Women with Animals

A married woman in trouble


(c) 2003 by Hornymother

My Name is Stephanie Martin and I’m in trouble. It all started wit me getting a job at a coffee shop chain (Dunkin Donuts). I wanted to get out of the house and do something. My husband works during the day and I need to stay busy. So I thought I would get a part time job and earn so money. The problem was after I stared I began lusting after a co-worker. He was gorgeous. Sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. She was shy and quiet.

All the teenage girls liked him but none wanted to date him. They said he was like their little brother. They all wanted to protect him from the bad girls that came in and tried to talk to him. I was becoming one of the bad girls! He was only 16 but he arose a passion in me that I had not had in a long time. I began fantasying at home about him.

Sex with my husband became more and more frequent. As my husband was thrusting inside of me I was imaging it was Philip. How I wanted that boy. Sex with my husband was soon not enough. I began to masturbate more and more. When we would work together at work I would touch him and brush against him more and more. When we were working I would sometimes not wear a bra and unbutton my shirt a little so he could get a glimpse. Finally masturbation wasn’t enough and I was driven back to something I hadn’t done in a long time.

Sex with our dog. After my son was born I gained weight and the sex between my husband and I got less and less frequent. It all but stopped. I was still horny and took to masturbating. Then one day when I was watching the news I heard a report of a woman who was arrested for having live sex shows in her home with her dog. I was aroused.

I surfed the Internet and found stories and pictures of woman and dogs. Then one day I decided to try it. I called Chester into my room and stripped naked. I got on my hands and knees and called him over. It was tough going but I finally got him to mount me. As he fucked me I got a view of myself in the mirror. I saw myself on my hands and knees naked with my dog pounding away at my fat ass. When I came it was explosive. I was a dog whore after that. Chester became well trained at fucking me.

Eventually he needed no help. I began to suck him off and allowed him tie in me. I even made a home video of him fucking me so that I could watch it and masturbate to it. Then on day it all came to a crashing halt. I had been with out sex for a few days and was becoming frustrated. The first chance I got I called Chester in to my room shut the door and was on my hands and knees. I was getting the fucking that I had been craving all week long. I came hard and Chester tied with me and shot his load up in me.

I relaxed basking in the after glow tied to my lover. I loved that feeling. I wish human men could tie with a woman that way after they cum they wouldn’t leap up and be gone. I had my head on the bed and was resting waiting for Chester to be done with me when I heard my son and some of his friends in the house. O my god what if they catch me like this. Tied to a dog. Everyone will here about it. I panicked.

I tried to get loose of Chester but I knew that it was useless. When he tied to me it was for 15 minutes to half an hour at the minimum. I had fucked him to know well enough. They moved to the living room and my fear rose higher. In a desperate move I grabbed on to the bed leg and stood up. Chester growled at me in his pain. I didn’t care right then. I pushed like I was giving birth again and pushed Chester away as hard as I could. He popped out of me with a load POP and it felt like I had torn my cunt open.

The force that I had exerted put me off balance and I fell hard. “AHHH!” I screamed. With a loud thud I hit the floor. I heard someone making their way to my room fast. I hurried and shut the dog in the bathroom and threw on my bathrobe just in time.

My son banged at the door, “MOM, MOM ARE YOU ALRIGHT?”

“Yea honey, I’m fine,” I replied.

He opened the door and saw me standing there. “It’s okay, I just tripped and fell.”

“You sure you’re aright?”

“Yea I’m fine.” I felt so low just then. Here I was naked underneath my robe having just fucked a dog. My pussy was stretched wide and I was in tremendous pain. As my son questioned me if I was alright dog cum streamed down my thighs. I was a wreck.

After he left I cried. I made a goal that day to get my life back. I joined a gym and worked out all day. I would stay away as much as I could from the dog. I broke a few times and let him mount me again but only a few times. After a year I was in the best shape of my life. I got admiring looks from men and boys a like. Sex with my husband increased and I felt alive again.

Now here I was on my hands and knees again letting Chester pump away at my hole to relive the pressure a 15- year-old boy had caused. As I was tied I got a phone call. I answered it. It was always a kinky thrill for me to talk on the phone as Chester pumped my sloppy hole.

Nobody ever had the slightest idea that I was having sex with a dog as they spoke. “Hello Stephanie, this is Mark from Dunkin Donuts.”

“Hi, how are you Mark?”

“Fine, I’m just fine. Look I have a problem here. Julie can’t work Thursday night and I need someone to close with Philip. Could you do it?”

Oh yea I thought. “Sure I’ll do it.” Yea I’ll do it all right, my evil self said.

“Great, thanks a lot.”

I hung up the phone and waited for Chester to pop out of my body so that I could get dinner ready. This was going to be a great week I thought.

Thursday night came and I was ready. I got down to the shop and started work early. The other girl who was there left. When Philip got there it was just he and I. Thursday nights aren’t that busy so I knew I would be able to torture him all night as he had tortured me. Then when I was ready, I’d take him. I stared by telling him how good he looked. I rub against him and touch him. “Philip how come you don’t have a girl friend?”

“I don’t know. Most of the girls say that I’m too nice. That I’m like a brother.”

I looked at him and said, “If I was your age I wouldn’t care if you were my brother. I’d fuck you blind.”

The poor boy stood there shocked. I straightened up and served the next customer as though nothing had happened. He did know what to do. I even think he doubted that it had happened. Later I asked him, “Philip have you ever fucked a woman?”

“N-no.” he said gulping.

“Have you ever seen a woman naked, well besides in magazines as you jack that big cock of your?”

He was red faced and sweating now, his mouth worked but no sound came out. “I just love to fuck Philip. I love getting bent over and having a guy jam his big dick right up in me. Ohhh it feels so nice,” I said lewdly rubbing one of my tits.

I thought the boy was going to blow his top right there. I didn’t let up on him all night. I could tell from the tent in his pants that he had a perpetual hard on all night. The moment of truth came. We closed. He looked a little scared. He had to know what was coming.

I went about my cleaning quickly telling him that I wanted to get out of her quickly tonight. He was confused. I had him thinking about fucking me all night long and now I was all business. When we were done with everything I led him into the office were I was suppose to change the security camera tape. He stood behind me and I removed the tape and put it on the desk. Turing around I sat on the desk.

“Philip come here.”

He walked toward me.

I spread my legs and drew him against my body and kissed him hard. I could feel his arousal pressing hard against my hot hole. “You want to fuck a woman Philip?” I really didn’t wait for his response before I started to undress him.

When he was naked I began to undress myself. He watched me and started to jack off. “Don’t do that baby. I don’t want you to go off to soon.” I finished and quickly dropped to my knees. I grabbed his inflamed cock and swallowed it.

God I was hot for it. I sucked his teen dick with a fury few have ever seen. I was a slobbering maniac but he seemed to like it. Philip thrust into my eager mouth. He eventually gained mastery over himself and began to talk to me. “Oh yea. I dreamed about this for so long. Yea! C’mon, suck my cock.”

I knew he was getting close to spraying my throat with his goo and I was right. I sucked just the head and jerked his shaft hard and her started to cum. “AHHHHHH fuck!! AHHHHHhhhhhh FUCK!!” he yelled as it hit him.

I swallowed his teen cum as I looked up at his contorted face. I got up then and sat back on the desk and spread my legs. I wanted that boys hairless face between my legs. His dick hadn’t gone soft and he positioned himself to penetrate me.

“No, no sweetheart. First you lick, then you dick.” I put my hand on his head and guided him down to my aching pussy. I have to admit for a virgin he ate me pretty well. I had to show him what to do a few times but over all he did a very good job and the orgasm I had proved it.

“Yea that was nice baby. Now you can stick that cock of your in my.”

He stood up and I guided him into my body. Nature took over and he started to thrust. I looked at my teen lover as he thrust into my body. His face showed his concentration. His body straining showed it’s one purpose.

I watched his ridged cock slide in and out of my wet, mature pussy. God he was gorgeous. Sweat ran off his hard body. I looked up at his face. “Oh god you’re so good Philip. You’re fucking me so good.” I moaned.

“I love you,” he said he said as he shoved his teen cock in me.

I thrust my pussy back against his driving cock. I was close to cumming again. His dick looked so good going in and out of me. “Oh Philip I’m going to cum. Oh I’m so close. Fuck it! Fuck me! So close. Ahhhhh, FUCK!!” I cried as a wave of orgasmic bliss washed over me.

I heard him grunt and felt him spurt in my body. The fire in my burning love hole was doused but not out entirely. We lay kissing, his body on top of mine, on our bosses desk for a while.

“Come on I have a special treat for you,” I said leading him out into the store. I bent over the counter. “I want you to fuck me right here.”

“What if somebody sees?”

“Then they see one handsome boy fucking a lucky woman.” I said, trying to sooth his fears. Lust override sense and he slipped his cock up in me from behind. I looked out the front windows with my tits swinging as he fucked my cunt. I had my face pressed against the counter and I noticed something and it gave me a wicked idea. “Philip. Philip stop honey I have and idea.”

He slowed his thrusts and I slide him out of my body. I was sorry to see it go. I was getting addicted to that cock quickly. I reached into the container that held the butter for people’s bagels and bent back over.

“I want you to fuck me up the ass Philip. Have you ever wanted to do that?”

“Yea. Oh man I have.”

“All men seem to want to fuck a woman in the ass,” I said smearing the butter over my rear entrance. “Take it easy baby and go slow.”

He pointed his cock at my hole and pushed.

“Ahhh” I said. With a little work his cockhead popped into my asshole. Then his shaft slide home.

“How does that feel?” I asked.

“It’s wonderful.”

“Let my ass get used to your dick. It has to stretch when I’m ready you can give me a good hard fucking.”

“Okay,” we stayed like that for a bit out bodies locked. When I was ready I pushed back against him letting him know it was time. He humped slowly and gently at first but quickly picked up speed. I moaned out as he banged my ass.

“Yea that’s it, bang my ass kid. Fuck me up my ass Uhgh!!” I felt so slutty. It was wonderful. I frigged my clit to a mind-blowing orgasm and he filled my ass with his seed.

After that we cleaned up and left. Two weeks later I took a home pregnancy test because I was late. As it turns out I gave something to Philip and he gave me something, a baby.

The End

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One thought on “A married woman in trouble

  1. Love your stories. Glad I found your site.
    If only knew where to find trained and accessible pets…..

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