
You stumbled across Fran in the local shopping mall three days ago. You haven’t seen her since the last day of school 12 years ago. You were school friends…well okay, not really- the two of you didn’t exactly get along, you moved in different groups. You were with the cool kids, a cheerleader, slept with the Rugby team, and she was the with nerdy A-Grade group. But you got chatting and hit it off as adults much better. After lunch at the food court, Fran invited you to her house for lunch on Saturday, she promises it’s out in the great outdoors with nature all around it. So, with the map she drew for you, you set out.



She wasn’t joking when she said “out in the great outdoors”. Without her map you’d never have got close to this place, even with it you feel like you got lucky. It’s a beautiful piece of Queensland semi- rain forest though. You remember back to those school years and seem to remember Fran as one of those nature loving hippy types. Well good on her for going after her dream, you suppose. You finally get there, a bit late. Fran comes out and unlocks the gate at the front of her property and directs you to drive over into the small garage that she has left open for you. As soon as you get out, the first thing you notice are the dogs running around. No wonder the yard is so well fenced.

“I breed and train them” says Fran.
“They’re Great Danes aren’t they? They’re huge!” I reply.
“Believe it or not they’re still only puppies, just turned 8 months old, my latest litter”
“Wow, which ones are the parents?”
“None of them, their parents were on loan and have gone back to their owners- let’s go inside, lunch is all laid out ready!”.

Lunch is wonderful, if maybe a bit too vegetarian. Fran brews a wicked cup of Coffee though.

You wake up inside a large room of some sort, naked, bound face down and bent over a well padded low bench, with your ass angled up in the air. Something feels wrong down below. Your vagina has had one of those small powerful egg vibrators inserted into it, and taped up using some sort of strong cloth tape. That’s not the worst, your ass hole has a small butt plug wedged in it. You struggle with your restraints and soon realise that you are not going anywhere. There’s also nothing you can do about the plight of your vagina. You do have better luck with the butt plug in your ass, it’s not very large and after a few tries you expel it from your rectum with a grunt.

“Oooops!!! Maybe you should have kept that in for a bit longer, it would have made it a bit easier for you with what’s to come!”.

It’s Fran, who has just come in leading one of the Great Danes. She notices you looking at the dog.

“Oh, his name is “Buster”. Don’t blame me, the customer named him!”.

You suddenly get a chilling premonition of what is about to happen.

“Ahhh, I see the light just come on upstairs. That’s pretty quick for you! Okay, I’m going to give you some advice    that you can chose to take onboard or ignore. Taking it onboard will make it easier for you, especially for the early rough phase. Don’t ask any questions, just listen for now.
Like I said earlier, I train Great Danes. I train them in a very special way for very particular female customers, that pay extremely well. Now, you’re going to train Buster here over the next month. Sometimes it takes longer, but I’m getting pretty good at this and so will you! Now, Buster will soon make sweet love with you. It’s his first time. When they start out they are very eager and rough, they just want to get into you deep and hard and let you have their seed. Let him have his way, it will be easier and won’t hurt as much…they are very big boys as you will soon experience. Over the next few weeks he will come to own you as his Bitch, the owner has asked for this one to be especially possessive and sexually aggressive. Again, when he wants to have you, best you just let him have his way and you’ll get along just fine!”

“Why have you done this to me?!” You stammer.

“Oh, is it question time is it? I’m sorry, I didn’t say it was question time yet. But I’m in a really good mood. I needed a new Bitch, my old one…wore out. Then I met you! You were always a bitch in school anyway, so I though you would be a perfect match. You can have one more question before you get the most amazing fuck of your life! Go!”

Almost in tears now the only thing you can think of is “But…why my ass?”

“Oh yeah, good question, I should have mentioned that myself! Simple really, it’s what the customer asked for. Customer satisfaction is rule number one! She wants it trained to take the back door…do you know why she named him Buster? You’ll see! Anyway, from what I heard back in school, you like it around the back anyway. Your pussy is taped up to prevent him accidentally using the wrong hole”.

It’s true, you’ve have always had a thing for anal, and boys love to brag when they get together.

“Okay, it’s go time! Enjoy! Or at least try not to get dead or anything, I’d hate to have to find another Bitch straight away”

You struggle against the restraints. “Noooo! please…Fran, don’t!”

Fran produced a rag and dampened it with something from a bottle that she had on hand. She rubbed it onto your buttocks. Buster immediately became interested and started getting an erection. Oh god, it’s huge. You’re in big trouble.

“Yes, I told you he was a big boy didn’t I? You must be salivating about now, riiiiiight? Am I right?! I’ve seen bigger, but he’s right up there, and soon he’s going to be right up you! Boom Boom! Can you guess what quality his Sire was selected for? Oh yes, the bottle contains something to simulate a bitch in heat. If the rumours about you in school were even half true then you probably didn’t need the bottles contents! Buster will quickly loose the need for it once he gets a taste for you, rest assured he’ll just come to enjoy you at his pleasure, I mean FOR his pleasure…fuck it you know what I mean”.

Fran leads Buster behind you, and get a squeeze bottle and dumps some lubricant into your ass hole. She considers it a bit, then dumps in the remainder of the bottles contents.

“Oh shit, almost forgot! I’m not completely inhuman you know. Hopefully this will make the first couplings go a bit easier for you”.

She pulls out a remote control and turns on the bullet vibe that is taped inside your vagina. You jump a little, it’s VERY powerful and sends a jolt through your clitoris.

Buster mounts you and begins to prod inexpertly around your ass.

“Sorry babe, he’s still inexperienced, he’ll get the hang of it. There you go Buster, let me help….right there…in you go!”

You scream the roof off! It feels like you’ve just had a thick hot salami rammed home into your ass all in one thrust. He did not ease into you, he just thrust into you, and that knot god it hurts the way it is stretching you. You start to try and pull your hips away but it just sets Buster off like a maniac and he begins humping you.

“Yeah you see… I told you that you should have kept that butt plug in you ass hole for a bit longer. You tightened back up while we were talking, well whilst I was talking anyway”.

Through a cloud of pain you see that Fran is holding a stop watch and clipboard for some reason. Buster is driving you like a wild animal, You know his knot must surely be close to tearing you. There’s no chance you can force that knot out without injury. You can hear yourself grunting like an animal with each thrust. The pain has actually levelled out, despite his immense size. Speaking of which, he must be 12 inches long and thick too, you can feel him in you around the the depth of your navel. Suddenly you feel your guts flood with hot liquid and you cry out. You’ve just had a beast unload its semen into you! Fran jumps in with some commentary.

“Good boy Buster, four minutes for your first time, that’s a good boy!”

You start trying to work your hips to get Buster out of your ass now that he’s done his business. You are stopped by a deep warning growl.

“Oh no, it’s not finished yet babe. You’re joined with him until he finally looses interest and his knot goes down. That can be 5 minutes, 15 minutes, the longest I’ve known was over 50 minutes! You’ll never find a man that good, you’re gonna love it here!”

Now that Buster isn’t thrusting into you, you have settled into a deep throbbing dull sort of pain, it’s bearable. You lay motionless to avoid triggering another round of thrusting. You cannot decide if it’s his bone deep in your guts or the huge stretching of his knot that is the main challenge that you’re dealing with. Fran starts up again.

“Well, whilst we’re waiting I may as well explain my operation in more detail!”

You think that Fran is either really happy or really insane. She comes across like one of those evil cartoon style movie villains, right down to telling you all their evil plans and ending way too many sentences with a “!”.

“Well, this clipboard is where I record everything. It goes to the customer and is also used by myself to improve my operation. Over time I can use selective breeding for example to breed the dogs…larger, which I know you like, last longer and have higher sex drive. Buster here, is 12.5 inches from tip to behind the knot, but I bet that I don’t need to tell you that! His knot is almost 4 inches diameter a the widest point, so he’s not coming out of you by accident. He’s big, but not the biggest I’ve bred. My last trainee was my biggest boy ever, a real freak of nature and so was the lady that ordered him- she wanted the biggest of the litter and paid for it. He was also the last boy that my last Bitch trained, I told you she was… worn out, didn’t I?

Suddenly you experience some cramping in your stomach and ass muscles as they involuntarily try to force the massive intruder back out again. Buster responds and begins humping you again. You put your head down and brace for the pounding again. This time buster sets a more even, but faster rhythm and soon he has you whimpering. You lose control of your bladder and urinate all over the bench.

“Oh good boy Buster! He’s going for another round. I think the customer is going to be very pleased with him. Speaking of the customer. Have you guessed what Buster is short for yet? AssBuster of course! The customer is a very wealthy and successful business owner. She was one of my first customers when I started up, and is very happy with her boy. Buster isn’t for her though, it’s for her daughter, she turned 18 last month- Buster is her birthday present! What an awesome mother! She asked for a dominant, aggressive boy that will totally own his Bitch and look after her. She also asked for the largest boy left in the litter. She really wants something special for her daughter!”

Buster has finally stopped humping again. You tentatively test to see if you can feel his knot going down, but no luck yet. You’re no longer actually feeling much pain back there now, more just a numb throbbing fullness. Fran gives you and Buster a drink of water.

“Five minutes for round two! That’s really good. Anyway, what happens after this is that tomorrow you will be fucked a few times like this again. If all goes well and Buster is getting the hang of things, then the day after you will just be kept together for Buster to take you when he wants. Like I said earlier, once he knows that you’re his Bitch, it’s best that you just let him have his way, if you don’t he will get more aggressive and just take you by force. He’s training you just as much as you’re training him”

Oh god, you try to push the thought away, but cannot help yourself… that big phallus resting in your gut is actually starting feel…nice. You’re fully worn in and stretched out inside now. Where before, his huge cock was pressing and hurting now feels more like just pleasurable pressure spots. For the first time you notice that bullet vibrator going off inside your vagina. You writhe around on the bench a little to try and position him inside you a bit deeper. What are doing? Buster slips an inch deeper and you groan, unable to help yourself. That felt good. Buster responds again and starts up another round of thrusting.

“Fuck yeah! Round three! This boy is really special Good thing I really packed your ass with lubricant all the way up your colon! Thank you Fran, you’re awesome! It’s okay, I know, you don’t need to say it”

You try to fight the urge, but it’s hopeless. Your primal instincts are taking over and you start pushing you hips up to meet Buster and try to get him deeper, grinding your hips to feel him better. Earlier, you were whimpering, now you’re moaning…you can’t help yourself…god it feels good…that huge phallus in you now has a bit of looseness around it so that it can slide up and down more. You start trying to hump Buster back as hard as he’s doing it to you.

“Oh my god, you filthy fucking whore, you’re actually going for it! Really going for it! You’re already enjoying this, all the stories about you in school were true!”

You’re losing control, you barely even care now. The mixture of shame and physical pounding is driving your mind wild. Buster starts a faster rhythm, your ass now feels like it has a jack hammer going in it. It is making an obscene sloshing noise in your guts as his cock churns up and down your ass and lower colon which is full of lubricant and dog cum. It sounds a bit like when you use a plunger on a blocked drain. It’s the most pleasurable thing you’ve ever felt in your life, you start moaning random obscenities as they come into your mind. “Oh fuck yeah, Buster, harder boy, oh fuck yes, really fuck me up, god I wish I could get you deeper!”. Then it happens, the orgasm hits you like train. You convulse and spasm over and over with each wave of the orgasm. “I’m fucking cumming! I’m cumming!” you keep yelling it out like Fran can’t tell. Speaking of whom, Fran is squatting in front of you masturbating herself to orgasm. Just as you can feel the spasms easing, Buster finally unleashes his load into your belly again and triggers off a another set of convulsions in you. This time Buster is finally exhausted and collapses on your back, he’s heavy. You don’t even try to see if you can slip him out of you, you don’t have any strength left anyway. Five minutes later you feel your grip on Busters knot loosen and he slips out, causing you to cry out one last time and spray a stream of lubricant and dog semen. The air rushes into your gaping ass hole to replace the huge cock and your battered anus begins the task of closing and tightening back up. You estimate that your orgasm was ten times more powerful than the best you’ve ever had. You start to feel the shame coming back now as you cool down from your lust. You weren’t just fucked by a dog, you fucked him back.

Fran stands in front of you with a very wet patch around the crotch of her pants, she enjoyed the show it seems.

“You fucking whore! You were knotted with him for 38 minutes, and you enjoyed it. I thought it would take even you a few more fucks to let your primal urges take over. Well, Buster enjoyed it too, well done!”

You ask if she can let you go now. You promise not to tell anyone if she lets you go, after all if you told your story then people would find out that you enjoyed an orgasm with a dog.

“Can’t do that babe. Give it a good shot first. Now, here’s what we do. There’s two ways this can go. You cannot escape from your kennel here. The walls are soundproof in both this and my other training room. I’m going to unstrap you, and you have free time. You have the toilet and shower/bath over there. TV, video player, magazines and books. I have here a taser if you try anything. Plus you cannot leave through the door because only I have the code to unlock the keypad and disable the booby trap. Give me trouble and I’ll have to chain you up like a bad Bitch, your choice.”

You take the easy option, thinking it better to observe your situation for a bit first and look some weakness, or come up with a plan.

First you have a shower, you’re still cramping up from time to time and squirting out what remains of the lubricant and semen. You look around and indeed find no way out. The climate is obviously air-conditioned to deal with the Queensland heat. Apart from the facilities already mentioned, you also find a station on one of the walls containing a douche to clean out your holes and a pump with a long silicone hose that pumps out the lubricant. This is obviously where Fran prepared you when you were drugged earlier. In one corner there is even an exercise bike to keep in shape.

In the evening at 7PM, a panel next to the door slides open and Fran puts your dinner through on a tray. Also on the tray is a home burnt DVD labelled “Buster’s Bitch”. You put it in the video player and see that it is a video of your full session with Buster. The room has cameras then. You cannot stop watching. You watch yourself first struggling to take Buster through the first phase, learning to tolerate him In the middle and then losing your inhibitions to uncontrollable lust in the end. Against your will your vagina begins to get moist watching the look of bliss on your face, you remember what it felt like in the end having that huge cock plunging up and down in your belly. Your hips are thrusting up to meet him in uncontrolled lust at the end, the look on your face is like you’re in heaven itself. In one camera angle you can see your belly pulsing with the cock going like a piston inside you, making an obscene sloshing noise. Your double orgasm looks like someone having a seizure. You body is struck by waves of spasms. You feel a pang in your stomach when that big thick cock pops out of your ass hole with the still slightly swollen knot. How did you take that monster for so long, navel deep, without being injured?
You get to the end and realise you’re stroking your clitoris, masturbating. You quickly stop in shame.

What happened to the previous Bitch, what does “worn out” mean?



Fran puts some breakfast through the slot for you and advises you to maybe get ready for later.

“The Butt Plugs are in the trunk near your bed. I advise that you loosen up before Buster comes around later, foreplay isn’t his strong point as may have already guessed! So best that you prepare yourself, but hey, it’s your ass hole that will get torn apart if you don’t! You can get lubricant from the pump dispenser on the wall. See you in a bit! Are we still friends?”

You decide it’s best to get your self prepared. You know that Buster will damage you if you don’t. The trunk that Fran mentioned contains a few slender bullet vibrators like the one that you had in you yesterday. There is also a set of    butt plugs shaped like eggs, with retention chains…in case they go the way inside past the base? As a nurse, you recognise that they are made from soft medical grade silicone- so soft that you can push a finger into them. They are made for comfortable long wear and size training. The plugs start at 2 inches wide at the widest point and go up in 0.5 inch increments to an eye watering 5 inch thick monstrosity. That 5 inch monster must weight in at 1.5kg or more. You pick out the 2.5 inch version, weight it up for a second and replace it with the 3 inch plug. Fran did get one thing uncomfortably close with her jibes at you yesterday. You are known amongst your former male partners for having quite the anal fetish and you are…well worn back there. Lucky for you really, as that 4 inch knot would have torn your sphincter muscles if you already didn’t have a bit of wear back there. You lube up your ass hole, pushing the soft silicone hose way up your lower colon and start pumping the lube into yourself as you withdraw the tube. Your hole is a bit sore from yesterday, but the 3 inch plug slides in. You lay down to wait, feeling the lubricant packed into you pushed deeper up your colon from the plug. For now, you plan to not get Fran aggravated unnecessarily, she is obviously a bit of a nut-job and you don’t know what she may do. You decide to bide your time and look for an opening. When the time comes, you promise yourself that you will really fuck that loopy bitch right up!

“Ding-Dong! It’s Australia Post, I’ve got a huge 12.5 cock here for you! Only joking, it’s just me! I mean I’m joking about being Australia Post, not about the 12.5 inch cock, that’s real…boy do you know its real!”

You tell Fran to fuck off and just get on with it.

“Yeah, that’s the spirit! Eager, I like eager! Okay, I want you down on all fours over the mounting bench. No funny business or you get tasered. Just comply and you’ll have fun, just like you did yesterday”.

You comply.

“Good here I come, ready or not!”

Fran comes over to you, taser at the ready. Soon you are bound into position again and have your vagina    taped back up, so Buster doesn’t get used to using the wrong hole. Fran pops out the butt plug and gives a fake gasp of shock.

“My oh my, you didn’t bother to start off conservative did you? You did see the smaller ones right? Then again, they did say that you let half the school Rugby team have a go back there!”

It wasn’t half, but it was a few. You cramp up and squirt a stream of lubricant out of your ass.

“Good girl, you really got yourself cleaned and ready didn’t you? Okay, I know you’re eager to get going”

Fran brought Buster around behind you. This time she didn’t need any bitch in heat pheromone, he immediately got excited and mounted you. Fran had to help him find your hole again. Buster then thrust forward and down with his full weight and power, you arch up to meet him. His knot catches on your anus momentarily, you writhe around your hips and relax and clench your anus trying to get it in. It soon enters you and all of the nerves in your ass hole explode as they stretch out. The other end of his phallus plunges suddenly down to its spot under your navel. You let out an involuntary groan “Oh fuck that’s good!”. Buster get s to work and you respond by meeting his thrusts with your own movement to increase your pleasure, which is already just about blowing your mind. Your guts, being packed full of lubricant, is already making that disgusting sloshing noise as it’s churned up inside. It really does sound like a plumber trying unblock a drain.

“You whore! You’re already going for it this early! It took my last Bitch weeks to finally give up and just enjoy it…we eventually wore her out though…”

You feel, the first orgasm coming in hard and let it wash over you, whilst Fruitcake Fran cheers you on. Buster increases the savagery of his assault on you as he reaches    his climax and lets his seed go into your gut. The full length of your anal canal is nice and loose now, which lets Buster slip slightly deeper into you. You groan in pleasure. When he first got his cock into yesterday, you thought he was going to rip you apart and injure you badly. Here you are now, secretly wishing to yourself that he was a bit bigger!

“I bet a whore like you is now wishing he was a bit bigger! Right?! Riiiight? I’m right aren’t I?    Don’t worry I’m expecting…BIG things from the next litter considering who their sire is.”

What the fuck? Can the Fruitcake actually read your mind? You thought yesterday that the Fruitcake was like the stereotyped movie cartoon villain. But now you think she is more like the movie “evil mad scientist” stereotype. Oh god…that feels good! A wave of new pleasure washes over you as Buster starts to shift his weight and move inside you. You grind your hips around and try to clench and relax your anus to try and pleasure Buster and get him going again. It used to work for the Rugby team and it works here too. Buster soon starts humping you again, churning your rectum and guts. Your extra looseness now means that Buster has a nice bit of room to thrust about 5 inches up and down in your ass, the deep throbbing ache in your gut on the thrusts forward combines with the tingle of the nerves in your ass hole as he pulls back and stretches your hole with the knot. This is all going off in you like a jack hammer and it causes you to start crying out in pleasure. You convulse into your second orgasm. Still Buster is hammering you and has loosened you inside a bit more, this allows him to increase the ferocity of his assault even more. You feel the next orgasm almost immediately starting where the last left off, you throw your head back and start screaming any obscenity that enters your mind, “fuck me harder Buster! oh fuck that’s good, fuck my ass until I pass out!”

The Fruitcake is masturbating. Good for the her, the fucking nutter. What you’re experiencing feels ten times better.

Buster finishes off by dumping another gut load of semen into you. Then he slides off and turns around, rotating his cock inside you and faces the other direction. You feel his knot starting to loosen. “Noooo!” you blurt it out. You try to stimulate his cock with your ass muscles again, but he soon pulls out with “plop” noise and wanders off. Your empty ass hole fills with air and you clench spasmodically and squirt out semen and lubricant.

“Ohhhh yeah! I’ve been trying to work on that! They just never seem quite as interested in the morning as they are in the evening. In the morning they just like to fuck you and leave you. Just like men LOL! Maybe I can breed that out, maybe it has something to do with the morning hours being more traditionally the time for them to hunt?”

What sort of person actually says LOL when they talk? You remember that the Fruitcake actually had the highest marks in your school. Thank god for the fruits of our education system. You recall the school headmaster “We expect great things from our Fran in the future”. You start giggling at the memory. If only he could see her now.

“Hey! What the fuck’s so funny huh? Is this some kinda joke that only whores understand? Anyway, hate to leave you in heat like this, but you were still knotted with him for a good 25 minutes. Me and Buster are gonna make like a tree for now. Got shit to do!”

You’re still in a daze, pathetically wiggling your ass in the air, hoping Buster may have a change of heart and mount you again. Fran loosens your restraints and leaves. Finally you get up, still leaking lubricant and dog semen    out of your ass hole, which doesn’t seem to want to close up just yet. You shower and drop on the bed to rest.

“Nap time!” Comes out of the rooms PA speaker.

That bitch is really starting to piss you off. How often does she watch you on the cameras, you wonder? You are woken up for lunch, delivered through the hatch.

“Buster is having his afternoon nap now. He’ll probably be back to rape your ass again this afternoon around 1800 hours…that’s 6PM for you non military types!”

An hour before the time that the Fruitcake mentioned, you decided to get ready again.
You clean yourself out and re-lubricate. You push the 3 inch butt plug back in, not because you need it to help loosen you before Buster mounts you. Quite the opposite in fact. You’re still loose from this morning, and barely able to squeeze your anus closed. This time the butt plug is more about holding the lubricant inside so that it can work it’s way in deeper. Buster has really done a number on your ass hole in just the first two sessions. The primary source of your pleasure when he fucks your ass comes from that giant 4 inch knot stretching and pushing against your anus and lower rectum. It really stimulates all the sensitive nerves around your ass hole. That same knot is also what is over stretching your muscles back there, you’d need at least 24 hours to tighten back up fully, but you’re not getting anywhere near that relief so far.

“Ding Fuck’n Dong! There’s a boy here wanting to make slow passionate love to your butt hole! Nah, only joking, he really wants to rape you and rip your ass apart again. But you love it!’

You assume the position, without being asked. By the time that the Fruitcake has tightened up your restraints, you’re already involuntarily moving your hips up and down in anticipation of the promised pleasure that your brain knows is coming. This time Buster finds the hole first go and your looseness and lubrication almost work against you- his full cock bottoms out in your anal canal in one hard thrust, where his knot expands fully and locks him inside you. That first thrust knocked the breath out of you a bit. But soon Buster is humping with everything he has. You have barely tightened up inside from this morning which allows his cock to drive a few inches deeper and each back pull stretches back your anus by an inch as the knot tries to pull out and can’t. The pleasure is monumental, the looser you get inside, the harder he can fuck you and the better it feels. You arch your back up slightly and bend your head down to look back between your breasts and see the end of his cock going an inch past your navel. You can thrust back as hard as you can against the restraints and see that you can get his cock a full 2 inches past your navel. “Yes! Deeper! You then pull forward on each of Busters back strokes to allow the knot to stretch your anus back just a little further. You orgasm strongly. Buster follows a few minutes later and rests heavily on your back, you feel his huge cock pushing against the padding under your belly. He’s quite literally impaling you to the bench through your ass hole. The Fruitcake gives you both a drink to replenish fluids. You start working your hips to get Buster interested again. This time Buster finds a new position on you. Instead of just standing over you with his legs either side, this time he puts his front paws over your shoulders    and uses the grip to get solid leverage on you and drive you harder. You almost instantly orgasm again from the savage pounding that this beast, one of the largest of dog breeds, is unleashing your body. He drives you all through your orgasm whilst you convulse on the bench in waves of almost unbearable pleasure. His thrusts are driving your hips down onto the bench and scraping your clitoris on the padding and the orgasm just won’t seem to quit, it’s almost becoming unbearable- waves of pleasure so strong that it’s almost too much and you start to feel light headed as though you will pass out. You are thrashing around and grunting and squealing like an animal. If you actually had any awareness left you would have seen Fran masturbating furiously with a big powerful hand held vibrator. Finally Buster lets go inside your gut with another load of semen and rests on top of you again. You just slump limply on the bench. Fruitcake Fran appears in front of you, her eyes bulging in amazement, for a few seconds she is speechless for the first time    since you got here. She finally gets some words out.

“Oh…my….god. Oh…my….fucking…god! You are not just a whore or a slut, you are a sexual beast. You are insatiable. And you’re really really REALLY hot to watch! God, I’m glad I found you in that shopping centre. You’re happy I found you in that shopping centre too right? It’s okay, you can thank me later!”

She may be a nut-job, but even they are right sometimes. You are becoming a sexual beast. The conscious part of your brain is trying to keep control of your body, but underneath there is some unconscious, perverted primal sex driven portion of your brain that is winning. The reasoning part of your brain suddenly realises that your body is writhing under Busters weight and trying to stimulate him into action again. Your reasoning half tries to intervene, but badly loses the fight. Soon you are grinding your hips and clenching and working your anal muscles along Busters shaft. He plants his back legs and drapes his front paws over you shoulders and begins hammering you for the third time this session. His attack is brutal. If it wasn’t for how loose Buster has made you inside, and how packed with lubricant, you think he’d have torn you up inside and caused you internal injuries by now. With that thought in your head you suddenly have your next orgasm wash over you and you voice obscenities ‘Ohhh yes, rip me open Buster! Tear my fucking ass hole! God it feels so good!” You look under yourself to watch the cock moving your belly. You orgasm again, you pass out. You awake to the Fruitcake splashing water on your face.

“Woweee! You wait until you see this last part in your homemade porn video later!”

Buster is behind you, facing away, waiting to un-knot himself from you. His cock is pulled back behind him, still locked in your ass for now.

“Congratulations! 51 minutes coupled with Buster. He has some real staying power! He out stayed a depraved whore like you, and that’s quite a feat! You wait until you see the last part on the video tonight…hot hot HOT!!!”

You’ve never been fucked until you pass out before. You thought that was just fairy tale and cheap romance novel bullshit. Apparently not, all you need is to be fucked in the ass by a Great Dane. Simple, any woman can do it. Like yesterday, your dinner arrives with today’s homemade porn DVD. One thing is certain, no one could watch this and claim that you’re not enjoying yourself. You get to the end and watch the part that the Fruitcake thought was hot hot hot, with at least three “!” on the end of the last hot. You watch as Buster fucks you’re unconscious body for at least 4 minutes before he finally finishes off inside you. Fran at least had the decency to lift your head up by your hair to see that you were still alive and breathing before letting Buster continue having his way on your body. That hidden primal, perverted part of your brain is winning out and you start masturbating during the video as you relive how it felt.



“Gooood morning Middle of Nowhere Queenslaaaand!!!”

For fucks sake, what is wrong with that sick bitch? Seriously.

“I got that from that movie I watched last night, Good Morning Vietnam. It’s about this radio guy…”

You lose you temper and throw last evenings dinner tray at the door. “I know what it’s      about you fucking fruitcake!”

“Ohhhh someones grumpy and needs a good hard fuck up her ass to calm her the fuck down! Wait…Fruitcake? LOLZ!!! That’s a good one! Aaaanyway, I’m coming in. Today’s a special day, you’re gonna love it”

You get prepared over the bench ready, lubricated, plugged to hold it in and the tape over your vagina.

“Oh no, you see that’s why today is special! Both you and Buster have made spectacular progress. This means we can move the training up to phase two. Already! From today you two love birds will be living together as a happy couple! You can knot together any time you want now…which for you will be a LOT! Aaaaand anytime he wants it…like I’ve said before, best just let him have his way with you. Keep yourself prepared and ready and you’ll really enjoy yourself, if you don’t it could get bad- you don’t wanna end up like Karen. Soooo, I’ll leave you two to it. Cao! That’s Italian!”

Who the fuck is, or was, Karen? Anyway, you have more pressing concerns. Buster is    looking at you funny. He’s squatting on his haunches and licking his lips in what must be a dogs way of looking lecherous. Now that you’re not restrained over that bench, you get a look at this monsters true size. He’s big even by Great Dane standards. His head pretty much comes up to yours. When he stands, which is what he’s doing right now, his back comes up to the bottom level of your breasts. He must weight…55-60 kg, about the same as you.
You decide that it’s time you took control of the situation. “Sit! SIT! Bad dog! No! BAD…DOG!!!” He just lopes over to you and grapples you down to the floor with his front legs and all his weight. You end up on your ass with him on top, trying to rape you. You begin to struggle, he stops and stares at you and gives a low growl. Okay, the Fruitcake maybe has a point. You roll over, push out the butt plug keeping you lubricated and let him have you. Thirty minutes later you’re face down on the floor almost comatose from the orgasms you just had. Not being restrained allows you way more freedom to work together with Buster and increase the pleasure, as does having your hands free to use on your clitoris at key moments.

He fucks you for two more sessions over the course of the day and evening.



This afternoon, for the first time you initiated the fuck session yourself. You couldn’t wait for him ravish you any longer. You got down on hands and knees in front of him and wiggled your ass at him until he mounts you hard.

Over the PA system. “Good girl! Teach him that dirty whores want it all the time, well done!”

You’ve given up caring, you’re doing this because it feels good and it’s not like you have anything better to do.

He also fucks you today for three sessions.



Another three session day. It appears that a routine has emerged, three long sessions a day keeps Buster sexually satisfied.



Today marks two weeks since you started here. There’s no way of getting around it, the fucking is blowing your mind. You’ve admitted to yourself that you’re loving this and will have to keep doing it even when you get out of here. That perverted hidden part of your brain has told the rational conservative part to go fuck itself. It did. You haven’t heard from “Miss Rational” for a few days. If only the same could be said about the Fruitcake.

Today, Buster was fucking you beautifully when suddenly his knot stretched open your ass hole all the way and popped out. He pounded it back into your worn hole and kept going, then a few minutes later the knot popped out again. By the end of the session his knot was plunging in and out your ass hole freely. It feels sensational having your anus ripped open 4 inches over and over and now he’s free to thrust you with strokes twice as long. Deeper and harder. The downside is that you no longer can truly knot with him. You miss the intimate feel of being joined to your master through your ass hole until he decides to let you go…but oh god, having that knot plunging in and out made you orgasm hard!

There’s no gentle way to put it, two weeks of constant extreme ass fucking by Buster, without any time to ever let your ass recover is wearing your entire anal canal out rapidly- especially the anus where that knot has been doing its work. When relaxed you can manage to close your ass hole up, but the muscles are weak and when you bend over your anus just gapes open by itself. You don’t care, it feels too good.



It’s been over three weeks now that you and Buster have been enjoying each other. Your anus has finally given up completely. The relentless pounding of that knot through your hole day after day without any chance to recover has left your ass hole gaping open an inch wide permanently. You should be bothered by this, but lying there on your back feeling you’re open and worn out hole with your fingers causes you arousal as you think about the beast that did it to you and how much pleasure it brought you. The rest of your ass isn’t fairing much better with the inner muscles stretched and weakened to a depth of about 14 inches. You haven’t heard from the conservative side of your brain for well over a week now, the perverted part of you and it’s quest for filthy pleasure now drives everything you do. You start humping the fingers that you have been inspecting the damage to your ass with, getting aroused again. You roll over and call over Buster whilst holding your ass cheeks apart to let him in with the least obstruction possible. He thrusts into the balls effortlessly and begins driving you hard. Your anus may be ruined, but the nerves around it still function just fine and soon enough that 4 inch knot is hammering in and out through your broken sphincter bringing a new wave of pleasure. Soon the first orgasm can be felt on the way and you start uttering the filthy obscenities again “oh yes Buster, go fuck it harder, rip my hole open even larger…oh god that feels good!”
Afterwards, Fran comes over the PA, she’s been quiet today for some reason. What day is this? Maybe this is the day she goes to town to get supplies.

“Holy shit Batman, look at that worn out ass hole! That’s so hot, Buster has really done a number on you! AssBuster by name, AssBuster by nature. To think that a woman could be so perverted that she has actually enjoyed it being done to her, I know I’ve enjoyed watching it being done to you! He’s happy, your happy, I’m happy, the customer is gonna be happy, everyone’s a winner! LOL!”

You don’t even bother getting riled up by the nutter these past few days. Anyway, Buster is on your back still and you can feel him getting ready again for another round.



You’ve known for a few days now, that Busters training is finished and that today his new owner comes to pick him up. The Fruitcake saw your disappointment.

“Awww come on, you will get another boy to train almost straight away. Don’t be sad! Though, the next one is just being trained for vaginal, so you probably won’t enjoy that one as much! But at least we can even you up by wearing out your other hole right?!”

Busters owners are on the way from the airport. The mother is a wealthy American business woman that owns some big cosmetic brand or fashion brand or something. The dog is for her daughter who turned 18 earlier in the year. Does that young girl know that she’s about to get fucked in the ass by a force of nature?
Fran has put you on the chain, just in-case you were planning any funny business whilst she’s distracted by the customers. You weren’t going to do anything anyway. You have a plan, you’ve decided to play the long game here.

The customers arrive. The middle aged mother is dressed in a classy business skirt. She is quite the figure of a woman. The daughter has the same figure and the same huge tits, but no where near the grace of her mother- she sees Buster and calls out AssBuster!

Fruitcake Fran gives them training report and Busters specifications and statistics to them and they spend some time going over the details. Apparently the mother was one of Fran’s earliest customers, around 6 years ago. At one point Fran calls to you.

“Hey babe, show them the damage that Buster has done, that’s a good girl!”

You put your ass in the air and show off your gaping, broken ass hole. The daughter groans in arousal. The mother winks at you and lifts her skirt and shows you hers.

“That’s the result of 6 years honey! But damn, hasn’t the journey to this state felt good.”

She winks knowingly at you again. Her ass hole is stretched firmly around a sort of inflatable bladder plug at a diameter of approximately 3 inches. She is obviously totally ruined back there, much more so than you.
Then comes the part you were not expecting. Every customer gets to try out their investment. Fran insists on customer satisfaction. She talks to the mother.

“Is she all ready? I hope she has been training or one young lady is going to have one very busted ass hole!”

The mother replies by turning her daughter around and lifting up her skirt to show that she has a training butt plug in her ass and declares that she has been practising. She is well aware that Buster could and probably will do some damage back there. The young woman is clearly excited, eager and scared all at the same time. She has seen her mother fuck her beast for 6 years and has seen the results and still wants the same for herself. Fran goes on.

“Restrained or free ride?”

The 18 year old answers now. Restrained, so that she cannot get away. She also gives instructions that the session goes full length until Buster is finished and satisfied- no matter what.
The Fruitcake packs the young woman’s ass with lubricant and puts her over the bench and does up the restraints firm, but with a little wiggle room to allow some squirming around. She lets Buster off the leash to do his work. His cock comes out of    it’s sheath and the mother gasps with her hand over her mouth “Oh my god, oh my god, he’s huge! He’s bigger than my boy”. Fran has a huge prideful cheese eating grin on her face.

“This could get nasty folks, like that time the customer had to have 5 stitches in her vagina from her first ride and still had an orgasm! Ohhhh that was hot! I’m also a lot better at doing the stitches now too!”

Buster mounts the young woman and tries to thrust all of his cock inside. She’s too tight and his shaft gets stuck halfway down. He thrusts again with all of his weight and drives his shaft down to the knot, but cannot yet get it in. You can tell that her well lubricated state is the only reason that she hasn’t already been torn. She is rearing up as far as the restraints allow with the pain written all over her face. Buster is trying to get his knot in, but even in just its semi expanded state, he is having trouble penetrating. Something is going to have to give to allow him full entry into that tight virgin ass hole. Buster beings pounding his full weight    down onto her buttocks now. The woman, despite the pain is crying out for Buster to just force his way in. That’s exactly what he ends up doing. With all his weight pushing down, the woman arches her back with her eyes bulged and a silent scream all over her face. For a second you could have heard a mouse fart as we all waited for what was going to happen next. Suddenly, in the silence, we heard a dull tearing sound as her anus gave way and Buster dropped 5 more inches into her body- all the way to the balls.

The Fruitcake goes off.

“Ohhhhh fuck, baby!!! He’s really done it, he’s torn her ass hole bigger to get in! That’s my boy!”

The young woman is contorted in pain but still screaming obscenities. “Oh fuck mum, he ripped me open to get in! He’s all the way in, oh fuck he’s in so deep!”

She rose up as far as the restraints allow and you can clearly see the outline of Busters cock in her belly. You see her eyes roll back in her head as she passes out. Buster just continues to fuck the unconscious woman, rag dolling her body within the restraints. Each time he pulls back he lifts her hips up off the bench by her anus and the knot which is now firmly firmly wedged in her rectum and not coming out any time soon. Finally he rests on her back after dumping his load of semen into her.
Fran pipes up with some commentary, like usual, looking at me.

“Wow, I think Busters is enjoying that young tight hole. Clearly you were getting too loose for him, you loose ass whore!”

Fran inspects the 18 year old and declares that there is no bleeding and apparently no flesh tearing. The damage done to her is that of the sphincter muscles having torn all around her anus to allow the knot in. It’s basically like when a sportsman tears a hamstring for example, except here it’s a torn sphincter muscle. Badly torn sphincter muscle to be more exact. Now that the knot is in and fully swollen to its full 4 inches, the only way it can come out, other than Buster losing interest, would be to do even more damage than when it went in.
Fran brings the 18 year old back around and gives her some electrolyte drink. With more special Fran commentary.

“It has electrolytes! It what young whores crave!”

The mother looks at Fran before glancing over at you and you just shrug your shoulders in what you hope is a “Hey, your the one buying something off this nutcase, not me” gesture.

The young woman does seem to be recovering her faculties well, all things considered. Maybe those electrolytes really are the business? She is looking around and squirming under Busters considerable weight. “He’s heavy” she grunts, and starts to squirm to get him to move. He does. Buster starts up a frantic humping again and the woman squeals. She is so tight around him that there is little wiggle room inside her and Buster is so powerful that his humping is puling her entire body up and down and forward and back against the restraints. She’s grunting like a animal and it’s obviously unbelievably intense for her. Her Face is contorted, her hands clenched in fist and her toes are quivering and her entire body goes into convulsions every few thrusts, all of this makes her sizeable tits slap around. Buster doesn’t care, this Bitch is tight and he’s loving it. It looks like the woman is finally starting to loosen up just a little inside and allowing Buster an inch of movement. Eventually Buster ejaculates into belly again and slumps onto her back to rest, pinning the woman to the padded bench. The woman gives her mother a weak smile to say she is holding up.

Buster starts up again and this time he is determined to make some more room for himself. He pins the woman down using his front legs to prevent her moving under him and to get the most leverage and begins hammering her with bone shattering force. With another sickening tearing sound the woman cries out and Buster now has a good few inches of free play to be able to thrust in and out and get a true rhythm going. When faced with a hole too tight for him Buster has simply brute forced it open. Again Buster savagely thrusts and again that tearing noise and he is suddenly freely humping and plunging his cock up and down in her ass with little resistance.
Surprisingly the young woman is getting her second wind. Despite having half her anal muscles seemingly torn to accommodate Buster, she is responding    now to his more free fucking style in her recently loosened hole. Her orgasm washes over the top of her pain and her mother cheers her on proudly. As the convulsions begin to subside from her first orgasm she suddenly chains into a second one. Buster has forced her so loose now that she is making that familiar “plumber clearing a drain” sloshing noise from her belly. Buster finally empties whats left in his balls deep into her colon, then turns and climbs off and waits for his knot to go down and release him.
As soon as Buster pulls his cock out, the usual lubricant and semen showers sprays forth. The Fruitcake goes over to inspect the damage.

“Ohhhh baby this one is going to be nasty me thinks!”

She produces a speculum and a camera on a thin flexible tube out of her little tool kit that she carries around. After a good 10 minutes, Fran packs up and gives her diagnosis. The 18 year old woman’s ass hole is obviously damages, we can all see that visibly. Her anus is a deformed loosely open hole from the tearing to the sphincter muscles. Fran declares that the same fate has befallen the inner sphincter muscles as well. The good news is that all the lubricant did its job and that, though she is pretty badly bruised up inside, she requires no stitching.

“In a few days she’ll be perfectly fine! Except her ass hole will never fully recover and she will have to wear a butt plug for the rest of her life! Oooookay then, will that be cash or card?”

You watch as Fran and the mother go off to settle the payment for Buster and his training. The daughter rolls off the low bench and tries to get to her feet, but finds that her legs are too shaky to walk. She tries again and then gives up and crawls over to where you are chained up on your bed. She looks at you and thanks you for training Buster for her. “He’s awesome!”

Fran and the mother are back. You watch as the mother and her daughter, now on her feet but walking a but splay legged and doubled over, say good bye to leave. Fran is in full form like usual.

“Byeee! Enjoy Buster! Ohhhh…I just had a thought. Buster is going to have to go into quarantine in the USA for a month, because you know, the totally stupid immigration laws on animals! Holy fuck Batman…i hope Buster doesn’t rape any of the female kennel staff! Or if he does, lets hope at least someone is there to get it all on video to    put it up on the internet for us!”

You realise that Fran is some sort of incredible combination of genius and bat-shit crazy. They do often say that the worlds greatest minds always have critical flaws.

You take on your next trainee tomorrow, the Fruitcake says there is a waiting list.

“No time for a holiday for us, chop chop!”

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