Women with Animals
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Wonder Woman’s New Alter Ego 4.5 (6)

Wonder Woman was walking through one of the city’s alleys in a daze. It was dark and the stars were out. The still, warm wind caressed her skin. The last thing she remembered were two eyes staring at her. Melting away her memories. She remembered hitting whoever had attacked her. But not how she had […] read

Women with Animals
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Supergirl and Comets love story 4.8 (9)

Kara Zor-El – Supergirl Comet – a sapient horse with magical powers. kryptonite green, damaging. Kryptonite red, Mental effect. kryptonite blue, steals power. Supergirl AKA Kara Zor-El was sitting on the super horse Comet. Comet was once a centaur from ancient Greece, but was turned into a horse by mistake. Kara was dressed in normal […] read