Women with Animals

Last Night in April


Last night while Paul ran out to pick up the food we had ordered from the Japanese take out place. While he was gone, I slipped out of the tight jeans I had on and changed into the little outfit I had bought just for him. I slipped on a very sheer form fitting long shelved black see threw shirt that hugged my body and curves. My breast and dark erect nipples were clearly visible from under the shirt. I slipped on black thigh highs on my long legs and a pair of 5 inch heels. I am 5’9’’ tall but I was now standing at well over 6.3 feet, my sheer black shirt just covered my bare shaved pussy in the front and stopped right at the bottom of my ass cheeks. I had on large gold hoop earrings because I knew he likes them and a bright red lipstick which set off my long red hair nicely. I sprayed the room with some of my perfume and walked into the spray so I had the slight scent of it on me. So when he came back from getting our food and saw me dressed as I was, he was smiling from ear to ear.

Seeing how I looked, Paul asked me if we could take a few pictures before we ate. He said I “looked so fucking hot” which made me feel sexy and I said “sure, why not”. So he went and grabbed my new digital camera I just bought and then told me to get on my hands and knees and crawl over to him as he took some pictures. Sounded like a good idea to me and I have seen some girls do that in porno films, so I got down on the rug and I start to crawl over to him, trying to look my sexy best, moving really slow blowing him kisses as I crawled along. He was taking a lot of pictures while I was moving around and he asked me to do different things with my face and body. Paul walked around me taking pictures as I wiggle my cute little ass at him and smiled at him as I did it.

We had been taking pictures for about 10 minutes and as I was still crawling on the floor while wiggling my ass laughing as Paul took some more pictures of me. Our black lab Blackie came running into the room and immediately puts his snout into my pussy and started licking my pussy and ass. Whoa, to say it was a shock would be an understatement! I didn’t expect it nor did I see him coming. Paul continued to take pictures of me now with the dog licking my pussy while wagging his tail. The dog was very happy but this wasn’t what I had planned for our evening together. I will admit to being excited, I was turned on and because of what I was wearing I felt sexy and was thinking what Paul an I would be doing together latter that evening. I also knew that anything involving the dog and me excited Paul, greatly. Taking pictures is also a turn on for me. So I guess the dog must have smelled my arousal.

Anyway I let Paul continue to take some more pictures of me on my knees with the dog licking my pussy and I am sure Paul got some great pictures but when the dog tried to mount me, I had to get up. I had to stop. We both told the dog to go lay down and he went over into the corner and started to lick his cock which was now sticking out of his sheath. So we had a drink and then Paul asked if we could take just a few more pictures before we ate and I agreed because I always feel fat after I eat and wouldn’t want to take pictures then.

Paul suggested we take some pictures by the wall. He had me posing while leaning against it and sticking my cute little ass out. The black thigh highs I had on also helped in making my ass look extra nice. We took pictures of a bunch of different poses and it was fun but he needed another memory stick, for the camera. So while I was waiting for him to go get that in the bedroom, I sat on the floor against the wall and played with my pussy a little. I was very turned on and figured why not. So when Paul came back from getting the memory stick, he liked my “pose” and started to take more pictures of me sitting on the floor, playing with my pussy. Did I tell you how much Paul liked to take pictures? I just wanted to eat dinner now as we had been taking pictures for at least an hour.

So I was “posing” while sitting on the floor with my back against the wall when the dog came back over near us again. This of course made Paul happy as hell. He was taking picture after picture of me when the dog did something he has never done before.

As Paul continued to take pictures of me sitting on the floor playing with my pussy with my back against the wall, the dog jumped up putting his front paws on the wall and stood in front of me with his now almost fully erect cock just inches from my face. His cock was almost completely out of his sheath. I know this must sounds like bullshit, but it’s true and it has never happened before. We have been active with our dog for awhile now.

Paul was still taking pictures of me with the dog standing in front and over me. Blackie our dog towered over me and his cock was squirting and dripping pre cum on my new sheer shirt. I didn’t even touch his cock and I wasn’t sure of what to do. Paul is just about next to me now taking pictures of me facing the dog cock. He then said in a very commanding voice
“Lick it”.

My heart started beating really fast as soon as he said that and I really didn’t want to do this now. But I could still hear his voice inside my head so I closed my eyes and reached out my tongue and licked the tip of the dog’s cock. It sent an electric shutter threw me, the moment I did that. I heard the camera fire and when I opened my eyes I saw a few flashes go off, so I did it again.

The moment I licked the dog’s cock, he got more excited and started to jerk his hips and cock in a fucking motion. His cock was spraying pre-cum everywhere now and the dogs very erect cock was hitting me in the face. So I licked the dog’s cock a little more before I took the tip of his cock into my mouth, mainly to stop Blackie’s pre cum from flying every place including my face and hair not to mention the wall. I also did that so Paul would be happy and take his pictures.

I normally would have been happy to give the dog a little head while Paul took some pictures with my camera but with this new position that Blackie and I found our selves in, well he was in much more control of the situation then I was. I was pinned against the wall with the dog in front and over me. He was in complete control. Blackie is a very big dog for being a lab. The dog started to pant and his hind legs started to push his cock deeper into my mouth as he started to fuck my face with his cock, unlike any man had ever did. He was moving his doggie cock in my mouth very fast and gagging me doing it. Paul took picture after picture of the dog fucking my face with his huge cock. His cock is very thick and I could feel it stretching my mouth as he pushed it deep into my mouth as his cock touched the back of my throat.

I quickly reached for his cock with my hand and placed it behind his knot. I put my other hand on the shaft of the dog’s cock, I was trying to control how deeply he was thrusting in my mouth. Faster his cock fucked my mouth. I kept my hand on his shaft to stop him from putting his entire cock into my mouth as he was starting to gag me with his doggie cock and by squeezing or putting pressure behind his knot I could make him cum a little faster. I have also sucked this dog’s cock at least 100 times by now, so I knew what he liked me to do. Paul said

“I told you, you’re a good cock sucker, and even the dog wants it”.

As Paul continued to take pictures I sucked a little harder and the dog suddenly stopped jerking his cock in my mouth and stood still and started to flood my mouth with cum. I felt his doggie cock grow even wider in my mouth as the first huge jet of his doggie cum, hit the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could and I sucked his dog cock deeper into my mouth as he fired stream after stream his hot cum into my mouth and throat. I love cum but a dog doesn’t cum like a man so there is no way that it is possible to swallow the volume of cum that our dog produces. So I had to let some of his cum flow out of my mouth onto my chin and neck.

Paul loved what I was doing and took some more pictures. Paul said “suck his cum and be his bitch” and I did. I made love to the dogs cock as I sucked and kissed it, lovingly. When I couldn’t take any more, I pulled the dogs cock out of my mouth as he continued to spray my face with his thin cum as I continued to lick and suck his cock trying to look sexy for the camera, as I did that. Finally we both had enough and I was an utter mess and covered in cum. I licked the last drop of cum from the tip of the dogs cock as Paul took a picture and then I pushed Blackie back as he jumped down from having his front paws on the wall and started to give me kisses and lick his cum from my face. He was so happy that I had just sucked his cock and let him cum in my mouth. Unlike Paul, the dog always loves to clean up any mess that he made.

Paul stopped taking pictures and was grinning from ear to ear as he gave me his hand to pull me to my feet. I was a mess so I ran to the bathroom and as I did I saw another flash go off. I hoped my ass didn’t look big ….

I cleaned myself up as best I could without taking a shower. I washed my face and neck with soap and water, used a wash cloth on my pussy, rubbed out the dog cum that was all over my new shirt and combed and rinsed what I could out of my long red hair. Brushed my teeth, gargled with mouthwash and I freshen up my make up and went out to have dinner with Paul. He re-heated the dinner as I was getting cleaned up.

We had a lovely dinner and as we ate he played with my very wet pussy. I was so horny and I got up and knelt before him to suck his cock. He said, to wait and finish my dinner that we were going to have a great time. He continued to tease me and play with my pussy as we shared our meal. We chatted about what had just happened with the dog and he told me how hot I looked and what a great cock sucker I was. He is such a sweet talker. We talked about the pictures he took and when I sucked the dog and how the dog had done something he never did before. Paul joked for me to be now being very careful around the dog when he was horny. Paul also said he loved the fact that I “listened” to what he “told” me to do. I just smiled. Hell, I could write a book, with all the many things he told me to do.

After dinner we went over to the sofa and had a drink as I laid back into his arms. Blackie laid his head on my thigh and looked up me with his big brown eyes. Paul said he “looked sad” and I knew he was up to something. Paul started kissing me and pulling on my nipples thru my shirt. I loved it and they became sensitive and erect quickly.

My nipples get almost an inch long when I am excited. I could feel the wetness growing between my legs. Paul said “suck it” and for a moment I was confused if he wanted me to suck him or the dog. But he said “suck it” again and pushed my head down. I unbuckled his belt pulled his zipper down and pulled his pants off his leg and threw them to the side. I then removed his boxers and took his hard cock into my hand and started to lick the underside of his cock. I knew he loved it, when I did that. I knelt between his spread legs as I lifted his balls and licked them. Taking them gently into my mouth and sucking on them. Blackie our dog stuck his nose in to see what I was doing and briefly joined me in licking Paul’s cock. Paul liked that and so did I.

Taking Paul’s cock into my mouth and I sucked his cock in as far as it would go. I sucked him hard at the base of his shaft as the head of his cock danced in my throat. I love giving head and as I was sucking Paul’s cock, the dog began to lick my naked pussy and ass. Just as I turned to say “no”, Paul reached for my arm and as I turned to look at him, he shook his head no. This wasn’t what I had in mind when I started to give him head, but it did feel so good, what the dog was doing to my pussy. This also wasn’t the room where we played with the dog. I was confused things weren’t in order and as I had planned.

But I really loved what the dog was doing to me and it always turns me on so much to suck cock, so I let myself go and enjoyed the moment. As Blackie our dog dug his tongue into my cunt, I came with a shutter on the spot. The climax rushed over me as I moaned with Paul’s cock in my mouth. I also tried to remain very still as I sucked Paul’s cock so the dog would continue to lick me and not try to mount me. It was very hard to do and my pussy was so sensitive. I spread my legs wide as the dog licked my pussy and ass.

We had taught him that when I wiggled my ass, it was a signal to mount me. He learned that signal very well. So I made sure, not to wiggle my ass but it was hard to try and remain still. I picked up the pace as I was sucking Paul’s cock and I could tell he was about to cum. Just as he started to shoot jet after jet of his cum into my mouth, the dog snaked his wonderful tongue into my pussy again pushing me over the edge for a second time. I had a second climax within a few minutes of the first. I swallowed his cum and I licked Paul’s cock clean.

I could hear the dog start to whine and saw that he was showing “pink”. I could see his cock had started to poke out of his sheath. Our dogs cock is really a nice big cock and not pink at all. It is about 8.5 inches from the front of the knot to the tip of his cock and a purple and white color and very thick. As I was finishing licking Paul’s cock clean, the dog came over and gave Paul’s cock a few licks and me a bunch of kisses. He seemed to like Paul’s cum, as much as I do. Men!

Paul took me into the spare room that had become “Blackie’s room” so that we all could play together. As we walked Paul put his thumb into my pussy and used the palm of his hand to rub my pussy and my clit. I do love the way that feels and it made me stick my ass out as I walked.

The dog was excited and dancing around as we went down to the play room. The room is a large carpeted room with many throw rugs over the carpeting. The throw rugs can be picked up and easily cleaned when our play is done. It also has a king size bed off to the side and a chair. The walls are painted a pale but bright yellow color making the room cheery no matter what time of day it is.

So we got on the bed and the dog followed jumping around. I told him to lie down and lightly rubbed his belly and like the smart dog he is, he just froze where he was, hoping for the best. I got up and knelt near him and continued to rub his belly which caused his cock to start to show again. I put my hand over his sheath and started to massage it gently. I had jerked him off many times when we first started playing together and I knew what he liked me to do. I licked at the tip of the dog’s cock that was showing and sucked it into my mouth, flecking his cock with my tongue as I did. I could feel the dogs cock growing in size in my mouth, as I sucked and licked him. He was quickly coming out of his sheath.

My ass was sticking in the air as I bent forward to rub and suck on the dog’s cock and Paul got behind me and pushed his once again hard cock into my pussy. I was so wet his cock just slipped all the way in. Paul had just cum, no more then 5 minutes ago and yet he was as hard as a rock and fucking me. He was very turned on, we all were. My playing with the dog excited us both. He moved his cock in and out of my pussy and my pussy made slopping sounds because I was so wet. Paul pulled his wet cock out of my pussy and I felt his cock press against my asshole. It slipped in slow and easy because his cock was so slippery from my pussy juice. I love anal sex but he barely gave me time to get use to feeling of his cock being in my ass before he started pounding his cock into me.

So here I was sucking our dogs cock grunting while being fucked in the ass by Paul. It felt so good. He pounded his cock hard into me. I never felt him fuck me this hard before. His pounded caused my mouth to go further down on the dog’s cock then I wanted to, and I started to gag a little. Still I was happy and didn’t want him to stop fucking my ass. His cock felt hard and full in my ass.

Looking back, a short time ago all of this would have made me ill just to think about it. Never mind to do. Paul begged me for years to have sex with a dog, and I always said “no”. The very thought of me having sex with an animal grossed me out. So much has changed over these last past years. Here I am, loving life while blowing our dog and getting fucked hard in my ass by Paul. I was very happy to be here at this moment. I could never have dreamed that all this would ever come true. I also would have never dreamed we would be swinging and group fucking, either.

Paul was holding on to my hips as he slammed his cock into my ass. The dog had begun to shoot thin pre cum into my mouth. I swallowed some but let a lot run out of my mouth and pool onto his belly. It didn’t taste bad but there was just so much of it. I felt Paul push extra hard in my ass as he started to cum deep within my bowels. His cock felt so hot! I felt his cock pulsating in my ass. I love that feeling. Paul just held onto my hips pressing into my ass as his climate swept over him. It felt like he came a real lot in my ass.

I started to lick at the dogs cock rather then sucking on it, as he was shooting a real lot of pre cum everywhere. Paul pulled his cock out of my ass with an audible “pop”. He laughed and called me a “tight ass”. He told me to get on the floor and I knew what was about to happen.

So I got off the bed and knelt on all fours on the floor. I could feel Paul’s cum leaking out of my ass. The dog jumped off the bed and started to dance around me grabbing at me with his front paws from all angles. I felt his cock stabbing me from different angles. He was very excited and was trying to mount me. He found my pussy and pushed his nose into it, it felt cold, warm and wonderful, all at the same time. I felt his tongue in my pussy and also into my ass. He was licking Paul’s cum from my ass. I came as he did that and fell forward pressing my breast into the carpet on the floor. I was on the floor moaning from the great orgasm I was having as Blackie’s tongue followed me and dug deep into my pussy. It felt wonderful. I spread my legs more and pulled my ass cheeks apart with my hands while the dog kept licking my pussy and Paul’s cum from my ass.

Paul laced up the booties on the dog’s paws but the dog took this time trying to mount me, as I was still on my belly on the floor. His cock briefly entered my pussy but he was stabbing at my ass and thigh. It hurt a little and I raised my ass just a tiny bit higher as he pushed with his dog cock at the same time, and just like that, it slipped into my ass. It surprised me and most likely happened because Paul had just fucked my ass and it was still open and lubricated with his cum. God, I didn’t want Blackie’s cock there, he started pounding his doggie cock hard into my ass. The dog was like a jack hammer in my ass with his big cock. It hurt like hell. I crawled forward on my knees, to get him out of my ass, yelling at Paul to help. The dog grabbed me tighter around my waist, pushing his cock even deeper in my ass. The dog slammed his cock into my ass, over and over as I tried to get away. I started to feel his knot pressing against my ass. Paul grabbed the dog and pulled him back just enough for him to pull his cock free of my ass. He almost had his knot in my ass. I was afraid of what his knot might do to my ass. My asshole hurt a lot and I was not ready for that yet his cock is big and his knot is huge, really fucking huge. I cover my asshole with my hand and rubbed it, just to make sure everything was ok. I don’t think Paul was aware at first that the dog was even in my ass and not my pussy.

Even though my ass hurt, I was still horny so I got back up on my knees and I felt the dog grab me hard around my waist with his front paws as he again pushed forward with his cock, this time driving it straight into my pussy. The dog was very excited maybe from being in my ass, I don’t know but I have never seen him, so aggressive. He quickly started pounding his cock into me real hard. It took my breath away. Blackie seemed much more violent with his mating with me then usual. I felt his knot pressing at the outside of my pussy lips as he banged his hard long cock into me. His cock even felt bigger but it felt so good and full in my pussy. I pushed back with my ass as he fucked me and suddenly it was done. I felt his knot slip into my pussy. I felt it swell up in size and It hurt like hell, my breathing came fast and short, as did the dogs. We were both panting together. He gave some quick short pushes of his cock making his cock and knot go yet deeper into my pussy. I came again as he touched my G-spot as the dog jerked his cock in my pussy. My body shook as my climax washed over me. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure.

I felt the dog grab me tighter with his front paws that were around my waist and push his cock forward deeper into my pussy as he climbed higher up on my ass. Suddenly he was perfectly still and I felt the dogs cum going into what felt like my womb. His cock was so deep in my cunt that It hurt me but felt so good. He was touching places in my pussy that few men ever have, no, make that no man ever has. I could really feel his cock pulse and fire shot after shot of hot doggie cum deep inside of me.

We were both very still for about 5 minutes maybe more as he pumped his hot cum into me and I heard Paul say “wow” as I moaned with the dog cock in my pussy. The dog shifted his weight and I felt him throw his hind leg over my ass bring his ass and my ass, cheek to cheek. We were now tied ass to ass. Blackie does this almost every time, we are together. He pulled at me testing how well his knot was locked into me. The pull of his cock caused me to cum yet again. I moaned and cried not sure where I was at the moment. I was lost in my own world as all these mini climaxes worked over my body. Again I was feeling a combination of pain and pleasure.

I felt Paul’s hand on my lower back and he gently rubbed it for me. He was touching my ass and where the dogs cock was connected to my pussy. He rubbed some of the leaking dog cum into my clit and I came hard again. I was moaning like a whore, it felt so fucking good. I was crying whimpering and laughing all at the same time. It felt wonderful to completely let myself go in front of Paul. To hold nothing back knowing that I would never be judged by him.

Blackie and I from the very first time he mounted me and we fucked together have always tied. It was all each of us ever knew of the other. This is what we always did and he was the only dog I have ever been with, at this point in my life. We both learned that way. I know that I am lucky and have a very special dog. I have seen films where the dog jumps on the woman’s back, fucks her hard for 10 seconds and jumps off and sometimes even loses interest. Our dog has never or rarely does that, he loves to mount and fuck me and I him. I think I am able to take the knot as I do, because of some of the men I slept with. From a very young age many have had huge thick and long cocks. So while the dog’s cock and knot hurt, it also felt like it belonged in me.

To be honest I have also found that if I don’t suck the dogs cock first, and make him cum he is more likely to jump on and off as he fucks me. So almost every time we have a session together before he mounts me, we make each other cum with our mouths and tongues.

Oral sex has always been a large part of the dog and my time together. We have always made each other cum that way. That was also what our earliest times together were about. Him licking my pussy to get me off and me at first jerking him off and then later, sucking him off. I have read that many women avoid the knot when fucking their dog because of the pain and I guess maybe because of the time it takes when you are tied together. But to me it is worth the effort of the time and the pain. I have never cum so much in my life, as I do with our dog. The words “hurts so good” come to mind.

About 15 or 20 minutes passed before the dog gave an extra hard pull and his knot and cock exploded from my pussy, followed by a flood of dog cum. The dog’s cum poured out of me onto the rug below me and my pussy felt so empty, I almost wanted to cry. He licked at my pussy lapping at his cum as it was flowing out of me. I felt myself almost cum again but I couldn’t do it, I was to worn out. I just laid there for a long time on my belly as the dog went off to lick his cock clean and Paul took a few more pictures of me lying on the floor with torn black stockings and dried dog cum all over my body. My pussy felt like it was wide open and I knew I had a gapping hole where the dog cock had once been. I often help the dog lick his cock clean, after we fuck but tonight I was just to worn out. Somewhere along the way I had become their “slut” and the dog’s butch and I was happy. I felt Paul cover me with a sheet, as I drifted off to sleep.

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