Women with Animals
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Careful what you wish for…you might just get it – Part 3


Back to 1st Part

This story obviously has two other parts and to really understand what is happening in this one, I recommend reading parts 1 and 2 before reading Part 3.

After our last adventure with Chris and Sam and their Rotweiller Bruno and their Pony Ramrod, Marney and I have stayed home. That whole adventure had me freaking out as I’d never seen My wife acting so insane. I guess I just had no idea how much the ketamine affected her.

We have always had an active sex life, her surprising me with her skill at deep throat blowjobs to her occasional request that I take her anally. Then I got an idea I wanted to see her dog fucked. I don’t know where it came from, but it was one of those things I should have left in my fantacies. I turned my sweet sexy loving wife into a party pig, only to be passed around at parties I was not attending. It started with me asking Marney if she’d ever fantisized about having sex with a dog. Then getting her to watch dog sex porn downloaded from the internet. Well I finally got her convinced to give it a try. We ended up hooking up with Shirley and Dan and their Dog Baxter. It started off as a week end stand, but what I did not know, Marney’s margarita was heavily spiked with ketamine. Her freak flag went full mast. She ened up staying with them for a few months being their shared party dog slut at their parties. She became Shirley’s willing slave.

After a few months of being fucked by many different couples and their dogs, it was taking it’s toll on her and she got the nerve to ask Shirley if she could go home. Shirley agreed if Marney would agree to return and be their house slave at upcoming parties once a month or so. Marney said yes and did come back home, She continued attending their parties as the house slave, little did she know they were giving her ketamine the entire time, only then she wanted all the kinky sex and other activaties they could dream up. That went on for a couple years every time Marney needed a full day to recover and be herself again. At one of those shindigs, she met Chris and her husband Sam. I can only imagine just how much my wife was used and passed around by those at the parties. One day she asked me if we could go meet Chris and Sam at their home and she could meet their rotweiller, Bruno. I agreed and we went, but I had no idea just how much those two planned on using my wife. When I got her home and rested, I discussed just how those people were taking advantage of her and them spiking her drinks with ketamine. I convinced her we needed to stay away from those folks. We agreed to stop seeing those folks or so I thought. About a month after our last adventure at Chris and Sam’s, Marney came to me and asked If I ‘d take her to one of their parties. I said I thought we agreed not to attend any more of those partys. She looked at me with those big green eyes and said “Please, I miss it so much” I reluctantly agreed to take her and we made plans to go.

What I did not know is my sweet little wife had been in contact with Chris since a couple days after our last adventure. In fact she had contacted Chris asking for another shindig. We arrived at their house and were led to Sam’s 4 seat truck and off we drove. After about 20 minutes we pulled into the drive of a big ranch. Sam parked the truck an we all hopped out and headed to the door. A couple came out to meet us and introduced themselves as Carl and Dana. We were invited in and there were about 20 people already inside. We were offered drinks and given some casual introductions. All the guests seemed to be eyeing Marney like they knew her as we wandered around the place. As we were feeling the effects of our drinks, Dana moved over to Marney Whispering in her ear. Marney just nodded her head yes, Dana was stroking Marney’s hair kissing her cheeks and neck. Dana waved over to Carl and he unzipped his pants and came over to Dana and Marney.

Dana pulled out Carl’s thick cock and urged Marney to lick it. Marney sucked his cock and pulled his ass ttrying to get him to facefuck her. When she is high on ketamine, she loves a big cock fucking her mouth and throat. Carl pumped her face like it was her pussy as froth formed around her lips. As Carl was fucking Marney’s mouth Dana removed her and Marney’s pants and underwear and starting fingering Marney working her whole hand into Marney’s dripping pussy. It was quite a sight seeing Marney get fist fucked by Dana while Carl was pounding her face. She was moaning and growning while pulling Carl’s ass to her face. There was drool running down her neck, sweat running down her face. Carl gave her head a serious slam as he shot his load down her throat. When his cock slipped from her lips throat, cum ran out of her lips. She licked her lips and begged for more. Dana had gotten their big Irish wolfhound, Harvey and was working his sheathe exposing his huge pink prick. Carl took over fist fucking Marney’s dripping pussy. Dana said” Marney, you want more cock?” She replied Oh yes please.

Dana moved Harvey’s cock to Marney’s drooling mouth. She saw the huge pink dog cock and started licking and sucking it. I’ve never seen such a big cock. It had grown to what looked to be 13 inches and thick as my wrist. Dana asked Marney if she wanted that big cock in her pussy. “Oh yes please, give me that big cock.” Marney cried out. She quickly got on her hands and knees guiding that monster into her moaning as he tried to get himself buried in her tight pussy. After about 10 pumps he was buried balls deep. Marney’s eyes were rolling back in her head and her breathing was a gasp as she moaned sayin how much she loved that big cock. Another couple decided to use the party pig as the husband whipped out his thick 10 incher. He shoved it into Marney’s lips and worked it down her throat holding her by her long black ponytail.

His wife was pinching and twisting Marney’s nipples Meantime there was many other couples having various sex acts around the room. Carl told Dana he was going to get the play room ready. “I can’t wait to see this slut riding uder Jupiter” Dana commented to Carl. Harvey was pounding my wife’s once tiny pussy like there was no tomorrow. The guy fucking Marney’s mouth came making her swallow every drop of his load. “More please more” was all Marney kept crying. Dana slipped a collar around Marney’s throat. “Well fuck pig, glad you came?” Dana asked Marney to which she replied “Yes I love being used as your fuck pig”. After Harvey filled Marney with his cum, he slipped out and his cum went everywhere. Another dog slut wife came over licking the cum off the floor, then she dove into marney”s pussy sucking all of it out of Marney. When she finished she moved up and kissed Marney letting some of the cum drip into Marney’s mouth ending up french kissing.

Dana pulled them apart as she wanted Marney to coll down for the next act. After a good 5 minutes Dana put a leash on Marney’s collar pulling her towards the door saying “Slut you ready to really be fucked now? “Oh yes please” was a screwed up Marney’s reply. The party followed out the door to a small stable just off the house. Inside there was a seating area for people to sit and watch and a small stage with some sort of corset laying on a platform on the stage. Carl called out from a stall” Dana, your boy is really excited” Dana led Marney to the stage as guests moved to the seats. She got Marney up laying on the platform. “Dana led me to a chair with straps for my ankles and wrists. She held a taser telling me “It’s best you just sit and let me strap you in, we don’t want you to panic and try to stop the show”. With that she fastened the straps so I could not get up off the chair. She also put a ball gag on me. I had a clear view of the platform. Carl led a large horse out of the stall guiding him over the platform over Marney.

Dana started strapping Marney under the horse. I was starting to panic. They weren’t really going to have little Marney take that huge cock. “Ready for the fuck of your life slut”? Dana asked Marney. Trembling Marney said “oh yes” . Dana addressed the crowd. Ladies and gentleman, This is Jupiter, My big beautiful horse. Our little fuck pig here is going to ride under him on his belly as I ride him around on his back.” Carl had been stroking Jupiter until his 18 inches with standing straight out. He slathered some lube on it and place the head against Marney’s pussy. “Mount up babe, we’re all set “ Carl told Dana. Dana looked at Marney and said “Horse fucked is what you wanted, right whore?” Marney whimpered “Yes my mistress” With that Dana mounted her steed as carl guided the horse’s cock into Marney’s pussy. “ooo, oh yeah, so big” cooed Marney. Dana started walking her Horse around each step easing Jupiter deeper into Marney. “Oh God He’s too big, I can’t take it” yelled Marney. Carl came over and put a gag in Marney’s mouth.

Dana started having Jupiter prance around the small ring. Marney was screaming through her gag and crying. Dana laughed Saying” Slut, this is what you begged me for. Jupiter was really pounding my wife senseless. I was fighting to get free to no avail. I sat helpless as my wife was fucked until she was going to pass out. She just kept screaming into her gag, sweat rolling off her. Suddenly she went limp and also Jupiter started filling her with cum. I feared she might be dead. Dana rode over to the platform Marney had been put on to be attached to Jupiter. Dana dismounted, proceeded to unstrap Marney. Carl came over and waved smelling salts under Marney’s nose and she shook her head and woak up. She had a lost look on her face. After Dana removed Marney’s gag. Marney said “Wow that was better that I’d hoped for, but my pussy is sore. Thank you Dana for having John and I here for this party.” dana removed my straps asking”you okay John? It was her request, she practically begged me”I said”I’m glad she’s alive”. Marney came over to me and said “wasn’t that something John? That huge hosecock deep in my pussy making me passout. I loved it.” I sat in shock, not sure what I could say.

Marney asked Dana if she could round up another party soon as Marney wanted to do it again.

When we got home, Marney went the next day to the pornshop and got the biggest horsecock dildo they had. She wants me to fuck her with it until she passes out. I did not know she already aquired some ketamine. I am wondering where this is going to end up. My wife seems to have lost her mind. I wonder if it’s her love of the ketamine. She loves anything depraved when she’s on the Special K. The more sicker the more she wants it.

\We had been married 5 years before all this Animal fucking stuff began. She was a quiet, reserved, loving, caring spouse. Now I just don’t know who she is. She got a call from Dana saying another party was set up for the next week. She begged me to take her, I gave in and we went. We arrived at Dana and Carl’s, parked the car, I looked over and Marney was wearing the collar Dana put on her at the last party. “Ready honey” she beamed at me and hopped out. I feel like I’m the driver, fool, husband, that drives his slut wife to parties so she can be used and abused as he watches. Wherever we go to one of these parties, the wives become her mistress and is addressed as such.

This night Dana comes out on the porch to greet us. She looks stunning in a black leather boustier, her ample breats flowing over the top. We are both offered margeritas and tonight I am led by the hand to the stable viewing room to the viewing chair and Dana straps me in. I look to see Marney is offering blowjobs to any man that she talks to. She has become a full blown party skank. Carl and a couple of other men are taking turns face fucking my wife. Tonight unlike other nights, I am really enjoying seeing Marney used by guests. I can tell my drink was spiked as well. Now Marney is stripped and she’s being banged from behind and also in her throat. Dana steps up to the stage and says, “Lets get this party going, shall we?” she pulls Marney up on the stage with her and says to her “ Tell us all what you came here for tonight, slut” Marney’s eyes are glazed over as she says “ I came her to get fucked by your big dog, Harvey then by your favorite horse Jupiter so everyone can watch.” That little statement caused a huss to fall over the crowd as Carl led Harvey to the stage. Marney went right to work stroking his sheathe to expose his huge 13 by 3 inch cock all red and shining.

She licked all over and tried to get it into her mouth. It’s so thick she had trouble getting it in her mouth. She had a crazed look in her eye as Dana told her to assume the position and she got under him on all fours “Harvey, mount” Dana directed her beast. Marney reached under herself and guided his big tool to her pussy. Harvey found her hole and drove it balls deep in just 4 strokes and pounded Marney at a jackhammer pace. Marney was oooing and awing saying how great it felt. Her eyes rolling back in her head.

I was enjoying seeeing her make a party pig of herself. Suddenly Harvey started trying to get his knot into Marney. It is as big as a baseball and he pushed trying to get it in. Marney was groanin trying to get the knot. Finally it popped in. Marney gasped as He started pumping her full of cum. She was mumbling incohearently, sweat rolling down her forehead. “Jeanie” Dana called a slut from the viewing group up to the stage. I noticed I’d seen her the last time we were here but did not know her name. “Jeanie, tell everyone here you role here this evening” Dana ordered her. “I’m going to clean up all Harvey’s cum from the stage and out of Marney’s pussy when he finishes and finally pulls out” she cheerfully replied, smiling and licking her lips. She’d had a dose of ketamine, no doubt. Harvey had stepped over Marney and they were now ass to ass as he pulled her aroud the stage trying to get free. Marney moaned as I think she came. Soon Harvey shrunk and popped free with a gush. Jeanie was right there to start licking up the dog cum on the stage then moved to Marney’s leaking pussy. When she finished cleaning Marney’s pussy, she moved up to share a wet kiss with her. Dana put an end to that as she wanted Marney to cool down a bit before the next act, Jupiter, her horse. I was still looking forward to Marney getting fucked by a big horse cock.

Dana leaned over and told me they had planned Marney’s next party and she wasn’t sure I should attend. Marney had requested a horse gangbang and friends, Steve and Carol have a large Mastaff and four horses. “You might want to drop her off Friday night and collect her Monday.”Dana encouraged.

I was sitting waiting to see Marney get plowed by Jupiter, trying to process this latest party information. I was concerned for her safety as she loses herself when she gets a dose of ketamine, so I decided to take her myself. Carl brought out Jupiter to the stage area which brought me back from my thoughts to reality. “Are you ready for my boy Jupiter, slut” Dana asked Marney. “Oh Mistress please let me have his big cock”.

She lay writhing on the stage playing with her clit. “Assume the position, whore” Dana snapped. Marney jumped to her hands and knees waiting to be bred. Carl lubed Jupiter’s cock and Marney’s juicy pussy. He placed the huge cockhead up against Marney’s pussy. Marney backed onto the big cock. Jupiter twitched forward a bit then started a slow driving thrust. Marney was moaning asking for more, faster. Jupiter picked up his drive and kept working in deeper. Soon he was balls deep and started pounding Marney’s pussy.

Her eyes were rolling back in her head and she was speaking in mumbled incohearent blurbs. “ Oh yeah, big, perfect, deeper, Fuck Me” was all I could understand. Jupiter pounded her relentlessly making her babble over and over. He gave a few final jabs and shot her full of his hot load. Cum was gushing from around his cock. Marney got what she begged for, fucked until she passed out. Jupiter shrank a bit and slipped from her pussy. She had collapsed on the platform as Jupiter was led back to his stall and a bucket of oats. Carl came back and moved over to Marney waving smelling salts under her nose. She shook her head opening her eyes with a shocked look in her eyes. “Wow, that was great, better than last time.” were her first comments. She shook her head again trying to clear the cobwebs. Dana brought her a bottle of water.

Marney spun around and sat in a puddle of oozing cum still leaking from her pussy occassionally licking her fingers tasting the cum. She sat there drinking her water and dipping her fingers in the cum puddle and licking her fingers. “I love cum” she said randomly to no one in partiular. I eventually was released from my viewing chair collecting Marney, getting her into the car and headed home. She kept mumbling how much fun she’d had and how much she loved me until she fell asleep. When I got her home, I helped her to bed where she passed out until morning. I also fell asleep quickly, but woke her in the morning putting her in a nice hot bath. Washing her beautiful long black hair and washing her body gently. After her bath, I wrapped her in a towel and led her down to the kitchen. I made coffee and breakfast which she wolfed down. She looked refreshed. We had a light coversation about last night’s party.

The next Friday we showed up at Steve and Carol’s. Without going in to all the details I watched my wife fucked by a Huge dog and 4 big horses. It went on for two whole days. She had been fucked to pass out 4 or 5 times. To say it was a crazy weekend is an understatement. We got home Monday and she slept all day Monday and into Tuesday morning. I woke her, made some coffee and breakfast which she wolfed down. Shortly after she was really awake, she got on the phone calling Carol asking how soon we could do it again.

We had talked about this many times. She said numerous times she was done and it would be only her and I. I told her If she kept it up she would loose me. She begged me to take her again to Steve and Carol’s, when I said no, she called Carol and Steve came and picked her up. I told her if she went it was over between us. She said she had to do it so if it ended our realtionship, so be it. “You don’t understand, I need to be used as a slut. I’ve always been a slut, only before it was for only you, now I’m anybody’s slut. It’s what I want.” Marney told me. I told her I had no idea how long I could keep taking her to the parties. “I’m so tired of watching you be treated like a slut or a toy. You’re going to push yourself too far. I mean, fucking horses, what the hell?” I told her “I miss you Marney, are you ever coming back? Every couple weeks I take you to an abuse party where you get buzzed out of your mind on your special K and do unspeakable things.

It’s just not fun for me to watch my wife get used by strangers with kinky fucked up desires. You have lost all self respect. This wild sex party thing has been happening for over four years and I don’t ever see the Marney I married. I’ve had to take you to the doctor to get you looked after, after overdoing sex with horses.” Marney interupted me saying” John,I’m, sorry, I can’t help how much I love being used including the occasional whippings, I’m enjoying the climaxes I have and have not given thought how it makes you feel seeing me used all the time” Once again I let the topic drop hoping she would finally decide to stop her kinky ways, feeling partly responsible, afterall I talked her into trying dogsex.

It just took off from there. I should have left my crazy fantacies in my mind and we would not be in this mess. The parties are not so frequent lately. I love my wife and will try to wean her off the insane sex parties. After a month or so Marney told me she had the urge to call Carol and Steve and set up one more horse gangbang with an audience. I expressed my concern but looked at her pleading look and said okay to it. Carol called back a day later and said everything was set for the next weekend and she had a surprise for us. They had friends who were bringing their two draft stallions to really fuck up Marney. Marney’s pussy has finally shrunk enough she could feel my cock. As soon as Marney hung up the phone she laid on the sofa and told me to face fuck her. My blowjob princess was hotter than ever. When Friday rolled around I was nervous it would be too extreme. Marney was so excited her crotch was wet through her jeans.

We arrived, carol and Steve came out to meet us, well actually Marney and led us to the barn so Marney could see this weekend’s guest stars. I thought Marney was going to faint when the first one was led out of his stall. The owner’s, Art and Kate introduced themselves. Kate said” They’re both gentle giants, but they do have huge cocks, That’s what you want, right Marney, go ahead take a look”. Marney leaned over and put her hand on the big sheathe. As she stroked it, it extended out down about 18 inches hanging towards the floor. Marney’s eye’s went wide licking her lips. “Well let’s go have a drink and get Marney her fix of special K.” aannounced Steve. We all headed to the house and were offered a mararita. Marney gulped hers down and asked for another. I could taste the ketamine in mine as well. “John, This is going to be quite an extreme show tonight, we’re going to strap you into the viewing chair again.”Carol told me. She strapped me in and put in a ballgag so my screaming would be muffled. Marney was busy blowing every cock presented to her.

She had that wild special K look in her eyes. She was so excited about what was going to happen her pussy was dripping. Carol brought out her big dog and turned him loose on Marney. After licking her pussy for a bit with writhing around he mounted her. Carol guided his big cock in Marney. My wife was smiling and begging for more. That big dog was pounding my wife senseless, her eyes rolling back in her head. He knotted in her and she almost fainted. Soon he was filling her with his cum. He threw his leg over her so they were ass to ass dragging her around a bit. Marney was heavily panting when His knot popped out and her pussy gushed the cum all over. Marney crawled around licking the cum off the floor.

I noticed there were a few light towers around the room and a couple of big video cameras set up on dollies.

Art helped Steve move the breeding table to the center of the room. Carol Moved Marney to the bench and strapped her in and also a ball gag so Marney’s screams would be muffled.

Steve brought in his first horse for my kinky wife to get fucked by. He stroked the shaft until it was hard and then slathered it up with lube as well as Marney’s pussy. He moved the horse into position and guided his huge cock into Marney. She groaned into her gag thrusting back to get more in. she was really grinding back on that big cock. Steve gave the horse a pat on the ass and he started thrusting deeper into Marney.

There was much activity around the cameras and I thought some guy had a headset on, directing the cameras.

I was so buzzed I was enjoying watching my wife getting fucked that big cocked horse.

Distracted by the activity around the cameras I missed that the horse had buried himself balls deep in my wife’s pussy, It looked like a 14 inch hog now pounding her. She was moaning into her gag, eyes wide, sweat rolling down her face,

The director took off his headset walked over to Marney, took off her ball gag and stuck his stiff cock right down her throat, face fucking her. My wife seemed to be thrilled to be used like this. He pounded her face for a few minutes then shot his load right down her throat.

He waited until she licked him clean, zipped up and went back to his headset and chair. He said cut as the lights dimmed A girl went over to Marney wiping her face offering her a drink of water and a pill, guessing more Special K.

I know understood the forms we signed before this little party started. These were professional beastiality producers filming today.

The horse was filling Marney with cum as some gushed out around his cock and her pussy. His big cock shrunk and began retreating back into his sheath. Steve came and led him back to his stall. He returned with another steed. Marney was writhing about looking for another cock to fill her up. Steve got the stallion lined up with the bench and worked the steed’s member so it was growing to it’s full size, It looked to be about the same size as the last horse. He lubed it up and placed the head at Marney

“Oh yeah, get that thing in me” Marney cried out, that wild swecial K wanton look in her eyes. Steve smacked the horse on his rear and he pushed in a good 6 inches. Marney kept pressing her ass back trying to get more cock.This horse was fully fucking my wife. The more he drove in the more of the previous horse’s cum was gushing out around his cock. The girl assistant put a bowl under Marney’s pussy catching the cum that was pushed out. Marney was going to get a snack soon.

The audience was in awe watching my wife get horse fucked. Occasionally a Man would come forward and stick his cock in Marney’s mouth and fuck her face. She was so contented being fed cock after cock as the night wore on. Suddenly the horse shook and starting filling Marney with a huge load of cum. When his cock stopped pumping, it slipped out and slipped slowly back in the sheathe. Steve came and led the horse back to his stall and some oats. Carol asked Marney if she wanted more or if she needed a breather. “I want more right now” was Marney’s response.

The assistant brought another drink for Marney along with another capsule. She gulped down the water and the capsule. When she finished the water, Steve returned with her third horse, lined him up, worked his cock to get it hard, then lubed it up. Marney was trying to get herself back to get herself inpailed on this what looked to be begger than the last, I’d guess a thick 16 inches. Steve got the head lined up and patted him on his hindquarters. 6 Inches went right into Marney with her begging for more. Steve pulled a rag from his pocket and waved it under the horses nose. It was Mare scent and he was soon pounding balls deep in my wife.

Marney’s mouth was hanging open, she was drooling, eye’s wide with her breath gasping for air. It wasn’t long until she was being pumped full of horse cum again. The more he pumped into her the more cum would gush from around his shaft and dripping down into the bowl. She was moaning pleading for a climax. When the beast finished, he too slowly shrunk and dropped out of my wife. The bowl under her pussy was quickly filling up. There had to be over a quart of horse jism and Marney’s pussy juice in it.

“Only one more of our horses before we get the big boys ramming you slut”Carol snapped.”Oh this is going to be someything to witness, I can’t wait”. Steve had taken the stallion back to his stall and returned with his last horse.

The assistant helped Marney lift her head so she could give her a ladle of horse cum from the bowl. Marney sucked it down and asked for more, which she was given. Her forehead was toweled off as well as her back and chest. Steve got his last steed lined up with the bench, working his hand over the big shaft getting it hard. Once hard he lubed it all over and guided the head to Marney’s stretched open pussy. The head slipped in easy enough but the guy was the largest of Steve and Carol’s barn. He was also the most aggressive pushing in a little more. Marney was groaning through her gag but not wanting to stop, backing up as much as the straps would allow. He was pumping her with a good 10 or so inches and had another 6 to get in her. Steve waved the rag of mare essence under his nose and he drove the last 6 inches in and was pounding for all he was worth. I looked at Marney, she was passed out. Steve waved a bottle of smelling salt under her nose and she was awake and riding that cock hard. “Want to continue Marney?”Steve asked her. She frantically nodded yes with a wild look in her eyes. He pounded her deep for a good 5 more minutes then started filling her with cum. It was gushing out al around his big tool. The excess all dripping into the collection bowl below Marney’s raveged pussy. He pumped a few more times then started to shrivel and dropped of of Marney. Steve led him back to his stall and a bucket of oats.

The video assistant came over to Marney releaing her from the bench and helping her stand. She was going to need a little break before starting with the draft horses for sure. Turns out Jenny is the assistant’s name and she been to many of these filmings. She got a cot all laid out for maney to relax on and was giving her a little massage on her legs, shoulders and back. There was a little chatter going on between Jenny and Marney. How was she feeling, etc. The director came over to Marney saying the first words between them “Marney, you are quite good at this fucking horses” She sort of blushed and said “I like it is all, If you enjoy what you’re doing it’s easier. Plus I cum like crazy.” He nodded saying “let’s see how the rest of the shoot goes, I think I may have an offer for you. By the way, I’m Paul.”

Jenny offered to apply some numbing cream to Marney’s vagina and inside and out to help her with the draft horses. “She said” These draft horses have really huge cocks, 20+ inches.”But not to worry, I’ll be right here helping you along, with your ketamine and your aymal Nitrite poppers. And of course lube.”

This was going to be a long night. Marney had been getting horse fucked for 3 hours already, and it is getting into the evening, now about 9 pm.

Jenny got Marney a drink and a ketamine capsule. She started applying cream in and on Marney’s vagina. Paul was directing his cameramen to get into new locations and got his headset on. Lights were raised to filming brightness.

Jenny came over to me and offered me water and a ketamine capsule. She pulled of my gag and placed the cap in my mouth and water to wash it down with. She put the gag back in my mouth along with a hose to a hanging bottle of water I could sip from as I got thirsty. I knew the crazy horse fucking was going to start up again very soon.

Jenny helped Marney back on to the bench strapping her in. George was leading his Horse, Ginger out near the breeding bench. Marney was panting and sweating profusely. Marney’s eyes were wide open staring at Ginger’s huge tool hanging towards the floor. George told Marney” you are going to love this slut. I’ll be here to make sure you are not really hurt.” Kate came over and started playing with Ginger’s huge cock” telling Marney. “ I’ve seen my boy here take sluts to heights only dreamed of”

George jacked up the breeding table a couple inches to line up Ginger for proper penetration. Marney was trembling. Kate lubed up Ginger and also Marney’s pussy. Marney looked terrified. Kate said to Marney” Well bitch you want a real cock now!” Marney was fearful as that cock must have been close to 2 feet long, but she nodded yes after Jenny gave her a snort of poppers. Ginger was led right over Marney’s back. Kate placed the head up against Marney’s pussy guiding the tip into my wife. Now I was screaming into my gag and shaking my head no. Once Ginger started going in, Marney relaxed and tried to get more in backing up as much as she could. Another snort of poppers and Marney was begging through her gag. She had over 14 inches deep inside her. I was all over the place trying to stop this seeing my wife fucking a freaking draft horse. She got another snort of the poppers and pushed back begging for more. Kate gave Ginger a smack on the ass and he thrust balls deep into Marney. She passed out. Steve got the smelling salts to her nose and she came around again. Eyes wide moaning as Ginger started pumping Marney. Paul leaned over to me and said” Your hot little wife is quite a star”.

Marney was no longer screaming but moaning and backing up on Ginger’s big cock. I was loosing my mind, The ketamine was no longer making me want to see this horse pounding my wife. I didn’t know how I could stop this. I felt helpless. How had we gotten this deep?

It’s my fault. Had I not encouraged her to try dog fucking. Now how can I ge her out of this?

I fainted. By the time I was woken up they had changed horses and Marney was gagless now saying how much she loved that big cock. She was sweating, nose drippingdriving herself back on George’s big cock. George is the other draft horse. Soon George snorted and unloaded his cum deep in Marney, gushing all around her pussy. She was also driven to cumming from the flood of cum.. He shrunk and popped free, cum flooding all over the bench. Jenny went over wiping Marney’s face, chest and neck and releasing the straps on Marney’ arms and legs. She helped Marney off the bench and helped her to the cot, getting her a water. Once she got Marney situated, she came over and released me. Iwent over to Marney wrpped my arms around her as she put her head on my shoulder. I kept asking her is she was doing okay, she just nodded yes.

I checked my watch and it was 2 a.m.. Well no wonder we both seemed exhausted, her obviously much more than me. I helped Marney up to the room Steve and Carol had given us for the night. I took her into the bath and ran a nice hot bubble bath. I eased her down into the water washing her hair. I got her dried off and into jammies and into bed. I climbed into bed with her and held her in my arms she laid her head on my shoulder and off to sleep. I soon drifted off myself. We woke up around noon. I helped Marney down to the kitchen. We were having coffee. Art and Kate had already left. Carol asked Marney if she was okay after last night’s wild party. Marney said” Yes, just no sex today though, my pussy is really sore. “hungery you two”? Carol asked. We both said yes and Carol whipped up some eggs sausage and toast. Marney ate like a starved beast. I did pretty much as well.

After we ate, I collected Marney and into the car and we went home. It was a very quiet ride as she said nothing and I had no idea what to say. I loved my wife but last night was insane.

Once we got home Marney curled up on the couch and dozed off.

That afternoon, our phone rang. It was Paul wanting to speak with Marney. I woke her and gave her the phone. I heard her say”Why, thank you, Can I think about it and let you know”? And hung up. Paul offered her a position as a beastiality film star. The pay was serious and I think she wants to do it.

I made us sandwiches and a drink and we sat down to lunch. We chatted about her offer. I was dead set against it as I thought it would drive a wedge between us. She was leaning towards doing it. I just kept thinking ”How the hell did we get to this point?”I told Marney I loved her but could not support this move.I was a bit tired of being her little bubble bath boy after she was fuck to the point of abuse and I’m left nursing her to feeling okay. “I love you, but I did not expect to be your house boy. I know I opened the genie bottle getting you to try sex with a dog,”

“I guess you have to decide the parties and movies or me. You can’t have both.”You were the most loving, caring nurturing wife any man could wish for. But I wanted more, so I blame myself” I told her. My biggest fuck up ever.

She said” Let me think this over for a few days and we will go from there. I love you so much, John, but the feeling of those huge horse cocks filling me up is beyond anythng I’ve ever felt. I can’t help it, I love those huge cocks and it’s so dirty.”

“Marney, I ‘m afraid that ketamine will fry your brain. You won’t do horses without it. It’s a dangerous drug. I want you back again, so much.”

With that we stopped discussing it and went about our lives like it never happened. I was given a false sense of security that we were okay.

I got home from work on Friday and Marney told me “Paul called and offered to make Jenny my personal assistant so you won’t need to baby me after a session. I’m going to do it. I’m sorry you feel this way, John, but I just can’t fight the fever. I’m moving in with Jenny over the weekend.”

I am devistated. I just want to get drunk and pass out. I’mj going to miss Marney so much.

That was a month ago and I wonder how she is doing. I’m making myself crazy. She wants to be a horse slut. The people she makes those movies with only care that she will take the ketamine and poppers to do the unthinkable if she was sober.

As time goes by I keep beating myself up over letting her get away. I now have to live without the idea we will ever be together again.

I spend much of my time with old pals as I have no desire to get with another woman. I don’t discuss what happened between Marney and I, just that she left.

It’s been 6 months since she left. Last night I got a call from her wishing I’d come take her to dinner. I said sure an agreed to pick her up the next day.

I knocked on the door and Jenny answered saying she was still asleep, long night last night. She woke her and Marney stumbled into the living room. She looks terrible. Dark circles under her eyes, lips puffy. She asks if she can have a half hour to get ready, I nod okay. And off she goes. Jenny tells me Paul has been keeping her very busy. A party every other week or so. “she really misses you, John, I do my best to care for her but she’s really pushing herself. I work for Paul so my job is to keep her ready for more action, and care for her.

Shortly Marney reappears, looking much better. “you want to go?” she smiles at me. I nod and lead her to the car. Once in the car, I ask “What kind of food do you want?””Oh whatever you feel like” she said. “Italian it is” I said as we left.

I took her to Pasqualli’s Italian grill. We used to go there quite often before she left. “Oh good John, I love this place” she let me know her pleasure.

Ater we were seated, I kept looking her over. A little rough due to her lifestyle but still the most beautiful woman I was ever close to. I see why I fell for her.

“John, you’re staring at me, is everything okay? She asked. I told her I was just remembering why I fell in love with you dolly.”Oh John, are you flirting with me?” she quiped. “Sure what do I have to loose?” I still love you Marney, I fucked up our lives and I have to live with it.”

“John I wanted to go to dinner to see if there was any chance I could come home with you and stop this terrible way I ‘m living? I miss us so much. Can you ever forgive me leaving you for a chance of plenty of depraved horse sex movies?”

“Marney, are you sure you are done with this stuff? How can I be sure you won’t want to do it again in a while?

“Paul treats me like I’m a piece of furniture.

“Well what if one of your other fans wants you to do things with their animals? Can you say no to them?”

“I don’t want that anymore, I’ve got that wild part of me out and Now I just want us to be together. And you can be my master” Marney told me.

“I don’t know about that, but I’m concerned, You have told me in the past that you were done with that life and then begged me to let you return” I replied to her

“John, I promise I will not do it again, take me back”. She said with those big green eyes looking up at me.

She knows I can’t say no to her when she gives me that look and sweet loving voice. So I said yes.

That was 6 years ago and no more dogs or horses. Maybe she’ll fall off the animal wagon one day but until then, I just going to love her, fuck her brains out and lay back and enjoy the best blowjob any man could dream of. She is also a great homemaker and keeps our home spotless. She was and is quite a catch, and the cutest ass you ever saw. I love her so much. She is my queen.

Go to next Part

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