was actually doing something so perverse as sucking a monkey’s cock, much less swallowing its jism. But suck she did, not wanting to lose a drop of its cum.

As soon as Phoebe-chimp was done shooting his load of jism in the willing female, he jumped down to the floor and vacated her face for his friends to take a shot at.

Prue-chimp had observed what the young woman had done with her mouth to his companion and as soon as he saw his friend jump down, he leapt up and took his place.

Piper was surprised to see a second monkey climb up to her face, but this time she wasted no time with protesting. She liked the salty flavor of the other ape’s cum so much, she couldn’t wait for another load. She used her hand to jerk him to a harder state and then wrapped her lips around his stiff cock.

She was pleasantly surprised to discover that this chimpanzees cock was much larger than his companion’s. The first chimp’s cock was a measly five inches long, but this one matched most of the guys she had fucked in the past. He had a proud seven inches and he seemed to know how to use it too.

Prue-chimp immediately began humping his ass into Piper’s willing face, burying his cock deep past her tonsils. It had been a long time since Piper last had a cock fucking down her throat, but she was willing to do her best to deepthroat him.

Just then, Piper-chimp was tired of playing with Piper’s pussy. He too had pulled his diaper off and was trying to stick his huge cock into her well lubricated cunt.

When Piper felt a cock slithering past her pussylips, she almost bit down on Prue-chimp’s mouth fucking cock, but she somehow managed to restrain from doing that. Looking down from the corner of her eye, she could see the third chimp had decided that she needed a fuck.

Piper-chimp began humping and shoving his nine inch cock deeper into Piper’s pussy. As for Piper, all she could do was squirm uncomfortably at the thought that she was being fucked by an animal. Never mind that she was sucking one at the same time.

‘God!’ Her mind reeled. ‘What am I doing here? How can I let this happen?’

But then her thoughts connected to the fact how big the cock was that was invading her wet pussy. Without any conscious thought her hips began humping in rhythm with the primate.

Piper-chimp recognized her compliance and increased his own tempo. Meanwhile, Prue-chimp, not wanting to be out-staged by his buddy, also increased his pace in Piper’s mouth.

Off to the side Phoebe-chimp was watching the three participants and getting aroused again. He began jerking on his shrunken cock to get it hard once more. He hadn’t figured out where he could go to perform, but he wanted another shot at this wanton female.

For ten long minutes the two apes continued fucking into the prone Piper. As willing as she was to receive their seed, she wasn’t expecting what was to happen next.

Piper-chimp suddenly reached its peak and began shooting his warm jism into Piper’s cunt. In his excitement he waved his arms in the air and froze her in place. Because of his bestial nature, his power could in fact affect the three witches, while they couldn’t use their own power on them.

Both apes emptied their balls in her frozen body. Their cum not being swallowed or kept inside her pussy, as Piper’s relaxed body couldn’t swallow or clasp her pussylips to contain it.

That’s when Phoebe-chimp heard the noise from the kitchen area.

So that’s how the three chimpanzees left Piper Haliwell. Frozen, half naked on the couch, and with their cum leaking out of her mouth and pussy.


Chapter Three

Phoebe was oblivious to what was happening to her sister in the livingroom, as she was too busy concentrating on finding a potion to reverse that damage that Dr. Williamson had inadvertently caused.

“Eeeeee! Eeeeeeek!” Phoebe-chimp cried out, startling Phoebe in the process.

“Oh! Oh!” She stammered in her surprise. “What are you doing here?”

That’s when she noticed that the other apes were also joining their friend.

“Piper!” She called out. “You kinda lost your charges here.”

But there would be no answer to her calls.

She was about to go see if anything was wrong when she noticed that the monkeys diapers were nowhere to be seen. That’s when she also discovered the true gender of their guests.

“Oooooh! What have we got here?” She said smiling. “Guess the good doctor wasn’t’ paying much attention when he named you guys, uh!”

“EEEEEEK! EEEEEEEEK!” They all shrieked in unison.

Prue-chimp gave a wave of its arms, lifting Phoebe’s light skirt in the air in response.

“Hey you!” Phoebe scolded him.

Unlike her sibling sisters, Phoebe rarely wore any underwear, and today was no exception. At the sight of her pussy, Phoebe jumped up and wrapped its long arms around her slim waist while his legs wrapped themselves tightly on her legs.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She yelled down at him. “Now you get off right this minute.”

But Phoebe-chimp had no intention of disentangling himself until he too had his stick dipped in pussy.

“Piper! I need some help here,” she called out again.

The remaining two apes rushed over to help their horny friend. They wrapped their own furry arms around Phoebe’s ankles and tripped her down to the floor heavily, knocking her breath away.

“Ugnffff!” She groaned.

Phoebe-chimp took this opportunity to reposition himself to properly do what he desperately wanted to do. He adjusted his aim and shoved all five inches into her dry cunt.

“Oh shit,” she complained. “Couldn’t you have worked me up a bit first.”

But Phoebe-chimp didn’t care anything about her comfort at this point. All that he knew was his own need and wants. He just kept on humping his cock past her clenching pussylips. His furry belly rubbing against her clit.

“Shit that tickles,” she groaned as she could do nothing else.

As the seconds ticked by, she could feel herself getting more and more aroused by what was happening to her. She had always been adventurous about sex, even let a dog lick her once for an old boyfriend. But she had never even considered the idea of letting an animal do what this ape was doing to her now.

Piper-chimp had released her legs and worked his way up to her chest. He began pulling and tugging on her thin shirt.

Phoebe couldn’t believe what they were doing. Were they actually working together to gang rape her. Was that even possible with animals?

Almost in answer to her unspoken question, Prue- chimp joined the other and also began tugging on the shirt.

Phoebe couldn’t believe her eyes. She was being sexually attacked by three apes, and she didn’t know what to do about it. She tried getting up once, only to be jumped on by the two at her shirt. Their combined weight hurt her ribs, so she didn’t try it again.

“What do you guys want anyway?” She asked, not expecting an answer. “What am I saying. I know exactly what you want.”

Just then she heard the rip of Prue’s expensive silk shirt that she had borrowed.

“Oh Prue is gonna kill me,” she said.

Two more powerful tugs from the two primates and the silk shirt was in tatters around her now exposed breasts.

Both apes mashed their lips over one of her tits, biting sharply on her nipples.

“Ouch!” She cried out in pain. “Hey you two, stop that!”

But they paid no attention to her protesting cries. They simply concentrated on suckling on her huge mammaries.

Meanwhile, Phoebe-chimp was still busily fucking away at her moistening pussy. Without realizing it, Phoebe began to slowly move her hips rhythmically along with her namesake.

Suddenly, she felt the wet tip of a cock being shoved against her closed lips. Opening her eyes she read the name of Prue on the hospital wrist band. The chimp wanted a blowjob out of her, but Phoebe had no desires to perform that act on this beast.

Just then Piper-chimp bit down on her stiff nipple causing Phoebe to gasp out in pain. That momentary lapse of her clenched lips was all that Prue-chimp needed to bury his shaft past her lips. He began humping his groin into her face almost immediately.

Phoebe was powerless to stop either of the two fucking apes. Even if she did have an active power to use against them, they were immune to the three witches.

Phoebe-chimp continued his humping of the human female’s pussy, burying his shaft all the way in already.

Phoebe could feel herself mounting towards an orgasm.

‘How can I be enjoying this?’ She asked herself. ‘Thi… this is so… wrong.’

Without any conscious thought Phoebe began sucking earnestly on Prue-chimp’s mouth fucking cock. All the while, Piper-chimp remained busy suckling on her huge tits, and Phoebe-chimp was still relishing the tight confines of her clenching pussylips.

As her sexual arousal mounted, Phoebe intensified her sucking on Prue-chimp’s cock. At that very moment, Prue-chimp astral-projected itself next to the still fucking Phoebe-chimp.

Phoebe hadn’t realized the ape’s action as she was still too busy on sucking on his cock.

The astral-projected Prue-chimp quickly moved next to his fucking friend and sniffed at Phoebe’s wet pussy. He immediately recognized the scent of sex emanating from her. This excited him immensely. And since his cock was already hard from her sucking just moments before on his real body, he was ready to try another hole.

But with Phoebe’s mouth still occupied sucking his other self, and Phoebe-chimp still occupying her pussy, he moved around and found an inviting new hole to try.

He moved behind Phoebe’s ass and began sniffing her tentatively. Next, he shot out his long stiff tongue and lapped Phoebe across her asscrack.

“Mmmmmmh!” Phoebe gurgled in surprise.

Was someone there with her and the apes. She counted in her head the location of the three horny beast and knew that they were otherwise preoccupied. So the only other explanation for another tongue was that someone had caught her in the act of copulating with them.

Prue-chimp intensified his tongue probing of her asscrack, discovering her anus moments later. Phoebe squirmed uncomfortably at the idea that some pervert was taking advantage of her in this way.

But she was still held helplessly by the raping primates. Her view blocked by Prue-chimps body as she continued sucking on his cock.

Piper-chimp was moving back and forth on Phoebe’s tits, trying to milk them for milk. But nothing was coming from them. In disappointment, he looked up and saw a fourth chimp had joined the m’lÈe. By this time his own cock had found a new surge of energy and was ready to perform again.

Seeing that the girl was able to handle two males at her bottom, Piper-chimp then assumed that she should also be able to do the same at her head.

So, he quickly moved alongside the tranced Prue- chimp and presented its own stiff cock next to his comrade’s.

Without giving it any thought whatsoever, Phoebe opened her mouth wider and accepted the second cock eagerly. After all, she had done this sort of thing on numerous occasions in the years that she wandered around the country, before she and her sisters discovered their powers.

The astral-Prue-chimp then grabbed hold of his cock and aimed it to the new opening that he had discovered. With a powerful bestial surge he buried his seven inch cock into her virgin ass.

“Grrrl!” Phoebe groaned painfully at the invading prick.

She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She was sucking two monkey cocks, while another was fucking her pussy. And to add to this disgusting scenery, some stranger had joined in her debasement and was busy fucking her ass.

For years she had turned down her various boyfriends who wanted to assfuck her. She loved sex, but even she had some limits that should never be crossed. But these three horny primates didn’t know anything about her don’ts.

Phoebe-chimp reached up with its long primate arms and pinched her nipples sharply.

“Ungh! Mmmmmmh!” Phoebe moaned deeply with the two cocks still stuffed in her mouth.

For the next ten minutes Phoebe endured the continuing humping of three apes, while she kept on sucking on the entranced Prue-chimp, not yet realizing that an astral-Prue-chimp was the fourth cock invading her ass.

Then finally, Phoebe-chimp began shooting its hot spunk deep inside her pussy. The heated contact of that sperm triggered Phoebe’s own orgasm as she lurched her hips forward to bury the chimp’s cock deeper inside her.

A few seconds later she felt Piper-chimp empty its balls in her mouth. She began swallowing urgently, finding the tasty fluid the best that she had ever had.

‘God!’ Phoebe thought. ‘That Prue-chimp sure has lasting power.’

It still hadn’t dawned on her that while in its trance state, its cock was being kept aroused by her own sucking mouth.

Moments later she felt the hot seed of the mysterious intruder that had entered her virgin ass. This too triggered a new orgasm in her.

‘Damn!’ She mumbled to herself. ‘If I’d known ass- fucking was… so good. I’d never have held out to those guys.’

As soon as the astral-Prue-chimp emptied its balls into Phoebe’s ass it suddenly disappeared, leaving a sudden emptiness in Phoebe’s ass.

As strange as it may seem, that sudden vacancy triggered yet another orgasm on the part of Phoebe. In retaliation, she sucked in the real Prue-chimp’s cock until she felt its balls hitting her chin.

‘Oh fucking shit!’ Realization suddenly hit her. ‘That other cock was… was him.’

She finally figured out that she had four chimpanzee cocks doing her simultaneously, and that Prue- chimp’s cock that was in her mouth was all her doing. She was shocked to discover that she was acting of her own volition in sucking the ape’s cock.

But now that Prue-chimp’s consciousness had returned to its physical body, it had resumed fucking her throat in earnest.

“Eeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeeek!” Prue-chimp shrieked as he felt his balls tighten.

“GRBLE!” Phoebe gurgled as she tried drinking down the warm cum shooting to the back of her throat.

Meanwhile, Phoebe-chimp had wandered into the livingroom where Piper was still frozen near the couch. The ape began touching things all over the room. When it came up to a scarf that belonged to Prue, a sudden premonition struck him.

“Eeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeek!” Phoebe- chimp shrieked in surprise at being exposed to the sudden vision.

What he had witnessed in his vision was Prue returning home and finding her two sisters frozen and covered with their drying sperm. Then he saw her reach into a drawer and pulling out a gun. The next thing that occurred was Prue angrily shooting himself and his two comrades dead.

The sudden shrieking of Phoebe-chimp caught Piper- chimp unaware, and he waved his arms in shocked surprise. This froze Phoebe with Prue-chimp’s cock still spurting his cum in her slackened mouth. So that as soon as he pulled out of her throat, his cum began leaking out of her mouth which had remained in its ‘O’ frozen shape.

The three apes congregated together in the livingroom where the Phoebe-chimp informed his two cohorts, in chimp language, of what was to happen to them.

After long moments of conferencing together, the three apes decided on a course of action.


Chapter Four

As soon as Phoebe-chimp had foreseen what Prue would have done to them when she discovers her raped siblings frozen and covered with their cum, it had found the handgun just where his precognitive vision had shown him was.

They had tossed it in the garbage can where Prue wouldn’t even think of looking for it. Then they just lay in wait for her to return home

Prue had spent the better part of the afternoon getting details of Dr. Williamson’s activities from Inspector Morris. What she found out shocked her.

At first, the doctor had been removing organs from criminals for the purpose of saving lives, while at the same time insuring that those criminals would survive his ‘surgery’. But now, he wasn’t even bothering in letting those criminal donors lives. He was intentionally leaving them to die after removing whatever organ he had cut out of them.

She rushed back to the mansion to let her sisters know how badly things have gotten. She only hoped that Phoebe had found a way to remove his powers before more Innocents, to use the term loosely in this case, are lost.

“Piper! Phoebe!” Prue called out as she walked into the house.

But nobody answered. As soon as she turned the corner into their livingroom she stopped dead in her tracks in shock.

There, lying half-naked and frozen, lay her sister Piper. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing before her very eyes. She could see the cum splatters all over her face and groin.

‘Did Dr. Williamson come here and raped her?’ Prue wondered.

But there was no indication of forced entry to the house.

“Phoebe!” She called out in alarm, not seeing her in the room.

She rushed from room to room trying to find her baby sister. She skidded to a halt as she came into the kitchen. There on the floor lay Phoebe. She too was half-dressed and covered with congealing sperm.

“Who did this to you guys?” Prue asked, but they weren’t in any condition to give her an answer.

Then she remembered the chimpanzees that they had brought back from the hospital.

“Where are the monkeys?” She called out in concern. “Where are you girls? C’mon out, girls. I’ve got bananas for ya.”

That was when Prue-chimp astral-projected in front of her, minus its diaper. The first thing that caught Prue’s attention was its raging hardon.

“Oh! My! God!” She gulped. “You girls are… guys!”

Then the realization hit her.

“YO… YOU THREE RAPED MY SISTERS!” She screamed in anger.

She rushed out to the drawer where they kept a gun for protection. When she pulled open the drawer it was empty.

“I’l… I’ll fucking kill you damn apes!” She yelled while rushing after them.

Prue-chimp waved its arms in the air, pulling loose the single strap that held her top in place. Before Prue could react her breast popped free. She instinctively reached up to cover herself, but then reconsidered as these were only animals seeing her exposed like this.

She turned towards the kitchen, planning on levitating knives to attack the three horny primates running around her. But Prue-chimp waved its arms once more, causing her skirt to slip down, tripping her and causing her to fall heavily to the ground. Her head banging against the center table, knocking her unconscious.

“Eeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeeeek!” The three chimps shrieked excitedly.

They all pounced on the unconscious woman and began pawing her body everywhere. Phoebe-chimp was enjoying the feel of her large tits, occasionally nibbling or biting on her nipples.

Piper-chimp had found the human mouth to be very enjoyable, so he jumped on her face. He was exploring her limp mouth with his fingers, trying to see how deep her cavity was and if it would be able to handle his cock like the others had.

Prue-chimp was exploring Prue’s vagina and ass, having enjoyed both experiences equally with Piper and Phoebe earlier.

The three apes began tearing away what remained of Prue’s clothing. Piece by ripped piece she was being undressed by the excited primates. Her unconscious body quivering with each tug.

As they continued to strip her, they could feel their cocks stiffening once more. With each girl they seem to get aroused easier and faster. In fact, their cocks were increasing in size after each rape of the witches.

Phoebe-chimp’s penis was now measuring a more respectable eight inches. While Prue-chimp now had a cock measuring ten inches. Piper-chimp had grown the most impressively, his cock now measured a monstrous fifteen inches and almost three inches in girth.

Piper-chimp decided to take the initiative and began to stuff his cockhead past Prue’s limp lips. He was disappointed in her lack of participation, but his girth still made her nice and tight enough for him. So he proceeded to start humping past her lips anyway.

Phoebe-chimp continued suckling on Prue’s large tits and nipples, trying to milk her in the process like a cow’s teat.

Prue-chimp didn’t waste time in joining his pals. He aimed his, now ten inch cock, to Prue’s pussy and shoved forward hard. He managed to bury half his cock on that first thrust. After that, he did what came natural to any animal, he began thrusting into her at a rapid pace.

This three edged assault on Prue’s unconscious form was shaking her body back and forth, depending which ape was thrusting at that specific moment. Her tits jiggling at their onslaught.

Prue’s pussy began lubricating itself almost instantly as Prue-chimp’s cock sliced in and out of her.

At the same time, her nipples were hardening to the pleasure of Phoebe-chimp.

“Uuuunnn!” Prue moaned as she was slowly regaining consciousness.

Piper-chimp grabbed her by the hair and continued humping his cock down her throat. Its warm flesh touching her throat was arousing Prue even more, despite her stupor.

Then Prue-chimp rammed all ten inches into Prue’s pussy, which shocked her back to awareness. When she opened her eyes she couldn’t see anything, but knew that someone was raping her mouth and vagina. As well as sucking on her tits.

At first she thought that she had been blindfolded, but then she remembered the three apes in the house. About how she had found her two sisters, covered with their cum. That’s when it dawned on her that it was these same three animals that were now raping her.

She waved her hands desperately in a vain attempt to throw them off with her powers. She was shocked to discover that they were immune to her influence.

‘Oh god, no, ‘ she thought in horror to her situation. ‘Don’t let this happen to me.’

She began squirming in an attempt to push them off, but their great strength was too much for her. Despite their smallish size, chimpanzees are much more stronger than any normal person.

Then, without consciously willing it, she astro- projected next to her primary self. She looked down in terror as she saw the two apes ravaging her mouth and pussy. She could see how big their cocks had gotten. But she was too stunned to react in helping her real self.

“How can these little guys have dicks that size?” She asked aloud.

Phoebe-chimp was surprised to hear her voice from above. When he looked up, he saw another human female in the room. Not realizing that it was the astral-Prue, he leapt up and grabbed at her naked projection.

Astral-Prue immediately tried to fight him off as well, but he had already wrapped his strong, long arms around her waist and was humping his rigid cock against her leg.

Realizing that he was too low, he began climbing up astral-Prue’s body to get in proper position. He then humped once more and his cockhead found its way into astral-Prue’s wet pussy.

She hadn’t realized that the arousal that had moistened her real body, had also been transferred into her astral body as well.

So Phoebe-chimp buried his eight inch cock into her and began humping furiously as only a wild animal could. Astral-Prue came within seconds of his invading prick finding its mark.

“Oh fucking shit!” She exclaimed in surprise at her own reaction.

He closed her eyes to a crack as Phoebe-chimp kept on humping into her. This allowed to watch the other two primates fuck into her entranced body. She watched helplessly as their ten-plus inch cocks slid in and out of her own mouth and pussy.

As her excitement continued to mount, she was beginning to wish that she could feel their cocks as they plunged into her.

“Mmmmmmmh!” She moaned. “Ho… how can I be thinking of somet… something like that.”

Astral-Prue began finding her hips humping along with Phoebe-chimp. For some perverse reason, her act of voyeurism on her own rape was arousing to her. She could feel her self-control slipping away from her with each passing second.

“I… I’ve got to… got to get control,” she told herself aloud.

With a burst of conscious effort she canceled out her astral self and remerged with her true body. As soon as that occurred she opened her eyes wide in shock at discovering how deeply imbedded the Piper-chimp had driven his fifteen inch cock down her throat. At least ten of those inches was sliding in and out past her lips and she was helpless to stop him.

“Mmmmmmmmmh!” Was the only sound of protest that she could utter.

At that same instant, the Phoebe-chimp that had been fucking the astral-Prue had fallen to the ground and was very upset. He was finally getting his jollies when his ‘mate’ disappeared on him. And now that he was furiously aroused he was in search for a new one for him to sink his hard shaft in.

He tried muscling into his comrades act, but they effortlessly shoved him away. He kept jumping around the three bodies on the ground until he noticed Prue’s puckered asshole. He approached her rear cautiously and began sniffing her ass.

‘Oh god, no, ‘ Prue’s eyes widened at the ape’s wet snout on her ass. ‘Please! Please, don’t let him do that!’

But the chimpanzee wouldn’t be put off. He had found a new hole to explore. The first thing that he did was stick his long primate finger past her sphincter and shoved it in as deep as he could.

Prue’s ass tightened at the invading digit, squeezing her ass-muscles as tight as she could to try and keep him out. But the finger still managed to slither deeper into her.

Then he pulled it out and smelled her shit on his finger. The beast didn’t find it all that unpleasant and resumed the task, shoving his finger again in Prue’s ass. In and out he would finger-fuck her ass repeatedly.

Slowly, inexorably, Prue felt her resistance weaken. With each invading thrust of Phoebe-chimp’s finger, she could feel her body unwilling submit to it. Though she had never in her life been fucked there, she thought it to be an abhorrent sexual behavior, she was now nearing conceding that it might be something worth trying with the right guy someday.

Phoebe-chimp could feel her loosening up to his finger-fucking. She he felt that the time was now right for his real needs to take to the forefront. He deftly flipped himself around so that his cock was primed at her ass entrance.

Prue had felt the ape’s finger pull out of her, and at first she was disappointed. Then her thoughts brought her back to what was happening to her at the hands of these animals and she was relieved.

But then she felt something else pushing against her sphincter. Something hard and wet. That’s when she realized that her virgin ass was about to be deflowered by a chimpanzee. Again she struggled against the three primates, trying desperately to get them away from her.

But they were as relentless as ever. They wouldn’t relinquish their hold on her naked body. As far as they were concerned, she was just another willing mate wanting to be impregnated by them.

‘Ohgodohgodohgod!’ Her mind reeled at the third cock approaching her ass.

Phoebe-chimp then shoved forward, burying half of his eight inch cock into Prue’s ass. In immediate reaction Prue squeezed her asscheeks together, trapping him there.

Prue-chimp felt his friend’s cock, through the thin membrane separating them, and got all excited by the sudden counter-pressure. In his excitement he created a second astral-cock to his own. He now had two cocks attached to his loins and both of them were stuffed inside of Prue’s vagina.

Suddenly, Prue felt the girth in her pussy widen to twice what it was just a second before. Tears of pain began flowing down her cheeks as her mouth kept on sucking on Piper-chimp’s cock.

“Eeeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeeek!” Both Prue-chimp and Phoebe-chimp cried out in surprise.

The added pressure of that third cock against their own was squeezing their cocks almost painfully. They both tried fucking their cocks in and out of her tight holes, but they were held there motionless despite their excitement.

‘Oh GOD! It hurts!’ Prue’s mind exploded in pain.

Unconsciously, her clit exploded in orgasm at the added pressure. Her cum squirted furiously over the balls of the now double-pricked Prue-chimp, lubricating both shafts. The horny ape was finally able to move his cocks once more. Only an inch of so at first, but soon he was managing to slide five, then six inches into Prue’s cum slickened pussy.

As Prue’s juices flowed around the double-cocked monkey in her pussy, some of it would seep to her as and lubricate the still ass-fucking Phoebe-chimp. Soon after he was moving in unison with his companion and screwing her ass as Prue-chimp filled her cunt.

With each passing second, Prue’s pain was slowly being replaced by a source of pleasure. She couldn’t comprehend how she could be getting excited over such a vile and unnatural act, besides the fact that it was animals doing it to her. But she had to concede that her body was telling her that this was a good feeling.

With Prue distracted by the three cocks at her back, Piper-chimp shoved forward had and finally managed to shove all fifteen inches of his hard cock down her throat. In shocked surprise, Prue gulped noisily around the invading shaft as she felt its bloated balls hitting against her chin.

Prue’s eyes crossed in complete disbelief as she came to the realization that the ape’s whole cock had found its way down her throat. She could still visualize its size when she was watching herself get raped while in her astral-personae a few minutes before. She remembered her shocked disbelief that this small animal could have had a cock that huge.

Not wanting to release his treasure hole that was Prue’s mouth, Piper-chimp wrapped its arms and legs tightly around her head. With his savage strength he was easily able to keep his cock buried deep down her throat.

Prue was finding it hard to catch her breath while that deepthroated cock remained buried to the hilt like this. She could see spots appearing before her eyes as she was feeling herself fall into unconsciousness from lack of oxygen.


Chapter Five

While Prue was being ape-raped, both Piper and Phoebe were finally released from Piper-chimp’s time freezing.

Thought they found themselves in different rooms, they both smacked their mouths noisily as they sucked in the cum still clinging to her lips and their tongues. Then they both noticed that they were half-naked, with their clothes ripped savagely to shreds.

That’s when they both recalled what had happened to them. How the three monkeys that they had brought back from the hospital were not female as they had presumed because of the names that Dr. Williamson had given them. But rather the three primates were in fact three males. Very horny males it turned out.

They were getting to their feet in the place the apes had abandoned them. And on shaky legs they examined themselves for signs of injury and bite marks, with animals you never know.

Piper, being in the livingroom already, was the first to notice what was going on.

“OH! MY! GOD!” She yelled out, alarming Phoebe in the kitchen. “Prue! What are you doing!”

Phoebe rushed into the room to see what was wrong. What greeted her was Prue on the ground with the three apes ravaging her naked body. A smile crept over her lips at the sight of her older sister finally getting the fucking that she needed.

“Way to go sis,” Phoebe cheered.

“Phoebe!” Piper objected. “How can you say that. They… they’re monkeys for godsakes.”

Prue’s eyes just stared in disbelief as her two sibling sisters were arguing between each other while she was still at the sexual mercy of the three primates attacking her body with their cocks.

“You seem to have enjoyed them,” Phoebe countered checking out the dried cum on Piper’s face.

“I… I didn’t do it,” Piper countered. “They… they raped me.”

“I didn’t hear you call for help,” Phoebe cornered her. “Or object for that matter.”

“I… I couldn’t,” the middle sister said in her defense. “I had a cock in…” she stopped herself, not daring to say that an ape cock was stuffed in her mouth.

“Eeeeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeeek!”

Their arguing was interrupted as the Phoebe-chimp shrieked out as he was cumming. His hot cum shooting into Prue’s ass.

The two sisters watched in fascination as Prue continued getting fucked by the Prue-chimp, as yet unaware that it was now equipped with a twin cock. They were also shocked to see the size that Piper- chimp’s cock had now attained.

They couldn’t believe that Prue was managing to suck anything that big down her throat and remain conscious. That’s when they first took notice of the blue tinge that Prue’s face was taking in.

“Uh-oh!” Phoebe voiced her concern. “We better do something before Prue passes out.”

Piper moved forward and grabbed hold of the still spurting Phoebe-chimp and began pulling him out of Prue’s tight ass. It was a struggle for the little primate didn’t want to leave the tightness of her hole. But finally, Piper managed to pull him free, his cum spurting in the air, one shot hitting Phoebe in the face.

“Hey!” Phoebe objected, licking her tongue across her lips to taste its cum.

“Sorry,” Piper laughed.

They locked the still squirting chimp in the closet and rushed back to their distressed older sister. With Phoebe-chimp removed they began struggling with Piper-chimp. Phoebe pulled its limbs away from Prue’s head while Piper began pulling his raging hard cock out of Prue’s mouth. Inch by inch they watched in amazement as the fifteen inch tool crept out of their sister’s mouth.

“Good God Prue,” Piper exclaimed. “How did you ever manage to swallow that?”

“Yeah sis,” Phoebe chimed in. “You gotta teach me how to do that someday.”

“Phoebe!” Piper reprimanded her.

Finally, the monstrous cock popped out of Prue’s mouth.

“(Gasp!)” Prue finally gulped a deep breath of fresh air.

Prue was gasping for air rapidly, trying to re- oxygenate her blood. Her two sisters finally sighed a breath of relief as they saw her color come back to her cheeks. They then dragged the protesting ape into another closet and locked him in as well.

Everybody seemed to have forgotten about the Prue- chimp still fucking her pussy furiously. That is until they returned to the livingroom only to find Prue hugging the ape, trying to make him cum inside of her.

“What are you doing Prue!” Piper yelled out. “You… you can’t be doing this!”

“C’mon Piper,” Phoebe held her back. “Loosen up. Can’t you see Prue needs this.”

“C’mon you fucker!” Prue cried out as the double- cocked ape kept on humping. “Fill my pussy with your seed. I… I’m almost there. Almost… almost cumming! Oh God! I’m cumming! I’M CUMMING! CUMMMMMMING!”

“Go girl!” Phoebe cheered as she watched her older sister writhe in the throes of orgasm.

“Phoebe! Stop that!” Piper scolded her. “Thi… this just isn’t right.”

“Tell that to Prue sis,” Phoebe replied, a big grin on her face.

Piper could only stare in shocked disbelief as Prue urged the beast to fuck her some more. She recalled as the three savage animals had done the same to her only too recently. She couldn’t admit to herself how much she had enjoyed their cocks.

Phoebe, on the other hand, was not at her first experience with bestiality. Though her experience was really only limited to letting a dog lick her. She had never considered the possibility of apes as a sex partner. She just watched on gleefully as the chimp was making her sister cum with such enthusiasm.

Piper was trying to decide what to do next. Phoebe could see how restless she was getting. She didn’t want this to stop just yet. So Phoebe then decided to take a hand in controlling Piper for a while.

Grabbing Piper by her shoulder, Phoebe turned her around and kissed her sister deeply. At first Piper tried to pull away, but her strength had been sapped by the apes earlier and she soon began to relax.

Phoebe noticed this and began to frenchkiss her, letting their tongues intermingle together in Piper’s mouth.

“Mmmmm!” Piper moaned, not fighting any longer.

Phoebe could taste a tangy, salty flavor on Piper’s mouth. Then she realized that she was tasting monkey jism, and that Piper must be tasting the same. Phoebe’s mouth curled into a grin at that realization.

‘If Piper only knew, ‘ she thought to herself.

To continue with her assault of her older sister, Phoebe’s hands made their way to her waist, then lower still to her sister’s cum stained vagina. She then dug her fingers past Piper’s pussylips and began finger-fucking her with earnest.

Piper’s eyes bulged wide in surprise at her sister’s abhorrent behavior. She would never have imagined her baby sister to be a lesbian. But then again, she would never have thought that she might enjoy a woman’s touch herself either.

By now both younger sisters had completely forgotten Prue’s antics with the double-cocked Prue-chimp. They were concentrating so much on discovering each others bodies that they didn’t care anymore. Just as Phoebe had planned.

Though Piper was the middle child, she had the smallest tits of the Charmed Ones, and she’s always been jealous of that fact. Phoebe rather preferred sucking smaller tits as she could get them into her mouth completely whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Phoebe then rolled Piper on her back and roughly straddled her in a nice 69 position. Before she even knew what was happening she found her face masked by Phoebe’s thighs, and her nose into the crevasse of her cunt. With each breath she got a whiff of her baby sister’s sex, and of the monkey’s cum.

Piper could do nothing other than breathe in Phoebe’s sex drenched scent with every breath she took. Then the unexpected happened, she felt her younger sister’s tongue licking at her exposed vagina.

Despite being a witch, Piper was very prudish when it came to sex. Sure she loved getting fucked by men and all, but that was it as far as she was concerned. But today she had been exposed to a whole new universe of sexual perversion. First, there was the three chimpanzees that had raped her. Next, was playing the voyeur as she watched her sister receive the same treatment. And finally, the ultimate degradation in her mind, her sister was dragging her down the road of homosexuality.

Phoebe could feel her sister’s struggle to escape her tongue-lashing, but she had no intention of letting her out of her grasp. At least not until she satisfied her own hunger for pussy, and maybe teach old sister a few new tricks.

Prue was oblivious to her sisters activities as she was still trying to contend with the Prue-chimp’s double cock in her pussy. She had never been filled so much in all of her life, and to receive this pleasure from a beast had blown her away.

“Oh fuckkk!” She moaned. “You fuck good, your shit! I… I’ve never been so full of cock… EVER!”

She then took hold of his head and guided him up to her voluptuous tits and plastered him against her stiff nipples.

“Suck my titties boy,” she said aloud. “Suck them good.”

Her two sisters twisted their heads in Prue’s direction at hearing her encouraging the ape to suck her tits. Phoebe smiled wickedly while Piper had a shocked expression across her face. Then Phoebe returned her attention to Piper’s moistening pussy. That’s when they finally realized that the horny chimpanzee was equipped with two very hard cocks, and they were both stuffed in the eldest Halliwell’s pussy.

“Holy shit Phoeb!” Piper exclaimed. “He… he… he’s got two… two…”

“Two yummy cocks,” Phoebe finally finished for her grinning wildly.

“Wha… what are you two talking about?” Prue asked.

Prue-chimp just kept on humping his double phallus into Prue’s cunt as the three beauties talked about him.

“Well, sister dear,” Piper said scornfully. “You… your lover here as two… two…”

“Cocks!” Phoebe had to finish for her again.

“You’re kidding, right?” Prue couldn’t believe what they were saying.

But then it would explain why her pussy felt so filled by such a small animal. At the same time Prue-chimp dropped his head back to her ample tits and sucked on her aroused nipples.

“I think we need to call for some help here,” Piper says. “Le…”

Her call to their White Lighter stopped in midstream by the hand of her younger sibling clamping over her mouth.

“Uh Piper. Sweetie,” Phoebe interrupted her sister’s thoughts. “Do you really want Leo, your boyfriend, orbing in on us right now.”

Piper looked around the livingroom over the perverted scene going on around her. Prue getting fucked by a magically endowed chimpanzee, herself and Phoebe intertwined in a lesbian embrace only a few feet away from that bestial coupling, and two more horny apes locked away in closets. And we mustn’t forget about all the dried cum over each of their bodies.

“Well, what should we do then?” Piper asked.

“Not a fucking thing!” Prue broke in. “At least nothing till this hunky monkey fills me with his seed.”

“Prue! How can you say something so vile,” the innocent Piper said, shocked at her sister’s depravity.

“Lighten up Piper,” Phoebe told her. “I bet you loved it when they did you.”

“I did not!” She objected. “They… they froze me. They… they raped me, that’s what they did to me. They raped me, you hear.”

“Well I kind liked it myself,” Phoebe told her. “Now stop complaining and clean up their cum off of me.”

Piper was flabbergasted by her sisters reaction to the raping animals. But then she felt Phoebe’s tongue slithering in her pussy, cleaning out the apes cum out of her.

“Ooooooh!” She moaned helplessly.

Then without thinking about what she was doing she too dipped her tongue in her sister’s cunt and began licking up the cum that was still trapped there.

Prue and Phoebe both smiled at their clean-cut sister as she was licking pussy like an expert and without protest now. Prue continued enjoying the pressure of the twin cocks in her cunt as she watched her sisters moaning on the floor nearby.

For the next ten minutes this went on until the Prue- chimp finally shot its double load into Prue’s clenching cunt.

“Oh fucking shit!” Prue groaned aloud. “He’s cumming in me! He’s shooting his seed deep into me! He… I’m cumming too! CUMMMMMING!”

Her two sisters turned their attention to their climaxing sister and her simian lover. They watched intently as the eldest witch twitched and humped herself on the floor, her pussy still impaled on the thick double ape dick.

Then Phoebe nudged Piper on her side and tilted her head towards Prue. She then crawled over to her oldest sister and began munching on her swollen nipple. Piper watched for a moment more and finally decided on her own to join Phoebe in her treat. They had to hold down Prue’s arms as they began sucking on her sensitive nipples and the chimpanzee finished with his own climax.


Chapter Six

For the next ten minutes they continued like this. The Prue-chimp slowly emptying his balls with his simian cum while the two younger sisters satisfied their lust on Prue’s tits.

Not wanting to remain out of the action Prue moved her hands to each of her sisters cunts and inserted two fingers in each of their pussies. It didn’t take long before they both began humping their asses on her fingers, both wanting to feel something fucking them, even if it were only Prue’s fingers.

“Oh yesss Piper,” Prue moaned. “Suck my tits sis.”

“MMMMMMH!” Both siblings moaned as they continued sucking her nipples like babes on their mother’s teats.

Prue then shoved another finger in each of her siblings pussies as they went on suckling on her excited nipples. Then she would shove in a fourth and both girls moaned gratefully at her gesture.

Piper and Phoebe began humping themselves on Prue’s finger-fucking hands as they mashed her tits with their hands.

“Oh fuck!” Prue finally groaned out. “I’m… I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m CUMMMMING!”

“Eeeek! Eeeek! Eeeeek! Eeeeek!” Prue-chimp shrieked out as he felt her warm cum soaking his groin area.

The magically endowed ape then pulled out its twin cocks from the exhausted witch he had had the pleasure of mating with all this time.

Piper and Phoebe watched, mesmerized, a the double- dong slowly pulled out of their sister’s sucking cunt. They couldn’t believe that she had managed to take the monstrous looking cock completely inside of her, much less enjoyed to multiple orgasms.

“Lets do a daisy chain,” Phoebe called out.

Before any of her sisters could object she pushed Piper’s face into Prue’s cum drenched pussy and held her there until she was certain that she was licking her out. Next she placed herself in position to receive Prue’s tongue in her own. And finally, she buried her face into Piper’s cunt and began nibbling on her aroused clit.

This incestuous lesbian loving continued until Prue and Phoebe were satisfied that Piper had eaten all the chimpanzee’s cum from Prue’s pussy. Only then did they allow themselves to untangle and collapse, exhausted on the floor.

“W-o-w!” Phoebe finally said. “That was s-o coool!”

Prue turned her head to her baby sister and just smiled in agreement. As for Piper, when she looked in the direction of her sisters she just stuck out her tongue at both of them and they could see monkey jism still clinging to it.

“You didn’t finish your desert Piper,” Phoebe teased her. “Here let me help.”

With that she rolled on top of her sister and gave her a deep frenchkiss, gathering the last drops of simian cum from her mouth.



After having been raped by the three magically endowed apes, the three sister witches finally concocted a potion that removed their powers from their simian namesakes.

Next, they had to do the same to Dr. Williamson. They were unsuccessful in this with the potion and they eventually wound up having to kill the cursed man. This was painful to each of them as their task here on Earth was not to harm the innocent, and as far as they were concerned Dr. Williamson was an innocent who had gained their powers because of a lab accident with their blood samples.


A few days later thing had finally settled down. All that remained now was the disposition of the three chimpanzees that were still at the mansion.

“Now what are we going to do we these guys?” Piper asked, pointing to the now docile apes.

“Yeah!” Prue added. “I’m really going to miss these cute fellas.”

“I hope you don’t mean… their you-know-what, ” Piper said scoldingly, referring to their sexual prowess.

“No, of course not,” Prue told her. “Now that they are mortal again, they’re just so cute.”

“Oh! I got in touch with a children zoo,” Phoebe informed them. “I’ll take them over there tomorrow.”

“Why not today?” Prue asked.

“W-e-l-l, I was hoping to have them around one last time,” Phoebe said, blushing.

“PHOEBE!’ Both her sisters shouted, realizing what their younger sibling really wanted.

The End

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