Women with Animals

The Bitch


(c) by JayneM

I was pacing around in my Living Room on a Friday night. I was only wearing a robe, completely naked underneath. It was early December and cold outside. I looked out on the big backyard and shuddered with temptation.

It’s as if I was in a sexual fog. My body wanted me to shed the robe and step outside completely naked into the cold night. He would be waiting there. I decided to try clearing my head and went into the master bath. I dropped the robe and looked at my naked body in the full-length mirror. I had gained weight. I could tell. My hips were wider, and my ass was bigger and fuller. My belly was no longer flat. I had not shaved my pussy for six months, and it was now full and thick. It didn’t hide my pussy lips, though. They were bare and swollen, a deep red color hanging down low. My clit was swollen, too, and I knew what these signs meant. I was in heat.

My body was ready to breed. I could tell something was different this time. I could feel it. I moved my hands down to my lower belly and pressed. It’s hard to explain, but I knew something was different. My pussy felt like it was on fire, and I looked down and saw it had been dripping fluid—it had prepared itself for breeding. I reached and picked up my full breasts to find they were very swollen, with veins noticeable beneath the skin. My nipples were dark. Much darker than normal. Another clue to my state of heat. I pinched both large nipples, and a few drops of milk were expressed. Another sign.

I stood there looking in the mirror, and before I knew it, I was standing outside on my porch. Still trying to figure out how I got there, but I decided it was time, and I wasn’t going back inside. I took a few steps out into the grass. I was barefoot and naked, and it was freezing. I ignored the discomfort and put one foot in front of the other. I had a big backyard and property, but I was soon well away from the house. I could see the small building in the distance. It was cold, but I was committed now. He would be waiting.

I had made this trip before, but never when it was this cold. Being naked didn’t help, but I felt it was necessary. I didn’t want him to be distracted and find my taste and scent easier. I had not showered in a week and knew I smelled very natural. It would not take him long to figure out his opportunity with this Bitch.

It was a two-room kennel. Big because he was a big dog. A Great Dane/Mastiff mix. Well over 200 lbs. There was a dim light on in the front room. I could tell the heater I had installed running in the back room. I stepped into the kennel, shivering. I stepped through the opening into the back room. His huge bulk was laying down, and he was asleep. I carefully moved around him and laid down to snuggle and get warm. I loved the warm furry body pressed against my nakedness. I knew my scent was potent, and he would take notice soon.

I was finally getting warm when I felt him stir. He leaned his big head back and licked my arm, draped over his body. I could tell he was sniffing the air and knew it was me. I was his mate. He slowly stood up and stretched. I was laying on my back with my legs open wide. He moved around until his head was lower, and he started to sniff and lick with purpose. He has always loved my scent and taste, but tonight was different. Our primal instincts were telling us tonight was special.

I tried to position myself to make it easy for him. I finally felt his snout touch my core. He took some big sniffs, then his huge hot tongue came out, and he sucked my swollen, puffy lips into his mouth. He mouthed them, even chewed my meaty pussy. He began to lick me from my asshole to my clit. I loved when he did this and was soon lost in the feeling. I knew the fluid was flowing out of my pussy in preparation, and he was lapping it up. It got to be overwhelming, my body convulsed on its own, and I shot a stream of fluid out as I came.

I was shaking some and trying to recover when I felt his big head pushing into my hips. He did it again, this time harder, telling me to get up. I leaned up and looked at him. His bright red cock was coming out of its sheath. He was ready and wanted me to get into the position on my hands and knees, doggie style. I rolled over and got up in position, and there was no turning back now. This was going to happen.

I was being very submissive to him. He was in charge. I could tell he was worked up. I was in position, and he moved around me. I had built this kennel specifically for this and ensured we had room to maneuver. In my position, my big heavy breasts were hanging down very low. After a couple of sniffs, he started to lick them. His big wet tongue ran across my swollen nipples. I guess he tried to get one in his mouth to suck on. I let him do what he wanted. He let go of my nipples and moved around directly behind me. My big ass was presenting itself to him. I could feel that my pussy lips were swollen and puffy and sticking out. A couple of more sniffs and licks of them and a pause. I could hear him panting. Then it happened.

He jumped on my back, almost knocking my breath out. I went down onto my elbows, and my nipples roughly rubbed the floor. I could feel the tip of his cock poke once, then twice, and the third time, it went inside me. He started to fuck me hard, shoving deeper and deeper. This usually took a while because I was tight, and he was huge. He was progressing, and I felt him grabbing me around my waist. I think he even growled some.

My pussy was not built to take a cock of his size. I could stretch widthwise, but his length could cause issues. I felt the tip of him hit bottom inside me, and he still had lots to go, including the knot. It helped that I was in heat because it meant my cervix would be more pliable and less firm. I felt his tip push directly into my cervix. I felt it start to stretch open more.

I knew he would aggressively shove it in once he felt he could go deeper inside me. This was always an amazing feeling when it happened. I felt myself open up deep inside me. It wasn’t painful, but I had no control over it. When the entire tip of his cock had breached my cervix, I felt his knot start to try and get in me.

At this point, I just held on and let him take me. There was nothing I could do about it. Did it hurt? Yes, at certain points. His knot was huge, and it took some effort to get me to stretch enough to take it. I always was amazed I did it. The tip of his cock was well past my cervical opening. Not sure how far, but it was deep in my uterus. I could see it moving in my belly; it had never done that before. He stretched my opening, which burned when the knot was suddenly sucked inside me. I let out a little yelp from the surprise.

We both stayed perfectly still. His knot continued to swell, and I waited. It was getting huge inside me. His cock was now sealed inside his mate so he could breed her. Suddenly I felt a warmth start to spread deep inside me. It was up in my uterus but also much deeper. His cock was pulsing, and he was cumming inside me. His potent sperm was seeking out its goal. I loved this and knew I was his Mate.

He turned to the side, causing his forelegs to slide off my back. He soon turned completely around but was no less stuck inside me. His sperm pulsed deeper inside me, and we both let it happen. The timing of this was perfect. He wanted nothing more than to breed his Mate. My body had surrendered to him and was ripe. I had been in heat before but not like this. It seemed like he was depositing a gallon of sperm deep inside me. My belly was swollen from it. As the pulses his cock was making started to slow down, I mentally prepared myself for what was to happen.

Getting his knot out of me could be a huge challenge. If it shrank enough with the effort, it would come out. It all depended on how patient he would be. He had stopped ejaculating, so he probably would start trying to pull out. He leaned forward. It wasn’t a tug, but he was testing things. We were firmly tied. I tried using a soothing voice to keep him calm. To me, this was close to giving birth. I pushed out using the same muscles. After about 30 minutes, I felt like we were making a little progress.

I reached back and could feel the lips of my pussy. They had stretched apart, and it seemed that his knot was starting to crown. It has a rough texture, and that doesn’t help. I bore down and pushed hard. I hope he was glad I put up with this. One more time, with him pulling and me pushing, his knot slowly coming out of me. He was panting, and I was breathing hard. I could feel his cock start to come out of my cervix. That was a tight fit. Once that was clear, his entire wet cock slid out of me. I fell forward and grabbed my sore pussy.

I had dozed off. When I woke up, I saw I was alone in the kennel. He must be outside for now. I stood up and took stock of things. I felt like I had been through an extreme workout, but I felt good overall. I did realize that I needed to pee badly. I carefully stepped out of the kennel onto the cold grass. I had no idea what time it was, but it was still dark. I started walking over to ‘My Spot.’ I had selected an area about twenty yards from the kennel near the fence line to do my business. He had his spot.

Walking, I noticed how much my tits would swing and their weight. They had received a workout during my breeding. He had sucked on my nipples and even chewed on them. My nipples rubbed on the kennel floor when he tried to get inside me. I really couldn’t see well, but I felt my nipples. They were swollen and very puffy. I also noticed as I walked how swollen my pussy lips were. I could feel them hanging down. He had stretched them.

I reached my spot and got down on my hands and knees. I stuck my ass in the air and relaxed. My flow started, and a strong stream arched out, landing about three feet behind me. It felt good, but I was cold. It seemed to go on for I long time. I needed to go. I finally finished. I shook my ass back and forth to try and dry it. Of course, there was nothing to wipe with. He would lick me later. I stood up and turned to walk back. He was standing about 10 feet in front of me, watching.

I decided to do a little test. Instead of returning to the kennel, I turned and took a couple of steps to head back to the house. I took maybe three steps, and I heard him. It was an unmistakable low deep growl. I froze in place. It was his way of telling me we were not done yet. I was his mate, and I was expected to serve him. I was still in season, even though he had bred me once he wasn’t finished. I turned back to the kennel, and he followed me. I wondered how long he would keep me until he was satisfied that my breeding was successful.

I kept track of the days and had been down there for five days. We mated at least twice a day, sometimes three times. I was getting worn out. Suppose you are wondering about my eating or drinking. It’s pretty simple. He has an automatic water bowl that refills on its own. All I have to do is bend down and lap as much as I want out of it.

Regarding food, I changed his dog food about a year ago. It’s all-natural, and I have it specially made. It’s meat and vegetables. There are hard chunks and soft ones, and I usually eat the soft ones. It sounds gross, but it’s alright, especially if nothing else exists.

The lighter color pieces taste like chicken, and the darker ones like beef or pork. I pick them out of his feeder, and it gets me by. The only side effect is it makes me poop. I usually have to go a couple of times a day, and my poop is different than human poop. It’s like dog poop. There is a difference in consistency and smell. When I get the urge, I walk down to my special spot.

I get on all fours and push it out. If you looked at a pile of his poop and one of mine, you couldn’t tell the difference other than size. He eats a lot, so he poops a lot. Of course, I have nothing to wipe with, but it usually comes out in fairly firm small clumps. If I shake my ass in his face, he will lick it.

One of the most amusing things I experience is when the Dog Poop Yard Service comes by to do their thing. It’s expensive, but things would get out of hand if I didn’t use them. They come twice a week and will walk the yard looking for poop piles to remove. They will look everywhere, but they know my dog’s special spot and the one I use. Of course, they have no idea they are picking up my poop. They think there are two dogs. I have often been outside completely naked in the kennel when the guy has come by.

He has never looked in while I am watching him. He will walk around the kennel looking for piles. He had nearly caught me several times when I was out in the open. Luckily I heard his truck. One time I had just finished pooping and heard him. I barely got into the kennel before he saw me. I watched him pick up my fresh pile and smiled.

The sixth day came, and it looked like he had finally decided I was sufficiently bred and would leave me alone. I was glad, but I did enjoy being his Bitch for a week. We bonded from this experience. There was no doubt we were Mates, and he owned my pussy and womb. I was his. I slowly walked back to the house. It was early morning, but the sun was up. It was still cold, and I, of course, was still naked. I made it to the porch and opened the back door. The lights were on as I stepped into the den. Sitting there looking at me was my Son.

I just looked back at him. I was too tired to do anything else. He had seen me naked many times. But not like this. We had been lovers before I started with my dog. I hadn’t had sex with him in almost a year.

He looked me up and down and said, “Where have you been?”

I said, “Down in the kennel with my dog.”

He said, “For how long? You are a mess.”

I said, “About a week, I guess.”

He laughed and said, “Why so long?”

Without thinking, I just said, “I was in Season.”

He said, “Season?”

I said, Heat. I was in heat.”

He said, “You mean you were fertile, and the dog could tell?”

I said, “Yes, he could tell, and he would not let me leave until he was finished with me.”

My Son was still looking at my naked body and said, “Is that dog cum in your pussy hair?”

I looked down to do a quick inspection. My full bush was matted in clumps from excess dog cum. It was also dried on my inner thighs.

I said, “Yes, that’s what that is.”

His eyes moved up a little higher. I knew where he was looking and put my hand on my lower belly. It was still significantly swollen and protruding. His look told me he knew why but didn’t say anything.

Then he said, “What is up with your tits?”

I looked down at them and said, ‘What do you mean?”

He said, “ Well, first, they are much bigger than normal. Look how heavy they are. They almost hang down to your waist. Plus, the veins in them are popping out. It looks like they are about to explode. But the strangest things are your nipples. I have never seen them like that. They don’t even look human.”

I looked down at my breasts. I picked them up to examine them. He was right. They were swollen and heavy. My nipples were so puffy they looked like little domes. They were very dark and bumpy.

I just said, “Well, they got a real workout.”

He laughed.

I said, “Look, I am going to bathe, so please be quiet.”

I saw him sniff the air, and he said, “Good because you stink. I can smell you over here. You smell like a dog.”

I shook my head and started walking to my bedroom and master bath. Soon I was soaking in the scented water.

The End

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