Women with Animals
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Supergirl and Comets love story


Kara Zor-El – Supergirl
Comet – a sapient horse with magical powers.

kryptonite green, damaging.
Kryptonite red, Mental effect.
kryptonite blue, steals power.

Supergirl AKA Kara Zor-El was sitting on the super horse Comet. Comet was once a centaur from ancient Greece, but was turned into a horse by mistake.

Kara was dressed in normal clothes. Cut off jeans and a simple white T-shirt. Her long wavy blonde hanging free and swayed in the wind.

She looked down from a sand dune on a building on the other side of a highway deep in the desert. The building appeared to be partially workshop garage, part motorcycle bar, part gas station.

Outside stood motorcycles, pickups and trucks.

Kara had received a tip that a gang smuggled kryptonite crystals for weapons manufacture. Her x-ray vision could not see through the building because it was painted with lead paint.

She suspected it was more a result of poor maintenance of the old building than something planned when she could see that the paint had flaked off in several places but there was no hole big enough that she could search the building in the distance.

Kara rode down towards the building. She could see on one side where several horse trailers parked. She rode around and saw a few women leading a number of horses in a pen behind the building. The enclosure was attached to the building and there was a large gate and a small door at the side of the gate. A man at the gate of the enclosure with a clipboard went up to Kara.

“Are you here for the contest? ” He asked with a smile.

“I have not signed up. Can I come in anyway?” Kara asked, while she tried to figure out what the competition was all about.

“No problem. We like new talent. Have you much experience with this?” he continued.

“Oh yes, I have been practicing daily since I turned thirteen.” She said.

“Wow. Isn’t it a bit dangerous to start so young.” He said with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe, But Mom and Dad could never say no when I nagged.” Kara explained.

“Ok. Your name? And the horse’s name as well?” He asked.

“Kara uummh … Candy and hmm .. Meteor.” Kara replied hesitantly.

“Ok. You can leave your partner there and if you want, you can go in there and watch the other contestants. You are contestant Number thirty-two.” He said, pointing with his hand.

Kara left the comet (Meteor) in the enclosure and went through the door.

The first thing that struck her was the warm moist air that carried an odor of sweat, cigarette smoke and cheap beer. It was a large room that was used as a type of bar full of irregular chairs and tables.

On the other side of the room was a bar where lightly clothed or semi-nude waitresses serving food and cheap alcohol.

Most of the customers were men. But at a big table on the side of the stage sat a large group of women in different outfits. Kara walked towards the stage. Her eyes fell on the scene that took place there. Her brain struggled to understand what her eyes showed her.

The backdrop was a large sheet with an African Savannah motif painted on it. In front stood a black woman bent over a hay bale, she looked like Misty Stone, the porn star.

She was slim with a very plump ass and curly hair. She was dressed in a cheap copy of Africa native dress, a bone necklace and a short straw skirt. The were also three horses on stage. They were painted to look like zebras.

One of the “zebra” horses stood over her in a strange way.

It made repeated humping motions against the black woman who screamed and groaned in response.

Kara had walked right up to the stage without realizing it, her brain was still trying to understand what was happening on stage. It was a sound that came from them, like a plunger that tried to suck out a stubborn clot out of a greasy sink.

Kara was almost in a trance when her brain went round and round in her head.

It was because of a part of the horse moved in and out of the woman caused sound.

Yes. That was when the horse’s cock went in and out of the woman’s pussy that created the sound.

It hit her like a bucket of cold water. The horse fucked woman.

Her eyes shot up wide with understanding and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

She had realized that she had been staring at the perverted sex act and looked around awkward to see if anyone had seen her stare.

But everyone watched the scene. One of the women who sat at the table near the stage looked at her and gave a friendly gesture toward an empty chair next to her. Kara hesitated for a brief second then she sat down. the woman was dressed in a cowboy outfit,

Actually she was only wearing the remaining pieces were made of leather. It was black leather. Not like the cheap S & M clothes, they were real, in thick vintage leather cowboy boots with spurs, fringed chaps that left her ass and pussy uncovered, she had a wide riveted belt over her giant silicone tits and a black cowboy hat. Her hair was dirty blonde and the sharp red lipstick on her collagen filled lips were smeared as if she had been sucking cock all day.

“Hi, I’m Bella. Is it your first contest?” she asked in a whisper.

“Yes. ummh I mean …” Kara replied without thinking.

“It’s ok. We are all green in the beginning. Do you know the rules?” Said Bella.

“R-r-rules?” Stammered Kara doubtful.

“Sure. The judges will judge you on your performance. Five points for each equine in your performance, a pony gives you a multiplication value of one, a donkey one and a half, two for regular horse. the judges can issue extra points for equines with unusually huge cocks, and/or high endurance, The cunt is worth more than a blowjob, anal sex is worth more than the pussy. Every time a horse comes for a new fuck, he is worth a half as much more of his original value, judges can also give points for a good show, costume, background, etc.” Bella explained.

“Ok. Why do you compete?” asked Kara to gain time.

She looked around. She was in a room full of sexually perverse people. But what was most surprising was how many different types of people that were in the room.

She had always thought that perverted people were lonely, ugly individuals who kept their anomalies hidden in the basement.

But here were people from all lifestyles. It was as if she had stepped into a secret society where normal standards did not exist.

“Mostly to meet like-minded people. But I would love to win the first prize.” Said Bella.

“What is the first prize.” Kara asked with genuine curiosity.

“A week with Dunder Cock.” Bella said, pointing to a poster of a black horse that reared and bared an erect cock which looked huge and fat even for a horse. “You must have seen his movies?”

“Movies?” asked Kara flabbergasted.

“Sure, he was one of the biggest porn stars of the zoo sex industry. They called him the horses’ ‘John Holmes.'” Kara could hear Bella’s admiration and lust in her voice.

Kara turned her eyes toward the stage. The black woman who was bent over the hay bale had stopped her panting and moaning. Her eyes were rolled back in her elven like face, her mouth open in a soundless O.

The “zebra” horse had increased his pace. The sound of their fucking reminded Kara now of someone who ran in mud-filled rubber boots. Her labia and clitoris flapped in and out of her, viscous liquid was drooling from the pussy like two slow waterfall after her inner thighs.

The woman jerked in orgasm spasms that shot through her entire body.

Her orgasms ceased suddenly, Kara could see her face relax. The face that just was distorted in ecstasy now wore an easy, honest smile for half a second, then walked her whole body limp and she began to fall.

The horse fucked her bent his knees without hesitation and seemed to scoop up the petit woman with his cock and lifted her up over the hay bale so he could continue fucking her unconscious body.

“Whoops. That will cost her points.” Bella said with a laugh.

Kara’s heart raced in her chest. She stood up and ran away. she ran through a door on the far side room. It was an old garage, but it was converted into a kind of horse brothel.

On the long side were four booths, one cannot see through the drapes but there was no doubt as to what went on behind. Horses snorting, women moaning, benches squeaking,

In front of each booth was a price list and a queue of women.

In a corner of the room was another door. It had a new large padlock on it. Everyone seemed to be too focused on sex to notice her. she grabbed the lock and squeezed. Metal oozed between her fingers like pudding.

Kara opened the door and went inside.

In there was a workbench with various tools. Kara could feel the stinging rays of green kryptonite. It was just traces and not enough to hurt her. In a corner of the room lay a pile of plastic casings from old car batteries. Someone had torn out the lead pieces to make protected container for the kryptonite.

On a pallet stood several lead cubes labeled, green red, yellow and blue.

On the bench was a small purple crystal.

It must be a new type of kryptonite, Kara thought and folded a piece of lead around it. She put it down in her pocket to examine it later.

Kara saw a stack of paper on the bench, hoping to find a clue as to who bought all this kryptonite she picked up the papers and then happened to overturn an unfinished lead cube and blue kryptonite crystals spilled over the table onto the floor, some of which found their way down her boot shaft. She felt the radiation wash away her superpowers. Kara started scoop the crystals quickly back into the lead box when the door flew open.

Kara spun around expecting to meet some henchmen, but there stood just an unarmed man with a with a clipboard in his hand and stressed look in his eyes.

“Please tell me you are Jenny Dangle?” The man asked panting like he had been running and searching over the entire building.

“I am…,” was all Kara could say before the man grabbed her wrist and began to lead her away.

“We have to start filming, I’m glad you got here early.” The man babbled and made excuses about why everything was in such a hurry all the way to a small movie set outdoors.

A film director got up from a chair.

“You found her. Thank god. Makeup! The movie is like in the script.” He said.

“But I’m not…” Were the only words Kara got out before a stagehand stuffed a red ballgag in her mouth and strapped it behind her head. Strong hands lifted her and tied her over a hay bale. A hard jolt put her cutoff jeans at her ankles and her ass was bare in the air.

“Now remember, this is a brutal rape scene. I want to see fear in your eyes. Yes! like that, perfect.” Said the film director excitedly.

“Immffh… nommff…” Was all Kara got past the ballgag.

“This is Cordelia she plays the jealous head cheerleader who has planned your rape.

The horses will alternate between fucking your pussy and ass. Signal Cordelia with your hands when you can’t take any more cock. Then we take a break and change positions.” The film director said.

What damn hand signals, Kara tried to scream but everything came out incomprehensible mumble.

“Lubricant! Lots of lubricant, she going to need it. This will take all day.” The director shouted to a stage hand and walked away.

Kara felt something driven into her pussy which sprayed into some type of gel, the same happened in her ass hole.

“Camera, rolling. ACTION!” The director yelled.

Kara struggled against the ropes that bound her, but the blue kryptonite crystal in her boot would not let her absorb sunlight enough to regain her strength.

Kara looked back over her shoulder. the woman called Cordelia stepped into the scene with a donkey on a leash.

“Did you really think we’d let a prude bitch like you to be on our cheerleading team with your cherry intact? Haa Haa Haa. Mr. Cherry Popper here is going to take care of you.” She said, hamming it up like only a B-list actor can.

The donkey’s willingness to plow Kara’s pussy for all it’s worth was far more convincing.

The donkey gripped Kara’s waist with his forelegs and began thrusting with his cock against Kara’s pussy. Kara struggled and wiggled her hips in a desperate attempt to avoid losing her virginity to a donkey.

“She’s really dedicated to her role.” She heard someone say.

Cordelia watched as the donkey tried to penetrate the girl under him. It was as if she was too tight to be penetrated. It had been going on for nearly two minutes. She leaned forward and whispered in Kara’s ear.

“What’s wrong? You have to let him.” Now she could see the terror in Kara’s eyes and realized the truth. “You are not the real Jenny Dangle are you? Have a fucked a donkey before?” She asked.

Kara shook her head in response.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help. Everything will be ok.” Kara felt a sense of relief wash away the horror of her when Cordelia rose.

And she could feel the it flow back when Cordelia crouched down next to her ass. She gripped the donkey cock with one hand and held Kara’s hip stationary with the other.

Thick streams of lube shot out of Kara’s pussy when the cock finally hit home. Kara screamed and bit into the ballgag when the donkey tore through her hymen.

A cock as thick as her wrist began to hammer into her pussy.

Mr. Cherry Popper had finally gotten in the head of his cock into the girl beneath him. She was tight, wonderfully tight but he wanted in even more deeply, he barely had a quarter of his cock in her when he hit the bottom of her pussy.

But he knew exactly what he would do. This was not the first little girl’s pussy he fucked but perhaps the tightest. At least the top twenty tightest.

He withdrew his cock almost all the way then he rammed it in with all his might.

He hit the bottom again and her pussy elongated. He braced herself against her hips and pressed his cock forward and held it there for a while until she relaxed. The girl screamed from the hard thrust, obviously in pleasure like human women do, why else would she be there.

Mr. Cherry Popper pulled back and plowed forward again. To his happy surprise, he was now more than half way into her pussy.

At the fifth hard pounding of her pussy, he was balls deep.

Now she would get it. She had begged for it when she teased him at first, when she wiggling aside her ass when he wanted to penetrate.

Kara felt the donkey’s balls slapping against her inner thighs, his cock penetrated far past her navel.

Kara wished she had not been such a prude, now she wished she was a slut who fucked everyone and everything in her path so her pussy was not so tight.

She would have fucked somebody, a fan, one of her secret admirers, Superman, Comet. Yes, it would have been Comet who took her virginity.

She closed her eyes and imagined Comet in his human shape between her legs and made sweet love to her.

But the fantasy was changed to Comet in his horse shape and he fucked her hard and brutally. Whatever Kara tried, her thoughts returned to Comet as a horse fucking her.

Kara began to have an orgasm. She fought against it. She knew that it was not right, she was a good girl and good girls cannot orgasm with a donkey’s dick inside her pussy. But it was in vain, the orgasm shuddered her body, it was the sweetest orgasm in her life.

That’s when it hit her, the purple the kryptonite in her pocket. It must have a mental effect that distorts her sexual orientation.

Kara felt a relief, it was not her, it was the kryptonite and there was nothing she could do except give in and enjoy.

Kara began to fuck back and soon she was on the way to a new orgasm.


Six hours later.

Kara was a wreck. Her pussy and ass gaped like two deep tunnels with streams of sperm that dribbled out.

The director was overjoyed. Never had he seen a new porn star take such a brutal gangbang, hour after hour, she had taken one horse after another. According to Cordelia, she had just given hand signals for more cock.

And now it was time for the finale. The black horse that Cordelia led in was notorious in the animal porn industry. He had seven marks on his halter. one for each woman he fucked to death during the film shoots, and there was rumor about more. It was Dunder Cock, the horse with the monster cock.

The director wished that Kara was a bit more lively and not just hanging like a rag doll. But Cordelia had assured him that the all was fine and that she was just pretending and he could see a definite smile around the ballgag.

Dunder Cock walked over to Kara fully aware of what he would do. He began to mount her. His cock was hard, shiny and dripping with lube.

Cordelia was forced to take his cock in both hands to guide it to Kara’s ass.

the director’s jaw dropped when Dunder cock went balls deep on the first try.

Kara’s hourglass figure disappeared when her stomach swelled out from the huge cock that filled her.

The brutal fuck began.

A woman tapped on the director’s shoulder.

“Hi, I’m Jenny Dangle, I’m supposed to be filmed today, sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic .” Said the woman.

“Ssh. We are filming.” Hissed the director. “WAIT! Who? But then, who is ….? Oh fuck!”

An icy hand gripped his heart when he realized what he was filming. A true bestial gang rape.

Prison. I will go to jail. he thought.



Comet stood at a distance and watched. His beloved Kara had gone into the building and came out a moment later, led by a man. His telepathic link with her was weak for some reason. He had felt confusion, disgust, frustration and a growing sexual arousal. He could not understand why she let the man treat her that way, but he assumed she knew what she was doing. He knew that she could easily escape with her powers.

Comet stood paralyzed with shock when he saw her get tied up and a donkey being led forward and begin to fuck her.

He was about to jump into action when he felt pleasure flow through their link. His beautiful, innocent Kara loved to be fucked hard and brutally.

He stood for what seemed like hours and watched as Kara was getting fucked over and over again while the cameras filmed it all.

Until finally a big black horse was led forward.

During the fucking, there was a commotion, someone in charge tried to stop the horse’s brutal fucking but without success.

He felt Kara’s telepathic link flutter and then go out.

She had fainted.

Comet jumped over the fence and started walking towards her. He saw two men carry Kara into an abandoned barn and left her there, as if they were trying to hide her.

Comet waited until the men went away, before he went into the barn.

Kara lay on a bench covered with sweat and cum.

Her ass was still bare and all he could think of was to run his own cock in her pussy.

He knew that he could not. It was wrong, she was unconscious and he loved her.

But his cock was as hard as diamonds and his balls was boiling.

He used his nose to roll her on her back and spread her legs.

He tried to fuck her gently but his lust got the better of him. She was hot and wet and her pussy was sucking on his cock.

He started pumping faster so he would come before she woke up.


Next day.

When Kara finally got the blue kryptonite crystal out of her boot, she recovered quickly. But she still felt the effects of the purple crystal.

Dark, perverse fantasies crept into her thoughts constantly. She had brought it to STAR Labs to get it investigated.

“Supergirl, how can I help you?” asked Dr. Robert Meersman.

“I think I have found a new form of kryptonite.” Kara explained and handed over the purple crystal.

He took it and examined it closely.

“Hmm … Beautiful. But it is not kryptonite.” Said Doctor Meersman.

“You must be wrong, I felt its effect.” Said Kara.

“It is a fake. It’s plastic. Most likely it’s cheap costume jewelry. You can see the hole that it should hang from.” He explained.


Kara returned to the Kent’s family farm where Comet waited.

“What did Doctor Meersman say?” Asked Comet through their telepathic link.

Kara hesitated, Unsure of what she would say.

“It’s not good. It has a sort of addictive permanent effect.” Kara lied.

“Addictive?” He asked.

“Yes, I became addicted to what I was exposed to when I was irradiated. The horse and the donkey. You remember?” Kara looked into his eyes, begging him to believe her.

“You mean you have … what they did …” said Comet. While he looked into her sparkling eyes filled with lust.

“Help me! Fuck me! Have hard, brutal, kinky sex with me. Otherwise I might die.”

The last part came out false. Kara lied, and she knew that Comet knew she was lying, but it was the only way she could ask him to fuck her


Two months later.

A sexy milf brunette and her horse took their farewell from the audience. They had done a “Mrs. Tingles’ Sex Ed 101 with Mister Ed” routine. The hall was filled with applause. The host stepped up on stage with a microphone in his hand.

“That was Mrs. Tingle and Mister Ed. And now, back by popular demand, heeeerrrreeeessss Miss Candy and Meteor in their Supergirl and Comet routine.”

Kara stepped out on stage dressed in a cream pink and white latex copy of her real costume. The skirt was standing straight out, like a permanent breeze blew up over it and left her nude pussy and ass exposed. She also added a mask to the costume.

Kara waited until the applause died down.

“Oh NO. An evil wizard has cast an evil spell on your balls. If I do not empty them, they will burst.” Kara said, like a B actor, pointing to Comet’s blue-painted balls. She knelt down next to Comet and started licking his cock up and down.

Then she took the cock head in her mouth and started sucking.

She began forcing it down her throat. She gave him a pat on the side to signal that he could begin.

Comet started to fuck her throat. Fifteen minutes later, Kara was on her knees with his cock deep in her throat. A murmur came from the audience.

“How is that possible? She’ll suffocates! Incredible! Maybe she’s the real Supergirl Ha ha.”

Kara pulled his cock out with a sloppy plopping sound and let him come on her face. A gallon of cum sprayed all over her.

Kara stood up but made no attempt to wipe away the semen.

She turned her left side towards the audience, leaning forward with her hands on her knees, arched her back so her ass stuck out. She made eye contact with a young man at the front of the crowd and licked some semen from her lips while Comet mounted her.

She made a sweet “Oooooh” sound when Comet penetrated her. She kept her gaze fixed on the young man who was now masturbating furiously.

“Ooooh yes! Faster! Mmmhh Harder! YES, harder! HARDER!” Kara was in ecstasy. For the first time in her life on Earth she was naked in a room where no one condemned her for who or what she was. She was in a room with people who accepted and loved her for her darkest, sex fantasies.

The end.

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