Women with Animals

It’s her Fault not Mine


Kate watched her husband get into his car and she waved to him through the open window as he drove away. Before she moved away her neighbour Mrs Mauve walked past and gave a cheery hello which of course meant she had to respond. What neither her husband nor Mrs Mauve could see was that as her husband had closed the front door, Barney the family Labrador had stuck his nose up her dress from behind and started licking her pussy.

“Any plans for the day?” Mr Mauve said from the garden gate.

“To get fucked rotten,” was what Kate wanted to say but instead replied, “Some housework and perhaps some gardening.” As she spoke, she opened her legs wider to allow Barney greater access to her soaking pussy. Kate had deliberately not put any panties on this morning when she got dressed as she knew she would spend most of the morning being fucked.

“Looks like it will be a lovely day for it.” Mr Mauve replied.

“Yes it does,” Kate said as she glanced over her shoulder and could see that Barney’s sizeable cock had already emerged from its hairy sheath. Kate loved Monday mornings as Barney was generally much more rampant as most of the time, he had been denied all weekend.
“Well I had best get on,” Kate said trying not to moan as Barney’s tongue worked in deeper, “Lots to do.”

Kate closed the window and got onto all fours. She smiled to herself as she membered how it had all started less than six months ago with a chance online encounter with a woman who was either an angel or the devil in disguise.


Kate used a chat program called Second Life which had avatars to represent you as a person. These avatars could then interact in a variety of ways ranging from dancing to parachuting. Of course, there were more adult activities which catered for a wide variety of tastes. One day Kate wandered into one particular world and it didn’t take long to realise that there were avatars of women and avatars of dogs, as well as a few other animals.

As she watched speechlessly, one blonde-haired woman was fucked by a great Dane and although Kate wanted to look away, she was mesmerised by the screen. After the dog had fucked the woman and moved off, the woman engaged her in conversation and they started to discuss what Kate had just seen. The conversation moved from what was on screen to real life and what they did when they weren’t online.

The avatar representing this woman had a clear tattoo of a dog paw on her ass cheek and the same on her breast and in case there was any doubt, on the base of her spine was a blonde woman being fucked by a Doberman.

“Do you fuck dogs in real life?” Kate wrote watching the screen breathlessly. As soon as she had pressed send, she almost regretted it. She had never really been interested in dogs before, and although she wasn’t disgusted by it, it was just simply something she had never considered before. Sure, in her twenties, before she had met her husband, she had her wild moments with a few lesbian flings and even the odd threesome, but something this perverted had never occurred to her. Now as the image of a dog fucking a woman popped into her head, she found herself getting wet. What was even more shocking was that in the picture in her head, it was her that was under the dog being pounded.

“Yep,” came back the reply, “Though my husband doesn’t know about it and I intend to keep it that way.”

“What is it like?” Kate asked and like a moth to a flame, she desperately wanted to know the answer.

The reply came back, “Imagine the hardest fuck you have ever had, the one where your teeth rattle as some guy pounds you… Well, it’s ten times that.” Kate moaned and bit her bottom lips as the woman went on, “And then there is the knot, a pulsing, throbbing ball of flesh that lodges inside you and presses against your G-spot as the dog breeds you.”

Kate whimpered as she read the words and touched her naked pussy with her free hand. It was like an electric shock pinging through her as her sensitive lips responded.

“Do you get stuck?”

“Yes,” the woman replied, “It can be 20 minutes if the dog swells enough and you have clamped down on him. During that time, you can’t move you just have to stay there and enjoy the multiple orgasms that ripple through your body.”

Kate was almost cumming as it was and had put 2 fingers into herself as she started to picture a dog fucking her senseless.

“OMG, I nearly forgot,” the woman said, “their tongues.”

“Tongues?” Kate typed back.

“Imagine the most skilled lesbian lover you have ever had,” Kate was remembering a young Thai girl she had hooked up with when she was travelling before she met her husband. That girl had the most flexible tongue and had made her cum so many times in the weeks they had spent together.

“Well forget anything you have experienced before, this is so much better., the woman said. “Their tongues are like warm wet rough sandpaper that rasps over your pussy and ass with an eagerness you have never known. They are long and flexible and will delve into spots you didn’t even know you had.”

Kate had stopped typing in response and was holding her pussy lips apart with one hand as she finger fucked herself fast and hard. As images flashed across the screen and seared into her brain, she knew that she had to experience dog cock at least once in her life.

Kate was close to cumming when the words appeared, “Before you do anything you need to decide whether you are going to involve your husband or not. You can’t suddenly tell him in six months’-time, “Oh by the way, I am fucking our dog.”

It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy sex with her husband, she did very much; it was just she craved something more. It was something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Maybe this was it but if it was then it was something she wanted to do for herself. Kate typed in, “I want to do it, will you help me?” Then Kate arched up off her chair as she orgasmed hard on her fingers.


The next steps were for Kate to buy a dog but before that, she had to convince her husband they should get one. She was mentally preparing her arguments when he walked through the door with a big bunch of flowers. Like most women when men buy flowers unexpectedly Kate’s brain went into overdrive trying to work out what he had done or wanted to do.

As she put them into a vase she said casually, “So what’s the special occasion then Mike?”

“Can’t a man buy his lovely wife flowers now and then?”

Dinner was served and as she cleared the dishes Kate knew that something was bothering Mike but she also knew better than to push him.

“How would you feel if we had a third in the house?” he said enquiringly.

At first, Kate thought he was talking about starting a family which was something they had discussed in the past and then a chill of fear ran down her spine as he went on, “Well I was talking with my Mother today…” Kate’s brain nearly exploded and was about to tongue-lash her husband about how that poison-tongued old bitch was not living under the same roof as her when he went on, “…She was saying how Barney was getting too much for her.”

Kate could feel her brain spinning. Barney was a stunning black Labrador that her mother-in-law had insisted on buying despite everyone telling her that at 65 she was too old for a young boisterous dog. Kate listened as her husband described how Barney was 18 months old and fully house-trained.

“He hasn’t been fixed but Mother said she can arrange for that before he gets to us.”

“NO,” Kate almost shouted and then realising the ferocity in her response went on, “Let him stay as he is until he is settled in and then we can decide from there.”

“So I can tell Mother yes then?” Mike asked.

“I am willing to give it a try to see how it goes,” Kate said even though inside she was screaming, “YES! YES! YES!” as this sounded like the perfect dog.


Monday morning came round and Barney had been in the house for a couple of days since Mike had collected him from his mother along with a vast array of toys, baskets and other paraphernalia.

“Will you be OK?” said Mike as he left to go to work.

“Of course I will,” Kate smiled, “I have Barney to look after me.” Not adding that the way she envisaged Barney looking after her involved him fucking her like a bitch.

The words of her online muse were ringing in her head. “Make sure the dog knows who is in charge.” and “Be natural around him and he will be natural around you.”

As advised Kate stripped off and wandered around naked letting Barney get used to her scent. He didn’t seem that interested even though Kate could feel her juices dripping down her inner thighs. Sitting on the chair Kate logged on and started searching when she felt Barney’s head between her thighs. Opening her knees Kate allowed him full access and he took his first tentative lick at a human pussy.

It felt like nothing she had experienced before and she had been licked by some skilled lovers. Barney’s tongue scraped over her lips making them a mass of jangling nerve endings. As she grew more excited, she became wetter, these juices encouraged Barney to lick even harder. When she came her noises were so loud that it startled Barney who backed away to the corner.

“Oh, I am so sorry boy,” Kate whimpered still on a high as she slipped off the chair and crawled over to Barney in apology.

What Kate intended was to soothe the dog’s nervousness. What Barney saw was a bitch that needed breeding and she was in the perfect position for it. Circling behind he sniffed and licked as his cock grew harder and longer.

Kate’s heart pounded as she felt Barney’s nose and occasional licks sending her wild. She had to bite her lip to stay silent for fear of frightening him again, instead, she kept her head down as a sign of subservience.

Barney had decided that this bitch was ready and willing and moving behind her, rose up and started to jab wildly. His cock left a smear of pre-cum across Kate’s ass cheeks as he danced around, seeking her pussy. In frustration, he dismounted and started to lick again and Kate wanted to scream and beg but again the words from her muse rang in her head, “Stay calm, encourage not admonish.”

Taking a breath Kate patted her ass gently, “Good boy Barney…there’s a good boy.”

On hearing her words Barney rose onto his hind legs again and started jabbing, his red cock waving wildly spraying watery pre-cum around the room. Then the tip found her entrance and he paused almost like his cock was checking he had found a home. Then in a flash, he thrust forward burying his meat deep into Kate’s pussy.

Kate was transported to another world. In that world, the only thing that happened was pure pleasure for that was what was running through her brain. “Oh God…Oh God…Oh GODddd,” was all she could say over and over as Barney fucked her at an unbelievable speed. Thoughts of not scaring him with noise vanished from Kate’s addled brain as she orgasmed like an exploding bomb, her head shaking in ecstasy.

Barney was in his stride now and whatever noise this bitch wanted to make was of no concern to him. The only task in his doggy brain was to force his knot into this bitch and breed her as long and as deeply as he could.

As Kate’s orgasm started to subside Barney jerked forward and rammed his knot into her sensitive pussy. A flash of light seared through Kate’s brain as the intense pain shot through her. Then as her lips clamped around the base of Barney’s cock, she felt the knot swell even more sealing him tightly inside her. As the throbbing started Kate started to cum once more. Seconds later when the first jets of seed hit deep inside, she came again and again.

Barney was locked inside her for 20 minutes and during that time Kate lost count of the number of orgasms she had. When he finally pulled away Kate remained on all fours, panting as her brain slowly came back to reality and her head stopped spinning.

Kate staggered to the computer and logged on, seeking to tell her muse what she had done.

“He has just fucked me,” she typed feeling his cum still warm inside her.

“Good girl,” came back the reply. “Now as I said earlier, you have opened Pandora’s box and there is no way to close it. Your body will crave dog sex and the more you get it the more you will want.”

Kate knew she was right as she could feel the need inside her and it had been less than an hour since Barney had fucked her. Typing in she wrote, “Have to fly, speak later.”

“LOL,” came back the response, “Enjoy Barney and be careful.”

Kate had already logged off and got onto all fours gently patting her ass, “Good boy Barney, come and fuck your bitch.”

As she felt Barney’s tongue licking her to check if she was ready, Kate knew that she was already hooked on dog sex.


All that was six months ago now and her routine was the same. During the week she would wave her husband off to work and then get on all fours. For most of the rest of the day, she would be Barney’s bitch, just as she was right now. Weekends were tricky as she had to keep Barney calm and on occasion would sneak down late after her husband had fucked her and give herself to Barney in the garage where he slept. She often thought that he must have smelt another male on her as he always seemed to fuck that much harder and aggressively.

Kate had become quite comfortable with Barney turning while locked inside her. The first time it had happened she had panicked a little, scared it would hurt him, but as he continued to pulse and spurt she realised that it was something quite natural. Kate had already cum four times but started to rub her clit as she loved this slow-knotted climax that could go on for 20 minutes. Just as she closed her eyes, they suddenly flew wide open as she heard the front door open.

“Hi Honey it’s only me,” Kate heard her husband shout but was unable to move. “I forgot my briefcase with the work in it….”

His words died in his throat as he turned the corner to see his wife in the middle of the kitchen knotted with the family dog.

The room was silent apart from Barney’s panting when Kate blurted out, “It’s her fault, not mine,” and then she moaned as a huge orgasm rippled through her.

“You slut,” Mike roared. “No wonder you didn’t want sex with me, you were too busy getting your cunt filled by Barney.”

There was nothing that Kate could do as Barney was locked inside her and was happily breeding her. To make matters worse as her husband frothed and raved; she couldn’t help letting out a loud moan of pleasure as she came again on his pulsing knot.

“She told me you were hooked on dog cock, but I didn’t believe her,” Mike said angrily.

Kate opened her mouth to question what he meant but Mike had unzipped his trousers and let his rock-hard cock spring free. Before she could protest he grabbed her head and began to face fuck her, driving his cock into her throat. Although Kate was choking and coughing on her husband’s cock she found that the whole scenario was making her hotter. As he grunted with pleasure and pumped his seed down her throat she found herself cumming again.

“So you are a dog whore now!” Mike said after things had calmed down with Barney resting in his basket. Kate went to answer but Mike cut her off with, “That wasn’t a question it was a statement.”

Kate kept quiet, her brain in overdrive as the phrase Mike had uttered kept running through her mind, “She told me you were hooked on dog cock.” The question was who was the “she” that he was referring to. Her thoughts were interrupted by her husband on the phone.

“Yeah, she fucks Barney just like you said she would.”

Kate guessed he must be on the phone with “she” whoever that was.

He scribbled down a number that “she” had given him and dialled it.

A muted conversation took place and Kate heard snippets of the exchange.

“How many dogs?” She heard him say and then laugh as he repeated, “Four? Do you think that will be enough?”

There were more words followed by Mike going, “40% seems fair,” quickly followed by, “Yeah any hole.”

After he finished his call Mike turned to Kate and said, “This evening a new friend of mine will be bringing over four dogs to fuck you as we film it.

Kate gasped in shock and wanted to protest but at the same time, she felt herself get wet at the thought of four strange dogs fucking her.

Mike went out muttering about “she always bloody knows,” and Kate quickly logged online and sought out her muse with a burning question in her head.

“Did you tell my husband?” She asked after she explained the situation she was in.

“How could I do that, I don’t even know your real name,” came back the reply, “so how would I know your husbands?” Then there was a pause before the words, “Has Barney got his dew claws?” Appeared on the screen.

Kate went to Barney who was still lying in his basket and checked his front paws. As she crouched by his bed to check he must have got a whiff of her scent as his red cock started to show. Kate had the answer that Barney’s dew claws had been removed and she knew that she should get back to the PC but his cock looked so tempting. Leaning forward she gave it a quick kiss and was rewarded with a squirt of pre-cum. Unable to resist the taste she gave a quick suck which turned into a longer suck.

Kate knew in her heart that she should get back to the PC but like her muse had warned she was hooked on dog cock. Getting on all fours she patted her ass in encouragement and Barney accepted her invitation in a flash. As the tip of his cock found her wetness and drove home she heard a gasp from the doorway. Craning over her shoulder she found herself staring into the face of her next-door neighbour.

“Mike just told me that you were fucking Barney but I didn’t believe it…until now,”

Kate could do nothing as he fished out his semi-hard cock and started fisting himself with one hand while using his camera phone to film Barney fucking her. Kate groaned as Barney pushed his knot in and as it swelled and throbbed she came hard.

“What a fucking slut,” her neighbour laughed as he spurted cum into her face. Kate could do nothing as he moved the phone closer to capture her seed-covered face screwed up in orgasm.

The thing that surprised Kate the most was that moving from acting the slut to being a slut was hugely exciting. When Barney had finished she didn’t bother dressing, instead wandered around the house anxiously pacing waiting for Mike to return with the camera crew and the dogs.

Mike pulled into the driveway followed by a large van with barking and yapping coming from the back.

The pair entered the kitchen and the stranger began setting up a camera on a tripod.

“The way this will work…” he said in a tone of voice like he was describing how he would fit a new carpet, “…is I will set up the static camera, then bring in the dogs one at a time. I will use the handheld for close-ups.” He then paused before he said, “am afraid we will need to lock your dog away…unless he wants to be a star that is.”

Mike looked at Kate and then looked at her thighs where cum was already dribbling down. “Looks like Barney has already had a go so best I lock him away while he recovers his strength, he can be fifth if that’s OK Steve.”

“Shame there was a couple more, we could remake the Record,” said Steve referring to the famous Stray X film where she was fucked by seven dogs.

At that point, there was a knock on the back door and standing there was the neighbour with his own dog on a lead.

“Hi Mike,” he said cheerfully, “popped over earlier and caught Kate fucking Barney like you said. Was just wondering if Rufus here could have a go?” Nodding towards the dog who was sniffing the air catching the scent of a bitch.

“He can but only if you phone your brother and get him to bring his boys over.” Mike laughed. Then turning to Steve said, “That will make eight if you are ready?”

Steve nodded eagerly and called Kate over, throwing her a pinafore and pulling a bucket and brush out of the cupboard. “OK slut make like you are scrubbing the floor and the dog catches you,” then he laughed as he added, “Ad-lib any lines you want but make sure you are nice and vocal, the punters love hearing the woman talking.” Finally, he threw a mask for Kate to wear, “best conceal your face to avoid prosecution.”

Kate was beside herself, if she had thought this morning that she would be in this position she would have run away screaming. As it was, she could hardly stop herself cumming as she got onto all fours and started scrubbing with her naked ass in the air.

Rufus was mainly a hound dog with a sorrowful face and long floppy ears giving him the impression of being a bit sad. He sniffed at Kate and then took a long lick at her pussy, still filled with Barney’s seed. Kate stopped scrubbing and squealed, “What was that?” Rufus had decided he liked the taste and took another couple of licks making Kate moan with pleasure. He wasn’t sure what to do next as he alternated between licking and sniffing.

“Work his cock,” Steve directed knowing he would cut things together later making it appear much more seamless.

Kate reached under Rufus and started to tease his red cock from its hairy sheath. Once it had started to show Steve picked up the handheld camera and gruffly said, “Use your mouth.”

Kate grasped Rufus’s growing cock and twisted it so she could start to suck him. Steve whistled under his breath as he thought to himself, “This girl is a natural.” Kate made sure the camera could capture her licking the end before sucking deeply and then pulling back to show a mouthful of pre-cum.

Rufus was getting ready and Kate moved back into position to allow Rufus to mount her and begin thrusting. Not being the tallest of dogs he moved around on his back legs until he finally found the right spot. His front paws gripped Kate’s hips and pulled her back as he fucked her with speed, his ears flapping. Kate moaned with pleasure as she felt the hard cock driving in and it felt slightly different to Barney’s but still as good. As she came she found herself staring into the camera capturing her eyes behind the mask as she orgasmed.

Rufus knotted and stopped as his knot expanded and sealed him into his bitch. As he pulsed his cum into Kate, Steve moved the static camera to point from behind. “Just need to capture the withdrawal but they might be tied for a while.”

Both Mike and Bill the neighbour were staring at Kate, their erections showing in their trousers and Steve laughed, “Once the knot is out I will turn the camera off while I get the next dog. It’s up to you Mike what happens.” He paused, his face creased in thought before he said, “Is Kate going to do anal with a dog, if so could do with one of you loosening her up as dogs can be quite enthusiastic.”

“That will be my job,” said Mike curtly then turning to Bill said, “You have already used her mouth but of course, your brother will be more than welcome to use her mouth when he gets here.” Then almost as an afterthought said to Steve, “How rude of me to forget you, you of course are more than welcome to use any hole you like.”

Steve smiled, “That’s very kind of you and I might indulge in a spot of anal…after you of course.”

Kate’s head was spinning hearing herself being talked about in this way and it made the sensations even more intense. Then she felt Rufus tug and start to pull himself free before his cock plopped out in a gush of cum and juices.

“So much better to capture the early ones,” Steve said as he turned off the camera, “By the time she has had half a dozen knots in there she will be pretty loose for a while, they tend to just fall out.”

Bill left with Rufus with a promise from Mike that either of them could use his wife anytime they felt like it.

Steve went outside to get the next dog so Mike leaned down and looked at his wife who had remained on all fours.

“How’s it going?” He asked, “Are you enjoying being a slut?”

Kate nodded her head as Steve bought in a German Shepherd who was pulling at the leash as he caught Kate’s scent. “This is Ludwig, your second, you will find him an enthusiastic lover.”

Steve wasn’t joking about his eagerness, for as soon as he was released he sped the short distance to sniff at Kate’s pussy. His red cock was already showing and the smell reassured him making it grow even more.

Kate felt his weight on her back and his soft belly fur rubbing on her back as he jabbed his hips. Kate felt the tip tickle her opening and then with a mighty yelp he drove in and began fucking at high speed. Kate started cumming from the sheer friction as Ludwig pounded her, pushing her around the floor. It didn’t take long for him to knot and then swell even more to lock inside. As it pulsed and began spraying its seed Kate threw her head back and howled, “Yes…yes…fuck me like the bitch I am.”

Steve smiled as he knew the vocals were always great when you could get them. Ludwig pulled out with a spray of cum and Steve took him back to the van and returned with a stocky Rottweiler. “This is Larry the Licker and you will find out why in a minute, and the vocals are great, keep them up.”

Kate was in heaven and as she saw the heavy Rottweiler standing there regarding her with his large brown eyes she nearly came. She knew that this was a dog who knew she was his bitch. There was almost an arrogant look about him as his cock grew like an angry red snake.

“I want to suck your big fat cock,” Kate moaned as she opened her mouth in invitation, licking her lips.

The dog of course wasn’t interested in her offer but was far more interested in the most wonderful smell that was assailing his nostrils, a bitch in heat. As he sniffed deeper, he detected other dogs had bred this bitch already and true to his name he pushed his snout into Kate’s posterior and began to lick.

Kate loved it when Barney licked her but this dog was another level. With Barney he would take a few fast licks and then mount, with Larry it was almost like he was going to lick her all day, his long rough tongue pressed against her pussy, then sliding along and in. He licked from her clit to her asshole in strokes that seemed to say, “This is my right.” Such was the intensity of his licks Kate was sobbing with pleasure.

Lifting her head so the camera would capture her words she moaned, “Please fuck me…put your big doggy cock in me and make me your bitch.” Then dropping her head and breasts to the ground held out her arms in total subservience.

It was almost like Larry understood her request and lifted his head before moving up and mounting her. His cock was like a homing rocket and entered Kate on his first thrust driving it deep. He didn’t fuck at the same breakneck speed as the German Shepard, though his thrusts were still faster than any man. The thing that was driving Kate mad was the power of the thrusts as his knot banged against her pussy lips.

The dog shifted its weight and placed its paws on Kate’s back, pressing her down as fucked her. His right paw moved further and ended up on her head pinning her down, showing the world that this was his bitch. It was in that position that he forced his knot home and began to pump his cum into her.

Once the Rottweiler had finished Steve didn’t remove him immediately. “Watch this,” Steve whispered as the Rottweiler started to lick at Kate’s battered pussy. Kate was making herself hoarse with the amount of screaming she was doing as the dog’s tongue flung her over the top yet again. As Kate thrashed around on the dog’s tongue there was a knock on the door and Bill’s brother Richard stuck his head round the door.

“Bill said to bring my boys over but didn’t say why…” the rest of the sentence died in his throat. “Fucking hell,” he exclaimed as he felt his cock spring to attention as he took in the scene of Kate being licked by the heavy Rottweiler.

“My wife is now a dog slut,” Mike explained like she had bought a new dress. “Her mouth is available for use by anyone who brings a dog to fuck her.” As Richard digested the information Mike went on, “This is Steve who is filming this. She has already been fucked by Rufus, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler, now it will be your pair of Huskies.”

As Steve returned the Rottweiler to the van via the front door, Richard bought his pair of huskies in through the back.

“Will they fight?” Steve said concerned as the pair circled Kate like she was prey to be devoured.

“Don’t worry,” Richard said, “they are brothers and are used to sharing and working as a team.”

One of the huskies had stopped in front of Kate, its red cock hanging down while the other was behind.

It hadn’t really registered with Kate that there was a pair so it came as a surprise that as she looked into the blue eyes of the dog she felt another on her back.

The husky in front of her seemed to smirk at her like he knew what his brother was doing to this bitch. Kate could feel the dog driving in and out at speed building the orgasm inside. Then without warning the fucking stopped and Kate found herself empty as the first husky dismounted. As soon as he joined his brother watching at Kate’s head, the second husky moved behind and started fucking her at speed building her orgasm again.

Then they swapped, almost as if they stood in front to stop her from running away, not that she was going anywhere. The swapping had the effect of building her up and then letting her down a little, delaying her orgasm but keeping her on edge. She had done the same thing to herself with a vibrator before but this was so much better as she had no control over their actions.

Kate had lost count of the number of times they had swapped bringing her to the brink of orgasm and then not quite pushing her over. It was almost like they understood how to keep her on the edge, in desperation she cried out hoarsely, “For the love of God please let me cum.”

It was like they understood and the husky on her back pounded her until she erupted in pleasure, screaming and yelling profanities as she climaxed. The husky seemed to sense now was the time to breed the bitch and shoved his knot in causing Kate to orgasm again. As it swelled and pulsed against her g-spot her orgasms became like waves crashing against the rocks on a stormy night.

After driving his knot in, the husky lay on Kate’s back, his cock locked inside. He was clearly uncomfortable and twisting around he ended up ass to ass with Kate, still locked inside her. The twisting sent Kate wild and she came for what seemed the hundredth time while the husky stood panting with a happy smile on its face.

As the first husky pulled out in a gush of seed and juices, his brother was up and in driving the cum back in. Within a few thrusts, he was knotted and his seed joined his brother’s deep inside Kate’s pussy. Again like his brother, he wasn’t comfortable on her back so twisted to the ass-to-ass position where he carried on filling her.

“Is it OK if…” Richard said his cock aching in his jeans.

“Yes of course,” said Mike, “her mouth is available for any who get their dog to fuck her.”

“Best you put this on while the camera is running,” Steve said handing Richard a mask. “Oh if you could manage it, a facial looks so much better on film.”

Richard was naked apart from his boots and the mask as he stood in front of Kate with his cock in his hand. He wasn’t quite sure what to say so he tapped Kate on the head with his cock. Kate looked up and seeing the cock in front of her opened her mouth in silent invitation. Richard stepped forward and felt his cock being engulfed by Kate’s warm wet mouth.

As he looked down her back he could see where the husky was embedded, her pussy lips around his shaft behind the knot. He felt Kate moan around his cock sending vibrations through him as he got a close view of the knot starting to emerge from inside Kate. He only just remembered Steve’s instructions and as the knot pulled free, he pulled his cock from Kate’s mouth in time. He used his hand to work the jets of cum into her face, some falling on her tongue and the rest on her cheeks, her chin, the mask and even her hair. Richard looked at her cum splattered face and didn’t think he had ever cum as much in his life before.

He heard Steve shout “cut” and moved to get dressed before leading his two boys back to his truck.

“Thanks Mike that was hot,” he called out.

“Any time Rich, you and your boys will always be welcome,” Mike said as he held out a glass for his dog slut wife.

Kate’s hair was plastered to her face and she was bathed in sweat and splattered with dog and human cum, but despite that, she still wanted more. She sucked eagerly on the straw in a glass of water her husband held for her.

“Just a couple more to go,” Mike said as he heard his wife gasp in shock.

“Fuck yes,” moaned Kate as her pussy convulsed and she felt some seed slide from her body as saw the size of the Great Dane that Steve had led in. The smell had obviously got to the Dane’s sensitive nostrils as his long red cock was already out of its sheath and twitching malevolently as it dripped pre-cum.

Mike turned his head to see the size of the Dane and was looking forward to seeing it pound his wife’s cunt so much his cock was aching.

“Think the one after this will need to be anal,” Mike said, “I need to do my getting ready duties and I don’t think her cunt will be much use after that.”

It was bigger than any cock she had ever seen and Kate gasped, “I am not sure that will fit.”

“Oh don’t you worry,” Steve laughed, “Corky will make sure it fits…eventually.”

“We need to get some perspective shots,” Steve said, “make sure the viewers know just how big it is.”

Kate couldn’t imagine that anyone would have any doubt as to his size but as instructed she reached out and gripped his cock at the base just before the knot. Then she placed her hand next to it along the shaft before twisting the cock so she could lick the end. She was careful not to suck the cock in as she moved her hands over each other and down the shaft until the last one left just the tip showing. This gave anyone watching the knowledge that the cock was in the region of a foot long.

Corky was such a big dog Kate stood and moved to a standing position before bending over against the kitchen table. Corky rose and put his paws on the table on either side of Kate and jabbed, his meaty cock running across her ass. Reaching behind Kate grabbed his cock and placed it at her opening before quickly bracing herself again.

The first thrust took all the breath from Kate’s body and then he started to thrust with fast powerful strokes. Kate had never felt so filled as the dog stopped to rest, panting in her ear. When it was recovered it started to fuck her again and Kate swore her insides would never be the same again. As the dog pounded her she could see the possible pleasures of being fisted, something she had shied away from in the past. The dog paused and then recommenced its fucking, smashing orgasm after orgasm out of Kate’s body. She tried to form words for the camera but all that came out were unintelligible noises punctuated with the odd swear word.

Kate was almost comatose with please when the Dane drove its knot in to complete its sole task of breeding her. Such was the size that the shock drew a loud yell of, “FUCKKK,” from deep inside. The knot expanded like a balloon and Kate thought she would surely burst as the first explosion of seed coated her womb. As the knot throbbed and spurted Kate danced like a puppet on strings as she came until she passed out.

The Dane slipped from Kate’s back and a stream of cum splashed on the floor forming a puddle between her ankles.

“Clean that up,” Mike commanded as his wife dropped to all fours and began to lap the mixture up like it was ambrosia from the gods. Looking down at his wife crouched on all fours Mike ran his rock-hard cock through her folds coating the head with dog cum.

“Do you want this filmed or not?” Steve asked.

“Yes but it will be a private film so she can remove her mask,” Mike said, “I want to see her eyes.”

It wasn’t that Kate was an anal virgin, in fact, she had lost her anal virginity a couple of years before her vaginal cherry had been popped. Until she was 18 she had happily used it as a form of birth control much to the delight of her boyfriends. It was just something that her husband had never really shown any interest in, despite her hints, consequently, he believed she was an anal virgin and she had never bothered correcting him.

“The only form of lube I am going to use is dog cum,” he grunted as he pressed the head against her sphincter.

Kate moaned in lust and avoided pushing back in eagerness, instead saying, “Oh god it feels so big for my poor virgin ass…please be gentle.”

Mike almost spilt his load hearing her words and grasping her hips as he pushed in brutally. Kate looked directly into the camera facing her and screwed her face up in what she hoped was a reasonable resemblance of pain as she guessed that is what Mike wanted. To reinforce that thought she screamed, “Please stop…it hurts so much.”

Mike was in heaven hearing his slut wife’s words and drove his cock in and out with a speed some of the dogs would have envied. He was so excited that he couldn’t last very long and pumped his seed deep into Kate’s bowels.

Mike pulled out leaving Kate panting and Steve looked at Kate’s battered ass and just pushed his cock in as her husband’s cum started to dribble out. He often fucked women after one of his dogs had fucked them, loving the way the cum sloshed about. Of course, this was only after one, with the amount of dog seed Kate had in her and the size of Corky it would take a horse to make her feel anything for a while.

He had watched Mike take his wife’s anal virginity so was surprised to feel her pushing back enthusiastically onto his cock. “Sneaky bitch,” he thought to himself, “she is no anal virgin… a damn good actor though.”

He put the thought to the back of his head as this woman could have a good future in the adult entertainment industry and started to enjoy himself.

Kate felt Steve fully withdraw from her ass and then push back in, starting to build pressure inside. Kate moved a free hand to her clit and started to rub her clit using the dog seed oozing from her to make it slippery. As Steve fucked her with long strokes she squeezed and twisted until she started to cum.

Steve heard Kate’s cries of pleasure and as he saw her asshole twitch he drove in and fucked her fast until he pumped into her bowels. After he had pulled out he went to get dressed but a question popped into his head and he stood in front of Kate.

Kate saw the cock hanging down in front of her face and knew it had just been in her ass but opened her mouth.

Steve was impressed and allowed her to suck and clean him. He noted that her eagerness wasn’t feigned for the camera, but was very real as she milked him dry, definitely a future star.

A few minutes later Kate had put her mask back on and waited, her ass throbbing as Steve led a bulldog out. He said to Kate, “This is Spike. Now put your hand over your cunt, he will slide easy into your ass easy enough with mine and your husband’s loads in there. I warn you he won’t be gentle.” Then he leaned closer and said in a low voice, “Not that you will mind that will you?”

Kate placed her hand under her body and over her full and sensitive pussy. She felt the dog’s tongue lapping at her hand and then then pushing at her fingers trying to move them out of the way. Not able to move them it had content itself with licking at the juices escaping between her fingers.

The licking stopped and she felt the weight on her back followed by the cock jabbing at the back of her hand. The temptation to remove her hand and let the dog into her pussy was great but she was determined to take him anally.

“Lower your back,” Steve said as he could see Spike wasn’t hitting the spot.

Kate complied and dropped her body closer to the ground which changed the angle for the dog. The effect was immediate as with the first jab he entered Kate’s well-lubricated and relaxed ass. Kate couldn’t help the yelp that escaped her lips but that fell on deaf ears as the dog slammed home. Even after the brutal fucking from her husband and the deep fucking from Steve, Kate wasn’t prepared for Spike’s anal assault.

Mike couldn’t work out if his wife’s cries and shouts were from pain or pleasure, whatever they were from had the effect of making his cock hard again.

Kate had lost the ability to focus as Spike fucked her ass and all she could manage to do was dig her fingers into the carpet and brace for the onslaught. When she felt the knot demanding entry she wanted to plead but knew it would be the same as asking for mercy from a bloodthirsty savage. Instead, she did the only thing she could do in the circumstances and reached behind and pulled her cheeks apart.

Steve was beside himself with joy as this was cinematic gold. When he didn’t think it could get better, totally unscripted Kate shouted, “Yes knot my slutty ass.” Zooming in Steve managed to capture the knot vanishing into Kate’s anal ring as the scream of pain and lust filled the room.

Kate was almost delirious with pleasure despite the pain in her ass. She could feel the knot throb and pushing two fingers into herself touched it through the thin skin wall as it filled her bowels.

Eventually, Spike’s knot shrivelled enough to allow it to slip out with minimal pain and Steve led him in front of Kate. With pure delight, he used the handheld camera to film close-ups of her sucking and licking the dog’s cock before it fully retracted into its furry sheath.

“And now the star of the show,” Steve announced, “not only the dog that started all of this off but the number eight, the record breaker I give you…”

He never finished his sentence as the door flew open and in bounded Barney along with an elegant grey-haired old woman.

“Mother,” exclaimed Mike.
“You,” exclaimed Steve.

“If my Barney is to be a star then I should get to watch in filming,” said the woman.

Kate realised that this must be the ‘she’ that her husband had referred to. As Barney started to lick at her battered holes tasting the seed of other dogs it occurred to Kate that it must mean she was active as well. If any confirmation was needed she turned to Steve and said, “Close your mouth Steve you look like a fish out of water. I told you I had retired but I also told you I would find you a replacement.”

Barney in the meantime had decided he wanted to reestablish his position with his bitch and had mounted Kate and was banging away at speed. Although he wasn’t as big as Corky and six dogs had been in her cunt before him he still made Kate moan with pleasure from the sheer ferocity of his thrusts. A couple of times he fell out but soon remounted and drove back in. At one point he missed her pussy and slammed into her ass which despite the two humans and one dog cock before she still yelped in pain.

Finally, Barney drove his knot into Kate and she tried to grip as much as she could though the knotting only lasted long enough for Barney to deposit his load.

As he dismounted and moved away Kate lay with her breasts on the floor, her chest heaving, her whole body battered. She knew that this was an experience she would remember and repeat as often as she could.

She saw her mother-in-law’s shoes by her head and her saying, “Congratulations on the new record,” then in a voice that only the pair of them would have been able to hear went on, “We have so much to discuss the next time you log on, particularly the question of whether it is your fault or mine.”

Edited by RF Fast

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Views: 923

One thought on “It’s her Fault not Mine

  1. Barney was an excellent engagement lost count of how many’s dogs fucked her the Knott in he ass had to be painful could you feel jets of dog sperm hitting your anus walls how many did you fuck was it seven or eight? Thank you for the good time of doggie fucking human women

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