Women with Animals

Fantasy Becomes Reality


(c) 2013 by Nem Enforcer

Chapter One

Leaning back in her chair relaxed, Joanna reached out to start the video she had just downloaded onto her PC. She had needed this all day and finally it was coming. The computer monitor screen filled with bright colours, the image that of a woman stood alone and naked in what looked like he living room.

“Ok, is the camera rolling?” The woman asked someone just off camera, a male voice replied yes and the woman smiled “Good”

Joanna looked the woman up and down, she was slim, young, and attractive, not that Joanna was into women but she could appreciate a good-looking girl when she saw one. The girl on screen wiggled her hips as she turned around and showed off a very pert ass to the camera then back bending at the waist to let her firm young breasts hang. This was just the prelude anyway; the real stuff that Joanna was interested in was yet to come.

The show went on for about 30 seconds, the girl licking her lips and letting a hand slide down her naked frame, resting it on her pubic area and moaning softly. Joanna did the same, letting her own hand slide down her somewhat more mature body. She was also naked.

Aged 50 now, Joanna was not as perky as she once was but she still got plenty of attention when she got dressed up for an evening out. Her breasts were large and had not sagged too much with age and while she had put on a few extra, pounds as she had gotten a little older it didn’t take away from her sexiness, if anything having more curves added to it she found.

The girl on screen stopped her teasing and called the name ‘Tyson’ and within seconds, a black Labrador came trotting into view looking up at the naked woman and wagging his tail happily.

Joanna smiled and let her left hand find her pussy, the right slightly teasing her nipple, pulling it and squeezing, making it hard. The hand on her pussy made little circles over her clit just pressing in a little before her fingers moved down and stroked the lips and slid inbetween them. She was already feeling the moisture her arousal was giving.

On the screen, the girl had gotten on her knees and was fussing the dog, stroking its head and sides while talking sweetly to it, all the time her hand on the dog’s side moved closer towards its hindquarters. The dog just stood, its tail still wagging as the girl moved her hand and finally began rubbing under the dogs belly around his sheath.

Joanna slouched in the chair more and widened her legs allowing herself more access to herself, her eyes were fixed on the girls hand as it rubbed the sheath of her dog and the tip of his red penis began to show. As each rub caused more of the dog’s penis to protrude Joanna began to feel more aroused, she imagined it was her doing that and began to slide her index and middle finger a little deeper between the lips of her pussy making use to make little upward thrusts with the fingertips then she reached the knuckle.

On screen, the dog was excited now; his cock was fully out and looked big, at least 7 inches, and hard. The girl was holding it in her hand and smiling at the camera that was moving around to get a better shot of what was happening. Joanna gasped as she watched the girl lower her head and flick out her tongue at the tip of the bright length of meat.

The dog jerked a little as the girl on screen licked again then moved her face closer and took the tip into her mouth, her lips closing around the hard cock before she slowly pulled them back and let the cock drop from her mouth.

“Hmm so tasty” she cooed to the camera before taking the hard cock into her mouth again, this time a little more went in and she began to suck.

Joanna groaned approval at what she was watching as she pressed her thumb hard against her clit and slid the two fingers deeper into her wet pussy before sliding them back. Her mind swam with thoughts of herself with a big dog cock in her mouth. Sucking it and feeling the heat, the texture and the taste.

Watching closely, drinking in every second with her eyes, Joanna squeezed the muscles of her pussy tightly around her fingers as she thrust them faster, her other hand now joining in rubbing quickly on her clit as she watched the girl sucking the black dogs cock like it were a lollypop.

Biting her lip so not to scream too loudly Joanna felt an orgasm approaching, she made her eyes stay open to watch the girl sucking the doggy cock as she felt the heat rise in her body and her muscles tremble, this one was going to be good.

A suppressed groan of pleasure filled the room as Joanna came hard, her pussy momentarily too sensitive to carry on giving it attention she pulled her hands away and arched her back letting the waves of pleasure wash over her like the sea.

The girl on video was not nearly finished however. She had stopped sucking the dogs cock and was now getting on all fours on the floor. Looking back over her shoulder she patted her ass cheeks with one hand, obviously a signal the dog knew well as he quickly went over and shoved his nose into the girl’s crotch.

Joanna now coming down from her orgasm watched and licked her lips, god she wished she was that girl, not only did it look like it felt good it sounded it too. The speakers were throwing out groans and gasps of pleasure from the girl on screen as the dog licked her pussy.

Joanna’s original wetness now had the added wetness of her orgasm and it was time for the main show on the video she was watching. The blowjob and licking was just the prelude and while it had given her a nice orgasm as she fingered herself watching now she needed more then just fingers.

Reaching to the little desk she had next to her seat she picked up the dildo she had chosen for this occasion, it was 8 inches long very thick. She would have preferred a real cock to slide into her right now, and if she had her way, it would be a real dog cock! However, she was alone and this would have to do.

On screen the girl was now reaching back for the cock of her own, the dogs cock. The dog had been thrusting but missing its target and now she needed to take matters into her own hand, literally. Joanna moved the tip of her dildo to the entrance of her pussy, parting the lips with it and just sliding the tip inside her wet hole as the girl did with the dog’s penis in the video. Both women shared a long sigh as a long hard cock filled their pussies.

The dildo slid easily into Joanna, her arousal added to the wetness of her orgasm made the perfect lube. She groaned as around 5 inches of it disappeared into her body, her pussy tingling with excitement as it was stretched and her mind telling her that it was actually a big dog cock that was entering her just like the girl she was watching.

The girl was indeed taking a big cock. The dog was thrusting hard and fast making her whole body jiggle but the sounds coming out of her mouth gave away her approval.

The cameraman moved closer and got a nice close up of the red cock thrusting in and out of the girl’s tight pussy and Joanna watched as the dogs ball’s swung with each thrust slapping against the girls skin with a satisfying ‘(thwump’

Joanna thrust the big, thick dildo in and out of her pussy in time with the dog, or as close as she could get, this dog really had some power in his hips to be able to pump that hard and fast! She rubbed her clit at the same time, and was more turned on then she could ever remember. Her whole body was jerking now, her breasts wobbled and her thighs jiggled as she felt herself trembling from another orgasm, the wetness coating the dildo as she carried on watching the girl be hammered by the dog and pumped herself with the thick object.

Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, she once more enjoyed the pleasure her body gave her, her skin now wet with sweat, her blonde curly hair matted to her head.

The dildo still firmly inside her pussy and the groans of pleasure filling the room from the video and her, Joanna opened her eyes and gasped as she saw the cameraman had moved closer and gotten a really good shot of the dogs knot, a large red bulb pressed against the girls tight pussy lips.

“So hot… his cum is so hot!” the girl groaned out, obviously she was getting a good hosing down inside her pussy. The dog had stopped thrusting now and the camera picture just hung there on the knot as it delivered its load.

Joanna panted and slowly began to slide the dildo back and forth again, trying to imagine what it would be like to have her pussy stretched out by that large ball of flesh, if she had been in that position she would have taken it inside not let it just press against her like this girl.

The dildo slid faster back and forth, in and out. Glistening with the juice from the mature woman’s pussy as it came into the light given off the screen, her other free hand once more rubbing her clit and squeezing it between her fingers, her eyes never leaving the image of that knot as it jerked a little from time to time, obviously pumping more doggy cum into this girl.

It seemed to go on and on but all the time Joanna felt another orgasm nearing, she was tired and her arms burned from the constant movement, the constant thrusting of the dildo and rubbing of her clit but it was worth every bit. The video was ending now according to the timer and the girls moans had subsided as had the dogs knot a little. The camera stayed close however and caught the image perfectly as the dog pulled his cock out with a plop and a gush of almost clear liquid followed it out.

It was the dogs cum. It was leaking out of the girl’s well-used and stretched pussy. A finger slid from between the girl’s legs and ran it’s away up the slit of her pussy, through the cum, scooping it up and rubbing it into her skin. Joanna felt herself cum once more.

Once the video had finished and she had come down from the heights of her pleasure Joanna went into the bathroom and ran a nice hot bath. It always relaxed her body to soak for a while after an orgasm or three and it helped her sleep at night. That was something she really wanted to do this night in particular, tomorrow was a big day.

The plan was she would drive the 60 miles to meet with John. She had never actually met the man in person yet but she knew all she needed to for what was planned.

They had met on an internet forum, one that Joanna had only recently found but had signed up to right away. It was a forum dedicated to people who loved animals only there love went a bit farther then the usual kind one feels for their pets, indeed a lot farer. It was a forum for people who indulged in sexual activity with their animals.

Joanna had never actually had any kind of sexual contact with an animal before, unless you counted some of her former men as animals and she had to admit there were a few who may fall into that category looking back. But no, actual dogs and horses and the like had never really registered as sexual objects until the last few years.

It was a chance find of a video online that had first turned her attention to the animal kingdom for possible sexual gratification. Feeling aroused but frustrated one night she had searched around and the link to a video had caught her attention, when it turned out the ‘beast’ in the title was an actual animal rather then just a metaphor her interest had peaked. That was a few years ago now but the feelings of intense desire to actually feel what the girls on the screen did stayed with her.

She did not know what had changed. Maybe she had, getting older had brought out new desires in her and maybe this was just one of them, a kinky new side she had long suppressed but now had found its way out. Whatever the reason, she was curious and extremely excited whenever she thought about sex with a dog.

Laid in the steaming, frothy water now she felt her body calm. She was still high on the last of her orgasms but it was a pleasant ache now she felt in her crotch radiating out. Gone was the need for sexual release but still there was the image of that big dog knot in her mind. She sighed and smiled.

Soon, hopefully she would feel that too. The meeting had been arranged weeks ago. After signing up to the forum she had gotten a completely new handle on her feelings, the experiences of others that had been posted made her feel good. She was not the only one who felt like this.

The video section was her favourite area, mostly the homemade section that is where most of her viewing habits were found. Real women with real dogs having real sex. Such a turn on.

There was other sections too where people posted stories or generally chatted about the topic of bestiality, some even advertised themselves or their services. She had fought with herself for a long time about posting up that she was desiring having her first actual sexual experience with a dog. Worried what kind of response she would get, after all this was the internet and not everyone is what they say. Finally, though she had taken the plunge and via posts and her profile let it be known she was more then just interested in being a member of the forum but actually wanted a real experience of her own. It had not taken long to get some responses. The first few PM’s had been cast aside, the tone of them not right; most likely, they were people looking to get pictures then never make good on delivery. However, one did seem genuine.

His forum username was ‘UK9John84’ and by the accounts of others who it seems had met him before he was genuine and a nice guy. Joanna had looked at the responses he had gotten on a ‘name and praise’ thread; there were at least three women who all agreed he was the real deal.

Over the course of several weeks of back and forth Private Messages, Joanna and John had gotten to know each other. He did not live too far away and was happy to help women with their desires. Or more to the point, his dog Rex was. Joanna felt comfortable with her messages to and from John, he was nice and happy to answer any and call questions, he also put no pressure on her for anything.

Finally they had arranged to meet, she would drive up to his neck of the woods and they would have an initial meet up in a public place, see how they got on and if both were happy go back to see his dog and go from there.

That meeting was now less then 16 hours away and Joanna was feeling both nervous and excited all at once. She wasn’t a shrinking violate by any means but this was bold even for her, meeting a man she met on a forum and possibly letting his dog fill her with his hot sperm. Wow, that thought turned her on a lot.

Still that was tomorrow and she needed to be ready, a good night’s sleep was what was required now. Getting out of the bath she towelled her body down, the feel of the warm material dancing over her skin made her shudder especially when it ticked her nipples and nicely shaved pubic mound. Wrapping herself in a bathrobe now she was dry she went to bed and tried her best to get as relaxed as possible through dreams of her pussy getting fucked by a large dog.


Chapter Two

The day was here. Finally. Joanna had had a fitful but good sleep, all night her mind had conjured up images of herself on her hands and knees, dogs of all different breeds using her as a new toy. Their cocks buried deep in her as they splashed her insides with their canine seed. She had woken up wet and horny.

She had denied herself the time to do something about it though. Better, she waits and uses all that nervousness and arousal later then right now; it would only heighten things should they go as she so desperately hoped they would. Instead of sating her sexual desires, she had gotten dressed. A pair of sexy white lace underwear complete with matching bra that pushed her breasts together and up giving her a pleasing cleavage followed by a black tight fitting dress that showed off her curves. Her hair she wore like normal but made sure the curls were neat and well placed, some draping down her face a little so she could swish them away flirtingly if John pushed the right buttons.

Ready she got her keys and went to her car, the car that would take her to hopefully a dream fulfilment she so desperately wanted.

Parking in the only free slot she could find, Joanna took a deep breath and got out of the car. Her mind, just for a second feared John would not show up, but she quickly cast the thought out and headed for the door to the café where they had agreed to meet for a coffee.

Inside there were people sat at every table, chatting and drinking but her eyes were scanning for one man in particular. A hand waved and caught her attention. There at the far end of the smallish place was John.

She recognised him from his picture she had received when they had agreed to meet. He was younger then her, in his early 30’s but with a face that looked even younger. Not the bets looking guy in the world but not exactly the type who needed a bag over his head either. She was relieved he had shown.

“Hi. Have a seat, hope you had a safe trip” he said with a smile as she walked over and sat down.

She smiled back. “Yes, thanks” she said getting comfortable as someone arrived to ask if they wanted anything.

Both ordered a coffee and before long, they were chatting freely. Being in a public place like this the subject of their meeting did not come up in any detail. It was hardly the best thing in the world to do to say in a crowded place you were meeting to see if you were happy enough to strip naked in front of a man and let his dog fuck you.

They got to know each other. Chatting, using a little code when anything about the possibility of Joanna and Rex came up. By the end, they were both happy to proceed.

Driving back the short distance to John’s house Joanna was almost giddy with excitement. Now they were alone in her car they could talk freely and the only subject she wanted to talk about was how excited she was.

“Well hopefully your first time will be a good one, I have had a few women from the forum over already and they seemed happy,” John said. Joanna already knew from the comments left.

“I can’t wait.” She said, the excitement filling her voice “I just want to lose my canine virginity so bad!”

Upon arrival at John’s house, Joanna’s excitement went even higher, as did her arousal. Her knickers already felt a little damp and the usual throbbing in her crotch was testament to how ready she was.

Inviting her inside, John closed the door and led her to the basement. There he said they would have privacy and room. Joanna looked around. The basement was well decorated, bright and indeed roomy but also cosy. A thick soft carpet was on the floor for comfort and there were cushions and other soft things around too.

“Ok, so if you are sure you are ready I will introduce Rex to you if you want” he said with a grin, just by the look on her face he could tell the older woman was more then ready.

Walking into the room Rex wagged his tail happily at the new woman. He was a golden retriever and a good-sized dog too. He seemed relaxed enough as he walked over and quickly began sniffing at Joanna’s crotch; it seems she could not hide her desire.

John watched and smiled as his dog stuck his nose into Joanna’s crotch, pushing the lower part of the dress up as he nosed closer. Joanna did not attempt to stop him either.

“Looks like you two are getting along well enough” he said, amused. Joanna smiled and nodded before looking back down at the dog trying to get a good sniff of her crotch, the wetness only getting worse.

“So how shall we do this?” she asked “I mean… um… is there anything I should know?”

“Well I think the best way is to establish what you want first” John said, “I know you are looking for your first time but how far do you want to go?”

Joanna paused for a second in thought. She knew how far she wanted to take this, she wanted to feel the knot stretch her pussy to its limits but should she do that on her first try? Her body responded and she knew the answer.

“I want to feel a big dog knot in my pussy” she said, a sudden release of adrenaline filled her and her heart began to speed up as she thought about it and looked at the very real dog who would hopefully give her what she wanted.

“Bold” John said, “I think we can do that though”

Joanna felt more excited then she ever had. This was really happening. Here she was in a man’s house and his dog was going to have his way with her. More then that he was going to make her his bitch. That thought made her heart flutter; she was going to be a doggy cum slut just like the women and girls she had seen in so many videos.

“Well if you are feeling comfy maybe we should get on with this” John said his smile warm and inviting. It made Joanna feel ready, like there was no pressure. That was important.

“Sure” She said and slowly reached for the zip on her dress. It felt odd but exciting to strip off her clothes in front of John. She had met him but an hour or so ago and now he was going to see her naked, more then that he was going to see her getting fucked by his dog!

Once she had stripped off her dress and bra, she felt a little self-conscious. Leaving her knickers on she felt the need to cover her breasts with her arm, it was silly considering what she was here to do but she was a little worried what the younger man would think of her.

“No need to be shy Joanna. You have a great body! And I’m sure Rex agrees” he said with a wink. Joanna giggled and visibly relaxed a little, her arm dropping giving a full view of her breasts that John took full advantage of seeing.

Just one thing remained. Hooking her fingers into her underwear’s waistband Joanna peeled them down her legs and kicked them off. That was it she was fully naked and ready. John stood getting a good look at her naked form but she was ok with that, with what he was allowing her do this was the least payment she could make she joked to herself.

“Wow even better in the flesh!” he said aloud. He had seen pictures that Joanna had posted on the forum, of her naked showing off her pussy while she rubbed herself and things like that, but in real life, well the pictures did not do her justice.

“Thanks” she said smiling “I think I’m ready”

John nodded and told her she needed to get on the floor. He assured her it was warm and soft so no need to worry about anything, not that she was. Joanna was in a daze of excitement as she dropped to her knees and placed her hands on the floor leaning herself down a little so her ass was more in the air. There she waited.

It seemed like forever before she first felt the touch of a cold nose on her warm skin. Joanna jumped a little as she felt the wetness touch the back of her left thigh and move across towards her wet pussy lips. A shooting sense of pleasure and excitement filled her as she felt the dogs nose press against her outer lips.

Joanna stayed still but widened her legs a little, allowing the dog more access to her pussy. She tried to look back over her shoulder but the dog’s body blocked her view, she would just have to feel what was going on.

The dog’s tongue flicked out and slid up her pussy lips, the roughness of it taking her by surprise but making her groan in pleasure also. It felt so good the way her lips were pulled by the wet tongue lapping at her wanton hole. She felt herself getting wetter which just encouraged the dog to lick more, each time he flicked his tongue up he caught her clit hood sending a shock wave thought her, she had never been more turned on in her life.

Joanna clenched her hands into fists and swayed her body a little, as she felt an orgasm approaching just from the licking her pussy was receiving. She had had her pussy licked by men before but nothing came close to this. The long, rough and wet tongue of this dog was magical and each time she felt it lap at her wet pussy lips, drag along her clit and just find its way between the lips into the entrance of her pussy she wanted to scream.

John watched as Joanna’s body rocked, her head was down, looking back past her swaying breasts and through her spread legs trying to see the dog licking her pussy. She was shaking and groaning with pleasure. It was an awesome sight seeing this mature 50-year-old woman orgasm.

Her breathing laboured, Joanna felt herself cum as the dog continued its assault on her pussy. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feeling as her body tightened but the dog did not stop, its tongue carried on licking her ever more sensitive lips.

Finally, the licking stopped and Joanna was able to catch a breath. Her pussy was aching to be filled now, the licking had been magical but she needed to feel that cock, feel that long flesh rod fill her pussy and then stretch it wide as it engorged into a knot.

“Fun time Rex. Up!” Joanna heard John’s voice and opened her eyes. Looking back to see the dog walk behind her she braced herself and soon felt the weight of the dog come down on her. This was it; the dog had mounted her now all that was left was to get his cock into her. For him to make her his bitch.

The dog held tightly with hits front legs around Joanna’s waist, the fur on his belly tickled her naked skin as he moved around trying to get into position, she could feel his cock on her thighs as he humped from time to time trying to find the golden opening.

Joanna jumped as she felt the tip of the dog’s cock hit the back of her thigh and then again. He was moving around trying to find her pussy but without success, getting down then mounting again.

“He needs a little help” John said from the side. Joanna smiled to herself, she had seen plenty of video’s of women and their dogs to know how to help.

Leaning down so her breasts pressed against the carpet below she moved her hand’s down between her legs when Rex the dog mounted her again. It did not take her long to feel his hard cock in her hand. It was thick and hot, she could just imagine what it looked like.

John didn’t need to imagine he watched as Joanna took the hard red cock in her hand and skilfully guided it to the entrance of her pussy, her other hand holding the lips wide open giving full access to his dog’s cock.

Joanna took the plunge without hesitation. She wanted this badly. Guiding the doggy cock with one hand as she spread the lips of her pussy she pressed the tip into the entrance of her womanhood. Immediately she felt a thrust of the dog’s powerful hips and his cock entered her.

A flood of thoughts drenched her brain all at once. She had done it, a dog’s cock was deep inside her and it felt amazing! She could feel her pussy stretch to accommodate the new visitor, her nerve endings all firing pleasure signals as the red cock, the doggy cock, was thrust into her ready pussy.

It felt good, better then good. Just knowing she was doing something so wrong in the eyes of so many made it better. Feeling the fur on her back and thighs and the embrace of the dog’s front legs holding his bitch in place as he humped her made her head spin in dizzying pleasure.

Almost as quickly as the cock had entered her, it was leaving again, those same powerful hips that had filled her so easily with his cock pulled it back out before delivering another shuddering hard thrust. They were quicker and stronger then any man had ever been able to give her and they just kept coming.

John watched the mature woman’s body rock and listened to her moans as his dog thrust its hard cock into her. She loved it and so did he. Watching a woman with a dog was a huge turn on and he was so glad that he got to watch it for real.

Joanna was not even aware she had someone watching her; she was in too much rapturous delight to focus on anything other then the long hard cock that was pounding into her pussy. Using her for its owner’s pleasure, she felt dirty and good in equal measure.

The feel of the cock was so different then a man’s. The head was more pointed and the whole cock was more solid and hard, each time it was thrust into her she could feel it much more then a human’s penis stretch her inner walls, forcing itself to be accepted.

She was very happy to accept the offering of dog cock. Each thrust shoving almost every inch of the organ into her wet hole. Joanna grunted her approval and her body shook as she felt the cock slide in and out, the lips of her pussy clinging onto the ever more wet cock.

“Fuck yes!” she groaned “Oh god yes” Joanna’s body was awash with pleasure, moving like waves through her all starting from her pussy where she was feeling something very new and exciting. She was feeling little squirts of doggy cum!

An orgasm began as she felt the tell tale spray of semen. Each one was small, a little spurt but she could definitely feel it happening, and just the thought she was having her pussy filled with not human but dog cum was all it took to send her into a groaning, gasping orgasm.

John watched as Joanna’s body writhed under his dog, he knew why it was happening and it gave him great pleasure watching. He looked at Rex, the Golden Retriever’s humping had slowed down considerably and he was getting ready for his knot to make an appearance, if Joanna wanted to feel it in her now was the time.

“He will start swelling soon, if you are serious about knotting with him then I’ll help” Joanna heard the words but was in the middle of an intense orgasm and could not speak back. She managed to nod her head ‘yes’ as she grasped her hands at the floor and groaned again. John grinned; it had been a while since he had seen a woman this much into sex with his dog. Time to give her a new thrill.

Kneeling next to the mating pair John could see the beginning of Rex’s knot as it bumped against the well-used pussy of Joanna who was still moaning and shaking as the doggy cum spurted inside her. Taking the dog cock in his hand, he moved the lips of Joanna’s pussy as much as he could; she gasped at the new touch but did not protest. Having had this done before Rex took an awkward step forwards pressing more of his cock into his female mate and John added a little extra push until the now swelling ball of his knot was firmly inside before he let go and watched.

Joanna was suddenly aware of the extra mass of flesh in her pussy. It was already stretching her and still it swelled. She gasped at the feeling, she had never felt so full before nor so fulfilled. She almost felt like this was what she was meant for as she was tied to this animal, her pussy clenching his big not tightly as deeper inside she accepted his hot spurts of cum.

“Oh god, it feels so big!” she groaned as she just stayed still and enjoyed the feeling of her pussy stretched like never before and the feeling of constant squirts of cum within her.

She felt happy and satisfied; this is what she had thought it would be like and more. People describing it in stories and posts about their experience did not do justice to just how good it now felt to have a real dog cock, knot and all, inside her pumping the content of its balls into her, making her a doggy cum slut!

Joanna did not know how long this tie would last, she had an idea it would be a few minutes given what she had seen and read online but she wanted to enjoy it while she could. She reached down with a free hand and began to rub her clit the best she could. As soon as she touched it, her body jumped and she felt the beginning of another orgasm.

Feelings of new ecstasy came over her body as Joanna concentrated hard on the feel of the doggy cum pumping into her and the swollen knot making it impossible for it to escape. To this dog, she was nothing more then a receptacle for his seed, a bitch on all fours there to accept his offering. The thoughts drove her wild.

Still rubbing her clit the orgasm grew stronger and more focused. The feeling was intense especially with the thick knot locked tightly in her used and abused pussy. She could feel it pulse as another load was delivered and sealed deep within her.

Finally, she felt the dog begin to move around, his hot panting breath no longer focused on her neck and his cock no longer shooting its watery load into her. Its knot also was shrinking within her, releasing the pressure until finally, it was plopped out and a rush of air filled the hole it left.

Joanna felt the watery liquid immediately as some of the doggy cum dribbled out of her gaping pussy, the muscles still stretched from the large knot that had just exited. It felt so good, the cum dribbling down her tingling and wet skin.

John smiled as he watched the dribble, he enjoyed seeing a well-used pussy drip after it had been knotted and the look on Joanna’s face spoke more then words could, she was satisfied like she had not been before.

Turning over onto her back and laying flat with her knees in the air, Joanna felt relaxed. She also felt yet more of the doggy cum dribbling out from the stretched hole of her pussy, some clung to the lips while some slid down towards her asshole and down the back of her thighs.

“Well was your first time all you hoped?” John asked as he stood taking in the sight of the attractive older woman laying back as she dripped dog cum from her pussy.

“It’s more then I hoped it would be” she said her breasts heaving as she breathed and calmed herself from the experience she had enjoyed.

“Well any time you want a repeat you know how to get hold of me” John said as he got some towels for Joanna to use to clean herself up a little, wipe the sweat and of course doggy cum from her body.

Joanna smiled and began to wipe herself down, leaving her pussy until last. She looked at it, the lips still open and a little cum still dripping down from her pussy. She knew there was still more inside ready for when gravity took effect but she did not care.

“Thanks again, and you can be sure as long as the offer is open I’ll be back” she winked as she pulled her clothes back on and gave her host a kiss goodbye. She had been used like a bitch, her pussy had been stretched and filled with doggy cum but she had never felt happier.


Chapter Three

On the drive back home from John’s house Joanna felt good. She had a warm tingle emanating from her crotch, the afterglow of a very good fucking she had taken from Rex, his Golden Retriever. She was also still acutely aware of the wetness that was seeping out of her still slightly sore pussy.

Her white panties, which she had slipped back into before she had left, were covered in doggy cum that was rapidly dripping out as she sat in the driver’s seat of her car. It felt wonderful and gooey. Suddenly she had a thought pop into her head, what she smell must like right now.

Her nose took a deep breath and she could smell the distinctive scent of cum and sweat. The scent of sex! This was different then normal though, the fact it was doggy cum mixed with her own brand of juicy excretion made the scent stronger and more distinctive, it overwhelmed her senses and made her feel horny all over again.

When she arrived home, she would jump in the bath she told herself. While she enjoyed the smell of the taboo love she had just so readily enjoyed it wouldn’t do to smell like dog sex and sweat should anyone drop by, not that she was expecting visitors but you never know what will crop up.

Arriving home finally, her head still full of a dreamy state of pleasure she had had all the way, from when Rex had finished using her pussy as a sperm deposit, Joanna stripped off her clothes and ran a bath. Just what she needed, to soak her well-used body for a while and maybe think more about how good it had felt to have that big dog cock thrusting into her body.

Sliding down into the foamy, warm water Joanna felt her muscles ease and relax. One thing that did not relax however was her mind. It was awash with memories. She could almost still feel that big knot stretching her pussy, feel all the thin liquid being spurted into her repeatedly as her body was held tightly by the furry legs of her dog lover.

Her hand went under the water and rested on her crotch. It felt warm and oh so used. The lips still a little loose and aching, her body would be recovering from this assault for a while yet, but still it had felt so good, still felt so good!

Joanna’s mind drifted back mere hours. She imagined what John had seen, what her face must have looked like as the young looking man had watched her be fucked by his dog. She found her clit with her fingers and rubbed it under the water.

In her mind, she thought about how that big dog cock had felt when it slid into her pussy. Tried to imagine seeing it, her hole opening to accept her lover, her canine lover. That brought a groan from her lips as she thought about Rex and his powerful hips, the way he had thrust so hard and fast into her was amazing.

She slipped a finger between her pussy lips and felt how loose her pussy still was, that knot had been a real eye opener. It had been worth it though, the feel of her pussy stretching to accommodate that ball of flesh sent shivers down her spine as she lazily began to rub herself gently with her fingers.

She thought about how it had felt when Rex had filled her with his cum, some of it probably still deep inside her, she liked that thought, but she had been most aroused when he had pulled out and left her pussy hole gaping in the air, a stream of his doggy cum flowing out like a little river. She was his cum slut for sure.

Her fingers moved quicker rubbing the insides of her used pussy as she squeezed her clit absentmindedly with her other hand, she was reliving what she had just done in her mind, the feelings of it still burning in her mind, she wished she had asked John to video it or at least take pictures, that way she could watch it back, see herself in ecstasy. Next time!

Her bath, and another orgasm, finished Joanna made herself something to eat and went online. Quickly she went to the forum to post up her experience and give John another praise for his collection. She tried to spare no detail, mentioning how good each bit had felt as best she could. Telling anyone who cared to read the thread she posted how good the first time had been, the first time that she had sampled a doggy cock.

Once finished and feeling very turned on once more after recounting the details of her experience she went to bed and tried to sleep. God what was happening to her? She had come more times then she could ever recall in one day and still her body was asking for more, why had she not done this when she was younger and her body could stand up to hours of intense pleasure? Not that it could not now but at 50-years-old she did not bounce back quite as quick.

All night her dreams were filled with pictures of herself entwined with Rex and all manner of other breeds of dogs, all of them pounding her wanton body with their long and thick cocks. The experience of that day had awoken something in her and a one-time fucking was not going to do, she needed more now she had started, it was as if a floodgate had opened.

Waking early Joanna logged on to the forum and went right to her thread to check the responses. Overnight there had been lots, congratulations and the like, it made her happy to know people felt like her and were pleased her first time had been so well received, she also noticed some posts about pictures. She posted a thank you message then began a PM to John asking him if she could come by again soon.

It was later that day that the reply came. She had an open invite, just name the date and she could come by and enjoy Rex again. Her heart swelled and her pussy immediately ached for another go with that big doggy cock. She was free Saturday if he was and would love to have round two then. John was only too happy for that.

Saturday came and Joanna drove over to John’s house again. This time even more excited then the first, the nervousness of meeting for the first time was not hanging over her now, she had met John and he was a really nice man. She had had sex with his dog and now needed more.

“Hi, great to see you again, I know Rex is looking forwards to it” John said with a warm but wicked smile as he met Joanna at the door and showed her inside.

“I bet not as much as me!” she joked

“Yeah, I saw your thread on the forum. Sounded like you had a really good time, really enjoyed yourself last time, glad I could help out”

“Oh you more then did” Joanna replied “But listen, there is something I want to ask you” she paused

John waited for her to finish, in his mind he wondered what she was going to ask but was ready to say yes to most things she could think up if it was possible for him to do it.

“On the forum you will have seen some people ask about pictures,” John now knew where this was going and he grinned “And I was wondering if you had a camera or better yet video camera?”

“Ah, so you want to be able to post up your experience in pictures?” he said nodding “Well, a few of the other girls who have played with Rex have done the same and I’m only too happy to be behind the camera”

Joanna was thrilled, a new sense of excitement filled her as she thought about having herself pictured and filmed as she took that cock inside her body again. Her pictures had already gone down well, they were of her naked and using a dildo on herself so she was sure pictures and possibly a video of her with an actual doggy cock would go down even better!

“Ok, so if you want to go get yourself ready as before, I’ll get Rex and the camera” John said as he shot off out of the room to set things up.

When he walked into the basement, he was surprised by the view. Joanna, already naked, was on all fours he ass stuck up in the air and legs wide apart. He had a perfect view of her spread pussy lips, could almost already see a gleam of wetness in the nice deep pink hole.

“Say cheese” he said as he raised the camera and snapped off a shot, getting the whole image in frame perfectly.

Joanna giggled as she heard the shutter snap and looked back to see John lowering the camera but still looking at her. He was admiring the view for sure. Next to him Rex, the dog responsible for so much please last time came strolling in and upon seeing, the naked female he had so readily had his way with previously ran forwards to her.

Lowering her head, Joanna let out an approving coo as Rex began to lick her ready pussy. His tongue scraping along the hood of her clit and touching the sensitive inside of lips as he excitedly lapped up her sexual juice. The camera snapped again as John moved closer and got a good close up of Joanna’s pussy just as Rex’s snout pressed right into it.

Unlike the first time, Rex did not spend much time licking. He was ready for the main attraction. John got a few quick snaps in with the camera of the dog’s hard penis as he began to jump up and mount his willing mate. Joanna did not wait this time, she reached back and got a nice hold on the protruding red cock just as John snapped a picture.

Joanna held the hard cock and felt its texture in her hand for a second, long enough for John to switch from the digital camera to the video camera he had brought with him. Squatting down he focused the lens on Rex’s cock, Joanna’s white hand still holding it as she guided it to its target.

The video camera picked up everything perfectly as the tip of the hard rod entered the waiting tunnel. Quickly and accompanied by a groan of pleasure from Joanna it slid in and the thrusting began. It was frantic, John focused on the main action, the hard cock appearing and then gone from sight again as Rex pumped his hips quickly, his cock engulfed by the wet pussy of his partner.

Joanna groaned approval and moaned as she felt her body alive with waves of pleasure again. Each time that thick, cock was thrust deeply into her she felt her body jerk forwards. She pushed back taking more of the thrusting cock into her. John filming each second, the camera moving around to get the whole scene but mostly focusing on her naked rear as her pussy was humped hard.

Her breasts swung as she moved with the dog mating her. Joanna was lost in a swirl of delight, her mind a blur. All she focused on was her orgasm as she felt the quick spurts of doggy cum shoot into her.

John smiled as he walked around, getting the shots from all angles, moving up to catch the look on Joanna’s face, contorted with pleasure, her eyes closed and mouth open. He moved the camera back down her body, glimpsing her swinging breasts as she was humped hard.

“Oh fuck!” she managed as she felt for her clit with a free hand, rubbing the little pleasure giving nub as she felt the brilliant ache she had only ever felt once before inside herself, when she had last fucked Rex.

John lifted Rex’s tail as he moved behind the mating pair and moved the camera down, getting a perfect shot of he dog’s testicles swaying as he humped, his cock obviously deep in Joanna and by now filling her with his seed. Soon he would slow and swell.

Joanna felt the pace and urgency of the thrusting slow, she knew that meant his knot was soon to make an appearance and she wanted it in her once more! John, experienced as he was with this knew it too and like before helped. With one hand he held the video camera while holding Rex’s cock with the other, the knot already beginning to swell up he applied a little pressure as Joanna leaned back accepting the small bulge into her body happily.

Once inside her it did not take long for the knot to swell larger. Just as before she felt the pressure it was putting on her pussy as it stretched to accommodate, she would never tire of that feeling or how it felt to have his doggy cum spurting into her so deeply and consistently.

John got up and standing moved the camera from one side to the other, getting the full tie in perspective. Joanna on her hands and knees with Rex holding her tightly, his body pressed against her as his cock delivered its load. With the action now stopped other then the odd jerk from Rex he moved in front of Joanna and placed the camera on the ground looking directly at her face, head on.

“Wanna say a few words?” he said as he went over and picked up the digital camera and began to snap shots in stills.

Joanna smiled at the camera lens and panted. She was sweating and in a state of bliss. Words failed her, she couldn’t think what to say, her mind was too busy telling her how good it felt to have the hot cum squirting in her again as the knot stretched her pussy wide.

“Why don’t you describe it Jo?” John’s voice came from the side along with the flash of the camera he was snapping pictures on.

“It’s so good!” Joanna said in a husky tone “I mean so fucking good, I can feel every squirt of cum and the knot, oh god, I am so filled right now!” she groaned as she felt a pulse of the dog’s cock, her face contorted again in pleasure all picked up by the camera as it focused on her face.

John grinned and snapped a few more pictures, getting close up shots of where his dog connected to Joanna.

“Oh… oh…!” Joanna made small grunts as she rubbed her clit again, the camera still focusing on her facial expressions, her eyes were now closed and mouth dropped slack as she felt another orgasm washing through her body, her muscles shaking. John put down the digital camera and picked the video camera off the floor.

“I think we should catch the pull out on video” he said “That’s always a good shot!” Joanna grew excited, this was something she would enjoy watching back repeatedly but for now, she was just going to enjoy the feeling of it!

Rex, his spurts now finished and knot deflating began to pull his cock back out. Joanna’s pussy held on as tight and long as it could but finally it gave up and allowed the pleasure giving cock to exit. John zoomed in as the long and extremely wet cock plopped out and was followed by a gush of doggy cum.

Joanna called out as a rush of air filled her wet pussy, the dog’s cock was gone but what it had given her, all its seed, was still inside and rapidly looking for an exit. She pushed best she could and a trickle sprayed out and down her skin, she hoped John was getting good shots of this. He was.

Rex came back and licked up some of his and her combined juice. It surprised Joanna a little at first the feel of his tongue again but soon she just held still enjoying the attention. John snapped some pictures.

Finally, done Rex wandered off and settled himself somewhere to clean up. Joanna was tired but fully satisfied. She rolled over onto her back and basked in the after glow of another good fucking from John’s dog. He took a few more pictures of her, she struck a few poses for him and told him to get some good shots of her stretched and cum dripping pussy, he was happy to do so.

She stayed for a little while until John had time to upload the pictures and video onto his PC and they could go over each choosing the best and just generally enjoying the images.

“So you happy with my camera work?” he asked as a selection of stills flashed by on the computer screen

“More then happy, god these are great!” Joanna beamed as she watched images of herself and marvelled at how she looked naked with a dog in her.

“I’ll just put these on a disk for you and then you can do what you want with them,” John said with a smile as he put a black disk into his drive and began copying the video and pictures for Joanna to take home with her.

“Thanks, keep an eye on the forum over the next few days and I hope we can get some better shots next time” Joanna winked as she got in her car to rush home, she was going to enjoy the reaction these babies got tomorrow but for now all she wanted to do was relax, sit back and review her performance for the first time ever.


Chapter Four

Joanna had watched the video of her time with Rex several times already but she still was not tired of it. Just seeing herself there made her tingle. Watching the close ups of his big pink cock as it thrust into her wet pussy drove her wild with desire to feel it again. She was hooked on doggy cock.

It had been more then two weeks since her last visit to John and Rex and she was aching for another chance to feel that hot cum fill her and the stretching of her pussy as the knot swelled up inside her once more making her no more then a tied bitch. At least that is how she felt when it happened.

She had posted the pictures that John had taken on the forum but not the video; she saved that for herself although she was more and more tempted to post it as the comments had flowed in. Other posters raved over the images. Comments were all glowing with praise of how hot it was seeing her getting fucked by the dog, how good she looked as her face contorted in pleasure and much more.

‘John is a good photographer,’ she mused to herself in her mind ‘And a really nice guy too’ She had been thinking about him more and more in recent days as she watched her video back. Normally she would do so naked her fingers and dildo working their magic on her needy pussy relieving some of her pent up horniness. She had also added a new angle to her play also. Recently she had gotten a small pump that fitted perfectly on her clit, she was in raptures of pleasure as she felt the small but oh so sensitive nub pulled and squeezed driving her to orgasm with each pull of the vacuum inside the plastic pump.

These thoughts about John had intensified more recently. It wasn’t that she found him really attractive per say, but she did feel very grateful for all he had done for her already, helping her take Rex’s knot being a good example, and she felt in some way she owed him a lot for it although he never asked for anything in return. Maybe next time she would give him something in return for his kindness she thought.

The next time came the following weekend. It had been now a full three weeks since Joanna had felt her pussy filled with that wonderful dog cock and cum and she was aching for it. It had almost become like a drug for her even though she had only felt it twice. If they could bottle that feeling, they could make a fortune from women.

As normal, John greeted her with a smile, a kiss on the cheek and offered her a drink. They had become close friends and felt completely at ease around each another, as one would expect given what he had seen and even video taped her doing. They communicated at least every few days, sharing jokes and experiences and generally chatting about life but it was when Joanna went to John’s house they really connected via Rex.

As had become routine now upon finishing their drink they made their way to the basement where the fun could begin. Joanna was more excited then usual at this visit, she had been looking forwards to having Rex take her again but she had also made a decision regarding John too.

Rex bound into the bright room to find Joanna already naked. Her body on display for him and her scent of arousal already wafting in the air, it did not take a call for him to rush over and greet her in his usual manner.

Joanna liked this part. The way the dog’s long but agile tongue found her clit and also managed to just enter her pussy made her tingle all over, it was almost like dogs were made for pleasure sometimes she thought. Res lapped at the sweet juices she was offering him, his nose occasionally pressed against her asshole that made her jump a little as the sudden cold and wet object touched her, still she did not complain it just added to her sense of arousal. All her nerves were on edge as she enjoyed the feelings emanating form her pussy as it was licked once more.

John snapped a few pictures again, making sure he got stills of the dogs tongue as it slid between the hanging lips of Joanna’s mature pussy. He could hear her cooing approval to Rex and visibly see her nipples harden on her slightly swaying breasts as she enjoyed the roughness of his dog’s tongue.

“Yes… yes… I’ve waited too long for this” Joanna said in a low smooth voice as she clenched her hands into fists feeling an orgasm building as Rex’s tongue did its magic on her already sensitive hole.

She was aware of John taking pictures and smiled as he walked past and, looking up, she caught glance of the bulge in his pants. She had not really looked at John before while enjoying the pleasures of Rex. The first time she had not even been ware of him she was in too much delight and last time even thought she knew he was there she didn’t register him really. Now though she was aware and seeing he was turned on by her getting licked so much made her happy.

“Fuck yes!” she groaned as her hand slid down rubbing first her breasts and then finding her clit, rubbing it as Rex now focused on her pussy more, his tongue making little flicks inside the entrance gathering up the honey on offer.

Joanna liked playing with her clit. She often pulled it and squeezed it during masturbation and done right she had learned she could squirt from playing with it. That was why she had gotten the little pump, feeling her clit stretched so much drove her to new highs of ecstasy only surpassed by having Rex’s big doggy cock inside her, knot and all.

Rex licked more eagerly as Joanna rubbed her clit and her pussy became more wet, the taste obviously to the dog’s liking and that was to her liking also. She swooned and sighed as she felt his wet tongue slide over her aroused pussy, each time he licked she felt closer to orgasm and the closer she came the more sensitive she was. It was a continues cycle and it drove her wild.

Finally, she could not hold back and an orgasm exploded within her like a rocket. Her hand dropped to the ground along with her head as she grit her teeth and felt the waves of pleasure breaking over her body, orgasms from Rex were always better then any other.

Rex took a little longer licking her then he was ready for the main course. He was getting good at mounting her now, practice did indeed make perfect it seemed, and there was less missed humps and help needed this time. The tip of his big cock found her inviting entrance in a minimal of time.

It felt good to have herself filled up once more with a big cock. Three weeks was too long to go without this feeling. That fullness and feeling of rightness that always now came when she had that throbbing piece of dog meat in her soaked and inviting pussy. Then the humping started, fast and hard, she loved that.

John snapped pictures and went for the video camera once again. He loved watching Rex have his way with the women who came to visit and Joanna of the ones who had was quickly becoming his favourite, maybe it was that she was a little older then the others, all of whom were either in their twenties or early thirties, and she appreciated the feeling more or maybe it was something else he couldn’t explain but when ever Joanna came around and got down to business, or was that pleasure, with Rex he found himself more aroused then normal.

Joanna kept looking up at John as he worked the camera. She had to use a lot of focus to keep her mind straight since the pounding in her pussy from the big cock was driving her entire body to shake and her mind to just want to focus on how good it felt to have this wonderful penis inside her once more but she wanted to look at John. She kept looking at the now obvious bulge in his trousers; he must be so turned on by this. Good, she wanted him to like watching her take his dogs cock deep into her body, to hear her groan in pleasure as it unloaded its watery cum into her. She smiled to herself.

Rex humped hard and fast. His cock sawing its way in and out of Joanna as she moved her hips along with him driving them back to accept every inch she could take, his balls slapped again her skin, occasionally slapping close to her swollen clit which made her cry out and reach down again to play with it.

John caught the whole thing with the camera, this one was possibly better then the last video they had made, he would enjoy watching it back. He zoomed in on the main show, focused the lens on Joanna’s pussy as Rex’s pink cock slid in and came out more wet and glistening each time; he was a very happy and content dog right now as he humped this female good.

Joanna’s mind drifted to another matter she had thought about a lot recently, something other then getting this big cock inside her again and that was how to repay John for all he did for her. She knew what she wanted to do and she was going to make it happen despite her nervousness. That was rapidly waning anyway, the feel of Rex’s cock thrusting into her and his pre-cum squirting, drenching her insides making her mind only think of pleasure and release.

She felt the thrusts slow a little and knew Rex was deep enough that his knot would swell inside her, John didn’t need to help this time and she could just lay and enjoyed the stretching as the ball of flesh expanded within her pussy, tying her to her dog lover while he filled her with his potent seed. She thought about how it was flowing in her trying to find her egg, make her a real bitch. She loved thinking like that at times like this.

As the thrusting slowed, a little John switched back to the digital camera and snapped stills again, close ups of Joanna smiling as her pussy filled with cum, shots of her swollen and reddened pussy filled with doggy cock.

“John put down the camera and come here” Joanna said her voice low and sultry, well as much as it could be as she felt an orgasm build.

Confused for a second John stood and looked but then put the camera down and went to kneel by Joanna’s head, he worried for a second something was wrong.

“Are you okay?” he asked but the smile on her face assured him she was without words.

“I think I owe you and I want to make a payment,” she said with a wicked grin “And I think you are ready” she nodded at his bulging pants

John looked at his crotch; he could not deny how aroused he was. His cock within its tight confines ached to be let free and played with and Joanna was, it seemed, more then willing to do so.

Joanna bit her lip as she felt more of the watery cum being pumped into her by her canine lover, the feeling was exquisite but watching as John removed his pants and released his cock in front of her made the feeling even better. She looked up at it. He was about average length, maybe 6 inches or a little more, but it was very thick and hard right now.

John got down on the floor on his knees in front of Joanna, his cock throbbing already as he watched her being fucked still by Rex his beloved pet. Smiling she reached out with one soft hand and took hold of his shaft and began to slowly run her hand up and down a little.

Joanna liked how it felt to have a cock in her hand as well as a dog cock in her pussy, the thrusting had slowed down but was still going and the constant filling and emptying of her pussy and the feeling of cum spurting inside her made her more sure then ever this was the right thing to do.

Slowly she lowered her mouth and took the tip of John’s cock between her lips. She heard him groan a ‘yes’ as she sucked slightly and then groaned herself as she felt Rex’s knot begin to swell inside her, the satisfying stretching of her pussy as the two became tied together, as she became his made her drop her mouth down a little more taking more of John’s cock inside as her wet lips moved down the smooth skin of his throbbing cock.

This was new and exciting for Joanna, she was sucking a man’s cock while a dog shot his cum inside her pussy. She felt dirty and used but it felt good, the new sensation of cock in her mouth only adding more to the orgasm she was having as Rex’s knot became fully engorged and her muscles clung tightly to the invader in her sensitive hole.

John leaned his head back as he felt Joanna’s lips slide yet more down his cock taking over half of it in before her tongue swirled around the shaft and she pulled back her head, the air clinging to the wet saliva she had left on his skin. She almost giggled as she flicked the head with her tongue and then took the shaft into her mouth again, bobbing her head as she sucked and gently ran her tongue along his hard cock.

Joanna let herself go in the moment; it all felt natural doing this. She could feel each pulse and spurt that Rex’s cock gave as it filled her with his doggy cum and she could almost feel John’s heartbeat as his cock pulsed in her mouth. She sucked harder and faster, moving her head as quickly as her neck would allow and swirled her tongue the best she could. All the time she felt Rex on her back panting as his cock filled her. Each time she moved her head a little on John’s cock and her body shifted position she could feel her stretched pussy grip tighter onto his big knot and it move within her. It was a super intense feeling.

She was being filled with cock from both ends. John in her mouth and Rex in her pussy, she had never felt to full or so fulfilled either. John held her head lightly with his hands as Joanna took more of his cock into her mouth and attempted to get the rest in also, she was groaning around the head and shaft as she came again from the pleasure of the situation, Rex moved a little and his knot pulled inside her which caused a little discomfort but ultimately just made her come harder.

As she came her lips closed tighter around John’s cock and her breathing became erratic, short bursts of warm air washed over his sensitive and confined cock and he could feel his own orgasm building rapidly from a combination of the feeling of this wonderful woman sucking him and seeing his dog on her back with his own cock buried and tied deeply in her pussy.

Joanna felt the hard human cock in her mouth pulse and stiffen, she knew he would come soon and wanted to feel his hot cum in her mouth just as she felt the doggy cum still pumping in her pussy. She only wished the video camera were rolling, she would have loved to see this back. A cock in her mouth and her pussy, she was having a threesome with a man and dog and loving every second of both their cocks in her at once.

John held her head tighter now as he tried to postpone his orgasm as long as possible, but Joanna just kept sucking and bobbing her head, taking his hard cock deeper into her mouth before releasing her grip and sliding her soft lips back up the shaft. All the time Rex seemed to respond too, each time she did it she felt his cock twitch inside her, she liked to think he was enjoying the show too and she was reaping the benefit.

John came before Rex was finished. Joanna moved her head back up and jest left the head of his cock between her lips as he shot his salty cum into her mouth. She savoured the taste and feeling, she could feel the last few drops of Rex’s cum still getting deposited in her pussy also as she tried her best to swallow the man’s cum in her mouth but that was hard given the way they were positioned. She felt another shot hit her tongue and rolled her eyes back with a sigh of pleasure as some of John’s cum began to dribble from her lips.

Finally spent John relaxed his body and Joanna let his cock fall from her mouth, her shin became glistening with the cum that she couldn’t get down her throat and had dribbled its way past her lips. Rex too it seems had had enough and she felt his knot begin to deflate to where he could safely if with a little ‘plop’ remove it. She felt the usual but nice fell of her pussy gaping open as the large cock was removed and the watery cum dribble out and down her skin. She thought about what had happened here, she had John’s cum on her chin and lips and Rex’s doggy cum dripping out of her pussy, and it felt amazing.

John offered her a towel to clean up her sweat and the cum, he didn’t know quite what to say other then ‘thank you’ but Joanna just smiled and assured him there was nothing else to say. She wiped herself down, her mind racing with thoughts of how it had felt to have John’s cock in her mouth while Rex used her pussy, how good it had felt, how natural.

“Next time…” she said as she prepared to leave for home once again a happy and satisfied woman “Next time we have to catch that on tape” she winked.

John smiled, this was a completely new level he never thought things would take on, but he was not going to complain, infact all he was going to do now was make sure he had a good angle at which to capture the images from next time Joanna came by.


Chapter Five

Joanna sat naked re-watching herself being filled with Rex’s cum as his knot pressed so tightly inside her wet and sensitive pussy. She was on all fours and while the canine was filling her with his seed her mouth was being filled with the seed of John the man who had made it all possible. She had been back several times since she had first given John a blowjob as Rex, his dog, fucked her and now she had a permanent record of the event to enjoy, which is what she was doing right now.

She was already onto her third or was this forth orgasm? However many it had been she was soaked and sensitive to the touch but still she worked her dildo deeply into her pussy, the pump hanging over it still sucking her clit tightly in its vacuum. She worked the fake cock as deeply as she could inside herself and rocked in her chair as her muscles tightened and another orgasm started.

Unable to speak just groan softly she made herself watch the video on screen, she remembered each part and what it had felt like. John’s cock at that moment had just started to shoot its hot and salty cum into her mouth and she was swirling her tongue on the shaft as it jerked, Rex was still pumping his doggy cum into her pussy and his knot was moving ever so slightly in her which was driving her wild.

In the real world of now, however, she was alone in her bedroom but it almost felt like she was still there as her body shook from orgasm and her hand pulled the plunger of the small pump adding yet more pressure to her clit. That did it she felt the usual feeling she got when she was about to squirt. It felt like she needed a pee almost. Joanna pulled the dildo out of her pussy and from her open lips there came a shot of her juice. She sighed as she felt the satisfaction of such a hard orgasm.

The video had ended and she too had gotten to the point she wanted to be at, she was content with life and fulfilled sexually at that moment. Something did worm its way into her pleasure-filled mind however. She thought about how it had looked, her on all fours with Rex in her pussy and John her mouth but another thought began to push its way past that, a question to herself. What would it look like with Rex in her mouth and John in her pussy?

The question sat with Joanna for days. She liked John well enough, he was a nice person and she trusted him. She had sucked his cock several times now over the course of a few months as his dog fucked her pussy, would it be so different to let him slide it into her pussy rather then her mouth. Then there was the other side, she had never had a doggy cock in her mouth or tasted his sperm. It felt good going in her pussy heading for her womb why not heading for her stomach.

By the time she saw John again a few weeks or so later her mind had been made up. She had gone over the threads on the forum they were members of and seen what people had to say about sucking doggy cock. Most seemed to love it and her curiosity had been peaked, especially by some of the images she had looked at. Seeing those women with their lips wrapped around the long pink cock’s of various dogs had made her mouth water and pussy tingle, she would do it.

“So you have something different in mind then?” John asked as he finished setting up the static video camera. Joanna nodded, she was naked and in John’s basement preparing for another playtime with Rex but this one would be different.

“I want to feel what its like to have a doggy cock in my mouth for the first time” she replied with a wicked grin, her eyes sparkling as she looked over at John.

“Well Rex has had some experience with that before so it shouldn’t be a problem” he said back, a hint of disappointment in his voice, he had gotten used to having Joanna suck his cock but he wasn’t one to complain and was eager for her to have as good a time as possible.

“Great” she said turning away from him, she felt a little bad about the tone of his voice she thought she had detected but she was going to make it up to him “Well, I’m ready as I’ll ever be”

Joanna rubbed her hands down her body as she waited for John to return with Rex. Her pussy was already damp just from the thought of what was to come. She pulled her nipples and then moved her hands lower and slipped a finger between the lips of her pussy, just catching her clit, and felt her arousal.

John re-entered the room and stood looking at Joanna as she slowly fingered her pussy. She looked good for someone who was 50 years old, her body still in good shape, she really turned him on.

Rex ran past John and had his customary sniff and lick at Joanna’s pussy. She smiled and gave him a fussing as his tongue went to work licking up the nectar she was already producing and she opened her legs wider as she stood to allow him better access.

Joanna felt her knees go a little weak as she spread her pussy lips with one hand to let Rex’s tongue find its way to her clit. Normally she was on her hands and knees by now as the wet tongue of her doggy lover assaulted her pussy but now as she stood she was finding it hard to remain upright as she felt almost electric shocks pass from her pussy each time the long tongue touched the little pleasure-giving nub of flesh.

She could have almost let herself fall and get that big doggy cock inside her right then as she felt the start of an orgasm. Rex had been licking her pussy for about a minute and her body was telling her to just give in and take that wonderful organ where it should be but she wanted something different and ignoring her body she found the strength to push Rex away.

Rex did not seem to understand and came back for another go, licking his lips and nose that had some of her juice still on. Obviously he liked the flavour on offer. Again Joanna pushed him away and closed her legs.

“You get your turn now,” she said in a soothing voice as she stroked the dog’s head, the warm fur feeling good beneath her hand.

“Rex, lay down boy,” John said as Joanna gently pushed the dog’s side. Rex seemed to know what was going on. John had already said he had experience and it seemed he was happy with things as when he was on his side Joanna saw the tip of his cock already peeking out.

“Ok just rub his sheath a little,” John, instructed as he snapped a picture. Joanna followed the instruction and placed her hand just below the top of showing pink doggy cock. Slowly and carefully she rubbed the area, feeling how warm his crotch was surprised her but not as much as seeing that long pink cock appear aroused her.

She had felt it in her and that was something she could never forget but she had not really seen it up close like this before. It looked big and almost shiny as it fully emerged, her hand carried on stroking the area close to the dog’s testacies, and her eyes fixed on the protruding cock.

“You’ll want to wet your fingers if you want to hold it and wet your lips before you put them on it,” John said

Joanna listen carefully but did not look up, she was marvelling at the size, how this thing ever fitted inside her pussy was amazing. She brought up her right hand, licked her fingers making sure they were nice, and wet before she touched Rex’s cock. It felt hot and smooth as she ran her fingers down the shaft, slowly closing her hand around it and rubbing it as she would a man. Rex did not seem to mind, he lay still as Joanna caressed his cock and John snapped pictures of it.

“When ever you are a ready,” John said reassuringly from just off to the side. Joanna smiled at him and looked back at the big doggy cock she was stroking. She licked her lips again to make sure they were wet and slowly lifted the cock and lowered her mouth.

It felt strange as her lips closed around just the tip of the dog cock for the first time. She held the cock steady with her hand and just flicked the pink tip with her tongue. Joanna was trying to be gentle and yet sexual. She kept looking at Rex to check his reaction then would take a little more of the doggy cock into her mouth, sliding her lips down the shaft until the tip reached the back of her mouth and she had to stop. She was not the type who seemingly had no gag reflex.

Once she had as much as she could take of doggy cock in her mouth she rolled her tongue on it and sucked softly as she moved her head back and released the pink flesh. It glistened with her saliva and she was aware of John’s lens close by, she grinned as best she could with the cock in her mouth for the picture.

Joanna began to gain in confidence and bobbed her head a little faster as she got more comfortable with having this big dog cock in her mouth. It felt different, the texture unlike that of John’s or any man’s but like before when she had it in her pussy, it was just knowing it was a canine not a human who she was pleasuring that made her heart beat fast and her sexual arousal stronger.

It did not take long for her to feel the first squirt of doggy cum and get her first taste. She was surprised to begin with when she felt the very watery liquid spurt onto her tongue. It certainly tasted as different from John’s as it felt, more metallic but not too unpleasant and very much thinner.

Joanna swallowed the first spurts of cum quickly. She knew there would be a lot more of it to come just by how much was usually pumped into her pussy and by what others had said in threads about sucking doggy cock. She was prepared but some still dribbled out of her lips and down her chin, all of which John caught perfectly on camera. Now was the time, she thought as she sucked more of the doggy cum into her mouth and swallowed, she was beginning to like the taste now she was over the initial shock of it.

Sliding a hand between her open legs Joanna began to fiddle with her clit, tweaking it and pulling she felt herself quiver with desire to have something filling the hole below it. Still not taking her lips from off the squirting doggy cock she was sucking she looked at John who was moving the camera close to her face, catching the drips of cum that ran down her chin. Using the hand she was stroking the pink cock with she reached out, rubbed the bulge of John’s cock within his trousers, and then made a gesture for him to get behind her.

John looked confused at first but quickly caught on. He placed the camera down so it was still capturing the action and moved behind Joanna. Once he was there he saw her pussy lips were wide open, her fingers holding them giving him complete access to her warm hole, ready to be filled.

“You want me to…” he didn’t finish his sentence just smiled as Joanna made a gargled noise which sounded like ‘yes’ from around the big dog cock she was eagerly sucking.

John hesitated for a second but dropped his pants, his cock already hard from watching Joanna suck Rex’s cock and seeing her dribble some of his cum onto her soft skin. Joanna felt his hesitation and spread her lips a little more for him, inviting him to do what he was seemingly nervous about with a sexy wiggle of her hips.

Joanna felt the tip of John’s cock enter her and she groaned onto Rex’s cock, momentarily loosing her rhythm and almost began coughing as she felt some of his cum slip down her throat unexpectedly. She managed to catch herself though and just enjoyed the feeling as John’s cock slid into her wet, hot pussy.

John slid his cock forwards slowly until he was fully engulfed by the warmth of Joanna, she felt so good around him, and her pussy even more pleasurable then her mouth had been. He slid his hips backwards leaving just the head of his cock inside her then thrust forwards again. Watching Joanna still sucking Rex’s cock, the contrast between her lips and pale skin and the deep pink of his wet cock as it pulsed and shot it’s cum into her mouth made him harder and more ready to fuck her.

Joanna breathed through her nose in short quick bursts as she sucked the doggy cock in her mouth, accepting it’s seemingly never ending cum, and felt her pussy filled with John’s cock. He had begun to thrust it into her faster and harder, holding her hips in both hands as he moved. She tried to move with him, her mind and body awash with feelings of pleasure as she felt the hard cock of her human friend sink into her once more, her pussy trying to cling to the intruder that was quickly bringing her to orgasm as she played with her clit.

John breathed faster also, he was pumping his hips as fast as possible, he had seen how much Joanna liked it when Rex pounded her pussy and he wanted to, for a little time, match that. Joanna’s body writhed and shook as she came the heat in her pussy getting stronger and the wetness increasing as John continued to fuck her, his cock sliding all the way in as deeply as was possible before he would bring three quarters back out and thrust it back in.

Joanna swallowed as much doggy cum as she could but had to take her mouth off the squirting cock to cry out as she came hard. She pussy was so sensitive now that John’s cock felt huge inside her and each thrust made her want to cry in ecstasy. Rex’s cock carried on squirting and she felt some of the clear liquid splash onto cheek, it felt dirty having doggy cum on her face as John fucked her pussy. Wrong but so right.

As her orgasm subsided Joanna took the big doggy cock back into her mouth and enclosed it within her lips once more. Again she tasted the metallic cum on her tongue and rolled her eyes as she felt John thrust hard into her, his cock pushing its way inside, it had been a while since she had a man inside her rather then a doggy cock and she was enjoying the different, more familiar sensation of old after months of just dog.

Joanna licked the tip of the doggy cock in her mouth as she felt her pussy being filled by John, her hand as rubbing her clit again as she thought about how good it felt to have a cock in her again. She could feel every thrust, it filled her with an almost painful pleasure, the orgasms she had enjoyed made her ache but she did not want any of it to stop, not the cum filling her mouth nor the thrusting of the cock in her pussy.

Finding a good rhythm Joanna began to sway her body back and forth. As she went back she took more of John’s cock into her pussy and let most of Rex’s doggy cock slip from between her lips and empty her mouth, she then swayed forwards again and took that big doggy cum squirting cock back to her throat. Her tongue gliding down the shaft licking as she sucked and pleasured it. She could taste the cum and was loving it, she was loving more the feel of once more getting both ends of her body used, it made her feel special that she could bring so much pleasure to both John and his dog. She carried on rocking her body taking as much of both cocks as she could.

John’s thrust’s slowed. He wanted to enjoy the feeling of Joanna’s pussy a little, she was so warm and wet it was easy for his cock to slide in her as she continued to suck the doggy cock. She may have been older then the other women he had the pleasure of having sex with but she was the best by far, obviously she had picked up a few tricks in her life and she knew what her body wanted and could do.

Joanna groaned again around the pink cock as she felt the pulsing cock in her pussy slow its movements, she thought about how Rex stopped pumping when his knot grew, that wouldn’t happen this time but John was feeling good enough in her to forgo that this time.

John felt himself nearing orgasm, he was not sure if he should just cum inside Joanna’s pussy or not. She had seemed happy to let him fuck her without a condom but until now he had never thought about the ending. He felt Joanna thrust back against him, her body shook and her breasts swayed as they hung down freely, her head lowered still sucking his dog’s cock. She was pushing back to get all his cock inside her, she wanted to feel every inch as it pulsed. He looked down to see her rubbing her clit once more.

“I’m so close” he said his cock now painfully hard “Do you want my cum in you?”

A chocked affirmative sound same from Joanna’s throat and she did her best to nod her head. She wanted to feel his cum shoot into her while Rex’s flowed down her throat. She’ had it the other way around and now in this moment of pure bliss she wanted to feel it all over again. She wanted to feel doggy cum in her mouth and human cum pour into her pussy.

John held her tightly as he thrust his hips again, he tried to put off his orgasm for as long as possible but the heat and wetness was too much and he finally climaxed. Joanna felt the burst of warmth within her as John shot his thick cum into her pussy. She felt happy to feel a man filling her again, knowing he had enjoyed her body as she had enjoyed having him inside her.

It didn’t take long after John had finished and pulled his cock out of her dropping pussy that Rex slowed to a dribble and stopped giving her his cum. She was not sure how much he had shot but she felt full none the less, the taste clung to her lips and mouth. Her body tingled all over as she basked in the after sex glow she always felt when she left John’s house.

He had given her a copy of the video and pictures of this days events and she had promised there would be a repeat performance soon. It had taken many years but Joanna finally felt her life was in order. She had a very good friend and a very good doggy lover, what more could woman ever ask for or need?

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