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The Jogger

Kelly’s hand froze, her two fingers still buried deep in her pussy, her palm wet with her sexual fluids leaking from it. The smell of her arousal was ripe in the car, a smell that always served to lift her to higher levels of excitement. She squealed with shock at the knock on the window, turning eyes unfocused by her passion and found herself staring into the face of a young man dressed in running gear. She glanced down to see that the front of his shorts was tented out, displaying his substantial package. In her current state, with her climax balanced on a knife-edge, her joggers around her ankles, feet braced on the dash, legs trembling and knees spread wide, she was really at the mercy of her emotions and caught in a very compromising position.

While she wanted to hide away in shame, it was far too late to stop her orgasm. She found herself squealing and grunting as she came, her pussy still plugged by her fingers, her palm flat against her clit. The force of her climax caused her to squirt out a pee, which further added to her sense of shame at being caught so. Her hand was now soaked as she gushed, but at the same time, she blushed deeply as while she had never really met him, she knew that he lived locally having seen him on more than one occasion and now he had her at somewhat of a disadvantage.

The young man, Roger by name, reached inside his shorts, pushing the waistband down and tugged his cock free, allowing it to spring up like a flesh-covered spring rod, to stand quivering to attention. Kelly shock now turned to consider the possibilities, for what was displayed was exactly what she needed, a nice, hard, hot cock and seeing this one at the ready, she smiled in anticipation. She also knew in that instant exactly what he wanted and that she had no choice but to comply, not that any thought of non-compliance crossed her mind.

The fact that she was overcome with lust, and needed the cock that was offered, determined what her next actions would be. Placing her phone screen down on the passenger seat she pressed the button to lower her window and twisted at the waist in the seat. Then leaning out, grabbed him by his hips and pulled him forward until she could take his cock into her warm wet mouth. As she started to suck him deeply she relaxed her throat and let the soft, broad head slide deep in her throat, further pulling the young man attached to this delightful cock to her until his balls were banging against her chin. Her head commenced moving back and forth on the length buried in her mouth and throat, the taste of his pre-cum so enticing, the hair at the base of that cock tickling her nose.

Roger was in heaven, a nirvana he had scarcely anticipated when he had set out for his morning run while listening to his favourite tunes on his phone. As he moved deeper into the woods he saw the car parked in the bushes just off the beaten track and knew it was from his housing estate, belonging to the young couple a few doors along. Immediately he thought of the little blonde girl, the wife he assumed, that he often saw out walking her massive dog. He could see that the driver was alone and thought he recognized her short blonde hair, but couldn’t see what she was doing, although he thought he saw her feet braced on the dash. Was she doing what he thought she was doing… frigging herself… here in the woods? Could it be? Well, there was only one way to find out, so he slowed his jog and walked stealthily up to the driver’s side door.

As he drew even with the driver’s window the sight that met his eyes was truly a divine vision. This sweet little bit of pussy was naked from the waist down with her knees spread wide as her feet were constrained by her joggers rolled down at her ankles. Her fingers were busy flashing in and out of her cunt and she had her eyes glued to the little screen of her phone and didn’t notice him standing there. He realized that with her size and that short hair she looked just like a girl in his form at school. The one he lusted after since the start of the year, the one who wouldn’t give him the time of day, let alone a whiff of her sweet snatch.

But here was her doppelgänger, in a position he always wanted to see, the sight of which caused his cock to twitch and come to even greater hardness. He had often admired her pert ass, barely covered by her shorts or skirt as she was towed along behind her dog. He had caught a brief flash of that ass one day when the wind was just right and her skirt blew up, giving his a glimpse of her nice white ass since she seemed to have no panties on or maybe a thong like his twin sister, Marybeth wore. But unlike Marybeth, that ass was not attached to his sister and therefore fair game and seeing her skirt flutter up, the white flash of those twin moons on that breezy day almost caused his heart to explode, not to mention his cock trying to tear a hole in his jeans.

Seeing her now like this, in this position brought the thought that if he played his cards just right he just might have an opportunity to do a bit more than just view that sweet little ass. This was a recurring dream since after seeing her upskirt he had more than once locked the door to his room to keep prying eyes out and jerked off into a sock as he pictured her kneeling naked on his bed. That tight little ass in the air with her legs spread wide apart, much as she was at this moment, making herself available for him so he could bury his raging cock in her depths.

Yes, his sexy little neighbour was frigging herself and flicking the bean on her own and he was here to watch and, just maybe, take advantage of an unlooked-for opportunity. After he moved alongside the driver’s door she still had not reacted, so intent was she on the phone in her hand, so he had stood for a few moments enjoying the view of her flashing fingers burying themselves into that slick gash. He noted the neatly trimmed blonde curly hair that encircled those pink puffy lips that hid the treasure of her pussy. He contrasted that to the thick unruly patch of dark hair that he sometimes saw on his sister’s snatch when he was lucky enough to get a peek while she was changing after a bath. A vision that he had, to his shame, beaten off to in his sock, picturing his sister’s pussy even though he felt guilty at the thought. He found this pussy hair treatment much more appealing since it showed those little pink lips to much greater advantage instead of hiding them in a thicket. He watched as her hips surged up and down on the seat, the juices from her pussy dripping down and forming a growing wet patch on the fabric.

Finally, the ache of his cock straining against the material of his shorts had him worried that he might tear something. He moved his eyes from the delightful sight of this girl frigging herself, thinking she was alone in her car, to seeing that her eyes were still glued to the screen watching whatever was on her phone as she continued to finger herself. His brain was roaring with lust and he swore he could smell her sex through the closed glass. Throwing caution to the wind he knocked on the window. He was rewarded with watching this half-naked girl, her cunt still filled with her fingers but so wet and glistening in the sunlight turning in shock to see him standing there and was unsure of what the next moments would bring.

Then to his utter disbelief and delight, she had lowered the window, twisting in the seat while keeping her feet on the dash and reached forward, pulling him to her and opening her mouth to take in all of his cock. Sucking him deeper and deeper, until her nose was resting on his curly pubic hair.

Roger had never been deep throated before, in fact during his 17 years he had only had his cock sucked once and that was by a drunk girl at a party. That experience had ended somewhat badly when she threw up all over him after he came in her mouth. Sexually that was as far as he had ever got, despite his boasts to his friends about his many conquests and the moans and squeals he induced in the latest girl to feel his mighty rod. In truth, he had never been laid, nor had he ever done much beyond squeezing a budding breast. See or feel a pussy? No, this was denied him. For, despite his best efforts, Roger was still a virgin. He had even thought about trying his luck with Marybeth, since he knew she was fucking her latest boyfriend on a pretty routine basis and, often enough, he heard the sounds of her doing exactly what this little cunt was doing in the privacy of her room at night. But, hey, she was his sister and that was something he didn’t want her screaming to Mom and Dad about.

Looking down he could see that blonde head of short hair moving up and down on his cock and knew that his current virgin state was about to change. Running his gaze down her body, which was twisted towards him at her waist with her feet still planted on the dash and her knees wide apart, he could see that her joggers, with no panties in sight, were still around her ankles. That sweet pussy spread wide and so wet causing him to want much, much more than a blowjob. The smell of her aroused sex was driving him mad and as much as he was enjoying her expert cock sucking skills, he knew that he was likely to blow his load soon if he didn’t stop her. He was intent on getting laid and to do that he wanted to bury his cock in other places than her mouth and knew he needed to do it quite soon.

“OK, bitch! You’re gonna put out for me, right here, right now! I’m gonna fuck you and you’re gonna love it!” Roger gasped, pulling at Kelly’s hair.

Kelly said nothing, for there was little to say, what with her mouth full of hard cock and the knowledge that she was his for the taking. In all truth, she was raging with lust at this point, turned on by the sight of Miriam being fucked by Thanos, her own arousal and the helplessness of her situation. For as long as it lasted, she was no better than a captive, at the will of her captor, for him to do as he wanted with her and the thought of being treated like a little tart, just as she knew he would do, was turning her on. It was like the role play that she and Martin had sometimes acted out with her being the unwilling married slut, but this time it was real.

Releasing his cock from the vacuum grip of her mouth, her spit and his pre-cum forming a glistening string from her lips to the tip of his dick, she opened the car door and lifting her ass from the damp seat and spun around to kneel before him. She presented him with the sight of her ass high in the air, her wet and willing pussy with their puffy pink lips below her winking butt hole, framed in the open door. As the car was an automatic there was no gear lever to stick into her as she placed her elbows on the passenger seat in front of her and lowered her head. Retrieving her phone and cradling it in her hands, she shielded it from his view while keeping the screen before her and returned to watching the nanny cams, just waiting to be taken by this stranger.

Roger couldn’t see what Kelly was watching so intently and she knew he really didn’t care. She had little doubt that the only thing he saw of interest was the sight of the twin cheeks of her ass she was displaying before him and the wet pink gash below them. She knew he was intent on getting a piece of ass and she also knew she was about to be that willing piece. The only thing to be determined was which hole he would use and, in all truth, while she hoped he would take the cunt she was displaying, she was up for either a fucking or a butt reaming. Yes, she knew she was about to get laid, but which hole would he choose?

Now, he had a nice enough cock, although she had taken longer ones in the form of Martin and, of course, Thanos, but she had to admit it was fairly thick and just might stretch her in the right places. In fact, it had made her jaws ache a little as she sucked him. But, most important of all, it was available and she needed a good fucking from a hard dick right now. Turning her full attention to the screen she hoped he would take his time, though she doubted it. In fact, she had her suspicions she was taking his cherry.


Miriam was positively exhausted. She hadn’t been fucked that hard for a long time and her pussy was still throbbing from the pounding that Thanos had given her. Rolling off her knees and rising to sit on the bed she stared at Thanos who had retired to the other side of the bedroom licking his balls and feeling quite proud of himself.

Miriam smiled to herself, thinking that the dog knew his way around a woman well enough for her to know this wasn’t his first time mounting a willing woman. Deciding to put things to the test and also she hadn’t been fucked by a dog for a few years so was still eager for more she lay back on the bed and raised her legs, spread her knees, and rolled her hips up and back, presenting her dripping pussy to Thanos.

His sensitive nostrils picked up the scent, which floated in the air and as he always did for his Mistress, he padded over to the source of the delightful smell, pressing his cold wet nose against Miriam’s wet and oozing cunt. Then with his nose pressed hard against her clit he started to delve inside with his long rough pink tongue seeking to clean her thoroughly.

Miriam was in heaven since this dog not only had a cock to die for he had a talented tongue into the bargain. “So my little prim and proper daughter in law has shared her pussy with more than my son. It would seem she’s a dog shagger,” Miriam thought to herself as she enjoyed the savage licking that Thanos was doling out. Miriam’s pussy was on fire, in fact, her whole body felt like it was in flames and she knew she had to have this dog’s cock again though she had an idea in her head to see if this could be a regular thing.

“OK boy mount,” Miriam breathed with a raspy voice more in hope than expectation.

To her delight, Thanos looked up and gazed at her in the face with his big brown eyes, the look on his face seemed to say to Miriam, “So you want more cock, well I have more for you.” Then lifting himself up and plonking his large front paws on either side of Miriam’s body he settled between her spread legs, starting to jab with his cock that was regaining its hardness, seeking the warmth of her cunt. Miriam deftly reached between their bodies and grabbing Thanos’s waving cock, guiding it to her open and willing hole, her hands sliding along the slimy length. As the blunt tip found its mark Thanos pushed forward hard burying himself deep in her wetness as she encased his cock in the velvet glove just past her pussy lips.

Miriam was ecstatic, dogs that fuck missionary style have to be trained to do so, her daughter in law was definitely a dog shagger so she had found the supply of dog cock she had been seeking since her Titan had passed a few years ago. His warm fur was caressing her belly and breasts and when his knot popped inside with ease Miriam thrashed and writhed as her she came over and over on his knot.


From his position, Roger could see Kelly’s white rounded ass, and, since she had raised it a bit higher, the wet slash of her cunt with those lovely pink lips open and swollen, ready for him, just below that enticing little ass hole. Not only did she look wonderful, kneeling there in front of him, ready to submit to him fucking her, but she also smelled like nothing he had ever imagined a girl could smell, that rich, earthy, slightly fishy odour that screamed pure sex in his brain.

“Well, here goes!” he thought as, grasping the root of his cock, he rubbed the head across those wet pussy lips. Almost ready to shout with glee at finally losing his virginity Roger paused to savour the moment and then, parted those wet slick lips with the head of his cock, he drove into her as far and fast as he could. The feel of a hot warm cunt wrapped around his length of cock was even better than he had ever imagined and he knew that if he didn’t take his mind off things he would blow far too quickly.

Freeing his phone from the elastic fastening around his upper arm he selected camera and took a few pictures of the girl’s upturned ass, with his cock buried deep in her pussy. He pulled his cock back and took a snap showing it covered with her juices and then slid it home taking picture after picture as it sank back in, the walls of her impaled pussy gripping him like a flesh vice. Roger had a sudden thought that maybe the pictures wouldn’t be enough to convince anyone, so he dialled his best friend Ryan on a video call.

Because his earbuds were still connected Ryan’s voice came directly into his ear, “Hey man, what’s up?” said the face on the screen.

“Bet you will never guess what I am doing,” said Roger as he slowly moved his cock in and out of the girl kneeling so submissively before him.

“Being a jerk?” said Ryan and then hearing the noises that Kelly was making, moaning and squealing as she received that nice hard cock, he said, “Maybe you are watching porn and jacking off? That’s sick man, calling me while you are doing that. Are you gay or something?”

Roger laughed and jabbed the button spinning the view through 180 degrees and pointing the camera at Kelly’s upturned rounded ass, her cunt clearly visible below those mounds, with his cock sliding in and out of it.

“No way man,” Ryan whistled in his ear, “You fucking some broad in plain daylight? Way to go and who the fuck is she?”

Roger, just laughing, said nothing, not willing to share his new found wealth since he knew that this was only the first of many times he intended to enjoy this piece of ass. He started to move faster still keeping the camera pointed at the action with one hand whilst with his other he slapped at Kelly’s upturned cheeks, making them jiggle and dance as they turned a lovely shade of rosy pink, all while thrusting in and out, spanking her with hand and cock. Her hips rocked forward as he withdrew, then slammed back as he advanced, seeking more of his length and hardness.

He could hear Ryan’s breathing getting ragged in his ear and started to drive in faster and faster until he knew he had reached the point of no return. With a muffled roar, he came, pumping his cum deep into Kelly’s pussy, groaning with each spurt. He thrust in, again and again, almost as though he sought to bury his cock so deep in her that it would never come out.

Standing totally still apart from his shaking legs, Roger slowly recovered his senses and pulled his cock from her distended cunt, keeping the camera firmly pointed towards the action. His dick was coated with a mixture of his cum and her juices and as it flopped out some of the mixtures started to ooze from Kelly’s well fucked gash. Pointing the camera directly at those pink and swollen lips he could hear Ryan swearing with amazement in his ear.

Laughing again, for he had the proof of his latest (and sole) conquest of a girls cunt, he said, “Have to go man. You have a great day because I know I have so far and it is only going to get better. Once they put out for old Roger, they can’t get enough of him!”

With that Roger clicked the call off and turned the video camera on as he wanted to capture the evidence in as many ways as he could. His cock was still semi-hard and gripping it by the root he pushed it back into Kelly’s oozing pussy until it was fully home and then back out again. Satisfied he had captured enough footage he returned the camera to it elastic fastening, his cock now shrunken and soft, still coated with her juices. He wiped it off on his underwear after pulling his shorts up. He would keep these, unwashed and smelling of her pussy in his drawer and, had she been wearing them, would have taken her panties as a trophy of his first fuck.


Kelly had been watching the scene intently on the phone as she felt Roger pounding away with the enthusiasm and speed of youth while with her free hand she reached between her spread legs and rubbed her clit. There was no zoom on the app version but Kelly could clearly make out that Thanos was about to bury his knot and the shout of joy from Miriam told her that he had achieved that feat. This triggered the memory in her mind of Thanos’s knot pulsing inside her body and, coupled with the fucking she was receiving from the cock flashing in and out of her pussy, sent her over the top, her body convulsing in orgasm. Her spasms set off a chain reaction and, as she felt the explosion inside of her own orgasm, the young jogger started filling her depths with his seed. Even as she squeezed her pelvic muscles on his invading cock, trying to wring the maximum of sensation out of his hard presence inside of her, she thought to herself, “10 out of 10 for effort, but 5 out of 10 for staying power.”

She was just about to mentally rate him for size when heard him say, “Thank you for that, it was amazing and I assure you, since you’re now my little fuck toy, I’ll be seeing you again, but I have to go as it looks like people are coming.”

Kelly lifted her head and could see a couple walking towards the car having seen it from the path. Luckily she was concealed from their view by the open car door and in a set of movements that a contortionist would have been proud of she twisted around and sat in the seat, pulling her joggers up as she did so.

She watched as Roger jogged off on rubbery legs, a smile of satisfaction broad on his face. He had just gotten his first piece of ass and now had a direct line on many more encounters with this little cunt. Who needed that stuck up bitch at school? Her cunt probably smelled bad anyway, not like the one he just had, and he now had his own fuck toy.

Waving to the couple approaching her car to indicate she was alright, she started the engine and drove back to the road. As she drove home she could feel the young man’s cum seeping from her pussy, which still pulsed from the frigging she had given it and the fucking he had delivered. The warm, sticky mess was soaking into her jogging pants and she now had that faint, slightly fishy ‘I’ve just been fucked’ smell a girl gets, after being pumped full of cum, emanating from her crotch. She also saw that the seat was wet from her actions before he found her and the squirt she had delivered as she came. She rolled the windows down when she noted that the car smelled of sex, above and beyond what was coming from her cunt. At that thought, she started to giggle. “Well,of course it smells of sex! I just got laid in the front seat of my own car, by a total stranger while watching my mother-in-law shag Thanos. Though, I’ll have to do something about the wet spot”, she thought, wiggling her bottom as more of his slippery cum slide into her pants.

She also remembered the young man spanking her ass as he was having her and she discovered she liked the feeling. “I wonder how Martin will react if I insist that he spank me like some schoolgirl caught with her hands in her panties?” Deciding it was worth a try, she vowed to take the matter up with him at the first opportunity and pictured herself bent over his knee with her panties down at her ankles, being properly disciplined. The thought was very exciting, indeed.

While he was having her, she overheard him talking to someone and assumed he was taking pictures of her being fucked on his phone. Also, from his comment as he left, she knew she would be experiencing him again and, maybe, just maybe, she could work on that ‘staying power’ next time ’cause he did have a nice dick. But, she wasn’t too sure about him having evidence of what she had let him do and, since she certainly didn’t want to become the neighbourhood cum bucket, available to every young stud who wanted a quick fuck. She had to find a way to turn the tables on him to ensure he never used the pictures as blackmail. The germ of an idea sprouted in her mind and she would enlist Thanos in carrying it out. She wondered how her young Lothario would feel as Thanos’s cock entered his ass hole while she took pictures? Well, that was something for the future.

Speaking to an empty car Kelly laughed, “So, I might be that kid’s new fuck toy, at least for a short while, but Miriam was now Thanos’s new bitch. Let’s see how bitchy you are now, mother-in-law.”

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