Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – High School Reunion


(c) 2009 by bellyriding

This is my fourth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did. This is is a fairly short story since it all takes place in a single afternoon.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter 1

Yara was finally going to go through with her plan. She had put it in motion almost six months before when she got her ten year class reunion invitation which was to be held at the old high school gym. The thought of seeing Davi again after all those years got her heart beating quickly again. He had been the class president and she had been the class prom queen, but they had never hooked up for whatever reason. In fact, Yara didn’t know much about Davi except how beautiful he had been in high school – and one other thing.

He had a special thing for the belly riders in the parade. He talked about them with the other kids in class regularly, mentioning how beautiful they were. Yara had long ago decided that if she ever wanted to win his heart she would have to be a belly rider. At her young age of 18 she knew that she would never be able to do it under her current circumstances, and with the winds of change in the air during her senior year, she managed to graduate and lose touch with Davi and many of her high school friends.

Now, at 27, she had decided that she had made a huge mistake and that she had kicked herself for a decade, wishing that she had told Davi how she felt, and wished she had been one of those girls writhing under their horses in the carnival. This class reunion was her chance. She would spend the next few months training with the belly riders, and then show up at her class reunion a full fledged belly rider. She had masturbated countless times over the last decade thinking through it, and finally her fetish and her lust for Davi forced her to do what she thought she should had done years before. She couldn’t decide if the idea of Davi or the idea of having sex with horses turned her on more. Either way Davi was her excuse.

Yara gave notice at her office. She had been a professional woman – college educated, working as an assistant to the president of a large company in Brazil. But she gave her notice without telling anyone her plan. She knew they wouldn’t understand. The belly riders were mostly poor women, and Yara was anything but poor in her professional career.

Yara sold everything she had, but the clothes on her back her jewelry, which consisted of pearl necklaces and earrings, her tiara from prom and a few additional personal affects, and moved down to a belly riding school run by a woman named Lorena and her daughter Isabella. Lorena had been in one of the carnivals before Yara had been born. Lorena and her daughter Isabella had ridden under their horses for the entire time, so they had quite a bit of clout over some of the other samba schools and less reputable make shift schools that trained in belly riding, but had never had any of their students in the carnival. Even though the school was far away from the city it was a perfect place to learn. The first time Yara got completely naked in front of her trainers she was so wet from anticipation that the huge girth of the erect horse penis glided into her hungry vaginal opening as if it had always meant to be there.

Yara gave herself countless orgasms on the engorged shafts of Lorena’s vast stable of well trained stallions. After a few months of almost countless orgasms Yara began to learn how to navigate the horses while having sex with them at the same time, from under the horse’s huge body. Her horny pussy would throb, while covering the thick horse cock in a sheen of her musky vaginal lubrication. Her clitorus would stand on end as she paraded herself around Lorena’s staff, trying to accustom herself to being naked and still being able to fuck her hips up and down for hours at a time, shamelessly. It took a lot of getting used to but the staff had seen it thousands of times before by the countless women who felt the same way Yara did.

Yara was a bit of a unique person at the belly riding school. Most girls were either there for a few days, or for life. Only a handful were there for months on end. Those were the girls and often times their mothers who were visiting over summer vacation from whatever schools the girls were attending. Yara had stayed longer than the summer vacation girls and their mothers, but obviously wasn’t there to stay for years on end. The idea intrigued Yara though. She definitely did orgasm thinking about how sexy it would be to give herself to her horse. She often pushed herself over the edge thinking of Lorena’s daughter, Isabella who had gotten married while impaled. What a wonderful wedding that must have been.

Almost before she knew it, the day had arrived. Yara paid quite a sum to Lorena to let Yara and one of Lorena’s hands borrow the truck with two horses for two days. Yara knew it was going to be a long drive and she would need someone to tie her under the horses when she arrived and untie her for the ride back, assuming Davi didn’t ask her to marry her on the spot. Yara decided she needed to ride in the back of the trailer with one of the horses and save the other for the reunion. Her heart was a twitter. She was so nervous about what her former classmates would think. Yara was sure they would laugh at her, but Yara felt that her shame and dishonor was worth the shot with Davi, the love of her life who had gotten away. She made up her mind – as hard as this was going to be for the former prom queen, she had to accept utter humiliation. Nothing within her could stop the train wreck in front of her.


Chapter 2

When Yara and Lorena’s hand, Julio, arrived in the parking lot of the school where she had attended high school, Julio led Yara out of the trailer. She was dripping sperm from her buttox and she was flush from the long day of nearly continuous orgasms, both hers and the horse’s. Julio untied Yara so she could stretch and relax a little as he readied the other horse. Yara looked around the nearly vacant parking lot, but it was still early in the evening. Yara decided she wanted to beat the rush and hopefully find Davi before it got too crowded.

Her class had consisted of over two hundred people, a big chunk of whom Yara never really knew. The school seemed a lot smaller than what she had remembered. Even though it was still early there were few cars, no doubt belonging to her classmates. Yara’s heart was in her throat, but in her opinion there was no turning back. She had brought some makeup and as Julio prepared the horse with the belly riding saddle, Yara put on makeup, did her hair and put on her prom queen crown, which she pinned into place with bobby pins, as well as her pearl necklace and earrings. Yara was absolutely stunning, even as she stood in the parking lot, her gaping pussy drooling a whole day’s worth of horse sperm. She felt beautiful. Hopefully Davi would agree.

As she waited for Julio to finish she squatted under the horse who had pleasured her for so many hours during the drive. She began to lick his still erect penis. Yara thanked the lord for the shot Julio administered the horses. It made her life complete she felt. She sucked the horse feeling its warmth on her lips. She could taste the heavy scent of her own fluids as well as the
still wet semen that covered the end of the hot throbbing penis. Yara massaged the stallions testicles. It was her way of thanking the wonderful stallion for the pleasure it had given Yara on the long drive. After a few minutes the horse began to haunch forward.

Yara wrapped her lips around the head of the stallion’s penis just as it began to release itself. The head of the huge horse penis flared in her mouth. A large jet of hot semen hit Yara in the back of the throat. She felt obligated to and indeed did her best to swallow the massive load of semen, but she coughed slightly and had to release the tensing penis from her lips to get a breath of air. Rope after rope of white fluid erupted all over Yara’s face and breasts as she turned her head. And to think, it wasn’t even the maximum amount of sperm a horse normally would release. After a full day of fucking the stallion, he didn’t have much left in his balls. Yara smiled, as she realized, even the hot sperm dripped down her breasts that the product of her lover was oozing out of her open hole from earlier as well. She stood up and sighed.

The ground of her high school parking lot was uncomfortable under her bare feet, but the erotic feeling of being naked in the open made her forget her discomfort. The other horse was now prepared for her. Yara smiled, and with a deep breath she climbed into the belly riding saddle. Yara began to masturbate the horse until it’s huge penis emerged from it’s sheath. Yara placed the huge horse head against her eager pussy lips, which she had shaved all of, except for a little patch of hair, for this occasion.

Yara was proud of her body, and she shivered a little bit as the horse cock began to penetrate her between her wide open legs. It wasn’t cold out, but it felt electric and huge inside of her hot pussy, and the sperm on her face, and breasts was cooling slightly. The penis was almost too huge to bear, but like her humility, the erotic over sized penis that she had learned to live while impaled on was a burden she intended to live with. This stallion’s erection was slightly larger than the one that she had ridden on the drive in. Yara actually had planned it this way because she knew she would have trouble taking the bigger horse in her tight vagina without loosening herself up prior.

Once Julio had administered the shot to the horse to ensure a long erection, he walked around the stallion securing Yara’s straps and tightened the saddle. With a horny sigh, Yara asked Julio to escort her to the door of the gym and then wait outside until she returned later that evening. This was something Yara would have to face alone. He did as he was told and helped to lead Yara to the double door of the gym. With each step she overtly swung back and forth, fucking the giant cock lewdly to get herself adjusted to the girth for her audience that awaited just beyond the double doors. She was uncomfortable with the thickness of her lover, but she loved it.

The doors opened and Yara’s eyes took a moment to adjust. Once they did she could see lots of people from her vantage point under the horse. It was hard to make them out from her position, but many were clearly looking at her. Yara thanked Julio and entered the gym up to the table where name tags were being handed out. Yara’s horse walked gracefully and with each step on the gym floor the clopping of the horse shoes made it obvious there was a horse present, even to those who hadn’t been paying attention.

Each step felt wonderful, but the butterflies in Yara’s stomach came to a climax when she began to talk to the women at the table handing out badges, “May we help you, miss?” Yara swallowed, “I’m Yara – I was the prom queen.” The women stared in disbelief and one of them finally stood up and squinted, “Yara?!” It took a second for Yara to realize, it was her friend Anahi, a girl that she had been on the dance team with and shared almost every lunch with during her high school years, “Anahi?” Anahi walked around the table and crouched down, “Oh my, Yara! What are you doing under there?”

Yara suddenly wished she hadn’t come at all. Lots of these people knew her. She flushed deeply as her friend looked over her indecent nudity. Yara would have run away but her bound ankles and wrists made that an impossibility for the young woman. Yara spoke meekly, “I don’t know, it’s just… you know…. Uhm. It’s hard to explain.” Anahi laughed, “It doesn’t look that hard to explain, you’re tied up to a horse while it’s fucking you! Or am I going blind?”

Yara blushed harder, “Yah, I guess I am.” Anahi laughed again, “Okay, but the real question is why are you letting a horse fuck you at your class reunion? I mean, look, you wore your crown and everything! Couldn’t you get a date?” Yara couldn’t go any deeper shade of red, “I dunno, I just… like it, I guess.” Anahi smiled, “Well, that’s pretty obvious. It’s hard to imagine you’d do this to yourself on purpose if you didn’t.” Yara wasn’t sure what to say or do, but she was pretty sure she had made a huge mistake. She suddenly wished she didn’t have horse sperm on her face and breasts from sucking off the horse in the parking lot. She was sure would die of embarrassment, but just when she thought all hope was lost Anahi leaned in and said, “Well you look sexy like that, even if I wouldn’t say it’s exactly appropriate attire. And to think I spent all this time trying to pick out the right dress that didn’t make me look fat!”

Yara sighed a huge sigh of relief and laughed, feeling a huge amount of tension release with those words, “You think so?” Yara did feel a lot stronger after spending a few months at Lorena’s belly riding school. She had already been in good shape, she had thought, but it was hard work fucking a horse all day. They were strong animals and it took a lot of arm and leg muscles to maneuver them from underneath. Most of the women at the belly riding school were toned from extended periods of time tied to their horses – especially their core muscles and buttocks. Anahi laughed, “Of course! Look, go mill around a little and talk to some people, I have to check people in but I’ll come and find you a little later. In the meantime…” Anahi reached over, fished for a name tag, peeled the back and placed the sticky tag on Yani’s right breast above her nipple, which was still covered in the horse’s semen who she had given a blow job to only moments earlier and laughed, “There. I don’t think anyone will forget your name after tonight, that’s for sure.”

Yara laughed nervously and thanked Anahi before squeezing her legs slightly to make her horse move forward. The few steps felt very nice as the giant horse penis slid back and forth inside of her hot vulva. Yara found some people who she hadn’t known very well in high school to talk to. They had been in her class, although Yara barely remembered them. They were obviously interested in her belly riding. Yara wished she could somehow make people stop talking about it, but she really had no right to tell them to change the subject. It was, after all, her own fault that she was fucking a horse at her own high school reunion. So she tried to smile and tolerate the questions.

“So why did you decide to show up like… well, like this,” asked the man. Yara answered, “I have a lot of affection for horses. I’ve had sex with dozens of them now. And I felt like I wanted to have my coming out party the same day as the reunion. Lots of women try to lose weight or clear up their blemishes for their reunion. I wanted to ride my horse in here, and probably let him cumm in me a few times before I leave. That’s my idea of a perfect date for my class reunion.” The man adjusted his crotch slightly as the woman asked with a slight hint of disgust, “Aren’t you ashamed?” Yara nodded, “A little, but I’ve been dreaming of this night for ten years. If you had ever felt anything like this you’d understand.”

As Yara said that she raised her hips to emphasize the huge penis buried deep within her insides. Anahi suddenly arrived with two of Yara’s friends from the dance team in tow, and suddenly it was all giggles and laughs and just like old times. Just like old times, except Yara was stark naked with a monstrously large vulgar horse penis in her. Her friends began to give her drinks with a straw to loosen Yara up. Yara’s lips still were slick with semen but politely no one commented. After half an hour of drinking fairly hard liqour Yara was finally beginning to lighten up. Without even noticing it she had begun to rock back and forth gently as her friends and the man and the woman from her class talked.

Two of her audience had had kids and as they talked Yara began to get lost in the huge horse penis inside of her. She suddenly realized she had begun to rock her hips back and forth very obviously, and she must have been doing it for a while, because when she stopped, all three girls looked at her as if Yara were about to say something. Yara looked embarrassed and again Anahi came to her rescue, “Oh go ahead, girl, have fun, we don’t care.” Yara looked at the other two women and the original man and woman who hadn’t yet left the conversation, and everyone either nodded or continued to look at Yara blankly.

Yara smiled and said simply, “Thanks.” Anahi smiled and Yara tensed her stomach and clenched her vagina around her massive horse lover. She began to rock back and forth which made the horse snort and breath heavily, lifting her buttox off of her sling lewdly working the huge penis back and forth within her wet hole. Each time she pressed downwards she felt the massive head of the 14 inch cock press against her cervix, making her tense. The horse too began to start shaking and thrusting forward. Everyone could clearly see that Yara and her horse were no longer independently masturbating on one another but they were actively fucking one another’s bodies right in the middle of the gym for all of Yara’s classmates to see. Yara felt her buttocks begin to shake with the impending orgasm, and a with a hard moan Yara began to climax right as the horse’s balls tightened.

Yara’s eyes flew open and she said openly, “Oh my god, he’s cumming in me. Everyone watch! It’s so cool!” Yara didn’t need to tell anyone to watch the perverted scene, all five onlookers had their eyes fixated on Yara and her horse’s deviant union. With a few more deep thrusts sperm began to spill out of Yara’s insides onto the gym floor. Yara squeezed her pussy hard and moaned loudly as she milked the last of the horse’s huge load of sperm with her pulsating vaginal muscles. Her body was acting as if she was trying to impregnate herself with her huge lover’s semen, and to add to that impression she even muttered, “Most of his cumm is in my uterus now – that’s what happens because he’s so wedged up against my cervix. It’s so wild.” Aniha laughed, “You’re right, it’s wild alright.”


Chapter 3

Yara had only just come down from her orgasm when she heard a voice that she would never forget for the rest of her life. It was the voice of her math teacher, Mr. Hernandez. “What are you doing, Yara?!” Yara looked over, trying to clear her thoughts from her massive orgasm, “Mr. Hernandez! Hello!” She was surprised he recognized her, but then she remembered her name was stuck to her right breast above her nipple which was still slick from horse semen. “Don’t hello me, what do you think you’re doing?” Anahi laughed, “Can’t you see she’s fucking a horse, Mr. Hernandez?” Yara’s eyes were wide. Maybe it had just been the fear of God that Mr. Hernandez had put into her when she was younger, but she would have never talked back to him, even in her current situation.

“I see that, Anahi – the question is why?” Yara finally found her tongue, “I’m a belly rider now, Mr. Hernandez. They taught us about them in school and I finally grew up and chose this as my calling. I hope that you could understand I had to make this decision for myself and it wasn’t an easy one.” Mr. Hernandez frowned, “Look, have your fun, but after tonight you aren’t allowed back on this campus, do you hear me?” Yara frowned, “But what about the next reunion, Mr. Hernandez? This is my calling, would you kick a missionary out for trying to convert people?” She obviously was angering her teacher from her youth but he calmed himself, “You are anything but a woman of God, young lady. And get someone to clean that up.” He pointed to the sperm on the floor that had gradually leaked out of Yara’s pussy onto the gym floor. Anahi spoke up, “Don’t worry, Mr. Hernandez, we’ll get someone to clean up, you just have a good time and mingle a little, alright?”

Yara sighed as Mr. Hernandez took his leave to talk to others around the gym that was finally beginning to fill up with people. “Thank you for taking care of Mr. Hernandez for me, Anahi, I appreciate it, and don’t worry about the mess on the floor, I can have someone clean it up for me. I have someone outside waiting for me when I leave anyway.” Anahi smiled, “I think Mr. Hernandez was just trying to find a way to talk to the girl who was having sex with a horse. Don’t worry, it would be more fun to leave the mess, wouldn’t it?” Yara smiled micheviously, “Yes it would, now that you mention it.” “Let’s hope he slips in it!” Yara laughed as she realized Anahi was Yara’s partner in crime for the evening, it was now clear. Yara was nearly guarunteed to have a good time if she stuck with Anahi for the rest of the evening. Anahi poked Yara in the side, tickling her, “Let’s find someone else to show you off to!” Yara nervously smiled as Anahi took her horse’s reigns and lead Yara around the gym, re-introducing her to people Yara barely remembered from a decade earlier. Davi, however, remained mysteriously absent.


Chapter 4

Yara couldn’t stop thinking about how she must have looked as she milled around meeting people she hadn’t talked to in a decade. Her long black hair and sparkly tiara under a giant dark brown stallion, with it’s penis disappearing into her otherwise tiny frame. A sheen of horse semen and vaginal lubricant covered both the stallion’s penis shaft as well as leaked down between Yara’s buttocks, and covered her anus as it made it’s way towards her tailbone where it became a thin strand of fluid that joined her butt to the floor delicately. Yara’s breasts quivered with each step, as did the horse’s testicles and penis. Every step was like electricity through her body. Yara’s clit stood out delicately but proudly for everyone to see. Yara’s legs were wrapped around her lover in a strong embrace. Her lips, chin and breasts still glistened with horse sperm from the blow job she had given her other horse earlier. And although there were surrounded by hundreds of people and Yara was only touching her lover with her legs and arms and pussy, it was incredibly intimate. It was an intimate moment that she was beginning to relish in sharing with everyone around her.

She had never felt this brazen her entire life. As she made her rounds people would ask silly questions that turned her on even more, “Is that really horse sperm?” “Of course!” and “What does it feel like?” “You should try it and find out!” and “Can you really cumm like that?” “Oh God yes!” Yara was pleasant to the many people she spoke to and began to get hot thinking about it. The woman asking the most questions who had been in Yara’s history class began to ask more intimate questions, like what Yara day dreamed about while she was orgasming. Yara began to rock her hips as she described Davi, who of course the woman knew. Anahi also nodded, remembering that Yara had had a huge crush on him. Yara described what Davi did to her in her dreams.

As she talked about feeling his muscular body on hers she began to rock her hips ever so slightly, massaging her insides with the massive horse penis that invaded her. Anahi smiled and changed the topic slightly asking the woman about what she’s been doing lately, giving Yara a moment to concentrate on her lover. Yara pulled on the straps with her arms to get her body swinging back and forth, gently. The oversized stiff rod began to bounce slightly, lifting Yara’s lower part of her body as the horse began to react to Yara’s sensual writhing.

The horse was reacting well, and Yara felt her body coupling with the stallion. Yara imagined the horse’s penis flaring inside of her and she began to quickly bounce her butt in her sling, making a creaking sound with the leather. Yara knew more people were watching her now, but she didn’t care. She wanted to cumm. Her stomach began to tense, as did her legs. Yara felt her anus twitching as an orgasm approached. The horse too was finally starting to thrust into his tiny mistress’s body which was held securely on his over sized sexual organ by thick leather straps.

Yara suddenly got a visual of herself lewdly fucking a horse openly in front of hundreds of people who knew her since she was a child. Yara began to moan, and arch her back, as she felt the horse’s cock thicken and saw it’s balls tighten. Yara knew she would soon be filled with another huge load of the horse’s semen as it pawed it’s hoof against the gym floor, fucking his tiny lover. Yara moaned loudly enough for most people to hear, “I wish Davi could see this!” and with that she pressed her body down onto the thick shaft, burying it deep in her womanhood. She pressed her cervix against the head of her lover’s warm tense genitals just as the stallion let loose another torrent of thick white liquid deeply into her willing body. It splashed against her insides and the huge horse head flared hugely inside her tiny vagina, pressing hard against her assaulted cervix. Rope after rope of hot sexual fluids were squirted into Yara’s tensed body from her huge lover’s member. It finally began to overflow her tiny body with it’s volume and spill out onto the floor of the gym for everyone to see.

Finally Yara couldn’t stand it one more second and her own orgasm overtook her as her classmates watched her stiffen and moan and tense her whole body. The long strands of fresh semen erupting from her pussy were evidence enough of her convictions. Finally Yara began to relax, and breath. Anahi laughed to break the silence and said, “Don’t look now, but I think Davi did see you.” Yara’s eyes widened, “What?” Anahi yelled over to Davi who had been in the crowd all along. Yara barely recognized him because he had aged into a man, but she blushed heavily knowing he had been there the whole time and in fact had seen her perverse union and had probably heard her yelling out his name.

Davi smiled, “Hi, Yara, wow… you’ve… grown up!” Yara smiled and blushed, “Hi, Davi, I don’t know what you saw but…” “Hey, it’s okay, hell, it was amazing! I couldn’t see very well from where I was standing. Is that really horses’ stuff coming out of you?” Davi pointed at the perverse union that was still actively drooling out hot liquid. “Yes. Two of them, actually.” Yara blushed furiously. “Two?!” “Yes, he came in me once earlier when I first arrived and once just now. And actually there was several times on the drive over here. Maybe four times? I kinda lost count. And there’s probably still some on my face and breasts from once more in the parking lot. So, maybe six times so far today? That’s not abnormal for a belly rider at all. Sorry, does all this bother you?” “Bother me?” “Yah, I mean, I know you mentioned once or twice back when we were in high school that you enjoyed the belly riders in the carnival. I’m just not sure what you think of them now.” Davi smiled, “I see… I mean, I was just a kid then, but now that I’ve grown, I can see now that I should have probably asked you out back then. Wow, I mean, look at you!” Yara blushed again, wishing she could hide her breasts and her pussy, but then she also thanked God that she couldn’t at the same time giving her an opportunity to flaunt herself to the sexiest man she had ever known.

Yara smiled as she felt the butterflies in her stomach begin to tighten, “I came here today to see you, actually. I wanted to show you that I was a belly rider now. I wanted to show you that I too can fuck horses in public, just like those girls we saw when we were high-schoolers in the carnival, and that I’d do that every day for the rest of my life if you wanted me to.” Yara had to hold back tears. She so wanted to be accepted by Davi. Davi could see how much this meant to Yara and he crouched down and gave her a hug, pressing his head against Yara’s breast, where her name tag was still stuck. Yara wished her arms were free so she could hug him back, but all she could do is move her head so it rested against Davi’s as a single tear rolled down her face. She felt so stupid.

Davi stood up and looked at the sexy naked girl impaled on a horse. Yara noticed that some of the sperm on her breast was now soaking into his nice shirt. Thankfully, Yara thought, he hadn’t noticed. Davi instead was inspecting the drooling sperm that leaked out of her, covered her exposed breasts and her beautiful face. He, of course noticed her beautiful face was topped off with her sparkly tiara. Her whole body glistened with a light sheen of sweat from her aerobic sexual activities. He noticed the single lonely tear suspended on her face, but didn’t know quite what to say. He obviously didn’t understand what she wanted. Yara knew what she looked like. She was a whore. No different from the low life prostitutes on the sidewalk in the bad neighborhoods. She had come here with her hopes up and now she realized how stupid she really had been. Davi’s silence was deafening as he examined her body. Davi finally spoke up.

“Well, look here, you are one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen. Alyways have been, and now. Geez, look at you, you’re stunning. But there’s one problem. I’m, well… See… I’m a priest now, Yara.” Yara’s heart dropped and her eyes widened when she heard that. She had never even for a second considered that Davi would ever be a priest. She immediately wanted to cover herself up. “Oh my god. Er… I mean… Uhh… I don’t know what I mean. I should go.” “No, Yara, it’s okay, I’m still open minded and enjoyed the spectacle, it’s just that I’ve taken a vow of chastity.” Yara quietly said, “There’s no way to convince you to quit, is there?” Davi smiled at Yara, “No, I’m afraid not.” Davi smiled to himself for a second and said, “But maybe there is a way for us to see each other more often and for you to belly ride as often as you’d like if you’d like that?”

Yara wrestled with her own mind. Yes, she had come to see Davi, but really the thought of having sex with horses had been a bigger turn on than Davi ever had been. Maybe being near him was enough. Or maybe horses had always been enough, it was just that Davi was her excuse. Either way, she had never had so much fun in her life despite how hard it has been, and she didn’t want to stop, even if Davi couldn’t be hers. His words confused her though, “I’m not sure I understand.” Yara said meekly. “One of the things I do regularly is consult poor couples on the use of abstinence, because as you know Catholics don’t condone the use of birth control.” “Yes?” “Well, one of the things that I think would resonate with some of the poorer couples is belly riding. Many people have one or more of their family members who have ridden in this way. Aunts, mothers, sisters, nieces – almost everyone has someone in their family, even if it’s not talked about openly. I think having you there to talk to them would help them to understand there are other ways to satisfy sexual frustration without having to have sex with each other.”

“But Davi, er… I mean, Father… doesn’t the church forbid ‘laying with animals’?” Davi smiled, “Yes, but it would be naive to think that the bible should be read with today’s eyes in the same way it was written a thousand or more years ago. Besides, you aren’t lying with the horse, you are riding it. If you want to get technical, that is. Besides, I am not doing this for the church – I am doing it for the poor families who need options.” Yara’s heart began to beat heavily. Could she really agree to ride from home to home fucking horses for hundreds or even thousands of people to help preach the word of the lord? Could she help the women of the families satisfy their sexual urges in the same way she had? Could she really have her pussy filled with horse sperm for the rest of her life to be inspected by everyone who would listen? She had done it for six months almost non stop, but this was different. Her mind raced!

“How would I live? I need to eat and to feed my horses, and I really would need two or three stallions for something like that. Then there’s the saddle and the shots for the horse. I have enough money, but I couldn’t live forever like that.” Davi smiled, “Don’t worry, Yara, the church will pay for everything. You can live in one of the stables we have, and we can eat together every day before we ride out into the countryside. Me on top of my horse and you under yours. Each of us spreading good will in our own way.” Yara humped her hips up and down several times, getting turned on by the idea. “Tell me more.” she whispered in a hushed voice, noting that people had started milling around quite a bit more and the noise in the room had risen due to the volume of people laughing and sharing stories.

Davi smiled and indulged Yara, “You will go out to the country side, slung beneath your horse, a trail of sexual desire in your wake, giving pleasure to yourself, and your horse and letting the young men and women of the villages see alternatives to satisfying their carnal lust with one another. The church in turn for your salary and horses will require, of course, that you show everyone your satisfaction with your horse. Especially so that they can see for themselves that this should be an open practice that the women of the family should not feel embarrassed by. They too should feel comfortable enough to wake up, climb under their horse and go about their day like that. As many of the young women already have children, they should give their children horseback rides to school while slung beneath the same horse, do errands for their families, socialize with other families in the village and explore nature. Anything to stay busy and happily satisfied without men.”

Yara huffed with lust as she pictured all those women bound to their equine lovers wincing and writhing with each anxious step. Women who would spend the bulk of their days as Yara would, their insides bathed in animal sperm. “Perhaps you could even tell the younger girls that it’s okay to experiment with dogs, rather than boys.” Yara began to wiggle her bottom as she bit her lip, “That sounds wonderful, but one question.” “Yes?” “Would you mind telling Mr. Hernandez that I am a woman of God before we leave tonight? It would make me feel a lot better.” Davi laughed, “I’m sure we could find time to do that for you.” Yara closed her eyes and breathed deeply, “I’m sorry, Father, but I need to have another orgasm now.” Davi laughed, “I wouldn’t expect anything else, and please don’t apologize again, Yara.” Yara nodded, put her head back, and arched her back up and down, allowing the thick meat of the horse’s cock to slip deeply into her and then retract several inches again. With each movement, Yara felt her ecstasy rising. Through hazy eyes she looked at Davi who sipped from his water, not taking his eyes off of her.

Suddenly a voice came over the loudspeaker in the gym. It was Anahi’s voice, thanking everyone for coming to the class reunion. Yara was barely paying attention, as the horse’s thick head was driving her crazy as it pressed against her cervix. Her moans began to escalate slightly. Then Anahi’s voice said, “Now, let’s have a dance, which will be lead by our class president, Davi and our prom queen, Yara! Yara is slightly hobbled by her new found profession as you will note, so her horse will be doing the dancing for her. Davi and Yara, take it away!” Yara’s eyes were wide open. Anahi was such a bitch! But at the same time, Yara was sexually thrilled by the idea of being the center of attention in this way.

Davi who was well humored took Yara’s horse’s reigns and lead her to the center of the gym, showing her buttocks and vaginal lips off to everyone as they walked away from the large group of people and onto the makeshift dance floor. Each step rocked her body which was very nearly on the edge of orgasm already. The heavy cock, which was highly slippery due to the volume of sperm and vaginal lubricant that coated the lovers, slid easily in Yara’s tortured body. The lights were dimmed and two spot lights came on in the center of the room, illuminating Davi and the stallion which cast a heavy shadow over Yara’s body. Davi stopped and waited for the music to start. Finally it did, and it was a bit of a salsa beat. Davi began to lead the horse in circles, dancing with it, while the hundreds of onlookers laughed. They laughed at Yara’s flushed body which was obviously in a great deal of pleasure, and they laughed at Davi’s silly dance with the horse. They could see Yara’s stomach tensing and her breasts giggle with each step, as her breathing became more labored.

Each step was murder. Yara really didn’t want to climax with so many people watching. But just as she thought that, another spot light was turned on and pointed directly at Yara under the horse, so the whole audience could see her easier. Yara saw the reflection of her tiara sparkling all over the horse’s chest and legs as her body swam through the air. She could no longer tell where she was going. She was dizzy from the dancing and horny from the open sexual performance she was giving her Alma Mater. She felt the cool soft round sensation of her pearl necklace against her neck and chest, noting that the horse sperm on her face and chest was beginning to dry. Yara bit her lip, hoping to avoid her impending climax until after the dance. After a few minutes of dancing the horse began to feel the effects of the tight hole that his giant phallus was inside of on him. The stallion began to buck slightly and thrust his cock in and out of Yara’s poor body.

Yara accidentally moaned loudly, which made Davi laugh, to which he said, “You okay under there?” Yara moaned, “I’m trying my best to keep my cool, but it’s really hard!” Davi said back, “Just go with it!” Yara wasn’t so sure, but she also wasn’t sure she had a choice. The slippery pole her body was wrapped around wasn’t slowing down and the horse was obviously getting closer and closer to his own orgasm as the stallion’s huge muscly flanks flexed with each thrust. Each step and thrust forced the giant throbbing invader deeply into the most sensitive spot in Yara’s body. As the horse tensed it’s huge erectile muscles it actually lifted Yara’s buttocks out of her sling. Finally moments before the climax of the song, Yara’s stallion had his own climax with a loud whinny. The giant animal fucked forward and the hot liquid in his testicles began to boil over as he emptied himself into Yara’s willing body. The hot liquid squirted out of the horse’s tremendously large penis into Yara’s tiny body as she moaned, “Oh Father, I can feel the head of his penis flaring against my cervix.” As the audience watched the dance continue the thick head of her lover throbbed as the muscles in his pelvis lifted the tiny girl as he inseminated Yara’s womb. The heat and the lust the horse had began to brim over and Yara’s own body began to react.

The horny young girl pushed downwards taking as much of her lover’s penis as she could manage. The blood in her sensitive vulva had made her labia fat and red as it engorged with blood. Her clitorus felt like it was going to explode. She writhed and fucked her hips and finally gave herself into the fantastic feeling in her loins. Her body shook and tensed and with a final last hard push, Yara screamed in ecstasy as her vagina began to milk the hot fluids from the still erupting penis buried in her. That’s when Yara noticed that the music had stopped. Yara’s pussy was still pulsating hard. So hard, in fact that with each pulse a little more of the horse sperm oozed out of her tender loins. Yara’s legs shook and her anus clenched and unclenched as her body involuntarily massaged the last of the stallion’s semen from his still erect penis.

Anahi’s voice rang out from the loud speaker over the song as it came to its conclusion, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I think you’ll agree you’ve just witnessed one of the most unique styles of dancing you’ll ever see. And please give Yara a huge round of applause. It’s not easy being stark naked, and impaled while being as charming as she has managed to be been all evening. Look how beautiful and elegant she is, everyone. Let’s give a round of applause for our belly riding prom queen!” As the audience clapped and a few whistles rang out through the gym, Yara flushed furiously. She squeezed her pussy once more, letting out quite a bit more sperm for everyone in the audience to see in appreciation.


Chapter 5

Davi bowed to his dance partner. Yara blushed as there wasn’t much she could do being bound by her wrists and ankles, so she just closed her eyes, nodded her head and lifted her hips slightly in the semblance of a curtsy, which made a small amount of sperm drip out of her filled pussy embarrassingly. Yara knew that after so many huge sperm loads from a stallion, not only was her vagina full of horse cum, but her uterus was as well. If she went to sleep in a bed her whole sheet would be soaked with the sperm from her pussy by morning. Any movement of her hips at this point promised to eject a little more of the hot fluid. Yara wasn’t sure, but she speculated that her orgasms were better with horses than they had ever been with any man before, which meant her cervix sucked up even more sperm from the horse than it would have from a man. She knew every crevasse of her tiny body was filled to the brim with everything the two horses she had fucked that day had to offer her.

The nearly endless dripping of her pussy over the last six months was something Yara had learned to live with after six months of fucking horses nearly non stop, but this was the first time she had to deal with the obscene side effect of her fetish in front of so many people who she had known for so long. Sure, Lorena’s family and ranch hands were always around, but they were all so used to it that it was difficult for Yara to be embarrassed by her experiences at the belly riding school. There were grunts and moans all over the hacienda from the women in lusty embraces with their steeds. But at her reunion it felt different. People weren’t nearly as accepting here.

Other people began to dance as the next song came on, so Yara and Davi moved to the side of the dance floor, where Yara began to finally catch her breath. Davi grabbed Yara’s horse’s reigns and began to slowly walk them around the gym, meeting people as they went. Suddenly, there was that voice again. Mr. Hernandez’s voice rang out, but this time it had slightly less edge, “Davi! How have you been?” Davi smiled and began to talk to Mr. Hernandez. Apparently Davi was Mr. Hernadez’s favorite student. The conversation lasted several minutes, as Yara stood there, meekly. It was as if no one noticed the naked girl tied to and impaled on the giant horse’s penis. It was an odd and uncomfortable sensation for Yara.

Davi explained to Mr. Hernandez that he was in the priesthood now, and Mr. Hernadez laughed heartily. “Perhaps you should save this one,” he pointed to Yara. Davi smiled, “Yara? Oh no, in fact she is helping me in my mission.” “Excuse me?” Yara bit her lip in anticipation of the conversation, “Yes, she and I will go to the underprivileged members of the surrounding communities and she will help me preach alternatives to sex, since no one seems to abide by abstinence.” “You tell people that sex with horses is better than sex with people?” “No, of course not, first of all it won’t be me saying it, it will be Yara. Secondly, it’s just an alternative that helps when people cannot control their desire. Yara is instrumental in spreading the word of the church.”

Yara took her cue to push gently against the horse cock taking another inch in her vulnerable hole which made her leather saddle creek slightly. Her ultra-sensitive sex organs were engorged with blood, and filled with what felt like a gallon of her lover’s sperm. She rocked her hips gently as Mr. Hernandez frowned at Yara. “Really? Is this true Yara?” Yara moaned gently, “Mmm, yes, it is!” “I had no idea, I thought you were just doing this to get attention. I didn’t know you were a woman of God.” Davi smiled, “God preaches forgiveness, but before Yara can forgive you you must apologize for passing judgment.”

Mr. Hernandez furrowed and with a definite hint of contempt in his voice his eyes narrowed and he said through gritted teeth, “My apologies for what I said earlier, Yara.” Yara closed her eyes and took a full five seconds to hump her hips up and down several times, which made a number of drops of horse sperm drip out of her before she said, “Oh gosh, Mr. Hernandez, there’s no way you could have known, but I hope you will be more accepting of me and women like me in the future. I assure you we pose no threat to you.”

Mr. Hernandez blushed at her innocent sounding words. Clearly she was openly and actively fucking the horse penis inside of her. The leather of her saddle continued to creak as she rocked back and forth, as she looked up at Mr. Hernandez from under her lover’s body. He softened slightly, “Of course, Yara, and I take back what I said. You are welcome back to the school at any time you like when the children aren’t present. And that includes future reunions. My appologies.” Yara arched her back as she lewdly fucked into her lover’s huge cock deeper pretending like it was the most natural thing in the world to do, “It’s quite alright, Mr. Hernandez. There’s no way you could have known. But please excuse me for a moment. I’m starting to get a little excited by my big friend here, if you know what I mean. I’m sorry, it’s difficult to ignore him.” Mr. Hernandez did know what she meant and didn’t say a word.

Yara preceded to buck her hips up and down against the stallion’s engorged penis. She was obviously aroused already because after only a few seconds, Yara’s pussy began to convulse. Davi looked on from his vantage point. Yara knew he could see her anus muscles clenching, because she could feel it. She had been on the verge of orgasm since the conversation began and it didn’t take much for Yara’s vagina to react to the stallion’s invasive member. Davi smiled when Yara’s buttocks began to spasm and drip the lusty fluids that had originated from the warm testicles of the huge beast. A long thin strand of fluid hung gently dropped to the ground and hung suspended from Yara’s body and gracefully attached itself to the floor, where it danced with every breath and movement of Yara. It caught the light of the dance floor and would have made Yara blush furiously if she could have seen it from her position, but she was blissfully ignorant of her indecent exposure. Davi smiled and pointed to Yara, “There you go. See? She’s bringing good will to the world.” Mr. Hernandez nodded but remained clearly unmoved.


Chapter 6

It would be a night that Yara would never forget. After it was over, Yara had orgasmed four times while the horse had orgasmed three, not counting her long drive where she had lost count of the collective orgasms. It was the start of a lifestyle that she would never learn to regret. Yara returned to the belly riding school only to return Lorena’s horses. Yara paid Lorena handsomely a good portion of her savings as a donation to the school. Yara knew she no longer needed money. Lorena was thankful and knew the money could help bring many more women pleasure in the school in the future. Lorena also wished Yara well in her new life. Yara promised to send any curious women to the school if they wanted to know more.

The church would continue pay for her to live in the manner in which she had rown extremely fond of. Yara also promised to send anyone looking to learn to Lorena first and foremost, which Lorena smiled to under her horse. Yara eventually was bought several stallions by the church from Lorena’s own stable of trained stallions. Each of which were taken care of by the priests when Lorena wasn’t hung beneath them. The nuns administered the shots, and tied Lorena into place whenever she needed help.

Anahi came to visit her in her new role with the church and became a close confidant. Yara could tell that Anahi was always curious about horse sex, but always changed the subject when Yara would bring it up with Anahi. Yara never did decide if Anahi had ever or would ever have sex with an animal, but it was interesting food for thought as she swung gently under her horses on her long walks. Either way, Anahi was fun to gossip with as she told Yara about what was going on with the classmates and what they all thought of Yara’s new lovers. The reviews from her classmates were definitely mixed but Anahi took great pleasure in harrassing anyone who voiced disgust. It was fun for Yara to talk about and she felt that Anahi got pleasure from watcing Yara too. Ultimately Anahi became Yara’s closest friend and entertained Yara in the evenings when she would otherwise be alone. She lived happily ever after eating every meal with Davi impaled on throbbing horse penis. She spent the rest of her life naked deliberately having wild sex with horses in front of anyone who would watch.


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