Women with Animals

Ladies K9 Club


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

After my first K9 and lesbian experience, Zeus and I moved in with my new lover Emma and her boy Thunder. If you want to read about my first experience, see my previous post.

About me: 28 years old, 5’4”, green eyes, slim with a fit build (I gym four times a week and jog every day), long dark brown hair with two firm C-cups. I am told almost daily by men of all ages that I am very attractive. I am a business woman and now own the K9 training school where Emma works. My dog: Zeus, 3 year old Rottweiler.

About Emma: Advanced level K9 trainer at the K9 school where I met her, 30 years old, 5’5”, blue eyes, sporty build with the most perfect butt, black hair down to her shoulders with two perky C-cups. Most men find her to be very sexy. Emma’s dog: Thunder, 3 year old Golden Labrador.

Emma, our two dogs and I were living together for about 3 months now and we had many lesbian and K9 sex adventures. We thought that there were very few people who would appreciate our sexual preferences so we kept it private. That was until one day at the K9 School, while we were waiting for the last group of the day to arrive, we walked around the training grounds and discussed how well our two boys sex training was going. We stopped and sat on a bench and thought that we were alone while we continued our discussion. Suddenly one of the ladies and her dog (Jade & Giant, her Great Dane) that were enrolled at the school startled us when she appeared out of nowhere and greeted us. We greeted her back and she made her way to the training field.

“Do you think she heard us?” I asked Emma.

“Not sure, but we better make sure we discuss this topic in a more private place in the future”

I agreed and Emma made her way to the training field as more of her students were arriving. I returned to my office to attend to my Director’s duties while Emma started her session. At the end of the day, Emma and I got into her pickup to head home, our two boys in the back. Emma had a concerned look on her face.

“What’s up Emma? You look concerned”

“That lady who surprised us today, Jade, she did hear our conversation. While the group was leaving, she took her time and when everyone was out of ear shot she came to me and told me she heard some of our conversation. She asked to speak to me in private about it tomorrow”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’m not sure. When she left she gave me a smile and a wink before she got in her car. I think she might want to find out more, like she is interested or something”

“I hope so. What if she wants to blackmail us?”

“Well, let’s just wait and see what happens tomorrow”

That knight, both Emma and I had a restless night. We got up early the next morning and made our way to the school. The trip was silent, we were both nervous and uncertain about what to expect. When we arrived, we went about our morning duties and tried to act as if there wasn’t an issue to be concerned with, until Jade arrived just after 10:00am. She had left Giant at home and made her way to Emma’s office. I was a nervous wreck. I passed up and down my office for about 30 minutes until I heard Emma and Jade’s voices passing my office as they headed towards the parking lot. I watched them through my window when they were outside to look for any sign that would give me a hint about what was going on. They both seemed very happy and friendly, I was confused. After Jade left, Emma quickly came into my office and closed the door.

“WELL?” I asked impatiently

“Relax, there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, this could be the beginning of a new adventure”

“Oh thank God. What do you mean ‘new adventure’?”

“Well, Jade wanted some time last night to think about how she would talk to me about what she heard yesterday. By the way, she heard a lot of our conversation. She wants to find out if we could help her train her dog Giant the same way we have trained our boys”

“Holy shit! What the hell are we going to do?”

“Maybe we should just get together with her one day and talk about it, we don’t have to commit or anything, let’s just discuss how we could possibly move forward from here”

“OK. It will be interesting to get another person’s point of view and hear her stories too. And she’s quite a hottie”

“So you noticed? If we end up naked with Jade I get first crack at her, OK Jen!”

“OK, but then I get first crack at Giant”


Emma would make the arrangements during the day and so we both went back to work feeling huge relief and a new sense of excitement.

At the end of the day as we left to go home, Emma informed me that we had been invited to Jades place for the discussion on the following Saturday. Jade wanted us both there but thought we should leave our dogs out of it for the first meeting. Both Emma and I were looking forward to the meeting.

On Saturday, we arrived at Jades place just before lunch, there was some small talk and then we prepared the meal. Jade then asked

“Is it OK if I invite my best friend to join us? I really want her to be here with me for this, especially if we decide to move forward with the training and she knows about our meeting today. You will really like her and she just loves dogs”

“I’m OK with that, how about you Jen?”

I was not so comfortable with this idea, but I wasn’t going to be the bad guy here

“Sure, the more the merrier”

I had no idea how that statement would lead to something unexpected. Jade got on the phone and called her friend Allison.

After lunch, Alison arrived and so we all sat down and got to know each other. Emma suggested that we did not discuss the dog training until much later so we could first get comfortable with each other.

Bothe Jade and Alison were attractive, but both Emma and I were drawn more to Jade. Her parents named her Jade because of her striking green eyes.

Once we had all accepted that the dog training was off limits until much later, we were free to socialise and we actually all had a very good time. We all had at least two glasses of red wine by the time Emma decided we could now focus on the real reason we were all there. Emma started

“So Jade, you want me to help you train you boy to please you? What did you have in mind?”

“Um, I’m not sure exactly what to say to that. What do you think?”

“You heard our conversation the other day, you know we fuck our dogs so don’t be shy. What have you done with Giant so far?”

Jade took a big sip of her wine the said

“Well, about two months ago, I was up late watching a porno and got quite turned on. I got completely naked and finger fucked myself to a very satisfying orgasm. After that I fell asleep on the sofa with on leg stretched out on the sofa and the other bent over the edge with my foot on the floor. This left my legs spread open a bit and was also very comfortable. I was rudely awoken by a wonderful sensation between my legs. At first I thought I was dreaming but as I gained conciseness I realised that I was being licked and an orgasm was on the way. When I opened my eyes and looked between my legs I was expecting to see Allison using a new technique on me because it felt so different to what it usually does when she goes down on me, but to my surprise it was Giant. Very quickly I bent my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them denying Giant any further access to my pussy, but I didn’t shout at him or say anything because of the conflict in my mind. I was mad at him for doing that but also wanted more. I just sat there tightly curled up looking at Giant while he looked back at me as if what he did was no big deal. I decided to go to bed and just forget that it ever happened. The problem was I couldn’t sleep, all I could think about was the wonderful sensation I felt and how much I wanted more. So eventually I got up and headed down stairs to find Giant. He was in the living room just lying there but sat up as soon as he saw me. I sat on the sofa in the same position I was in when he felt it was OK to lick me and called him over. Giant trotted over sniffing the air with his eye on my pussy. Without hesitation he began to lick my pussy again. This time I spread my legs more to give him better access. He has an amazing tongue, it stimulated my clit, went into all the folds and even went up into my cunt. It only took a few minute for me to have the best orgasm I have ever had from a muff dive. Then I saw his huge cock sticking out but I never took it any further than that”

“I bet you can’t stop thinking about it though?” Emma asked

“You’re right. And after I told Allison what happened she just had to try it for herself so Giant has licked her too, while I watched of course”

“I am so turned on by that story” I said without thinking. But everyone else just agreed, as they were just as wet as I was.

“So what do we do now?” asked Jade

“Well, I think your poor boy also needs to be satisfied, he’s done all the work so far and has not received any benefit. I think you should go get him now and pay him back for the pleasure he has given you”

Jade didn’t have to be told twice, she went outside and returned with Giant. Giant was already in the advanced level of training at our school, so he was very obedient. Emma instructed him to lie down in the centre of the living room and then made him roll onto his side which exposed his enormous cock to the room. We all went silent for a few seconds as we each stared at it and considered the pleasure this dog cock could bring. Then Emma told Jade to sit next to him and stroke his sheathe to get that big dick out into the open. Jade began stroking and all eyes were fixed on the Giant’s member. Giant obviously enjoyed this, he rolled more onto his back so Jade had even more access and placed his head on the carpet. Every few seconds his tail would wag just once. When Giant’s impressive prick was all the way out, Emma told Jade

“He has given you pleasure with nothing in return, now you will do the same for him. Suck his cock so he will know that if he pleases you, you will please him”

Allison went and sat down next to Jade for a close up view while Jade began to lick the tip of Giant’s cock. She then kissed it all the way down to his knot and back up to the tip. Slowly she put her lips around the shaft and edged it in deeper and deeper into her mouth. When she finally had it all the way in, she slowly started bobbing her head up and down and gradually picked up speed. Eventually she was giving her boy one hell of a blow job. When she pulled her mouth off is cock for a quick breath, Allison took over and continued the blow job with a lot of enthusiasm. The two women took turns until Giant finally shot his load into Jade’s mouth. It was too much for her so she backed off but Allison took over and took the rest of his load into her mouth. When his orgasm was over, both Emma and I were silent. Jade and Allison looked at each other, dog cum dripping from their mouths and gave each other a very passionate kiss. I think in that moment they forgot we were in the room. Allison started removing Jades clothes kissing her wherever there was exposed skin. That is when I realised that I was touching Emma’s pussy, rubbing away through her clothing. Jade and Allison were completely naked in front of us, both kneeling and fingering each other while they continued to kiss. I turned to Emma again who was already half naked, so I started to get undressed too. Eventually all four of us were naked on the living room floor. Emma and I went into our favourite 69 position, while Jade lay on her back as Allison went down on her. Looking to my right I had a view of Allison’s pussy so I shoved two fingers in and started pumping and then continued licking that sweet clit in front of me. The room was filed with moans of pleasure and the smell of sex was strong. Jade and Emma orgasmed at the same time, which left Allison and I out of luck as the two both wanted a quick break. Emma smiled at me and motioned with her hand that I should fuck Allison. Allison had rolled onto her back and closed her eyes to wait for her lover to return, I looked at Jade and she gave me the nod so I got between Allison’s legs, lowered my face to her crouch and gave her a deep, strong lick and then sucked on her clit, she looked at Jade who just smiled at her and then she watched me as I continued to eat her out. I got her to orgasm pretty quick and I was the only one who still needed release. Jade came to me and said that she hadn’t got any one off so she would lick me. I stood up over her while she kneeled in front of me as she licked my pussy looking up at me. Emma sat behind Jade while she pleased me and fondled Jade’s tits, Allison kneeled behind me and spread my butt cheeks so she could lick my ass. Then Emma stood up and started sucking on my nipple. I was in a lesbian dream, three beautiful women giving me all the attention, one licking my pussy, the other sucking my nipple while squeezing one breast with her hand and the other licking my ass. That was all I could handle and had a very powerful orgasm which trickled into Jade’s mouth. We all sat on the floor with our backs to the sofa and just reflected on what had just happened here.

After a few minutes we started talking again, discussing what had just happened and how much we all enjoyed it. We all agreed that we would all stay together at Jade’s place the rest of the night and do as we please with each other. Then Jade asked

“What about Giant? When can we start training him to fuck me?”

“I think we can start next week” Emma replied

“I wonder how many other women have an interest in dog sex, maybe some of them go to your school” said Alison

“Maybe we should start a ladies K9 club” I said joking

“That’s actually not a bad idea. We could swap stories, give each other advice, it would be great if there are more women like us” said Jade

“And what about the men? Not all women are lesbian you know” Emma replied

“Neither are Jade and I, we just fuck each other when we don’t have boyfriends or when we get board of the ones we do have”
“I think we fuck each other at least once a month regardless of boyfriends, right Allison”


“Well if we were crazy enough to start this club, we would have to set some very strict rules. We can’t have every meeting turning into an orgy” I added

“You’re right, we need to plan this carefully” said Emma

“You mean we’re actually going to do this?” I asked

We all silently looked at each other in contemplation and finally agreed “YES”

Each of us had a task to get this club into action, mine was to put together a list of single women who bring their dogs to our school. Being in an upper class area, most of the women who did frequent the school were divorced or widowed but wealthy. Jade and Allison were to come up with a game plan for approaching these women to find out if there was an interest without upsetting or offending them, especially if they thought the idea was out of the question. Emma’s task was the hardest, she was the one who would approach the women and gauge their interest, so she had the most to lose. It took a few weeks to develop our strategy, but for now our club had four women and three dogs.

Go to next part

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