Women with Animals

Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 2: The Super Litter


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This is a direct follow on from Part 1 and really should be read after it. Once again it is nothing more than extreme fantasy around the breeding of    a special super sex breed of Great Dane, and the women that enjoy bestiality as well as stretching and enlarging their holes for their sexual enjoyment.

I like to write the reader as the protagonist, which is uncommon I know. It was originally going to be a CYOA, but that changed. I still like the idea of the reader role playing the protagonist though, so I’m staying with the reader as the protagonist for this series at least.



You’ve been doing this now for 5 months, training Fran’s Great Danes- selectively bred for size, sexual aggression and staying power. On the breakfast tray for this morning the Fruitcake dropped some trash tabloid from New York for some reason. You know the type straight away, the lead headline reads “My sister-in-law was impregnated by Aliens! Woman tells the harrowing story inside!”. Down below that the second headline makes you choke on your morning coffee. “Texas animal quarantine kennel staff raped by pet dog! They tried to cover it up! Read all the details on page 15!”. You turn to page 15 and there it is. It’s a low quality picture, but it’s Buster alright. Also known as AssBuster. The first dog you trained and still the biggest boy.

It appears that a 22 year old volunteer at the quarantine kennels somehow found herself alone in the kennels with Buster on a weekend when only a skeleton crew is on duty to feed and call in a Vet in case of emergencies. The on duty female Vet decided to investigate when the young woman wasn’t answering the phones and found her at around 3PM, semi comatose, face down on the kennel floor and leaking dog semen from her loosely open ass hole. Apparently, Buster had been having his way with her ass, at his leisure, since the previous evening when he first trapped her. The poor woman was exhausted, bruised and very sore.

The female Vet, then allegedly fell victim to Buster as well, as she tried to rescue the younger woman. The Vet was    discovered still knotted to Buster by the next shift coming in. Both women were reportedly treated for minor injuries like scrapes and bruises, with the worst being three stitches in the anus for the younger woman. Fruitcake Fran couldn’t contain herself any longer and comes over your room PA.

“LOLZ!!! That’s our AssBuster! I warned them!”

True, Fran did warn the owners about that possibility. Fran may be bat-shit crazy, but she’s not stupid. The poor fella hadn’t had a bitch for 3 weeks, he just couldn’t help himself any longer! There’s one thing about the story in the trash tabloid that makes you very suspicious however…in the picture of Buster at the Kennels, in one corner you can see what you clearly believe is a bottle of lubricant. Why would kennel staff, that were totally not expecting to be ass raped, carry in a bottle of lubricant in with them? Also, if the Kennel Rape story is true…does that mean that woman’s sister-in- law really was impregnated by Aliens as well? As Agent K once said about New York’s trash tabloids “finest investigative journalism on the planet!”

You have some free time for now, no training today, as the customer is due later to pick up their newly trained hound. You take the time to reflect upon the four dogs you’ve trained since Buster.

Anarchy. Your next trainee after Buster and your first for a customer with no anal interest, hence vaginal training only. Strangely you found taking these big cocks harder vaginally than anally. You soon find them pounding against your cervix painfully and there’s no where else for it to go. With these dogs and their huge cocks you find that you struggle to take the knot vaginally, not because you cannot stretch enough but because you cannot take them deep enough. Maybe not having had children is a factor? Or maybe you need to do some serious stretch and depth training?

Obviously there are women that can take huge vaginal penetration with ease. Like Anarchy’s owner for example, the epitome of the “bucket vagina”! A 50 year old headmistress for an expensive private English School. Yes, British readers, this woman is out there educating your children! You’re sure it’s okay. Rebel is her third “sexual helper” dog, as she refers to them- but the first from Fran after she heard good things about our operation and desired something a bit…larger than her previous Golden Retrievers. God, listen to you, actually referring to it as “our” operation now. You have willingly accepted that you are part of this now, though you have plans about your future role.

Anyway, the woman looked every bit the conservative, strict school mistress with her scholarly glasses and the way she dressed. Then she got her gear off and took Rebel up her huge vagina with ease, like she’s a worn out prostitute of 30 years extreme experience and not a career school teacher. Well, even school teachers have needs and deep hidden sexual desires, some enact them and some don’t.

Harold the Third. Trained for all holes. Harold was sold to a 55 year old double widower who had seen off two husbands, both of them called Harold. Having given up on men being able to satisfy her sexual appetite for long enough, this woman decided to enlist the expertise of Fran, and yourself, to provide an alternative. She named him Harold, because why break with tradition? This woman shamelessly began her customer satisfaction trial by giving Harold (the Third) satisfaction orally, trying vainly to get her mouth around the knot and failing. Still the size of Harold’s cock still made a huge bulge in the woman’s throat.

Initially, being new to this sort of fucking Harold was a bit sedate, but as his climax approached he begun to get into the spirit of it- roughly face humping the woman whilst she fought to control her gagging as that big cock bulge slid up and down in her throat. Her eyes were bulging and her feet pounding the floor, juices spraying from her vagina from her arousal. Finally Harold slowed his face humping and released a load of semen directly down the woman’s throat into her stomach. As the cock slid out of her throat you realised that you just witnessed a true oral artist at work, if that had of been you with a cock that big and that far down your throat, you would have gagged uncontrollably and vomited all over the floor. Fran was impressed too.

“Fuck yeah! She takes it down her throat almost as good as you take it up your ass! LOL!!!”

You suppose that everyone has their talent, even the Fruitcake. Also, you’ve come to realise that these customer trials are not just about Fran insisting on customer satisfaction- clearly Fran gets off watching. So do you.

BradPitt. Yeah, remember it’s the customer that names them! Another all holes dog. This one was for a middle aged woman who’s husband spends large amounts of time away working on oil rigs. The woman has an insatiable sex drive, so the couple decide to employ one of Fran’s “sexual helper” dogs rather than have her tempted to seek other men when the husband is away. Truthfully you suspect that the husband also gets off thinking of his wife knotting with the family dog. This was the woman’s first canine experience and she was a little embarrassed and nervous for her trial run. It’s safe to say that she was fully on board by the end of the session though! You wonder how the husband is going to be able to compete when he’s back home.

She asked for advice on sexual positioning so that she can take her husband and BradP at the same time. Fran suggested riding her husband on top with him in her pussy whilst BradP takes her ass hole from behind. Fran also mentioned that feedback from customers suggest that having the dog knotted in the woman’s ass has the knock-on effect of increasing the tightness of the vagina massively for the occupant of said vagina. Though, the stretching of both holes for the woman can be extremely intense. The customers tongue was literally hanging out of her mouth, drooling, as she pictured this in her mind.

Chopper. Which brings us to today. The customer is coming by later to trial and collect. Another all holes trained dog. The woman is an extreme cam actor and certified nymphomaniac- the poor woman is almost constantly aroused and needing sexual gratification. Even after spending her days doing perverted cam shows, she still has the sex drive to require not one, but a second sexual helper dog. That’s right, one just wasn’t quite doing it for her, so she ordered a second to tag team her.

The customer arrives at midday, a very attractive punk-rock looking woman with tattoo’s and piercings in her nipples, labia and clit hood. Her cam shows mostly revolve around large insertions and fucking machines, so her holes are well worn after a few years of that life. She proceeds to take Chopper with little effort up her vagina, knot and all, and enjoys a ferocious fuck- giving back as aggressively as she is taking, grinding and thrusting her hips to increase the sensation. As mentioned, several years of large insertion cam shows has made this woman quite loose but still with good muscle control. After Chopper finishes pumping his load into her vulva, she works her stretched out pussy lips back over the knot and pops the huge cock out with a grunt. She then begins working the cock up her ass hole, complete with fully swollen knot. With a thrust of her hips she opens her ass hole and slips it over the knot to the balls and enjoys a savage pounding deep in her belly. It looks to be over when Chopper pumps his semen into her gut at the same time that the woman has another orgasm. Chopper climbs off and waits for his knot to recede to the despair of the nymphomaniac who clearly wanted to keep going. No sooner had Chopper removed his cock than the woman slid under him and begins furiously sucking him to get him ready for more, whilst furiously playing with her clitoris. No wonder she has had to buy a second dog, after 50 minutes this woman is showing no signs of slowing down! She sucks Chopper’s cock until he mounts her face and starts a savage face fucking rhythm. You forgot to mention that this woman has a big mouth. Well, she has a really big mouth! After several attempts she finally mages to stretch her lips around Chopper’s knot and finds herself with her face now knotted and the cock all the way down her throat, bulging it obscenely as she tilts her head right back to make a straight path, her cheeks ballooned out from the knot and her jaws open so wide they must almost be dislocated from the strain. Obviously she’s drawing in as much air as she can through her nose. Her eyes bulge and you think she may be regretting swallowing the entire cock with the knot!    Now that he’s knotted, Chopper has no freedom to pump in and out of her face. Instead his thrusts bounce her entire head around like one of those bobble-head dolls, her eyes clearly saying to you that maybe she shouldn’t have knotted with him this way.    The woman still has one hand on her clitoris though, and soon convulses    in orgasm whilst continuing her efforts to breath. Just as her convulsions are losing strength, Chopper unloads his semen directly into her stomach, the woman loses control of her bladder and sends a stream of urine spraying into the air as her eyes roll back in her head and she passes out. Fran revives her with some water, which also helps to lower and release Chopper’s knot from her mouth. He then finishes up by urinating on her to mark her as his bitch as she lays there still barely aware of where she even is, heaving in huge gulps of air now that her throat has finally been vacated. Fran goes bananas!

“Holy shit, that last part was nasty! That rates an 8 on Fran’s extreme-o-meter! I thought you were going to dislocate your fucking jaw or we’d have to take you to hospital to have your face surgically released! Imagine trying to explain that one to the nurses! Yeah…you see I was walking Chopper here and I tripped and my mouth landed right on his cock…LOLZ!!!”

Fran then looks at you and goes on.

“How come you can’t do that? I know…you’re just a filthy anal whore, that’s really hot too though!”

Only an 8 on Fran’s extreme-o-meter? Holy shit, what would be a 10 then? You suppose that Fran has been involved in this game for quite a few years longer than you, she’s probably seen some amazing shit.

The woman is recovering her strength finally and starting to move around. She thanks you for training Chopper for her, in a very weak croaky voice- as she would after having that huge cock down her throat for that long. Anyway the woman wanders over to the shower, still leaking semen and lubricant from all holes, and cleans up. Payment is soon settled, another happy customer.



Today you start training the first of a new litter. Fran has been very excited by this, as she feels her breeding program has made huge gains lately. When she says it, she really stresses the word “HUGE” and winks lecherously. You’re not quite sure what to expect, just how much bigger can these beasts get? Anyway, you’ve gained some insight into Fran’s operation here over the past few months. Like all evil mad scientists, Fran just loves to tell anyone that will listen all her plans. Surprisingly, or not really when you think about it, there is a legitimate side to the operation. Each litter contains a few bitches and not all of the males are suitable for “sexual helper” training. Those dogs are sold off to another regular kennel, who then sells them as ordinary everyday pets. Albeit, very large everyday pets.

For the males that are suitable for special training, Fran has been selectively breeding the largest and most sexually aggressive. Apparently this has generally resulted in a yearly increase of 5 percent average cock size and staying power. She has been doing this for 6 full years, this is the seventh. Now,    for every litter, most of the males fall around the average with maybe one or two above average- Buster, the first you trained, was above average for his litter with a 12.5 inch cock. Now the average of this new litter is almost    that same size. But, many litters tend to produce what Fran calls a “freak of nature”. These boys are substantially larger than average and the ones that Fran then uses for breeding future litters. Today you begin training the latest litters freak of nature. Seriously though, just how much bigger could he be?

A bit later.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I can’t possibly take something that big!” You’ve just been introduced to Cleaver. Fran has just broken out the “bitch in heat” pheromone solution to get him excited for his first session. Fran did tell you he was 25 percent above average, a freak of nature, but it’s hard to picture it in your mind. Fran’s just standing there with a huge cheese eating grin on her face, giving you the double thumbs up signal.

“I told you he was special! I bet you’re just shaking in lust right about now, right?! Right? I’m right!!!”

Yeah, lust for sure. You cannot deny it, you banished the rational conservative side of your character many months ago- you can’t even remember what that rational voice in your head even sounded like anymore. The filthy perverted side of your brain rules all your actions now. You’re going to take this massive cock, you know you are, you WANT him in you. Yet, you also know it’s going to change you forever. What taking this cock over the next month is going to do to you won’t just be stretching your ass hole, or permanently enlarging it and leaving it gaping like has already been done to you by Buster and the others. Taking this cock will amount to permanent body modification, there won’t be any going back from here. You have juices pouring from your vagina and streaming down your thighs just thinking about it. Fran fills you in on Cleavers vital statistics.

His cock measures in at 15.25 inches from tip to behind the knot. Part way down the shaft the cock expands to a thickness of 3.5 inches wide and the knot almost makes it to 4.5 inches at the widest- it doesn’t sound like much more than Busters 4 inches, but the increase in circumference is actually massive, you know it’s going to ruin you back there. For the first time, Fran actually produces a rubber bit to put in your mouth to clamp your teeth onto- so that you don’t bite your tongue off by accident.

“Clamp your teeth down on that, even for a insatiable filthy whore like you, this is going to be rough! You do realise right, that when he gets into you, there’s no way we can get a beast like this off you until he’s finished?”

You know that neither you or Fran would be strong enough to pull Cleaver off you once he’s taken you as his bitch. You get down with your ass up, ready. You bite down on the rubber bit in your mouth. Your butt plug that holds you ready and lubricated comes out and you gape open as you always do now. Fran guides Cleaver into your ass hole and he immediately thrusts into you hard. You bite down on the bit in your mouth and scream, the widest part of his cock shaft has caught at your inner sphincter  that separates your rectum from deeper up your guts. Cleaver doesn’t care and thrusts into you with more force, just wanting to get into you deeper due to his simple primal animal instinct. He forces himself down to his knot, which still isn’t fully expanded yet. He grapples you and forces his knot into your ass fully, where it expands and locks himself into you. You cry out around the bit in your mouth repeatedly and try to crawl forward desperately, but he is grappled onto you, and knotted to you, and he just goes forward with you. It’s the first time you’ve been able to knot with one of these beasts since Buster did his work on you back there all those months ago. Your ass hole feels like its going to tear open with the massive knot pushing back on it from inside, the pressure between your pelvis is immense but the real problem is deep in your guts where he has penetrated to. Not everyone knows that a dogs cock is often called his “bone” because at its core that’s exactly what it is, and this one is so far up your colon that you can’t possibly bend at the waist. You look underneath and see your belly bulged out a few inches all the way to a point halfway between your navel and your breasts. Fran is excited.

“Holy fuck! You did it, you got him all the way into you! Now you only have to take him for the next 40-50 minutes! Go girl!!!”

Cleaver is trying to hump you, but you’re way too tight around him. Each thrust feels like a punch delivered up your ass hole. After a few minutes you start seeing flecks of colour in front of your eyes and know that you’re about to pass out, you bite down hard and scream to try and prevent it. Instead, you lose control of your bladder and urinate over the floor. Cleaver sets his back legs on the rubber flooring and uses them as leverage to hump you with more force, each thrust lifts your hips up in the air and drives you both forward. Out of nowhere your first orgasm somehow crashes in over the top of the pain. It chains into another as you finally feel Cleavers cock throbbing as it pumps his seed over 15 inches up into your colon. You can feel the hot liquid in your belly. Cleaver finally takes a break to rest on top of you, his cock impaling you to the floor. As usual Fran jumps in to give you both some water. You spit out your rubber mouthpiece and leave it out for now. Whilst pinned to the floor you start thinking how Cleave represents the way nature in general fucks. It’s rarely “love making” in nature. Cleaver doesn’t care what he does to you when he ravishes you, he doesn’t care if he ruins your ass hole or tears you, or puts you in hospital- you’re just his filthy bitch, just there to please him, nothing but his set of pleasure holes. The thought makes you aroused, despite your discomfort, and you begin humping and grinding on the floor instinctively. Cleaver responds, rears up and begins hammering you with no mercy. It’s exactly what you were hoping for. Without the mouth piece you can now scream out your obscenities. “Ohhhh FUCK yes!!! Ohhhh fuck that’s good!!!” The orgasm hits you like a train and just keeps on going. “Fuck yes!! Really fuck me up bad!!! DO IT!”

You lose control of your bladder again and release everything that is left inside it, it’s impossible to control your bodily functions whilst being assaulted like you are. You look under you and see where his cock is bulging and pounding in your belly and you reach a hand under to feel him. You love the perversity of being able to physically see him inside you! You feel Cleaver finally flood your gut with another load of his semen and it causes you to orgasm again. Lying there waiting for Cleaver to get his second wind, you realise you no longer care what he does to you. This beast is your master and your body is his to do with as he pleases.

After a short rest and some more fluid intake, you again start writhing underneath Cleaver to get him interested again. He’s tiring, but soon he gets back up for his final round. You’ve loosened considerably since the session started and Cleaver is soon able to set up a wonderfully powerful thrusting rhythm on your ass. You find yourself wishing that you could just stay joined to him through your ass hole forever. You orgasm again, you cannot even remember now how many that has been. Out of strength, you just lay there on the floor and let him finish on you, which he finally does as you feel his cock pulsing as it pumps what’s left in his balls into you.

Soon after he manages to extract his shrinking knot through your worn out anus. He cocks his back leg and urinates on you to mark you as his property, not all of the dogs do that, but Cleaver clearly wants to let everything else know that you’re HIS bitch. For the first time ever, Fran is totally speechless. Seriously she cannot think of anything to say it seems. She just stands in front of you with a ridiculous smirk on her face, her head bobbing up and down in approval and giving you both thumbs up. You find yourself thinking the oddest thing at this time, can Fran actually breed an even larger beast than Cleaver?

“I expect an out of control whore like you is wondering if I can make them even bigger, right?!”

Seriously, for fuck’s sake, how does she do that so often? Does she really know your brain that well?

“Don’t you worry! If a whore can desire it, then I can breed it! Whoo Hooo!!! Fran better get busy! If I can breed it, then they will come…or cum…you know what I mean!”

So there you go then. She’s onto it.



Fran actually gave you two days off! That first session with Cleaver was brutal and the day after you were walking partly doubled over in discomfort. You were quite sore as a result of bruising from such deep penetration- deeper than you’ve ever taken before. Apparently, this time it doesn’t affect the schedule, as the customers cannot collect Cleaver until a week later than usual anyway. Yes, that’s right customers- plural. As usual Fran fills you in on all the details, it’s not like she has anyone else to chat with. Cleaver is being trained for three women that call themselves the “Broken Holes Club”. Three women that met via the BDSM scene, all sharing an extreme love of stretching, huge insertions and permanent dilation. They now share a large apartment together in Sydney. All three women long ago gave up on there being any chance of a human male ever being able to truly satisfy their extreme needs. These women have, apparently gone so far in their extreme pursuit of penetration that they have deliberately trained, conditioned and enlarged their holes just to take larger penetrations for their increased sexual enjoyment- hence their name for themselves and their little club. Each of the three has their individual specialised perversion.

Veronica is the vaginal specialist and is reportedly able to swallow the infamous XXL Goliath silicone dildo all the way to the base. She’s a Lawyer!

Regina is a big tall 6’1” German woman that married an Australian guy, then later found he couldn’t satisfy her sexually and is now divorced and part of the Broken Holes Club. She is the anal freak of the club, reportedly being capable of sitting down on a Bad Dragon Horse Cock dildo…all the way. She runs an advertising agency.

Kate is the all rounder of the club. She stretches both holes, though not yet to the extreme of the other two women, she likes to have both her holes full at once. She is a flight hostess for a domestic airline.

The women have pooled their money to be able to afford this litters freak of nature, Cleaver. We are not yet sure which of the women, or even all of them, are coming to pick up Cleaver when the training is finished.

Fran also gave you some insight into a question you’ve long had about the operation here. How does she find the customers and vice versa? I mean this isn’t exactly legal in most parts of the world…you cannot just put an add in the local newspaper! FOR SALE: Specially trained Great Danes! Trained to rape all women, anytime, any hole! Better than any man, satisfaction guaranteed! So how does she do it then?

Fran has developed a network of sex industry professionals and respected women in local BDSM scenes in Europe, USA and Australia. These women are trusted to act as agents to sort the genuine from the players and fakes, and then refer them on to Fran. The minimum entry requirement is a decent slab of money, so that sorts out most of the pretenders right from the start. These agents receive a commission for each successful transaction they refer. Fran is still very cagey about just how much one of these “sexual helper” dogs actually sells for, though in a very tiny field, Fran is apparently highly regarded as providing the best in bestiality. All of this goes some way to explaining how these customers all seem to be at the very extreme and perverted end of the female demographic scale. Your average kinky woman that may just be curious about special canine companionship would neither have the money nor the contacts. Only the truly serious need apply. You have some thoughts on this however, something for your future plans when the time is right.

Today you are fighting fit again and Cleaver is eager to get back in your saddle, so to speak. Two sessions today to train the inexperienced Cleaver. A vaginal session, since he is for all holes. You really struggle to take him that way, unable to get close to taking the knot and you find it painful to have him pounding against your cervix when he tries to force himself all the way in. He still makes you orgasm though.

No denying it however. You take him in your ass way better and prefer it, your damaged, loose hole being able to take him all the way and allowing him to fully enjoy you.



Cleaver has learnt the basics enough for you and him to live together from today. He can now take you freely and as often as he gets the urge. For Cleaver the urge is very often. He is rough, strong and leaves you exhausted and sore by the evening from a combination of the repeated humping and the powerful orgasms- that have you convulsing and thrashing on the floor every time. He also wakes you during the first night and forces himself into you again, fucking you violently until you pass out. Fran has bred a freak this time, there’s no denying it, with a drive and staying power to more than match his huge cock- which would badly injure any woman that hasn’t specially prepared and trained herself to take him like you have.

It turns out Fran has been busy recently in other ways too. The wall opposite the doorway to your training room has always had an unused sliding panel similar to the one where your meals and other items come through. Today it is finally used. It reveals a Great Dane sized doggy door that leads outside. Fran has finished an outdoor shaded enclosure that is shared between your room and the currently unused training room next to yours. Of course, any doggy door that a Great Dane can fit through can also fit a human through it. So you are now both able to go outside. In reality, you go outside when your master, Cleaver, takes you outside. He totally treats you as his property already. He mounts you and fucks you when he desires it, he urinates on you to mark you as his- whenever you shower he soon marks you again.

You find yourself reflecting upon the differences between animals and people when it comes to sex. Human women over time have come to expect niceties like foreplay and often like to think of sex as something lumped in with love. In the animal kingdoms, sex rarely has anything to do with love. Cleaver doesn’t give a fuck if you have a headache tonight! You should be horrified by this you know, but the truth is you’re now addicted to being fucked like an animal. You cannot imagine it of any other way now.



It’s now over three weeks since you began training with the freak of nature aka Cleaver. Three weeks of being fucked repeatedly like an animal, by an animal. You knew back then that there was no going back from this point, neither mentally nor physically.
Physically, whilst you’ve been trying to train him using both holes, the reality is that you both prefer your ass for the same reason. Anally you are now so worn that you can take Cleaver all the way and just let him enjoy you however he likes. Your anus is so stretched and worn that you cannot truly hold even his giant knot in you. Every fuck session now results in his knot tearing its way out of your ass after approximately 10 minutes or so of humping. Cleaver then just repeatedly pounds it back into you, his huge swollen knot now being just an oversized extension of his cock. Your ass hole now gapes open several inches when not occupied by Cleaver, you know there’s no recovery from this.

Mentally, as shocking as it sounds, you don’t care. An outside observer will be wondering “how can this be, how can you enjoy this happening to you?”. What an outside observer cannot see, experience or understand, is just how good it feels. No one else can understand that without feeling it. A normal woman “thinks” she has good sex when her partner fucks her maybe twice a week for five minutes before he cums and goes soft- leaving her to satisfy herself with a battery powered cock. She thinks she’s having an orgasm. She thinks that little 7 inch cock satisfies her. But she hasn’t been fucked by a beast repeatedly every day, fucked so hard she passes out, having orgasms so powerful she cannot control her bladder, fucked by a cock so aggressively and so huge that it stretches and damages her, causing wear and tear over time. Owned as a set of pleasure holes, and all of the above several times a day until your sore from so much fucking. Only then can you understand. Once you’ve been fucked like that, there’s no going back, your brain won’t let you.

Your thoughts are interrupted abruptly as Cleaver mounts you from behind without warning and roughly drives his cock into your gaping ass hole to the balls in one thrust. You squeal and then start grinding and humping in uncontrolled lust, waiting for that mind blowing orgasm that you know is on the way. You fantasise about what it would be like to be gang-fucked by a pack of these animals, each one replacing the other as they pull out. Just going on you non stop until you collapse and then still they keep going with no regard for your well being at all. The orgasm hits you so hard you almost throw the huge beast off your back from the convulsions.



It’s almost time to put your plan into effect. Fran has grown increasing lax and trusting of you these past weeks. She understands that you’re hooked and can’t live any other lifestyle now. What she doesn’t know is that you gave up plans to escape this place long ago. Your plans lie in a different direction entirely now. You’re just waiting for the right time. Today you finally worked out the code for the door keypad, the final piece of the plan that you needed. You also know that the booby trap on the door is just a bluff, it doesn’t exist. You know the door has a physical latch on the outside though, so when the time comes Fran will need to be in here with you.



The customer is coming this afternoon. It turns out that the member of the Broken Holes club coming to collect and try out their investment is the much vaunted Regina- supposedly an extremely perverted woman of the highest order. You wonder what that could mean?

Well, there she is in front of you now. The very definition of the fantasy Amazon Goddess stereotype made real in the flesh. She stands 6’1” tall, wide hips, big round ass, strong thighs that look like they could crush half the male population, narrow waist, properly proportioned breasts and strong European high cheeked facial features. Many women over that 6’    mark become gangly and awkward looking. But Regina has the grace and poise of some mythical goddess. You remember Fran saying that this woman is originally from Germany. In the current warm weather she wears a short skirt and a halter top that unfortunately exposes her one and only blemish- a slight bit of extra padding around her belly where it could do with being more perfectly flat and toned. You feel completely inferior in her presence, as would 99 percent of the worlds female population.

Fran and Regina sit for 15 minutes and go over the details of Cleaver and his training, noting that he is by far the largest she has provided- abnormally large. He also ranks highest for straight out sexual drive and staying power. Regina tells Fran that he needs these qualities as he has to satisfy and sexually dominate three extremely sexually perverted women. Too perverted by far for any man to be able to satisfy them. So perverted that they even burnt out the motor on their heavy duty mechanical fucking machine, so they had it repaired with a more powerful motor. How many women can claim that honour?

With that, the woman takes her clothes off to get ready for for Cleaver to do his thing. Both you and Fran gasp and stand there with your mouths open like idiots. As you usually find with women that come here she has several erotic piercings, her nipples have rings, as do her labia- the rings through her labia are joined from side to side to prevent her vagina from being penetrated sexually, at least not easily anyway. But that isn’t what has you staring. What has you staring is a combination of two things. First is the massive slab of silicone stretching open her ass hole in a perfectly round hole. Second is that her body is marked by only one tattoo. In a perfect circle    around her anus, in a lovely cursive font, is a tattoo that reads “Max. rated depth 18 inches. Max. rated circumference 15.75 inches” You also notice that before the numbers are three solid blanks where previous numbers have been tattooed over and then newer upgraded numbers added as she has enlarged herself. You find the idea arousing. Fran loves it too.

“Fuck yeah, that’s hot!” She looks over at you “you need to get one like that as well!”

Regina says it’s like a secret badge for the Broken Holes Club, they all have such a tattoo done around their hole of choice. Veronica is the clubs tattoo artist, it’s her hobby. She explains how her anal tattoo was done with a bottle in her ass hole to keep it perfectly round for the artist to do a good job. The bigger the penetration, the more the tattoo stretches out around the circumference of it. You try to figure out what 15.75 inch circumference is in diameter so you can picture it…but you never paid much attention in maths. It sounds really big though.

Regina grasps the base of her butt plug and eases it out of herself with a deep involuntary groan. Suddenly, what you thought was a bit of fat padding around her belly disappears as the plug slides out and you realise that she wasn’t gaining weight as she approaches middle age at all. She was actually being bulged by the plug that was penetrating her! The plug is the usual soft medical silicone, at least 4 inches at the widest near the base and tapering to around 2.5 inches for her colon. She had about 15 inches penetrating her the entire time she has been here. There’s still more. The shaft of the plug, that part that actually holds her anus stretched open, has smooth domed metal studs bonded around it…you immediately understand that these are to increase the stimulation for the wearers stretched out hole when being worn- as if the size alone isn’t enough for her! This woman is a true hardcore freak. Fran agrees, you and her seem to be finding increasingly common ground lately- which is a bit scary when you stop to think about it.

“Holy ass destroyers Batman! Do you wear that all the time?! My god that’s HARD… CORE!!!”

The answer provided by Regina herself    is no, she inserted this one as a trainer on the way here to have herself prepared to enjoy Cleaver nice and deep. She pulls out of her bag the one she wears regularly. It’s not a normal plug but a huge silicone egg with a 2 foot long chain coming out of it. The bases of her regular plugs have become too large to effectively conceal easily, even under a skirt or dress. So she now wears this type of plug to keep her ass hole trained and stretched in public. She loves the feel of the chain bouncing between her thighs as she walks in public, and at work, dressed in a skirt, stockings and no panties. Though, without a base to hold it in place, the egg constantly tries to burrow deeper as she goes about daily life- requiring her to find somewhere discrete to tug the chain back down. Once the egg plug starts to constantly find its way too deep, she knows that shes stretched enough to upgrade to the next larger size. Since the Broken Holes Club formed, Regina is on to her fourth size upgrade. No, she doesn’t wear a plug 24/7 which is probably not truly feasible, but she gets as close as she can. The other two women in the club are similar, though unable to be penetrated at work due to being a courtroom lawyer and an airline worker- both of which have to regularly pass through security X-Ray machines and even sometimes security searches, which could obviously pose problems.

With all the very educational explanations out of the way, it’s finally time for Cleaver to go to work. Regina gets down with her ass up and ready, pulls apart her cheeks to allow Cleaver easy entry. When Cleaver thrust in, she helps him out with a strong push back to swallow him in one go. She doesn’t squeal or scream out, she just gives a satisfied animal like grunt “Ohhhh FUCK YES, that’s good!!!” Her anal tattoo looks sensational as it stretches around Cleavers giant knot!

Soon both the beast and the woman are working together like a pair of perverted dancing partners. As hard as Cleaver pounds into her she just soaks it up and drives back at him. It’s clear that, as large as Cleaver is, this sexual beast of a woman has some room left inside. Her body is making the most obscene squelching noise as she is humped. You remember that this woman migrated to Australia after marrying a local guy and then divorced him. You feel a stab of sympathy for the poor guy. You doubt that there’s a man on this planet that would be able to satisfy this sexual freak that you’re watching now. She orgasms twice before Cleaver finally stops and rests on top of her back, pumping his semen into her belly. Poor Cleaver is going to have his work cut out for him having to control and satisfy the extreme sex drive of three women like this one.

Not content to just let Cleaver get ready for another round in his own time, Regina slips his cock out of her obscenely worn ass tunnel and slides under him to get him ready orally, before assuming the position to let him mount her again. She is enjoying    herself, obvious by the dreamy smile on her face as she’s pounded. Fran jumps in with some of her trademark commentary.

Holy shit! This woman needs a fucking horse to satisfy her! LOLZ!!!”

Regina snaps out of her dreamy state of lust at those words and looks hopefully at Fran. “OHHH FUCK YES, you have a horse?!”

“Oh no sorry babe, my bad! Just saying, I think you need one! LOL!”

Regina “Ohhh…god I’d love to try being fucked up the ass by a horse! To be tied under it and impaled up the ass on its cock! Just left like that as the horse walks around, OHHH FUCK YES! ”

You realise that there’s little doubt she could give a good try, depending upon the size of the horse. It’s also amazing how this woman can have enough space left in her brain to be able to hold a conversation whilst being violently fucked by Cleaver at the same time. When Cleaver was in you, it’s all you could think about, the rest of the world may as well not exist.

Regina is under Cleaver trying to suck him back into action again. You notice that when Cleaver pulled out of her this time, her rectum has prolapsed about three inches out through her loose ass hole and is hanging out behind her. It’s really obscene to watch, and also disturbingly arousing. Cleaver is ready to go again and pushes her prolapsed rectum back inside when he enters her and soon they are doing their erotic dance routine for a third round. She goes through another orgasm before Cleaver finishes up pumping whats left of his balls into her. This time Cleaver is finished and urinates on the woman to mark her as his bitch and saunters off to sleep and recover. Regina again starts to move to get him ready for a fourth try, but Cleaver is spent.

“Your wore him out! You’re a fucking Super Whore! LOL!”

Fran isn’t wrong. After the first session you have the score at Super Perverted Whore- 1, Cleaver 0. Cleaver is going to really have his work cutout for him. No wonder the Broken Holes Club paid for the litters freak of nature. You think it highly likely they will need to order another one of Fran’s specials in the future.

Regina regretfully accepts it’s over, but declares it still the best fuck ever by a real cock. Her prolapsed ass is leaking lubricant and semen, even as she has a shower. Afterwards she inserts the previously mentioned silicone egg into her ass to keep herself full and sealed, the chain hanging between her thighs, under her skirt. A bag full of cash is exchanged as payment for Cleaver and his training, and off they go. You get the feeling that the future holds more encounters for yourself and the Broken Holes Club.

“Ha!!! I bet you’d love to be part of their club, right! Riiiight?! Damn, that woman really does need a horse though!”

On point as usual by Fran.

It’s time. It’s now or never, the opportunity has presented itself and it’s generally best to take life’s opportunities. Fran is distracted, her back to you, going through Cleavers paperwork and payment. Paying you no attention at all. You look in the open trunk next to your bed and grab the only suitable thing at hand- the giant 5 inch thick training butt plug which, even in your current worn out state, you still cannot take. It must weight at least 1.5kg, maybe even more. You grab it by its 2 foot long retention chain, swing it in a good strong overhead swing. It makes a satisfying “KA-THUNK!!!” noise on the back of Fran’s head. She falls face down onto your bed- out cold. Well, you hope she’s out cold.

You briefly, and guiltily, wonder if maybe you hit her too hard and killed her. She did kidnap you…but still, she also has setup a golden life opportunity for you as well, and you actually need her for that future still. You briefly consider how many people through history have been bludgeoned    to death by a 5 inch wide butt plug on a chain. Probably not many.

Fran is okay, shes just out cold like you suspected. You place her on her back on the bed. You let yourself out using the keypad password that you previously worked out. You latch the door from the outside, since Fran obviously has the password for the electronic lock, until you work out how to change it. You walk slowly and cheerfully towards the house. Time for your cunning plan to go into effect.

Cliffhanger ending!

To be continued in Part 3:Under New Management.

Also look out in the future for “Tales of the Broken Holes Club” and “The Adventures of Buster: Buster does the Quarantine Kennels, Buster Visits the Feminist Convention and Buster Gate Crashes a Wedding.

Go to next Part

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3 thoughts on “Fran’s Training Kennel – Part 2: The Super Litter

  1. Thank you for continuing this series! This story is nearly perfect. I’d love to read about the protagonist making more progress, tearing her pussy deeper. And I can’t wait for all the other stories you teased. I’d definitely enjoy supporting further writing if there were some way to do so. Please continue.

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