Women with Animals
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Careful what you wish for…you might just get it – Part 4


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This is part 4 of an ongoing story of my wife and my journey of her becoming an animal slut. To understand the story, it is best you read parts 1 through 3.

My wife Marney and I had a nice life until I got the wise idea I wanted to see her have sex with a dog. Not sure what possessed me but I had to talk to her about it, Watched some videos I downloaded from the net, and kept telling her how hot it was. Well, my wife likes to please, so eventually she said okay. I found a couple not too far from us that had a big dog and were into sharing their dog with other couples. They slipped her some ketamine in her drink and it made her so horny she fucked their dog and much more. She ended up moving in with them for a while and served as a house slave and party dog slut. The whole time she was being fed Ketamine and feeding a crazy side I ‘d never seen. After a few months, she moved back home and would attend some of their kinky parties where she was used like a slut and dog slut. She eventually quit going. However, a couple she had met there contacted her and asked to meet them at their house. Reluctantly I agreed to take her. She was again unknowingly spiked with ketamine and did things I would never have dreamed of.

This other couple used my little Marney even so far as to get her begging to be fucked by their pony. After that crazy night, I told Marney she had to give up the crazy sex with animals or me. We seemed fine for a while then she got the urge for depravity again. We attended another party that got more extreme than the last. Eventually, she moved out and was doing horse sex movies for about 6 months. As a side note, Marney had been fucked until she fainted having to be revived using smelling salts.

She asked me to take her back and she’d quit all that. I agreed to have her back and all was great for 6 years. Then she told me she had received a call from the director saying how he wanted her to return to making beast movies and that she was the best star they’d ever had. He offered her a very big raise and she wanted to do it. I blew my top but she said she would still be my loving wife. We went back and forth and she had made up her mind. As before she would move in with her assistant Jenny and see me when she had free time.

I knew this meant more ketamine and poppers, frying her brain but she was already packing her bags. I told her If you go, don’t think you’re coming back again. “Marney I love you but This craziness you are speaking of is unacceptable to me. I hold myself responsible for starting you on this perverted path and I accept that, but I’ve been here for you when you’ve realized the party pig thing and the beastiality actions were too much for you.”

Well, Paul sent an assistant to collect Marney to take her to Jenny’s. Paul called me “John, don’t worry, your sweet little wife will be home soon. Just a few movies and I’ll send her home.””Paul, I can’t even speak with you about my wife like she’s just a common whore. I know she’s done some crazy things on film but without the drugs, She’d never have done those things and she’s still my wife.” I replied. I went to Paul’s ranch to try to talk her out of doing this. She told me “ I love you John, but I miss having sex with animals. It turns me on. Wait until I do this first movie and we’ll talk some more.” I asked Paul if I could stay and he said Okay but I must be drugged and restrained in the chair with a ball gag so as not to disturb filming. I did not like it but wanted to talk to her again, so I agreed. I watched as Jenny gave Marney a drink and some ketamine and strapped her into the breeding bench. A golden lab was led onto the set and Jenny worked his pink cock out getting him ready to fuck Marney. Jenny asked Marney if she wanted the dog to fuck her. She nodded yes and Jenny lifted the dog onto Marney’s back and guided him into Marney’s pussy. Soon he was pounding her furiously as she was thrashing around begging for more.. Marney was moaning and smiling up at the lens of the camera. A big rottweiler was led onto the set. Jenny stroked his sheath exposing his huge pink cock. “You want this in your mouth slut? She asked Marney. “Oh yes, may I suck it, please? As the lab pounded Marney the rotty’s cock was led to her face. Jenny guided him into Marney’s gaping mouth. His hips started pumping making his thick cock drive into marney’s throat. She was gagging, eyes wide taking as much as was pushed in. Just then the lab started cumming filling her pussy. He swelled and his knot got into her pussy filling her until her belly swelled like she swallowed a volleyball. Jenny pulled the Rotty off Marney’s face so she could get some air, gasping as she was sweating profusely. The lab shrank and pulled free gushing cum as Jenny dove in licking up what was not flowing out of Marney then sucked Marney’s pussy for every drop she could get out. Jenny grabbed the Rotty’s cock and asked Marney, “Hey dog slut you want this?” Marney replied, “ Oh yes mistress give me his big cock”. That Rotty looked like his cock was 10 inches and about 3 inches thick. Jenny got the beast mounted on Marney’s back lining up his big cock with Marney’s pussy putting the tip in her. The big dog knew what to do and started pumping his hips. Each pump drives deeper getting his huge tool deep in Marney. He pounded her until his knot started to swell trying to get it into the pussy he was pounding. His huge knot, the size of a baseball popped into Marney. She gasped crying out “Oh yeah, take me” Once he was knotted with her he stopped pumping and started filling Marney with his cum. “Oh yeah fill me up” She shouted. Her belly swelled looking like she was pregnant. He was now trying to free himself tugging making Marney cum and cum. Finally, he pulled free with a gush of his juice. Jenny jumped down to clean up then ate the rest out of Marney’s pussy. When she finished she kissed Marney letting some of the residual cum fall into Marney’s mouth. “ Jenny said “Well it’s time for a break dog slut” releasing Marney from the breeding bench then coming over and releasing me. I told Marney “ I can’t watch anymore, I’m leaving, Are you going with me? I don’t care to share you with all the dogs in your movies. So what is it?” She replied “John don’t leave me, we’re almost done here, please wait until the next scene is done. I could not bare to lose you over this.” “Well Marney, this is it, either leave with me and say goodbye to this life or we are done. I’m sorry, but I just can’t bear seeing you used like this. “I’ll be in my car waiting for 5 minutes then I leave. Please come home with me.” I pleaded with her. I went and got into my car looking at my watch. I know even if she comes home with me, the longing to be used by strangers and their dogs will eat at her. The last time it was 6 years before she left again. I don’t know what else to do. I have to be more dominat and tell her what to do. It’s time for me to return home. I wonder how long she will allow herself to be used as a tool for entertainment by those who will abuse her. The last time was 6 months. 6 years ago. Well, I left Paul’s without my wife.

Days turned into weeks which turned into months. I’ve kept myself busy spending time with some of my male friends, sometimes watching sports on TV or seeing a movie. I can’t help it, but I think about her all the time.
It’s been about 5 months since I left her with Paul and not heard a word until yesterday. I got a call from Jenny telling me I needed to come and get Marney out of there. She said Marney gets all fucked up and does multiple-day gangbangs with people and dogs and there was even a pony mixed in one time. I explained to Jenny, that if Marney will not call and ask to come back home, There’s no hope. Jenny said she’s worried for her and Marney’s safety as Paul keeps wanting to do more extreme movies. She was asking if she and Marney could come and live with me. This was something I’d never even thought of. I said I’d think it over and to call me in a couple days. I wondered what it would be like with my wife and Jenny living here. The more I thought about it, I liked it more. Jenny called me and I told her okay. She said she and Marney would be leaving the next day and I should expect them tomorrow evening. I paced the floor waiting for their arrival. Jenny’s car pulled into the drive at about 7:30 that evening. I rushed out to greet them and was surprised to see they’d brought a big Irish Wolfhound with them. Marley jumped from the car running up to me “Oh John, I’ve missed you so much” as she threw her arms around me and kissed me. I helped them with their bags and then asked about the big dog. Jenny said he is Max and is hers. She’s been sharing him with Marney as needed. I wasn’t quite sure how to react to that, but at least Marney was home. I had no desire to share my bed with a huge dog and made that clear. Jenny said he stays in her room and sleeps in a dog bed. Marney announced “Tomorrow I’m going to clean this place top to bottom. My king needs his castle cleaned.” We all went to bed. No sex between Marney, she just cuddled up next to me saying how happy she was to be home.
Jenny settled into our extra bedroom with her dog. They arrived on Thursday so I called in a vacation day for Friday so we could get used to each other over the weekend.

Charley is the gentleman I have that cares for my yard and keeps my drive plowed when it snows. He is a single guy and he asked me about Jenny, wanting to know her story. I asked Jenny what she thought of Charley. “He seems nice and is quite handsome” She commented. “He thinks you are quite cute as well.” I told her. Charley asked her out and Jenny said yes, so they will be going on a date.

Marney and I finally sat down to have a serious talk about what was happening. “John, you are the best man for me, and I love you with all my heart. I made some very poor decisions leaving you and I promise that will never happen again” . I replied “I made some terrible decisions too and some led you down a twisted path. I had no idea just how much ketamine would affect you and your decisions. You’ve always been a sexy woman but I’ve never seen the Marney I saw when you were high on ketamine and poppers.I’ll be here to help you beat those demons away. You are the sweetest, kindest, loving woman a man could want. But I wanted more, with dogs. It was a demented side I should have kept asleep. It created a bad situation. I got you into a situation to please me and it caused problems for me. From now on I will not try to change you unless I think you are getting into trouble.”Marney replied” I’m glad you let Jenny and Max live with us.” To which I said “ Should I be concerned, Jenny said she shares the dog with you? I don’t think I can handle you being with a dog again. I thought you were coming home to be with me again, Was I mistaken?”She replied “ Jenny only says we share Max as he has been company for both of us, Just companionship. And Yes I did come home to be with you, I want to be your wife again. I’d like you to be more directing when it comes to me, basically be my Master.” so I said”Marney, it would feel really strange to act that way toward you. I love you, care about you, your well being, but I’m not really a dominate person, so I don’t think I can be your master. Can’t we just husband and wife?”She came over to me, kissed me and climbed on my lap with her head on my shoulder “Of course we can, My silly man, I love you.” then she opened my zipper and proceeded to give me her eyes roll back in my head blowjob. I hope we stay this way forever. Only time will tell. It was six years since the call came and off she went on her crazy adventure. I’m getting too old for that to happen again.

I think Charley and Jenny are in love. They spend so much time together. Jenny told me she’s told Charley about her past, being a personal assistant to a Porn star and He’s accepted her as she is now. I wonder if they’ll marry. I’m happy for Jenny, She’s been a good friend to Marney. She was the one that helped her come home.

Jenny and Charley went away for away for a few days. So I get home from work to find Marney on the floor sucking on Max’s big pink cock. She hops up explaining “ He was laying there licking himself and his big thick pink cock came out of the sheathe and I could not help myself. I’m sorry.” To be honest it was very hot. I told her let’s not let that happen again and proceeded to pull out my hardon. She pulled me to her face and I got the wildest blowjob ever. She sucked me hard after I came and asked me to fuck her ass. Well okay if I have to. Thinking about it, Max has about a 10 inch cock a couple inches thick and seeing Marney licking and slobbering all over it was really hot. I’m really fucked up in my head right now. I’m afraid it was like a addict getting a taste of their drug of choice and I’m afraid what this could do to her. I love her and can’t bear the thought of her returning to her beastiality life. I mean, she was prodded into trying sex with ponies then even horses. That being fucked to passing out was scary. Made Paul very rich selling her movies. If given the chance he’d do it to her again.I’m sure he’s got some other girls having sex with dogs or donkeys or whatever. He really enjoys watching women being used like a breeding toy for animals. He pushed Marney into fucking a couple of draft horses using drugs and telling her how sexy it was on film. I was fearful he’d kill her with his sick ideas. He doesn’t care if he frys their brains, as long as he can produce the craziest animal fuck films ever. He’s moved his “studios” to a country where beastiality is legal so he can get away with any kinky idea he wants to film. He doesn’t try calling anymore, but does mail a letter once in a while trying to get Marney interested in coming to his new location. He’s in Romainia where beastiality is legal and his wealth lets him live like a king.

He finally did call and asked me if Marney and I would like to come vacation in Romainia on him, Plane tickets, hotels, meals, everything. I said I doubted it but would discuss it with my wife.
When I mentioned Paul’s call and offer, Marney got really excited saying it would be a great chance to see Romainia for free. I reminded her, with Paul nothing is free. I don’t trust him. We haven’t seen or spoke with him for 5 years and I’m sure he has not changed. “John, I won’t do any movies, we could just go sightseeing” Marney told me. For days we went back and forth on the topic. “He made a fortune on my movies and this could be his way of paying us back” She reasoned. She kept telling me it would be a nice vacation. We talked about it for a couple of weeks. She finally said “When was the last time we went on vacation?” Back and forth until she got her way and we made plan to go to Romania.

We flew to Romania and Paul was there to welcome us to now home country, say how the weather this time of year is perfect and he had a list of sights he said we needed to see along with hotel arraingments and lists of nearby restaurants., but tonight we were staying at his ranch so we could catch up. We all sat in the back of his limo chatting all the way to his ranch. The ride was about 2 hours but at last we were there. House boys came and got our luggage and led us to our room. I noticed Paul has some rather large men for security about the place. We were told lunch would be ready in minutes and to come on down to the dinning room. We had a very nice lunch and were sitting talking and Paul asked if we like to see his new studios. I said not really, to which he said “nonscence you really must see. And led us all out to his big beautiful filming area. It had a large viewing area for live guests to sit and watch and two stages for action. Security personal gagged me and strapped me into a stout wooden chair. Paul looked at me laughing “it’s your own fault, you brought her back to me. What did you expect a real vacation?”I had lost track of Marney. Then I saw her, that glazed look in her eyes being led around the room, her clothing had been stripped and now she was in a leather boustiea The stands filled up with audience. Paul announced that people should find their seats as the show was about to begin. A lovely young girl led Marney around the room like she was a head of cattle being sold. I was given some kind of shot to calm me down as I was straining in my seat and yelling into the ball gag.
Paul tells the audience “Today’s slut is doing this of her own free will. Her husband is sitting over there strapped into that chair so as not to interfere in todays show. He got her started with dogs years ago, but doesn’t want her doing it anymore.” “ She will do anything directed to do as you will see.” A tall muscular black man was led onto the stage wearing only shorts, Marney was on her knees watching his movements. The young girl holding Marney’s leash asked her if she wanted some cock to suck, to which Marney said “ oh yes” The Black man dropped his shorts to reveal what looked to be a soft 9 inch monster moving towards Marney. Wnen he got with reach, Marney reach out an started stroking his big thick cock, licking her lips. He immeadiately grew to 10 or more like 11 inches. Marney gasped, leaned forward and started licking up and down to his big hairy balls. She openned her mouth and started sucking his big cock. She kept trying to get him down her throat but he was so thick she had trouble swallowing him.He kept pushing into her face and her throat opened so he could really fuck her face. There was froth coming out of her mouth as he gagged Marney. But she wasn’t trying to stop. In fact she was pulling him into her face.

Paul announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, please keep in mind as you watch this slut’s performance this evening, she will be available to rent for the next few weeks, and she’ll do anything asked of her. Just ask a member of the staff for info” I was loosing my mind trying to get free and screaming into my gag. An assistant came to me and said” If you disrupt this show, you will be rendered unconcious.”

The black guy facefucking Marney pushed in deep and came in her throat gagging her with cum oozing out around his cock. She was obviously fucked up on something as she swallowed his load then licked him clean and thanked him for using her. A breeding bench was brought to the stage and Marney was strapped on to it. She was offered a drink of water and a capsule, no doubt something to fog her mind. A cute young girl led a big rottweiller to the stage, leaning over stroking his sheathe exposings his big cock. She said “Hey Marney, you want some big dog cock?” she nodded yes staring at the big pink cock. The girl helped the dog up on Marney’s back guiding his cock tip to Marney’s dripping pussy. Once he started to penatrate he started pumping and was soon 9 inches deep in her. Marney was moaning and panting. He kept pressing trying to get his softball sized knot into her. She groaned as it popped in. Her stopped humping and just filled her with his seed. Her belly swelled as he filled her. As soon as he was done he started pulling trying to get free. His knot eventually shrank enough and he popped free with a huge gush. Sweat was poring off Marney’s forehead and her torsoas she was speaking in jiberish. She was dripping sweat. That cute young girl returned and was toweling off Marney and offering her a drink and another capsule. Marney guzzled the water and swallowed the pill. Her breathing slowly returned to normal. Paul return to the stage and announced “ now for a special treat” As a small pony was led to the stage. The young girl started stroking his flacid 12 inch cock and it started getting hard raising up and growing hard at about 15 inches. She lathered his cock in lube as well as Marney’s pussy. She led him towards the bench and guided the head into Marny’s pussy. The pony started pumping driving himself deeper into Marney. She was thrashing all about begging for more with each push. When he was about 12 inches in the girl produced a rag and waved it under his nose. I was mare scent and he went nuts pounding all 15 inches into the flopping Marney. She was mumbling incoheriantly, but begging for it not to stop. The pounding went on for several minutes then he shot his huge load deep inside Marney flooding her pussy oozing out around his cock. Marney Passed out, but an assistant rushed to the stage with smelling salts to revive her. She shook her head then went limp. The pony shrank and popped free and was led away. Marney lay there mumbling away making no sense. Sweat pourin off her everywhere. The young girl returned with towels wiping her down and offering her water. She drank as fast as she could swallow. She was also catching her breath. The girl offered another capsule which Marney took without comment. Paul made another anouncement “Our slut is all booked up for the next 3 weeks, so if you folks want her please get your reservation in quickly.” I thought he said we were here for two weeks so what gives?

An assistant led an irish wolfhound to the stage. The young girl who had assisted before was back stroking the sheathe of the big dog, asking Marney “You want the big dog cock, slut?” Marney panted and shook her head yes. Marney was out of her mind mumbling” Oh yeah, big dog cock, fucking me, taking me” The young girl positioned the hound over Marney and guided his 10 inch pink shaft to Marney’s pussy. The hound was trained and took over ramming into her. He pumped her until I could see his knot forming, trying to push it in. It was about a big as a baseball but he got it in. Marney gasped once it popped in. He started filling her with his hot cum. Her belly swelled as he filled her. She was mumbling incoheriantly as he filled her up. Sweat was pouring out of Marney. She passed out. The young girl got the smelling salts and waved them under Marney’s nose. It woke her as she shook her head. The hound was trying to pull himself free but was just tugging on Marney’s pussy which was by now swollen and pink, he eventually shrunk enough to pull free with a gush. Marney Lay there panting. The young girl again toweled her off and offered her water which she choked down as fast as she could. She was unstrapped and helped off the stage. Paul came on and made an announcement” that is the end of tonight’s show, hope you all enjoyed it.” I was injected in my butt cheek and passed out. I slightly woke up bound in some sort of shipping container. Paul came over to me saying “Time for you to go home John. I’ll send your wife very soon” and walked away. I was given another injection and again I was out. When I woke My shipping container was being unloaded from a plane and put on a truck. Some one opened the container took off my gag and offered me some water and saying “you’ll be home soon, just relax it’s not a long trip.” I was so confused I did not know what to think. All I could think was, where is Marney, What have I done this time? Shortly we arrived at our house. I was released from my bindings by a burly young man. He helped me in. He said “ You just want to remain calm and not go to the police, It would not be a good thing to do. Your wife will be returned soon.”Then he left. I sat wondering what should I do. It wasn’t long when Jenny and Charley arrived. Jenny asked if I was okay. I guess I looked a bit messed up. I gave her a quick story what had happened. “So, you just left Marney” Jenny asked. I replied “I had no choice. I realize I made a huge mistake going along with the trip, but what can I do to fix things?” Charley said “ sounds like Paul is well protected and isolated. I hate to say this but I think you have to wait to hear from Paul.” Jenny offered to make us some lunch. So we sat down to eat lunch as I pondered what my next course of action might be. I can only hope Paul will call me. I realized I don’t even know exactly where Paul is located except the country. It dawns on me, I have a phone number for him. I decided to call the number and got voicemail. I left the following message “ Paul This is John, please call me so I can know more about my wife. Thank you”. I paced the floor waiting for a call. Charley and Jenny went home. My phone rang, I answered. It’s Paul “ Hello John, Your wife is a bit busy for the next couple weeks but I’ll make sure she’s home with you in three weeks. I ‘ll get you the details of her flight information once it’s booked. Please be patient, she’ll be home soon.”.” Paul, please don’t hurt her, I beg you. Send her home to me as soon as possible please.” I replied. “Not to worry John, she’ll be there before you know it. Just know she is really enjoying herself. I’ll have her call you tomorrow about this time, okay” He told me. I said that would be wonderful. He said goodbye and hungup.
I drank myself to sleep worrying about my little Marney. I woke up mid morning and stumbled to the kitchen, made coffee and some toast. I tried to clear my head after all the alcohol last night. I decided I needed a nap, so I laid on the couch. When I woke I made myself some dinner and watched some TV waiting for my phone to ring. Finally my phone rang “Hello John” It was Paul telling me Marney would be on the line soon. Shortly Marney got on the phone “Hello darling” she said. I replied “Hello my love, how are you doing?” She said she’s been really enjoying herself and had a few more parties and she would be home soon. “I really miss you John”. “ I miss you too my sweet lady.” We chatted for about 15 minutes before she told me she was really tired and was going to bed. Paul got back on the line and said “See I told you she was doing okay” I replied Take good care of my darling wife, please.”
Time seemed to stop while I waited for my wife to come home. I had returned to work so my days were occupied. It was evening and nights that were dragging by. Three weeks passed and Paul called with details of Marney’s flight details for the coming weekend. I picked up Marney at the airport and was so happy to see her. She looked a bit worn out, but it was great she was back. I hugged her so much. All the way home she told me about the adventures she had in Romainia. Paul had whored her out for a whole month to people having wild sex parties. Some involved dog sex, some were S & M parties. At one party, the night ended with guests taking turns whipping her leaving her full of welts and they had a nurse treat her open wounds from the whipping. They had fucked her for hours then beat her for more hours. I told her how sorry I was she had been put through that. She said “Don’t be, I liked it. I’d like you to start whipping me on a regular basis. It makes me cum really hard. Sometimes I squirt from it.” When we got home she wanted me to fuck her throat hard. I had missed her so much for so long I was hard as a rock and was happy to pound her face. After we rested for a bit she sucked me until I got hard again and fucked her in that sweet ass of hers. The sex games went on until we both fell asleep. We were woke in the late morning by a phone call from Jenny welcoming Marney back home, inviting us over for dinner and games tonight. The whole day I kept staring at my beautiful wife Wondering how I ever let us get her into the wild life she loves so much deciding I had to adapt to being more dom with her to keep her happy. She caught me staring at her and asked” What’s wrong my handsome man?” I told her “I love you and am awestruck when I realize I married my dream wife. Is all, nothing wrong.” She came over and kissed and hugged me.

We went over to Jenny and Charley’s for dinner. Jenny ran out to greet Marney. So much was being said between them, I could not keep up. They led us into the beautiful ranch house and it dawned on me. For years Charley has cared for my property and I d never seen his home. It looks to be a big, about 2000 sq ft. ranch with a small stable Barn on what I knew was 50 acres. I knew Charley was ex retired milatary though he never said much about it. I just knew him to be a man of inpeckable grace and honesity.. Inside the home is a huge great room with a kitchen/ dining room bathroom and a Master suite .a couple other rooms but the doors were closed so I assume other bedrooms. Jenny invited us to sit and offered beverages. I asked for diet soda. Marney opted for a Margirita. Jenny gave us the drinks sat and she and Marney went a thousand miles an hour chatting it up. Charley asked me “How could you have trusted that slimeball Paul to take you both to Romania. You know he can’t be trusted” I felt foolish but said Marney begged me to go as the deal sounded so good. “Never will trust Paul again, that’s for sure. I got Marney back home and that’s where she’s going to stay.”Jenny jumped up to check on dinner and Marney went with her into the kitchen out of earshot of us. Charley told me he and Jenny are getting married. He said” She’s very much like your Marney, caring, loving and very submissive. I’ve had to step up my dominate side to keep her sated. The sex is very good and she loves when I tie her to a post and whip her. Maybe after dinner we can take the ladies to the barn for a little whipping. Have you ever whipped Marney, Jenny told me she wants you to.” I repied “No but have been thinking I better start to keep her home. I don’t know how long she has liked it but know she does like it currently.” “Well, after dinner then” said Paul. We sat down to a delicious pot roast, potatoes, carrots and a great caesar salad. We sat relaxing after dinner discussing Charley and Jenny’s upcoming marriage plans. Just a small civil ceremony with Marney, maid of honor and me Charley’s best man was what Jenny and Charley told us they wanted. Marney and I were thrilled to be part of it and agreed to be. Jenny got up and asked Charley” Will you show our good friends what you made me as a wedding present?” Sure he said and we all moved to the barn. Near one end of the barn there was a large pole with steel rings attached about 6 feet off the ground. Jenny walked towards the pole disrobing as she approached. By the time she got to it she was naked. Charley attached leather straps to her wrists and through the steel rings. Marney and I sat on a couple of chairs nearby, Marney fidgeting the whole time. Jenny could not stand still waiting. Charley appeared with a 6 or 7 foot flogging whip. He snapped it a couple times and Jenny just trembled. He started gently using it on Jenny’s ass then her back picking up intensity as he went along. Jenny never screamed, just whimpered and smiled and shaking all over. I noticed Marney was holding my hand biting her lip while wiggling around in her seat. I leaned over to whisper in her ear” You want me to do that to you, my pet?”she just shivered and shook her head yes. A couple of crisp strokes and jenny could not help herself, she squirted all over and colapsed. Charley walked over releasing her hands and helping her to a seat putting a large towel over her shoulders. She sat there sweating and smiling. She looked at me and said “Charley’s never whipped me in front of anyone before, it was very exciting and I liked it” “Jenny, it turned Marney and I on as well.”I stripped Marney and led her to the post, lashing her arms to it. I grabbed the flogging whip and moved up next to my wife, she was squirming and wiggling all around. I tentatively took a swipe with the flogger across Marney’s ass. She just moaned begging for more and harder. I took more swings at her ass then moved up to her back. She looked at me and pleaded saying“I love you John, please hurt me. Whip me hard.” I proceeded to whip her harder and harder. I was actually enjoying hearing her moan as I whipped her. Charley came up taking the whip and handing me a thin cane. I started using the cane on her ass then moved up her back. I was producing red welts all over her ass and back. She just kept writhing and moaning. When she was having trouble catching her breath I stopped and untied her. I helped her to the floor. She laid there calmly returning her breathing to normal. She looked at me saying “ Thank you my love, that was great. Promise me we’ll do this again soon.””You just worry about being obedient my little slut” I told her. She lowered her look and said she was my slut to do with what I wanted. I asked Charley to come by in the morning and help me erect a whipping post in our basement. He said he would and that he had an extra whip and cane I could have. The next week a DVD arrived in the mail from Paul. The title was “World’s best slut”.
It showed scenes from Marney’s many parties in Romainia. I felt best Marney not watch it as it might refuel her wild desires. I’m sure that was Paul’s plan. Paul knows if he keeps Marney high on ketamine and poppers, she will do anything without complaint and seem like she’s loving it. I blame myself for all of this. Had I not taken her to Dan and Shirley’s for a taste of dog sex all those years ago where they kept her high on Ketamine to keep using her as entertainment. She was so fucked up, she did not care what was done to or with her.

If I need to keep whipping my wife to keep her happy, I certainly will. I do enjoy watching her twitch and hear her moan. She is one sexy wench. And there is always her sexy pussy, ass, and out of this world blowjobs. Currently she will get wet if I tell her it’s time to go to the basement. When I use the cane on her, I leave red welts all over her ass and back. I throw in a blindfold to spice things up once in a while. She also loves caring for me and our home. Sometimes she gets in the mood, she will do housework nude. She knows just how to get me going. Every once in a while Jenny will bring over Max and the three of them will put on a sex show for Charley and I. Life has been really good to me.

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