Women with Animals

The Chronicles of Thanos – Chapter Four


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Finding Out

As she drove home Kelly’s mind was quite busy, rehearsing the words she was going to say to Miriam when she arrived there. To finally be able to confront this woman who had taken every opportunity to make her life a misery since the day she married her son. Armed with the newly gained knowledge and proof that the mother-in-law, who took such delight in belittling and embarrassing her, enjoyed nothing more than being the bitch to their dog, of kneeling in front of him and having her pussy stuffed with Thanos’s long, red cock.

Oh, how sweet would that moment be as she imagined herself saying, “You know, Miriam, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s true, how many words would a video of you, naked, kneeling with your ass up, your pussy full of dog cock, being fucked by Thanos be worth? Maybe I should send a disc of it along to the country club you and Giles belong too, sort of an early Christmas present. They could show it to the other members at the annual party. Would you like to see that video of you being treated like the bitch you are?”

Kelly laughed to herself and then tutted and corrected herself, “Maybe I should show this at the next family get together. I’m sure the entertainment value would far outweigh the stale hors d’oeuvres you always have on hand. Yes, I’m guessing the entire family would just love to see what a bitch you really are.”

Every time she laughed some of the cum the jogger had deposited quite deeply inside her trickled out and soaked into her jogging bottoms, this was in spite of the wad of tissues she had tried to wedge in place earlier. A momentary tinge of guilt crossed her mind but then she reminded herself of her conversation with Martin a few weeks ago when he was hinting strongly about how they should experiment more in their marriage.

She found that comment rather ironic and somewhat amusing because he chose to make it when she was on all fours in front of him, his cock back in her mouth as she busily cleaned it off, with Thanos behind her and still quite firmly knotted in her pussy, which he had just pumped full of his doggy cum. In her ass was a nice big butt plug which she was still pulsing on, having cum at least three times while Thanos fucked her. Then there was Martin’s cum, dripping from her face where he had deposited it a few moments before she took his still pulsing member back in her lips… and he wanted to ‘experiment!’ What the fuck was left… sex with an alien from another planet?

Well, today she had surely experimented, that was certain, first giving a blow job to a total stranger, then taking a fucking in the front seat of her own car and now having his cum making a mess in her joggers. Pulling into the garage, she squirmed in the seat, trying to settle the wad of wet, slick and quite drippy tissues into a slightly more comfortable position, thinking that the young lad had really unloaded in her. “It’s a good thing I have reliable birth control,” she thought to herself. “That load of cum in me must have about a billion quick swimmers and the last thing I need is to get knocked up.”

Finally able to move without losing the tissues which, by now were just a soggy lump between her legs, Kelly exited the car, noting the wet spot on the seat where she had squirted as she came on her own hand. That was in addition to what had soaked through from her joggers as the tissues gave up the struggle to contain the flood leaking from her well-drilled cunt.

“Have to do something about that,” she muttered to herself. But, first things first, as she waddled across the garage, the wad of tissues slipping and sliding, threatening to fall down one or the other of her legs inside her pants. She opened the door and slipped into the downstairs WC just in time, skinning down the joggers and removing the sopping mess and depositing them in the bowel. “PHEW I smell like I’ve just been fucked,” she thought, then giggled guiltily since that certainly was true. “Yes! Well, he may not have been anything special in the fucking department, but he does show a certain promise and he did deliver a rather nice load of cum. Yes, I have been fucked, if not well, at least it was something. But I am still horny as hell. Martin will have to see about fixing that tonight and I shall make as much noise as he’s ploughing me as I want. Let her cover her damn ears if she doesn’t want to hear to me getting laid, maybe I’ll take on Thanos and him at the same time as we did last week. That should be good for a few squeals.”

While she wanted a shower, if for no other reason than to get rid of the after sex smell, she realized that time wouldn’t permit that. Grabbing a washcloth, she squatted over the bowl and let as much of the cum drip out as possible. She then scrubbed her pussy as clean as she could, using a nice flowery soap to wash away as much of the cum from the closely trimmed hedges that surrounded her pussy as possible in an effort to tame the smell. She knew that it would take a while for it all to come out but at least her efforts made her pasaable for now.

Although she could smell herself, she doubted anyone else could, unless they put their nose near her snatch and only Thanos and Martin had that possibility. Satisfied that she was as odour free and presentable as possible, she dumped her soggy joggers into the dirty wash and grabbed a fresh pair from the downstairs cupboard.

“Hey Miriam I’m home,” shouted Kelly to be rewarded with Thanos knocking her over as he heard her voice and bounded to her in greeting. As Kelly sat on her ass in the hallway, with Thanos licking her face in greeting, wanting to tell her in doggy words how he had found a new bitch but still loved her the most, Miriam appeared smiling and glowing radiantly.

“Welcome back, I have prepped the vegetables and made sure your lovely kitchen is tidy. Oh, and I have made you a nice cup of coffee just the way you like it with cream and sugar.”

Now Kelly was in shock for it seemed that someone had stolen her bitchy sharp-tongued mother-in-law and replaced her with a kind radiant glowing soul who was all kindness and light.

“I must apologise for how mean I have been over the past few years, the tension inside of me has been unbearable since we lost Titan, but your wonderful Thanos has relieved me of all that with his talented tongue and his magnificent cock.”

To say Kelly was surprised would be the understatement of the year. She sat there stunned thinking to herself, “Did Miriam just admit that she had sex with Thanos without blinking an eye?”

“You must enjoy him so much,” Miriam continued, still smiling, “and it would be so wonderful if I could borrow him from time to time. Of course, I should have asked before but he was so forceful I just couldn’t say no.” Then giggled like a schoolgirl and seeing the look of stunned shock on Kelly’s face, she went on, “The next time, you can watch if you want, I know Giles would like to and maybe Martin might like to relive some old memories as well.”

Well, there went all her plans as her rehearsed speech died in her mouth. Kelly’s head was spinning since her own mother-in-law was asking to borrow her dog for sex purposes and offering to put on a show as well. However, before she could respond to this suggestion, as intriguing as it sounded, she realised Thanos had altered his attention from her face to her crotch. The smell of her recently fucked pussy was attracting his nose, in spite of the flowery smell of the soap she had used down there. He had detected the scent of another’s cum in her cunt and, being a proprietary dog, he was not happy at all. His brain was screaming at him that he needed to reassert himself over his number one bitch.

“Oh look he is ready to go again. Kelly, he truly is a magnificent beast and you should be so pleased with him. How often does he service you? I know he does since he knew exactly what to do when I presented,” said Miriam clapping her hands in glee as she saw Thanos red cock emerging from its sheath and starting to drip pre-cum. “You can’t deny him,” Miriam said as she slipped from the chair and knelt next to Thanos, manipulating his cock to make it even harder. Kelly could feel her own lust rising and all thoughts of confronting her mother-in-law with the tape went straight out of her head as her single focus was on the large protuberance from under Thanos’s belly. Kelly wriggled out of her joggers and top and threw them across the room and with that, Thanos drove his large head between her naked thighs and started to lick.

Miriam tutted as she stood, “These clothes such a nuisance,” then proceeded to strip as she watched Kelly arching up from the floor as Thanos licked and lapped at her pussy, cleaning away the deposits of her previous lover and the residue of flowery soap. Again, Kelly started to smell her own sexual excitement and knew just how this would end. It hadn’t escaped Miriam’s eagle eye that there was evidence that her daughter-in-law had previously had sex but decided not to say anything about it. After all, what happened between women stayed between women, unless there was something to be gained by sharing it with another. Kelly rolled over onto all fours, lowered her head to the tiled floor, presenting her cunt to the ever-eager Thanos who quickly reared up, placing his front paws on her small back, eager to reassert himself and to dominate his bitch. His red cock was jabbing widely, leaving smears of pre-cum across Kelly ass cheeks as he sought the warmth of her willing cunt.

Miriam reached under Thanos and grasping his red rod positioned it at Kelly’s wet entrance. Sensing that the tip of his cudgel was lodged between those nice pink lips, lips he knew so well, he was ready to drive himself in full force. Miriam, knowing dogs and their habits as she did, quickly withdraw her hand just as Thanos lunged forward, driving his massive cock home. As he started to fuck Kelly with his customary vigour and speed, greater than any human could ever achieve, Kelly’s mind registered a further surprise as she felt Miriam’s fingers touching her clit. Kelly wanted to object in some ways but the pounding she was getting drove any lingering doubts from her head and instead she relaxed as the sensations rushed through her. Miriam manipulated her daughter-in-law’s clit, tweaking and twisting the slippery nub making Kelly groan with pleasure. Then moving her other hand along her belly Miriam rolled each of Kelly’s sensitive nipples between finger and thumb, squeezing firmly making Kelly groan loudly.

Between Thanos pounding away in her cunt and Miriam working her clit and nipples, coupled with the rich smell of a girl getting fucked, her own smell always adding so much to her pleasure, Kelly could feel her orgasm building. Now the savage thrusting of Thanos’s cock seemed to be reaching deeper inside her body than ever before and Miriam’s skilful fingers were doing a positive dance on clit and nipples, she was reaching heights she never experienced before. The wave that burst through her brain of blinding white light made her scream at the top of her voice and also caused her to flood as she bucked and writhed under Thanos. This sudden increase of fluids allowed Thanos to slam his knot into her willing cunt, her pussy clamping around it as he continued to thrust, though his movements were now limited.

Miriam had returned her hands to Kelly’s abdomen and could feel how it bulged, then sliding her hands lower touched Kelly’s sensitive pussy lips that were sealed around Thanos’s knot. Caressing Thanos’s balls she felt them quiver as he started to pump seed into the girl impaled on his rod, while each spurt was accompanied by a primaeval grunt from Kelly.

“What a bad mother-in-law I am,” Miriam giggled, “I have something of yours I should return.”

Moving swiftly Miriam positioned herself on her back with her legs wide apart and slide towards Kelly’s head that was pressed against the tiled kitchen floor as Thanos bred his bitch. When her pussy was almost touching Kelly’s head Miriam leant forward and gently pulled Kelly head up by her hair until their eyes were locked. Kelly’s head was buzzing with the overload of sensations, Thanos’s knot was pulsing inside and sending orgasms running through her. She could see the lust blazing in Miriam’s eyes and altering her gaze to between Miriam’s legs she could see the cum oozing from those puffy pussy lips and smell a different scent, one she knew was a recently fucked pussy, just not her own.

Kelly hadn’t had a lesbian experience since she was at university and even then it was a drunken experience with a roommate. That experiment had started well with kissing and touching and Kelly had even had a small orgasm as they had mutually fingered each other, but it had ended with both of them in fits of giggles when they had fallen off the bed trying to do a 69. Since then, Kelly had never looked at another woman in that way as in truth, she was far too addicted to cock, both Martin’s and Thanos’s and, perhaps shortly, the young lad who was nice and thick, if somewhat quick on the draw, just to feel the need to experiment yet here she was faced with a choice.

“I have never done this before,” Kelly said shyly as she returned her gaze to Miriam’s face.

“Just do whatever you feel comfortable with,” Miriam said softly as she stroked Kelly’s hair with a tenderness that she never before demonstrated.

The scent that hit her nostrils was amazing, the sweet heady smell of Miriam’s arousal was tinged with the smell of Thanos’s seed that was starting to appear and Kelly couldn’t resist. Lifting her head higher to allow Miriam to scoot inches closer, Kelly began to clean Thanos’s seed from Miriam’s outer lips, swallowing each drop with relish. Once the visible seed was cleared away Kelly began to probe inside seeking more of the delicious mixture, her tongue delving into every nook and cranny seeking out the heady elixir. All the while, Thanos remained locked to her, his knot gently pulsing, tight against her G-spot, inducing an almost continuous climax in her.

Miriam caressed her daughter-in-law’s head thinking to herself that for someone who was allegedly not experienced in the ways of sapphic love she was doing fantastically well for a first-timer. When she felt Kelly’s lips fastened around her engorged clit, which Miriam knew was quite large, she felt herself start to orgasm. To her delight, Kelly lapped with even greater enthusiasm as her juices started to pour out, flushing the remaining of Thanos’s seed into Kelly’s eager mouth.

Thanos, having done his duty and, with his knot diminished somewhat, dismounted from Kelly and retired to the corner, licking himself clean as he watched his two bitches wrestle on the floor. He would have normally returned to clean his mistress but his new bitch had twisted round to position herself under his alpha bitch and had her head buried between those widespread thighs, cleaning her and getting her ready for him when he should wish to return.

Miriam looked up and could see Thanos’s cum started to emerge from Kelly’s freshly fucked pussy and opened her mouth let the first dollop drop into her open mouth. “Still warm,” she thought herself, just the way she liked it. Unlike Kelly, who had never shared Thanos, back when Titan was at his peak she would often share him with her female friends. Lifting her head and pulling Kelly’s hips down to her eager mouth, she began to feast on the puffy pink pussy so delightfully located at her mouth, her tongue darting in and out and her pearly white teeth tipping and tugging at Kelly’s lips and clit.

Miriam heard the door open and looking upwards found herself gazing at the upside-down smiling face of her husband and her son who seemed as equally happy. “Hi boys,” Miriam said, “did you have a good game?”

“Clearly we didn’t have as much fun as you did,” Giles said laughing as he started to divest himself of his clothes.

Miriam and Giles were enthusiastic swingers in their younger days, so the tableau that was before Giles came as no shock. In fact, he had lusted after a piece of his daughter-in-law’s ass since the day Martin had bought her home but there had always been an agreement she was sacrosanct.

Martin wasn’t really surprised either as he had never told his wife he had lost his virginity to his mother while his father had watched and offered guidance and advice and a bit more.

Kelly was in a dreamlike fugue as she heard voices that she thought were just in her head, but then it dawned on her the voices were real. Kelly froze as here she was with her head between her mother-in-law’s thighs while her mother-in-law was licking her clean of dog cum. She went to sit up but Miriam locked her legs around Kelly’s neck keeping her in position.

Giles was fisting his meaty cock to full hardness as he approached his daughter-in-law’s upturned white ass. Then tutted to himself as he stopped, “Where are my manners?” then turning to his son, “May I son?”

“Of course Dad,” Martin smiled then said in a lower tone, “I would suggest you go for her ass as, after Thanos, it takes her a while for her pussy to go back to normal.”

Giles smiled as he started to wipe his cock along Kelly’s pussy lips, collecting the juices ready to use as lube. Then to his delight his thoughtful wife opened her mouth and took his cock fully in, covering the shaft with her spittle until in almost shone. Taking one last swipe along Kelly’s wet cunt lips to cover the purple head he placed the tip at Kelly’s puckered anal star and gently began to push. At first Kelly’s ass resisted but Giles increased the pressure until finally, the head popped inside drawing a groan of pleasure and pain from Kelly.

“Your wife has a very fine, though very tight ass,” Giles said to Martin who had reappeared back in the room having left to fetch a tube of gel from the bedroom. “I take it she enjoys it back there, at least from the sounds she’s making. Do you have her often this way?”

“Often enough to know she likes it lots better when I use some gel,” Martin said laughingly as he threw the tube to his father who caught it deftly.

“Just make sure you give it back afterwards,” Miriam chuckled, having extracted herself from under Kelly who was now thoroughly impaled on Giles’s cock and starting to buck back impatiently at the head he had lodged in her ass. Miriam was now standing next to her son, working his hard cock with her hand.

“Would you like to fuck your mother in the ass… like you used to?” Miriam said shyly, as she dropped to her knees and enveloped his cock with her warm wet mouth.

Giles uncapped the gel before squirting a generous amount onto his shaft and spreading it with his hand without leaving Kelly’s ass. When he was satisfied he pushed forward and then back a little, working the gel deeper into Kelly’s anal opening.

“You might need this son,” said Giles throwing the gel to Martin, “Though I doubt your mother will want as much.” Then turning back to Kelly, “now pull those cheeks apart girl and get ready for a real fucking as I intend on making you squeal and squirm on my cock.”

Kelly knew what was coming and knew instantly where Martin had learnt his anal technique, the initial gentle and soft stroking, the application of lube, lots and lots of lube since she was tight back there, then the introduction of the glans into her anal rosebud, followed by the slam that always sent her wild. Reaching behind Kelly did as instructed and pulled her cheeks apart as Giles grabbed her nicely rounded hips and pulled her onto his cock as he thrust forward.

Kelly yelled loudly as he slid into her ass. Though Giles was about the same length as his son, he was considerably thicker and the sheer sensation of being spread so wide on the cock in her ass made her gasp and squeal. Bringing his hand down in a resounded slap Giles began to ride his daughter-in-law’s nice tight ass as his hand left red impressions on those quivering, dancing cheeks.

Martin watched his father plough into his diminutive wife and loved the noises she was making as she took his father’s fat cock, a cock that he knew quite well from experience as it was his father who had taken his anal virginity as his mother had watched. Pulling his mother to her feet he spun her around and pushed her over the table, kicking her ankles apart as he squirted a generous dollop on two fingers which he inserted firmly into her ass.

“Oww! Careful Martin. I am still your mother you know.”

“Is that what you want, gentle? Have you changed that much Mother?” Martin snarled in mock ferocity knowing that his mother had accommodated both him and his father at the same time in both her pussy and her ass, but this was a game she liked to play.

“You couldn’t hurt me if you tried,” his mother laughed back. That was her signal to say enough gel and Martin removed his fingers and simply placed his cock head at her anal opening and thrust savagely. Miriam couldn’t help the deep groan that escaped her lips as she moaned with pure lust and delight, feeling Martin’s cock bury itself deep into her bowels.

Thanos opened one eye from where he sat in the corner of the room and regarded the humans fucking on the other side of the room. He could see that both of his bitchs were occupied and by the noises they were making, likely to be for some time. He wandered off in search of something more interesting and to his delight, the door was ajar allowing him to slip out into the back garden. Sniffing the bushes he came across the hole in the fence and with some effort due to his size, managed to wriggle his way through and escape into the warm afternoon air. Lifting his head to the sky he inhaled deeply and to his delight and surprise, he could faintly smell a bitch in heat on the wind and following his nose and his instinct he set off down the road.

Now, where in the world has our poor pup got off too and what adventures lay in store for him? Time will tell!

Go to next Part

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One thought on “The Chronicles of Thanos – Chapter Four

  1. Miriam, Kelly, Martin, Giles and Thanos will definitely have great fun playing with each other and driving themselves to even great debauchery. Can’t wait to read more Shady Lady Julie.

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