(c) 2013 by Nem Enforcer

This story is a continuation of the sexual adventures of Joanna who first appeared in another story I wrote called ‘Fantasy Becomes Reality’. Its not absolutely necessary to read that first but I would suggest doing so to get a full insight into what’s happening here.

Chapter One

Joanna groaned aloud as she felt the now very familiar stretching of her pussy as Rex’s knot swelled up inside her. It was a feeling she would never fully be used to nor ever wanted to stop feeling either. She looked up at John with lust in here eyes before lowering her head and taking the tip of his cock into her mouth, letting her tongue swirl around it before allowing it to slide towards her throat.

She closed her lips tightly and began the slow and methodical sucking that she knew from experience John liked so much. In her pussy she felt the heat and pulsing of Rex’s doggy cock as it pumped it’s cum into her. She loved this feeling, having doggy cock in her pussy and her man’s cock in her mouth.

John held her head in his hands as he felt her tongue flicking all over his cock, the wet and warmth of Joanna’s mouth drove him wild and he couldn’t help but move his hips in time with her movements. Joanna did the same, swaying her own body moving that big dog knot inside her tight pussy as it filled her, driving her to yet another orgasm.

Joanna felt her body tighten as she came, her eyes flickered half-open but she kept up her rhythm on John’s cock, sucking and licking as she groaned in pleasure and felt the wetness and tightness in her pussy increase to almost unbearable proportions.

John felt his partner’s lips tighten around his cock as she came. That always made him happy that she was sexually satisfied and when she was so was he. The strength of her orgasm was bigger then normal this time it seemed however and Joanna really began to bob her head up and down, taking his cock deeper to her throat then normal as Rex, their dog, moved around to keep his big cock deep inside the mature woman’s pussy, making sure she took all his seed.

Joanna groaned around John’s cock and sucked harder. She was almost trying to suck the cum from his balls. She needed to feel his cum wash down her throat as she felt Rex’s cum shot towards her womb.

John moaned as he felt Joanna sucking harder and faster, she knew just how to get him off and was using all she knew right now. Her tongue flicked and licked the shaft of his cock then she would slide it back out exposing it to the air and focus on the head. All the time her eyes were looking up at his face and she would respond to his expression, going faster and slower when she felt it would most please him.

That is what she most wanted right now, she had cum several times as Rex had thrust that hard doggy cock like a jackhammer into her pussy and finally swelled up to deliver his load, now she wanted John to fill her too and feel is own release. It did not take long for her to get what she wanted.

John held Joanna’s head tightly as his cock became more stiff and rigid in her mouth. Joanna knew well what was coming next and savoured it. She held still and just flicked his cock with her tongue as the sensitivity grew and finally it jerked, shooting the first blob of John’s hot cum onto her tongue.

Joanna quickly swallowed it and felt the next blast. She smiled as she collected the salty liquid in her mouth, savouring the taste of her lover as she felt the dog cum in her pussy begin to move as Rex’s knot began to shrink back down and he moved around getting ready to remove his cock from her. She felt complete and at ease with life. Her mouth was full of John’s cum and her pussy was filled with Rex’s cum. This was what life is all about she told herself.

With John spent and Rex’s cock now free from her pussy which gaped open as the stretched muscles took their time to bounce back, Joanna just rested and felt her body quiver in delight. She was still on all fours, could feel the dog cum in her used hole dribbling to the open entrance of her pussy, and down her skin as it headed for the floor.

She felt good about life. This was indeed what life should be. However, her thoughts of satisfaction were broken she felt a long wet tongue begin to lap at her pussy lips. The sudden shock made her jump and she arched her neck around to see who was giving her used pussy this fresh attention. She smiled when she saw the face of Max pressed against her, his long snout buried in her crotch as his tongue licked up the mess left by Rex. Max was so considerate.

Things sure had changed since Joanna had first met John via an online forum for people who have sex with animals. At first, when John had helped Joanna to have her first experience with his dog Rex they had just been friends but something had grown between them, something neither could deny and finally they had grown closer then just friends. Neither minded the almost twenty year age gap between them, as far as they were concerned age was just a number. While it had started with Joanna just going to John’s house to have sex with his dog, after a few months she had added John to the mix also. Sucking his cock while Rex fucked her and finally having John fuck her pussy while she sucked Rex’s doggy cock.

That had been the turning point for both of them and Joanna had found herself meeting John just so the two of them could jump into bed, no dog, just them making love and building a bond. That did not mean that Rex was ignored however. Joanna still loved having that big dog cock pump its seed into her and while she and John had become a couple she still made sure Rex got plenty of chances to have his way with her.

Now it was 3 years later. Joanna, John and Rex had moved in together and the happy group had grown by one dog. His name was Max, a big and loveable 5-year-old German Sheppard. John and Joanna had got him about 6 months into their relationship to give Rex some company while they were out working and it hadn’t taken long for him to be added to their sexual play either.

They had spent the first few weeks after getting him from a rescue centre introducing him slowly into the world of sex with a human female. It began by letting him sniff at Joanna’s pussy after she and John had finished having sex. He would spend long periods with his nose buried deep in her crotch, then they had moved on to him licking Joanna which he had a real talent for, his tongue seemed to be able to get places where Rex and John simply couldn’t. Finally, after months of training him up he got to take Joanna for the first time.

She was amazed at how quickly he picked it up. John had caught the whole thing on camera; he said it would make a great memento seeing as this was Max’s first time with a woman, and Joanna was glad he had. She loved watching back that video of the first time, when Max lost his virginity.

Joanna had not expected to feel so emotional about having Max fuck her as she did at the time. She realised she had never taken anyone’s virginity before so this was a first for her in all her 52 years on Earth. It could have been that which made it so special or the uncountable orgasms she had received when she felt his cock, all 8 inches of it, thrust into her and the pounding begin.

It astounded her that first time. Rex was big; around 7 inches, but that extra bit of length from Max made a lot of difference. As did the thickness of his knot. She had always felt stretched by Rex when she felt him swell inside her but Max was a completely different kettle of fish. She had almost cried out when he had stretched her pussy with his knot. Her pussy was sore for days afterwards but, damn, did she orgasm while he pumped his cum into her and his knot pressed tightly against a rather sensitive area within her pussy.

“Oh fuck!” she had screamed at the camera “I can feel it so deep inside me, fuck he is big”

Joanna often watched at the look on her face as she spoke those words and remembered that feeling, as she took this dog’s cum for the first time. The feel of it pumping in quick squirts deeper inside her then any cock had ever been. It had been magical.

Since that first time, she had been with Max just as often as Rex. It was often a first come first served deal they had and the two dogs did not mind going without for a few days when Joanna was not feeling up for it. They knew they would get their chance soon enough.

Now as she wiggled her ass in pleasure, Joanna felt the need to please Max. She had already had John cum in her mouth while Rex came in her pussy, which had sated her lust but as Max licked her with his long and wet tongue she could feel the desire for him to add to the mix his own seed.

John had gone to get something to eat and Rex was off cleaning himself up somewhere leaving Joanna and Max all alone. She could feel her arousal growing as her sensitive pussy was lapped at by her dog. His tongue getting deep into her stretched hole and removing Rex’s cum. It felt wonderful.

She looked at Max’s cock as it began to protrude from its sheath. Already it looked big and inviting and it was not even all the way extended yet. Joanna smiled and wiggled her hips a little more, Max took this as the invite it was and quickly jumped up to mount his woman.

Joanna felt his weight on her back and hips and giggled as his hair tickled her skin. Max had longer fur then Rex did and as he moved to get his cock into its favourite warm sleeve it would rub along the sensitive skin on first Joanna’s back then her ass and thighs. It took a little while for Max to find what he was looking for, and a little help from Joanna. She reached back and with a soft hand guided the tip of his big dog cock to her wide-open and ready pussy.

As soon as he felt the wetness and warmth of the entrance Max thrust his hips forwards and sank all 8 inches directly into Joanna. She gasped and felt her whole body move as she accepted the cock. She was already soaked and stretched from her time with Rex so it was easy for Max to thrust his hard cock in and out of her but she still felt that familiar feeling off fullness as the cock went to work pounding her for all it was worth.

Joanna groaned her approval and cooed how good Max was as she felt the whole length of his cock slide into her. She was tired and aching from the previous attention she had received from both Rex and John but she just could not stop herself from moving in time with Max as his long and thick meat sawed back and forth within her. The deep pink, almost red, cock already shining with the combined juice of her pussy and the deposit that Rex had made minutes before.

This was all new for Joanna. She had not gone two rounds within so short a time before. She had taken combination of Rex/Max and John before but that was just sucking one of the dogs or John while the other had his way with her pussy then it was over. Now she was having her pussy fucked hard just minutes after it had been given a full 15 minutes of attention from another dog cock complete with knot.

She began to pant as the first orgasm began. It was a big one and quick too, washing through her body as Max continued to thrust hard, his hips a blur almost as his thick cock did its work and stretched her pussy. Without thinking Joanna slid a hand down and began to play with her clit, she could feel Max’s cock as it disappeared once more inside her, the sensation overwhelming.

Max thrust as hard as his hips would allow, he held Joanna tightly around the waist with his front legs and paws as his big doggy cock began to release its pre-cum. With the cum already deep inside her from Max, and her own juice, Joanna felt like she needed to pee badly, her pussy was so full of cum and pre-cum she was worried that Max, despite his big cock, would slip out of her!

Another orgasm began as Joanna rubbed her clit and enjoyed the feel of the big dog cock pushed deep inside her. The heat in her wet pussy was almost unbearable but it just made her more turned on and made the orgasm she had bigger then the last. Her whole body shook this time, all her muscles tight and her mind just screaming ‘yes’ as she came again.

Max began to slow his thrusts and Joanna felt the beginning of a swell inside her pussy. His knot was about to make its appearance. She thrust back against him to make sure it would grow within her, there was no need but she wanted to be sure. It took little time before she felt the full size ball pressed inside her pussy. Despite the wetness and somewhat looseness after Rex had stretched her with his knot she still felt her muscles have to expand to accommodate Max. This was a feeling she loved.

Rubbing her clit hard now, Joanna felt the first warm spurts of her newest lover’s cum. The pressure in her pussy made her want to squeal with delight as she felt herself building for another orgasm, she didn’t know how many this would have been in the last 20 or so minutes and she didn’t care, she just needed it to happen.

Joanna felt the tightness in her stomach as she came again; Max seemed to notice too and moved a little as his cock gave another squirt of cum. All his movement did was to increase his lover’s pleasure as it moved the big knot inside her sensitive and well-used pussy. Joanna could feel her fingers were very sticky and wet. It was a combo of all three liquids she had inside her, her own juice plus Rex and Max’s cum. She rubbed the sticky liquid into her clit before bringing her fingers to her face. She could smell the distinct odour of dog cum, the metallic tinge made her smile as she felt herself being filled with more of the same. She felt like a doggy whore and loved it.

Licking off the mixed solution from her fingers, Joanna savoured the taste. She felt proud to have the taste of all her men’s cum in her mouth. John, Rex and Max’s essence danced on her tongue as she licked off a little more of the goo and ran her hand back down to gather up a little more.

Max held on tightly as he filled Joanna with more of his cum, the spurts were coming fast and often, adding to the feeling she needed to pee as both dog’s cum mixed inside her and filled her to bursting point. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it had been John who had first filled her pussy with his cum, he produced far less then Max and Rex but to have both dogs cum in her without a chance to expulse some after the first was something that Joanna was beginning to regret.

Not that she would complain. It may have been a little uncomfortable to have so much doggy cum swimming around in her, sloshing deep within her body but it was also very arousing. She felt it all, or at least she told herself she did and knowing that both her dogs were happy and satisfied made her glow.

A final orgasm came as Joanna rubbed her clit quickly and Max finished depositing his cum in her. She was exhausted but had never felt so fulfilled, or indeed, actually filled. When Max shark down and pulled his cock free of her now very used pussy it was followed out by a gush of watery dog cum. Joanna had to quickly get on her back and lift her hips to try and stop some of the liquid from dribbling out and staining the carpet. If she ever did this again she would have to make sure to be ready for it she told herself.

“What do I mean, if?” she said aloud with a shake of her head and a broad smile on her face, she knew this would happen again sometime and that time she would be ready.

Max gave Joanna a courtesy lick, removing some of the cum that had dribbled out upon his removal from her pussy. She groaned as she once more felt his tongue on her pussy lips and at the entrance to most sacred area. She would have gone for a third round if she were not so tired from all the attention her body had received in the last half hour or so. To be 21-years-old again and have that stamina she sighed at the thought, still for a slightly older lady she could still keep up with most when it came to sexual adventures she told herself with a grin.

Finally finished with his clean up Max went away and Joanna was left alone in the basement. Satisfied both emotionally and sexually. She had pleased her man and both their dogs and they had pleased her. Nothing to do now but try and get cleaned up without making too much of a mess as all the dog cum went south with the help of gravity and plan for dinner tonight with the man she loved.


Chapter Two

“Are you okay hunny?” John ask as he saw Joanna fidget in her seat as they ate dinner together.

“Yes I’m fine” she said smiling “It’s just, I have my knickers full of Rex and Max’s gifts” she added again squirming as more dibbled down.

John just laughed and kissed her. “That’s what you get for being naughty” Joanna laughed too and nodded. Didn’t she know it.

All through dinner as she sat and ate with John she could feel that watery liquid soaking her panty liner making her squirm in her seat. Joanna felt what remained of Rex and Max’s cum dribbling out of her pussy. She had taken precautions for it. Normally she wouldn’t wear underwear when at home, rather she would just have on a pair of jeans or some other trousers which could easily be removed in the event of a sudden urge came over her, but experience had told her no matter how much she thought she had expelled more would be deeply embedded and come out at inopportune moments and so after what had happened earlier with the two dogs they were required so she didn’t leave a wet patch on everything she sat down on. It hadn’t taken her long to realise that panties alone were not enough though and so she had added the liner which hopefully would prevent a mess.

After dinner the happy couple settled in to watch some TV. Both were glad it was the weekend which meant no work for either but it also meant lots of crap TV also but after the day’s events just to be snuggled up together on the sofa was enough to take their minds off the rubbish being served up.

As she laid, pressed against John’s chest with his arms around her, Joanna felt her mind begin to wander. She thought about all the things she had done in just the last few years since meeting John. Losing her canine virginity, sucking John while his dog fucked her pussy, sucking the dog while John fucked her pussy and now taking 2 doggy cocks in her one after the other.

She felt warm and tingly all over. If anyone knew what she had done she couldn’t imagine what their reaction would be. It felt good knowing that what she did with her dogs was seen as a dirty thing by others. It made her feel naughty and that was a good feeling to have. She also loved how it made John happy when she pleasured their pets. He had told her how horny it made him seeing her on all fours with a big pink doggy cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. And she knew all too well how hard it made his cock as he filmed and photographed her so they could share the experience with others on the forum where they had met.

As she laid thinking about all her experiences a sudden thought popped into her head. Something John had not seen her do, nor had she ever done without him around.

“How would you like to see me take on Rex and Max together?” the question just blurted out of Joanna’s lips. It was out of the blue and took John by surprise.

“What?” he asked quickly looking down at his lovers face as her eyes gleamed with ideas.

“I said, how would you like to see me take on both Max and Rex together?” she spoke softly and slowly, a sultry look on her face as her lips curled at the edges, the thought she had in her mind making her begin to feel a little wet.

“What do you mean?” John asked not getting the same mental image she obviously was.

“I was thinking” she paused and licked her lips “I have had you and one of the dogs in me at the same time, and baby you know how much I love that, but I have never had both dogs in me at once”

A mental picture formed in John’s head. His lips formed a smile as he thought about what she had suggested. He had seen and been part of a lot of things that Joanna and a few women before her had done but what he was thinking now blew it all out of the water.

“I can see you approve” Joanna said as she pressed back against John and felt the bulge in his pants. His cock was obviously hard at the thoughts he was having. She wiggled her body up until she could feel his cock pressing against her ass and leaned back so she could whisper in his ear. “You want to see me sucking one of our doggies big hard cock while the other fucks my wet pussy baby?” she said teasingly, almost like she was asking his permission, getting herself as much turned on as him.

“Oh yes” John hissed as he wrapped his arms around Joanna and pulled her into a tight embrace against his body. His cock now throbbing in his pants as her ass wiggled on his lap.

“Then I’ll do it for you,” she said making it seem like it was his idea when it was all hers. She turned and kissed him deeply, their tongues entwining as her body pressed against his, her crotch pressing down on his “I’ll do it tomorrow but tonight I want just one cock in me”

Joanna woke to find herself alone in bed. Her mind was groggy but the fog quickly cleared and she remembered what today was. It was the day she was going to have another first time experience. When she was going to have 2 dogs using her at once.

John had gotten up before Joanna and was making her some breakfast. They had spent a wild night in bed making love. Their passion fuelled by thoughts of what Joanna was going to do today. She had talked about how she would swallow all that doggy cum while more of it was pumped into her pussy. It had made John so turned on hearing her describe how it would feel, all while his cock was thrusting inside her wet pussy.

Joanna rubbed her pussy and felt she was already wet. She was still laid in bed but in her head she was already thinking about having both Max and Rex fucking her. In her mind she was sucking Rex while Max pumped his slightly larger cock in her pussy. Just the thought of it made her shudder and slip a finger between the lips and into her warm pussy. She could almost feel the cum being squirted in her already. Soon she would feel it for real she told herself.

John re-entered the bedroom to find Joanna awake but with her eyes closed. She had her knees bent up and legs spread. The fingers of her right hand were idly rubbing her clit and sinking into her pussy as she groaned and moaned. John watched, he loved seeing Joanna play with herself. It was a beautiful sight as her chest heaved slightly as her breath came faster, her fingers dancing in her pussy sliding slowly at first then quicker as she built up the pleasure. Her face a mask of delight.

Joanna was unaware of John or any of the world outside her imagination. All she could focus on was the image she had made for herself, of her on her knees with a big dog cock in her mouth, shooting its watery cum down her throat while her pussy was pumped with yet more dog cum. She would have to get John to film it so she could watch it back, just the thought of it was driving her wild.

She slipped a second finger into her pussy, and began to rotate them. Slowly wasn’t good enough now, she needed to speed up and so she began to really thrust her hand back and forth, her fingers sliding in her juice and gleaming as they were caught by the light from the window. All the time she felt her orgasm build.

John stood watching as Joanna’s legs squeezed together, her thighs clamping her hand firmly in place as she continued to finger her pussy. The scent of her arousal was in the air and her groans of ‘yes’ and other sentiments of delight filled his ears, he loved hearing his lady cum.

Finally Joanna got the release she wanted. Her body heaved and her hips jerked up against her fingers as the thought of having both dogs reached a crescendo in her mind. Her body shook and her mouth fell open and silent as a big orgasm broke inside her body.

“That looked like a good one”

Joanna’s eyes shot open and she looked across to see John, breakfast tray in hand, stood watching her, a big smile on his face and a bulge in his pants. She returned the smile and sat up in bed before speaking.

“Just thinking about later today” she said with a sultry grin. She saw John’s eyes light up too as she spoke.

After she had finished her breakfast and her body had calmed from the orgasm Joanna got out of bed and began the usual tasks. Pleasure had to wait for now she kept telling herself, later she would put on a show and get what she desired. Delayed gratification is always the best, she tried to convince herself.

It was early evening when the time finally came and neither she nor John could wait any longer. For the previous hours all Joanna could think of was Max and Rex and what was to come. She had tried to keep the thought out but it had just grown stronger in her mind. God she couldn’t wait.

Now she didn’t have to. The time had come and Joanna was more then ready. Her heart pounded as she went into the basement and she stripped off her clothes. John and the dogs were not there. She was alone and waiting and it was that wait which made her more excited, already she could feel her pussy tingle and it hadn’t been touched yet.

Finally the door opened and Both Rex and Max rushed in to greet her. Rex went right to work and pressed his nose against her crotch, his tongue already looking for the opened he loved so much. Max, less experienced, just nuzzled her leg as Joanna stroked his head and talked softly to them.

“Do you have the camera ready?” Joanna asked John as he entered and closed the door. He held it up to show her and smiled a broad grin. Joanna nodded and went back to fussing the dogs. Rex now finding access to her pussy and licking happily sending shivers through her as his tongue opened her lips.

She had made up her mind. She would suck Rex while Max filled her pussy. It had been a fairly easy decision, Rex was more accustomed to having his cock sucked and with this being the first time Joanna attempted this she wanted it to go well.

Reluctantly she pushed Rex away from her pussy, she could already feel herself craving an orgasm from his skilled tongue but no, she would soon be having plenty of those!

Giving Rex the signal to lay down, which he had learned well over the years, Joanna positioned herself on her knees and began to stroke his sheath softly to coax out that big hard cock of his. It made its appearance quickly and Joanna caressed it in her hand gently before she lowered her head and licked the tip.

Max stood watching and sniffing at Joanna as she began to take a little of Rex’s cock into her mouth. She sucked lightly and flicked her tongue over it before she slid her mouth down and enveloped more of the pink flash. Finally she got most of it in and began to pull back, letting her lips, tightly enclosed on the doggy cock, slip up the shaft until just the tip was covered by her warm, wet mouth.

John got close ups of Joanna sucking the cock of their pet Rex, her eyes looked directly at the camera as she bobbed her head a little faster, savouring the feel and taste of doggy cock, something she had grown to love in recent years.

Now with a steady pace going as she sucked Rex’s cock Joanna moved her body. She spread her legs and lifted her hips, her ass high in the air and her pussy on show for Max. He quickly caught on and began licking the inviting attraction. Joanna felt herself shudder as she was licked by Max, his tongue finding the entrance to her pussy and lapping up all the juice she could provide him with. At the same time she was beginning to taste the doggy pre-cum of Rex as she sucked his cock.

John stepped back and took the whole scene in with the video-camera. Joanna was nodding her head, her lips slipping up and down the hard cock of Rex while her pussy was being licked by Max. Both dogs content with what was happening seemingly.

Joanna felt it was time to move on, she was enjoying the licking immensely but that’s not what she really wanted, she wanted to feel two dog cocks in her at once! Wiggling her ass as Max licked she gave him the signal she was ready to be mounted. Obviously he was learning quick because it didn’t take long for him to break off his oral assault and jump up on Joanna’s body. She felt his weight and fur on her skin as he began to probe for her pussy.

‘This is it!” she said mentally as she swallowed some of the metallic tasting pre-cum of Rex. She reached back and felt for Max’s cock. Finding it she caressed its length and mentally swooned over how good it felt then guided it to the entrance of her pussy. This really was happening!

Max thrust forwards and Joanna was filled with an overwhelming sense of fullness. Her mouth was full of Rex’s dog cock and now her pussy was filled by Max’s she truly was a doggy slut now! She felt the sensation of her pussy stretching to accept the cock it had come to love as Max began his pounding. His hips thrusting hard as his cock probed deeply into the woman’s body.

Joanna came. It was the quickest she had ever done it from being entered by one of her dogs. It may have been how aroused she had already been that did it, or that it wasn’t just Max in her but also Rex, his cock was now delivering a constant spurt of pre-cum which required good timing to swallow. Whatever it was Joanna didn’t care, she just let it happen and enjoyed.

Filming John felt his cock grow hard in his pants. It was such an arousing sight. Joanna on the ground sucking one dog cock while another filled her pussy, he wanted to catch everything. Moving up and down her body he first focused on her face, moving up and down as it was while she drank Rex’s cum. One of her hands holding it still to her face just below the now swelled knot. He then moved along her shaking body until he came to the thrusting hips of Max. The German Sheppard was pounding hard, his cock deeply embedded in Joanna’s wet pussy before being pulled out, and revealed to the camera, his balls swinging as they prepared to deliver their seed.

Joanna felt her whole body tingle as she had her mouth filled by another squirt of Rex’s cum. Max was still driving his cock hard and each inch if his dog cock that found its way into her made her want to scream. The heat of his pre-cum in her adding to her own arousal felt almost like she was on fire inside.

She tried to match Max’s thrusts with bobs of her had. Taking a much of Rex into her mouth as she could while Max rammed all his cock into her. The feel of his body so tightly pressed against hers, his front legs holding her still as he made her his bitch made her mind race. Her hand slid up and down Rex’s cock hitting his knot on each down stroke as she sucked him and took his watery cum.

Max began to slow his manic thrusting, his cock deep in Joanna’s pussy as his knot began to swell. Joanna felt it and sighed onto Rex’s cock, it delivered another shot of doggy cum for her as she did, a nice gift she thought. The swelling of Max’s knot tied the two together, she was his until he finished filling her with his cum now.

Joanna felt he stretching in her pussy and groaned, it was at the same time uncomfortable and oh so erotic. The feel of her stretching as her pussy clung so tightly to the big cock that had now begun to spurt its cum into her made her swoon and her head spin. She sucked Rex’s cock harder now as Max delivered his seed, she felt both dogs spurting their cum into her at once, almost in unison, both making her theirs at the same time. She loved it.

John lifted Max’s tail and got a good shot of his cock pressed deeply into Joanna’s pussy, the lips holding tightly on as the dog twitched slightly shooting another load of cum into Joanna who was groaning around the dog cock in her mouth.

Joanna slid a free hand down and began to rub her clit. Again she felt the big knot in her pussy as she stroked the little nub, waves of pleasure wrapping her body as she felt the heat inside her rise again with the watery liquid she was receiving from Max the dog. She knew from experience she had around 10 minutes before he would finish and she was going to savour every second.

Rex lay still as his cock was stroked and sucked deeply into Joanna’s mouth, it pulsed and shot a squirt of cum into her waiting throat. She swallowed quickly and flicked her tongue over the thick shaft before moving her head again and leaving just the tip between her lips. She needed to groan and found it easier if most of her mouth was free.

Fingers still rubbing her clit as Max pumped her pussy with doggy cum and Rex fed her more, Joanna felt another orgasm build and break within her. The shock of it made her body jerk forwards and Rex’s cock sink deeper into her mouth, almost touching the back of her throat.

John smiled as he filmed his partner orgasm. Her pleasure all coming from the two dogs she was pleasuring with her mouth and body. He loved watching her cum, always had and this one seemed bigger then normal.

Rex began to stop the spurting first, Joanna didn’t taste his cum coming as quickly and she knew he was spent, his knot would fade soon and he would be finished. She still sucked however, she wanted to make this feeling last as long as possible as both dogs used her to deposit their cum. In her pussy Max was still going strong. His cock pulsed and jerked as it delivered regular blasts of cum, seeding his bitch as his knot made sure none of it would dribble out, she had to have it all.

Rex finished and Joanna left his pink cock fall from her lips. It was followed by a dribble of his cum that she had not finished devouring. The clear watery liquid making rivulets down her chin from her lips as it made its way out of her mouth. John came up to her with the camera and caught the sight. Joanna smiled and opened her mouth to show the residual cum and saliva she still had inside then slowly and sexily ran her tongue over her lips and chin to gather up the dog cum she had lost, moaning as she took it in her mouth once more and swallowed it.

Max was still filling her pussy with his cum and her hand was still rubbing her clit. She had cum herself at least three times and another was coming quickly. John focused the camera on Joanna’s face as it scrunched up from the pleasure, her eyes tightly closed and mouth slightly open as she came again.

“You look so hot” John said from behind the camera as he filmed Joanna’s release again.

She opened her eyes and smiled, sweat matting her blonde hair to her forehead “I feel so hot too, and naughty”

John stood and moved back to get another glace of Max filling Joanna’s pussy with his cum. His knot was smaller now and he was about done but he was still inside Joanna and that was enough combined with her fingers playing with her clit to give her a final orgasm.

Finally Max too finished and pulled his cock out of Joanna’s aching pussy. As always his removal was followed by a river of doggy cum dribbling out from between the wide open lips of a well used hole. John caught it all on film.

Joanna turned onto her back and with legs spread wide scooped up a little of Max’s cum with her fingers from her pussy and brought it to her mouth. She licked it off and savoured the taste as John finished filming and came to lay next to her on the floor.

“So did you enjoy your first two dog threesome?” he asked already knowing the answer. Joanna just looked over at him, her body still shaking a little from all the orgasms she had had.

“I think we both know the answer to that one” she said with a grin moving her hair off her face.

John smiled and kissed Joanna’s cheek. This was another first for him as well as her and he had a feeling there would be more firsts to come as the relationship continued.


Chapter Three

“Jo, come here quick” John called from the bedroom as he paused the video he had just downloaded.

“What is it?” Joanna called from the kitchen downstairs; she was just finishing making herself a sandwich.

It was a few months since she had been the filling in a Rex and Max sandwich and after posting up the video on the forum she and John frequented she had been amazed at the response it had gotten. This would probably be another comment that John wanted her to see, like the rest probably a ‘’That is the hottest thing ever’ type that was usually posted. It made her feel proud to get such a reaction and they had built up a somewhat loyal following as they had added to their library.

“Come and see” John’s reply came from the bedroom. There was no use; he was not going to tell her she would have to see for herself.

John looked up from the screen as Joanna came into the bedroom. She could not see what he was looking at as his body covered her line of sight but he had a big smile on his face.

“What is it?” she asked, he just beckoned her to come and look, turning back to the screen

“This, honey, was posted last night on the forum” he clicked play and the screen came to life. Joanna watched as a woman, naked and kneeling on the ground, reached up and took the biggest cock Joanna had ever seen in her hands.

“What… what is that?” Joanna stammered as she watched the woman run her hands up and down the extremely large cock before moving her head forwards and licking the massive head. The cock jerked and the woman moved her head back before she went forwards again and licked the shaft.

“This was posted by a guy on the forum; it’s a woman playing with his horse!” John said as he looked up at Joanna. Her eyes were fixed on the screen, watching as the woman rubbed her hands up the long cock; it must be 2 feet if it was an inch.

Joanna did not speak, she jut looked at the thickness of the cock the woman was licking and caressing. The camera panned out and she was able to see the size of the animal it was attached to. A large brown horse stood as the woman again licked and tried to suck the flared head of its huge penis.

This was the first time Joanna had thought about a horse as a sexual being. She had seen horses before sure, but she had never in her life thought about one in a sexual context. Dogs she did, not just Rex and Max but she had seen a few around and thought how good they looked and often had a little fantasy about letting them fuck her enter her mind, but not horses. Now as she watched this naked woman fondle, caress, and lick that huge horse cock on the computer screen she felt herself becoming curious about it.

The feeling of curiosity, of wondering just how it would feel to be the one playing with the cock that must have been as big as her arm, was something that Joanna had experienced before. When she had first seen the video of the woman being fucked by her dog.

John stopped the video clip and looked at Joanna. Her eyes flickering with thought trying to grasp what she had seen and make sense of it, to make sense of why she was feeling so aroused by it.

“Impressive huh?” John said playfully pulling Joanna to his lap. She looked at him and smiled before kissing him and resetting herself so she was straddled over his crotch.

“That was the biggest cock I have ever seen!” she exclaimed pressing herself against John.

John just laughed and held Joanna tightly. That evening Joanna made an extra special effort to please not just her man but her dogs too; she needed something to take the edge off her desires after watching that bit of video clip.

Over the next few weeks, Joanna had watched the whole woman and horse clip several times. Each time she marvelled at how big and firm the horse’s cock was, how the woman’s hands hardly fit around it, the sheer gush of white cum that obscured the female’s features when the horse let loose and all the time all she could think of while she came, rubbing herself to orgasm, was how she wished it was her.

It was 3 weeks after she had first seen the horse video and Joanna was alone in the house. John was working and would be away for two more days, having already been gone two, meaning she had to make her own fun. That was not hard, Rex and Max had both been enjoying the attention she gave them, and over the course of the time John had been gone she had been pumped with a lot of doggy cum in both ends, mouth and pussy.

Today thought Joanna had not been in the mood for more, she was instead sat at her computer watching that video again. On screen, the woman was once more rubbing the huge fleshy cock of the horse with both hands. Her mouth was pressed against the tip, which meant most of her face was obscured but Joanna could still see part of a smile on her lips as she kissed and licked.

In her pussy, Joanna had her favourite dildo deeply inserted. She was dripping wet and highly aroused as she ran its length in and out of her body. There was simply no way she would ever be able to accommodate something as thick and long as this horse cock but she liked to think about it anyway. In her mind, anything was possible.

The woman on the screen sped up her hands, running them down the long shaft then bringing them back toward her face, massaging that thick cock as she used her tongue to lick up some of the pre-cum leaking out. Joanna just wished their was sound on the video, to hear the woman groaning and moaning would have been exquisite.

In her own mind, she was sucking the horse cock, running her soft hands along it as the horse stood and accepted her offerings of pleasure. Her hands were the ones hardly able to encircle the girth as she rubbed the huge tip against the white skin of her face and then breasts.

The horse stamped its feet and began to move around on the screen and the woman let go of its cock as the owner calmed the animal. She went back to work then, rubbing the thick head over her small but pert breasts and brought her head down to run her tongue along the shaft. God it was massive.

Joanna felt her orgasm near; this would be her second so far. She rammed the dildo deeply into herself, in her mind the horse was the one ramming its cock into her. It was so big and yet she could take it. Those powerful hips thrust it into her, she felt more full then with either Rex or Max, more stretched then she ever thought possible. She came hard on the rubber cock in her pussy.

On screen the woman was really rubbing the horse cock quickly now. Her hands sliding up the whole length as far as they could before she could reach no further then back down. Her eyes were focused on the head; this was the part Joanna liked best. She had it committed to memory after seeing it so many times already.

Joanna rubbed her clit with a free hand while the other thrust the dildo into her pussy hard and fast. The wetness made it slide deep into he easily and she gasped each time it sank in, she felt another orgasm on the horizon ready to be let loose.

The woman with the horse was furiously pumping her hands now along its massive cock. It jumped, jerked, and finally let loose its treasure. A thick white torrent of horse cum splashed all over the woman’s face and began to run down her body. A second was aimed right at her now open mouth, she took as much as she could then had to look away and swallow as the cum began to run down her breasts and stomach dripping from her to the ground.

Joanna felt the orgasm. It was like a damn bursting, her whole body shivered and shook as she clenched her thighs together and held the dildo in her pussy tightly. It wasn’t just a woman on the screen who was with that horse, it was her, she was the one taking that cum bath, just as she had felt and tasted the cum of her dogs she wanted to feel and taste that horse cum too. She needed to.

Finally, the movie ended and Joanna sat slouched and tired in her chair. Her body was tingling with pleasure and her mind was racing with thoughts of how much she wanted to feel that horse cock and cum for real.

The next day Joanna got a shock. She was off work for the day, taking a well-deserved break, and she had decided to spend a little alone time with Max. In the basement as usual, she was just reaching orgasm for the umpteenth time as his thick knot stretched her pussy and she felt the rush of another spurt of his doggy cum fill her.

She had dreamed the night before and it being her with that horse in the video, it had kept coming back no matter how much she tried to forget it and she had woken up very wet and very horny. Max was doing a good job of taking the edge off now however.

Her lip trembling as the dog’s strong front legs held her against his body she rubbed her clit and felt the orgasm come. It felt good to have a big cock in her again, she needed it to relieve herself of the feelings of lust she had been having recently.

Max finished and dismounted and Joanna lay there still feeling like she wanted more. She was about to see if Rex wanted a turn but the doorbell chiming sent a wave of panic through her.

Someone was at the door and she was naked in the basement, just feet away with Max’s dog cum still inside her, the scent of their lovemaking still hung in the air and probably on her.

A knock came next, loud and impatient. Joanna thought about not answering but another loud knock almost compelled her to answer. She slipped on a bathrobe she had handy and ran to the kitchen door.

The one who had knocked was a deliveryman. He did not seem to suspect anything, just gave a pleasant smile and asked Joanna to sign for the package, a long quite thick box with no other labelling identifying it then the address. She signed for it and the deliveryman went back to his van.

Joanna felt a naughty thrill as she closed the door. She had just been fucked by her dog, was still full of his cum that was rapidly finding its way out of her pussy and onto her thighs and with no more then a bathrobe hiding it answered the door to a stranger.

Her attention turned to the package, it was addressed to her not John which was strange, she did not remember ordering anything that would require a box this big! Curious she did not wait to clean up her pussy before she opened it up. Tearing away the tape holding it closed she found another box inside but this one was not so discreet.

It was a white box with a picture of a horse in the lower left corner, a big grin on its face. The writing at the top read ‘Mr. Ed Horse Dildo’ and there was a big red star just off to the side about half way down the box exclaiming ‘20 INCHES LONG!!’ in yellow lettering.

Joanna just looked at the box with her mouth open. Her mind was in shock and she did not know what to make of it. An invoice caught her attention as it fell from under the box to the ground. Picking it up and reading it, it had a little message on simply saying ‘Hi honey I hope you enjoy my little gift, love John xx’

The realisation dawned on Joanna, John must have ordered it off the internet for her as a surprise after they had watched the horse video again and she had been so turned on.

She smiled and looked back at the box, there was no picture of the actual dildo inside but already her mind worked and her desire grew. She thought about waiting for John to return home tomorrow so he could watch her use it for the first time. That thought was quickly overpowered by a new one, no not a thought, a desire!

Opening the box, she slid the contents out. In a thick coating of foam and wrapping there it was a huge flesh coloured dildo. She removed the protective wrapping and picked it up for the first time. It was heavy and took both hands to hold.

Joanna’s eyes roamed up and down the long, thick dildo. 20 inches long and around 3 across, it was big. The tip flared like the one in the video had and she found herself caressing the shaft as she had watched the woman doing so. It felt smooth and almost soft to the touch as her fingers glided over the fake cock.

Feeling her pussy throb and the need to try this new plaything out Joanna sprinted to the bedroom where she and John slept and made love. The computer was there. She quickly brought up the video file she had so many times watched ‘woman/horse’ and dropped the bathrobe covering her naked body.

The video began as it always did with the naked woman walking into shot and getting on her knees next to the horse. Its cock was already hanging down semi hard as she begins rubbing it. Joanna rubbed her hands up and down the fake version as she watched and became more excited.

The real horse was now very hard, his cock straighter and ready for action, he was also a little animated, moving around as the woman began to caress the hard shaft and slowly kiss it. Joanna held the horse dildo out and copied. Licking the shaft and wetting the head with her saliva as she acted out for real what was happening on the screen. She felt her desire to feel it in her grow stronger.

As the woman with the real horse licked the head and ran her hands along the shaft, using both to give a full stimulation to the beast Joanna stood the large dildo on the floor between her legs. It stood like a fleshy pink coloured monster pointing up at her pussy, her pussy that was still full of Max’s doggy cum and slightly stretched by his knot.

Taking her eyes from the horse dildo below her Joanna looked at the woman now licking and sucking the horse cock as her hands ran its length. She felt jealous and excited in equal measure but now she could at least in some way fulfil the promises of her dreams.

Joanna used her fingers to spread her wet pussy lips. Just the touch of them made her quiver and she felt some more of Max’s cum drip put onto the tip of the horse dildo. She took a breath and lowered her body until she felt the cold tip of the dildo nestle against her open pussy. That felt good.

She pressed down and felt herself give way to the massive dildo attempting to probe her inside. She felt relieved she had had Max fuck and knot her, fill her with his cum already that day. His cum and her stretched pussy made it so much easier for the thick dildo to penetrate her.

Her eyes went back to the screen and she watched as the woman ran her wet tongue along the shaft of the horse before it focused on the tip again. She lowered her body more and felt the muscles of her pussy pushed out as she was filled more then she ever had been in her life. She took three… four… five inches in her pussy; her eyes watching the woman enjoy the real thing on the screen.

Joanna slid her body back up and felt the whoosh of air as the dildo was freed from her pussy. It was wet and sticky with dog cum and her own juice. She lowered back onto it and found she could manage to get it in easier now. She began to rock and bounce on the dildo as she watched the woman fondle the real horse cock. An orgasm was building fast.

Her right hand darted down and began to rub and pinch her clit as Joanna rode the large fake horse cock. She felt waves of pleasure build and then release in her pussy as she came hard on the synthetic beast. The girth of it made her wince as she took another inch inside and another, all the time lowering her body and feeling the cock sink into her hot pussy deeper.

The woman on screen was still sucking and rubbing the cock. Joanna watched and slid her body up and down in time with the woman’s hands. Her pussy stretched to its limits ached but she did not stop, she did not want to. The aching was good.

Her fingers played with her clit as she came again and sank another inch down on the huge horse dildo. She didn’t feel she could take any more of it now, maybe she could force another one or two inches in but she didn’t want to try too much this first time and what she had in her now was more then enough for her. Max was 8 inches long and she knew just by the depth she felt here that there were more then that in her now.

It was not just the length that was driving her wild it was the girth too. She was stretched to her limits, her pussy lips wide around the thick dildo, which had it not been for the fact she had taken Max’s knot less then 20 minutes before she sank onto this behemoth and had her insides lubricated by his watery doggy cum, she doubted she would have been able to fit in her.

Joanna squatted with her pussy filled and stretched by the horse dildo. She just stayed still and enjoyed the feel of it, the dull aching as her pussy became accustomed to its new invader, her fingers rubbing her clit before she pulled the little nub and felt a lightening bolt of pleasure shoot up her spine.

She looked at the screen and thought about that real horse cock. How would that taste? How would it feel to actually have it in her hands? To lick it?

“Oh fuck,” she grunted as she felt herself coming to orgasm again. Her fingers were working hard on her clit and her body was shaking, the sensation making her pussy rub against some of the little ridges in the anatomically correct horse dildo.

Joanna was consumed by pleasure; the whole world was blotted out as she came on the large fake cock. All she could focus on was the pleasure and the screen before her, all she could do was watch as the horse cum blasted the woman in the face, spraying her skin even whiter as it dribbled down her and she took a mouth full of it. Maybe the orgasm just lasted or maybe a second one ran into the first, Joanna did not know but her pussy just clenched tighter against the dildo within it.

Finally, Joanna could take no more and she lifted herself slowly from the monster cock that had shown her a completely new world of sexual experience. Her body tingled and she felt tired, more tired then she could ever remember being after having sex.

John would be home tomorrow, she thought, and she was going to have to give him an extra special thank you for this one!


Chapter Four

John had returned home at just after 7pm the next day and Joanna had been waiting for him. As soon as he had closed the door after coming into the house she had jumped on him and pressed her naked body against his. Kissing him deeply and repeatedly she thanked him for the present before taking him to their bedroom where she showed him just how much she appreciated it and him.

Until the next morning neither of them left the bed. Joanna showed John with every inch of her body how grateful she was. Taking his cock in her mouth and pussy she brought him to the very heights of ecstasy more then once before they finally fell asleep, tired but happy to have each other.

The next day John had to go into the office but Joanna had another chance to stay at home. She thought about giving the horse dildo another work out but decided against it, she felt the need for a real cock in her, a doggy cock.

Rex was the one who showed eagerness when it came time to head to the basement. Joanna didn’t mind which of her pets followed her, be it Max or Rex she still got what she wanted and so did they.

Slipping out of her clothing Joanna exposed her naked skin to the warm air of the room. Rex stood looking at her as she rubbed her breasts feeling the sensitiveness in her nipples grow and lowered her hand to her crotch, feeling the heat of her aroused pussy.

Rex made his move and as Joanna spread her legs wider he stuck his nose in her crotch and made her jump as his cold nose pressed between the lips of her wet pussy. She smiled and leaned back as Rex’s tongue began to lap at her, licking up the juice that was already dampening her fingers as she worked one between the lips and then spread herself for Rex to get better access.

“Oh yeah” she said softly as Rex moved his head up and his tongue began to catch her clit hood making her feel even more aroused as her legs began to almost shake.

Rex was good with his tongue, he seemed to know where to lick to get the best response from Joanna, probably learned during the numerous times he and she had been together. However he knew Joanna didn’t care, she just loved feeling that long wet organ gave her as it slid over her pussy entrance and finally flicked on her clit.

“Good boy” Joanna cooed as she felt the assault of Rex’s tongue continue on her pussy. She let her head fall back and closed her eyes as she felt an orgasm building, her legs were wobbling a little as she stood while Rex worked his tongue into the entrance of her pussy a little.

The orgasm built more and Rex, almost instinctively it seemed, began to lavish more attention with his tongue onto Joanna’s clit. The tip of his pink tongue would catch the nub before the rough flat of it would wash over, each time Joanna shuddered and gasped as she felt herself losing control until the orgasm came to a head.

Joanna’s legs almost collapsed beneath her and she sank to the ground. Rex tried his best to keep licking her pussy, enjoying the taste and wetness but Joanna wanted more then just a tongue now.

She pushed him away until she could get in position. Kneeling with her hands on the floor and head down she pushed her hips up and spread her legs exposing her drenched pussy to the world. Rex needed no invitation and walked around to resume his oral assault on his owner.

Joanna sigh deeply as she again felt the wet tongue slide up her spread pussy lips. Rex licked again and then decided his cock needed more attention then his tongue. Jumping up he clasped his front legs around Joanna’s body and began probing with his hard pink cock for the opening he loved so much.

He had had lots of practice over the last few years but when you cannot see where you are sticking something you still need help from time to time. Joanna feeling him move around and the tip of his cock press against her thighs and ass cheeks reached back and helped guide Rex to where he needed to be.

She liked helping the dogs; there was something intimate in knowing she had guided them into he pussy. When she just got down and they fucked her hard it was good, oh so good, but the simple act of grasping that big doggy cock and helping it find the wet entrance to her body somehow made her feel more connected with what was going on rather then just, well, fucked hard by a dog.

The tip sank between the lips and Rex quickly thrust it forwards until all his cock was engulfed by the warmth and wetness. Joanna bit her lip, groaned long, and low as she felt the thick cock begin to pound her pussy. Her hands clenched on the floor as Rex’s cock did its work.

Hard and impossibly quick strokes rocked Joanna’s body as her dog fucked her. His cock first deep in her then slid almost all out before another thrust sent her forwards a little as she felt her pussy grip on the invading pole.

“Fuck, fuck, yes fuck” she gasped as she felt herself begin an orgasm. The extra wetness and tightness spurred on Rex, his cock filling her quicker now as he humped faster, occasionally she would feel his balls hitting against her skin which just made her want to cum again.

Suddenly Joanna was aware of her breasts. Normally she would have her upper body quite high as she was fucked by Rex or Max, her arms fully extended meaning her breasts would sway in the air as she was humped but now she had her arms more bent meaning she was lower to the ground and her nipples were rubbing against the soft carpet as her breasts swayed beneath her.

A loud moan gurgled up from Joanna’s throat as she felt the soft yet firm fibres of the carpet rubbing against her hard and sensitive nipples. Rex seeming to respond to the moan thrust his hard cock fully into her at the same moment. His long doggy cock sending a shockwave through Joanna’s body before another thrust drove her to orgasm once more.

As she tensed and gasped, Rex still thrusting his cock with reckless abandon into her dripping pussy, Joanna became aware of a new sound other then her own gasps and Rex’s panting over her shoulder. It was music, specifically her ringtone.

Joanna, still high on the pleasure of her most recent orgasm and the thrusting cock of her beloved pet dog, did not know what to do. Her mobile was ringing and here she was getting her pussy filled with dog cock and soon doggy cum.

Should she answer it? The phone was just off to the side in her pants pocket and easily in reach without having to stop Rex in mid flow. Should she just ignore it and let them call back? What if it was important?

Joanna still feeling Rex, oblivious to her dilemma, fucking her pussy just as hard and fast, his cock thrusting deeply into her and coming back out glistening with her juice and his own beginnings of pre-cum, decided she had better at least look at the caller ID.

She reached over, pulled her phone out, and quickly looked to see who was calling. The screen flashed up ‘John’ and suddenly her mind began to race. One thought fought its way to the front ‘Answer the phone, talk to him while Rex fucks you silly, and fills you with his doggy cum”!

A naughty thrill ran down Joanna’s spine and made her shudder. Rex was still happy to just keep on thrusting his hard cock into the warmth of Joanna’s pussy that had just gotten even more sensitive and wet as she clicked the button to answer the call from her human partner.

“Hi honey,” John said as the call was received “Is everything okay you took a while in answering”

Joanna tried to compose herself, something not easily done while Rex was fucking pussy with his big dog cock, making her completely naked body jiggle with the force.

“Yeah, I’m fine” she managed to say trying to keep her voice normal and show no signs yet of what she was doing. Rex began to speed up a little which drove Joanna mad with delight but also meant his knot would make an appearance soon, he always went quicker before he slowed to a stop and tied her.

“Good, just calling to say, I’ll be gone awhile lo-” John stopped talking as he heard what sounded like a stifled grunt come down the phone “longer then expected” he finished

Joanna held back a groan and giggle as she listened. She could feel the big dog cock in her pussy shooting its pre-cum and felt the heat and wetness more acutely then ever before as she tried to keep her voice calm and not make any noise that would alert John.

“Are you there?” John looked at his reception to make sure he had a signal, he did.

“Yeah sorry, hmm, just erm… got distracted a little” Joanna managed. Not screaming aloud while Rex’s big cock was deep in her pussy and rapidly pushing her towards another orgasm was harder then she thought it would have been. The pressure the big cock was putting her pussy under made her want to cry out

“Come clean what’s going on?” John asked his suspicions aroused, he had an idea already however.

“N-nothing” Joanna said as innocently as was possible while Rex’s cock was rammed into her pink pussy. She could feel herself losing control, the doggy cock in her was beginning to slow and she could feel the first stages of the knot begin to swell and bump into her as Rex thrust his cock deeply again.

“Come on tell me” John said playfully, he could hear the crack on Joanna’s voice and soft moans coming now from her lips.

“I’m in the basement,” she said with a gasp of pleasure as another orgasm began and she felt Rex slow right down and his knot stretch her pussy wide. She almost dropped the phone as she felt the waves of pleasure cause her body to shake, her breasts now firmly pressed to the ground and the carpet only adding to her delight as it raked over her nipples.

‘In the basement’ was a code that Joanna and John had agreed on so they could talk about Joanna’s activity with Rex and Max while others may be able to hear. Blurting out your girlfriend took a large dog cock last night or will this weekend is not after all the best thing to do when people outside the activity were within earshot.

“And who’s the lucky boy with you?” John asked as his cock began to harden in his pants. He was alone in his office; no one could hear the conversation so he began to play with Joanna a little.

“Hmm… Rex” came the cooing answer from Joanna. John could hear in her tone that she was cumming hard on his cock.

“And what’s happening?” His free hand unzipped pants and he freed his cock, began rubbing it as he listened to his partner’s voice filled with pleasure answer

“He is so deep in me… oh fuck… and his knot has swelled… oh god and now he’s…he’s… oh fuck he’s filling me with his doggy cum” she groaned loudly into the phone as she felt the first blasts of his cum shoot into her waiting and used pussy.

John was rubbing his rock hard cock quickly as he just listened to Joanna on the phone. Her voice a mash-up of groans and garbled calls of ‘yes’ and ‘fuck’ and she would occasionally pant much like a dog as one filled her with it’s cum, making her its willing bitch.

“Ah yes… its so hot in my pussy” Joanna said through gritted teeth, she had put the phone on speaker now and laid it on the floor under her face, her hands free to play with her clit as she was filled with dog cum from Rex.

“Tell Me,” John said as his hand gripped the shaft of his cock tighter and h really sped up its motion.

“Baby, fuck, my pussy is so wet and stretched by his knot… I can feel each pulse of his cock… oh yes… as he… hmm… shoots more of his doggy cum in me” a loud and long moan came as her fingers rubbed the sensitive nub of flesh that was her clit. Joanna could hear John breathing quickly and knew he must be wanking as she described what was happening to her.

“Yes” John hissed as he rubbed his cock. In his mind he could see Joanna, naked and covered with sweat on all fours as their dog fucked her and filled her with his cum, he loved watching and listening to it.

“Oh baby… I love feeling his cum, his… oh fuck… doggy cum in me so much” knowing it was turning John on so much made her feel even more aroused and just spurred her on

“Tell me Jo,” John said as his hand slid up his cock and he rubbed just below the head “And I’ll tell you something…”

“I’m a doggy cum slut babe… hmm… my pussy is getting filled with doggy cum and I… ah… I love it” Joanna hadn’t realised John had spoken, she was too busy enjoying the feel of Rex’s cum and caught up in trying to describe what it felt like, how she felt to John, trying to make him cum.

“Yes!” John said again as he felt his cock stiffen more, his hand now rubbing at maximum speed as Joanna’s voice filled his ears. Her groans of pleasure and orgasm driving his own body to reach the same point.

“Cum for me babe… I… ah… want you to cum all over for me… yes… just like… ah… Rex is shooting his dog…oh… cum in my wet pussy!” Joanna felt her body convulse as she came again. Talking to John had made her even hotter then normal and the resulting orgasm was big.

John could not hold back either and finally he stopped rubbing his cock and shot his load of cum onto his desk. Luckily there was nothing important on it and the cum simply pooled on the hard wood. He would be able to clean that up with a tissue.

Rex was still pumping his watery cum into Joanna. His knot holding firm and keeping the mixture inside her, adding more every so often.

“That was so good,” John, said composing himself in his post orgasm feeling of calm and satisfaction.

Joanna smiled; she could hear the happiness in John’s voice. She stopped rubbing her own clit and just relaxed as Rex carried on his work, his cock pumping it’s cum into her.

“I know” she said into the phone as she settled herself down a little, and tried to keep her body from moving too much, she just wanted to feel Rex’s knot send tingles through her until he was finished now.

“Now, since you have given me this surprise… I have one for you, ready?” John said leaning back in his chair with a grin on his lips.

Joanna did not respond right away, she was stunned but finally she said yes

“Well, I talked with Mike today-”

“Who’s Mike?” Joanna’s mind suddenly raced, she did not know any Mike and she could not even think of a reason that John would say he was part of any surprise for her; she listened carefully to the next part

“Mike is a guy who owns a farm… you know the one you just don’t realise it,” John said with a chuckle. Joanna thought but came up blank.

“I do?” She still felt Rex inside her finishing off his deposit but her mind was now off the subject of his cock.

“Yeah, you’ve seen it in the video of the girl with the horse” John said. Sudden realisation came into Joanna’s mind, she became oh so aware of the thick knot in her pussy again, and how good it felt.

“You don’t mean…” he voice trailed off as she let thoughts rush into her mind

“We are going down next weekend to see him and his horse, I‘ll tell you more when I get back bye for now honey” John confirmed her thoughts. Joanna squealed with delight as the thought sunk in.

Before she could say anything John hung up and she felt her pussy tingle with an itch that just needs scratching. Rex was close to finishing now but she still could enjoy his knot stretching her and his hard cock buried deep in her while she could. Joanna rubbed her clit again and felt lightening strikes of pleasure run through her. In her mind, all she could think about was that huge horse cock. That huge horse cock she was going to play with soon. Not a toy like her dildo but the real thing.

Joanna came hard for the last time before Rex pulled his cock free and the torrent of mixed cum, female and dog dribbled out. Joanna thought about how next weekend could not come fast enough.


Chapter Five

The day was finally here and Joanna’s heart felt like it was going to break free of her chest as she got ready to make the trip to Mike’s farm and her encounter with his horse. She felt like a small girl on Christmas Eve. The excitement made it hard to sleep the night before and although she was tired, her excitement more then made up for it.

“Ready?” John poked his head around the door and grinned as he saw Joanna looking at herself in the mirror, the horse cock dildo on the bed. She had been practising sucking it for most of the last week.

“As ready as I can be” she flashed a wicked grin back at him and turned a circle so he could get a full view of her dress. John approved.

The trip seemed to drag on forever once they got going. Joanna fidgeted in her seat, nervous and aroused in equal measure. She saw the farm on the horizon and suddenly her pussy became much wetter as in a field she saw several horses grazing.

Mike was waiting for them just inside the gate to the farm as they pulled up. He was a good-looking man with a well-built body. It seemed he did not just hire out his animals for horny women to play around with he actually ran a proper farm too and had built up the body from years of hard work.

“Hi guys” he said with a friendly wave as John and Joanna pulled up and got out of the car “Did you find the place fine?”

“Yeah, wasn’t too far out of the way from the main road thanks” John said as he shook the new man’s hand. Joanna did not speak her attention was drawn to the fields and the horses.

“And this must be Joanna” Mike said to the obviously distracted woman. Her head spun and she blushed a little, embarrassed by her actions.

“Nice to meet you” she said offering a hand which Mike shook

“So I take it we all know why we are here,” Mike said not taking his eyes off Joanna, his lips curled into a grin showing nice white teeth.

“I sure hope so” John said looking at his partner “Jo has been really looking forwards to this haven’t you honey”

Joanna blushed a little again but nodded with a smile. Given what she was about to do in front of this man, Mike, it seemed stupid to feel embarrassed and nervous but she could not help it. Her arousal was driving her now though. Just the thought of touching that huge horse cock made her want to dash over to the field and begin with the nearest one.

“Well I’m sure we can make this a happy visit,” Mike said with a wink “Now would you like to come inside for a moment and have a drink or shall we go right to the barn, your choice”

Joanna did not hesitate for a moment before indicating she was ready to go to the barn. If she waited any longer, she felt she might explode. He had been awaiting this for more then a week now, each day, her mind had been consumed with the video and the thought she would soon have the same experience. She had waited enough.

Mike laughed and told her how good it was to see a woman with eagerness before he showed them the way to the barn where he took all the women who came to ‘sample the horses’ as he put it.

Inside the barn Joanna was struck by the scent of horses, it was a smell she was unused to but it just seemed to make her more aroused, her pussy already tingling as if she had been playing with it. The only other time she had felt this way was when she had first met John and was on her way to fuck his dog Rex.

“Ok here he is” Mike said as he stopped at one of the paddocks where a large brown horses head poked out over the gate “Say hello to Ramses”

Joanna stood and marvelled at the horse. It was much bigger in real life then it had looked on the video but she recognised the markings as the same. As if to greet her and almost in knowing acknowledgment of what was to come Ramses nodded his head at Joanna and John and snorted happily.

“He says hello,” Mike said with a chuckle that made Joanna smile and fell a little more at ease

“So…umm… how does this work?” Joanna asked unsure, her voice quiet and her eyes flicking from Mike to Ramses and finally to John.

“Well first you’ll want to get to know him a little” John said taking Joanna by the hand and lightly pressing her palm against the horses neck before rubbing it up and down. Ramses just stood allowing her to stroke him and Joanna felt her heart in her mouth but also a soothing sensation washing over her as the horse stood calmly just looking at her with its big eyes.

“He is very calm,” John said as he watched his partner’s body visibly relax a little as she stroked the horse and talked softly to him.

“Yeah, Ramses here is my most gentle horse, very laid back and doesn’t mind a woman’s attention at all” Mike said looking at Mike and then back to Joanna as she ran her left hand up the horses nose and back down as she patted his neck with the other hand.

The getting to know each other went on for a few minutes. Joanna stroking Ramses and talking to him and the horse actively nuzzling her hand and making what Mike said were contented noises. When he was happy things could progress Mike opened the gate and went inside stroking the horse and patting his flanks before telling Joanna she could come in too.

Joanna entered and carefully made her way to the horse’s side; Mike was rubbing his thigh and moving his hand down towards where his cock rested. Joanna swallowed nervously as the powerful animal twitched.

“You’ll want to take your clothes off Joanna,” Mike said as he continued to give a little attention to the horse’s crotch “You don’t want to get anything caught up”

Joanna began to strip off and soon stood fully naked. The air in the barn was slightly cold and her nipples stood out hard as stone as she watched Mike arouse the horse with a hand. He really seemed to know what he was doing which made her glad, if this horse wanted to he could do a lot of damage she though. Still she was very turned on just to be this close.

John whispered for her to look down and she caught her first glace of Ramses’ semi hard cock drooping down. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw it. It was huge and not even fully erect yet, Mike’s hand rubbed it and it extended more and began to straighten up. Joanna just watched in amazement as the huge cock extended towards her.

Mike moved over, took Joanna’s hand, and placed it on the now hard horse cock. It felt hot to the touch and a shot of excitement went up Joanna’s spine as she felt he cock jump in her hand.

“Careful now” Mike said as he moved and began to stroke Ramses keeping him calm as he did with every woman who came to see his horse. “Just gently to begin with stroke him and when you feel comfy you can ad your lips if you want”

Joanna nodded and despite her heart beating faster then she ever felt before she remembered the video she had watched of this horse getting some attention from the women. She began to slowly stroke her hand up the length of the thick cock, both of them on either side, she stroked towards the tip and then back to the other end.

John watched as Joanna slid her hands up the huge cock. The horse was calm and Mike was making sure he behaved; obviously, this was something that Mike had taught his horse to be used to over the years.

Joanna felt herself getting more confident as she stroked the horse cock. It made her feel wetter as her hands ran its length and she felt the power of it. The skin was smooth and easy to rub her palms along. Tightening her touch, she began to rub faster along the shaft, mentally trying to measure it she would guess at around 23 or 24 inches.

John smiled as he watched Joanna. His partner, the woman he loved was squatted with a huge horse cock in her hands mere inches from her face. She looked at him and grinned as she ran her hands over the cock again. Ramses moved a little as her touch sped up slightly as did the pressure of her grip.

Joanna was trying to remember what the woman on the video did but her mind was filled with just the real horse cock she was playing with. She got an urge to kiss the tip, to feel a horses cock on her lips. Slowly she moved her face forwards and kissed the fleshy tip, her hands still rubbed the long shaft.

John felt his own cock grow very hard as he watched Joanna, naked and holding the biggest cock he had ever seen in her hands, lower her face and kiss the horses cock.

It tasted odd but nice. Joanna licked it softly before kissing again, her lips moved up the fleshy bulbous head as her hands rubbed the shaft. She looked at John who nodded his approval and smiling she turned her attention back to the horses cock. She moved a little and slid her tongue along the shaft, leaving a glistening saliva trail on the dark skin before she groaned arousal and kissed her way back.

Thoughts flew through Joanna’s mind as she licked and kissed and stroked the horse cock that was bigger then her own arm. She thought about the taste, about how big the horses cock was, about how she had her hands and mouth on it and what that meant. She was a dog slut she told herself, she loved feeling her dog’s cock in her mouth but now she was doing the same to a horse… a Horse! Her mind screamed.

Releasing her grip with one hand Joanna began to rub her pussy while she licked and kissed the horses cock. Her tongue slid along the slit on the head, where, hopefully, she would get her first taste of horse cum from as her fingers entered her pussy and she began to rub her clit with her thumb. She as so wet and turned on it did not take long for her to orgasm as she played with Ramses’ cock.

The hand she still had on the massive horse cock rubbed fast, she found she could get it almost the entire length with a little effort and noticed when she got to the area where the penis met the horse’s body he would jerk a little. Still finger her own pussy Joanna concentrated on that area and began to kiss the shaft and lick it more while rubbing his cock closer to the body.

John marvelled at Joanna as she licked and kissed the horse’s cock. She had lost the nervousness she had come here with, now she was confident and sure of herself. Her mouth moved over the horses cock as she rubbed both his cock and her own pussy. Her fingers a blur as they slid in and out of her wet hole, he could hear her moaning and knew she was on the verge of another orgasm.

The second orgasm Joanna had was a big one. She felt her body tense as she thrust her fingers deeply into herself and wiggled them as the pleasure washed over her. She pressed her face against the horses cock and rolled her tongue all around the flesh as she groaned and came. The horse moved around becoming agitated and Joanna moved back a little to give him room before looking at Mike.

“He’s getting ready for the big show” Mike said, he had been watching Joanna and Ramses carefully and knew the signs well “If you want to feel the end result you’ll want to get in front of his cock” he added.

Joanna nodded and still rubbing the big horse cock she moved and positioned herself in front of the head, looking directly at it she could see the glistening of what she assumed to be pre-cum. She looked back at John again and felt happy that he had such a loving and excited expression on his face as she again began to orally and manually stimulate the horse’s cock.

Ramses began to move round more and make more noise, Mike assured Joanna it was all ok and she should just keep up what she was doing. Joanna did just that, her hands rubbing the cock as hard and fast as she dared and her lips adding some extra wet stimulus on the now bigger head.

‘He’s gong to cum on me!’ Joanna thought suddenly as she rubbed more, her arms ached but she was desperate to feel the cum hitting her skin ‘I am going to taste horse cum after it shoots its load all over my skin’ her mind said repeatedly.

“Come on give it to me,” she said knowing the horse could not understand but not caring. Ramses jerked more and his cock hardened. Before Mike could speak and let Joanna, know what was coming. Ramses’ cock exploded and shot out a large blob of horse cum right over the older woman’s chin and neck.

Joanna gasped in surprise at the sudden cum shower but did not move, she just let Ramses coat her skin with his seed. The cum was warmer then she expected and the scent much stronger then Rex and Max’s was what she noticed most. Another shot landed lower on her breasts, the liquid dribbling down her belly and onto her pussy, it and she felt good.

John watched as his partner of several years was covered in horse cum. The liquid clinging to her chin and neck, breasts and belly in sticky rivers. She was smiling and licking her lips getting what she could into her mouth.

Joanna tasted the cum and her head spun, it was a unique taste but not unpleasant, more like a dog’s then a humans but still different then both. She still held the horse’s cock in her hand as the last dribbled slipped from the tip to the floor. It was shrinking back now and so she let go and began to scoop up a little of the ejected cum from her skin with her fingers, rubbing it on her lips before licking it off.

She got to her feet and went over to John, her body still glistening with the horse’s cum she smiled at him before telling him how much she loved him.

“I love you too,” he said before kissing her cheek, he got a faint taste of the horse cum she had smeared on her face as she wiped it up. Finally Mike came over and handed Joanna a towel to clean off the cum with before he offered her use of his shower which she gladly accepted.

“So I take it you first time with a horse was a good experience?” Mike asked as Joanna gave him a hug before she settled into the car seat.

“I couldn’t have asked for more” she grinned out of the window as she spoke “Thanks a lot”

“Well you are welcome back any time,” Mike offered before John and Joanna began the trip home, a new experience in both their lives now vivid in their memories.

Life sure had changed since Joanna had met John 3 years ago and for Joanna it was the biggest and best change of her life and one she would be forever grateful came along.