Women with Animals
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Wonder Woman’s New Alter Ego


Wonder Woman was walking through one of the city’s alleys in a daze. It was dark and the stars were out. The still, warm wind caressed her skin.

The last thing she remembered were two eyes staring at her. Melting away her memories. She remembered hitting whoever had attacked her. But not how she had gotten away from her attacker.

In fact, she remembered nothing. Not even her name.

She looked around the alley, trying to decide where to go when she heard two voices approaching.

Ben and Jack were heading home from work. They worked part-time at a convenience store to pay for college. Ben was studying business economics, and Jack marketing and advertisement.

“If Mr. Habibi won’t pay us more, then we have to start working weekends to pay the rent.” Ben said.

“But then we won’t have time to study. What about taking on another room mate? To share the rent. I can sleep on the couch.” Jack replied while suppressing a yawn.

“Too risky. What if we get some asshole who just eats our food and doesn’t pay? Besides, you need room too……. Is that who I think it is?” Ben pointed ahead into the alley.

“Damm. It’s Wonder Woman! Why is she just standing there?” Jack said.

Ben walked up to the superheroine, realizing something was wrong.

“Wonder Woman, are you OK?” he asked.

“Is that my name? I can’t remember anything. And who are you?” she asked.

“It’s ok. My name Jack, that’s Ben. Are you hurt? Did you hit your head?” Jack asked.

“No, I’m not hurt. What’s going on?” she asked.

“We are your friends. Come home with us.” Ben said reassuringly.

They walked to the apartment that was nearby and led her in.

The apartment was a mess. Empty pizza boxes, bottles, dirty clothes were everywhere.

It was a three-room apartment. Two bedrooms and a combined kitchen and living room.

“Why don’t you sit down on the couch and watch some TV while Jack and I talk in the other room?” Ben suggested, dragging Jack in to the other room.

Wonder Woman sat down on the couch and started working the remote.

They where about to enter one of the bedrooms when the TV came on.

It was one of Ben’s hardcore porno DVD’s that he had left in the DVD player.

By coincidence, it was a XXX parody staring Rhonda Bangalot as Wonder Woman.

The DVD had been paused in the middle of the final gang bang scene.

Ben and Jack stopped in mid-step as Rhonda Bangalot’s cock-muffled moans of orgasm started blaring from the TV.

They held their breaths in anticipation of the outburst of rage that Wonder Woman was famous for.

Especially when it comes to women’s rights. But none came.

They stood motionless for what seemed like an hour as Wonder Woman calmly watched her doppelganger get fucked by twenty men in cheesy henchmen outfits.

The scene ended when Rhonda Bangalot passed out from exhaustion. The men simply gathered around the limp woman and jizzed on her face and tits.

Wonder Woman turned her head to Ben and Jack.

“That looked like me. Was that me?” she asked.

Jack and Ben stood stunned for a moment.

“I don’t remember letting men do things like that to me. But I don’t remember anything.” Wonder Woman went on.

“Yes. You used to be a porn star. Now you live here with us and have sex with us.” Jack said.

“What are you doing?” Ben hissed to Jack.

“Playing a hunch.” Jack hissed back.

“You mean I live here and have sex with you two? When? How?” Wonder Woman asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Yes. Whenever we want, and any way we want.” Ben said

“What if I don’t want to?” she exclaimed.

“What you want doesn’t matter. You’re a woman. Why do you think you have that hole between your legs? It’s for men to fuck. That’s the law.” Ben said with emphasis on the word “law”. Wonder Woman seemed to pause and think when she heard the word.

“If I live here, where are all my things?” She finally asked.

“You don’t have any. You don’t need things to lie on your back with your legs spread. Look, because you lost your memory we’re going to go easy on you.” Ben said as he walked around the couch and unbuckled his belt and opened his pants.

He took out his cock in front of her face.

“Go ahead. Suck it. Like you did in that movie. It will help you remember.” Ben said, projecting confidence.

Wonder Woman’s eyes were transfixed on the cock in front of her. Then she gripped it in her hand and started stroking it.

“In your mouth, and when I cum, you swallow.” Ben prompted.

She slowly complied. Then she began pumping the cock in her mouth.

It didn’t make her remember. Nothing was familiar about sucking cock. Not the feeling. Not the movements. Not even the taste.

But it felt natural and right.

It must be true. I was made to fuck.” she thought as she bobbed her head, sucking the cock with lightning speed.

Ben came in her mouth with a groan, and she swallowed all of it.

“My turn. Take off your panties. I wanna fuck your pussy.” Jack said, pushing Ben aside.

Wonder Woman, still sitting on the couch, lifted her blue-and-white star-spangled short skirt and slipped off her matching panties. Revealing her cunt, glistening with pussy juice, topped with a clitoris like perfect pink pearl.

Wonder Woman gave everyone a surprise when she gave a slight squeal of pain as Jack pushed through her hymen.

Jack almost had to bite his tongue not to say “Oh my god, you’re a virgin.” revealing their deception.

Her pussy was tight, hot and slippery. He fucked her fast and hard. Wonder Woman started humping back. Jack had never fucked a woman this hot and a pussy that tight, and he came soon.

The sensation of hot cum sprayed into her cunt was too much for her and she came as well.

Next, they had her bend over the armrest of the couch. So Ben could fuck her up the ass.

“AAAHH! Please stop. It hurts. AAAHH!” Wonder Woman shrieked in pain.

Jack heard Wonder Woman scream in pain and came up with a solution.

As she opened her mouth, about to scream again, Jack pushed his cock down her throat, shutting her up.

Ben was first worried that the neighbors would call 911. Reporting a rape. But thanks to Jack’s brilliant solution of shutting her up, he could fuck her tight ass as hard and as fast as he liked.

They spent the rest of the night taking turns fucking her, and when they couldn’t fuck her anymore, they had her strip dance and masturbate with all sorts of objects.


The next day

Saturday morning.

While Wonder Woman slept, Jack and Ben debated on what to do next.

“If we get caught, we’re fucked. Prison is we are lucky.” Jack said.

“I agree; we’re fucked if we get busted. We are past worrying about getting caught, though. I say we milk it for all it’s worth.” Ben said.

“ So how do we ‘milk’ her? Not literally, I suppose.” Jack said.

“We pimp her out. Do you know of anyone who wouldn’t pay god money to fuck Wonder Woman?” Ben said excitedly.

“No. That’s crazy. If people find out that we’re holding Wonder Woman as a sex slave, they will sell us out. There is probably a reward or something for that.” Jack said.

“Hmm, you might be right. I know! We say she is a Wonder Woman look-alike. We say she is that Rhonda Bangalot from the porno movie.” Ben said.

“Didn’t she get fucked to death filming the sequel?” Jack asked.

“No, that’s just an urban legend, like the one about Super Girl competing in that horse fucking contest.” Ben said dismissively.

“We could put an ad on Craigslist. ‘Rhonda Bangalot seeking generous men. Address, time and so on’. This could work. We need pictures.” Jack said.

“We also need to ‘re-train’ her in the ways of a woman.” Ben said, making quotation marks with his fingers to emphasize ‘re-train’.

Then, they spent the whole day preparing Wonder Woman as a whore.

They made her watch all sorts of pornos where women were submissive and subjugated. Ben downloaded a bunch of sexual ‘how-to’ movies.

How to do anal, how to suck cock, etc.

The difficulty was getting her to take anal sex without complaining.

But by the time the sun set, Ben was fucking her doggy style up the ass. As hard and as ferocious as he could while she repeated the lines of encouragement they taught her.

“Oh yes. Fuck me hard. I love it. Fuck my ass.” It still sounded rehearsed. But it would have to do.

Ben finished and Jack took his place. Jack’s hips slammed into Wonder Woman’s ass fast and hard. Making a noise like someone clapping his hands.

Ben started clearing out his room. They had flipped a coin to see whose room they would use when the customers fucked Wonder Woman.

Ben wanted his private stuff outside the ‘cum-splash’ zone.


Wonder Woman’s new career

Wonder Woman awoke to the sound of someone knocking at the door. She was naked, and Ben was sleeping beside her. His face was buried between her big tits.

He had woken her up twice last night by simply parting her legs and unceremoniously starting to fuck her.

Ever since that night, these two boys had treated her like some kind of fuck toy.

It was infuriating, it was degrading, and kind of exciting.

Nothing they had done to her had triggered any memories. But it felt right. It felt natural. And those movies. They made her feel all tingly in her pussy.

There was one where a group of twenty men had brutally gangbanged a single woman.

She had stood on her hands and knees for over an hour while the men took turns fucking her up the ass and in her mouth. At the same time, they slapped her butt and her face.

At first, she had been angry, that someone would treat a woman like that. But the woman had obviously enjoyed it. The sight of the woman taking that rough gangbang had almost made her cum.

And that’s how she realized that all of what Ben and Jack said were true.

The knocking at the door repeated. Ben woke up. Smiling when he realized that he had Wonder Woman in his bed.

He walked into the living room and opened the door.

Outside the door was a large group of men waiting. The ad that Jack and Ben had put o Craigslist was more or less a drop-in invitation. Giving a time and a place where ‘Rhonda Bangalot’ was available. This had resulted in a line of men reaching as far down the stairs as Ben could see. Leading to his door.

Wonder Woman got ready quickly. She had slept naked. Now she was wearing her Wonder Woman outfit. Except the parts that covered her tits and cunt.

She lay on the bed with her legs spread wide. Exposing herself to her first customer standing in the door way.

He was an average-looking man in his mid-twenties.

He stood at the doorway. Seemingly stunned for a moment.

“Wow. You look just like her.” He said. Then he unzipped his pants and took out his cock.

As he stood there looking at her, she felt insecure. Not knowing if she should start somehow. Sucking his cock or something. With Ben and Jack, they had always initiated the sex.

She smiled in relief when he got in bed and started fucking her.

He played with her breasts as he fucked her. He squeezed one of her big tits while he sucked on another.

The double sensation of getting her pussy fucked and her boobs sucked set her off, and she started cumming.


Twelve hours later

Ben and Jack sat on the couch, looking wide-eyed at the stack of money they had earned.

The last customer of the day was fucking Wonder Woman in the next room.

She had been fucking one man after another since this morning. Stopping only occasionally for food, water or a bathroom break.

To Jack and Ben’s surprise, she seemed to love every second of it.

She had been moaning like a whore up until an hour and a half ago.

When she had passed out.

A few of the men had stayed and asked if they could fuck her while she was unconscious, and Jack and Ben had said yes. After checking that she was still breathing.

When the last man finally left, Ben and Jack walked into the room where Wonder Woman lay.

Her naked body glistened with sweat, and her big breasts rose and fell with her slow, deep breathing.

A small pool of cum and pussy juice had gathered between her legs, and more was still trickling from her gaping cunt.

They noticed that she had surprisingly few and small bruises and welts. Considering the extremely rough treatment she received from a lot of her costumers during the day.


Two weeks later

The last two weeks of her life had been more or less a constant orgasmic high.

She had found that her body was like a bottomless treasure trove of orgasmic pleasure, and everyday Ben and Jack brought her a seemingly endless stream of men to help her find every nook and cranny of her body where she may achieve an orgasm.

Today was different. Before today, the men had come one by one and fucked her.

Now, she had eighteen men in the small room, gangbanging her. They where all black, and their cocks were bigger than any cock she had ever seen.

The smallest cock there was well over a foot long and thicker than her wrist.

She had been fucked in various positions for over three hours already. She had been told that this was some kind of test. An audition of sorts.

Now the men seemed to try and see how many cocks she could handle at once.

There was one man lying on his back under her with his cock in her cunt and she was straddling him. Behind her there was a second man with his cock up her ass, and a third man was behind him putting a second cock in her pussy. Stretching her painfully.

Two other men kneeled in front of her. Pushing both of their cocks into her mouth. Stretching her mouth and throat almost as bad as her pussy.

There was a nineteenth man there in the room. But he was not taking part of the gang bang.

He was a thin, white man, all dressed in white and wearing black sunglasses.

He was holding a small digital camera, filming everything. His name was John Nelson.

At the moment, he was taking keen interest in filming her facial expression.

As a sixth man was trying to work a second huge black cock in Wonder Woman’s already over stuffed ass.

John Nelson managed to film her face. By peeking between the two men fucking her face.

The men had stopped humping temporarily. Aiding the sixth man’s efforts to get his cock up her ass. Keeping her perfectly still.

The camera caught her facial expression perfectly as the second cock went up her ass.

She was looking straight into the camera with eyes that seemed to plead ‘please no more’. Then her body jerked forward as the cock slammed into her and her face shifted to a painful, shocked expression.

She was obviously trying to scream. But the two cocks in her mouth turned the sound to a faint cum-gurgling noise.

Then the fucking and humping started anew. It was going surprisingly smooth considering how many there were fucking the same woman at the same time.

Wonder Woman now had a total of over eight feet of thick, black cock fucking her in all her holes.

“Let’s see if we can get a third cock up that cunt, shall we?” John Nelson said fifteen minutes later.

And a seventh man stepped up to the bed.

Wonder Woman waved her hand in the agreed gesture for ‘stop’. But she was ignored.

An hour later, Wonder Woman had three huge cocks in her pussy and another three up her ass. It was hard to see her under all those men clustering around her. But it was obvious that she had given up trying to resist the inhuman fucking she was receiving.

A ninth man started the seemingly impossible task of working a third cock in to Wonder Woman’s mouth.

Her eyes rolled back and she fainted.

“All right boys. She’s done for now. You guys finish up while I talk to Ben and Jack.” John Nelson said.

He walked into the other room where Ben and Jack sat watching TV.

“She’s just the kind of woman I’m looking for.” John Nelson said with a smile.

“Good. But isn’t this a bit extreme? Even for a hardcore porno audition.” Ben asked, a bit quizzical.

“Well, let me be honest. I’m not shooting your run-of-the-mill gangbang porno. I’m working for New Gold Zoo Pictures, the movie studio. And we are looking for a new face for our horse gangbang series. And I think your woman there is just the right caliber for our next movie.” John Nelson explained.

“You want her to fuck a horse?” Jack exclaimed.

“More than one, I hope.” John Nelson replied.

“I’m worried that it might break her or something.“ Ben said.

“Don’t worry. She can take it. I have worked with a lot of women doing this and judging by the way she endured that gangbang, she can go far it the bestiality porn industry. We are willing to pay you 500 bucks for agreeing to do the movie. 50 for every horse she sucks, a hundred for every horse she fucks, and 150 for every horse that fucks her up the ass. We are set up at the Donalds’ stud farm. We’ve got thirty-five studs willing and able screw that whore of yours. It’s up to you guys how rich you wanna get.” John Nelson said.

Ben and Jack hesitated for a moment.

“Ok. We’ll do it.” they finally replied.

“Great. Show up at 8:00 tomorrow morning.” John Nelson said, reaching out for a handshake to seal the deal.


The morning before the movie shoot

Wonder Woman was lying on her bed face-down. Two pillows where stuffed under her hips. Raising her ass to a perfect angle for fucking.

Ben and Jack had already explained what was going to happen today.

That she was going to make a porno movie where she would fuck as many horses as she could.

They said that the animals had such large cocks that her cunt and ass would be ruined for all men for days to come.

And that they wanted to enjoy her body now before the movie.

When she heard that she would be gang-fucked by horses, she had been worried.

But she had been worried yesterday when the black men had gangbanged her, and she had enjoyed that.

Maybe I’ll enjoy this, she tought.

Jack had already had her ass and now Ben was laying into her.

He was pumping her very much harder than usual. As a result she had been sliding a bit forth with his every vicious thrust and now her head was slamming into the headboard of the bed.

And her head slammed harder with every thrust.

Ben came with a loud groan. Giving her one last hard thrust.

Wonder Woman hit her head so hard on the headboard that everything went black for a second.

When the stars in her eyes cleared, a memory came flooding back. A memory of an island called Themyscira. Where there was only women.

She remembered being a heroine. A champion of women.

She smiled. When she realized that she been restored to her former self.

But the smile faded quickly as she remembered what Ben and Jack had done to her.

Anger boiled up inside her. They had turned her into their whore and sex toy.

They had taken her, fucked her, used her like some common whore and worst of all, they had made her like it. They had made her beg for it. She remembered the day they suggested that she would take a day’s rest from whoring and she had gotten on her knees and begged them to whore her out to the men.

But how had they made me like it? I loved every cock and every fuck I received, Wonder Woman thought.

Her burning hot rage was plunged in the icy realization that she had enjoyed her subjugation by men.

Did they lie to me on Themyscira? When they said that woman was equal to man? Maybe I belong on my knees, Wonder Woman thought.

She realized that she needed a test. To see what was the true her. The old feminist superheroine or the sex-crazy whore of the last two weeks.

The movie. If I can bring myself to wrap my lips around that first horse cock, then I’m the whore. Forever a slut chasing the next orgasm. But if I can’t, then I’m the heroine, and I will make these bastards pay for treating me or any woman like a whore, she thought decisively.


Camera, action, roll

The movie set was made to look like an old wooden barn in the west. With piles of hay in the background. Morning’s first light coming in from the half open barn door, bathing everything in its golden light.

Ten horses stood in the background. Moving restlessly with their bone-hard cocks clearly visible. They were watching the horse and woman in the middle of the set.

A camera crew on the opposite side. There was complete silences in the set, except for the occasional snort from the horses.

Wonder Woman was kneeling before the horse. Its huge cock merely inches from her face.

Fear and excitement had turned to butterflies of ambivalence in her stomach.

She had thought once she was here, the choice would have made it self.

She thought that being here would have either driven her to her old ways and she would be kicking ass by now, or that the whore inside her would have taken over and she would have thrown herself on the nearest cock and started sucking.

But here she was, hesitating.

Then she caught a whiff of the animal’s cock. She had smelled the horses from when she stepped into the studio.

But this was the first time she could smell the cock. The scent was hot. Like sweet, piss, cum and salt. It felt like warm oil gliding down her nose.

She closed her eyes and licked her lips when a moist warmth surged in her cunt.

When she opened her eyes again, she opened her mouth and swallowed the horse cock as deep as she could.

One of camera’s focused on the sight of her neck widening as the fat horse cock plunged down her throat.

The animal started bucking its hips. Fucking her face and throat vigorously.

And soon the animal was balls-deep in the woman.

After fifteen minutes of hard face-fucking, the horse started snorting loud and bucking even harder. Then it started cumming. Long squirts of cum was pumped into Wonder Woman’s throat.

In the next scene, Wonder Woman stood bent over a wooden saddle buck.

A horse was led up to her from behind.

The horse tore loose from its handler and pounced on Wonder Woman’s ass, with its hard cock.

It made five savage stabs with its cock before hitting her hot, wet, willing cunt.

A foot and a half of the animal’s cock penetrated her on the first thrust, and two and a half on the second.

The horse went balls-deep in Wonder Woman’s cunt. The horse’s huge balls slapped against Wonder Woman’s thighs as it savagely fucked her.

She started cumming almost immediately. Her body spasmed with orgasm – hard – over and over.

She fucked and sucked every horse on the farm. At least twice. Most of them three times or more.

Every hump, thrust and orgasm caught on film. Her smiling, cum smeared face on screen for everyone to see. Cum dribbling from every hole.



Wonder Woman soon returned to her life of fighting crime. The world does need saving from time to time. But her time as Ben and Jack’s fuck toy and whore had thought her that she didn’t have to be such an icy cunt all the time.

Whenever the world was safe from harm, she would return to Ben and Jack and her life in the porn industry. In her new alter ego as Rhonda Bangalot.

The end.

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