Bellyriding Women with Animals
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A Silly Mistake turns so Erotic


By the time I was ready to start high school, the parents had decided I was too much of a handful, always getting in trouble, so my grandfather agreed to raise me from then on. He lived near the Mexican border, raising horses – I had spent a lot of my summers down here, so more then familiar with the ranch, the livestock and definitely how to ride.

Staying with him when I entered college, was something he seemed to really enjoy, I loved him and this place so much, when I got a job with the ability to work from home, he suggested I stay with him … he had built me a small home away from his, so I was on my own … all in all I always thought he was the most perfect person in the world and I had the feeling I was just as special in his eyes also.

Thinking back, I have no idea why going across the border to watch a sex show, a donkey sex show came from or why I even agreed to this silly trip, especially when, looking back at who I had agreed to go with it had to be expected nothing would be like it had been planned.

We were going to drive down to a small village south of the border to a night show where donkeys and women enjoyed sexual encounters … something as a female who was very familiar with horses and donkeys, more then once I had wondered how this would feel, so I decided to go along with him.

Derik was fun to be with, extremely well endowed, his control over his body was unbelievable, always bringing me to a crashing orgasm, leaving me exhausted for hours after a session with him, but his ability to screw up anything he was involved in was also part of his story.

We had crossed the border heading south, when he told me there had been a change in plans .. the donkey show was scheduled for the next night, but there was a dog show taking place this evening … “We’ll catch the dog show, then spend the night in a hotel .. drink and relax until the donkey show the following evening”

The way he said it, the sheepish way he looked – told me he was hiding something, but this was his trip, he was paying for it, so I let it ride without questioning him.

Checking in at the hotel early evening, gave us time to shower and change … figuring this would be a sexually filled evening I had on a loose fitting pair of shorts, no panties and a loose fitting blouse that buttoned up the front, inwardly giggling when I looked in the mirror, knowing I may be on his lap before the evening was over, enjoying his cock while the lady on the stage was enjoying some doggies cock.

Driving to a small club south of the city, several cars were randomly parked here and there – it looked like a large barn was out back and some small homes by the side – I assumed they kept the animals there – as soon as we walked in, my date once again surprised me by producing a special ticket – he and the lady said something in Spanish – then we were taken to a reserved table directly in front of the stage … it was hot outside and I was sure the beer cold, as soon as we ordered, “When did you arrange for this reserved table?”

He laughed, brushing it off, telling me he had an old friend … again I knew he was lying, but the place was filling up, lots and lots of hot women, some good looking men – a few couples were already getting it on before the show started, needless to say, the smell of sex, seeing some nice cocks slipping in and out of many pussies already had me more then a little aroused.

The drinks were delivered, they were as promised cold, taking a full swallow … it seemed to hit the spot …by the time I had emptied my first glass, a second one was ready, but I was feeling kind of strange. First of all there seemed to be a building itch between my legs, something I was twisting and squirming around, nothing seemed to help. A very pretty young lady had joined our table … undoing my top, sucking, teasing my nipples … pulling on them making me moan – two fingers were sliding in and out of my pussy … looking down my shorts had been taken off, the pumping wasn’t helping the growing itch.

Looking up on stage, a big black dog was fucking a lady who seemed to be enjoying what was happening … it would take a couple of days for me to realize I had been drugged – it was D who had arranged it, but right now nothing mattered … the more I drank – sexually the worse shape my body was heading …

I vaguely remember hearing everyone yelling and cheering for the girl on stage – then someone asked if anyone in the audience wanted to see what this felt like … the lady next to me, the one continually bringing me closer and closer to a mind blowing climax, yelled that I wanted to try it.

That fucking date of mine and the stranger helped me up on stage – I was secured on a badly worn padded fucking bench … my poor pussy was already so wet it was dripping a milky secretion – I assume due to the drugs I’d been given.

Barely able to focus now, it looked like a lighter colored dog was brought out .. he sniffed, did some light licking over my bottom then between my legs. I’d never had a dog lick me where this one was exciting me … prior to being helped up here, I was already more then a little aroused … even though the drugs had me in a hazy cloud … what was about to happen, made me start to object … shaking my head, Derik was in front of me, just off stage … shaking my head, “Please don’t let this happen … I don’t want this to happen to me, please I’m begging you make this stop, take me back to the table”

I know he heard me, but he only smiled … just as the hound with his tongue – somehow separated the folds of my pussy, slipping the tip inside me … I had no idea these animals tongues had been designed to stimulate and give pleasure to the female body. That was all it took to have my head drop down, the effects quickly stopped me begging to have this stop, instead a low whimper could be heard clearly in the audience … making everyone give out a cheer …

Somehow he knew I was enjoying this, that wonderful tongue continued to arouse me … He kept at me, until I was way beyond needing him in me … easily jumping up on my back, this skilled creatures cock slipped inside me … making me gasp – then in one small jump he was buried all the way in .. his balls slapping my body … without letting me taking time to enjoy this new feeling – he started pounding me, bottoming out – just as quickly pulling back … in and out so fast, my whole body was shaking … his body was moving so fast, pounding me so hard … a huge body blowing orgasm washed over me … but unlike any sex I’d enjoyed before, he didn’t slow down any .. just kept pounding. HIs length, the girth, the speed as well as the drugs that had been given to me, triggered a new continual mini explosions, each one just barely finishing when the next one started …

His knot was large, applying pressure to try and push in, I was in such a delirious state it didn’t seem to bother me .. when it was finally in, this triggered my second body blowing climax … leaving me exhausted, unable to move in any way, just laying on the bench while he filled me with the warm seed …

Staying in me, not moving – just pumping more and more of this super warm substance in me, did something to my mind and body … the knot shrunk down, he pulled out of me, what felt like gallons of his seed followed his shaft pulling out .. then my wrists and ankles were released .. normally the women curl up in a ball, scramble to the back for safety but I moved to my new lover, licking his cock, cleaning it for him, never being as grateful for what he had just done to me, for the new pleasure he had provided … when he was clean, with some help from the staff, my lover, me and that shit-head date, were taken to the back room off stage …

Laying me on a filthy rug, “Derik thank you for contacting us about your girl friend – she was a popular addition to the show … I want to purchase her. I think she’d be worth $10,000 cash – you go back across the border saying she has disappeared”

The drugs were beginning to wear off of me .. at least enough for me to realize what was happening, raising my head …”You can’t sell me, I’m an American Citizen, you don’t own me – this can’t happen” One of the women had taken out a pre-filled syringe, plunging the contents in my bottom, it only took a few seconds for me to forget all about being sold or used or anything, my world was a happy free floating place now …

That worthless piece of shit ended up sealing the deal for $15k .. he had my purse, all my ID, I didn’t even have the clothes I’d worn here …

The next days turned into a week, then into a month … two times a day I’d be on stage, always given a sex shot before I came out … playing with the dogs cock, coaxing him to mount me, enjoying the way he pounded me was a normal routine. I was blonde, big huge tits, olive skin tone and obviously American … all led to the popularity of what was happening.

As instructed the worthless piece of shit contacted the local authorities reporting my missing, then crossed the border, broadcasting the same story. Talk shows were paying him to appear and tell what had happened … fortunately my guardian heard the story, also heard about the new blonde dog-fuck girl performing in a bar, not far from his ranch. One of the many shows I was performing in had my grandfather in the audience … paying the owner a large amount of money to spend some time with the girl who fucks dogs … the two of us were taken into a private room next to the stables. Being purchased by one of the attendees was nothing new, since I had arrived several men had privately used me, I was becoming a true cock slut who lived and loved for my next cock.

As soon as we were alone, he gave me a shot designed to neutralize the drugs I had been given. It cleared my mind enough for me to recognize who was with me, making me feel embarrassed being nude with him … but sensing the show he had just watched was having an effect on him also, however Pops had a plan, a friend of his trained horses for women to belly ride. They were being housed in the same barn on the property. He had a few horses out back, since I had been raised with horses all my life …. I’d slip into a belly harness, guide the horse out of the area, back across a section of the Rio that was shallow and narrow… my grandfather would be on the US side to pick me up …once safe he’d help me deal with my old time lover.

The special harness for the girls to be fucked by a horse was simple, once out back, I crawled up into the material, my legs spread wide open on either side of the huge animal – back and head supported by the material that hugged me to him … this one had reigns, so I could see upside down where we were going and simply guide him away from the heard and across the border a good days ride to freedom.

As soon as I was under my animal there were several problems none of us had thought about. First in the saddle, I had to have someone else help me out, there was no way I could move under him … second these were specially trained sex horses, easily aroused, just as easy to cum upon command and the ability to need the release of their seed on a regular basis.

I guided him with the group of horses a few miles then turned back north to intercept the border. The ride was comfortable and the feeling of finally being free was making me giddy, all I could think about was getting even with that son of a bitch who had sold me.

A short time after we were on our own, I felt something strange begin to grow between my legs … we were moving at a slow pace, so I wouldn’t exhaust the animal …. but something kept growing and growing .. that was when I realized he was becoming aroused.

Another thing we didn’t know, these horses were trained to bring their long shaft up under the carrier, allowing them to fulfill their purpose. His cock easily slipped inside me, growing larger and larger, pushing further and deeper inside … the steady trot, his warm penis inside, our bodies in a smooth rhythmic motion … not only excited him, but gave me a sudden massive explosion … so intense and exciting I almost let go of the reigns.

I’d never had anything like this in me, the constant motion, the size, movement inside me, being pressed so close to him … started to trigger a series of new and exciting mini convulsions between my legs … finally he emptied his load into me, combined with what was happening … my eyes lost the ability to see or focus … trying to keep him in the direction we needed was becoming more and more impossible.

A few more miles down the road, he’d become excited again … pushing deep inside my body, a new session of unknown pleasure started to take place … somehow he could make the wonderful shaft push in then pull out .. in and out … in and out … I’d explode …he’d explode filling me … I’d loose all sense of what was happening ….then just as I started to calm down, that wonderful cock would grow again … the process starting again.

By the time we had gone a few miles, that shaft constantly being in me, his ability to move it in and out while we were trotting along, sent me into a sexual zone … barley having the presence of mind to link the reigns secure in my hands – was the only thing that kept us going in the correct direction, but my ability to see anything, to understand what was happening or why I was in this position were all lost .. all I could do was enjoy the feeling of pure pleasure continually rushing through my body, triggering constant orgasms … these were so intense – all I could do was moan and moan, my hips pounding up and down against the beasts underbelly.

Fortunately my huge beast had the sense to head to the water … pacing back and forth along the edge – he sensed the narrow and least deepest part of the river .. my grandfather could see us on the opposite side, the fact the big beauty kept pacing back and forth, I knew the river from both sides, so it was obvious there were some problems … but when we crossed the river – he was there to help me out of the harness … gallons and gallons of cum poured out of me when his cock pulled out.

Barely able to recognize who had saved me … “Sorry grandpa .. he was fucking me, kept fucking me over and over and over .. kept fucking me … can’t take anymore, no more fucking me .. please noooo”

I was shaking, felt like the pussy was pulsating open and closed … but somewhere deep inside, I knew I was free.

Having had so many explosions take place one after the next, as soon as I was helped to shower, given some food to bring back my strength, even though I still had no idea what was happening … as soon as the food was consumed – a much needed rest took over … from what the one who saved me said, I slept for over fourteen straight hours.

Waking in a familiar room, one that i’d spent a lot of years in, the area between my legs still tingling and aroused … not worrying about putting anything on, my grandfather had a nice meal for me … “So glad you’re up, sorry I didn’t think of what was going to happen to you and that big horse, but he had the sense to come this way, so I think we’re really lucky. How are you feeling?”

Taking one step at a time, very cautious … with my pussy still more then a little aroused, “I’m feeling much better now, thank you for rescuing me” My being nude had an immediate effect on him, the familiar tent I had come to recognize in so many men was showing in my grandpa’s shorts.

The drugs, being fucked so many times by so many different dogs, having multiple men be in me … all of this combined with the ride of my life had all but erased any inhibitions I may have had. He was my grandfather, but he had, what looked like a nice sized cock … I was a true cock-slut … grabbing a few pieces of bacon … sipping some OJ, settling down in his lap, wiggling my bottom on this growing excitement … then kissing him, a real heart felt passionate kiss, turning so I rubbed my tits back and forth against his chest … “Will you fuck me papa .. I need you to fuck me … do you want me?”

He was so strong, with me in his lap, standing up, discarding his shorts … I can’t remember him ever wearing under ware … I helped him shed his tee … on the way to his bedroom, “This is so wrong in so many different ways, but I’ve seen you fuck a dog, a horse and I’m sure a few men … and i’ve wanted you since you first arrived … I guess it is not that bad”

Laying me back on his bed, my legs opening wide immediately, loving the way he crawled up between them .. taking time to tease me, pinching my clit, inserting one finger deep in me … then kissing his way to my boobs .. taking time to tease them, suck on each nipple .. then moving higher so the head of his pole was at the entrance to my sex … raising so he could watch my expression while he slowly pushed deep inside me.

Looking at him, feeling him all the way inside me, squeezing my inside to grip all of him… then kissing while he started to pump in and out … of all the different size cocks that have been in me the past month or so, was nothing compared to having the love of my life inside me at this moment.

We weren’t pumping fast, only slow and steady, establishing a rhythmic motion, our kissing never wanting to stop for any reason … I rolled him on his back, while I was on top riding him …then we switched to me being on all fours so he could take me like so many dogs had done recently … this was where we both came crashing over the edge … it was a match definitely made in heaven .. we both came at the same time.

Laying on my back, her was next to me, playing with my breasts, making my nipples throb … “I have a couple of things I think you’ll like – first the horse who brought you here is now mine … anytime you want to go for a few hours ride, he’ll be more then ready to let that happen and second, I have a plan to made sure we get even with Derik the shit head”

Needless to say I was more then a little excited, he contacted Derik, asking him to come and visit, he had some information on my disappearance. Useless showed up the next day, as soon as he was out of the car, I shot him with a tranquilizer dart, dropping him to his knees immediately.

The two of us stripped him down … securing him to a modified St. Andrew’s Cross ..while he was out, I played with his cock until it was rock hard …. that was about the time he started to regain some conscience awareness … I snapped on a BDSM ring around his shaft, making sure it was far too tight causing him some pain. When he saw me, apologies were pouring out, telling me he was sorry, had he not been forced to do this it would never have happened … but I was not listening only excited to see Grandpa put a see through net around his balls and cock …. when it was secure around his body, that was the first time I saw the jar of black bullet ants. They are known as having one of the most intense and painful bites any small insect can inflict. These were easy to gather from a few people south of where I had been captured …

HIs eyes were wide open, when he realized what we were going to do, had him thrashing from side to side, screaming to let him go … I shook up the container making them mad – ready to attack anything they came in touch with … grandpa held the bag open, I dumped the little creatures in the bag, from his scream they must have been biting immediately.

My love pulled a draw sting tight on the opening of the bag, then he took a seat where our captured easily had a view of us …Papa was rock hard, stripped nude, I eased down on his lap, enjoying the feeling of him in me while satisfied at how fun it was to get even.

The screaming and writhing were so intense, I was afraid he might tear his hands off … the ants kept biting, he kept screaming and grandpa and I were enjoying our new relationship.

We had him in an area away from the house, so when the two of us toppled over the edge … his screams had eased because of a loss of his voice. The screams turned to a horsey coughing then whimpering …. keeping the device on him … the loss of blood only took a couple of days for his shaft to become dead, just hanging between his legs. That was when I pulled every tooth in his mouth …. no penis, no teeth made him a perfect blowjob candidate … we arrange for him to be transported to a poor town in central Mexico, dropping him off with no identity or money … he was crying when he left, begging for my forgiveness.

The next morning I slipped into the belly riding saddle, on my favorite horse. We had barely left the yard when that wonderful shaft entered me … approximately twelve hours later, grandpa helped me out of the harness … supporting me to the shower … “Looks like you had a successful ride … can’t wait to get inside you tomorrow” Then we kissed … life couldn’t be any better. The two favorite lovers ready to use me when I was needed them.

The End

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Views: 4512

2 thoughts on “A Silly Mistake turns so Erotic

  1. Loved the story! revenge and incest and the flexibility of her cunt, yummm/ I am waiting for grandpa to start enjoying her anally,

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