Women with Animals

How my wife got started


(c) 2011 by wifejoy4u

This is written by my wife to let you get an idea of why she is what she is and why she enjoys sex so much. I knew all about it before we married and it just made me love her more.

I love to fuck. It all started back when I was growing up on a Strawberry farm with my Dad, Mom, older brother, Billy, and younger sister, June. Let me tell you a little about life on a Strawberry farm. It is BORING. Mostly all we did as kids was go to school and help around the farm. Since we were miles away from any town there wasn’t a lot else to do. After we did our chores around the farm we were free to do what ever we could find to do. Since as I said we were miles away from town we had plenty of area to roam around in with out ever seeing a soul.

My dad did raise some animals plus he had a pack of rabbit dogs, which he also bred and sold. Since I had always loved animals it was my chore to feed and see to all of them while my brother did the heavier chores and my sister helped in the house. My experiences with sex was seeing the male dogs mount the females. I was fascinated by it and watched as they fucked.

As I got older I started to feel some sexual urges of my own and began to play with myself in the shower. It felt so good, but I wanted more. At around 13 going on 14 I had decided I was going to see what it was like to play with the dogs dick. I took one of the larger and friendlier males out put him on a leash. I told my mom I was taking him for a walk as I have done many times before and she said to just get back before it got dark. I took him to a place in the woods surrounding the farm and went to a secluded spot that I knew about and had spent some time there sun bathing nude. I had brought my blanket I use to lie on while sunbathing and spread it out on the ground. I called Spike over and began petting him and he lay down and rolled over since he loves to have his belly scratched. I slowly went to his dick and began to play with it and it started to get bigger and I was beginning to get hot too. I stripped off my clothes and while I was doing this Spike was up and sniffing around my wet pussy. I lay back and let him sniff me and all of a sudden I felt his tongue lick my pussy. It sent chills over me it felt so good. I spread my legs farther so he could get to me and he began to lap at my pussy lips and I got hotter and hotter

I finally stopped him and got on my knees and put the blanket over my back and he mounted me. He had a hard time getting in my pussy so I reached under and helped him slide in me. As soon as he felt is dick sliding in me he humped forward and begam to fuck me for all he was worth. He had grown so big I didn’t realize it until he was all the way in me and pounding me like crazy. It hurt a little at first but I was already committed and soon it began to feel like nothing I had felt before. I had never felt anything so big and so good. he then pushed really hard forward and I could feel him knotting up and soon he was feeling me full of hot dog cum. Just like I had seen them do he twisted around and still had his dick in me and we were locked together. I didn’t care I was still feeling so good from the fucking I really didn’t want him to pull out anyway, but after a time he did. I notice it was beginning to get dark so I dressed and we headed back home.

That was the beginning of my sex life. After that I took Spike out every chance I got and let him fuck me. My mom and dad told me one day I should take some of the others out too so they could get some excercise also. I said That I felt safe with Spike and they said to take him along with another then. After thinking about that I decided to do just that. The next day I took Spike and Spot and we headed out to my favorite place in the woods. Needless to say I winded up getting fucked by both dogs.

It was fantastic and I began to wonder how many of them I could fuck one after the other. There were 4 males and I took all of them out one day. I had to tie them to where they couldn’t get to one another because when we first started they were all trying to mount me at once and were starting to fight. I would fuck one then tie him to a tree and then fuck another and I did this until I had fucked all four. I was so full of cum and so wasted. When I got home and put the dogs up I had to slip into the barn and wash up some. I smelled like dog and cum.

While I was in the barn I remembered the little minature stallions in their stalls. Dad had a couple of them that he rented out for stud service. As I said I took care of all the animals including them. I just had not thought of them as anything until now and my mind began to wonder again. The next day I went out to the barn and went to the stall with the one of the stallions and sat on a bale of hay beside him. I reached under and began to play with his dick and soon it was growing and I marveled at how big it was. It was no way as big as the horses dicks I had seen before but it was a good size. I had been fucking the dogs now going on a little over a year and was 15 now and I knew my pussy could take a big dog dick but was not sure about the horse. I played with it and then something came over me and I took it in my mouth and began to lick it and jack it off. I guess I wanted to see if I could get him to cum and see exactly how big it got. He was shifting around and soon he thrushed forward and a huge amount of cum came gushing out filling my mouth and running down my chin. I was leaning over to suck him so most of it went on the ground and I was able to wash my face off before going in.

After this I really wanted to see if I could fuck him. One day after taking the dogs out I was full of cum well lubricated and stretched a little. I went in the barn and place the bale of hale to where I could lay on it with my face between his forelegs and my pussy ready to take his dick. I stripped down and played with his dick till it was hard and slid onto the bale of hay. I reached down and guided his dick to my pussy. When I slowly pushed my pussy against his dick and the head slipped inside I knew I was in for a good fuck. I grabbed each of his forelegs with my hands and pushed my pussy against his dick and he slid in far enough so that he knew he was going in a pussy and he pushed forward and it slid in half way. It wasn’t yet painful so I let him slide so more in and then stopped and let myself slide forward enough so he could hump me without banging against my cervex. He began to really pound that big dick in me. I held on to his forelegs and enjoyed the best fucking yet. When he shot his load of cum in me I didn’t think it would ever stop it felt like it was a gallon although I knew it wasn’t. I had climaxed 3 times the most I had in the times I had been fucking. I usually only climaxed once maybe twice with the dogs. I was spent. My pussy full of cum and me very satified.

So now this also became a routine with me. Fuck one or two of the dogs and then fuck one of the minature horses. We had other animals on the farm and I got to where I looked at them all with a different light. Wondering what it would feel like to fuck them. We had goats with a couple of rams, pigs with a large boar, a couple of donkeys we used to pull a small carriage both male, a mule we use to plow with but had put to pasture a few years back when dad got the tractor but I figured he was too big and wasn’t sure he could get hard anyway since most mules are sterile, we also had some cows in a pasture but I didn’t even want to think about getting under that bull.

When I was 16 and having come from the woods with the dogs. I went in the barn to get my horse fuck and was in the middle of it when my brother walked in. He saw me and I was so far into getting fucked that I didn’t stop. He watched me as the horse finished and then helped me up. I looked at him and said please don’t tell mom and dad. He looked at me standing there I front of him naked with cum dripping from my pussy and said “no problem”. “You looked so good getting that big dick my own dick got hard watching you”. “Why don’t you jack it off so I can get some relief”. I pulled his dick out of his pants and started to jack him off and when he said he was getting ready to cum I let him shoot all over my tits. He told me I had a very nice body and my tits was really nice. He asked me how long I had been doing this and when I told him he was shocked. He didn’t know how I had kept it secret for so long but he said he would love to become involved in it.

The next day Billy came out to the barn when he saw me return with the dogs and asked if I had ever had any dicks besides animals. When I told him no he asked if he could to fuck me. I was only to happy to let him since I was already looking at wanting more to fuck. He took me to a bale of hay and I stripped and he did too. I lay back and he started to lick my nipples which felt so good I was hot in just a few seconds. His dick was standing out and I took it in my hand and brought it to my mouth a began to suck it and lick it. Soon he had me stop because he was about to cum and wanted to fuck me first. He push his dick against my pussy and slid right in since I had already fucked a dog. Billy asked if that was dog cum inside me and when I told him yes he really rammed it to me. It didn’t take long before Billy had shot his load of cum in me along with the dogs. I told him that felt really good and he said he would help me with the horse.

This went on for a time and soon Billy was wanting me to try all kinds of things. He would bring in cucumbers. carrots, bottles, he even bought a big dildo for me. He said he enjoyed watching me shove different type of things in my pussy and fuck them. He also continue to fuck me as well as help me with the dogs, who we now brought in the barn, and with the horse. One day he brought one of the rams in and with his help I got fuck by a goat. He had a funny dick and wasn’t as satisfying as the dogs and horse. The next animal he came bringing in one day was the boar, He had washed it off and set up some hay bales so I could get on my hands and knees on the ground while the boar would have his front hooves on bales of hay. When I started playing with his dick I knew this was going to be really different because instead of being big around it was thin and really long. When he slid it in me it felt kind of funny but he did hump me pretty good and did shoot some pig cum in me. Afterwards Billy and I fucked and I fucked the little horse.

Billy asked me one day if I would like to fuck another guy and I said sure it would feel good I could fuck him and suck a dick at the same time. This turned Billy on so the next day he brought a friend of his over and Billy told him he could fuck me. I stripped off and he and Billy did too and we had a really good threesome and afterwards Billy let his friend watch as I fucked the dogs and horses, yes I had started fucking both minature stallions by now. Before long Billy was bringing more and more of his friends over and they would all fuck me and then cheer me on as I fucked the dogs and horses. I remember once of the football players came over after they had won State and they celebrated by fucking me and me sucking them off.

On the farm every year we would hire temporary help to pick the strawberries. Mostly these were mexicans with green cards and we had a couple of small houses where they stayed until after the season was over. At 17 I would walk from the road to the house which went close to these houses where the mexicans were staying. They always stared and a few would whistle, maybe because I would usually be wearing a short skirt which I had made even shorter after school by rolling the waistband up and I would untuck my blouse and tie it just below my tits. Of course my bra and panties came off and went in my purse as soon as the last bell rang and I was able to get to a rest room.

One day my mom, dad and sister had gone out of town to see a football game that my brother was playing in and I had some final exams so I had to stay. When I walked by the Mexican’s houses they were a little more boisterous than usual. Dad always tried to be sure he got the ones who could speak english so he could give them instuctions himself instead of it being second hand by an interpreter. They probably knew everyone was gone except me so saw this as a chance to really flirt with me. I decided to see just how far they would go and walked over to them. There were about 20 of them and they started to say things like how fine I was and how sexy my legs were. When I smiled and didn’t stop them they began to say how fine my tits looked and wondered if I would show them to them. Without blinking I opened my blouse and let my tits hang out for all of them to see. This really got them going and one of them wanted to know if he could touch my tits. I smiled and told him to come on over and any one else who wanted to feel them. Before I knew it they were all around me feeling me up and running their hands under my skirt to my bare ass and pussy. I told them to stop for a second since I didn’t want to ruin my clothes. They let me take off my blouse and skirt and they started to strip their clothes off too. They took me into one of the houses and I had more dicks around me than I had ever had before and I started sucking them and they fucking me. I winded up being fucked by all of them some more than once and had cum from my head to my pussy where they stood around after all had done fucking and took turns jacking off on me. Since no one was home I just walked to the house naked and covered in cum and climb into a warm shower fully satisfied.

So there is how it all started. I have had so many more adventures and when I met my hubby he knew all about me and loved letting me continue to fuck who or whatever I wanted as long as I told him all they did to me while he and I fucked. Of course my sexy niece and I share him. I am now 42 and still a sexy hot fuck and we are still, in fact, more in love than when we married.

Thanks for reading and if you want let me know what you think of my early years.


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