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This is a continuation of “Careful what you wish for, you might just get it” You might want to read it first to get more understanding of this story. I had said I would not write any more stories but after thinking about this felt it need additional situations

I got my wife into dog sex a few years ago. I had no idea just how much she’d love it. She’s been attending parties as the party Sub dog slut for a few years now and she loves it. One night when she cam home after one of her parties, she sat me down and said she needed to talk to me. A couple she met at the last party asked her if she was interested in visiting their house and meeting and getting mounted by their big rotwieller, Jumbo. She asked me if I would go with her as she did not know this couple though she said she got a good vibe from them and they were both young and attractive. I had not attended any of these parties with her for years when I decided I did not like seeing her used by others afterall. I think I was jealous of my loving sexy wife being used as a submissive dog slut by people other than me.

After thinking it over and her pleading with me to attend this new event, I gave in and agreed to go with her. We video chatted with Sam and Chris a few times and made a date. They are about an hour from us. The night before we were to go, Marney was pacing and pacing. She came out of the bathroom naked and asked me to fuck her in the ass. Never one to turn down her cute sweet ass I jumped on her and realized she had lubed her butthole before asking me and pulled me right up to her ass. This whole turn of events had me excited and gave me a raging hard on.

She got on her hands and knees and turned, looked at me whispering “Take my ass baby”.

It was too much and I jumped on her and pounded as hard as I could. I slammed as hard and fast as I could, but I was so excited, I could not hold back and came in only a few minutes.

“Baby, I can’t wait for you to see me pounded by Chris’s big Rottie” Marney told me after she caught her breath. Our little romp took all my energy away and as soon as I laid my down I was out. When I awoke in the morning, I could hear Marney singing down in the kitchen, so I got dressed and went down. I found her wearing a sexy little corset , thigh highs and heels huming a little tune. She looked so sexy, I thought about taking her right there on the kitchen table, but calmed myself down, said “good morning Sweetcheeks”.

She turned to me smiling like she won the lottery. “Morning my handsome man” She said to me, pouring me a cup of coffee. “hungry?” she said offering me some waffles. I nodded and was presented with a plate with some sausage and a couple of waffles. “Honey” she said “Im so excited, I don’t know what to do. “you just sit and eat you breakfest and after I’ll give you a blowjob for dessert. How’s that sound”? I replied “perfect darling”

I ate really fast as I knew her excellent BJ was coming after. She was picking up the kitchen and putting dishes and pans in the sink. When I finished, she was on me like in a flash. I skooted my chair back from the table and she was yanking my pants down getting on her knees in no time. She was obviously very excited about the day coming up. She got me hard in seconds and was throating me right away. This whole little event had my heart racing and I came in only a couple minutes. Marnie continued sucking me ubtil I went limp and then licked me clean. She smiled up at me and asked “ was that okay?”

I was speechless with my beautiful sexy wife giving me her little innocent look. She knows that look really gets me. I pulled her into my arms and kissed and hugged her telling her how much I loved her. “Let me rinse these dishes, load the dishwasher and we can get ready to go”.

I nodded okay and went into the living room to wait for her. Soon she was dashing upstairs to get showered and dressed to go to Chris and Sam’s. When she finished and came down with her long black hair in a ponytail and tight fitting jeans and loose fitting top. I sometimes forget what a fox my wife really is, but I was quickly reminded when I looked her over.

“How do I look?’ she asked,

Perfect was my one word response.

“Ready to go? She asked me.

Sure, let’s get going. All the way there she never stopped talking, she was nervous. She mentioned how beautiful Chris is and what a manly looking man sam was. I wanted to put a piece of tape over he mouth as she would not stop. I was a little unsure about this little tyrst. I mean I planted the seed of dogsex for her but lost interest when I saw my loving wife treated like a sex toy by people and their dogs. Although she seemed to love it, I realized her excitement was fueled by her being given ketamine with out her knowing. It makes her like a sex zombie.

Time finally passed and we pulled into their drive. They have a very large house with a big wrap around porch. They heard our car pull in and came out to meet us. We said our hellos and were led into the house, we were led to the big den which I noticed had a breeding bench in gthe corner. Sam returned with mirmosas and we toasted the day, Chris sat next to Marney stroking her long black ponytail telling her how beautiful her hair was. Chris was murmering something in Marney’s ear I could not her, but could tell it was turning Marney’s switches on. Chris is a gorgeous blond with a body to die for. She kept leaning into Marney whispering in her ear, soon Marney leaned her head back and Chris drove her tongue into Marney’s mouth. Soon a hot wet french kissing was happening between the two sexy women.

“Chris has had a thing about your wife from the first time she met her at Shirley and Dan’s” Sam informed me. “Oh and they also mentioned her wild side when she has a little special K, which I put in her mirmosa.” Are you enjoying this little preshow? He asked me. He got up and moved the bench to the center of the room.

“Want to help Bruno mount me Marney so you can see what you are going to get?” Chris asked. Marney just nodded and moved to help strap chris to the bench.

Chris told Marney” have you ever had or seen an 11” thick dog cock?” Marney just trembled with excitement. Sam went and returned with Bruno, that big beautiful Rottweiller. Bruno could smell Chris’s juices were flowing and went about licking her pussy. Marney was kneeling next to this whole spectical sitting on her heels, licking her lips.

Sam told Marney, “you know you’re going to be next”

She just shivered and started playing with her pussy through her jeans. It wasn’t long before she had shread her clothes and was fingering herself , fluid going everywhere. Sam unzipped and pulled out his sizable cock and moved toward Marney, She reached out and licked it until it got hard and then went to town sucking. His cock was all of 10 full inches hard and Marney was forcing it down her throat. Meantime Bruno had Chris writhing all over the bench begging to be fucked. I got up and went over to the big boy and helped him mount his mistress. In only a few thrusts and he was all the way in and pounding her with all he had, Chris was moaning and groaning like crazy. “Oh Bruno, Fuck that big cock in me, Pound me senseless big boy”.

Meantime my wife was deepthroating Sam’s big thick cock froth coming from around her lips. “Here we go Marnie” said Sam as he started face fucking my wife, her eyes wide as she grabbed his ass and pulled him into her face. She was gagging on his big meat but kept pushing it deep into her throat. Her eyes started rolling back in her head and her breathing got really rapid.

My dainty petite wife has turned into a fuck pig. I could only imagine her taking me to swing parties so she could be passed around. Afterall, that’s what she did at Shirley and Dan’s with the addition of fucking and sucking dogs. It is my fault, I’m the one that encouraged her to think about dog sex. Shirley and Dan got her hooked on ketamine. When Marnie is on special K, she’ll do anthing depraved and love it.

Elsewhere Chris was having climax after climax as Bruno pounded her relentlessly.

With all this wild sex happening around me I noticed I had a percum wet spot in my pants.

Sam had cum in Marnie’s throat and went over to get Chris off the bench.

Marnie lay there sweating with her mouth hanging open drooling. Chris went over to Marnie and whispered something in her ear.

“Oh yes please” was Marnie’s response. Still panting Marnie was led to the bench and Chris strapped her on. Marnie looked like a crazed animal waiting to be fucked by Bruno’s huge log. Marnie’s pussy was dripping juice like crazy.

Sam led Bruno over and he caught her aroma and starting licking her cute little pussy and ass. Marnie was all over the place as Bruno worked over her sex. Chris said “

Bruno, mount”. He did not hesitate and jump up on my wife. Chris helped him find Marnie’s dripping pussy and he drove it in. His insertion took away Marnie’s breath. Her eyes rolled back and she screamed “ Oh I love your big cock big boy”

Chris came over to me, seeing my wet trousers and asked if I wanted her to suck my cock. Not waiting for an answer , her hands were undoing my pants and belt. Before I knew what was happening, I was naked below the waist and my cock was hard a a rock, all 7-1/2 inches, which I felt insecure after watching her husband and her dog’s cocks. She just smiled and drove me down her throat. She pounded me in her face deep and fast until I could not help but shoot my load down her throat.

Marnie was thrashing around as Brono pounded her silly.

Sam re-entered the room, where he’d gone I did not know. He looked at Chris and said “Think you can convince her?” Chris replied “By the time Brono is done with her this round, she’ll agree to anything”. I don’t understand” I said.

“Sweetie, we’re going to use your little slut for our own thrills and you get to watch” Chris smiled at me. You see, I can’t wait to spank that sweet little ass of hers and Sam wants to fuck it. Honey, this is going to be delicous. Was how she finished and nodded toward Marnie flopping around like a ragdoll as Bruno was having his way.

“We saw at Shirley and Dan’s how Marnie will do anything she’s ordered to do and we plan on pushing her limits a bit” Chris said with a big grin on her face.

I was asked to take Marney out to the porchswing and calm her down a bit while Sam and Chris readied the playroom to test Marnie’s limits.

Chris brought out a couple mirmosas. I knew they wanted more ketamine in Marney so they could really push her buttons. I gave thought to taking Marney home before this whole scene got to the point of no return. I said “ Honey, you want to get going? And her reply was “No I’m just getting warmed up, you’ll see.” I said “ you know they are spiking your drinks with ketamine”? She said yes and I love it, we need to get some for home. It really drops my inhabitions and loosens me up and lets me get crazy. My cute quiet wife was turning into a lusty pervert. I’m not sure I like this woman. Where is this all going to go?

She reached over for my cock and started sucking me very excitedly. Her hand was working over her clit as the K was kicking in. She was humping up at her hand. I admit it was very exciting.

Chris came out and walked over and started pinching and twisting Marney’s nipples. “You ready for more slut? She barked at my wife. “ Oh yes I want anything you want to do to me, I’m yours to do with what you want”. Marney answered.

Chris pulled out a pair of nipple clamps and put them on Marney’s nipples really tight. Marney just moaned out loud begging for more. Chris pulled her off the chair by the clamps pulling her to follow her back nto the house.

Let’s go slut, Time to get you off on some serious pain” Chris said pulling Marney back into into the house.Come along John, you don’t want to miss this. We are so going to use your slut now.

As we moved back inside, Marney was strapped back on the breeding bench. Chris went to a small cabinet and got a wooden paddle. “Want your cute little ass warmed up, slut?” She asked Marney. “Oh yes mistress” was Marney’s only response. Chris paddled Marney’s ass until it was crimson with Marney weeping but not asking her to stop. Chris went back to the cabinet an exchanged her paddle for a thin carbon fiber cane, whistling the air with it to make Marney cringe. She also put a ball gag in Marney’s mouth. She looked terrified but her pussy betrayed her by dripping with juice. Chris whipped the cane across Marney’s cheeks a few times. Marney cried out through the ball gag but then moaned. Sam was getting turned on watching Chris give Marney’s cheeks a good caning. Chris changed her approach and snapped Marney’s clit a few times causing Marney to wimper and moan.

“You ready for a good ass fucking, slut?” Chris asked. Marney could not answer but nodded yes. Sam was stroking his big 10 inch cock and putting lube on it I was freaked how much my wife was enjoying this, I admit, it turned me on as well. Sam moved behind Marney and placed the head of his big dick right on her butthole. Marney was wiggling around trying to get his cock in her ass. The big head slipped in and Marney’s eyes went wide, she screamed but it was muffled by the ball gag. “Does that hurt good Marney” “Want it deeper?” Chris asked my wife. Saliva was frothing out around the gag, but Marney kept nodding yes. Chris kept toying with Marney’s clamped nipples. Tears rolling down her face, Marney begged for more through her gag.

I’ve never seen my wife like this. Chris looked over at me and said “John, you look shocked, Didn’t you know your darling little wife not only likes being fucked by dogs, but she is also a pain slut. Which suits Sam and I just fine as we are masocists and she is perfect for us. With that Sam grabbed Marney’s hips and pushed a few inches of his bit tool in my wife’s ass. Chris was right, I had never witnessed this side of my wife. Although I guess I have an inner sadist as I was enjoying watching someone being hurt, Just not sure I liked it was my loving wife. This whole time Marney was crying, moaning and begging for more. Marney’s face was covered in sweat, her hair was also soaked, but she was smiling through her ball gag. Asked if she was enjoying herself, she frantically nodded yes. Sam pumped her ass hard and was cumming. When he slipped out, Chris asked Marney if she wanted more to which Marney nodded frantically yes.

Chris called Bruno over, rubbed his sheath and got him excited and guided him to Marney’s asshole. He slammed all 11 inches in and was pounding away and soon his knot was forming and it pressed into my wife’s ass. I suppose with his knot the size of a fist and his full 11 inches, he is actually more like 14 inches total. Marney was gasping as Jumbo stopped thrusting and just kept filling her with cum. Her belly swelled like she had a volleyball in it. I leaned in, kissed her sweaty forehead and asked her if she was okay. With a frantic look she nodded yes. That ketamine must really make her crazy. I had no idea how huch further Chris and Sam planned on pushing her limits. After pumping my wife overfull with his dogcum, Bruno lost interest and had shrunk enough to pull himself free.

Marney’s ass gushed as he pulled out and her belly shrunk. She was panting. Crhis took off the ball gag. Marney was trying to catch her breath. She looked up at me mouthing “I love you John” without a sound. I was concerned they’d pushed my sweet little wife too far. Chris released her from the bench and helped her up to her feet. She was dripping sweat all over her little body. “Rest a minute Marney, then we have a little more fun planned for you” Chris told us.

Marney came over by me and cuddled up next to me still catching her breath. Sam brought out a large wooden X and attached it to the wall. Chris came over to us and put leather wrist and ankle cuffs on Marney. As she did this Marney’s breath started racing again. She had been waiting for this I think. I had never stayed too long at Shirley and Dan’s parties to see what happened later in the night.

Chris had Marney squat over a bowl and release her ass with a little help from Chris fingering her ass. There was at least 8 oz. Of Sam and Bruno’s cum in the bowl. “I hope you are want a little taste of cum Marney”as she raised the bowl to Marney’s mouth. Marney drank it all down like it was a normal thing to happen. I felt it was time to take my wife home and get her into a nice soft bed for rest, but Chris and Sam had other ideas.

Chris led Marney to the wooden X, attached her wrists to the top corners and her ankles to the lower corners and put a mask on to cover her eyes. Chris reached behind the devise and got a leather riding crop and a cane. She started slowly but firmly using the crop on Marney’s back and buttocks. Shortly Marney was whrithing and crying. Chris changed to the thin wooden cane and whistled it through the air making Marney tremble. “Okay sweetcheeks, ready to show John how much you love having your ass caned” Chris taunted Marney. Marney’s only reply “ Oh yes mistress please. Withthat Chris raised the cane and smacked Marney on the ass leaving a thin red welt on her cheeks. Marney was rotating her ass like she was warming up to the caning that was to come, moaning with pleasure.

More? Chris asked, Marney “ Oh yes please mistress” Chris whipped the cane around so the whistleing sound was heard round the room. Whack, another red stripe on my wife ass. Again she rotated her hips asking for more. Well Chris opened up with a series of 4 or 5 fast hard smacks. Marney cried out then had came hard, juices dripping down her legs begging for more. I lost count of the fast hard whacks my wife’s cheeks endured, but she just kept weeping and asking for more. About 5 minutes of this, Chris stoopped and just watched Marney writhing in pleasure as she came over and over.

Chris slipped three fingers in Marney’s dripping pussy and was fingerfucking her drawing juices all over her hand. She added fingers until she the folded her thumb over her hand and slipped her whole hand up Marney’s once tight little pussy fully fist fucking a moaning Marney. My wife has very sensitive nipples and Chris used her free hand to put the nipple claps back on Marney’s nipples and tightened them quite a bit. Marney was really moaning at this point. Chris left her hanging there like that for a few minutes. “Ready for your big surprise?” she asked Marney, Just then Sam reappeared telling Chris eveything was ready and again left the room. Chris unhooked Marney placing a collar and leash on her, but leaving the blindfold. I could not tell if I was turned on or frightened what was coming next. I was clearly not in control now and my wife was at the mercy of Chris and her hung like a horse husband, Sam. “Come along John, we’ve quite a finish to tonight’s fun” Chris said leading Marney out the back door. We were led into a small two stall stable. Chris handed Marney’s leash to Sam guiding me to a chair. Sam ordered Marney to her knees and stuck his cock near her mouth telling her to reach out and find his cock and to start sucking. She fell to her knees and proceeded sucking on Sam’ big cock. Once he got hard, he started fucking Marney’s face. He grabbed her hair and proceeded to shove his big 10 inch monster down my wife’s throat. Froth was forming around her lips as he pullled her head down gagging her. But I could see her pussy was leaking and she was moaning while gasping for air. Chris appeared with a beautiful black pony. Sam pulled Marney over to a straw baled that was covered with a horse blanket. He bent her over the bale pulled his cock from her mouth, got behind her an slipped right into her wet pussy. In only a couple thrusts he was pounding my wife senseless. Chris brought the pony over so his cock was near Marney’s head. “You love big cock, don’t you little Marney, she asked, Marney just moaned a yes as Sam pounded her.

“ Reach out with your hands in front of you and you will find just what you want”. “ That cock you are feeling belong s to Ranrod, my pony. Lick it and start sucking the big head. Marney trembled as she wrapped her hand around his big leathery monster. She tentatively licked it up and down trying to figure just how she coulod suck this beast. She licked the head making it very wet and Chris grabbed it and pushed the head into Marney”s mouth. “Come on Marney dear, get his cock good and hard so he can fuck you with all 18 inches. That did it for sam and he came pounding my poor abused wife. Although frightened, Marney worked over that big pony dick getting him rock hard. After Sam pulled out, dripping his and Marney’s juices he helped Chris get Marney into position to get pony fucked. “Tell me what you want My little Marney” Chris urged her. “ I want Ramrod to fuck me til I passout mistress.” “Well you shall have your wish” she said pulling a rag from her pocket which had mare essesnse on it and waved it under Ramrod’s nose, He cock stood straight like a branch from a tree. Chris guided him home to Marney’s dripping pussy. “Oh God, he’s so huge” was all Marney could say as his huge member worked into her. Chris removed Marney’s blindfold so she could visually take in all that was happening. A pony was working 18 inches of hard cock up inside her as her husband watched. Her breath was merely a pant as she was flopping aroound mumbling over and over” Oh take me Ramrod, take me. Soon he was balls deep in her and she was gasping for air. He pounded his 18 inches into her for a good 5 minutes and she passed out.

She woke back up in one huge climax with her flopping around like a fish. Ramrod pumped her so full of horse cum, it was gushing out around his big cock. A puddle had formed below her now ravaged cunt. Ramrod shrunk and disappeared back into his sheath and Chris lead him to a bucket of oats. Marney’s poor swollen pussy was pink and dripping cum. In her crazed mind she kept scooping Ramrod’s cum from her pussy and eating it. This was way too much. I had to get her home into a nice hot bath and get her to bed. “Well, commented Chris, she’s drained my dog and my pony and milked my husband dry, I have no more cock for her tonight unless you’d like to see me strapon fuck her with a huge dildo, other wise, collect your little slut wife and go home. Thanks for a fun evening.” My response was” I had no idea what a kinky slut I’m married to. But I love her just the same. I got my wife dressed, into the car and we headed home. She cuddled up to me and sucked my cock all the way home. Once home I got her into a nice hot bath, washed her long black hair and reflected just what a crazy slut my wife had shown herself to be. I am concerned about her love for ketamine. I fear it will fry her brain. It’s now been two days since her adventure with Chris, Sam and their animals and we’ve had some time to digest it. I told her I don’t want her fucking big animals anymore. It seems if always has to be a little more extreme than the last time, what would be next, a draft horse, That with the use of ketamine, I’m afriad she could hurt herself. I love her and am so afraid of loosing her, I can’t allow that. I made a huge mistake by letting the genie out of the bottle and hope I can keep this wild side of hers under control. She agrees the ketamine allows her to do things she would not ever even think of doing, so no more of that. That pony nearly ruined her pussy. It’s still very sore and streched. We are in agreement, no more ketamine and ponys or horses, I ‘ve agreed that if the lust to be fucked by a dog becomes to strong, we’ll go looking for another couple with a suitable dog. For now it’s me and her.

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